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    📢 Aoife, Ciara, Caoimhe, Saoirse, Eoin, Oisin, Sinead, Cian, Conor, Niall等.
    ☕以前在星巴克工作幾個月後基本上也全都懂了, 但中間弄出過不少笑話!



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    What I don’t I thought No Rachel forun Rachel sh ke so Kei after 15 years I’m going to put you to the challenge so Kei we’re going to start with a few traditional Irish names females and males here we Go okay Kei here’s the first one oh actually I know it now but many years ago I will say Liam Li am M okay and how do you pronounce it now NE well done correct and right KN keep on to the second name oh that is the most difficult one I

    Used to call common but let let ra explain so the pronunciation of this is qua or Kaa qua Kaa okay ke on to name number three oh that is difficult one AA wo whoo whoo whoo it’s EA EA EA ke for I think is UNA Correct okay I got this one chenade wow wow chenade the next one okay Kei on to the male names Kian or celan okay so it’s actually Kian not selan so Kian Kean okay Keith you should get this seen as there’s a hint in the last

    One yeah the sea don’t po the sea so it’s going to be K so going to be Ken is it k Port patri no P yeah p p p p which means Patrick but so uh back too many years ago uh when I first came to Ireland actually I work for Starbucks and when you are working at Starbucks and you order for the customer there’s always a you have to ask the

    Customer name you will ask oh me I have your name on the on the C but actually it’s very challenging because they will tell me their Irish name and I when they spell it for me I like oh it doesn’t sound that way I don’t know the if my

    Pronunciation is correct or the spelling is correct so if you’re into Irish culture and if you like the video please like And subscribe our video bye-bye s

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