=== How you can support this channel ===
    If you would like to help support the channel then there are affiliate links below to the gear featured in this video. Clicking on them gives me a little commission on anything you buy during that shopping session. It doesn’t have to be the thing I link to even!
    I’ll only ever link to stuff that I have personal experience of and that I genuinely rate as quality products.

    == Bollé ECO MIPS Helmet ==
    The first helmet I’ve owned that I don’t hate wearing : https://amzn.to/3SvP530

    == Quad lock Out Front Pro ==
    Solid bar mount for most phones : https://amzn.to/3QHGJEd

    == GoPro Chesty ==
    All the POV shots that require two hands are shot with this : https://amzn.to/3tIi0Xq

    == Ombraz Armless Sunglasses ==
    Best sunglasses I’ve ever owned : https://ebay.us/SfiQZC

    == Trangia Spirit Burner ==
    Simple, solid, eco : https://amzn.to/3M3VFK0

    ==== Coffee & Merch ====
    As always, support for the channel is gratefully received but now there are actually some goods available!
    If you want a unique, hand whittled spoon of my own crafting then check out the link below. There will be some more going up soon if you miss out.
    The long awaited sticker are also available now so go have look if such things tickle you fancy!


    ===Zombie Christmas Story===
    It isn’t really related to this channel or the content I produce here but I have always enjoyed creative writing and a few years ago I wrote a short story about Father Christmas fighting zombies.

    My good friend (and friend of the channel) Woodie illustrated it and we had it printed as a little book.
    With Christmas approaching at a worrying clip we have put together a website where you can buy a copy for yourself, for a friend, for the zombie fan next door!

    It really is a lovely thing which we are very proud of and you can get a copy from the site below.


    === Description ===
    Day 1 of this ride hinted at the storm to come. There were warnings in the news and the forecast looked grim but I carried on because it was just too much hassle to try to come up with a viable alternative.

    On the morning of day 2 I looked out of my tent then zipped it back up and didn’t get out of my sleeping bag until midday. So unpleasant was the weather.

    This video shows the few hard miles that I covered once I finally got my arse in gear and my lazy bones out into the rain.

    Well I’ve had a coffee I’ve had some porridge the rain is eased the wind is still blowing I’m going to share something with you which doesn’t get shared very often by YouTube bike pack of types I’m not really up for this if I’m honest I’m tired I got a headache the

    Really bad weather is coming back um half a day behind schedule now if there was a big red button here that I could press that would transport me straight to the nearest train station I would press it without hesitation rain’s coming back in I’ve got an unpleasant day ahead of me I

    Think but I think one of the skills you have to learn to be a bike Packer or a hiker or anyone in the outdoors is the ability to sometimes just say to yourself do you know what I’ve just got to go I’ve just got to go there’s

    Nothing else to do so I’m half packed I’m going to break down the tent I’m just going to go we shall see if the day improves from here it may well Do Oh Oh Ah I put a few miles behind me now and for a moment things were starting to look up uh I started off into a really nice long descent which blew away the worst of the headache and the overs sleeping fuzz the weather I mean it could be a

    Lot better but it could be a lot worse the rain is mostly passed by what’s left is being whipped into a manageable Mist by The Unbelievable headwind that’s come up the roads are covered in tree debris the rivers are running really high it’s flooded out Fields down in the bottom of the

    Valley and I’ve got to find a proper campsite for tonight now the worst thing is I’ve lost half a day and I’m not going to make it up um it’s far too windy to pitch in the open it’s far too windy to pitch in amongst the trees anywhere low-lying and

    Sheltered is absolutely running with water and no fun at all and I thought I’d spotted a campsite over this next section of Hills which is not that far off it’s doable in the next few hours of daylight and then the track I was following turned into well swamp and now it’s blocked by

    Fallen trees up ahead not recent ones I don’t think I think they’re old so I’ve got to see if I can pick my way around if not I mean h if not I’m stuck up here I don’t know so it’s a long loop back to anywhere oh bike

    Packing I love it absolutely love love It I think I’ve made a terrible mistake I mean oh this is probably up there with the RGA who I’m entirely honest in terms of effort expended to meat as covered it’s just the the forestry trail that I was following on the map isn’t a forestry Trail it hasn’t been used for a

    Long time falling trees saplings it’s foot and a half deep in absolutely sodn Moss it’s impenetrable and the forest to either side of it is just crisscross with old Fallen trees um all the ditches are running with water I’ve fallen properly on my face twice uh I mean I can hear can hear

    Chainsaws or dirt bikes up ahead so I’m assuming there is an end to all of this but it’s slow going I don’t know I don’t know if I’m going to make it to this campsite even tonight at this rate I guess only positive is I’m so deep in

    The forest now there’s hardly any wind there’s hardly any rain it’s a beautiful forest all hung with moss and stuff but I don’t really want to camp here it’s mosquito Central and everything is soaking wet so anyway I’m smashing the snack bars and making the best progress I can I’ll report back Shortly [Applause] [Applause] A One put that one up alongside the hardest days I’ve ever done on a bike I think distance-wise it was nothing I didn’t even do 35 km but in terms of physical and mental hardship that was really tough my Benchmark for hard days is the Ragan

    Ride that I did and this I mean that section in the forest was unbelievably physically demanding but it only went on for an hour maybe but the weather the conditions made this yeah it up there Ian at least on the ran I knew that I was on a line I knew that

    Once I got through the snowy bits I’d be back on a line this one I was doing in the constant knowledge that I could at any minute come up against an impenetrable section and have to turn around which would mean basically resetting the day and spending the night

    In a very very unpleasant wild camping pitch um fortunately I got through that section of trees by the time I got out I was I was exhausted and the weather had gone nasty again rain was coming in and the wind my days the wind I’ve checked

    It was gusting 48 to 50 m an hour and it was coming in from the side most of the time so I was having to C the bike over like 10 15° just to stay on the line and then the gust would drop and of course you then over correct and you’re over

    The other side of the road it put me in the ditch once like properly off the bike into the ditch and all of this time I was just aware that I was heading for a campsite that I didn’t know anything about status wise and finally I got there big sign on

    The gate no tents so I dropped down into the village and I asked the local if there was anywhere to stay she pointed me at a pub which looked closed it had a for sale sign up it said closed but there was a fire burning in the GR in a

    Darkened room and tables set for breakfast the front door was open I went in I shouted I tried calling them I could have just gone in and taken a room they were there open and made up but that it just all smelt like a sort of

    Get the lonely biker in and then Harvest his organs in the basement scenario so I just started phoning around Caravan Parks until I found one that takes tents and here I am pitched up absolutely starving what a day it wasn’t all bad it wasn’t all bad it was a beautiful ride

    Lovely route up over the hills um I mean that sort of landscape that forest and Heather and gor and rough I think it actually looks better in this kind of weather you know Bleak and forboding and exciting so that was nice and something really cool that I spotted was all the

    Way along there’s me battling against this wind you know really struggling to keep control of the bike and all up out of the grass are constantly flying these little brown birds I don’t know what they were but they were having a whale of a time flying about looking totally

    On it you how much do they you know they weigh like what 10 grams if that and yet there they were flying around in the wind as if nothing was happening so hats off to the small brown birds of the world thank you very much for keeping me

    Company on a otherwise pretty grueling day the weather tomorrow morning is looking pretty miserable again but I might be able to get out earlier than I did today going to eat two dinners have another early night we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it thank you very much for watching

    Along um yeah to my monthly Kofi awesomeness peoples thank you very much it is uh you who keeps me inspired to do this horrible unpleasant sort of Adventures um everyone else please consider liking subscribing leave a comment always helps hit the thanks button if you’ve really had a good time

    Uh check out the link to my Kofi page if you want to maybe buy a spoon or stickers maybe some other stuff I’m trying to Branch out but we shall see depends when you’re watching this I’m waffling cuz I’m really tired and I didn’t think about what I was

    Going to say to end this one so yeah cheers all I’ll see you on the next one bye now


    1. That looked miserable Jethro. I would have bailed. Had my fill of horrible wet windy cold days on a bike in summer and winter. That terrain looked horrible. Not for me any more. I don't know whether to congratulate you for your achievement in getting through it or just say that you may well quite possibly be mad. I am a fair weather cyclist now. Still like challenging rides, but not conditions like you experienced.

      I fly to Malaga on thursday for 2.5 weeks riding around Andalusia hopefully catching the last gasps of summer, although I fly out just as storm Ciaran barrels across the UK. Should be an interesting take off with 60-65 mph winds and if we actually remain in the sky, probably lots of terrifying turbulence all the way down to Malaga. The weather is looking decidedly cool there too for the next week but hopefully not as bad as the drenching and gales you experienced. If so I shall be checking into an AirBnB to wait until it passes.

      Many thanks.

    2. That was hardcore bikepacking but incredibly beautiful to see from this sofa. Well done for getting through and staying positive and entertaining.

    3. Mum said there would be days like this! Good effort on keeping going. Thanks for sharing. its good to see the warts an’ all that you U-tuber face on your adventures.

    4. Thank you Jethro, I really appreciated this video because hardly anyone shows the tough side of biking. I've ridden in the Netherlands into a similar headwind for hours on a tandem with my visually impaired wife, who was less than impressed. Without doubt, my most miserable time on a bike. It was on a boat bike tour, so at least we had a hot shower and meal at the end.
      Can I ask how waterproof is your coat and what sort is it. I'm looking for one that works to be honest.

    5. Wow, really impressive mental fitness/ willingness to suffer for the onward goal. Really good work; 'continue' is the most terrifying word under some circumstances. you've done well, I would've gone red button and found that nearest train station.

    6. Well done Jethro for sticking that one out. I’d have given up I’m sure – especially when trying to get through that impenetrable forest in those conditions. Epic endeavour!

    7. Great viewing Jethro. Cheers! How often do we make the effort – whether, say, sticking out s*** conditions or uncomfortably stripping off for that cold sea dip, and look back with regret? Almost never. Cos in them experiences there be life’s key joy in memories formed. Enjoy! And thanks again.

    8. Jethro, refreshing honestly, and I think quite familiar to bike tourists/bike packers … some days are just no fun, and in fact just horrible. All that is left to do is to push on and do the best possible… hoping it will make future adversity more bearable by comparison. Good job making it through!

    9. I had some magnificent days backpacking but… driving-rain wet days, especially when there was no, or very little shelter, were the worst. You just have to keep plodding on. Happily, thanks to your organs not being harvested in the pub cellar, I look forward to part three. Here’s a 🎖️for your efforts.

    10. Next time you're freewheeling down some remote, bone-dry bridleway in a t-shirt with the warm sun on your back … days like that make the fair weather days even sweeter. Great video as usual!

    11. Totally hardcore!
      Honestly, the risk of someone harvesting your organs in the  basement, seems to have been the least likely of potential threats to your health in this day of tempest.😉

      Navigating those jumbled spruce Spillikins, whilst sinking in sodden moss, not knowing when, or if, the game will be won, seems rather nerve wracking! Very glad you made it through to the campsite in daylight, unscathed, and in a remarkably good mood, given the circumstances !👍

      Your animated face cannot really hide your enthusiasm, reporting gusts of 50 mph and falling into the ditch!😉

      I'm glad you had the company of small brown birds in these "bleak, foreboding and exciting" landscapes. Perhaps they think it's jolly good fun to be out playing in the wind…😉

    12. Reminds me of the weather conditions from my very first bikepacking adventure back then. Kudos for you and remember … you're a certified "Flandrien" 😉

    13. I am kind of amazed how many people cycle in the UK given the weather but I guess if you have the clothes it's OK.

      I rode 43 miles in the rain last week, I fat bike when it is below zero Fahrenheit, and when I dress accordingly I don't mind the elements.

      However, packing up a wet campsite in general takes a special kind of person, and to do so while bikepacking is an even greater accomplishment.

      I came you your channel because it came up when I was looking for a Surly Ogre. The Local bike shop here said it might be a good choice for me to do some of the great divide mountain bike route next year.

      I have greatly enjoyed watching some of your videos since then.

      Thank you for all the work you put in here.

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