U.S. President Joe Biden, in a call Saturday with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, directly tied Ukraine’s withdrawal from the key town of Avdiivka to Congress’s inability to pass further aid for the country’s effort to fend off Russia’s invasion. And, the health-care crisis in Gaza is getting worse. Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis is no longer functional, according to the World Health Organization.

    These are just some of the top stories on the February 18, 2024 edition of Your World Tonight.

    Your World Tonight is a dynamic half-hour program on CBC Radio that showcases first-rate journalism on the news of the day from Canada and around the world. We tell stories you won’t hear anywhere else that connects you with remote places and people.

    #Ukraine #US #Gaza

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    [Applause] the entire world has going to remember what the US did here and nothing nothing would make Putin happier right now than to see Congress waiver a fight over military aid in the US and in Ukraine another city Falls to Russia some in the White House blame Congress while another

    Unlikely Alliance emerges welcome to your world to tonight I’m Stephanie scander also ahead the state of Healthcare in Gaza is according to the World Health Organization beyond words Services collapse at another hospital leaving even more people without medical support plus the story behind the classic story beloved for Generations

    The whole Sound of Music franchise really started with Maria’s book but Maria said I’ll only sell it if you’ll cast me and of course the answer was no how the sound of music’s popularity endures and the devoted fans who come as close as they can to the Von [Applause]

    Traps According to some in the White House the fall of another Ukrainian city is the fault of us lawmakers the White House saying Frontline soldiers do not have the equipment they need because Congress has failed to approve more aid for Ukraine the batt over a major national security spending package which

    Includes $60 billion for Ukraine remain stalled and the small but powerful group of lawmakers opposed to sending more us support appears unwilling to budge Katie Simpson reports from Washington Russian troops strike a Ukrainian tank filling the vehicle with smoke and debris a solder inside has a video camera recording every anxious

    Moment the ukrainians return fire as they move as quickly as they can to escape it’s believed to be some of the last fighting in the Eastern Ukrainian town of abiva which is now fully under Russian control and is considered one of Ukraine’s largest losses in this

    War we can get our land back and Putin can lose Ukrainian President velimir zalinski says his soldiers are lacking the supplies they need and in a phone call to US president Joe Biden on Saturday he repeated his pleas for more weapons the idea that now they running

    Out of ammunition we walk away I find it absurd Biden is openly frustrated that American lawmakers have not yet approved a national security spending package which includes $60 billion for Ukraine one of his senior officials went even further blaming those lawmakers for the fall of abiva Adrien Watson the White

    House National Security Council spokeswoman wrote on social media this is the cost of congressional inaction we’re going to fight till we get it get them the ammunition they need in the capacity they need to defend themselves the aid package has already passed in the Senate the next step is approval by

    The house so it can then be sent to the president to be signed into law while the bill has widespread bipartisan support house Speaker Mike Johnson is refusing to call a vote he says taxpayer dollars are better spent securing the southern US border Johnson is also a

    Supporter of Donald Trump who is against more Ukraine Aid and the prot Trump wing of the party has threatened to remove Johnson as speaker if he calls a vote he ought to understand that it is worth it if he has to lose his speakership in order to make sure that freedom survives

    Former Republican congresswoman Liz Cheney says there’s a new sense of urgency in approving this Aid given what’s happened in aiva the Revelation that Russia is developing a new space-based weapon and the death of Nali it puts her in a rare point of agreement with Democrat and Senate Majority Leader

    Chuck Schumer best price the US can make Putin pay is to give Ukraine the help they need to fend off Putin’s evil aggressions well pressure is mounting on Congress to act it’s unlikely anything will happen in the immediate future as the house is on vacation for the next

    Two weeks Katie Simpson CBC News Washington the healthc care crisis in Gaza is getting worse the Nasser Hospital in Khan Unice is no longer functional according to the World Health Organization it was made non-operational after an Israeli raid this week the IDF says Hamas was operating inside the

    Hospital Michelle song has more on the day’s events a paramedic holds a child in his arms and wipes his face the boy is one of 18 injured Palestinians crammed in a single ambulance headed to a hospital in central Gaza after a shelling according to the Palestinian red crescent Israeli air strikes have killed

    And wounded tens of thousands of Palestinians since the War Began according to the Hamas run Health Ministry today the World Health Organization says one of the last functioning hospitals in Gaza Naser Hospital in Han Yunis is no longer operational but as many as 200 patients remain inside

    There is no safe place in Gaza says Ahmed Muhammad who lives in Han yunes he like many Palestinians are struggling to stay alive now making things worse a top us Envoy says the US will permanently stop funding anra one of the main sources of humanitarian Aid to Gaza after Israel alleged several staff

    Members of the UN Aid agency took part in the October 7 attacks We’re All In A desperate phase we’re all angry isra alafin is a Palestinian Canadian her family is Sheltering in Rafa and she wants to bring them to Canada before a possible ground incursion into the city but the process

    Is taking too long not going to come here and just not do anything they want just to to be be away from what’s going on time is running out negotiations for a pause in fighting and the release of hostages have stalled and today Israel’s prime Minister says he rejects Talks by

    The International Community about the creation of a Palestinian State such an accord will be reached only through direct negotiations between the parties Benjamin Netanyahu says this weekend Netanyahu dismissed calls for an early election insisting he will stay in power until at least 2026 protesters unhappy with the status quo

    Took to the streets in Tel Aviv I really want an election in Israel so we can vote for a government that really cares about the people on Tuesday Algeria will put forth a motion at the UN Security Council calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire the US has

    Signaled it will block it as it has done with similar motions multiple times since the start of the war Michelle song CBC News Toronto Israeli cabinet minister Benny Gans says Israel will restrict access to the AL AA mosque during Ramadan Gant confirmed the news on X but did not provide specifics this

    Area of Old Jerusalem is considered one of the holiest sites for Muslims and Jews and it’s been at the center of violence between Israelis and Palestinians in recent years the holy month of Ramadan begins in early March meanwhile the international court of justice wants Israel to report by Friday

    To show the measures it’s taking to abide by orders the court issued last month including one on ending incitement to genocide one of Israel’s biggest backers in that case is Germany but Germany’s support of Israel at the hag has angered the descendants of victims of Germany’s first genocide as Recca CER

    Reports people in Nami Namibia are trying to remind Germans their country still has many crimes to answer for when nandy Mingo heard that Germany plans to intervene in Israel’s genocide case at the international Court of Justice he was outraged Germany apparently has the moral ground to lecture the world on

    What is a genocide and what is not a genocide MAA Ino represents the over herero genocide foundation between 1904 and 1908 Germany killed an estimated 70,000 Nama and herero people on the territory that is today part of Namibia after an uprising against German colonial rule some 80% of herero and

    Half the N people were killed and what is now seen by many historians as the first genocide of the 20th century namibian leaders say Germany’s pledge to intervene in Israel’s genocide case shows Germany has yet to learn from its history of committing two genocides by associating with someone who is accused

    Of genocide your own history is reviewed so it has huge negative repercussions for Germany’s picture in in the International Community Stefan telman is an international law expert the University of b and he says that Germany’s intervention is political not on a legal basis and of course it will

    Also of course make it more difficult to come to uh reconciliation with Namibia German officials have not responded directly to namibian criticism and have dismissed any connection between the Holocaust the namian genocide and Israel’s actions in Gaza we reject the historical comparison said spokesperson Christian Vagner at a press conference in January

    But maao disagrees women in Namibia were raped by German soldiers producing biracial children including ma ingo’s own grandmother a German Doctor Eugene Fischer conducted experiments on them deeming them inferior to their German fathers that became the foundation of Nazi race Theory and one of Fisher’s students Joseph mangala known as the

    Angel of death went on to carry out horrific experiments on prisoners in the ashit concentration camp it all started it’s a continuation of what was studed here the concentration camps being worked to death the whole racist ideas mother Ino describes growing up watching the descendants of German soldiers and

    Settlers caring for their graves on his people’s ancestral land he describes realizing his dispossession as a child understanding why neighboring white Farms had better more fertile land and why his grandmother looked like them but wasn’t and he says it’s this history that that forms his understanding today

    The world really has been thrown into this bind rituals between being for the genocide committing states of Israel and Germany and those who says they don’t support that Germany Prides itself in what it calls remembrance culture all over the country there are monuments to and reminders of the crimes of the Holocaust

    But it’s rare to find anything about Germany’s first genocide however Germany’s pledge to intervene in Israel’s genocide trial is bringing that history to the Forefront Rebecca colard for CBC News Berlin coming up tiny forests big impact a Japanese idea is taking root in Toronto with the goal of bringing more of the benefits of nature to urban areas but not everyone thinks smaller is better that story is still ahead on your world tonight meanwhile family doctor play a key role in Canada’s healthare

    System they’re often the first call that people make when they’re sick but there aren’t enough of them millions of Canadians don’t have a primary care physician the federal government is touting billions of dollars in health care funding for the provinces but as JP Tasker reports that’s a small remedy for

    An increasingly big problem for a country that says that wealthy is Canada uh it it doesn’t make sense right Jane Williams and her husband Steve have been waiting three years for a family doctor and I keep reading how there’s more people coming in the system but just I

    Don’t seem to be moving off that list the Victoria couple are getting older and the thought of going without access to Primary Care is stirring up some anxiety like I can’t go and order myself blood tests that’s how Bill wishart and Kate Breton feels too the older I get

    The more things are going to start to break down the 65-year-old forestry technician has been injured on the job in the past he’s been without a regular family doctor for years and I just worry sometimes that I’m going to miss some something myself there are just three of

    The 6 and A2 million Canadians that don’t have access to a family doctor according to data collected by the rare initiative it’s a crisis that experts say has caused Untold harm in cases of preventable death and disease you know I I I really worry about this doct David

    Barber is a family doctor in Kingston Ontario who speaks for the Ontario medical association you know I get really uh scared thinking about the patients that won’t have access to the to the healthare system he says the physician shortage is only going to get worse a large number of doctors in

    Canada are nearing retirement in Ontario alone nearly 2 million people have a family doctor who is over the age of 65 like what’s the plan for that there’s no plan there are fewer reinforcements ready to take over prime minister Johnson Trudeau is tting a cash injection as one fix to the shortage

    We’ve committed $200 billion over the next decade to strengthen Public Health Care in Canada some of that money will be earmarked for new medical residency spots to boost enrollment which has been staged St for the last 10 years only 30% of new medical residents choose to work in Family Medicine according to the

    Latest Medical School data that’s down from 34% 10 years ago uh I talked to the residents and they have you know they have no interest in doing Cradle to grave care they’re employment Minister Randy basno the money’s there and the provinces and the universities can allocate it and it should allocate it in

    These spaces but the number of new spaces is just a drop in the bucket says Dr Barber every year 500,000 people in Ontario are losing their family doctor or losing access to the Health Care System right Ottawa is poised to launch a multi-billion dollar pharmacare program in the coming weeks some doctors

    And their patients say the federal government’s focus should be fixing the Health Care System we already have JP Tasker CBC News Ottawa intimate partner violence has been called an epidemic in Canada and one without an obvious cure this issue was brought to the four again a week ago today after two women and

    Three children were found dead in rural Manitoba the man charged with five counts of first-degree murder is the partner of one of the women and the father of the children Karen Pauls has more I’m numb I don’t know what to feel I’m angry Nancy Clearwater Mourns for the victims her daughter 30-year-old

    Amanda Clearwater Amanda’s three children aged six and four years and 10 weeks and 17-year-old Maya Graton part of an extended Foster Family Juliet Hast things is her mother but I just want to see my baby I want to hold her I love you so much all of them

    Killed last week in locations around southern Manitoba Ryan manakis partner father caregiver accused of killing them five first-degree murder charges manakis was out on bail in court ordered addictions and mental health treatment programs in 2019 a judge told him to get help saying if you don’t do something

    Eventually it’s going to cost you your family I had a feeling Hastings says she contacted child welfare officials because she was worried about her daughter’s safety something dark was just festering and I just didn’t want my daughter be caught in the crossfire the phone’s been ringing we’ve been busy

    It’s been a chaotic week here at the shelter down the highway staff at Genesis House are hearing from women who are distressed about the news Sophie gerbrandt is responsible for Resort and Community Development at the women’s shelter I think it brings up a lot of red flakes for folks who are in

    Relationships already that are having different forms of abuse uh it’s also triggering for people who have had challenging relationships in the past even if they’re no longer in those situations according to statistics Canada a woman is killed by her partner or former partner every six days Manitoba and Saskatchewan have the

    Highest rates of intimate partner violence in Canada indigenous women and those in rural areas as are even more at risk Manitoba Premier wab canu says he’s committed to getting answers in this case he’s open to a potential inquiry to ask the question what went wrong and

    More importantly how are we going to fix it how are we going to protect children protect women protect young people prime minister Justin Trudeau says he’s invested in a strategy to combat intimate partner violence provides supports whether it’s mental health supports uh addiction supports to uh the

    Range of uh contributing factors back at the women’s shelter gerbrandt says they’re also working with at risk men prevention is a huge piece of the puzzle at Genesis House we address uh men and abusers but we’re just not fully equipped at Genesis House to provide those services and and she says it gets

    Complicated when the same organization is supporting both the alleged perpetrators and the victims of abuse Karen Pauls CBC News Winkler Manitoba Tiny forests are a growing Trend they only take up small plots of land but these densely packed Woodlands grow fast support Urban wildlife and capture carbon it’s actually a decades old idea that came from Japan as Ben shingler tells us it’s now springing up here in Canada students spread mulch at John

    Abic College west of Montreal in all 600 trees and shrubs are planted in a plot of land about the size of a tennis court we’re planting Three Trees per uh square meter so uh it’s a lot it is a lot and that’s the point Jorge roas Aras is with

    The organization alra evolu he says the idea is simple uh the trees uh they are like entering competition between themselves in order to search light so they will grow faster scenes like this are playing out in many Canadian communities because tiny forests have big benefits since they grow so quickly

    Research suggests they sequester more carbon than regular tree plantations they also require little maintenance after the first few years and serve as a habitat for Birds butterflies and insects Chris LEC is a biology teacher at John Abbot I think it’s getting attention because it’s it’s a direct

    Response to the climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis and it’s a model that’s fairly easy to implement in urbanized areas the tiny Forest method was first developed by a Japanese botanist Akira Miaki it has spread not only to Canada but also Europe Asia and the us but there are

    Also questions about this approach really fast growing trees can have you know structural consequences to that because of that Todd Irvin says in some cases tiny forests aren’t the best fit the Toronto arborist says they could be difficult to maintain over the long term in 15 to 20 years you’re sitting in a

    Situation where there’s going to be significant amount of Maintenance some of those large trees are going to be shaded out and they will begin to die and it’s still not totally clear what these forests will look like even further down the line one of the big Ideas behind the

    Miaki method is to include the community in the planting and that’s one reason why Spirits are so high back at John Abbot College I think the experience of planting it’s uh really really a good way of connect with nature so everyone here comes out and and they are really

    Satisfied with their day as Tiny forests grow in popularity there are likely many more such days to come Ben shingler CBC News Montreal than you and if you want to hear more about tiny forests Ben shingler has a dock on the podcast what on Earth with Laura Lynch catch that on

    CBC listen or wherever you get your podcasts well with the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris fast approaching young athletes are trying to catch the attention of talent scouts in Montreal today the event is a partnership between the Canadian Olympic Committee and sponsor RBC a group of Lucky athletes

    Will qualify for funding and support which could bring them one step closer to the Olympic dream cabina uro reports Pro volleyball player Devin Kora is hoping to impress coaches at this free Talent search I just want to do it for as long as I can so whether that

    Gets me to the Olympics or it just I get a really cool life of travel it’s it’s the dream originally from Calgary Kora plays volleyball in Germany this program is for Canadian athletes between 14 and 25 years old Kora is 25 and says this is a last chance attempt the funding for

    Beach volleyball is minimal um and so a lot of times we have to uh put forth the money to start traveling ourselves and until the tournaments start paying out or sponsorships come through so we always look for creative ways to try and get cash now when it’s 9th year the

    Program has already seen some success with 13 Olympians and seven Canadian Olympic medalists including Toronto’s Avalon Westney who won Gold in rowing in Tokyo Manitoba’s Kelsey Mitchell who also brought home a gold medal from Tokyo in track cycling and Pierce laage is the reigning the catalon world champion former gymnast and current

    Freestyle ski Canada athlete Lou gulo was discovered through this program it motivates me to do the best I can in my sport to try to reach them Olympian Florance mayor represent in Canada in Tokyo and in a month she’ll find out if she’s going to Paris to compete in kayak

    Cross a new sport being introduced in the 20124 summer games mayor shared her experiences with these hopefuls so I talk about you know loving what you do and making it a bit easier when you love something to persevere through the obstacles and obviously there are going

    To be some challenges and uh to just be prepared for that that it’s not the road is not easy obviously but it’s a fun one while the hopefuls show off their skills coaches are on hand taking notes of which which athletes could help their teams in future Olympics Jonathan kavar

    Is with speed skate in Canada it’s excellent we get to we get to know who they are we get to learn about them and we can see how hard they’re working and developing their skills not only as speed skaters but as athletes H and it’s interesting to see them uh competing

    Against uh other athletes from other sports even as a pro athlete Kora says the talent pool here is strong I am always humbled by like I get beat by someone who’s like 17 18 and it’s like what can you do both cor and R are hoping they’ll both get to represent

    Canada at the summer and winter Olympics as early as 2026 kuino Duro CBC News Montreal in Ottawa after several weeks of warm weather forced its closure the redo Canal Skateway reopened today but there is a catch overnight snowfall made it impossible for Crews to flood the Skateway officials say the ice is in

    Poor condition and recommend people walk in instead of skate you are listening to your world tonight from CBC News I’m Stephanie scander you can hear your world tonight and other CBC radio programs wherever you are on your favorite podcast app Monday in many parts of the country

    Is Family Day and one way to relax on a well-earned day off if you have one is by watching a favorite movie maybe something about a famous family like the Von traps for instance who were immortalized in the sound of music but before their tale of escaping Nazi occupied Austria got the Hollywood

    Treatment it was captured in a book which came out 75 years ago in 1949 as Steve futterman tells us that story still resonates today if you’ve ever seen the movie you can probably visualize in your mind the opening scene Julie Andrews running and dancing arms outstretched in the Lush

    Green Mountains the music gradually gets louder and then we hear the opening song HS are alive of the 1965 film is considered an alltime classic when the book came out in 1949 it had modest success and did receive some early attention the whole Sound of Music franchise really started

    With Maria’s uh book and Hollywood was interested in the book but Maria said no only I can play the role so I’ll only sell it if you’ll cast me and of course the answer was no Tom Santo Petro is the author of The Sound of Music story

    Eventually in 1956 a film was made in Germany then came the Broadway musical then the film let’s start at the very beginning a very good place start if you want to find a place in North America that will bring you as close as you can to the sound of music

    And the Von trap Family you would probably end up in stove Vermont I’m standing outside the trap Family Lodge one of my earliest movie memories was Sound of Music watching it with my mom she loves the movie and it’s pretty incredible my first time here ever every year thousands make the pilgrimage to

    See where the Von trap family lived when they came to the US you have it’s beauti day so we’re going to come have lunch and do some exploration and see the lodge and uh get a get a glimpse of the history here the Von trap family members

    Portrayed in the film are no longer alive but there are some descendants Sam oh my gosh the day we were there we met a grandchild so I’m Sam vont trp and I’m 51 years old live here in STO Vermont and Maria vont trp was my grandmother

    Growing up Sam Von trap was aware of his family’s Fame but did not embrace it we didn’t talk about it we didn’t watch it uh and you weren’t going to catch us singing it out loud cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudles doorbells and sleigh bells and at the lodge people

    Immerse themselves in the story amazing to be here knowing that the history is is that deep here really and you can feel it for those who appeared in the film it was a lifechanging experience I’m Angela cartright and I played brigita V trap none of us believed that

    There was going to be this kind of you know Evergreen movie that people would still be so in love with so why does the film endure those who come to visit the lodge say it’s quite simple at its most basic level it’s about people overcoming very stunning challenges and family and

    Love it sounds cliche when you say it but that’s often some of the most like profound truths and 75 years after his grandmother wrote the book that led to all this Sam Von trap says the film is still thriving you know Sound of Music has been seen by an estimated over 1

    Billion people and I think I heard that number maybe a couple decades ago so by now who knows how many have seen it Steve fman for CBC News St Vermont my homand Forever well as you’d expect The Sound of Music scooped up plenty of awards when it came out in 1965 including Oscars for best picture and Best Director Julie Andrews won a Best Actress Golden Globe she was up for a bafta but didn’t win today the best leading actress bafta went to Emma Stone

    For poor things but this year’s big baftas winner is Oppenheimer it’s the film about American scientist Jay Robert Oppenheimer and his role in developing the atomic bomb during the second world war the film scooped up best supporting actor for Robert Downey Jr best leading actor for Killian Murphy best director for Christopher Nolan and best film as well

    As best cinematography best editing and also best original score which was composed by 39-year-old Swede ludvig Goron and includes some at times frenetic violins on YouTube Goron explained how this section came together I wanted it to go faster and faster and faster and faster the whole time but then the tricky point

    Was how can we record this live it would have been easy to just have stopped every two bars we did that too but you don’t get that magical flow that you only get with live musicians playing together in the room we worked on this piece for a week every day and try and

    Play play it over and over and over again and the results are marvelous we’ll leave you tonight with a bit more of ludic Goron’s Oppenheimer score on your world tonight I’m Stephanie scander thanks for Listening


    1. If we had real journalism..we would know nato is out of amo and weapons..hence so is ukraine..plus 500k dead ukraine soldiers..who jave been lied to by biden and nato. The nato moto..fight to the last ukrainian..do not try for peace..biden and the west leaders are fools..no amount of money..oh wait 40 billion of the 60 is planned to go to usa companies to replenish their atocks..but it will take 5 yrs.. Come on man

    2. Blaming the US Congress (Republicans) for the fall of Avdivka, when Zelensky has ruled out any negotiations with Russia is "Bloody Absurd". Does USCong hold Ukraine's Life Line??

    3. Perhaps Biden , the most incompetent fool to ever hold presidency should be holding himself responsible since it was thru him and his government that destabilized the U.S. and the rest of the world.

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