Treadmill? Exercise bike? Cross trainer? Rowing machine? Flying carpet? Beat the boredom with a virtual tour around the picturesque Hobbit Shires of Gloucester while you work out for a full 30 minutes. The music is not to everyone’s tastes (classical) so mute and use your own accordingly, or treat yourself to a taste of culture :o)

    SPEED NOTES: I’ve had some feedback comments regarding the speed of the video not being “realistic” and not accurately representing running or walking. Before publishing, I experimented creating the video at various jogging or cycling speeds, but found with the slower speeds, the visuals got very tedious very quickly.

    In the end I settled for slower speeds around the more interesting parts and faster speeds during the less interesting bits, so hopefully providing sufficient change of scenery to keep the visuals interesting. The faster speeds also allow you to see much more of the area than you would do at slow speeds. :o)


    1. Sorry this is not good. Firstly the camera is way too high, must be on top of a transit! Secondly, why rush through so much lovely open countryside, when a few good fade edits would do the same job, ruins the "cycling" feeling. Finally the music! The ride is filmed within an hour of the home towns of three of England's most renowned classical composers: Vaughan Williams (Down Ampney), Holst (Cheltenham) and Elgar (Malvern). A re-edit could fix two of these things, then perhaps I could put up with the "wing walking" feel.

    2. Beautiful scenery, what can you say it's the Cotswolds !!! Not sure about classical music for exercise unless your doing ballet. Having a song with a beat might be a little better : ) … But maybe that's just me . and I didn't particularly like the stopping at the road kill. 🙁 some times the speed of travel was a bit much. Got a little dizzy . : D ( 7 out of 10) Thumbs up for the Views

    3. Love it and all the other videos you have set up. I’m sitting on my exercise bike looking out at a wet, sleety day and imagining I am on the Cotswolds. Thank you so much for giving me the incentive to keep on exercising!

    4. The only thing that keeps me motivated. Hope to get to visit some of these beautiful villages one day!!!!! Somehow I feel like I belong there. Love it!!!!!

    5. Ric I was wondering if you could do a duplicate of this video with YOUR music or just use the track from the chasing sunset video would be great as I love Heartbeat Redemption. I use your exercise videos almost every day on my stationary bike. But not too crazy about the classical music here even though I love classical music. THANKS!

    6. Nice video, great scenery. However, I went into a pothole while riding in the shade. Took a tumble over the handlebars and had to go to hospital. Where do I send bills for medical care and bike repair? J/k of course, it made my indoor ride much more tolerable. Thanks.

    7. Thank you so much for this video! Went to the doctor today. Had gained too much weight and blood pressure was up. I pulled out the indoor exercise bike and found your video. I didn’t think I could do it but I made it to the end! Loved it when you made the video go super fast! I felt like I was flying on that bike! Lol! Will definitely use this again!

    8. Love the scenery but not a fan of the speeded up sections nor of the music. I love classical music but for a workout I prefer the insistent beat of electronic music.

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