Join our clergy and visiting choir – The Damian Singers – live online for Choral Evensong from Canterbury Cathedral

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    For For For Follow You For You For Good evening and welcome to you all here in the choir of canterbary Cathedral for our service of coral even song uh we delighted that uh a choir this evening while our own choir is taking their halterm break is the Damian singers who I understand were last with us in

    2015 a long break so it’s good to have you back with us here today today um today the church honors and marks the feast day of Johnny Lum one of the Saints and martys of our own time who was assassinated in 1977 uh by the idin regime in Uganda and

    So we hold in our hearts and Minds those who continue to witness for Christ in the world today sometimes at the cost of their own lives Us to glor to the father and to the the Holy Ghost Praise Lord we sit as the choir sings Psalm 89 veres 1-9 which can be found on page 459 of the small prayer book we stand for the Gloria at the End Mery Shall For Tru The Might Glor in the Begin A reading from Jeremiah chapter 4 beginning to read at the first verse if you return o Israel says the Lord if you return to me if you remove your Abominations from my presence and do not waver and if if you swear as the Lord lives in truth in Justice and in

    Uprightness their Nations shall be blessed by him and by him they shall boast for thus says the Lord to the people of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem break up your fellow ground and do not sew among Thorns circumcise yourselves to the Lord remove the foreskin of your hearts oh

    People people of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem or else my wroth will go forth like fire and burn with no one to quench it because of the evil of your doings declare in Judah and Proclaim in Jerusalem and say blow the trumpet through the land shout aloud and say

    Gather together and let us go into the Fortified cities raise a standard towards Zion Flee for safety do not delay for I am bringing evil from the north and a great destruction a lion has gone up from its Thicket a destroyer of Nations has set

    Out he has gone out from his place to make your land a waste your cities will be ruins without inhabitant because of this put on sackcloth lament and wail the fierce anger of the Lord has not turned away from us on that day says the Lord courage

    Shall fail the king and the officials the priests shall be appalled and the prophets astounded then I said ah Lord God how utterly you have deceived this people and Jerusalem saying it shall be well with you even while the sword is at the throat at that time it will be said to

    This people and to Jerusalem a hot wind comes from me out of the bare Heights in the desert to Ward my poor people not to winnow or cleanse a wind too strong for that now it is I who speak in judgment against them look he comes up like clouds his

    Chariots like the Whirlwind his horses are swifter than Eagles woe to us for we are ruined oh Jerusalem wash your heart clean of wickedness so that you may be saved how long shall your evil schemes Lodge within you for a voice declares from Dan and proclaims disaster from

    Mount Ephraim tell the Nations hear they are Proclaim against Jerusalem besiegers Come From A Distant land they shout against the cities of Judah they have closed in around her like Watchers of a field because she has rebelled against against me says the Lord your ways and your doings have brought this upon you

    This is your doom how bitter it is it has reached your very heart here ends the first reading He For might His EX He Is Pro Glor to to the Holy Ghost The fourth chapter of The Gospel According to St John beginning at the 43rd verse when the two days were over Jesus went from that place to Galilee for Jesus himself had testified that a prophet has no honor in the prophet’s own country when he came to Galilee the

    Galileans welcomed him since they had seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the festival for They too had gone to the festival then Jesus came again to Kaa in galile where he had changed the water into wine now there was a royal official whose son lay ill in

    Calperum when he heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee he went and begged him to come down and heal his son for he was at the point of death then Jesus said to him unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe the official said to him sir

    Come down before my little boy dies Jesus said to him go your son will live the man believed the words that Jesus spoke to him and started on his way as he was going down his slaves met him and told him that his child was

    Alive so so he asked them the hour when he began to recover and they said to him yesterday at 1 in the afternoon the fever left him the father realized that this was the hour when Jesus had said to him your son will live so he himself believed along with his whole

    Household now this was the second sign that Jesus did after coming from Judea to Galilee here ends the second Lesson My Glor of to be the glor Of the Holy Ghost His I believe in God the Father Almighty maker of heaven and Earth and in Jesus Christ his only son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffered under pontious pilot was crucified dead and buried he descended into h the third day he rose again from the

    Dead he ascended into heaven and sth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty from then he shall come to judge the quick and the dead I believe in the Holy Ghost the Holy Catholic Church the communion of saints the Forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and the life Everlasting

    Amen Us Beom will and Fores who Tres against us and us into Temp Lord People Who for our sake pass 40 days and 40 nights give us Grace to use Ab that our FLH being subdued to the spirit May ever motions and H to the and Glory father Without Mighty and everlasting God Who hat thou and For lenting our and acknowleding our May obain of the the ofy remission and for Jesus Christ Our Pro our heart May to Commandments and also that by the being of enemies Chist and byy defend us through of this night for the love of only son Our Savior Jesus Christ the choir sings The Anthem C Sanctus Tu by William bird words from Isaiah chapter 40 64 be not angry O Lord still neither remember our iniquity forever Son J PR Of See PR All All For Let us pray Heavenly Father we pray for your church we we pray for Christians around the world for their leaders and all who they serve today we give thanks for the witness of junan lam we pray for all those who are called to lay down their life for the sake of the

    Gospel and that we may learn from their courage and depth of faith in you we pray for Archbishop Justin and the Anglican communion praying today for the dasis of upper South Carolina we pray for our dasis praying for Bishop Rose our archdeacons and all who work at diis and house and The Bishop’s

    Office in our cycle of prayer we pray for for those who Minister as chaplain in the sitting born Deery we pray for AR Cathedral for all worshippers visitors and pilgrims we pray for the dean and chapter all who work Minister and volunteer here today we pray for the staff of the

    Cathedral Lodge and the cathedral Enterprises God of Truth whose servant junan Lam walked in the light and in his death defied the powers of Darkness free us from fear of Those Who Kill the body that we too may walk as children of light through him who overcame darkness by the power of the

    Cross Jesus Christ your son our Lord who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God now and forever amen Heavenly Father we pray for your world for places of War conflict and suffering for those places affected by climate change and natural

    Disasters we pray for Ukraine and Russia for Israel and Palestine and for all those who stand against oppression and hatred we pray for the king and his government for all who hold positions of authority and for all those who work in the service of others loving God you have taught us that the

    Truth will set us free bring your wisdom to all Seekers of Truth giving them courage to follow where their investigations lead and steadfastness in their witness to what is right be with all those who dare to speak out in places where the truth is dangerous and Grant your strength to all those who

    Work to give a voice to those whose voices others would wish to silence that we may become a world that yearns to listen more learn more and judge less through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen amen we hold a moment of silence to bring our own prayers and petitions unto God

    We draw our prayers together by saying the grace the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all ever more amen during our hymn our stewards will pass around red bags to receive any cash donations towards the music Mission and

    Care of our Cathedral there is also an electronic donation point near the door as you leave please do give as generously as you’re able thank you for your support we stand to sing our hymn from the red hym book number 130 my Spirit Longs for Thee My heart Mer Is Christ give you Grace to grow in Holiness deny yourself eles take up your cross and follow him in the blessing of God Almighty the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit be among you and remain with you always amen [Applause] For H

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