Mackenzie Turner and Lael Hansen make a Grimace Shake at 3 AM… Stay until the end to find out what happens next…


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    Okay you guys it’s 3:00 a.m. kid what are we always doing up at 3:00 a.m. what do we possibly have to do at this hour well at 3:00 a.m. tonight we are going to be making the Grimace shake that sounds who’s Grimace yeah and this one is really risky honestly because really

    Bad things happen when you make the Grimace Shake apparently I mean the Grimace Shake was like a milkshake that they sold at McDonald’s it was like a limited edition smoothie or milkshake or something like that and apparently like a lot of people who were drinking it

    They were like dying what how could they sell something that could kill somebody yeah no I don’t really know but um we’re going to try to make it at home and see if it kills us I feel like it’s not going to kill us though I feel

    Terrifying I feel like it’s just fake I mean you know what the thing is if you were going to go buy this shake from somebody you don’t know what’s in it but if we make our own all the things we know what we’re putting in it exactly

    Let me find on the internet let me find like a backstory cuzz I’m kind of confused the gri sh which one is grim is he purple yeah Grimace is like the purple one who’s the Hamburglar he’s kind of who who’s the Hamburglar I have no idea oh okay okay sorry oh oh here

    Look look look the story of Grimace it all started at McDonald’s where the burgers are always hot and the fries are never cold there lived a big purple gentle giant named Grimace gentle that sounds like he’s nice I know he seems nice right now okay just just okay with

    A smile as wide as the river and a heart as warm as freshly baked cookies Grimace was everyone’s friend oh okay well maybe he just wants to be our friend yeah but there was one thing that made Grimm’s big heart sink every year his birthday who doesn’t like their birthday yeah I

    Don’t know I love my birthday maybe something bad happened I mean we had so much fun on our birthday we love our birthday so much it’s like a birthday month yes it’s like bestie birthday it’s like a slay every for as long as he can remember everyone seemed to forget that

    One special day that was supposed to be filled with laughter cake and wishes oh nobody remembered his birthday no remember not it’s bestie does he even have a bestie maybe not Grimace wanted revenge for the people who forgot his birthday so he created a creation that would make the world remember him

    Forever not with joy but with a shiver down their spine that’s horrible thus the Grimace Shake was born but not the delightful drink everyone might expect the shake was created with a dark twist infused with a potion that would kill anyone who drank it Ken we’re going to

    Die wait that’s kind of freaky this sounds horrible wait that’s not good that’s what’s the special ingredient what’s the potion as the Cur shakes made their way into the world disguised as a limited time birthday special the Sinister plan unfolded those who drank the Grimace Shake oblivious to its true nature found

    Themselves caught in a terrifying transformation what do you mean like what kind of transformation is going you become purple too at first it would seem like a simple stomach a but as the hours passed they started to disappear and no one would remember for them so they didn’t just die they were

    Like wiped from history wait that can’t be no how could people just disappear how that forget was there like reports on this like police reports no I’ve never heard about this okay so it says they would disappear and no one would remember them just as if no one

    Remembered Grimm’s birthday I thought he was super nice why would he want to cause somebody so much pain it’s because everyone forgot his birthday so he just wanted to kill them he just wanted everyone to forget who they were wait this is so freaky I don’t know if I want

    To try this well maybe if we make it at home it’s safer but it is 3:00 a.m. so that’s kind of well what is it what’s it even in a shake it’s just ice cream okay let me find the ingredient list ice cream vanilla of course blueberries raspberries

    Milk sprinkles and whipped cream that seems like pretty normal yeah what else is like different about that wait a second it says you need like a special powder ingredient that can only be bought on the dark web well CU clearly we don’t have it so you know I don’t

    Even think we get it the dark has Uber Eats what K we shouldn’t order the thing that’s going to no I know how to get on the dark web that’s so scary yeah my dad bought me one so let me do it what you can’t tell anyone though it’s like it’s

    Like really bad that’s terrifying okay wait don’t look don’t order this thing let’s just make it without it are you ordering it be careful yes I have to we have to make it we don’t have to make it with that ingredient if we know it’s going to end us you’re going to forget

    About me the besties Channel’s going to be just a bestie no this is okay here’s the grimma shake ingredient okay who’s going to who delivers from the dark web I know it says it’ll be here in 20 minutes though well in the meantime let’s just get all of our other

    Ingredients ready okay okay kids this is a big freezer where’s what do we have okay oh my gosh we got some frozen raspberries perfect that’s good oh we got some frozen blueberries perfect that’s a cute little packet we need those oh don’t forg the ice cream I

    Think that’s the ice cream oh that looks so good do you love that ice cream look those little children on it wait what do you mean look at they’re eating ice cream wait that’s kind of creepy though the gishe the children are going in the

    G connected I don’t know I think so oh my God you’re scaring me sprinkles where’s the sprinkles where’s the sprinkles probably in the cupboard in the cupboard check the cupboard heads you have a lot of options I know this is where we keep all our baking look at all

    That oh there’s the sprinkles back there okay they have to be the rainbow ones okay fine that’ll be specifically the rainbow ones I love the Rainbow on it’s like birthday cake kind of vibe this a lot of sprinkles let’s use them all yeah okay let’s use them all they look so

    Happy wait can we eat these like Spoonful them ew that would be disgusting do you think moments later Ken what are you doing oh my nothing e why would you do that stop judging me ew that looks disgusting okay we got everything ready even whipped cream for

    The top right we got to do like a nice little you know what I’m saying like finish it off and I’ve got the blender here nervous I’m really scared should we be scared for this yeah I don’t really know what’s going to happen I mean to be

    Honest how how legit could it be I really don’t believe it’s true because it’s literally we’re making a milkshake they’re selling it they’re selling it at McDonald’s like there would have been reports if people actually died yeah exactly we C I feel like there would be

    A lawsuit or something for sure okay so first ingredient it didn’t really give us measurements of how much to put in milk no I I’m so I feel like we’re deating right now or do we put milk in the milkshake with the ice cream so that

    It at least like is a little softer do people do that the recipe calls for milk as well oh okay perfect gra perfect go grab the milk perfect milk I feel like nothing good ever happens at 3:00 a.m. do we want to start with the milk first

    Yes start with the milk start with the milk I don’t know how much oh my God don’t open that ice cream around me I think you should just have like a cup of milk what is with these cartons I never know what to open you want some ice

    Cream yeah I need to try it got brain freeze M that’s amazing it’s yummy I love ice cream okay you do the milk I’ll do to like that oh wait actually wait it’s a milkshake so it doesn’t have to be that milky we can always add more if need be

    Okay that’s true I just don’t want to be too wpy get in there get in there get in there what if we like bring forth grimace and he just like appears no I’m scared what are we going to do with a big purple creature in here can stop

    Eating it let’s make this smoothie sorry should I should I put the be berries in now yeah we’ll do a little mix of those raspberries like that maybe a little more okay yeah yeah that’s good that’s good okay I put like three more okay now I’ll put some blueberries

    In here they look so little how much like that that’s perfect that was going of a lot that really good oh pour some sprinkles in into it or is it for the top I think some go in it too like there’s sprinkles that go in it okay how

    How much just like a good amount like a dust a little more little more more just a little okay just like that that’s good just like that that’s perfect okay anything else I think that’s it no but what about the secret ingredient oh yeah we just have

    To wait okay we should be here any minute now almost time so do you want to eat some ice cream oh okay I think it’s here I think it’s here I think it’s here oh my God is anyone here at the front door though I don’t wait that’s really creepy okay I

    Don’t see anyone out here wait what the heck is that Li ew it literally looks like purple sludge that’s scared wait dude look at this look at this ew that is disgusting mie’s feet are in my pocket what you mean how did they get there I don’t know mie’s really into mie

    Why are you still awake for three wo she wants it she does really it’s over here now it’s over here oh bye do you want some of the purple a sludge he do sit so girl she really wants it was so girl okay mie mie okay maybe if you’re a

    Good girl mie we’ll we’ll let you have some later okay this is disgusting I think you should go put it in well I’m scared I don’t even know if we should touch it no well don’t touch it on your hands okay can I just put it in in the

    Bag like just like no no don’t put it in like that here why don’t you like cut it open like with the scissors okay okay yeah you’re right and we can just pour it in yeah exactly here take okay so maybe like I’ll cut up here yeah yeah

    Yeah good idea good idea whoa whoa careful careful careful don’t want to touch it just in case it’s toxic should I do it like here maybe I should get a nap for you or maybe I should do it over the sink yeah over the sink over the sink okay ready

    Careful okay okay don’t touch it don’t oh my gosh it’s literally burning the scrub Daddy’s Eyes wait what do you mean E look at it ew wait but we’re going to have to eat this okay I’m hoping that maybe it mixes up and it’s going to be F

    Pour pour it in pour it in okay I’ll pour it in oh my God oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay dispose garbage garbage garbage garbage here here here here here throw it in throw it oh my gosh it’s kind of stinky C it smells so

    Bad I don’t ew what is that even made out of no I don’t even know if we should have this anymore is so ranky look how bad it looks too oh my God I feel like we did this wrong I don’t that’s what the ingredient list look how it’s

    Bleeding out onto itself oh my God you’re right ew ew it already looks like Grimace is like coming to life or something I don’t want to think about it anymore we should just mix okay let’s just blend it up okay blend it up okay

    Are you ready no K I’m going to put it on ew look at it all at the bottom oh my God this looks kind of gross but also kind of yummy oh oh oh God did it stuck oh my gosh kids it almost broke the blender do you think

    Should I shake it like this I don’t know maybe we should add more liquid it’s so thick yeah I think we need some more milk milk oh look at the consistency no oh ew oh my God why does it look like charcoal I don’t know oh okay give it a go

    Oh that looks better [Applause] wo it’s strle it’s really trying it okay I think it’s good I think it’s okay okay oo it kind of looks good don’t say that we could die I feel like when it’s mixed with like the sprinkles and the ice cream though it’s going to be

    Really good and I guess it’s time to oh my my careful oh my gosh it’s so thick we made this so thick kids it’s so sludgy wa that’s perfect look at it’s the perfect size for a looks kind of good it does look kind of good it looks

    Exactly like the G maybe that’s the point so that they trick you into drinking it cuz it looks so amazing good point and it smells so good I don’t know how it went from like that sludge so bad to like now this smells so good I don’t

    Know wh cream time whipped cream for the to oh my gosh this that look amazing that looks so good and then a little bit of sprinkle on top a little bit of sprinkle on the top got my cream on like fer oh my gosh we could die why are we laughing I don’t

    Think we’re going to die I don’t think I mean we did see all the things except for the thing we got on the dark web wo okay this is like perfect look at how amazing this look you guys see this it’s like the perfectest shake ever this is

    Like the best Grimace Shake are we going to try it oh my gosh I’m kind of proud of our creation I know it’s kind of amazing wait are you going to try it first uh I think you should try it first I don’t want to try it first Ken you try

    It first fine I’ll try it first okay I got you a straw oh ken you’re going to taste it first I’m going first well yeah cuz like I’m scared what happens if something bad happens okay I mean it probably won’t we literally just made like a smoothie it’s not really a big

    Deal right it’s fine okay okay should we just try do you want me to try right now like this I don’t know I guess how much should I drink oh my God you stressing me out well just have like a sip like a good like milkshake

    Sip m do you like it it’s really good it tastes kind of like a smoothie really super fruity and do you feel okay yeah like it’s like yummy that it tastes amazing should I try you should make that more often for sure you should try I’m kind of nervous

    I mean you seem fine though I know I feel great I mean doesn’t even taste like that weird stinky smell remember when it was so stinky oh yeah so it doesn’t taste like stinky it tastes normal it kind of tastes like blueberries really yeah okay I guess

    I’ll try it you try okay I guess I’ll try it Bottoms Up get out we St really we St so much wait what do you mean like are you okay no like I need to just lay down you me I don’t know I just what’s wrong what’s

    Wrong what’s wrong wait wait wait wait wait from what from what like from the stop


    1. Nothing is going to happen to once again it’s all fake. Don’t believe it cause one time I watched this video and the people drinking those shakes. It’s just fake yeah so don’t believe it it’s fake.

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