In this episode I take you along for the ride for a while week of me trying to balance my jam packed life of tattooing, cycling and filming videos. My friend is away so we are house sitting and working from his studio in Hertfordshire, unfortunately the weather aunt great so I don’t get out on the bike but opt for Zwift instead. I have the fast crew online rides, which get pretty spicy. Also I have a lot of cool tattoo pieces I’m working on. Check it out.
    WEDS – https://www.strava.com/activities/10717016621
    THURS – https://www.strava.com/activities/10723339721


    Thanks for watching, please like, comment & subscribe!
    Thomas “The Cycling Tattooist.”

    ————– L – I – N – K – S ————–
    Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCyclingTattooist
    Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/thecyclingtattooist/
    Tattoo Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/martineztattooer/
    Strava – https://www.strava.com/athletes/thecyclingtattooist
    Zwift – https://www.zwift.com/uk/athlete/5aba3a63-716a-4bdd-9721-25b7bf9c7e62
    Email – cyclingtattooist@gmail.com
    ——– P – A – R – T – N – E – R – S ——–
    Team Cycles – https://www.teamcycles.com
    Maap Apparel – https://www.maap.cc
    Prime Components – https://www.primebikecomponents.com
    Styrkr Nutrition – https://www.styrkr.com/thecyclingtattooist
    RCA Coaching – https://www.roadcyclingacademy.com/
    ———– C – R – E – D – I – T – S ———–
    Film & Editing: Thomas Martinez.
    Intro Music: Press 1, Lukas Got Lucky.
    Intro Film & Editing: Joe Simkins, Karl Kolecava.
    Featured Music:

    That doesn’t happen often but I gave it everything I think cuz I know you guys are watching I think I had that little extra kick that I needed so thanks for that make sure I charge my garment make sure I charge my lights make sure we get

    Those bars in 10 miles and I’ll be more than starving nothing compares to the thrill under prepared for the hills I used to get wheels on air now I put air in my wheels change thatat tune train and cruise chains been L pace and moov D

    Stats give man a heart attack but then my Pace improves BS and caders are strong now my legs up my along it’s about time we do this sister Cy in Tourist what is up guys if you’re new here then welcome to the channel and if you’re regular then welcome back so I am here again in the beautiful Harford cheer and even the sun has decided to pay us a visit this week I have got another busy schedule tattooing cycling

    And of course making these videos so I’m going to take you guys along and see what I get up To so yes as I said I am very very busy this week I am flat out tattooing Monday to Friday and I’ve got to somehow try and fit in some cycling in between of all of that so I figured yeah I’ll take you guys along and I guess we’ll see

    Quite literally what it means to be the cycling tattooist the last few weeks since I’ve been back in the UK I have been tattooing a lot and I have felt the strain of trying to fit everything in and sometimes in general I do find that we Sake [Applause] Nipper hello mate you right how’s it Go mate it’s Lely look at that oh it’s all right for some is it to be fair look it’s sunny out oh loveely beautiful day yeah manate nice nice so that was my power nippa he’s actually away in the French apps at the

    Minute doing a bit of snowboarding so uh yeah he’s been very kind in letting us uh house it for him and uh use his to studio and everything so yeah thanks very much mate anyways as I was saying this video is going to be about what I

    Get up to this week and just trying to balance this life that I’ve created where I’m trying to tattoo and film and yeah make videos and do cycling and all this other stuff that I try to pack in but you know you’ve only got one life so

    You may as well fill it to the brim as this channel has progressed I have put a little bit more pressure on myself to keep making these videos better and better and for them to always have some sort of deep and meaningful purpose but I think recently I’ve realized that what

    I actually like to do is create more of these videos about everyday life and just what I get up to and unfortunately most of the time when I put tattoo in in these videos they don’t get as many views I’m not sure why because you do know this channel is called the cycling

    Tattooist right but anyways what I think I’m trying to say is that I’m just Keen to keep making videos that I want to make and I just hope you guys enjoy them too or steel why don’t you guys pop in the comments let me know what you Think Hello mate how’s it going yeah not bad looking forward to some more pain [Laughter] tomorrow what’s the plan for tomorrow mate okay so busy day today I was tattooing all day um I did pretty cool piece on a guy that I’ve toed before it was of him and his daughter on a beach

    And uh yeah nice personal family t for him and then tomorrow got quite the opposite I’m doing something pretty cool I’m going to be twing a cannabis Bud on someone unfortunately I didn’t get chance to get on the bike today it just didn’t fit into my schedule but I will

    Try and make some time tomorrow to get on the bike even if it is just for a short spin 9:30 tomorrow morning we have our Portuguese lesson with which we’ve been doing two of those a week at the minute um hopefully we’ll see I’m going

    To try and get out on the bike before that um I’m not a morning person though so I’m not going to guarantee That okay so good morning we are back out for another dog walk uh things didn’t quite go to plan this morning I haven’t got out of the bike it is well I don’t know if you can tell but it is bloody windy so I did quite fancy

    Getting blown off my bike this morning um I didn’t have much time anyway it was going to be a bit of a rush so I figured probably best to uh just get out and a nice dog walk instead another busy day today as I mentioned last night I’ve got

    A a bit of a different piece in today which I’m really looking forward to I’m twing a cannabis Bud on someone so it’s not something tattoo every day that’s for sure in fact I don’t think I’ve actually ever tattooed that on someone so yeah definitely looking forward to

    That it’ be a bit of an interesting one as also said we’ve got our Portuguese lesson very shortly so we’re just getting back now so we can do that but anyways I’ll speak you guys in a bit cuz I’m about to get blown Away hello uh see okay so we just finished another great lesson with our tutor Sandra we really enjoy our Portuguese lessons but they are bloody hard I’m not going to lie first of all we went over our homework which was talking about the weather and then we learned today about

    Talking in the future and then ended it off with how you combine words like when you say with me or with you so with you would be Contigo see my Portuguese lessons are coming along great anyways I’ve got to get cracking because my customer is

    Going to be here in about 25 minutes so best get a wle On have a seat over there many man make yourself armor just need to get set Up Leg fire I believe you what a day very very happy about how that t came out though and my customer definitely seemed happy with it as well so that’s the main thing okay so that is a long day in the office done that was 7 hours Tattooing in the end which that is

    A decent session I’m sure he was feeling that by the end and well so am I actually I haven’t tattooed for that long in quite a while and it does take it out of you anyways I’ve got to get packed up and Rach has just told me that

    Dinner is ready so I’m going to massively flake out on the ride that i’ planed to do on the trainer and instead I’m just going to transport you guys to tomorrow evening because I’ve got the fast crew social ride which we do every

    Week and it is a lot of fun so that’s it it’s now the next day I had another really busy day Tattooing in fact I had the same guy in again 2 days on the truck that is no mean feet and I definitely don’t recommend you do that

    It’s not enjoyable we had some more work that we was cracking on with on his leg and he sat it like an absolute champ so well done TJ anyways I am here on the start line of the fast crew social ride that we do every Wednesday without foul

    And as I mentioned it is always a lot of fun so let’s get into It So this ride that we do on a Wednesday night is as I said a social ride uh which means social Pace but we do get a bit carried away and at the half an hour mark we like to do some W bomb dropping and it gets a bit tasty but if any of

    You guys want to join in on these weekly rides we do then don’t let that put you off because it is a no drop ride so you don’t have to get involved with the w bombs if you don’t want to but we certainly encourage it anyways we’re

    Just about to get to the halfway point now so bring on the Spice Let’s have it well that’s always fun who doesn’t love a bit of Sprint action I’m not quite sure what my uh Max wattage was but I think I touched around 12200 WTS which I’ll take that from on the trainer anyone that rides on the trainer know

    It’s quite hard to squeeze the power out it’s not quite the same as on the road but anyways I’ll let you know the exact figure at the end for now I’ve got the second half of this ride to Do so that’s it another Wednesday fast crew social ride done it was a nice steady 162 W average for the hour and of course we had to Sprint at the halfway point I managed to hit 1,223 watt so yeah I’m pretty happy with that one of our regular attendees of

    These Wednesday rides goes by the name of mcne shout out to you mate he is an absolute animal and he’s hitting over 2,000 Watts on every single one of these sprints it just blows my mind anyways a massive shout out to all of the regulars that turn up to these fast crew online

    Rides they have been absolutely great and well I couldn’t do it without all of you but the fun doesn’t stop there on Thursdays we do it all over again but this time it’s not a sociable Affair it’s quite the opposite it is an hour Pain Train full gas it’s absolutely

    Disgusting but I’ve grown to love it anyways I’m going to go get get myself showered I’ve got another busy day ahead of me tomorrow so I’ll see you guys in the Morning good morning welcome to a beautiful day here in the UK gorgeous another jam-packed day today we’re just getting Daisy’s morning walk done then we’ve got our Portuguese lesson which we do every Tuesday and Thursday and then today I’ve got a customer of mine in who’s working on a

    Massive back piece and uh yeah it’s a really cool one I’m uh looking forward to getting stuck back into that um and then of course later on this evening I’ve got the fast crew ride again definitely type two fun that One Okay so so the work day is done had a great day working on that back piece really happy of how that’s coming out I’m just warming myself up with one of the uh Pace groups on zift getting ready for the pain that is about to commence in 15

    Minutes this is going to hurt so same as yesterday’s ride we also do this ride every week without foul and if you want to really push yourself and get a good workout in I definitely recommend it there’s nothing quite like it an hour of pure suffering but you

    Definitely feel good after you’ve done it but if you are going to join us I definitely recommend that you do what I’m doing right now and you get in a warmup because it goes off straight from the gun anyways I’m going to crack on with the rest of the warm up hopefully I

    Survive and I see you guys on the other Side 1 minute until the end let’s kick Woo well that’s another Thursday fast scw well that’s another Thursday fast screw ride in the books woo I’m a bit lightheaded oh absolutely stoked that I managed to nip it at the line and uh won with a Sprint that doesn’t happen often but I gave it

    Everything I think cuz I know you guys are watching I think I had that little extra kick that I needed so thanks for that if you’re feeling up to it make sure you come join us next Thursday and every other Thursday after that it’s good fun

    I know my face doesn’t say that it’s fun but it is fun anyways after that effort tonight I’ve got a very welld deserved cheat night and we’re having an Indian and takeway so I’m going to go get that down my neck see you guys in the Morning getting your lunch yeah precious Caro Precious Cargo my Dude right so it’s Friday nippo is back we’ve just gone and run an errand and picked up his mate Alby his Pet iguana and now we’re back and we got crack on with the work day so let’s get into it I’ve got a super fun one to do today I

    Can’t wait to get stuck in let’s let’s Go Come in you’re going to eat your uh lunch D what what do you want what do you want Oh bab oh a meal worm no you won’t eat no they’re really nice though you get a fat juicy one look no probably not dust wait look who I’m friends with [Laughter] Me Do you want to give him a keiss get that snake away From honest your street Jazz out W you got it was Street jazz give it some of that but you are never ripping me for wearing Spandex ever again straight jazz is much cooler than Spandex okay so it’s Saturday and that marks the end of a very busy week as you can see from my get up I’m off on my way out on another weekend social ride with the lads now this would usually be where I would say unfortunately you’re going to have to

    Wait until next week for that video but because of the way things pan out sometimes when making these videos well you would have already seen that last week as I mentioned earlier in the video sometimes I do really struggle trying to balance everything that I do and this

    Week being a very busy one is a prime example of that and I just haven’t been able to get round to editing this video after filming for an entire week you do end up with a lot of footage to get through and sometimes it just makes the editing process that much longer anyways

    I’ll just end this video by saying a massive thanks to my power Nipper for letting us borrow his house and his tattoo studio for the week and it was really great seeing him yesterday and hearing about his great trip that he had away snowboarding if you guys happen to

    Like reptiles then nippa is your man and in fact he’s going to be starting his very own YouTube channel very soon so make sure you keep your eyes out for that and I’ll be sure to link you guys when he does I hope you guys have enjoyed this episode thanks very much

    For watching please like comment and subscribe and I’ll see you guys next time


    1. I am here for 99% of the cycling content, as I am a passionate cyclist too. It is good to see how other cyclists develop and get inspiration for new rides and locations. Tattoos are not my interest, I have none. Question: why did you guys come back to the UK?

    2. Just love the cycling content,i am not into tattoos but each to there own…..One life live it one body love it and look after it. You have come a long way Thomas!

    3. Hi Thomas I enjoy watching your videos , love the cycling content not one for tattoo's but you are excellent at what you do .
      Hopefully I can get on your social ride on Zwift next Wednesday 😎🚴‍♂️👍

    4. I like your tattooing in the vids. I don't have any myself. But i appreciate your skill and artistic talent. Cool vid. Keep throwing down the watt bombs! 👍👍

    5. Funny you made this video! I’ve been binge watching your channel as I’m a mad keen cyclist but was really wanting more tattoo content! More please legend ❤️

    6. Weekly binger, although I’m a massive fan of your cycling videos. This one was a nice and interesting change of content which I really liked. Keep up the good work and regards from a rainy and windy Holland

    7. Absolutely love all the content. I’m an ex bmxer that now rides a road bike and have tattoos. Really enjoy what you’re putting out and the efforts you make. So no negativity from me just a thanks for the content. Probably an older viewer than most 👍🏻

    8. Said it before, and I’ll say it again – you have the best cycling channel on YouTube right now. The combination of your personality, the life that you live (which is so fun to see – keep up the “day in the life” content!) and amazing cycling adventures put you above everyone, even the big names who have become complacent, formulaic and boring. Keep it up and don’t change, Tommy! 🫡

    9. Work life balance is crucial for being a cyclist. Sleep and relaxing and training is even harder. A day in the life is cool to see. Like to see how you make it happen.

    10. Long time since subscriber, and I love the new mix up approach (life/bikes).
      While I have no tattoos I’d 200% love to see some of the work you do. People often have interesting stories about the significance of their tattoos.plus I love bikes. So that’s a win win in my book

    11. I am a subscriber from early days . I love cycling well im a triathlete but appreciate a good bike ride . And also a big fan of ink got plenty myself its an interesting mix but life is all about balence for me its work training and getting ready for our first child next month. Keep stacking that timber mate

    12. Agree with the comments about both sides. I've tattoos too, love seeing you work, seeing the pieces comes to life. You got on my radar too because of the mix of tattoos and bikes. Add dogs to it, and my trifecta is complete!

    13. I got into your channel back in the day cause I was looking for tattoo videos. Keep them up T love them. I got recommended to join your Wednesday social by a mate and been on 2 rides now. Highly recommended an absolute blast , I even made the cut in today's video. Thanks for the content man 👌

    14. I have no tattoos, but I've been umming and aahhing about one for about four years. One theme keeps coming back to me though, so maybe this year will be the time. Really nice to see this side of the life as well as you on the bike.


    15. Ace vid, tattoos are amazing!
      Love all the footage, love seeing everything you get up to, especially the dog!!
      Missed the last vid so will get on it.
      Those Watts!! 💪💪💪🏁🏁🏁

    16. Would love to see a tattoo while cycling? 😂 nah keep it as is love the mix of day to day and following along your journey. Love seeing you travel as well. The Australia trip was cool.

    17. I subbed because I'm from Portugal so it's always good to see good content (with good editing) of cycling with familiar backgrounds (well not right now 😅). I'd rather watch the outside cycling content, but your personality is great so some sporadic change of content is also alright.

    18. I'm a Priest with a love of cycling and tattoos which is why I follow your channel. I would love to be as fast as the FAAST Crew but I also love my food. Keep up the good content.

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