This is a short version of the Day 4 of my Norway Expedition! Make sure you watch the full video.🏞️🚴‍♂️
    #NorwayExpedition #RingebuAdventures #TravelDiary

    This is day four there is a huge flood all  over Norway today actually yesterday this   is Ringebu the lillehammer that was holding  the Olympic Winter Olympic game in 1994 if   I’m not mistaken the flood um seems crazy the  recommendation is not to go there but still  

    I’m going to pass it uh E6 and is um Closed uh  the lady very nice lady here that I met um not   very sure about the name. weather is good and I  feel great and I’m ready to to jump on my bike  

    Again so hoping the roads are open for me uh  I’m going to arrive to my next destination uh tomorrow

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