The Labour leadership is facing questions after withdrawing the party’s support for its Rochdale by-election candidate, amid a storm of criticism of remarks he made about Israel.

    Azhar Ali had apologised after he was recorded suggesting in a meeting of the Lancashire Labour Party that Israel had taken the October 7 Hamas assault as a pretext to invade Gaza.

    But a party spokesperson said on Monday evening that Mr Ali, who is understood to be suspended pending an investigation, had Labour’s backing withdrawn “following new information about further comments”.

    According to a story published by the Daily Mail on Monday night, Mr Ali also said “people in the media from certain Jewish quarters” were “giving crap” about MP Andy McDonald, who was suspended by Labour after he used the phrase “between the river and the sea” in a speech during a rally.

    The paper also said the now-former Labour candidate claimed that Israel planned to “get rid of [Palestinians] from Gaza” and “grab” some of the land.

    Labour had come under serious pressure after the previous remarks emerged, with the comments condemned by figures inside the party as well as by political opponents.

    Jeremy Kyle furiously clashes with former Conservative adviser to Margaret Thatcher, Derek Laud after he says what Mr Ali said in private “should stay private”.

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    If you remember when Boris Johnson won in 2019 he said we have simply borrowed your vote the north right the red wall this M25 phrase that people came up with these workingclass people who were traditional labor voters are not represented by the way by the people who

    Eat avocado in isington you listen to this he says we are from the old left No Nonsense call a spade a spade ex lifelong labor voters Ordinary Decent Working Class People just scousers please know we have absolutely little or nothing in common with the Lefty Elite of today that’s what’s wrong with the

    Labor party by a merry mile my friend keep your VI coming in you can text us 872 start your message with the word and here’s a man that’ll agree with me in the studio former conservative advisor and businessman at Derek Lord Derek very good morning um what what went wrong

    Yesterday do you think for labor well I don’t think anything did go wrong I think people’s reaction to what happened yesterday is what’s actually wrong wrong about modern Britain because I think that um it’s not uncommon now is it if you look on social media to see people that

    Believe in conspiracy theories there may not be elected representatives though well he’s not elected either um so um he’s one such example of what actually is now very common in modern Britain I think I would also say that it’s really important for us to understand that .5% of the population of the United

    Kingdom identify as Jewish and there was one once upon a time and I remember this very very very vividly when it was impossible in this dis in this country to discuss um immigration uh control without being described as racist now you can’t say anything against the state

    Of Israel without being regarded as an anti- I don’t you’re saying all and I don’t well my English is my first language and it’s very clear what do you not think that there is anti-Semitism in this country well I don’t know uh what you mean you don’t know I saw a video

    Yesterday in ssbs of a man with a walkie-talkie trying to convince people not to buy a certain product because it came from Israel do you want to ask the Jewish communities of course there’s anti-Semitism well know people have been telling me all my life that people are racist against black people I’ve been

    Pretty lucky I haven’t experienced uh much of that um people are telling me now uh by the way uh that um there is widespread anti-Semitism only uh last year um in um in August I think it was the Prime Minister and the former Home Secretary stood on the same

    Platform and they said that Britain wasn’t a racist Country Now seemingly you can’t throw a stone without it hitting some hold on a second hold on a second hold on can we just rewind we’re talking spec I don’t know what you’re saying we’re talking specifically yesterday a man who wants to be an

    Elected representative a seat in Rochdale was quoted under cover and recorded as saying the Israelis instigated that you’re smiling at me man I don’t understand this instigated this horrendous genocidal attack on October the 7th where 13,00 Israeli well Jewish men women and children were butchered and you’re saying that anti-Semitism doesn’t exist

    Well he said those things well he did say those things I’m not denying well that’s anti-Semitism he said he he said those things and I’m saying that it’s not peculiar the these days that people believe well peculiar it’s still wrong isn’t it well let me finish it’s not

    Peculiar these days that people believe in conspiracies that is one such conspiracy theory well no it’s a fact a conspiracy theory is if something doesn’t happen I’ve just given you examples of anti-Semitism he he suggested in the clip that I heard that it was a deliberate policy on the part

    Of the state of Israel to allow the attack to happen of course it wasn’t that’s my whole point you know my whole point is is that we actually now live in this world where conspiracy theories take hold in the way that he that he did well because he is part of the

    435 uh uh million people that belong to the Arab State that’s why that that’s certainly a point that was raised earlier if the labor party realize that there is someone who’s running to be uh elected in that seat is someone who who believes conspiracy theory that’s a problem that could be dealt with

    Immediately rather than apologized for would be the argument that was made yesterday and it was made convincingly enough and I don’t we don’t know the details of the other comments that the labor party have been talking about that only then later on the day having gone

    Out to defend him they’ve said we cannot support your candidacy could kiss armor have made a clearer decision earlier on I don’t know about that and I’m not really concerned about the internal processes by which the labor party make uh their decisions on these matters all

    I would say which I think is probably more important to most people is that we live in a very diverse Society where people have the right to express whatever views they like so long as it’s within the boundary of the law and I think that’s exactly what he was doing

    And it was by the way in a private meeting and it wasn’t something that he was being that that he was saying publicly and I think that there ought to be a distinction here because I think nowadays it’s virtu impossible for anybody for anybody to have a private

    Conversation and if I repeated the private conversations I had with many of my contemporaries who are now members of the House of laws that they said about women and what they said about black people what they said about gays there’ be none of them left in the house of LA

    But he’s not saying oh I do believe those things and therefore I’m going to stand as independent he profusely apologized for making those comments well that’s entirely up to him with been a free Society so you go on about a free Society final question whether you think it’s a conspiracy

    Theory whether you think that in fact Azar Ali was playing to a Muslim base in his constituency to be or not to be that is the question do you think what he said was acceptable I didn’t think it was right I just don’t think there was

    Any evidence for it I try and actually work in an evidence-based way there was evidence he was recorded as saying it no what I’m saying is that there was no evidence for him saying what he said try and base my reality based on do you think it’s the tip of the iceberg for

    The labor party AAR ali um in what sense that there’s more of this out there that the country should be concerned that starma has done apparently a very good job but actually people like AAR Ali are still out there and could represent the next government there’s been a bit of a look there’s

    Been a real change I mean in my own Lifetime and there when I was uh working in uh Parliament I mean I think that there were many more conservative members of parliament that were Pro Palestine and pro um Israel so that’s been a very definite uh

    Shift in in my working memory what I would say is that there is I think a shared Collective guilt that 1945 led to 1947 stroke 48 so soon that settlement of boundaries and we’re actually all now paying the price for that sherck thank you so much indeed

    Could do one more time we don’t have it Derek Lord former conservative advisor don’t forget by the way important uh you can catch all the candidates who are running for election in that Rochdale consti the 29th of February on talk TV’s website important check it out


    1. Islamophobia and anti Muslim hate is much more widespread and prevailant in GB than this so called anti semitism. Just look at the reaction by many in the media towards the Gaza marches that are mearly calling for a ceasefire. The hatred towards them and Muslims is abhorrent.

    2. I don't know what the guest meant by positing that guilt about boundaries explains some of this. The British proposal in the late 30s for a two state solution was rejected by the Arabs (what we now call Palestinians (even though that tended to mean Jews at the time!)) which would've given them way more than they'd ever likely get nowadays – way more than the current two state solution, namely the West Bank & Gaza. Same goes for their rejection of the UN partition plan which would' again have given them way more territory than is likely today. (Both proposals were accepted by the Jews/Zionists). They've rejected all proposals for a settlement of this conflict, their only solution is what we saw on Oct 7th

    3. I'm actually with the very well spoken black guy on this. People ARE free to express their own opinions on ANYTHING. There may be consequences, of course, but you're still free to say them.

    4. The problem we have is for every bit of factual news we have, there's always a counter narrative to that news!
      It's difficult to even fact check what you have heard because others immediately jump onto the version that they believe and amplify that narrative!
      We are left polarised or confused.
      We don't even know how to politely address people these days him,her,it,them, they?
      What gender? Who we are!
      There's no national pride and no real common ground.
      We are all pulling in different directions.
      We are shouting and not listening!
      Others like myself sit on the sidelines looking at our self hating generation Z or the me,me,me brigade.
      We are a country that's divided.
      A country divided is a nation that's ready to be conquered!

    5. Using this man’s reasoning all black people are conspiracy theorists because a statement was made saying Britain isn’t racist so if you say you have experienced racism you are a conspiracy theorist not a victim and the antisemite Labour candidate was expressing a theory not hate heaven help us.

    6. There is anti-Semitism in the UK and it runs through a large part of the labour party and the political left and also a huge majority of the muslim community in the UK.

      We have imported hatred into the UK and allow more adherents to a hateful culture to arrive each and every day.

    7. I remember him from Big Brother, he was such a snotty sod. Also an aninal abuser admiting he fox hunted on there and was proud of it the best part he last 1 week before final and he got cheered coming out I would have booed him.

    8. The Government has allowed non British Ancestral candidates to take up positions of authority to fulfil the agenda of Mohammad the Prophet, to enter the lands of the west and subdue it and conquer it, to spread the word of Islam. SNP leader, Mayor of London it’s Capital, City councils in every city, Shea law in many cities, child Bride marriages, sex gangs and the Authorities powerless or afraid to Act of protect Christian Citizens, arresting Christian’s for preaching in the streets, yet allowing aggressive marches to take place.

    9. Come back and comment if you understand the words:

      Just like the phrase: “when America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold.”

      The ill treatment of Palestinians by Israelis in Gaza, will cause antisemitism to spike worldwide….FACT….

      Israeli forces are deliberately blocking the
      delivery of water, food, and fuel, while willfully impeding humanitarian assistance, apparently razing agricultural areas, and depriving the civilian population of objects indispensable to their survival.

      The water resources of Palestine are de facto fully controlled by Israel, and the division of groundwater is subject to provisions in the Oslo II Accord. Gaza Strip: 62% (2001).
      Generally, the water quality is considerably worse in the Gaza strip when compared to the West Bank.

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