Please read!

    I do realise that there may be an element of shared fault in some of these clips. This is just to show what you have to look out for in London.

    Much like the legend at the beginning of the video said. It’s not about who’s right/ wrong.

    You’re allowed in most bus lanes in the UK on a motorcycle
    Filtering is legal in the UK.

    Majority of these clips were filmed pre 20mph London life.

    IG –
    Tik Tok –

    My Bikes:
    Triumph Bonneville T120 – Down & Out custom
    Kawasaki Z1000 – Sugomi edition

    Triumph Rocket 3R
    Triumph Street Triple 765 RS
    (Not mine but featured in video)

    Chin mount discount link:

    All content posted under this domain has no affiliation with its poster and any relation to the rider portrayed in any way which it includes.
    Shot on a closed private road, Additional vehicles are stunt actors.

    Who is this safe driving around with no you know what it’s not about yeah yeah I know I know I know 100% which lane are you in which lane are you in which lane are you in which lane are you in which lane watch out mate it’s green light Jesus Christ

    That’s what you have to watch out in London sorry I shouted I mean it was instant kneejerk reaction there shouting him stressful mate people ding across the street all the time in London Yo it was I who the dragon line and what what what what just Happened what what what She what you up To what what what what what what are you up To what what are you up here ooo that was close that was close nice nice oh You don’t you right There wow what what what What of the street there’s a person in the middle of the street Wa don’t just Stop okay all right yeah just whoa this guy that is how you do it he’s like off-roading his way to work and you see the head go up with a traffic Light that was an interesting move I’ve never seen anyone do that on a roundabout yeah saw wow that’s a new one what are you left or right mate left or right left or Right What are you up To Don’t don’t put out in front of me as well she I’m been waiting there’s a there’s there’s bession there’s a bession what are you up to what are you up to what No nice one mate nice one Whoa Me you have me scream Thought about it thought about It who jeez a oh I hate that no no no Jesus what’s she doing where are you going where are you Going what are you doing no no no No who don’t put out in front of Jess don’t put out in front of me don’t put out in front of me don’t pull out in front of me oh my God don’t don’t right you right there looking behind me thought he was going to turn randomly this is the worst Turning whoa jeez whoa oh my God Humphrey brother oh my God I literally thought I was about to watch you crash like what is the point in that as well London is mental man mine’s overtaking on a High Street he’s literally overtaking I literally thought I was about to watch you crash


    1. Wish my Uber riders were as quick as that quick who flew threw the red light. 😂

      I’m a cyclist know your pain with the daily stresses of people darting accross the road.

    2. I've been riding in London since the late 70s, started as a dispatch rider.

      These days its like a third world city and you mostly spend the whole time filtering through gridlocks.

    3. As a biker, many of those close calls could have been avoided. You take unnecessary risks, like that one point riding at 40 which gives you no margin for error. You act surprised when people are trying to cross on foot between non moving cars. Of course they will. As for the cars, as a car driver you need to be assertive and ease out or you’ll be stuck at the junction forever. Please be careful.

    4. Wow! That makes my palms sweaty, some of those close calls! Your bonneville is louder than the newer loaner from triumph in a good way to hear you coming…
      Love the videos! Keep em coming!
      Love you, kisses!

    5. Love your everyone an insight into a bikers mind, chatting away, singing and talking to people who scare the be-jesus out of you when they step out. Keep doing it it's ace. I'm down in darkest Somerset so get cattle rather than people, slightly different vibe.

    6. Speak Brother! Can I use a portion of this video in my next issue? If yes, I leave the credits with the link and name of your channel, I await your answer, We're together!!!

    7. Hi there! Would you allow me to feature this video for a youtube edit that I'm working on? I'll credit you with watermark on screen. Thank you in advance.

    8. Hello, Rider! Hope you're doing great! 🙂

      Love this clip! Would it be OK if we used it in a youtube video we're making and maybe share it on our social media? We'll credit you in the video and all descriptions. Thank you! 🙂

    9. As a Japanese, I was surprised at the number of people who did not cross the street at crosswalks. I was also surprised at the motorcycles that did not slow down even in the presence of pedestrians. But it is a good thing that bicycles are not on the sidewalks like in Japan.

    10. How you've been? I was wondering if it would be ok with you if I share this video for a youtube edit that I'm working on? I'll credit you with watermark on screen. Thank you in advance.

    11. rode my mates 50cc moped down my estate once for 5 minutes full gear with a high vise and got pulled out on 3-4 imes by cars and had 2 sit up my arse cant imagine dailying a bike in london

    12. Not a motorbike rider, but having driven & cycled in Streatham for years some of these clips are far too relatable! Such a stressful area for being on the road as it appears so many people forget how to drive. Just found your channel, great content, keep it up 🙂

    13. Im so glad your page entered my algo harvey. Safe travels. Your a shinning light on UK youtube. You should collab with charlie vieche one day and take the scenes in around his area

    14. Love the vids but defensive driving applies to motorbikes too. You speed through a bunch of stopped cars and are surprised that you're met with a near miss. If everyone around you is slowing down – there's a reason

    15. i think you’ve got to understand how “invisible” motorcyclists are to other pedestrians and road users when you are lanesplitting, so you should definitely slow down and ride at a speed where you can safely stop if there was something to pop up while lanesplitting, gives more time for other people to realize you are there as well compared to if you’re going too fast

    16. I’ve only ridden just over a year but was taught to never overtake on the inside. Also some of the cars pulling out of side roads could be seen from a ways back. Some 100% are the cars faults but others are questionable

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