It’s reeeeally happening! We have our first day of riding on the bikes (no trains, planes OR automobiles included hooray)! It was pretty chill on the flats so on we cruised from Bologna into Modena (yes, home to the famous Balsamic vinegar!).

    Distance: around 30 miles. super flat. easy intro day ; )


    ++Wait, what’s RaD?: Ryan And Darin (that’s us! yes…we both have boy names…is that weird?). Get it? …r And d…

    ++The Adventure: riding our bikes around a bunch of different places in this world for a year. woohoooo

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    Music tunes from Epidemic Sound: “Parallel Universe” by Lonov

    Ah alright guys so we are in Bologna we are in a hostel Booker’s accommodation it was quite nice besides the crazy sound that was coming out of the drain every time you flush the toilet had any water go down the drain so today is actually our first day

    Of real writing writing writing over 20 miles and not coming from the airport so hopefully you’ve also probably been wondering okay your channel name is rad bike adventure where the bicycles well we’ve been hanging out in Tuscany and just relaxing and picking wine and even lots of pasta and also giving Darren’s

    Knee a little bit more time to recover because she had surgery on it where’s your scars oh there we go I’ve weighed some of the like crazy hills and just start on the flats and kind of ease our way into it with all the weight on the

    Bike so today is that day today’s the day all right this is it longer than it shows all getting used to everything okay we were finally going it’s 11:30 leave me alone Like go faster so far it’s pretty flat it’s really nice yeah we’re just gonna keep cruising we’ve got we’ve got about 10 miles and we have about 20 more to go that is a nice beautiful blue sky today Leftovers naptime Like you Oh maybe there is a pastor oh there is a cop here oh well that lady was super nice and pointed us in the right direction there’s this really cool path right here There’s a bike path all the way into the city once again little things that kind of remind me of China leading our warm showers host for the first time and he has a workshop and he’s doing installation pieces for a for an art show for an exhibit like a one-person beanie little vehicle

    Just to do something that’s it bingo and I found some keeper yeah so I’m crazy is that I’m that I kind of a fellow like kitchen soul Emily so excited it was like weeks you are from the original bite kitchen just got super stoked I

    Think I have a sticker so I’m going try to find and get it to from my kitchen away DIY got our rice to check out this sweet bottle dryer mattress friend


    1. In 2016 I cycled through Bologna and would love to go back. The noise from the toilet is a grinder pump which grinds the solids noisy but no plugged drains. Love Italy and thanks for posting

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