The Dragon Rally 2024! The first real adventure of the year on the Honda Monkey! Come see if I can take on the Dragon and survive!

    #adventure #hondamonkey #honda #motorcycle #hondamonkey125 #camping #motorcycleadventure #motorbike #ridewithme #adventure #Dragonrally #dragonrally2024 #wales #winter #festival #wintercamping #monkeybike #z50 #minitrail #snow #crazy #legendary

    So good morning it’s the uh day of the Dragon rally we’re here with the bike it’s all loaded up I’m all set to go I’ll explain my outfit in a bit but yeah look at that I’ve never had this monkey bike so heavy in my life I’m not sure what to

    Expect the wife’s on standby in case I break down or something stupid happens but the plan is we’re going to go over home Moss down to glossup and then across and I think below Chester onto the a55 to get to Conway motorcycle club so right let’s go for it

    The problem I’ve got at the moment is my visor just keeps fogging up so as chances are you’ll be able to hear the wind might be a good test for that the roads are so slippy today we got to be taking it careful on these Corners cuz the roads are so

    Slippy today I wasn’t expecting them to be this slipper I thought it dried out overnight but um it hasn’t but look at that view here we are the Peak District National Park I’m not sure whether you be able to hear me or just the bloody wind or the

    Uh sound of my exhaust but yeah let’s take this one steady the main problem I’ve got today is my visor just keep is [Β __Β ] up and so I’m generally doing a minute up and a minute down which isn’t the most ideal situations really but in summer if you come around

    This corner there’s usually a gent that sits there on this corner and takes pictures of your bike Road Runner pics think I was just called I bought a couple of pictures of him good lad you find him on Instagram so now we’re coming up over H Moss and my engine is

    Heaving it’s not happy but we’re running at 115Β° at the moment which is doing all right but this is probably going to be one of the harder bits of the journey so my outfit today I am wearing the lovely justy coat now you might wondering why is it wearing just e Co

    Well I’ll tell you because this is the best coook you can buy on the market for probably about 20 quid it’s got a hydrostatic head of 15,000 mm um most North Faces are only about 8,000 and they’ve got a price tag of about 400 quid on them it’s uh

    Reflective so everyone can see me come in and it’s also got uh a two in one protection so it’s storm proof and waterproof as well so right now I’ve only got on a jumper my Obed Alpha armor and um a thermal vest on and I’m I’m not feeling anything no wind whatsoever but

    Here we go top of our Moss I just let you enjoy this bit look at them views look at them views what a beautiful day for a motorcycle ride you don’t get them down south dear another that I’m prejudice against Southern people we love you you may have more wealth but we have

    The hills so as we get down here we’ll be um heading to T side Reservoir along that and then across and then we’re going to head over into gloss up some people camping out last night lovely we were in Wales last weekend in our camper van look at these roads not a single

    Car no one following us not stuck behind anyone just a leisurely cruise I am a bit concerned on time though we do need to make some uh progress as we’ve been going almost 45 minutes now well no actually half an hour that’s right about half an hour it’s not doing

    Too bad we’ve done 12.8 mil miles in a half an hour it’s not great is it but we have been over the hills once we get down into glossup the roads will start to open up a little bit and uh once we’re out the Peak District we should be

    On the air roads which are going to be very boring which I’m not looking forward to I’m one of these Riders I like these Hills and uh I can’t see in my visor so I’m going to keep it open for a little bit so I can enjoy the views

    Too the good thing about these Hills is it brings your engine temperature down so we’re at 98 97 now de cuz anything above maybe 120 then you start putting pressure on your seals on your gasket so um we don’t really want that going to slow down a bit these roads are dangerous

    Today not quite icy but they just slipper also I wasn’t too happy that they’ve uh salted them but I’d rather there was salt on them the not but that just means I’m going have to take more attention with the bike when I get it home and clean it look at

    This look at these roads so what we’re going to do is then I’m going to um sign off for now and uh I’ll meet you all when we get towards Conway and we’ll uh take it from there so wish me luck we’ve just had a little stop just

    After um Manchester Airport found a love L my hands are absolutely Frozen these hand guyss are doing a good job of keeping the wind off them but once the coold gets into your gloves they’re not heated then it’s a bit of a nightmare so let’s just check these are all

    Right straps are looking okay just keep them tight shall we yeah she’s doing all right she’s getting there the luggage rack hasn’t bent there’s no holes in the bag we haven’t lost anything as far as I know we’re just going to keep these hands warm that’s all but yeah love it little

    Area should be down here I wonder where this road goes looks like it could go somewhere quite nice saying that though we are in the ranchester area so I highly doubt it right once these hands are warmed up we’ll get back on my hands are pretty

    Much warmed up now what we’re going to do is we’re going to get back on the road and I will see you in Conway hopeful we’ll make it there I’m not sure how far we’ve got to go let’s have a quick look at you shall we

    We’ve got an hour and 33 minutes left so we’re not doing too bad 77 miles left and it says we’ve got a full tank of petrol left which is good for me these little Honda monkeys do a fantastic job yeah it’s going to need a wash though right we’ll see you shortly

    So I just want to show you these routs that have been taken down at the by the SAT half so we just gone past um conlon and middle I believe this I think this is Middleton Road that I’ve just told me but yeah absolutely stunning ding around

    Whatsoever I thought I going to be sticking to mostly um major air roads but yeah they what a nice little welcome break I’m not going to lie the temperature is a bit low today though um I can’t tell you exactly what it is but I’ve had to do a few star jumps and

    Stopping off every now and then but yeah I’ll be in touch so here we are sports fans we’ve just made it to Conway look at this weather I thought we were going to trick it down but it’s not there’s the castle beautiful castle we should just be down the road

    Around the corner and we should be at Conway motorcycle club we’ll wait for pedestrians good place just to stop and a look at the 360 camera off again thank you very much well I think we’re in the right spot there’s a ton of motorcyclist here so I’m guessing where the J we made

    It we’ll see if we can get the uh monkey buys with is yeah there we are sign for the dragon rally This Is Us always something going on here we are sports fans loads of us can we see any the other monkey Lads just at the uh Conway motorcycle we made it all right she is right there do care weather is absolutely beautiful look at that everywhere you look there just motor bikes we met already another mon we’re just waiting for um our supreme leader Dean Lambert to show up

    Now his track is going he’s set off at 7:00 this morning but where they are you do I set off at quter to 8 and then come further than you where are you based at Alan Bonnie is it with his Mega Grom you broken down or something right well

    We’ll wait for Dean to get here and then we’re going to set off to campsite and get a decent spot to together right in a bit these are the instructions that are FR we just waiting for um Dean Allan and whoever else to come around this corner

    Now and uh let’s give them a good welcome shall we we the are sports fans yay f Y yes l here we are FY numbers they’re all here the arm is arrived check out Dean’s trailer this is what you’ve all come to see here the monkey dicks trailer heading off shortly here we are sports fans Alan’s meag Grom he’s got more on it this year than I’ve seen in

    History how it passet Mt I do not know you like me dring I’m like it I’m just saying how much extra you put on it since I last saw it at helmet head Festival it’s growing it is growing I’m it can go out I’m surprised your suspension’s not bottl out yet going to

    Get me home don’t Slug it off yet it went all around country anyway top of Scot and whatever else I know like a SPS upill like a rocky downhill there we are sport F Alan Bonny there we have it and we’re off so we just leav in the dragon rally

    Now we’ve got Chris in front of us leading away the plan is we’re going to go to Banger bya the a55 these monkey bikes are supposed to go I believe a top speed of 57 mph on my way in to Conway I managed to get mine to

    Um uh 74 which is a new personal record for me 74 mil hour I was shaking though I wasn’t happy but that was the fastest am I to get Maybe I didn’t have all my luggage racks on I might have been able to get myself up to maybe

    78 but I don’t know what did that wind must have been behind me and we’re going down the hill so there’s been talk of this new campsite there’s been a rumor that is quite nice well there’s two rumors one of is it’s quite nice it’s all quite hardstanding perfect kind of location

    Other one is it’s like a quag M at the moment it’s so boggy and also you’re not allowed to park your bikes next to your tent which is a bit of a nightmare because there’s no way that I’m taking my saddle bags off because it just took

    Forever to put back on and I don’t really want to leave my bike in a car pack all either because there’s no there’s no point to that so ideally what I’m hoping from this campsite is there a nice enough patch for maybe 40 of us old to

    Camp um I’m hoping to get away from the snorers so I want to find my own little corner somewhere we’re not too far away and I’m hoping that it’s well drained we can park our bikes next to our tents and just the weather holds up when

    It looks to me like the weather is going to hold up there were people this week saying oh I can’t I’m going to sell me ticket it’s going to be bad look at the snow coming in a snow bomb but today it is warm this morning we’re cold I’m not

    Going to all my fingers I came over at tops and down here Manchester but I’ve got nothing to worry about here I think that’s probably a bit of wind chill on my hands this campsite should be approximately 19 minutes away from the um Conway motorcycle club according to the map anyway we are

    Going a bit slower though because we have got um a lad on a Aventura 125 and that thing is Tiner say it’s got 125 engine the body looks like it should be on a 50 cc so it looks like an upgraded original Mini tril and if you’re one of the people who

    Seen some of my YouTube videos even though I’ve only just recently started and said hello to me at comway motorcycle club and I really appreciate it it means a lot and also I’ll look at that glorious sunshine we’re all going on a summer holiday no more working for a couple of

    Days and I mean a couple of days I’ve taken Monday and Tuesday off work just to get some sleep in I’ve got a feeling that from what I’ve seen in the last couple of years there’s a lot of bag pipes there a lot of drunken Antics and

    I just don’t have it in me to go back to work on Monday so let me tell you about my thoughts on my setup these saddle bags so far have been absolutely fantastic I’ve weighed them out perfectly when I packed my bag so that they’re not leaning or anything like

    That I’ve got my big saddle bag on the top which is doing a really good job I don’t dare touch anything though in case it all falls apart the um tank bag I don’t dare put my phone in there I have been dirting myself of an ear piece in

    With Google Maps on which T is better for me cuz i’ have to keep looking down I keep my eyes on the road and it keeps your battery power going for a lot longer and the uh h2c rack wow look at that nothing I think we’ve kind of got the

    Hang now of um the weight on the front forks it’s only 2.3 kg but we used to rideing with nothing on there it do I do oh here he is Alan Bonnie on the mega grum look at that what lad it’s not right is it that looks I’ve sat on that bike and

    I I felt like I was going to go over I went forward about maybe 2 ft and I said no not for me well that was good would it Lads I went totally the wrong way I had no idea where’re going my SAT have cut out we got to that roundabout

    It cut out and I couldn’t see anybody anymore they’re all gone so we’ve lost everyone now it’s not our fault though this is nice isn’t it a nice little ride up to the campsite I’m going to get an absolute ripping later for messing up that journey I kept sickling for people to overtake

    Me I didn’t know where it was but this is nice a little waterfall this is very nice there’s a nice Hall there it would have been good if we all came up here and here we have It and here we are we’re here we made it just made it look at that beautiful it’s all buggy though we can’t park on field really we’re in absolute Fiasco getting around here we’re all met up we were these lovely folk leave the bikes here

    We’re going to go for it got lost on the way what can you do about it I was told it was going to be the worst experience of my life look at it we’re all camped up here it’s boiling I’m in a t-shirt get some water I’ve never known it be so

    Warm this time of year so it’s going to be a great night pizza van a burger van and then if we go in the bar there’s a bar there which we won’t be using cuz we don’t drink cuz we’re hardcore a venue room where the rugby is on at the

    Moment I do give you a a soup I’ve gone for tomato soup and um a bread roll on arrival I’ve just going to got me goodie bag I’ll show you later yeah rby on at the moment I don’t know if you can see it but just in the background there’s some mountains there’s

    Some even further behind there just under them clouds there’s snow on top of them and we’re sat here in this lovely field having a great time yeah let’s see at cows shall we some other cows just been and uh we’ve got our water got the water for the night um

    Yeah so I’ll see you back in a bit more of the actual sight itself now we’re down low everything’s in the top corner and everyone’s avoiding the middle of the field it’s quite boggy when he B up the top ends which is ours is just over here where all monkey

    Lads and lasses are it’s quite nice ground’s quite soft as well so I’m glad I brought um a ground sheet to put the tent on and I think if you’re going to come and do this Dragon rally always prepare for the worst like I have but

    Bring a tap hole and just to put Down Under the Tent I’ve got a big old D sheet which made of plastic but you know it saves your tank getting absolutely annihilated in the m and also it also gives you that other thermal barrier screw the helmet a still you get

    The wobble on it we’re back at the campsite there’s my bike there’s my tent there’s my one subscriber on YouTube so number 21 him very good when you arrive you get yourself a goodie bag it’s a bottle of vodka um dairy milk and M bar and a sticker bike

    I bought myself a T-shirt and a couple of coasters but this is me uh set up tonight we got uh oh we got Dean next to us got myself just a normal air bed which I’ve wrapped in a wall blanket to keep the heat up got a sleeping back

    Down there I need to get out all me uh gears there but yeah it’s steady away little setup to be honest should be Co check out this Rarity you ever seen one of these before cuz I haven’t brand new fresh off of the production Line spr in the Tunes in the background this will happen all night probably going to get some sleep I’m not good and a p of tea yeah fans oh perfect sausages it I thought BMW GSS could do anything turns out not done it bag of [Β __Β ] get

    Deeper Chris can you tell the folks at home what you think of GS is [Β __Β ] [Β __Β ] oh look at that just pacing the tent [Laughter] oh I hope they’re going to clean his tent Now you look really well prepared over there As you can see m just m in the campal records you to land it on Your we have to get some we have to M this 368 I love it I think it is Radio the radio’s died but we have the best donut your money can buy right here this is what you need the best so for the viewers at home

    This is the meag Grom by the one only Alan Bono so Alan we we just so the viewers at home know there is a thin line between genius and Madness and we’re just wondering which side of that line do you come across because no one in their right mind would turn a Grom

    Into this would there as beautiful and amazing it is he a bit special isn’t it oh he’s very unique is that sir yeah yeah and look at his crib proper GB solid don’t do things by half them there’s Chris here enjoying the finest cigars in life I’ve got a camp I

    Show you come inside come inside come come inside Crips with Alon got Chopper just be careful I’m oh he’s showing us his Chopper Lads and lasses I’ve even got Dan as just remember this is for um I just remember this is for PG rated so

    What have we got here so that there is me uh that’s a stove that little wood stove over there awesome that’s what we’ve got there Lads and lassers so have we got any other Hidden Treasures here that there is what you call I call it the fancy Wing it’s what it’s called and

    It’s basically a blanket yeah but the blanket has somewhere where we have it has a hood so if it’s raining you can put it over oh very nice yeah that’s the uh so what’s with the the dance mat then do you just like a Bo I just used to use

    That when going travel that’s insallation that there is me buffalo buffalo blanket that’s an over blanket that see that you see the Buffalo what is it there lovely you see it Happy Days look at that mealo have b the camp the camping car that’s so it doesn’t sink in the mud that’s an

    Inflatable that’s that’s flash to that so it can’t slide off in the night if you will this ain’t your first rodeo is it no unfortunately learn learn few different stunts over the years you know what I mean and we’ve obviously got the most nutritious Foods here these look like

    Al’s instant noodles fantastic yeah not a there a gam steak somewhere which bad half of it left coins FL EGS in there a cup of soup uh Yogurt that that’s quite good have you ever tried that one what is it uh the florid sou you have to show us all your food but yeah look at this set up though ladies and gents got a nice little bivy T what you need is you need a little

    Camping stove now like a proper there’s the stove yeah that’s when you need a little log bird you get on back at gr no problem so this this is Dr Franken Grom right here and this is laboratory so you’ve been treated now don’t many people who Alan invites you

    Into their house well Alan thank you very much you’ve made a lot of viewers at home very happy Viva is Chris is that a Cuban King Edward King Edward or even better right Lads stay safe and I’ll catch with you shortly let’s go see what’s on Tonight Around is open My the St and I feel Days the tent already got quite a lot of do on it and so bike I’m glad I covered it here we go Lads why youing this Dragon rally has been great so far like it weather’s being perfect the ground is soaking wet though but like the music’s being fantastic the

    Only downside is there like three toilets here I’ve not found the others there’s one tap that’s like attached to a really crappy plastic pipe and um yeah I’m not trustworthy of that to be honest so let’s want to boil the water before I drink that rubbish but yeah fantastic

    Definitely will be back next year um I’m just going to get CZ now I get the hot water bottle going as you can see right there get in the sleeping bag to keep it warm but at that it is a bit chilly out now but the sky is beautiful you can see

    Thousands of stars tonight um so yeah bedtime 700 a.m. um there’s a lot of De on the ground it’s very very Misty I’m not sure whether that’s from the campfires or um just from the atmosphere your but yeah I didn’t do too bad sleeping I went in bed by 10:00 and uh

    Watched a and a little bit of Netflix and then fell asleep and uh about 1:00 in the morning someone shouts I am sparus and that was it was it everybody got set off and he was just doing the rounds for the campsite for a good 10 minutes and then someone thought

    It’ be a good idea to rev the rine and there was a big group of drunk Lads Who provided the music and uh I’ve got a feeling that their heads are going to hurt today but yeah my plan is I’m going wake up and have have a cup of tea and

    Then I’m going to bug her off home um I’ve officially well I’m not survived the dragon yet cuz I’ve not got home but that wasn’t too bad I’m not going to lie though if it was crap of weather I wouldn’t want to to do this because it’s it’s hard work as it

    Is this is what we’re doing squ lad we’re bringing a road bike onto the grass doors spent half an hour getting up here there he goes here he Goes then you get the little ones CL hey oh he got in near right Lads and lasses we um excuse the hair I’ve had a hat hair again we just finished packing up it’s taking bloody forever uh probably about 2 hours it’s hard when it’s wet we are now ready to head off home so we’re going to say bye

    To everyone and then we’re going to go off mate I’ll see you later see you later my friend check out his little bike coming to a market near you soon see you later see you later lad have a good day right Dean I’m heading off here he is the man the myth the

    Legenda revolution yeah we see you in AOL at the island monkeys yeah have a good the the one doing in September there we go no one’s left any rubbish Hardley perfect I’ve not left any see you later off HW service stations just filled up the the tank again engines run in about

    150Β° at the moment trying to get up all these Hills but um go about 2 hours or 45 minutes to go so yeah let get back we have just come off the a55 um onto the chest nwit Junction from the dragon R and we’ve just gone through and

    Past a ton of traffic uh I thought there were a road closure anyway we are stuck behind these Mega instruments that are being transported I’m not sure what they are but they they are absolutely massive um so I’ve got and I’m not allowed to pass I’ve got a feeling I’m

    Going to be stuck behind knes for a good another good 20 minutes or so so uh they’re not quite the exciting roads I’d like to be showing you but we have had a fantastic night so now I can honestly say that I am an experienced Dragon rale goer and with

    That experience I am now allowed to pass knowledge onto you so firstly the main bit of knowledge I would say is bring everything and the kitchen sink you never know when you’re going to need it I am currently sat on the way home in my thermals my

    Pajamas I’ve got a pair of roskin jeans on I’ve got a t-shirt on uh a jumper my Bob Ed Alpha jacket and my just eat jacket so that’s pretty good and uh I’ve got a hand warmer in my chest pocket to keep me warm and I’ve also got my rain

    Skins on because it is a bit chilly out today um it was fair enough last night the food on the offer is very basic just a bit of um Burgers pizzas and stuff but everyone was having an absolutely fantastic time the band was absolutely phenomenal he can’t knock them they were

    Really good they all the best covers you’ve seen some of the videos um really really really enjoyed it I went to bed like I said about 10:00 I might to sleep and then at 1:00 everyone starts shouting I am Sparta and then know the obvious engines reving which is part of the actual

    Experience um yeah it’s been pretty good to be honest um I am going to sign up for it next year I packing away was a bit of a nightmare this morning though so everything’s still quite wet from duw so imagine if that was fully fledged rain pouring down on us I

    Don’t think had be having a good time and this would have been a very very soggy journey home so I think if I was going to go again I’d probably give it a Miss if there was like torrential downpour in the next morning cuz I’m not packing up in these it’s absolutely

    Horrendous so we just come to a roundabout we got time we’re going to go for it but we are knackered that guy’s got a better idea he’s going somewhere else I I’ve got to stay on here for 4 miles it’s going to be the slowest 4

    Miles of my life so I’ll get back to you in a bit so boys and girls it’s taking me about 4 hours and 10 minutes to get home from uh Conway we’ve um we hit a snag after we came off the mot I think it

    With the a55 towards Chester we got St r a massive megalithic things and just shut it all down I was planning on just following it all the way cuz I want to go back through Peak District but the eight but the saav said there were going

    To be another 8 miles until the next Junction and I thought I’m not sitting behind e for 8 Miles cuz it took us about 25 minutes just to do four four miles and I thought I’m not doing another hour St Behind these things I did try to race around I’m going through

    The side road but it was like that SC in Mr be was in the hotel trying to go down the stairs every time I got to the point thought I could do it I police c p him in front of me said stop right there so

    I just took a detour red Miss avue we end up going up the m6 um sorry the m6 followed by the m6 then the m62 which wasn’t you know the best thing but overall what an adventure I’m home now I’m looking forward to a nice shower and

    A cup of tea so um yeah let’s see you our next adventure have a good one


    1. Good video. That’s my blue Tenere parked behind you at check in. Been doing the Dragon since 1991 and I disagree with your advice on β€œbring the kitchen sink” – my advice: bring as little as you possibly can, and confine it to tent, mat, sleeping bag, torch, toothbrush and warm, dry clothes. All that cooking gear etc is an utter ballache to pack at the best of times. Now try doing it all on a Sunday morning in a 70mph wind, on your knees in mud and throwing it down. As little as possible and buy your food and drink on site. 2023 and 2024 have been well easy – you might get a bad one next time. After 30 years of doing this I still bring too much though.

    2. Just watch you dont turn your 125cc to a 50cc by putting alot of luggage weight as well as your weight its only a little engine afterall.
      What pants and boots u wearing?

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