Lyceum Lunch – February 15, 2024

    Good afternoon can you hear me yes is the microphone on or not I can’t tell now can you hear me well let me is that too loud no yes it’s too loud no it’s not too loud of I wonder if we can get a Midway I I just whispered

    Them thank you all for coming out uh this midday I’m Tom McGrady I worked here at the History Center and parttime at the University for 40 years I think talking about the sky anyway uh this is our lium speaker series at lunch time brown bags I somebody called me the other day

    And said they wanted to reserve lunch for two so I got to do better that’s promoting this thing um I hope I hope all of you are members that’s probably how you know about this thing because you got it you got to notice in an email or something like that but if

    You’re not a member of the Southeast Ohio History Center please become one help us um increase the voice for historic preservation and saving and sharing the amazing stories of Southeast Ohio might say Southeast Ohio history is American history and in some cases it’s world history and we’re not doing a very

    Good job of letting ourselves know about that let alone other people anyway restrooms are back here in the corner in case somebody needs to do that and uh we have a couple other speakers lined up for the next months coming up next month and I don’t know the date sorry you getting

    Feedback um I don’t know the date but we’re trying to aim for the third third day of the month but some sometimes we have to be flexible with the speak speakers speaking of speakers um we’re still trying to work out the speaker system here anyway uh doesn’t sound

    Good next month we have Dan roboam from the um the madog Center in um riy Grand the Welsh Studies Institute over there it’s going to talk about the Welsh Heritage and the Welsh history of Southeast Ohio where we know where they came from in wel but

    What did they do here how did they help build this region and build Ohio in the Midwest and then the following month we have Keith milm from Ohio University Department of geological sciences and he’s going to be talking about the geology surround suring the uh Serpent

    Mound it’s been known a number of things as the Jer uh The Serpent mount um volcanic disturbance site or the as IM meteor site so Ohio Department natural resources studied it for $300,000 like 30 years ago to to Define what is this is this volcanic or is an impact and

    They now caused a Ser Mount geological disturbance that’s not very courageous they they after $300,000 they didn’t choose to to Define what it was but it’s an impact site and he’s going to tell us about that and then the following month we have Pat Anderson she’s going to talk

    About Indian Trails in our region anyway thanks for coming out I’m GL to see that total eclipses of the sun are are are popular so this is a big deal uh there has not been one of these in Ohio since 1806 and the next one’s 2099 so it’s

    Important to catch this one if you can something like this happening in ancient history was a big deal now it’s just something you hear about on the news and there’s going to be a lot of people don’t make any effort to see this but they don’t know what they’re missing

    For for ancient peoples so many cultures around the world the sun and the moon were their number one deities this was important so if if you’re number one deity the sun The Giver of Life and light warmth and all the things that makes things grow disappears in the daytime that’s significant stuff and

    They want to know about that and so they’ve always looked to the sky humans seem like I’ve always looked at the sky for answers to the great questions they’ve had and if you look at the sky enough there’s a lot of stuff going on up there it’s harder to see nowadays

    Most of us live in cities and you look up you see wires and lights and everything else but the night sky has been inspiring it’s inspired art and architecture and music and and literature and everything connected to everything so something like an eclipse is is pretty phenomenal

    Stuff comets man and these things were seen seen as Omen so when we look at human history some of the furthest back we see that here we have an eagle bone 30,000 Years BC with the faces of the Moon carved into it here we have a cave in southern France 177,000 years ago

    With the phases of the moon worked out in it this is a tomb in Ireland I forget it’s something like 6 or 7,000 years old and the sun shines in this window here on the on the winter solstice at Sunrise and it goes down this this uh long

    Coridor with some of the biggest rocks you’ve ever seen and the floor gently Rises till you get to this sacred room in the back end at Sunrise and that’s when you can see it Stonehenge is built in alignment with an 18.6 year cycle of the moon and

    This 18.6 year cycle of the moon is a cycle that we need to know if we want to begin to try and calculate when the sun and the moon are going to cross paths in the sky and so when people started talking about that a lot of people

    Thought well we need to debunk that notion and they basically by doing all the research have gone on to um verify that for whatever reason they built these ancient things they still took the and I guess if you were going to move rocks that big and carry them as far as

    You did you’d probably think a lot about exactly where wanted to set each one and so it doesn’t surprise me now that I think about it that they would have aligned these things with as much detail as that they do and so I’ve heard Neil degrass Tyson verify that you know

    Stonehenge is an ancient stone age computer of capable predicting eclipses of the Sun and the Moon and in Egypt it’s not you know look they got the Sun and the Moon on their heads here’s two folks been sitting around for thousands of years with the sun and the moon on

    Their heads you know this stuff’s important to these people and and this is a symbol I saw repeatedly when I went over to see an eclipse over there and I think that this is a depiction of an eclipse they have it a lot and in Egypt

    Over a period this was a a depiction of an eclipse out west in 1879 p p trying to describe the outer atmosphere of the sun which is only visible when every aspect every bit of the surface of the Sun is is hidden if 1% of the sun is shining it’s still

    Daytime you can’t see that but it’s always there and one of the interesting things about this scientists have found out that this is hotter than the surface of the Sun they don’t know why I like that so here’s some uh information about an eclipse 1143 BC e it’s carved into

    The Earth included look at all the eclipses they had crossing the Nile Valley between 3,000 and 1,000 BC they had the sun god raw and all that so you know this stuff was important to these folks here in Ohio we have the biggest geometric earthwork in the world

    Up at uh Newark Ohio this giant CC and octagon it’s big enough to have an 18 hole golf course in it and it’s built in alignment with that 18 year cyc 18.6 year cycle of the moon and nobody knows exactly why they built this thing but it

    Is capable of being used it’s it it does serve also as an observatory it seems like a lot of work just to figure out an observatory and think how long they had to observe the rising and setting points of the Moon over an 18 point6 and how

    Many times they had to do that and pass that on far as We Know by word of mouth because there’s no evidence that that the mound builders had any written language they didn’t use the wheel it’s amazing the work they did but it is built in alignment to these amazing

    Rising and setting points of the Moon not the Sun and uh I mean just one wall is maybe 20 ft wide 8 to 10 10 ft high and 500 ft long think how many baskets of soil that is think how many baskets that is to weave I mean we see these

    Things and we don’t really put a lot of thought into exactly what all got it there and how many times did they have to watch the moon rise and moon set to know exactly when you get all these people to weave these baskets and move this Earth exactly where you want them

    To put it pretty amazing stuff same with serpent Mountain um it’s built in alignment with the the 18.6 year cycle of the moon and stuff find this Bluff and that bluff is there because of the meteor impact site uh 250 to 300 million years ago but they

    Have founded a line right here through this part points at the S Su the sunset a line from the coil tail through the mouth or the whatever this part is points du North and then at these Loops you can look and that’s where the sun rises on the sulfus is and equinoxes

    Well they figured that out in the ’90s 199 well they kept going back and now they find all the other SPS in the body are built in alignment with that 18.6 year cycle and that’s the key thing you need to know to come up with where eclipses are going to be and when

    They’re going to happen here we have an Old Clay tablet from 1375 Years BC talking about an eclipse in May on May 3rd May somebody figured out how to read that amazing so anyway you know moving all these rocks on all this Earth part of this

    For whatever reason they did if it was ceremonial if it was whatever reason part of it was making calendars and timekeeping because they needed to know about when you’re a hunter gathers and you don’t have you know the 6:00 news to let you know what’s coming up next they

    Needed to know when animals were migrating when things were needed to be planted or harvested or what have you so we we have so much to learn about ancient people so I’m this is just going to be a real quick basic about how equ happen you got the earth going around

    The Sun in it’s orbit and then you got the moon going around the earth the earth goes around the sun on a plane with all the other planets the moon goes around the earth on a plane but it’s not exactly the same plane if it was exactly

    The same plane we would have an eclipse every month a a solar eclipse every month at New Moon and a lunar eclipse every month at full moon but it’s tilted by 5° just 5° so the moon goes through the same constellations of the zodiac as as the other planets and as the Sun

    Appears to as we go around it but because that you know these things are all casting Shadows because of the the Sun and so the the shadow of the moon at New Moon typically goes below the below the Earth or above the Earth every month but if those two planes happen to

    Be Crossing at the same time it’s new moon then the shadow is going to hit the earth what’s the chance of that well about 1 out of 30 astronomical so so to speak but uh so there is an eclipse of the sun somewhere on the earth about

    Every 18 months but to get it in a certain spot it’s a little more unique there’s a couple other things so normally this is what happens is the Shadows miss each other just slightly but they miss each other so for a partial eclipse it can be

    That the and the Sun and or the Moon and the Earth both have two Shadows an umbra and a pen Umbra and the Umbra is the one that causes total causes the the eclipses that we mostly see if you’re in the wider Shadow you get a partial

    Eclipse if you’re in this Shadow you get a total eclipse but here’s a case where that shadow is missing the Earth but the other one’s partly hitting it so you can get a partial eclipse in some areas something like that and here’s another little diddy the moon doesn’t go around

    The Earth in a circle it goes around in an ellipse so sometimes it’s closer sometimes it’s further and it can vary up to about 25,000 Mi every month well if it’s closer it’s going to appear bigger and that means it’ll cover the sun longer it’ll make a bigger Shadow and

    It’ll last longer and if it’s further away it might not even be big enough to cover the Sun so it can be significantly different you aren’t going to see it they people are talking a lot about these days about super moons and they say oh yeah I saw the Moon last night

    Wasn’t it so big you know we can’t tell the difference that’s that’s the power of suggestion you heard it was going to be a super moon so you look at it and it’s way bigger than you ever saw it before but it always looks the same to

    The human eye but when you line it up with the sun you can see that slight difference now here’s a situation where the moon and it’s going around it’s going around the Sun or the Earth and it’s further away from the earth that umal shadow won’t reach the Earth but it

    Will continue and to make a little crisscross here and it’ll create another path what we call the path of the Umbra or the ant Umbra here and if you’re on that path you get what’s called an annular eclipse of the Sun and annular we think of annual or yearly but no

    Annular comes from the the word annulus which means ring and what happens is the Moon’s not big enough to block out the entire Sun so it sits in front of it you can only see this with filters it’ be daytime you would never know that this was happening even this Photograph was

    Taken through filters you can’t you just can’t look at even 1% of the Sun not 1% and then your tip this is what we’re going to have this time is where the umbre actually hits the Earth and as the Earth spins that that uh path will go thousands of miles

    And depending on whether the moon’s closer or further from the earth determines how wide that path is so if it was just at exactly at a distance where it’s just big enough to cover the Sun for a few moments the path won’t be that wide it might be a couple miles

    Wide but if it’s if the moon is closer it might be 100 miles wide kind of like it is this time and then you get to see this the outer atmosphere of the Sun and it’s always different so here’s an image of the Moon Shadow from space moving across

    The Earth this this is the path of the Moon Shadow on April 8th starts out in the Pacific comes up across Mexico through the Midwest it’s going over nver Falls think how much they’re charging for hotels at night and up over Maine and out into the Atlantic Ocean there

    Another image of the Moon Shadow on the cloud tops of the earth so in ancient times people didn’t know what was going on you you heard about eclipses in third grade and even if you didn’t understand it you at least knew somebody was explaining it to you so there was an

    Explanation these people didn’t know that so when it gets dark that was scary business they didn’t hear about it the day before or anything like that and so they had they came up with all kinds of superstition about was happening like there’s some Dragon swallowing the Sun

    Or something of that sort and they would start beating on Hollow logs or drums starting fires shooting arrows at the dragon to chase it away and inevitably they were always successful so you might as well keep doing it um there’s a story in ancient uh ancient Egypt about these

    The Emperors they always wanted somebody watching the sky and there were these two brothers high and ho they were the the star Watchers and they were also interested in alcohol and at one point apparently they were more interested in the alcohol than keeping an eye on the

    Sky and it was a total eclipse of the Sun and they had not warned the emperor and they lost their heads over this this serious business Once Upon a Time Imagine somebody losing their head over that today in a real way that’s scary stuff but anyway 2137 BC you can Google

    It I I stumbled in someone looking up some of this stuff about eclipses I found a pattern of of eclipses being associated with issues of War and Peace so I thought I’d throw a little something in on that so in the area of the world that’s turkey to us today it

    Was uh lived in by the lydians and the mes and of course they were fighting over some of that space which we tend to like to do as human beings and this is back in 585 BC and right while they’re out in the heat of battle slaughtering

    Each other the moon moves in front of the sun darkens the sky nobody told anybody this was happening so both sides saw it as a bad Omen and withdrew to their respective sides and then they sued for peace and they married the daughter of of One Tribe to the son of

    The other and they got along for a while until they decided they needed to fight again cuz we fight no matter what don’t we we have never ever solved these issues so anyway here’s a story of uh Christopher Columbus he came to the new world new to him uh old to the people

    Been here a long time several times and I think it was on his third trip his boat was not seaworthy to go back to Spain so he had to lay over in Jamaica and he was running out of Provisions it took two 3 four months to cross the sea

    In those days and so running out of Provisions they he sent for the leader of the local tribes and said they needed some supplies and some help and they said well no you know when you guys came ashore we treated to Lake Roy royalty but you know you act like you own the

    Place and so no we’re not going to help you out and so he’s thinking about this a day or two and he he remembers there’s an upcoming clip CU one thing he was was a great Navigator and to be a great Navigator you got to know this guy and

    So he came up with a ruse and he said go get those guys again I need to talk to him again he says look I know you guys have lots of gods in your your culture and your Society but we just have one but he’s the one true God he’s all

    Powerful and if you don’t help us out here he’s going to remove the Moon from your night sky oh yeah yeah yeah sure well when the moon moves into the Earth Shadow cuz they didn’t hear about it on the 6:00 news or anywhere else down the

    Block they’re quick to show up with some provisions and then he says well you know I told you he says now and of course I’m paraphrasing here I don’t know that nobody recorded this with a cassette or anything cassette uh so uh he says now he’s got to cover him so he

    Said now I told you could do this now he’s also not just all powerful but he’s all merciful so let me go back into my cabin and have a few words with him and see if we can’t get your moon to come back and he’s in there peeking out the

    Clouds out the curtains long enough to say okay well just don’t let this happen again anyway you can Google these things this is a story of a guy who was teaching at um at Harvard his name Samuel Williams and he’d been up to to Newland a few years earlier when Venus

    Went across the face of the Sun and and Edmund Hy uh had said some years earlier after they invented clocks that could be synchronized and they had telescopes he said if you measure if if people go to the Far Corners of this round globe and measure the exact moment

    That the Venus hits the edge of the Sun the exact moment it gets inside the Sun the exact moment it hits the other side of the limb of the sun and the exact moment that gets the outside if everybody goes to these different places and gets those times with the same kind

    Of a clock and and shares that information we can then calculate the distance to the Sun Edmund H said that and so they did it they went to Siberia and they went to Cape Hope and and everywhere in in the world it’s amazing how far they went and they shared this

    Information and they that’s the first time they knew that that Venus was closer to the Sun than the Earth and that Earth was closer than other places but they didn’t know what any distances were and they knew it was several thousands of miles at least well when

    They did this they realized wow the sun is millions maybe tens of millions of miles away so it threw it into a whole no whole new magnitude of distance and so they did this back in 1639 and 1761 and 1769 cuz Venus does this and then it

    Does it 8 years later and then it does it 120 years later and then 8 years later and 120 years later and 8 years later and so people sail to the Far Corners of the earth like five or six times trying to figure this stuff and

    They always got better the last time was 2004 and 2012 so it’s going to be a while before it happen again but we already have that figured out but anyway he’d already done that kind of thing now he wants he’s calculated the path of totality of eclipse going to go across

    Main and PAB Scott Bay and he wants to go up and check out this this thing and um what’s going on in 1780 American Revolution well the British help Main and penobscott Bay at the time and so he can’t just go up there so he got John

    Hancock the speaker of the house to pen a letter the leader of the British forces to ask for safe passage for him to get up there to observe this because his argument was even in the midst of War they may come up with information and and stuff that’s has benefits for

    All of humanity so the British forces gave them permission to go up to get up there on the the the bay he hauled all this equipment up there and the guy gave him a very strict uh places he couldn’t go well he gets up there and sets up and it doesn’t get dark

    Out of course he claims the guys who made the maps that he used to get there made errors the map maker said no no you miscalculated the path of totality and somebody else said it’s it’s the leader of the British Force they wouldn’t let him get to the right spot but anyway

    It’s not one of the banner days in Harvard history but it’s an amazing thing that this happened and some guys say it’s remarkable to learn that even in the midst of armed struggle scientific advancement was considered by both sides important enough to take priority over the more Emeral concerns

    Of politics and Military Supremacy even as the course of history is being decided on the battlefields this history of ideas and knowledge continued to unfold only occasionally being hindered by mundane events then that was uh 1780 not too long later 1806 um we’d already had the the Battle of uh

    Fallen Timbers up Northwest Ohio and the Treaty of Greenville Native Americans were segregated to the Northwest part of Ohio but William Henry Harrison the governor of the Indiana territory included some of Ohio was constantly isolating some of these tribal leaders and getting them to cough up some land

    And and to comea didn’t want to lose any more land so he’s working on putting together a confederation of Native tribes so that they can have a big enough Confederation to stop the loss of of native lands and he got that from the iroy who who then introduced that idea

    To Benjamin Franklin who got the United States the 13 colonies to work together to resist England and so that wasn’t lost on to comea he’s going to get together Confederation of tribes himself and he’s going to stop this stuff and this of course is and he’s got a brother

    A younger brother who had injured himself when he was young had a bad eye and got into drinking a lot and but at some point he had a he had a vision just like a year before this and his vision indicated he should quit drinking and

    Give up all these Western things um and go back to Native Native stuff and he picked a new name he was known as Leela which meant noise maker and he picked the name tens quwa open door or the prophet and um he was working with his brother on

    This and and hen William Henry Harrison was threatened by all this business and so he sent a letter to the leaders of these tribes saying Prophet that he’s no Prophet if he is has ask him to have the sun stand still or the moon to re to

    Alter its course or the rivers to to cease their flow or some of this kind of stuff that’s that’s a big Challenge and TOs and his brother get together and they think about this and and it’s it’s thought nobody knows the details on this but if you Google the

    1806 Eclipse it’s known as tumsa Eclipse because and and it’s thought that he figured it out when he was on the road uh learning or putting together his Confederation of tribes he met so many people he learned to read English and the Bible and stuff and he he probably

    Learned about this and so they came up with this R he said 50 the prophet did 50 days from this day there will be no cloud in the sky yet when the sun has reached its highest point at that moment the great SP will take it in her hand

    And hide it from us the darkness of night will thereupon cover us and the Stars will shine round about us the birds will Roost and the night creatures will awaken and stir so Harrison’s idea backfired on him and U of course this happens and then the C of course orders

    The great spirit to let it go let it come back but anyway you have think about the stuff in the frontier there’s another part part of a problem with this particular story it is thought that Thea and the prophet were at Greenville Ohio well Greenville so you see this path right

    Across the United States and across the Ohio country I want to talk about this path again on another eclipse but Greenville is just very out just outside the path here’s the center line so you had to be at least inside the green line there’s another green line up here so if

    They didn’t see it themselves they certainly heard from plenty of people who did so apparently they they gained the street cred they needed for a while after that occurred but you can Google the that eclipse the com’s eclipse in 1831 Matt Turner who had been brought up

    In bondage in the southern states he was learned he was one of the few people who’s taught to read and write and thought himself a bit of a charismatic preacher and stuff well he had a a vision or a dream or something that told him he was supposed to rise up against

    His oppressors and so he but he would have a sign and the sign was an eclipse an eclipse in August of 1831 and so they rose up he had his guy guy gang of fellas together and they struck back and uh they killed a bunch of people which

    Only brought a reign of terror back down on him and everybody he knew sad thing but it’s another one of these issues of warant Peace in in in 19 uh during the the Great War so Germany starts the war in Europe and of course Germany they want to get all their big scientists

    Involved to help them win the war well they wanted Einstein to help and Einstein said well no I don’t agree with what you’re doing and I’m a pacifist I I can’t help you out on that business I won’t I won’t help and he had already just come out with his theory of

    Relativity so he’s a pretty famous guy and he he refused to to support it his boss at the University of blind resigned his job and joined the effort and develop mustard gas just think what Einstein could have done anyway and then in England they have the head of their scientific Community U

    Arthur Edington he’s the Royal astronomer and head of the Royal Society and of course the British want him to help out and he said I was raised quaker I’m pacifist I can’t help you I don’t believe in violence and no can’t do it and of course they’re beside themselves

    They want to put them up for treason and being a traitor and and lock them up and Cooler’s head said now wait a minute that’s not going to be good for popular morale in our society if you do that and let’s think about this for a minute so

    What Edington proposed that he would like to go on an expedition to the island of Principe off the coast of Africa and observe a total eclipse of the sun because he thought he could get the evidence let’s get back to Einstein a minute when he came up with his theory

    Of relativity there was a couple of ways to prove it one of the ways was to prove it was during a total eclipse of the Sun and so Edington says well let me go down there and get the evidence we can prove Einstein’s theory of relativity and these people are listening him going

    We’re at war with Germany he’s German why would we ever want to prove his theory of relativity and he says because it may have positive benefits for all of humanity and so people thought this was a better alternative than locking him up so he heads to uh he heads to um the

    Island of Principe and meanwhile this guy from Ohio William Wallace Campbell from Finley Ohio he’d already he he grew up there he went to Michigan got educ and then he was running Lick Observatory the biggest telescope in the world and he had already tried to go to these

    Eclipses he went to one in um is it on here he went to one in Ukraine and he went to one in Washington state because what he wanted to do was prove that Einstein’s theory was wrong this is Ohio so anyway here’s here’s Einstein and Edington when they’re young anyway

    So um this could only be tested during a whole eclipse of the Sun and Einstein was so rigid about this he said look what he was saying was that the mass of the Sun is so great that it will warp the space around it and so

    Light as it goes past the sun will be deflected or curved shortest distance in space between two points is not a straight line it’s a curved line is what he was saying and so he he said a star that should be here would be here but he

    He gave a very very narrow range of deflection he says if it doesn’t fit into this narrow range then my idea is a bunch of bump he was very strict with himself and so here was the path of totality that year and it was in 1919

    The ward ended but they didn’t know that when they agreed to to let them go and it takes a lot of planning to get to the island of Principe and all the equipment that he hauled and there was other people who were setting up over here in

    So bral Mexico for the same Eclipse here’s a gathering that brought out the town’s people when you you show up a bunch of equipment everybody out in the middle of nowhere looking up at the sky people want to see what’s going on so crowd fell up and look at the equipment

    They were hauling Jesus I don’t have any images of what what Edington hauled down to the island of Principe but you can imagine to try and get these images he had a lot of stuff so it’ll take some planning to get there and he was trying

    To get images of the Stars next to the Sun during totality and it would have he would have taken photographs to show the deflection of the Starlight and uh here’s Edington over in Brazil super crystal clear skies edington’s on this island of Principe clouds clouds clouds

    You know and his reputation’s a stake on this thing and so at some point there was a little bit of openings in the clouds he got the images that that he needed showing that the stars were deflected a little bit calculated it all out he was 100% sure that it fell within

    Einstein’s range of of possibilities and uh when he got it back nobody would accept that because cloudy fuzzy pictures his reputation was on the line they put a lot they put a lot into this they were not going to just accept it because he said he had the data and

    So the skepticism remained and then this guy from Ohio he tried twice to prove Einstein was wrong in in Ukraine and in washing Washington State so now there’s another eclipse in 1922 in Australia and he’s going to go he’s going to get the evidence and prove Einstein and Edington are both wrong and

    So he goes over there Western Australia this was no small feet you know people are going to fly into Ohio get off and go get a few beers and go watch an eclipse look what these people had to do they had to wave this stuff

    Ashore get mule teams to haul it out to the to the site that they’re going to want cuz they wanted to go out to the center line of the path of totality and build all this infrastructure heavy equipment here there’s Campbell working on his his mirror there’s his wife he brought his

    Wife so anyway they got the evidence here’s the dark room to develop the images they got so in um and I did I didn’t mention in in so Brazil they got a lot of images and it was so Sunny it ruined all their photographic plates they really didn’t

    Have the evidence so it was really Edington was the only one it came back this is the image they got in in Australia but this is this is Campbell’s description of the displacement of the stars and what he ended up doing was proving that Edington and Einstein were

    Both correct and like a good scientist he accepts the facts you have to let go of the things you wish or want or hope for and say you go with the fact not the alternative fact so anyway he went on to do a lot of great things and they’ve got

    A crator on the moon named after this guy and a crater on the on Mars named after this guy probably didn’t know that I Ohio and with two craters out there in space Here’s Edington and Einstein a few years later I’m going to back up a little bit

    Here’s a a fellow named Benjamin bancker a self-taught astronomer he was born in Maryland I believe he was not born into slavery any heway selftaught and in 1789 he successfully calculated the path of an eclipse a couple years hence and and uh even even though it was contradicted

    The path that was was predicted by other people who had more credibility and experience and he turned out to be correct here’s some of his drawings of that particular thing and um he sent this booklet he made an almanac and he sent a copy of it to Thomas Jefferson in

    1791 and he was challenging Jefferson U because of his you know about his slaveholder sincerity as as a friend of Liberty challenging Jefferson wasn’t pres yet he’s I think he was still Secretary of State so anyway Jefferson writes back here’s his letter back to him uh just like a

    Week later and he says in it I thank you sincerely for your letter of the 17th instant and for the almanac that it contained nobody wishes more sincerely than I do to see such proofs as you exhibit that nature has given to our black Brethren talents equal to those of

    The other colors of men and that the appearance of a want of them is owing mostly or merely to the degraded condition of their existence both in Africa and in America so here’s here’s this guy getting Jefferson to acknowledge that you know these people have levels of equality that he wasn’t

    Willing to you know fight enough for so anyway back to com’s Eclipse that was in 1791 oh and I I should say this this eclipse in 1791 I’m going to mention it again the eclipse of 1806 I showed you the path came across the United States

    And went over Ohio but also went over New York this guy here had come from Spain waim perer Spanish astronomer he traveled to to New York to see it so you can tell people already knew how to calculate these paths they knew how to so it’s likely that tumpa had found that

    Out from somebody like this or somebody else but this guy when he saw it he remarked about the outer atmosphere of the Sun that was visible and called it a Corona and that’s that name has stuck it’s one of the few names in in science that that has a Spanish background

    Instead of Greek or Latin or or English or something like that anyway that was the same eclipse and then this fell here John Quincy Adams born the very same year as tumsa he happened to take a class from that guy Samuel Williams the went went up to Maine in pancott Bay and

    Since he miscalculated it he made all of his students calculate the PA of totality so when when Adams was in his class he he had to calculate several of these eclipses and he the the first one he ever observed was the one in 1791 that Benjamin Baner

    Predict plotted out and he went up on a hill in um Boston to see that and he didn’t protect his eyes and he hurt his eyes looking at it it was an annular Eclipse where the the the Moon didn’t completely cover the Sun and he thought

    He could look at this and it hurt his eyes it didn’t blind him but he suffered from the that injury for the rest of his life but he happened to be he saw more eclipes anybody I know of without without actually going to see eclipses

    He just happened to be in places so this is the eclipse of 1806 he says I returned this morning to Boston this morning on the Quincy stage I soon ever soon after went to Mr bues in Whose Garden the gentleman of the philosophical Society met the take observation of the solar eclipse it

    Commenced at 8 minutes 21 seconds past 10 in the morning at 11:22 38 this is a detailed guy guy he’s kind of like Jefferson who gets up every morning and he he takes down the moment the sun rises what’s in the sky and and and the temperature every evening does

    All this so it’s not just 11:22 it’s 11:22 38 total obscurity commenced at 11279 the first Ray of the sun blazed out from behind the moon and at 11 or 12 48.1 the eclipse ended the total obscuration continued for more than 4 minutes and a half the sky during the

    Whole time was unusually clear and not a speck of cloud was visible on the horizon at the commencement of the eclipse the thermometer in the shade stood at 68 it fell gradually until the end of the total obscurity when it stood at 57 there it remained stationary you

    Can now he’s having so much fun there it remained stationary about a quarter of an hour and then began to rise until at the end of the eclipse it was at’ 67 and a few minutes after at 70 The Fading of the Sun’s light from its greatest Splendor until its total Extinction was

    Peculiar differing much from that of the usual declining day on the approach of of evening six or eight stars were visible during a considerable part of the time the planet Venus appeared particularly large as and as bright in the darkness as it usually does in the evening Mr buy entertained us with a

    Cold collation and between the first reappearance of the sun and the end of the eclipse I DED with Sheriff Allen and Company this guy when he does this stuff in his journals he doesn’t miss a beat he goes right into the politics and and I I found out this guy

    He saw a lot of eclipses this happened to be one he saw in 1817 and there was a comet in the sky at the time he was the greatest proponent of astronomy in his era he was the Carl San of his era 100 some years before San was

    Born he would during the first U State of the Union Address he called for the establishment of a national Observatory he had already sent $1,000 to Harvard this guy never had any money cuz he was always taking care of his brothers failed businesses and his kids failed operations but he still thought of

    Astronomy when he was in Europe he had served as um the ambassador to a number of countries he’d already been a US senator he’d been Secretary of State he’d been president of the United States but when he was Secretary of State he sent $1,000 to Harvard to get started

    Cuz he said when he was in Europe he had seen 130 of upwards of 130 of these lighthouses of the skies and in North America not one so he wanted to get him built he was ultimately in on the establishment of US Naval Observatory the Harvard Observatory the Cincinnati

    Observatory he came to Ohio and Canal boat and Stage Coach to do that when he was 76 years old in a w nearly a Wilderness and the Smithsonian astrophysical Institute he recorded at least a dozen solar eclipses that I was able to pick out of his handwritten

    Diaries and there they are you seen them in Cambridge Boston Russia England Washington DC places like that not because he traveled to there but he was tuned into this stuff here’s an eclipse out in 1878 out in Colorado In This Crowd here is this this Feller right

    Here from Ohio that would be um Thomas ala Edison and he went out there because he invented a tasm meter you guys know you all have a tasm meter don’t you tasm meter is to measure the slight change in in temperature during during the total Eclipse that same Eclipse was pursued by

    The women of vaser under Mariah Mitchell here she took a bunch of women out there to observe this Eclipse it’s amazing as as well as the trains were running in those days they lost these women’s luggage but anyway they they managed to get it together and there they all lined

    Up on the center line of the pth of totality outside of Denver in uh 1878 watching that eclipse this is one that occurred uh 1900 down in wesboro North Carolina this a bunch of British astronomers who came this is a group um that includes a fellow from Tupper

    Plains this guy here the toughest plane you guys know where that is right and U this is George Ellery hail he helped he raised the money to build the biggest telescope in the world Time After Time After Time and he hired this guy from Copper’s plan to do the Optics on them

    So anyway he went to that same eclipse in North Carolina more on another day on these guys here’s a bunch of brush up in um usbekistan in [Applause] 1907 quite a bit of luggage now here’s something I thought was interesting the Los Angeles was a blimp a

    Dirigible an Airship and so for the eclipse of uh 1925 they wanted to go up and see the see the eclipse aboard this thing so this this is the crew of scientists who went up on board this this derable there it’s cold it’s in January of

    1925 there they Tak a picture out the window and come then there’s this guy the chief a the Aeronautics Chief photographer during the Expedition climbs onto the observation basket to shoot the Eclipse that would probably be considered um liability stuff didn’t uh here’s we got President Calvin kulig and and his wife watching the eclipse from the White House with a a little filter you can see they’re holding something up of course everybody remembers this Eclipse no protection partial eclipse those are

    Partials just a few pictures of people looking at eclips this is Paris 1911 um Berlin 1914 couple cops the Los Angeles 1923 the nurses 1927 and New York 1932 P Philadelphia 1932 now this is inter this this gets into our ERA this 1960s now this is a partial eclipse and you’re not allowed

    To look at a partial eclips right cuz even 1% is shining you can’t look at that so um she’s explaining how to do this experiment and they’re going to be in the pen umbral shadow of the moon so she’s going to have them desig these boxes with a hole in it

    And so here they are and I’m what what impressed me the most about this is the sharp instruments that look at this girl is a big dagger anyway they each cut up their little box they could stick their head in a box and then they had a pin hole in

    It and the light would shine through and it would project an image of the partially eclipsed sun it’s very safe so here they are this looks a little militaristic but hey a little out of control but see they all have a little hole in there to let the light

    In what’s easier to do is go stand beneath a tree and let the light shine through and and there’s a million Crescent Suns on the ground but we’ll look we’ll talk about that anyway I just thought couldn’t not share that so this is what they’re looking for these

    Crescent Suns here there’s no box involved just just a tree pressing Sun so you want to be watching if if you don’t head up north to see this eclipse this all happen down here you get the partial eclipse down here it affects Wildlife Birds cows go

    Back to the barn for to be milk it could be 10:00 in the morning but things change and they animals are sensitive to the change in light and so they’ll do what they need to do nocturnal animals will emerge this is a partially this is this is just a percent this is called

    The diamond ring effect and it happens just the moment before totality and the moment after you can’t really look at it you can see it glance away people take photos of it but you can’t look at it this is this is one where the Moon is

    Just barely big enough to block the Sun and so this is the sun shining through the mountaintops on the limb of the Moon I predict that the lighthouse is at Marblehead and Fairport Harville will come on when it gets dark out somebody needs to go up there and

    Check on that for me here’s a to Li of the sun here’s the planet Mercury visible the outer atmosphere of the Sun the corona this is a phenomenon that occurs if you’re on the path of totality it’s called Shadow bands I’ve seen I think eight eclipses seven or eight I’ve

    Seen this once and apparently you can’t photograph it cuz they’re these wavy I you can’t say they’re lines you can’t see the lines but you can sense this stuff happening so depicted there first one I George is George here by the way George he you guys all know George

    Right he he convinced me to go look at one of these back in 1979 and we traveled down to Columbia South America we spent 4 days on a bus like this uh going to this eclipse and the roads were phenomenal because they cut all the trees off the hills and the

    Erosion was phenomenal a lot of times the hills would slip and so they kept parking bulldozers right along the side of the Hill cuz when the road disappeared they bulldoze a new one and they playing a lot of loud Sala music had a lot of religious stuff and I

    Realized why when I looked out the window and saw how far down it was the it a good distraction but we finally made it out to the path of Co ality and it’s cloudy is out on the plains out of the mountains there and this is Pierre

    He is from Quebec said he was kqu and he came he came ashore like like Columbus and planted his flag he’d been to three previous eclipses was clouded out oh look at that sky so we got out there and we had to ride out in the back of a dump truck cuz

    There’s no buses going out the middle of the Prairie and uh we ran through some rain and there were these two rainbows off really as far off into the Horizon as you could see and uh you know again like you get a bunch of people setting up stuff and

    Looking at the sky it draws on Watchers and it drew out the local minstrels who serated the crowd but somebody had the foresight to bring some myar so that they didn’t leave a little blind Village behind and uh during totality this was 29 seconds that’s a

    Long way to go for 29 second eclip I didn’t know and then a cloud moved right in front of the whole thing so we didn’t get to see but we saw the shadow coming across the plains we watched those rainbows go off there was a sunset 360° around you you

    Got Goose pimples all over and your hair stood up in the back of your neck and everybody in that crowd was hooting and holling I think that’s a primal utterance that comes out of people they want to chase the dragon away and then everybody gets very silent and then then it’s over 29

    Seconds this is where the clouds opened up just a little bit and there was a crescent Sun there it was broad daylight when I took the picture cameras were more sensitive to the light to the absence of light than I was I would have never thought that it looked like a

    Picture in the Darkness at a bright spot but it was Daylight when I was taking a picture so even if 1% of the sun is shining how many of you stayed in Athens 2017 for the eclipse okay so it was about 97 98% covered here but it’s

    Daytime a 99% partial eclipse is 100% different from a total eclipse so if you think you’re close you’re not getting it all right then I it inspired me so even though I was clouded out on that one a couple years later I don’t know what I was thinking went up into Manitoba

    Canada in February whoa but went up there and we headed for Riverton Manitoba and it was there was snow in there but they had this amazing Ice Festival going on all these giant ice sculptures and we wanted to check it out but we were out for an

    Eclipse so we kept heading along the path of totality and the next morning we’re driving along we have a welders lens looking up you can see little bite was taken out of the Sun and I tell you Manitoba is the flattest place on the planet the glacier just and there’s not

    Much up there so we decided once we saw that little bite to turn on the first side road and these side roads are straight and they go for a million miles so we turn down this road we’re going down this road and there’s a car parking this guy’s got a

    Telescope who a thunn so we parked next to them of course and we were there for totality we weren’t too far from a bar and the cows showed up just before totality uh the birds went to Roose we saw all that and the temperature dropped from 8° to 0° somebody thought about

    That even out of this small group there was hooting and hollering during totality until it got quiet and then and you know there’s always a little round of applause afterwards I don’t know where that came 1991 George and I went down to S Bloss Mexico they said it was

    89% chance of Cloudy Skies at teot con where the Pyramid of the sun and the Pyramid of the moon were so we thought let’s go for the 79% chance of clear skies on the coast the village of s blasa fishing Village named after St Blaze he’s the patron saint so that you

    Don’t you pray to him so you don’t choke on Bones good name for a fishing Village anyway we got there a couple days we checked it out and then during this was a 7 and 1/2 minute Eclipse that’s the longest an eclipse can last 7 and 1/2

    Minutes and but it clouded up we got to see about 1 minute in a clear sky and then a cloud moved in front of it but still it’s it’s more than just seeing it it’s it’s an entire experience went down to Venezuela in ‘ 98 to see one what a

    Cool little town this was they had a really cool uh cult cultural thing that that they were doing this was the week of Fes evolve just before lent starts right so every day in this town maybe in the whole country they Clos the school schools and the businesses at noon and have a

    Parade hey CL toal delore would love that year was the theme you can see the floats coming up the street kids were dressed like spot necks and things and then when the parade was over they closed the street off and drank and danced Till Dawn did it again the next

    Day wonder why we don’t do that anyway here’s a float coming up the block the sun and the moon but that town everybody in town knew about this Eclipse there were artists out on the street painting pictures of church with the eclipse up above but they were right next to the

    Path of totality they were not going to see it and they didn’t seem to get it there’s a little Peninsula sticks up like a finger up into the Caribbean and even that you had to be up on the top of the peninsula cuz it was really going

    Across the island of Aruba and Kow out in the middle of the Mediterranean I couldn’t get out there so we went up and you had to ride in the back of another dump truck to get there and then you know you get you know when you’re getting close there’s signs

    Along the way like they sketchy individuals people with you’re out middle of nowhere people with metal briefcases of course not everybody was out to the eclipse now George was trying to explain to people during the partial phases about how you can see these Crescent Suns if we had trees there were no trees

    On this peninsula and this was back in my era when I was doing in the solid waste business recycling waste reduction and stuff and I wasn’t expecting you know when you head down to the Caribbean the blue kib expecting you’re not expecting to deal with work

    So the the high tide Every Day brings in all this plastic the enire the shet it buries it and brings in another load the next day so out of this pile of stuff George managed to find an old tennis shoe and a piece of plastic and these little eyelets here he managed to

    Project a little row you can’t see them but there’s four Crescent Suns right there what he wasn’t able to get across in his broken Spanish all of a sudden it crystallized and oh everybody got it and little round of applause and then we got got the tootal and I took that picture

    You there’s a reason they make tripods cuz that’s a handheld photo and the moon didn’t look like a football this is Mercury and Venus they weren’t dancing but they look like it in that picture then there was the eclipse of 2006 this went from Africa to or from

    Brazil to Africa almost like a Einstein Eclipse but that one went this way anyway George and I headed over to therea so we never thought we’d get to see the pyramids in our lifetime but we made the eclipse our reason and so we went to the pyramids do you know the

    Pyramids closed at 4:00 in the afternoon who to thunk closed what do you mean they’re closed you have to go then they light to have light shows and stuff at night and it kind of amazing and they’re fixing the spin I was wanting to see the

    Ruins but it’s going to be new soon but anyway we checked a lot of stuff out but the the path of totality was over by the Libyan border it was actually in the center line was in Libya but momar Gaddafi was still running the show there

    And you couldn’t go into Libya so we go to the border and it’s the only time George and I ever went to see any Clips where you soon as you got off a plane they kind of funnel you onto a tour I remember the day they took us out

    To the pyramids we were there for 40 minutes and then we had to get on the bus and go back so the next day we were sick went to the pyramid spent the whole day there but they they took the tour buses up to this place on the Libyan

    Plateau I swear it was the landfill wasn’t expecting it but there were hundreds of buses up there all these people from all over the world were funneled up under the liian plateau to see this Eclipse so we got away from that wandered off into the desert there a

    Little bit and found this little place and said still couldn’t get away from all the trash but out of this mess George George man to find another piece of flip gear they were all been buses man I think there was over 100 buses but anyway they found an old army food here

    And he was able to project a little row pressing and then moments before totality so this is this is not quite totally yet but this Robin there were no animals out there but this Robin came and roosted right next to us then there was totality you can see the sunset that

    Went every direction around this is the planet Venus it it was darker than that I don’t know how to make camera capture what you’re seeing but this was interesting because then there was this rumbling sound that you can hear in every direction we didn’t know what that

    Was we find out later in there some of the people over there at during a total eclipse they get out their prayer clause and pray and they pray out loud and so there was this loud rumbling sound across the land it was different again I took a picture with the camera and

    Tripods they do a better job and I happen to see that over there and just wanted to share it with everybody it’s the most garlic I ever saw one spot just saying so here’s a here’s an annular Eclipse so here’s the Sun and the Moon setting in the after they’re

    Going the Sun is setting in the afternoon the Moon is there too usually we don’t see it but this particular case is going across the face of the Sun so you can see over a period of a couple hours as the Sun is setting the moon

    Went in front of it and it lines up perfectly so there was a partial or there was an annular eclipse of the sun here in Ohio in 1994 in May here in Athens it was about 97% does anybody remember that 94 yeah so Georgia I went up to the lake

    And you know that that first Eclipse went we went to travel 4 days through the Andes Mountains we got there an hour before totality this one we’re head to Lake area we got 3 minutes before annularity but we got up there and um the the Crescent suns were beneath this

    Big cottonwood tree and the closer it gets to being lined up the longer and more Splender they get until the moon gets right in front of the Sun and then they turned into overlapping ringlets so these are images of the the sun with the moon in front of it you see that pretty

    Amazing and we decided to go to Crane Creek State Park to get away from the crowds of people and let’s go do a nature thing with the sun and the moon there were thousands of people up there it migratory bird season they all had optical equipment and so we thought wow

    They’ll want to see this they were resistant to this like nobody’s business said man this thing look at so here we are looking through our little welders lenses there’s the Crescent ringlets on the ground there and then people are just going to watch the birds I mean there’s a this is a once-in-lifetime

    Event happening and they were not going to look they were resistant to that anyway you want to get your eclipse glasses these are for partial eclipses take them off during totality and you can also use a welder’s lens it’s same price like a couple bucks and I think it makes it actually a

    Better image get them at the W Supply Store you get them online you got time you can stand under a tree and hold your hands out you don’t need to get a box out and poke a hole in it but if you were going to do this with kids I would

    Say have them get a box and two sharp pencils and have them poke a hundred holes cuz they’ll never forget that and then when they stand in there they’re not looking at one Crescent Sun they’re looking at a hundred of them or you can get a colander out there’s a million

    Different things you can do to get to project the CR Sons you can just crisscross your fingers and get pressent Sons hold your hand up like that I’ve noticed you know the marketing’s coming on the media has found out about this Eclipse so you can get lip chips you can get

    T-shirts you can get all the way from Texas to Ohio you can get um hats and there’s one this is being made specifically for this historical C look at this solar eclipse party guide in Cleveland where to be you don’t want to miss B so they’ve

    Had to change the the time of the baseball game in Cleveland for this you know that they were scheduled to be playing when you know you can’t be playing ball when everybody’s looking up in the sky so they bumped the starting time of their game till sometime after

    The eclipse anyway you want to catch all these things so you want to be focused on the Corona this one here not this one here or this one had enough of that one this is the Corona if you haven’t seen how many of you have seen the corona of the sun all

    Right well one is that all just one well for for 30 years I could ask that question and no hands went up so at least one went up out of this crowd next time I asked that question half the half the people are going to raise their

    Hands so anyway you’re you’re out to see the Corona and all the other stuff what I’ve notices every Eclipse Expedition is both a cultural Expedition and a geographical Expedition so by all means go discover a part of Ohio you haven’t been to and and see this event this is

    Of course a longtime exposure giving you more detail of the the corona so here’s your path of totality i’ there you know for years astronomers have been plotting this thing but now I somebody told me that if you go online look for a Airbnb they’re blocked out

    All the way across the entire United States so the path of totality can be can be depicted with no vacancies so here it is coming in Western Ohio the center line is is up above green Greenville and going going right over Cleveland there’s actually going to be people in

    Cleveland who don’t leave their computer screen for 3 minutes to go out and see this that’s almost as amazing of a phenomenon as the eclipse itself but anyway it’s going to catch part of Columbus part of Cincinnati um parts of U too all of Cleveland’s going over Buffalo that nocturnus beer that’s from

    Up around the Buffalo area these are all the passive totality so they’re not uncommon they’re just it’s uncommon that they come to you these are all the passive totality Between 1979 which is the up until a few years ago was the last one that was in North

    America came or Oregon area and went across that’s the Manitoba one that I went to then 2017 was the one that came through a few years ago this is an interesting one here the annular Eclipse 1984 so George and I went over to a atique island to see what’s an annual

    Eclipse going to be like it was pouring rain so we went down to thing and be sunny down there like 20 minutes l or something anyway it was pouring so we wandered out on the peninsula May 30th Memorial Day weekend we’re a little discouraged we’re standing out there in

    The surrounded about all this lush green vegetation and we knew what time it was going to happen and then it got dark out we weren’t expecting that doesn’t get dark during annual eclipses we watch the swans go to roof out on the bay watch these big white herand Roost in the tops

    Of trees you ever see a great white herrand land on the top of a tree honestly it looks like they never tried before you swear they’re going to just fall all the way down and they never did but anyway and then the lighthouse on CH atique Island came on you could hear

    People hooting and hollering up on the island just for a bit it turns out this is and I didn’t learn it for 20 years or something but they have such a thing as an a hybrid eclipse and it’s really complex geometry but along long stretches of the path it’s an annular

    Eclipse but things work out just perfectly for a total eclipse along portions of it and then it turns back into an anular and we didn’t know that but we happened to luck out for that one that was prettyy amazing these are some of the other ones ‘ 91 and um that was

    The one in Mexico we went to in ‘ 98 in Venezuela cool I thought this was interesting over here the island of New Beginning here they had an eclipse on um 11 of June 1983 comes across the island right here and then November of 84 again and there’s one spot on that

    Island that had two total eclipses and something like U 15 months that that’s impressive so you see a lot of places where they cross but if you look that’s 2008 that’s 1990 so there’s big differences but they had two in in a year right on that one spot so and you

    These are they now since since they know what this is all about they can plug this they they can tell you where every path of totality was back as far as you want to go or as far into the future as you want to go so they’ve they’ve got

    Maps like this for the future you can plan your vacations around the Shadow so here’s 2099 this one comes through Athens Ohio 2099 put it on your calendar but there’s lots of eclipses um you can go online and these are just the ones in the United States maybe you’re

    Going to maybe you want always wanted to go to New Zealand find out when the eclipse is there till two bird going to Sun so there’s lots of them the red ones are anular the blue ones are totals anyway that’s it it’s all I have to say about eclipses anybody have any

    Questions anybody have any answers yes sir uh the the width of that path that is going diagonally through the state if you’re inside inside the outside path of each side you’re in the total you yes okay the further you are from the center line the shorter it’s going to last though I

    Got you on the center line in Ohio it’s going to be around 4 minutes little give or take take a few uh seconds the closer you get to the edges of that it’ll gets down you might get 20 seconds so if you’re going to go go all the way yes

    Where are you going Geneva up on the lake oh okay oh not Switzerland no Geneva Ohio my sister uh rented a space up there about 11 months ago I told her about it and she still didn’t get in under any cheap deals they’ve known it’s coming for a while they’re charging think what

    They’re charging that n or Falls and there’s people can afford that there’s a there’s one guy I saw somewhere he saw the eclipse in 2017 he’s from Cleveland he runs a restaurant he said it changed everything about his business so he spent the last 5 years or

    Whatever it is redoing the roof of his building and he’s he’s got it completely booked people going to be dining and drinking on his rooftop during totality I hope it don’t rain on um that’s the problem with Ohio that’s the problem with Ohio it could it be

    Cloudy but um I don’t know there’s a lot of lot of places there’s a lot of people going to see this it’s going to change the concept of an eclipse for a lot of people in Ohio other questions CL will there be any planets what’s that will

    There be any planets in the sky it depends on if it’s clear if it’s clear Venus and Jupiter or excuse me Venus and Mercury will definitely be visible if one of them isn’t in front of or behind the sun I’m let’s see I think they’re both they’re both off the one

    Side of the Sun or another so yeah if it’s clear they should be visible I believe Jupiter should be kind of low in the Eastern Sky it’ll be rising about that time of afternoon it’s up prominent at Sunset right now but at in the at 2:00 in the afternoon it might be just

    Rising in the East so probably some it’s worth looking at you might see some Bright Stars it’s worth it’s worth looking other questions yes on the space station what do they I don’t know um that’s a good question I had not even thought of that but I thought of this CU you guys

    Remember when they went to the moon back in 19769 to 73 or 4 whatever it was and I assume that wow you know 20 years from now we’ll all be able to go for a ride didn’t you guys think that I did and I thought I would save up and then plan to

    Go at a time when uh how did I have this where the when you went up into space the Earth was going to be eclipsing the sun I was going to want to go in that direction so I could see the Earth eclipse the Sun and so the sun would be

    Between the Earth and you or no the Earth would be between between you and the Sun and with an atmosphere it would do a lot of interesting things with the Earth’s atmosphere I thought I don’t know but I I thought I would plan that but goodness it’s been over 50 years

    Since anybody’s been up that way so I don’t know the space station that’s a good question they might be able to create eclipses from where they’re at um they might be able to just because I’ve seen these U pseudo eclipse images that they when they get up in space they

    Can create a disc that blocks out the Sun and they can study the Sun from the space station so they can I think they can artificially create eclipses they’re not the same I’m sure anybody else yes I’d like to thank you for a very interesting presentation that’s more information than I ever knew

    I sorry if I overwhelmed you thank you very much couldn’t help myself I so you got to you got to be aware when you come to one of my talks yes well you said tumsa probably found out about the eclipse someone had told them what what they had

    Expect well so after the Octagon was built and the hope well civilization kind of died out people forgot how it worked apparently I would say yeah I would say that Native Americans at the time of settlement we’re still tuned in to their level of connection with the Stars but I’ve never

    Seen a whole lot discussed about that but you know they still probably kept time by the phases of the moon but um the 18.6 year cycle of the moon they may have lost tabs with that yeah now how did to come go about I’ve read in a number of places uh

    Predicting not exactly the said it was coming the Naes earthquake yeah yeah it was going to Stomp and cause some earthquake or something yeah I don’t know good yeah there was an earthquake and it followed him saying something about it well I don’t know you know think about the

    History of that era who wrote it down who recorded this stuff you know this is the 250th anniversary of um Lord dunmore’s War anybody ever heard of that we’ve all kind of heard of it it was in our history books if you’re in Ohio Lord dunore marched right up this Hawking

    River Valley with with about, 1500 soldiers he camped over where chance he is today and when he got up to U up around Circleville they had a treaty with Shaun e and and chief Logan made a big speech there called Logan’s lament and and uh it said that at one

    Time in American history every school child committed that to memory I believe that was was in the one room Schoolhouse era when when you learned something and you got into second grade you had to teach the first graders what you learned and you do that each year when you

    Graduate from eth grade you could be the teacher and um but who who wrote that down like when when Logan’s standing underneath that big elm tree giving that speech like who had the paper C who who had the short hand so you’re asking questions about details back in that you know I’ve some

    Alan eard stuff and he’s got conversations going on between tumps and other people you know that’s a artistic license I think in some of that his um historic novels and things so I don’t know where that kind of information comes from I don’t just like if if tumsa

    Knew about this Eclipse how come was he on the path of totality or was he just like that other guy Williamson just off of it and missed it completely and heard from from his buddies yeah that’s pretty good you called that he said did it really

    Happen cuz it didn’t get dark where I was so I don’t know there are good questions about how is that history recorded at that time I don’t know it’s worth it’s worth looking into anyway this is the 250th anniversary of that big event when they got back down to

    Where the Hawking flows into the Ohio these these fellas in this Army were so uh feeling so good about themselves that they passed two resolutions one of them is considered the first American Declaration of Independence and uh it was I don’t know how long it took to get back to the east

    Coast on foot but it was printed up in the Virginia Gazette and Thomas Jefferson would have read it this was 18 months before he wrote his declaration and it was read on the floor of parliament in March um 1775 guy came here and told us that’s

    Going viral in the wilderness to go from the banks of the hacking River on foot to the coast and across the sea where it took 2 to 3 months and then read it in the Floor of parliament pretty amazing and how many of us know this story first declaration first

    American Declaration of Independence come out of the hacking Valley H if we don’t know that maybe we should so anyway be watching for a talk on Lord Dunmore and the fort G resolves coming up one of these days can’t help it anybody else any question yes when you say

    18.6 cycle of the moon you mean 18.6 Years 18.6 Years cycle of the moon so the moon goes through a cycle every month going through its phases but the sun follows a complete cycle every single year it rises at its southernmost point on the Eastern Horizon on the on

    The winter solsis and its northern most point on the uh East Eastern Horizon it rises there on the winter of the summer solstice and it gets back to those two things every every six months so it follows exactly the moon does it slightly different and it has finally

    Gets to the northernmost point where it rises and then it’s it’s the extreme Northern and its minimum Northern points those are two points and there’s an extreme Southern and a minimum Southern point where it rises there’s four different key points where it rises and it it rises at each of those points once

    Every 18.6 years and sets the same way in the west think how long they had to watching the moon to determine that and share that down to generation to generation so that when they did start deciding to move Earth and stuff to line it up with that they had to you had to

    Have it down you couldn’t say oh man we got that that big old long line of dirt it’s wrong move it again well it seems like to actually observe that you have to make some semi-permanent structures they probably did start setting sticks or something up and that that’s not

    Uncommon that they would put sticks in places or rocks but to make the big commitment to get the whole society involved and how long would it take to do that I may been to newer it’s now a world heritage site um the implication there’s a number of implications about

    That because there’s no evidence they used the wheel or had any written language and there’s no evidence that they had money that none of that stuff shows up in in their artifacts and it kind of implies that they were going through a long period of of Peace cuz it

    Have been hard to be being militaristic and defending yourself while you’re doing all this other work and then there had to be all the people who did the hunting and Gathering and the horiculture to feed the people with the basket so we know so little about all

    That stuff you know very little all we can do is describe what we see and then make guesses about it cuz none of these Earth Works came with any instruction probably my last question it’s okay can can we get to the Octagon or it’s on private property it it’s been a golf

    Course for a 100 years but they’re at the they’re in court now breaking that lease agreement at the Supreme Court in Ohio and I think I it’s going to become a a public park you can go up there now I’ve been there yeah well I’ve never asked for

    Permission but i’ I’ve apologized a couple times you could Overlook but you didn’t really feel it like you would if you could get there yeah it’s it’s amazing Eclipse town today does it have any to do with what Eclipse town the town Eclipse store no because this is a shallow

    Brewing Company the only growing company that I know of that we had in Athens County was the hawk Hawking Brewery in Nelsonville right but but how did they come the name for the town eclip Town it didn’t have something the town was called hacking hacking the the mine was

    Called it was the eclipse mine outside the village or outside of the company town that was called hoing yeah but it got you know the mine was a little further out of River Road across the four lane from the messenger it may matter of fact it

    May spread all around that whole area I don’t know all the details on that but it was the mine that was called eclipse and the town was called Hocking but you know a lot of people think that the Lakes up at the Asylum were shaped like hearts clubs diamonds

    And Spades how many of you heard that well you can look at all the aerial photos that ever were made of it and none of them were shaped like that but there is one photograph where one of the islands looks like it’s got a couple of

    Sides to it that might be a club but it turned into an urban legend here and more people have heard that than anything else about it there’s two things people know about the asylums it’s haunted you can you can be in California know about oh yeah I know

    Out it’s haunted and there’s a stain and of course that reinforces the haunted and that’s sad because the real story of the Asylum is is so the truth of it is so much far more amazing than than that urban legend stuff and that poor lady you know in all these years we haven’t

    Done anything to restore her Humanity to her I think we have an obligation as a community as a university to to do that she’s an example of some maybe some of the darkest reaches the mind can take a person to you know take their own life or something like that so

    Just be known as a stain yeah what poor lady huh what poor lady I don’t know what you’re talking oh you don’t know well a woman a woman died up there and she was not found for something like 4 months so her body started to decompose

    And on a concrete floor on the fourth floor of one of the buildings and they left a stained and boy that bothered them so much they spent so much effort trying to scrub it away and using chemicals and everything and for years you could see the brush Strokes for

    Years but all that’s faded away but the stain of her body is still there and that’s because you know when you’re decomposed it was in front of these big windows I know this doesn’t have to do with eclipses it’s kind of does because she’s in front of these giant bay

    Windows so every day the sun came up went across the sky and it shined and it lift a sort of a a negative shadow of her on the floor plus as you decompose the biological fluids would seep into it’s amazing there’s a on the fourth story there’s a concrete floor there and

    So these fluids would seep into that concrete so they’re not going to scrub it off it’s it’s embedded in there so anyway it’s a woman Di it’s it’s been investigated it’s pretty well thought that she chose to uh go out that way you can Google it any other questions thank you all for

    Coming out today

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