Scotland Police be like 😄
    Credit to: ScotSquad(BBC)


    Seems like you’ve got some seeing problems he’s got driving problems drunk and disorderly on the road I do not drink prove it you me prove it you in the car it right sir blow as hard as you can keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep

    Blowing zero what does it say it says zero zero you see I don’t drink I well I can’t be sure cuz I’ve not got my glasses on I can’t read that exactly you need your classes you can’t go in your bite you need to walk to your spin class

    Just push it it’s fine just push your bike where’s my bike my bike was there he meant to be pleased where’s my bike her bike got stolen while we were at the scene see this is what happens when when people distract us from a proper job no you’re

    Lean things at your back side your glasses your bike uh the positive of that bike being stolen was that a response time and dealing with that bike know being stolen was were there right away

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