Ranchi Test: Joe Root Rescues England After Bazball Hara-Kiri With Gritty 106 | English News | N18V

    Ben Stokes was punching the air in delight while sitting in the dressing room along with Jonny Bairstow. “Common”, Stokes was seen roaring as Joe Root hit his 31st Test hundred, his first in the series after an array of failures. The England captain was chuffed for his teammate, who probably went against the style of the team to silence his critics, but validate the ‘outside noise’ around the much-talked-about Bazball approach.

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    Fastest cricket score updates detailed stats debates accurate analysis fansat cricket cricket next hello welcome to Cricket next me MEAP and after a struggling start in the first session England have made their way back in this four test courtesy of 500 from jut he’s still unbeaten England

    Are 302 for7 Akash deep made his debut for India in this game and he picked up three wickets in the first to talk more about this India’s poling J’s batting and much more I have with me jimie Al and will be shortly joined by K Nas ra

    And S MRA welcome to Cricket next welcome to the evening session everyone Jamie I’ll start with you you know Joe root he was struggling in in across this series B kind of an approach Riv sweep sweep but he came back to his original you know way of playing the game and

    He’s there he’s scoring 100 and and also helping his side come out of a very tricky situation say uh see I think we we we touched upon this in the in the bre yeah you know bball let’s let’s let’s put bball aside for for some minutes attacking cricket risky Cricket unorthodox Cricket

    Unorthodox shots yeah right it’s all fine like I’ve said before it becomes the most convenient thing to go after what’s what’s what’s not to like CH against India you don’t want to do well but like we discussed this is this is a guy who understands testet pulse and like th keeps on stressing

    Upon majority of us the best part about that that for this one day Jo rotth said because they know yeah they they’ve been hammered in two test matches hammered exactly what whatever adjective you want to use that was what 434 Run defeat me hats off to Joe rot hats off for

    England I mean he was never going to be dropped I thought BTO sh drop he’s not going to be dropped but this is a terrific knock because like we discussed it’s shown the beauty of Jo rud it’s shown that Jo rud does not need to always rely on b ball type shots

    Um if what I think they’re seven down if they cross 350 without losing a wicket you might L see Jo rud fall back onto the approach you know so um but to get there like we said he’s he’s had to go back to good dirty grinding yourself you

    Know just crease application which is which which still has a place in this in this basball team here so hats off to him brilliant well by what do you have do you have to say about this kind of a batting performance very composed very calm you know he never looked in hurry

    They were in a spot of B five down for 120 odd and they looked in the spot of B but what a knock what a partnership with Ben folks he looked very very good what do you have to say say about this KN I wish play down I’ve been saying this it doesn’t

    Work on these in these conditions I mean where the Wicket is not really uh great to bat on this was a good Wicket first day it was coming out so well except barring that one ball that stayed low against Ben stok he was simply unlucky back fo that was unfortunate but Having learned

    From this from the earlier matches Joe R was a smart boy but a bit late three matches later but he’s realiz I was just looking at the numbers age 29 Ben Ducket youngers 360 they can switch the they have got good reflexes is only getting older 34 and

    30 you don’t you cannot react so quickly how you used to react when you when you were a youngster so I mean this is a smart move I would say good it will give an advantage to England and definitely it has given already C means something is going right for

    England right now but then Kos to the curator who made a beautiful Wicket I hope it continues till the next three days true true and on that note I’ll welcome sh as well in this session sh it seems but Jo R single not single-handedly actually with Ben folks has laid that

    Foundation how do what what are your views on this knock this specific knock 112 for five to 300 plus I mean that’s a very very valuable Partnership if england go on to do anything spectacular in this test match from here is this partnership that is going to count because otherwise they had literally

    Lost the initiative with those uh two backto back wickets in it’s a fabulous knock from I mean you look at this Innings you look at the mindset a p right now somebody has to stand there and play for time and that’s what rud did uh you know getting his U Century of

    What 220 OD balls 226 226 so this is you know playing for time is what test match batting uh was always about so I think from that um aspect decent batting I mean b b you know how serious they are 30247 at the end of the day considering

    How the day had begun I would think is a fabulous score yet the job is somewhat have done depends on again where rote takes it from here I would really now take a step back and begin to respect the Indian batting order because of what

    Jwal and uh SRA have shown me and you know Rohit coming back around among runs so I’m going to respect what we also bring to the table so if it’s a 350 OD first inning score I’m saying the match is on true true I completely agree with

    You that was quite a thing so I would definitely say quite an underated now there yeah but J know what do you what do you make of this debut how impressed you are impr specifically brilliant stuff oh absolutely I think I think we we spent the majority of the T break praising

    This guy because right call right I mean again uh th why was there we were talking we cannot judge we cannot judge him until match SP to my mind I’m sorry if this offends anyone but he’s done more than Mukesh has done in in in three test matches because like we

    Discussed mam shami type length line which like remember we were all wondering we wondering can you just imagine Mohammad shami B ball would have to my mind been in a far worse situation because if if if one Akash deep in one spell reminded you of what Muhammad shami the great

    Muhammad shami can do again I’m I’m going in a different world now I just I I was really missing Muhammad shami and seeing that boy do that you know or yeah the pitch look so different when when he was bowling 138 to 140 I think 141 not great Pace but very good Pace

    From from a team which is lack Pace you know uh but just the way he got them I thought you know he mo them up but from an Indian perspective in a series where uh except for that Muhammad s spell on on day three in rajot that was

    A tremendous start H CH the the momentum dip but that’s that’s going to happen this is test Ben Ducket Zack cley or O pop Jo and Jo showed you what what test Cricket is all about but if if we judge him on the basis of one day very very

    Good introduction from uh mesh and hats off to whoever decided to to uh to play him because I personally thought they would take the safer approach and go with mesh very very glad to see that they went for Akash deep and let’s let’s hope yeah team Australia he’s he’s still bowling this way

    Cuz God knows we’re going to need him in Australia yeah true true and you know good old days of test Cricket I like to ask you as well how impressive he was in the first session people who are expecting to make a comeback in the Indian team a Khan and mumar

    And I mean I might see him playing see what a story this guy is I mean his father never wanted him to play cricket he was a school teacher he wanted him to do the regular stuff Cricket is a gamble in India domes Cricket but India lovely

    Then the way he went to Bengal played for in durgapur impress Vision 2023 Bengal kind a lot of we have been talking about it a lot of fast Bowers I mean off late fast Bowlers from Bengal have been from up and Bihar moham Shi amoha bear mesh Kumar biar this guy

    Akash deep so I mean these guys know the struggle that they’ve gone through way he initially with the Newall butash length and breath and swing and all everything we have been speaking speak about he’s got extra I mean I saw one he should be Pi I found mumar he’s got the height Factor

    Surprise element surprise element definitely also no I think the biggest Factor he’s damn fit yeah he’s damn fit he’s not damn quick but after a long time I’m seeing a young I mean 2 27 is Young by fast age he’s bloody fit man very good to see this boy and on that

    Note I’ll also welcome s in this session s we were talking about Jo because that’s a very emotional story and very very good story I think that’s how his journey has been right if you ask a youngster who was just in his teens them to lose his

    Father and elder brother all in the space of 6 months 20 15 CH he lost both of them due to medical negligence because Health didn’t arrive on time then when he was in the covid biobubble with his IPL team his mother was fighting for life back home when a

    Raging covid wave had gripped us all so he has seen it all SAR these kids they just not hardened by The Grind of first class Cricket but the kind of background they come from from what they have endured at a personal level and losing a family member I think

    That tops everything when you lose a family member when you knew nothing to do he knew nothing back then he was just a teenag it was only then that he decided to come to Delhi where you know obviously the wise people told him Delhi M he was sent to Bengal he started

    Training there and thankfully Bengal’s leak circuit is such that they pay you also he started making ends meet and then things finally clicked for him but that that you know he lost his father also so he actually lost two people who could have like been the umbr over him when he

    Could have taken those steps in his journey but he didn’t have any any shade to be under he was there in the sun doing it all by himself you have to do something I think that is what sets these cricketers apart they are cut from a different mentally so hardened they know

    What it took for them to get here and I was I he was Fielding at Square leg so there’s this grass Bank area in the repl there there wasn’t a singal not of flat fat in his body he was that fit and this picture speaks volume so this is

    His friend the one in the shirt who who kind of helped him along because there wasn’t a brother to to do that job for him so do is Mother then the Two Sisters this is special was when he touched her feet after taking the cap I think that

    Leaves the lump in every throat who would have seen that visual that was special and I went looking for the mother I unfortunately couldn’t find her Jess I just wanted to speak to her how special she felt I couldn’t get hold of her but you know how proud she would

    Have been you know after seeing what she did and how he kind of it was it was special special and these stories only make Indian cricket so special yeah okay coming from this to you know the way he performed on the field three wickets in the first session that again speaks volumes about

    His character he said he’s a quality bowler and more than his space because he’s not like a 150 odd bowler and he’s not like Express tall to kind of generate that kind of extra bounds it’s the release point and the skid he generates off the surface or

    He’s a smart bowler I asked him categorically at the press conference C because for the longest time I thought the cracks were doing their bit that’s what I wrote in my initial piece I had to redo the piece because he told me that I use that angle and a different

    Releas point to get that movement into the right hander and that is how he dismissed both oop and Zack Crawley in the space of two deliveries and nearly got jut out but yeah DRS had had other ideas quality spell quality spell yeah yeah but shini when akaz was bowling in

    That first session you could sense that confidence like nervous he he had that confidence and the celebrations spoke all all about that I think the answer to that also probably lies in you know two things one what sahil was explaining and other I was when Rahul D was was giving him that

    Cap uh in the in the morning you know the submission of his journey you know from J to to Delhi to come back coming back to Bengal and that kind of a thing you know it’s not like out of the turn out of the blue turn mil guy and suddenly you are like

    You know in the middle of nowhere thinking oh my god I’ve arrived in such a bad you know kind of thing day in day out day in day out when you’ve seen these kind of things and gone about playing your Cricket with a sense of you

    Know like it’s like work like what s was saying you go to work come back home then it becomes part of your cycle so yeah I mean I for a debutant I’ll agree with you for a debutant like kind of you know and especially with the kind of

    Jazz that revolves around in the Indian team he was pretty conf I mean he looked like a guy who belonged and of that’s theid but as I said I mean who already kind of you know has begun to associate with struggle who is be B yeah I mean no doubt about

    It one of the things you are not coming I remember the jpr bura debut okay you know you you talked about a bowler forget everything else you talked about a bowler who was capable of generating serious space okay so every like you know Mukesh Kumar you were questioning they like you know in

    General what he brings to the table purely I mean you know forget the performance purely in terms of you know kind of the pace that he’s able to generate nothing spectacular but when you watch him for a while I think that one strength that he brings to the table

    Is that length he can control yeah s quickly your take on Jo Root’s KN and then we’ll move on to the comments Joe root it took him so long to kind of understand that you know this is what works for him in test Cricket I didn’t understand why he was trying to

    Be don’t you think s talk about this don’t you think that he used to understand this suddenly I don’t know why those seeds of doubts were planted in his head by this new management that you know you need to play a certain way to be to look good or

    To be fashionable with the trend of I won’t use the word intent Cricket but again uh this is this is what Jo root is he’s boring but solid he he spends time out there and he frustrates the out of the opposition and today he was blunting out an attack which had cuep r

    And rindra jadea yes the ball wasn’t behaving in mysterious ways but what he did out there both of them not scoring a boundary for more than 15 overs you know that that that period where you would wonder do England have what it takes to bat like this they showed yes they have

    It’s just that something is playing on their head some some kind of rock music maybe if they could have been like in hindsight I can think that if they could have been tighter in the in the first hour of play or the first couple of hours of play it could have been a

    Different story because Johnny Be sto I would say only Ben Stokes was unfortunate but johnyy they were looking to kind of get on that front foot get that scoring option in that isn’t required all the time and that to after you yourself have said that this is a strange looking

    Pitch we don’t know how it would behave when you don’t know spend some time just like joru did and this is his third slowest 100 so it speaks volume of the fact that you know he was mentally very determined this time to kind of turn it

    Around and he stuck to his old method so do what works for you sweep reverse sweep if you remember he should play the I think England England management should tell J to just play this say and let let others around him to do whatever whatever they

    Want to do man but let this man do what he’s doing man he’s like one of the greatest greatest right handers ever to come out of English toil he’s playing so well looks so good he look so good today he was boring but he was looking so good

    And that is what you needed on this pitch flash you have no option but to be tight on this pitch yeah okay let’s move on to the comments please first one please Jamie by and S why didn’t R take the new ball last pair added 60 runs easily Jimmy I’ll start

    With you first yeah I was asking myself the same question when I was watching it and it’s just one more thing that’s that’s not quite adding up I mean sah you were there if you saw body language what’s happening um I I don’t know like I messaged someone also I think was it

    On no on another group okay has cuep left because of an emergency in the family like where where is Kul so not bowling Kul I was told no no there’s it’s not turning that much I don’t know how that justifies so not bowling him for two and a half hours then giving him

    Just 10 overs and don’t tell me this oh the third spinner often gets under Ball please no 10 overs from him he was to my mind he’s the likeliest guy to get root and Ben folks Rohit so that’s a strange one and the new ball new ball he went to

    J right with the new ball yeah right he hasn’t taken B no he hasn’t taken he’s not so then yeah no I thought he took it just at the end but yeah I I don’t know why it’s just one more um confounding thing of the captaincy on

    This day s what are your thoughts question no I think he’s just I to my mind I think yes the players are out there on the field for 80 overs and he’s just trying to kind of make use of it day to morning and light so you never know early stumps

    Could have been called because it was very cloudy towards the end as we’ve been saying and this is going to be the norm for the next four days so I’m just thinking maybe day to Mo fresh Akash and Mohammad s just give a hit that’s what I think probably probably probably okay

    Next one please one thing one thing I feel Rohit Sharma first days he doesn’t have faith in R Spinners first days last first the way these guys took on K yadav Ben Ducket and Zack Ry last test match first day and he was like all over

    The place so that is one factor I think which is what is haunting Rohit Sharma first day because he wants he gets him when the Wicket starts turning much so first day so he had some doubts maybe I mean that must be his thing but I

    Believe yeah he should have gone him got him early on yeah next one please may B J was extremely lucky one DRS call One Drop catch and no b ball shini I’ll start with you no ball I mean the drop catch like I mean you there has to be some bit of luck

    Going your way I mean you don’t you know you capitalize on it and then you make make it count you know then then that’s you know that’s from a Bowlers perspective it is the same as what s was telling about you know this guy you know we’re talking about that

    Noall and then he talking about how the initiative could gone and then they managed to rest it back so everybody requires AIT of yeah down and out at team I mean mentally they looked nowhere I mean I’m I’m telling you luck no luck whatever I mean I wasn’t really after

    That what I saw that 1125 gone so they managed to do very well yeah okay next one please by looks at this play it looks like against new ball batting is very difficult hope India survives the new ball without much damage Jamie no absolutely um I I think the the fact that James

    Anderson is playing this test match uh it’s it’s more than just Brendan McCullum coming out and you know being being bullish okay will back Johnny what did he say for Joe root oh mate man KY it’s Joe root the law of averages says he’ll score it has I mean the guy was

    The guy was the guy was spot on it’s exactly what he said and like sheni mentioned slightly with a rise smile Johnny Berto did get some runs but mullum knows that like behind that cool look there’s a brain and a half behind the guy’s head you know so he was spot

    On about about Joe root he’s still not finished the fact I didn’t see frankly I didn’t see just yes josi d k I didn’t see Anderson playing this match but I believe it’s a calculated move to play a 41 year old for a third test match because they see something in this pitch

    I mean Ben sto said no I’ve never seen a pitch like this now this is a guy who’s played 100 test matches even allowing for that um this is that’s a big statement so the comment that came before this epic thank you comment about the new

    Ball I still think this is where we’re going to see huh K I think he spot on if if they can get past uh James Anderson tomorrow it’s going to be a massive passage of play um Robinson I don’t know how he’s going to be I just

    Feel so that’s going to be a very very key key passage yeah what is your so I know James Anderson will do his tricks but I’m really looking forward to Oi Robinson on yes yes yes yes he was bowling on Bloody roads in Pakistan and still moving it both ways

    So he he’s my bowler to look out for he has height he has height he has height and he has he has some tricks in the back so I kind of personally want to see o Robinson doing well after playing a lot of golf with his wife in Abu Dhabi

    It’s time to get back to Cricket now and S also that that line and length you know just just uh you know touch good lens exactly movement and it’s going to be a lot of problem for the Indian BS yeah next one please wean seeing Stokes criticism

    After the third test seems to have done the trick with the empires they hardly raised their fingers T by criticism on criticism Empire EMP Empire call criticism do irees come under pressure you know when players start criticizing or hardly raise finger yeah next one please son what about Ashwin he’s not

    The same when there is no help from the wicket sheni I was waiting for the discussion on I mean yeah somebody was telling me like you know that mad Ash moment somebody was Jamie saying this in the show yeah I think Jamie only said it m moment hasn’t

    Come yet in the test but let’s cut him some slack he’s also going through his share of tough time I mean had to run run back like everybody after all at the end of the day is human I mean I’m sure he’ll do well yeah like every time there

    Right now far as things are going well in India’s way last thing I’m going to worry about is what is as’s form as long as I’m convinced that everything is right in his family and everything is so yeah s quickly your take on this and

    Then you can leave no for me what what’s concerning which is a concern is ashin hasn’t really bow too many maidens in this series he keeps he keeps allowing batters to rotate strike and he is one bowler he’s one bowler probably in this 11 who likes to bowl more deliveries at

    The same batter he likes to set them up he likes to Bow long spells long was probably the only opportunity where we saw him bow those many long spells which he did but I think the only thing which could be bothering him because he doesn’t like when you know

    Batters kind of tend to rotate strik so much and it has happened and that is very unlike ra yeah so probably you know to field field placement not worrying too much about the boundaries because yes he gets irritated when he get gets hit for boundaries too so he need to find those

    Ideal inout field placements where you end up cutting singles and protecting boundaries too if he manages to do that just three four mid in overs on the Trot plant those doubts in the batter’s head he he’s he’s a gun bowler yeah no doubt about his qualties but just figure way

    Around this New England approach yeah not the thank you for your insights we’ll see you again see see I want to get back I ask sh uh see you were talking about Ashwin the things that might have been going around unfortunate things but I mean uh can can he not pull

    Back when things are not going mentally if you’re not fit to play test Cricket or when you’re not fit to you know go around get those wickets or if things are going around in your head should he not take a break like how verat has taken or how

    This guy I mean it affects your International I mean see at the end of the day it’s a big Series yeah no but I mean go on he’s a he’s a very sorted mind if at his level if he’s if he thinks he’s capable of being at

    Work being available at work that’s it it is between him and the employer and if he thinks he’s capable of being at work it’s that’s it uh to each his own I mean you know personal when it comes to personal lives everybody needs his or

    Her share of time as they perceive it to be correct right so it’s it’s I mean I think it’s a very personal call if he’s decided that he wants to be there that’s his call I mean and he I mean come on I mean I tell me another guy right now who

    Where Cricket is concerned not just India international level tell me a guy who comes across as so sorted where head on the shoulders is concerned like I mean I I admire this guy for whatever he brings to the table and of course he’s his numbers prove he doesn’t have

    Anything to show to anyone he’s been a match winner by all right if it’s it’s not in a good space he should not play that’s not son upendra that is neither for you to decide nor for me to decide is for Ashwin to take a call and I think

    He’s far more accomplished and far bigger name to for any of us to say these things true no and also I it was just one day right I I knew this Ashwin would be asked he has played 20 test series at home 20 test series you

    Know in terms of the average and strike rate his worst series have been against England so it’s it’s until you go and do the stats you form an opinion be stats and I’m glad sahil mentioned the 11 maidens every time he’s Bor over 100 uh

    Overs in the series this is the this is the few amount of Maidens right the only home series out of 20 there’s three of them the average has gone over 30 they’re all against England for in 2012 he averaged 53 runs per Wicket right or now he’s going at 39 in 2016 against

    England he went for 30.25 so if you scratch the surface and put your mind to it you’ll find the pattern he’s never been near his best against England there’s something about the way the English play him which has an effect this is a man with 501 test wickets

    England it goes back to what I was saying earlier and this is before I went and did some research if you attack him something about him gets rattled it’s nothing to do with mentality and strike and the square Turners it’s a certain opposition put something inside what why

    Saying hats off to basball for this yeah basball is not a joke true true yeah that’s a fair point that’s a fair point know not able to put up that a game across across it’s not just now it’s across 12 years he’s not been able to dominate

    England the way he’s dominate all the other teams so there’s there’s something there we should not be so foolish to dismiss him like that right now yeah and if I’m not mistaken it’s just but the average the average the average is 39 the strike rate is 58 that’s really alarming for

    Ushan quality but it’s been a common trait when England have come to Eng a fact yeah true true okay next one please tomorrow will be will we able to see bball by Route Barun sodi is asking T by quickly yes or no I would see I would want him to

    Continue yeah actually I want them to get all out yeah I want to see India B but he in his suddenly he won’t change his game will we be able to see B by I would love to see would to see that defense Jamie Jamie you want to

    Look I think I think I think the only I mean look there’s no point the moment he sees number 11 walk out then he’ll do it but I’d be very surprised if it happens before that SC add exactly yeah okay uh weaning in RI trophy the onfield

    Empire calls for the over no balls and hence many overstep deliveries are overlooked whereas in international matches there is no esape because of the third Empire yeah I mean International matches sh would you like to take that calls for yeah obviously BC you know cameras review system Avail Junior

    I guess he just means because of second comment in I just feel he’s talking about the no that were Bow by and also Fair Point next one Le friendly neighborhood I more concerned about cleaning the damn tail can’t let them score much 350 Jamie makes sense makes a lot of sense oh

    Absolutely that’s that’s a very very very logical this comes from a comment from a person I know has watched a lot of a lot of test Cricket uh or again ol Robinson all but I think he’s shown before the ease I mean touched upon it it’s a good batting because the ease

    With which OE Robinson has got to 31 ominous ominous signs let’s hope that Mo and I I just want to take takes that no new ball and just wraps the tail next one please pranu don’t underestimate Robinson he did well on Pakistan roads exactly what sahil said B I think we

    Wrapped that up yeah exactly what and it’s a good Wicket also I mean you you know what exactly he did on the Akash deep now on his Akash deep on his debut so he use the moisture and the new ball very well so AG this guy has got

    Height he’s just 30 he not only I mean definitely he’s got to get bounce but then it’s got good bounce so moisture bounce height swing ability ball pack dangerous and I’m worried about roh Sharma H next one please s it’s high time we get a genuine Vice Captain that actually has say in

    This field placements and tactic for getting batters out we need a Vice Captain in my opinion rest but sh jokes apart what is your take on this genuine Vice Captain what what does it mean genuine Vice Captain somebody who stands I mean you don’t want to he’s being AOW

    He’s got book of records’s 13 wickets in one match and he scored 309 runs 13 wickets in a day multi-day game scholet basis V Kam was apparently the next great thing we know how that planned out so yeah so I I I just to to round up that thought on the Vice

    Captain bit it’s a it’s actually it’s a good question it’s a verying a good question I don’t see responsility sinc that’s something that R had told me you know when vat had stepped down as captain of the Indian team he said you mark my words Indian team is going to pay

    For what has happened today and Rohit in in a in in many in a sense you know as that elder brother in the squad like you know has managed to kind of you know kind of level that up to a large extent to a huge extent but honestly if these

    Two guys you know were to kind of take a step back it’s a scary scenario it’s a scary situ but shini if I can ask you why why didn’t the Ki shastri and like in my book they’re equally culpable why didn’t they groom the next leader did

    They assume it’s all going to be hunky dory cuz for me that’s a major blot on those two I mean five years number one that seemed to be the major blot they K rul was the next guy in line it didn’t make sense I I agree with you not grooming

    But let me put it this way um as far as K’s captaincy is concerned nobody was expecting him to just but at some point at some point he’ll get to 38 and retire so were they assuming that is where I think vat did have in mind that you know number three

    And number five batting order time it was yes yes yes not in as many words he was never vocal about it but he did have in mind that these are two positions that India will have to work toward and you know he was very clear this was one

    And again yeah that’s a very good one pun the way he was going that same for form so yeah that’s a very valid point and that said you know I think vat was still not at reached that stage where you know kind of they were still busy concentrating on

    Was Australia Australia about we have to go back to England win it go back to with RI and vat that that Madness of winning overseas nothing I toed their mind more than that so that was kind of in in that probably you know the succession bit was a little lost and I

    Think was way too young to start thinking from that persp I think everything that happened came like a shock you know to him me to everyone else and then the pace at which everything happened and he went to here to go out so that was actually a loss

    For Indian cricket at such a wholesome level I mean you know it’s a it a they’ve not it’s a fact they’ve not looked the same team exactly and U and you know and I would like to add further that poor selectors being sitting in the chairs uh poor administrative decisions

    On certain fronts you know the um for a while the NCA losing its way you know and a lot of things I I think it all eventually added up you know and for a longest time when verat and Ravi were there the BCCI again was not a very you

    Know it was a court operated body which couldn’t do a lot of things so I think it all just kept on adding from all fronts and by the way remember that India lost three good years to RI tropy of R first class so that was another kind of

    Setback you know 21 when stepped down there was no domestic Cricket happening nothing happening for us the only Cricket happening outside of this was IPL IPL everything went for a toss completely so and and present coaching dispensation I really don’t have anything to say so maybe it just begins

    To reflect all the more I guess the the the focus could have come after a couple of is the next one to groom so many unfortunate things happened like Rish for example it was even pre rishab even pre rishab they already went to k r twice so

    Something is not aligning I mean it’s just my my maybe he’s too young I get that but you could give him the vice the vice captaincy maybe there a lot of things that I I mean you know it wouldn’t be right on my part to say it

    You know kind of I mean but I I I’ll put it this way it was like red ball white ball philosophy so I mean two different ideology so one ideology left the room and a completely different ideology entered the room you know what I mean and there was suddenly overnight there

    Was a mismatch in the thought process there was a mismatch in how people thought how people consumed the dressing room atmosphere and what had been built between 201617 and 2021 H Visa I think what began to happen was you know people really took their time trying to understand where things

    Are going to head from here you know things have not been Hy Dory inside this Indian dressing room yeah yeah looks like just just just a small question do you think rahan also created a lot of confusion he could have been that option for me was Captain and he was this guy who

    Could have stabilized the middle order middle kind of being that neutral cool head you know Melbourne wind don’t have to look too farle man than that unfortunate whatever he wanted to Dream World Cup World Cup money value brand that Ro sha the brand everything everything that he wanted to

    Accomplish he has accomplished the only thing that he had not accomplished for himself was that Legacy of a red ball cricket and Mumbai or C that he kind of cleared his mind made this his priority and I think proved to be India’s best best batsman between 2020

    21 and now until recently you know so I give all the credit and he could have been a greater batsman had this test responsibility not fallen on his head he could have played with a far more Freer mind you know he can’t suffer fools but as a batter white ball Great Captain

    Un is my heroing I’m from is my hero but seeing him Captain this way in it’s hurtful there are lot honestly as a person it is his own passion it is his own commitment to Red Ball he’s got the best number he’s got the best numbers also since WTC yeah inconsistent inconsistent

    But all the numbers numbers matter and it’s only his 15th again like I’ve been very harsh on him but it’s all done if you step back it’s only his 15th test match in charge better players have taken 25 30 matches to understand the nuances of of the of testet it’s

    Only exactly because he got the job he got the job and then he got sick remember here’s a here’s a question for you pran asking after Australia tour whom will India appoint the test captain you w them around you know World Cup you wasting your time spending sending Rohit sha to the T20

    World Cup you’re wasting your time sending vat for the T20 World young chance confence and Captain C I’m saying Ro now I don’t see another Captain inside now I want if if if given the present composition of the players who are so let things happen at their own

    Pace and then it is AIT aar’s job and not R whoever is going to replace R their job to sit down and figure out what the next line of leadership should be so true okay quickly coming back to the game India England quickly your prediction for the for day

    Two our ability to wrap up a tail I I I I mean I sincerely hope okay Jamie your prediction I would I would be very happy if that happened again it’s it’s it’s it’s that first half an hour which is going to be so

    Vital uh if J rud hangs around see J rud gets to 150 this team is going to get to 375 right say once it crossed the 250 mark it already got into dangerous territory because I think this is this pitch is going to start doing things by

    Day three end so and chasing anything above 150 is going to be very very tough we saw that we in Hyderabad I mean Tom Harley went from Zero to Hero he got seven wickets in a day um so if it’s not the 330 that shy predicted I don’t see any margin then

    It’s straight for 415 410 J okay okay your prediction 302 right now 325 well we just hope prediction saying predictions have been spot on yeah so far he he got the RO 100 in that in that 3020 Afghanistan yeah well we just hope partial prediction and we are able

    To wrap them up in under 325 but thank you so much everyone for joining me in this one it was a lovely chat with you guys we’ll connect again bye-bye good night shab Fest cricket score updates detailed stats yeah debates accurate analysis fans platform cricket cricket next

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