The thirty minute driving video begins in Aradippou, and ends at Mackenzie #Beach in #Larnaca Cyprus. The video was filmed by Chris Krzentz, on Thursday, Dec 21, 2023. If you like the videos, please subscribe to the Chris Krzentz Presents YouTube channel. The video is copyright protected. Please try not to skip the ads, before, during, and after the video. That will help promote the channel. Thank you for watching.

    Hello everyone this is Chris cren uh it’s 11:00 a.m. on uh Thursday December 21st 2023 and I’m in uh Cypress driving towards laaga this is aru by the way and I’m with one of my uh family members Pano and uh we’re just going to do a driving

    Video entering uh laaga bik car or driving to laaga bik car whatever is uh appro as the title but right now we’re in ouru the temperature is perfect it’s about 70° fah which is uh 20° centigrade the weather is okay so far but we’re expecting rain so I don’t know

    What time uh the rain is going to arrive or where in Cyprus but at the moment uh we’re doing very good going to do this uh driving video in laaga first and if the weather permits uh we may do a a walk-in video in Lara and uh you will see that

    Video probably after this one or later in the in the future and I’m in Cyprus for 2 weeks in December usually I come in October but after covid after 2019 I haven’t been here in 4 years so I decided to come during Christmas time spend Christmas with my family and friends and

    Uh and then go back to Chicago uh next week and so far I film videos in nikosia on both sides of the divide and lios all this is laaga and I’m expected to go to famagusta and Kara uh in the next few days but by the the way the time you’re

    Watching this video I’m going to be already in America is going to be already 2024 the new uh the new year and uh hopefully um hopefully everything will be okay and you get to see this video and the music you just heard is it’s a telephone signal for

    My my relative here hopefully it won’t interfere with the copyrights of the music cuz anytime there is music there’s also an issue with YouTube and they usually mute the the audio but it was only a few seconds so it shouldn’t be a an issue but right now we’re going to

    Concentrate on the traffic here there’s a lot of traffic it’s a weekday morning and uh look like a lot of people are going towards Lara we’re not the only ones and I’m using a better camera 1080p this time uh versus the 720p that I was

    Using the years past so you get to see a better um better quality uh better quality uh better quality footage and the audio is also better so there’s a lot of traffic ladies and gentlemen we’re not even in laaga yet we’re in ARA Depot and we’re just going to drive through the

    City and this is probably going to be at least a 30 minute video anywhere between 30 minutes and an hour I’m guessing because of the traffic and because of the the weather um and we’re in AR ladies and gentlemen I think it’s uh town or a suburb right outside Lara so

    Lara from here is probably 5 to 6 kilm we use miles in America but I’m going to be telling you in kilometers here cuz I’m looking at the science I don’t want to be doing the conversion two miles and confuse everybody the only thing I I do automatically I always say Fahrenheit

    For the temperature cuz one I know and then I know exactly the conversion automatically there for the in Celsius again it’s 70° fah 20° C on a beautiful beautiful cloudy day we’re going to get rained I just don’t know where in Cyprus it’s going to rain and hopefully it

    Won’t rain in Lara while well filming but so far so good another thing about this camera once is cloudy and there is no sun and no uh other elements from the weather this camera takes wonderful wonderful uh pictures as you can see uh the colors in the video and also another

    Thing uh I keep forgetting this camera allows me to take photographs and uh videos at the same time so I every now and then I I take pictures as well and then while I’m in Cypress I I’m I usually post pictures on social media because I don’t want to post a video I

    Don’t I didn’t bring my computers with me and the internet connection here is relatively slower than the one I have at home in Chicago in my apartment and uh I’ll be posting all these videos sometime after the new New Year cuz I’ve been by the time I get to

    America and to Chicago and go and go back to work it will be uh January 1st 2024 now I just saw the sign 4 kilometers left until we reach Lara but you can see there is a lot of development here there is a highrise here speaking

    Of high rises yesterday when I did the video in liol it looked like I was in Dubai or in Chicago there was a lot of highrises ladies and gentlemen they were not that tall as they are in Chicago they were probably maximum 35 storage tall in

    Chicago the uh 35 star high rise is kind of considered small or low cuz usually they about to 60 to 70 stor is to double the amount but still I se li like that before but all the highrise skyscrapers and it wasn’t it didn’t look bad at all

    It was the skyline look pretty good it’s a Greek church right over there I don’t no idea what the church the name is I’m too far away to see the sign but it looks good so we’re going to stay on this Lane here and go to Lar if you like my videos please subscribe to my YouTube channel just click subscribe under this video if you’re watching this on YouTube if you’re not watching this on YouTube and you’re watching this from any other social media platform just go to Chris Cresent presentes and and uh subscribe

    There all right and uh we going to continue filming here originally we were planning to go to buffos but because of the weather predictions we decided to go to laa and I may or may not still go to pafos before I go back to America but this

    This is the the one you’re watching now is a laaga dry video and we’re going to Laaga so we have another 3 4 kilometers until we reach the city of laa but I it looks from the the buildings we see here may be on the outskirts of Lara I know it was our ouro in the beginning I don’t know if this is still our ad

    Depot but uh it definitely looks more and more like laaga so we’re are probably laaga or getting very very close and and we’re just going to drive around and show you the the traffic the streets the buildings the people and uh right now it’s uh 11:10 a.m. on Thursday December 21st 20

    23 and we’re doing a driving video driving in Lara driving to Lara from uh aru then you can see the like all the cities we filmed so far there is signs about Merry Christmas in Greek and in English Christmas is on the way it’s coming few days and then they also put holiday

    Lights in other cities I’m sure they have it in laaga too probably towards the center where they decorated the the streets to celebrate the Christmas season they do parades they do all kinds of Activities I have a little bit of a dry cough because I some of the buildings outside outside it’s beautiful but inside the building especially in theia where I live the buildings are very cold and uh and dry and that’s why I get this dry cough it comes and goes but nothing

    Really dangerous no sickness or anything you just um have to get used to the breathing the two kinds of air types of airs here one one outside one inside side weide the car right now it’s a little bit dry here as well but it’s not uh it’s not affecting my speech at all

    Uh so just to be aware in case you hear me coughing every now and then there’s nothing going wrong it’s just a getting adjusted to the weather it took me a couple of days to get adjusted to the Jed loock the time zones but everything should be okay okay

    Now I’m going to I also like start reading signs from the buildings so it says zaharas construction development developer Transportation it says uh houses and apartments for sale I’m just reading you the signs in Greek sometimes I don’t have time to translate sweet notes Smokey touch

    Walker that’s a whiskey up there add or brandy or whatever you call it Cognac and uh AR that’s want they make bread Z plas make sweets peras that’s the name of the place I have resum peras confectionary said gnas Ras over here so maybe this area is called Russia

    Who knows I don’t see any other signs and uh I would definitely in the Lara area even if there is two three more kilometers until probably the city limits and you can see the traffic is really really congested but it looks like most of the traffic is coming is

    Going the other way not the way we’re going and that could be all kinds of reasons it could be tourists going for a tour it could be people going to work I have to be careful there a pickup truck here sticking out all right another one trying to come

    Out so people are trying to get out with uh with the vehicles and then you have uh let me show you here K CL it’s a place where they do surgeries surgical Surgical Clinic and then we’re going to go straight it’s all clear for us and no idea what the name of this

    Street is but I’m pretty sure we are in Lara oh at least L limits and we’re going to go straight this is the academy American Academy of laaga oh okay a lot of my followers went to school Here so I’m American Academy of laaga I have quite a few friends on social media that they always keep telling me I went to the American Academy in laaga so that’s the one right there it’s been there for a long time and then you have the laaga hospital right over

    Here me show you the laaga hospital right over there so we’re definitely laaga ladies and gentlemen and going uh towards the center of the city so this is going to be like a driving uh video laaga video and then you have the Piko laras so it’s a another school Lara

    School so it looks like this one maybe Athens uh Avenue I could be wrong and it looks like there is another school over there and then you have our pishop marcario statue right over there we’re just waiting for the green light so a lot of schools we already saw

    Three different schools so far one private and two public For smartphones 400 it says uh I’m just reading the sign there there Rise We rise photo Andreas on the left ATM Solutions Yos Salos no translation necessary we going straight you got a tattoo place there you got a um so this is Athens Avenue ladies and gentlemen I just saw

    The sign so I was correct this is Athens Avenue and I think this goes all the way to the city center to finu this and then there’s a yanos there crane so there is some construction going on there probably going to be another highr here because this crane is huge it’s tall

    Gotos travel on the left and we’re just going to go Straight I just we can just drive around around we don’t we don’t have to stop yet so this is he says Christmas Isa Merry Christmas s’s greetings you see you the thing I was telling you about the decorations and they have lights here too you don’t

    See them because I mean they’re not on because it’s daytime so this is fin goodes let’s put the areas C in it good this and then the beach is on the left we’ll go to the beach later on and do another separate video or maybe or maybe

    Do a walk-in video if it doesn’t rain in the next few minutes so we just stay on on and then we’re just going to go uh straight and show you the this is laa I’m just telling about cuz he doesn’t have to go very slowly and tied up to traffic behind us yeah this is a taxi all boxes over here hotels residences and uh we just go Straight and then you can see the bit right over here there it is we go take a walk later On beautiful beautiful area laaga I’m sure a lot of my followers are from laaga and they appreciated this that I’m doing this driving video again it’s uh Thursday December 21st 2023 and we’re at laaga doing a driving video in laaga we started from Aro and we’re in Lara now this is the um

    Lara Castle right over here and there’s a jumy here there’s a mosque over here this this pikos is telling me this is the Turkish uh uh quarter of laaga and this is the the beach right over there and then this is p Pasha Avenue I know this it

    Took me a while to memorize this this street in the beginning when I was doing my Walkin videos long time ago I no idea what the street was I had to ask the people on the street one they told me it was hard for me to remember but now I

    Know it by hard I filmed it so many times this is p and we’re in the Turkish uh sector of uh of laaga I’m we are already here this is milit restaurant I was just telling about it because my family member we can go inside the turkey sector and continue

    Driving actually we are already in the turkey sector but we’re going to be driving around this is one of the most beautiful uh areas of the city right here and and and they did a very good job the municipality here they if you can see the street they kind of renovated the street

    Where we’re driving and then they made uh sh you they did u a sidewalk for pedestrians and there’s another sidewalk there closer to the region but I’m not mistaken bicycles can go there as well but we’re on p p p now Avenue and we’re driving um we’re driving towards uh M McKenzie

    Beach I believe this bit of a beautiful architecture here another uh restaurant this is a fish restaurant it’s a Stefanos fish Tavern and then we saw another restaurant earlier militz’s restaurant very very good uh cuisine beautiful beautiful houses here and we’re just going to stay on P Pas keep driving this Way and then you can see the sidewalk I was telling you over here this is the sidewalk and then I just saw people jacking not no more in the video but they were jacking people exercising on the on the next uh you see there’s people walking there the people that you see

    Walking there this is an additional sidewalk for uh Walkers Runners and there’s a bicycle coming as well so it’s pretty much uh for everybody this this area so kudos to the city of Lara and the mayor they’re doing a wonderful job uh fixing the streets renovating and

    Uh Mak it more uh use friendly for everybody and uh I think this is still in still okay so P me give me the GRE this is still still P Pasa and then then you can see the the tourist uh area of P Pasa and you can see the apartments the

    Hotels the restaurants and there an airplane by the way we’re right next to the airport so you’re going to see a lot of airplanes when you come in this area and this is the first plane we see our video and you can see it’s very

    Low it’s took for a take just went for a take from L airport that’s where I came from Raga airport which is right behind these buildings here somewhere and then if we end up going to m see Beach later on or in a few minutes and then we’ll

    Probably see more airplanes there as well cuz every time I film a video on my Ken keny Beach I see airplanes landing and taking off cuz we’re right next to the to the Airport so we’re going to do we’re going to drive around in the city for a few minutes and then we’ll go back to uh going to good this and end the video there and then we’ll do a walk-in video There no one ah son so B is telling me the beaches on the left people are going swimming they’re still going people swimming right now and uh you can see the airport it’s uh I don’t know if that’s the airport on the right you see over there that may be the old

    Airport that they using it for still for airplanes but for other uh different uh types of not commercial sure airplanes probably business uh and other stuff and this is zakos restaurant area is this McKenzie Beach ah McKenzie Beach tellos ah this is the old uh yeah this is the

    Old so this is the all airport I’m just going to show you you see this is still in used the have airplanes there is telling you and then Uh actually we’re going to end this video we’re not going to end the video we’re going to pause the video and I’m going to walk through uh McKenzie Beach and do another video and then come back and we’re going to come and resume the driving uh from here

    What all right we’re going to pause the video and then we’ll come back uh in a few minutes hello everyone this is Chris crisen is about 11:30 a.m. on uh Thursday December 21st 2023 and we’re going to go do a video at McKenzie peach in laaga Cyprus and see what’s going

    On it’s not going to be a long uh video it’s very very very windy hopefully you can hear me we’re just going to show you the beach real quick very very very windy this is my M Kenzie Beach beautiful beautiful beach uh it’s called McKenzie McKenzie

    it’s going to be a very noisy video ladies and gentlemen guys going to do it I’m not the only one taking pictures here there’s more people but I want to show you how beautiful these nobody [Applause] swimming very very windy lates and gentlemen hopefully you can hear me and this is

    The this is maki Beach at [Applause] l going to do 360 for us there the restaurants and [Applause] bars very Noy video hope you can hear this is one of thees very very noising windy the waves but I love it here we go this is mcken ladies and [Applause] gentlemen

    Let just walk a little bit this way there’s a ship R waves sound all right thank you everybody for watching this was McKenzie beach in laaga Cyprus it’s uh Thursday December 21st 2023 is about 1130 a.m thank you everybody for watching


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