Mash Life spawned well over a decade ago from the darkest depths of West Yorkshire. In their early years, they drew influence from Baker Skateboards and the ‘PD’ era.

    Since then, Mash Life has evolved into a powerhouse, staying true to traditional skateboarding; they dedicate themselves primarily to crafting full-length videos. Their roster spans generations, from aged 15 to seasoned veterans in their 50s, reflecting a vibrant tapestry of UK skateboarding.

    Nestled amidst rolling hills, they’ve seamlessly integrated their environment into their ethos. From discovering incredible reservoir spots to capturing the essence of Yorkshire’s grittiest spots, Mash Life thrives on authenticity.

    Join us as we shadow them on a typical day of filming for their upcoming video (due for release in September 2024) showcasing the best of Yorkshire’s skate scene.

    Follow them on Instagram: @mashlife_


    When we started it was back in like the Facebook days and YouTube so it would just be stupid Graphics so the first thing we ever made was that which is all of the faces in an octob of everyone so that was the full crew back then so this

    Is what you used to advertise your yeah yeah we had a website um my college tutor hosted it for us like before Instagram that’s s what you had to do really you’re ahead of the Cur we tried we tried uh we started Mar life in 2008

    Um so it’s been going for ages now we’re just down the local park you know teenagers you want to put your name to something you want to make something more important than it maybe is so like right we’re going to start his crew and it was called bangers and mash and then

    A bit later on Kieran and some of people got involved um and we were pretty heavy into partying then so we’re like we’re always getting mashed let’s call it Mash life which is stuck I don’t really like the name anymore but we got to change it

    Now so is what it is I was going to say are you T to uh pretty much yeah yeah first one we made we released in 2010 and that was just a mash life video that’s like proper teenage stuff like drinking heavily sort of Baker influenced but on like a really stupid

    Yor level like what does that even look like drinking in the woods and stuff like that kind of thing I don’t know cutw of cows like just dumb stuff um was man when did we release wtan yeah that one like 2013 took us about a year I think everyone got involved with endemic

    Then and like all the Mas life projects sort of became endemic projects yeah he work there I used to work there so then it was like hooking up like roone Rooney was like a big part of like the scene coming up like he had the backing up

    Sidewalk and stuff like that which then eventually helped us get more noticed I think with magazines and stuff like that it shut in 2018 on it I think um just small town skate shot just they’re struggling AR they so it was a shame as well really to be honest like we’ve had

    Um we’ve we’ve noticed and S to shops shut just in general with like the I think the first video we Ed in my unid dorm in one night just like five of us just sat there sweating like in this tiny little box yeah it was horrible

    Yeah just fun and then yeah it’s got It’s not serious but there’s more people involved now as well it’s not just a field these dudes from rdale we got alifax Wakefield uh Manchester anywhere else you’re in bar London you were talking about the age range as well

    Oh yeah so there little Fred he’s 15 um he’s killing it he’s going to go far and then you’ll probably meet Nomas later on if he comes out he’s like in his 50s I think during Co we got a little bit bit Twitchy didn’t we and just started I’ve

    I made a basically in lockdown made like a map of all of the reservoirs around here yeah so I’ve hit 65 so far looking for spots and I’ve got well ear now 96 left to check so but we found about 30 spots so far so it’s got pretty sick

    Some different in it you got have a little niche as well these days and I think everyone’s on S of crushed on as well I think fo Hill’s really like put that stamp on especially Joshua’s part like just getting Reservoir spots and like woods and stuff like that there was

    Like 150 reservoirs within like an hours drive so why not really oh there you are there he is there’s me yeah on page this Ben interviewed him as well which is pretty sick like Powell’s like being a massive uh backing of mash life like especially being from West Yorkshire

    He’s like helped us out massively so Nathan how did you get into filming so I got into skate quite late at like 17 and it was something that I S knew I’d never be that good at it and I also liked filming so I just basically got camera

    Straight away we met each other at College didn’t yeah yeah it was true Josh really um I got a photo camera and a video camera and hat taking photos kept on video really I think we’re going to a canal spot um but there’s a bank

    Next to it and it’s got brick work on the side of it but we need to do a bit of gardening need to do a bit of streamming brought a change clothes learned that from the past yeah so why do you need to change of clothes cuz

    They might end up in Canal like the ride out it’s like it’s it’s about that and then you’ve got the canal right next to you yeah and it’s last time we went I just stood on the bit that you sort of ride down and I slipped straight away at

    My ass and just properly bruised my ass straight away so we got towels and whatnot some gardening stuff some snippers they coming and there we’ve got an electric trimmer coming as well cuz one spots needs it do you need a brush sha do you need a brush Harry do you need a brush

    A brush no all right go on a business trip I know thank you looking good on on footage try I’m trying to out anywhere bro oh Jude’s here he’s got his top off and all so we’re at the Derek’s two DIY we’ve had since like 2015 and it was all

    Covered um we had the keys to it and then they’ve knocked the warehouse down they knocked all the obstacles down and then sort of about 6 months ago maybe they started these guys just started building here again and it’s coming on a lot of locals are using it to see clips

    From kids on Instagram and stuff so it’s it because we don’t have a Chill Spot either we don’t have like a plaza or out so and the parks are a bit well so yeah it’s cool woo W you like slapped the Cur in who woo BL JL miss it now I got it

    Commando [Applause] woo wo W missed it again who [Applause] it get that one on Graham are you a Graham Enthusiast no to be honest but yeah it it’s place it it’s killing skateboarding is it y how do you warm up uh bit of footy a bit of stretching a bit of yoga I’ve smashed

    My phone so I used to use the yoga app out and about lad laugh you can’t you can’t do yoga without like technology nowadays can you you can yeah I’ve used it that much I know some moves now show me a move don’t know man I can’t really so

    I’m get it from you told me not to bring it yeah there we go going to try well see if I can persuade Czech to do the the big gap there no one’s ever done it yeah we’ll see he’s a big big OE dude professional wrestling M almost as good

    Almost as good as skateboarding not horrible [ __ ] terrified get off meate [Laughter] say that thck thought you were going to prop a slam him then want to see a terrible camera related tattoo oh yes please bx1 on the boob no way that’s sick it’s getting uh it’s getting laser soon oh really yeah

    Why I got a camera on my chest [Applause] wow do a better trick will you do over R and can get it long yeah see it check that was insane Everyone [Applause] yo that was sick a [ __ ] cut him out cut him out of it took too long so we’re on the hood is fi narrow Canal at a spot that Josh found I think you’re on a bike ride a summit and then it’s like a rag into a really skinny bank but

    It’s super overgrown so we’ve got this dodgy like hedge trimmer thing that we’re going to try s it out with we’ll see he says he’s pretty scared um but yeah you scared for him uh no I’ve seen him do stuff like this loads no one ragings are easy for him um

    But is a big gap and he might end a p Canal is this normal no this is a bit this is a bit more than normal This [Applause] just try to do some scare boarding watch out [Applause] Josh It’s like a proper green friendly crew that in it tidy in neighborhood and then coming and doing the most sickest trick that you’re ever going to see on a Saturday dude you know what I’m saying sunny on a Saturday afternoon this how it goes top stuff down in it top stuff M

    Yo be about another 15 minutes and game time be here how long have you been wanting to do this um this is the connecting bike ride from Huddersfield to the cor Valley where you got SL um slow it miles in nice swim spots skate spots there seen it forever on bike this

    Is the first time actually like tidying it up and getting it done yeah tidying it up and getting it done it’s like one of those things I knew i’ put off but with crew out today hopefully I’ll get it done with some extra hands to help me

    TI it up you got like crew energy yeah crew energy what we need need 20 quid to do it need giant at the bottom KFC D Rooney once offered Josh 5un KFC for a trick and he did the trick and he never got his 5un KFC so Bu I’ll you like a barricade oh it’s not even concrete I a trampoline you know what you know lemon squee right from the [Applause] top yeah oh no it’s where all them leaves are is is it cold are you touching the Flor yeah we found it it went like round the where your Should right let’s go you got to do it now you’re just you’re going to commit next go so oh send up in water you yeah got do it on a wet board now man have you like wiped the towel on it just to pig pig pigs pigs pigs pigs Pig hot stuff I’m

    Shy like golf is it nice J [Laughter] everyone no so narrow to land into as well and it so narrow wow bit more window [Applause] it out [Applause] out me in Ed you see you punched me in ed the you can see him punch you in the

    Face man a it’s a St is [Applause] he I think that’s the best bit of Street I’ve seen all year that’s not Street that’s Canal that’s Canal not Street anyone else having [Laughter] out the best Nu ragging I’ve ever seen him do and I’ve seen him do about 50 and

    It was mad and he went in Canal I’m in shock a little bit actually I mean yeah we need to hit everything we’ve got the whole day ahead of us I’ll be like no we haven’t you don’t want to be at res after that anyway just Central fight

    Them me you you can’t cry like wrest how would you fight them uh bug spr yeah so we we obviously we didn’t know each other when we were super young really but we’re all from sort of working class broken home and kind of jelled over that really um we all had

    Stuff going on and definitely helped each other and then skating as well obviously you could get out you could get away from what were going on at home um and that was the probably the best escape that that you can have really I wouldn’t say poverty but not far off

    Really Life’s good now yeah I’ve um so got a good job there good company pretty free got my girlfriend my dog bought our house like a bit of a success there really which is I’m I’m happy where life is and obviously Mash Life’s good getting quite popular getting where we

    Think it should be can’t complain so there’s two full pipes that I found a couple of weeks ago just on one of them Wonders on them little spot machines it’s quite tight um it’s not like American size but it looks quite fun and

    You can have a swim in the red as well I think there was a family in there last time should be pretty sick I think you can go across you turn been walking through the Highland for three days me legs are shot I’ve lost me sheep oh booger what a nightmare little kick

    That oh yo just watch your step everyone we should have gone round there I can’t help you with my bag on I don’t want to go either man did you get is he all right are you okay that was the sickest footage of the day that was better than Josh’s

    Trick need to catch up everything there you go full pip there you go trying to tell the other guys where we are and yeah little full pight it’s very slippy we’ll try and work some out like ideas does anyone want anything here I think it’ll just be sort of carving

    Around to be honest and doing full pipe stuff cuz he can’t come out of it CU this is too wet so unless someone wants to go way down on the ass go down on your front Oh I missed that as well are you good yeah look how filthy you are can I have get get out of my [Laughter] holy [Applause] shy what a treking out I like be grills Lu I saw you Ling distance how filthy is that man Jesus the one this is the

    Life do you know where I got my boxes from tell you got down this Ste one this one oh it looks lovely it daff light let’s see it Dave come on D R [Applause] [Laughter] grab oh again [Applause] you oh you horse [Applause] is this a normal day out this is just

    Absolutely totally normal every time how many people does it take to skate a [Laughter] tree fire do you know what I’d love to tango with Aaron CYO wow I’ve only just recently start come in on them but I prefer them than skating street it’s just like no one

    Ever sees stuff like this in videos do they like you watch like a UK skate team make a video now and it’s all just like the same spots you can tell where they are cuz you’ve been to them but here everyone’s asking where the spots are so yeah yeah [Applause] oh Jesus

    Christ that incredible that was beauti I didn’t think it was going to come Man 5 minutes got it do you like being the guy feel better about y a flip M yes oh you all right straight to his ass yeah it yeah then then people some

    All could do that good last spot got it go to skate park for a bit so it’s the park we sort of used to skate all the time it’s our local um have a little bit of cool down bit food probably get dark soon I so out have that long and then

    Yeah do know might go go to Pub a see what happens uh green head now so it’s closest part to H this field um it’s pretty narly not much stuff to learn on this is where as teenagers we’d all this is the spot really every session to

    Start here it’s not the best there’s not much here there’s cracks and whatnot the hip’s pretty good um I think it would built maybe late 90s potentially around there this all for a little bit River used to skate and remember it being new back then so yeah it’s good um there’s

    Plenty of other parks around rers field but this one um is the one you’ve got to go to really that ridiculous man


    1. Last time there was a big drought I went to my nearest resevoir to check out what was dry and it looked much like the stuff at 24 mins – i did a few kick turns and scared myself, so seeing those guys tank it down the spillway is mental 😀 great vid 🙂

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