Checking out a small but popular bike park in western sweden
Been living in West Sweden for a little bit over a year and now that my friends Chris and Omar were visiting I decided it was finally time to check out isabet bike park in hestra we started off the day with a quick pre-ride almost messed that one up n wait go slow though
Okay having gotten all warmed up it was time to pick up the pace oh that hurt look like oh I’m going to fall I went up the mountain okay run two I all right you oh I’m a goofy you Yahoo yeah oh I almost I break die
Yeah you good no I need a break beer braake beer break break well throw a break actually hold on after hydrating with some beers and Chris throwing them all up it was time to continue our ride hi everyone’s going to see that butt crack as our day ended we were all really glad
To have checked out this little bike park and even though we mostly stuck to the flow Trail we definitely had a great day and I’m definitely looking forward to coming back next summer to explore the rest of the trails