Bampara Kouyate alias “Bambi” ou encore “Firelek” nous parle de sa dualité professionnelle. Des rings Muay Thai aux défilés Fashion week, il nous raconte son parcours. Sans oublier sa relation avec Karim Benzema ou encore comment il est à l’origine d’un des plus gros bangers de Booba…

    Disrupters est l’emission qui invite les personnalités les plus disruptives des mondes des medias, du sport et de l’entertainment !

    Réal: Cedric Fons
    Make Up: Lissa MUA
    Montage: Grow
    Prod: Black Cat

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    Trust me, make Afro music, it’ll work. You’re planning to release your album, don’t only focus on hardcore rap it’ll be dope, trust me ! Then I have him listen to the sound. He says: “you know what ? I’ll talk to Booba about it and see if he likes your idea”

    He gets Booba to listen to it. You know what Booba did? He sends him a remastered version of it with his own verse on it…The final verse ! Like…He did it in less than an hour, the hit that everybody knows. I’m telling you ! Yooo ! He did it

    In less than one hour. Kopp says: “Yoo ,what’s that beat ? that shit is unreal” ! He says “Yeah Bambi asked me to do some wit’it” he said “Bro ! He got it, he got it. He found the hit of the year” ! It’s good to see you here today.

    Thank you very much. We’ve been talking about it for a long time and now we’re putting it into practice. So it’s an honour and I’m delighted to have you on the show. For those who don’t know, you’re a big representative of the 92 region.

    Both on the catwalk and in the ring we know you as Bambi of Firelek, so I’ll let you introduce yourself in a few words. So I’m model and boxer in Thai boxing, twice professional champion of France, European champion, world amateur champion.

    And that’s it, I try to do the best I can and that’s that. Twice French champion, European champion, world amateur champion. Warning, this means that we have someone who breaks your mouth behind those angelic looks ! Careful, careful, we’ve got some heavy stuff here.

    I’m going to start straight away with a film theme. I don’t know how much of a film buff you are, I don’t know if you like movies or not that much, but I think there is one that changed and disrupted your life. I’d like you to tell us a bit about Ong Bak.

    It had to be. Well, I’ve always had a passion for martial arts and combat sports since I was young. and I’ve always watched tapes of Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee and so on. But Ong Bak is a movie I watched, that had me riveted.

    I watched it over 100 times. I was on my way home from school. The first thing I did, I knew the scenes by heart, the scenes in Thai, I knew the stunt scenes by heart. I knew the scenes by heart the fights by heart and mum wanted to

    Break the tape sometimes “it’s enough”. Frankly, it was a wake-up call. Ever since I saw this movie, I’ve said to myself, I’ve got to take up Thai boxing. And that’s how I got interested in Thai boxing because before it was more kung fu, martial arts, karate, etc.

    And I had even tried to do kung fu and karate, but it was too cinematic, it wasn’t real enough for me, it wasn’t the real fight. And when I tried, I discovered the movie Ong Bak with its scenes and so on.

    It was just amazing. It’s something that left an indelible impression on me, and it’s always stayed in the corner of my mind. and I said to myself one day I’d have to take up Thai boxing. I was just waiting to find the right club, the right place and get started.

    So it’s basically this film that changes your life, so to speak. At least in sporting terms. Not “so to speak” it’s this movie that changed my life ! Alright it is this movie !. Is there another film that has inspired you or … changed your life was well ?

    We get that this one is THE ONE but in all over cinematographic works that you’ve seen, are there any other films that have left a lasting impression on you? I really liked Blood Sports. We stay on the same theme. Yeah, no, that’s what it was all about, surpassing yourself.

    The guy’s not good, he needs to train to get stronger. In the end, he becomes better than all those who were stronger than him. It’s a bit like what everyday life gives us. They say boxing is the school of life, you have to learn to move forward even when it’s hard, etc.

    So this film really spoke to me. It’s a film I’ve watched several times as well. Jean-Claude Van Damme is a cinema icon for me. So everything is in there: the script, the casting, everything gathered to make a masterpiece. No doubt. Okay, okay.

    So, as I think that most people watching us are aware you’re a boxer but there might be a few who don’t know who you are or not knowing what you do. Can you briefly give us the heads up ? Because even I like boxing a lot but then muay thaï, thaï boxing, kickboxing…

    Yeah, that’s true. What’s really the difference ? We all know that for boxing, we only use the fists. Then, kickboxing, it’s fists and legs and knees, but straight. And the difference with Thai boxing is called the art of the eight limbs. It’s because the fists, the legs,

    Elbows, knees and we’re entitled to clinch mode grabs. But not on the ground. So it’s just standing and we’re allowed so you’re entitled to everything except the ground. OK, then. So there’s a film that changed your life and it seems to me that there’s also a trainer

    Who is very dear and special to you and who has left his mark. Thank you for. mention it. What has. marked your career? Yeah well yeah, you can. Can you tell us a bit about your relationship with your coach? Of course, of course. My coach Tidiani Biga, who has been training me

    Since I was fourteen and since I started out. He taught me everything I know about boxing like I said, I was looking for the right club, etc. I had a friend who did Thai boxing. I asked him to take me to his club and that’s where I got on board, Issy les Moulineaux.

    The name of the club is BMTC. I took my first classes there and was hooked straight away. And the aspect he’s introduced me regarding Muay Thai was the idea I had about Muay Thai. So I’ve always seen this sport as an art before seeing it as a combat sport or something violent.

    It was really the artistic side of things that attracted me. to stay with him and even pedagogy and teaching. Perfect. And he’s a great man, he’s given me a lot. He too changed my life, same as Ong Bak. Actually even more. Today, we have a very close relationship

    And even in combat sports, to succeed, you have to have a certain relationship with your coach. It’s important. You have to have that chemistry, to be in harmony is essential if you want to perform, if you want to train well, if you want to learn, if you want to progress.

    So thank God I’m lucky to have a coach like him today. Your career has come along quite quickly. Some people take their time and many, many, many fights before getting to the level you’re at now. It went relatively quickly. Yeah, it did. After that, in all modesty. Often in Thai boxing circles,

    They call me a “pheno” well a phenomenon. Technically. There’s no modesty here. No, but I prefer it. I prefer to say it. I’ll say it anyway. Breaking the codes means changing the game, right? We’re not here to be modest. But no, I’m not being modest, but basically I had an easy time improving

    Technically, etc., which meant I was able to progress more quickly and jump classes more quickly and move up to the pro categories very quickly and make great fights, great performances that allowed me to get a certain reputation in the French muay thai landscape.

    Now it’s a matter of exporting that level of quality to the rest of the world. What is the. What is … The hardest, toughest fighter you had to go against so far ? The hardest ? If there’s one that’s made an impression on you for X or Y reasons.

    I think my hardest fight, It was the only fight in which I came out of it disfigured and bruised. It’s the first time in my life. You’re handsome, there’s no mark on your face. Generally speaking, I never get hit, I mean I do but lightly.

    I don’t have a bruises, I don’t cuts or anything. But that one fight, I took a nasty elbow in the eye. French Championship Final 2019. But I won the fight regardless but I was fighting a week before the start of Fashion Week. It means I already have this fight on the way.

    I’m doing this fight,and this was my first pro fight in France and in the end I managed the fight well, but he was a tough opponent, who moved forward, who was tough, who had a big body, a big cardio machine, so he was always putting pressure.

    In the fourth round, I eased off a bit, and he backed off and threw an elbow. I got a black eye on the spot. It’s swelling. So yes this was my hardest fight. But good experience, honestly. And if you… I imagine that all boxers… told you I know a

    More about regular boxing… Hold on ! So I missed fashion week because of … …This opponent. We’ll get to talk about your Fashion Week activities. Let’s stick with boxing a bit longer before switching up. So when you have to get in the ring

    To prepare for a fight and that you first prepare yourself in your training and on D-day or the day before a fight. What’s the “goal” ? To win? Tear apart your opponent ? Are you looking for a knockout ? Is there some kind of

    Strategy depending on the opponent or it’s more or less… In fact, there’s always a strategy depending on the opponent. And my coach is a huge technician. That’s also why I have this style. Because as well as having the mindset and a bit of a “sneaky” mentality, if I do say so myself,

    It’s a boxing style that he has taught me, that I’ve imbibed. So we always have a plan, always a game plan based on the opponent, so you prepare your tactics, etc. We put a plan in place at the gym depending on the opponent’s weaknesses or strengths. For those who may be less

    Familiar with the world of sport than a left-hander. If he’s right-handed, if it’s a guy who moves a lot, if it’s a guy who manages, yes. If he’s left-handed, right-handed, if he’s a guy who often sends his right, or working on the front leg, or working backwards, etc.

    So we’re trying to analyse everything, all the parameters, so that we can arrive on the big day and get in the way as much as possible. But as for my style of boxing it isn’t one that I go looking for the KO. I don’t have a high

    KO ratio, but I have a boxing style that could be described as a bit spectacular, so it makes up for it a bit. I remember a photo of you that I only saw with one foot. When you talk about spectacular lightening, you see. I know they call you Bambi so I believe

    It has nothing to do with Walt Disney’s Bambi. Nah haha. Cause Bambi’s legs are like that. But you. You know my legs are like that a bit too, but… They go fast. And they’re strong too. So it’s Firelek for those who know. Exactly. And what are the fire legs for? In fact.

    Everyone was calling me “Jambe de Feu” so in English “Fire leg”. And when I went to Thailand, I’d say “My name is Fireleg” and with their Thai accent they were calling me “Firelek ! Firelek!” so I was like “Let’s go” and kept it..

    Got you ! Now it makes sense because I thought there was some kind of play on words but didn’t know where it came from. So you’re bringing up Thailand. I know that it’s a country that also means a lot to you and contributed enormously, because you are

    There often and have spent a lot of time there and it’s a culture. I can imagine you … I got a lot of love for it. It’s a country…I mean it’s a melting pot. There are people of all religions, Buddhists and Muslims. Culturally, it’s very open and we

    Accepts the culture of the other, i.e. the acceptance of the other despite religion, despite this or that… So it’s a great country to live in, the weather’s good, we eat well and I go there to train. So when I’m there, I’m really … It’s like heaven pretty much for me.

    It’s really a place where I’m peaceful, where I can do what I love, that’s it. So how would you compare the… You see, once again, I’m making the analogy with regular boxing, but as someone who loves boxing, I went to Cuba to train for instance. It’s a certain school of boxing. You know,

    Mexicans have their own style, so do Americans… The Americans have their own school as much as the French do. If you were to compare, I don’t know if it’s comparable, but is there a “school” that you prefer? Between what you learn and experience in Thailand and what

    You’re doing in Europe on a daily basis ? Quite franky, I’ll be honest with the coach I have, we have nothing to envy in terms of training. We have nothing to envy. To what they’re doing … Down there ? What they’re doing down there. But from an environmental point of view,

    I mean being there at peace, with nothing to worry about. Because if I have my training camp in Thailand, I’m 100% focused. Here, I’ve got other things to do. I’ll do this, go to tax services ot to the Post Office. You see ? The little tasks of our everyday lives.

    It’s never fun to go to the tax office. You see the everyday problems that make you not being 100% focused, whereas over there you’re dedicated to it. You went there for that, so you’re dedicating your time training or fighting, or you know ? It’s a whole vibe !

    And this thing is for real too, It’s serious, because, as you know, I’m not familiar at all with muay thai. But I went to Thailand once, on vacation and I got hooked. Get into a bootcamp… Where at ? I was in Patong and I went into one of the bootcamps there.

    Training sessions where you see the kids out there ready to go at 6am in the morning and again in the afternoon. You hang you wet gear on those things and it’s true that culturally it’s a bit of a shock to experience this kind of thing. Frankly, it’s dope. Well, you told me that

    You’re not a guy who’s necessarily looking for KO’s. But among the KO’s you have. What’s the fastest KO you gave ? It was… As semi-professional in Issy les Moulineaux, we organised a gala. I fought a guy and I put him down

    K.O. Second round I think, and it was my first real K.O. Because I’d already won by stoppage before but without knocking out. That was a “Night night KO”. “Night night !” Steph Curry style ! Yes, exactly ! It was my first ever “K.O. Dodo”, my first ever! And it was… I mean, myself

    I was… I was impressed to have knocked him out. I guess it’s like, I’d say the equivalent of a goal in the Champions League final, right? Like adrenaline. It’s amazing. It’s incredible. It’s sad to say, but it’s sport. That’s what the fans and people who watch boxing in general, that’s what we want.

    Just like you go for the dunk in basketball or the bicycle in football. It’s a very special feeling. And as a result, my first knockout. Round two. I put it on elbow, edge of chin, put him to sleep for five minutes. Well, I’m going to do a little

    Analogy with an event that happened a few years back. I don’t know exactly, maybe six years ago, I am not sure. When footballer Patrice Evra was playing for Olympique de Marseille and he threw a fan a high kick. Yes, I don’t know if you remember. How was it technically, nice ?haha

    The rage was there anyway. He had the grrrr but to be serious and address this issue, I wanted to do the bridge by saying that, today, we’re in a world where more and more fans are acting crazy On social networks, what some are doing is getting

    Out of control. And in the stadiums as well as in the rings, etc I can only imagine that you had to face some of it before or been confronted with this, but earlier you talked about modeling and Fashion Week – we’ll get to that later

    In the episode – but now you’re a model on the side so do you experience such things, you know, provocative shit ? Do you hear supporters who are out to get you, who want to push you to your limits? The essence of a fight, you have both.

    Camps already with their own supporters going at each other. So it’s shouting and screaming. Sometimes insults are thrown too. But frankly, you have to take your mind out of this. When you’re a pro athlete, you have to be able to ignore the outside noise.

    Otherwise you can’t concentrate and you won’t perform the way you want. So I’m really ignoring that. But indeed, people often try to provoke me and stuff but frankly that’s part of the game and for me it’s an extra incentive. I see. It’s good,

    You’re answering my question because that’s where I wanted to take you, to know how you handle these type of things. Because athletes are still human beings who could lose it at times. I’m thinking about about Materazzi and Zidane, Evra in this matter or the players who are subject to racist

    Comments or other things and walk out of games. Any kind of situation can sometimes provoke, that’s for sure. And of course, we don’t all react in the same way. That’s what I wanted to know. Yea, sports is about emotions. And from there, the strongest

    Is the one who knows how to control his emotions. So combat sports, help a lot with that, I believe, right ? It’s an added source of wisdom. But hey, when you get pushed to the edge and get really pissed off sometimes it works, but you have to control it.

    Mohamed Ali, I believe vs Sonny Liston spent his whole fight telling him “you’re going to say my name” when he didn’t want to Ali but kept callim him Cassius Clay at the time. Kept saying “Whats’ my name ? What’s my name ?” That’s right, that’s true. Alright

    Tell me, in your skyrocketing Muay Thai career, has it ever been times when you had doubts or even thought about hanging up your gloves? Or even times when you had a bit of a question mark? Very much so. Several times, I’ve wanted to stop. I’ve never spoken to my coach about it.

    But there were times when it was complicated. At the start, in the middle, up until now ? Like later in your career? I had a low point when I was semi-pro, I didn’t have many fights and so on. What was I doing again at the time? I had stopped going to school,

    I’d stopped going to school and told my mother I was only going to box. I wasn’t a pro, I wasn’t making any money. It’s hard for parents sometimes, too. It’s hard indeed. And my mum was like “Ok ! Do that and we’ll see how you’re going to live now”.

    She told me to do it a year and see. After a year, there was nothing at all. The pressure went up ! Oh yes, and then on top of that at the same time, my ex got pregnant, so as a result

    I was expecting a baby boy, so I didn’t really have a situation. I was still at my mother’s, I didn’t have a job, I trained every day and so on. So it was a very, very tough time. So I thought about quitting.

    And then, one thing led to another and things got better and better. But there was another period… Yea, Covid ! Covid fucked a lot of people man ! I said to myself, frankly, there’s no point. Everything was closed. Gyms closed And honestly in France, it took its toll.

    Thai boxing has taken a beating in France since the pandemic. So I thought wow, what’s the point? Going to fight to earn a couple of euros. It got emptied out, no more hype around it. There’s no craze, there’s nothing. So it was complicated and

    These were really the times I thought about quitting. How do you feel, for example, to know that we’re in an Olympic year with the Olympics coming to us in Paris and that Muay Thai is no longer an Olympic discipline ? I think it’s a shame because it’s very political. Because right now,

    Thai boxing is a more popular sport than judo, for example. But I don’t know why, we’ve always refused to include this sport. It’s a very unifying sport. So in parallel, Since we can’t do the Olympics, there’s something called IFMA. It’s a Thai boxing tournament with similar rules to Olympics .

    And there are all the the federations, all the countries are coming. There are countless countries, There are so many athletes, so there’s a real fervour around the sport. So what are the Olympic rules for Thai boxing? Wearing protection. Even if you’re a pro,

    You fight with protection because you may be required to do several fights during the week or something like that. But what I mean is that there are so many participants, there’s such a high level, good boxers, so … I just think it’s a shame.

    I don’t know why, but initially it was supposed to be integrated to the 2028 Olympics and finally withdrew to be replaced by skateboarding and climbing, I think, or something like that. So, it’s a shame, I would have loved to compete in the Olympics, for example. But anyway.

    Let’s keep the faith, maybe it’ll open up again before it’s too late. Nah I’ll be too old brother, it’ll be too late. Before it’s too late, we. We never know. So let’s talk. You mentioned Fashion Week earlier, Fashion Week, for those who don’t know,

    It is the week of fashion, literally translated into English. So we have. We have a very special guest, with the duality of smashing people’s faces, beating them up and at the same time having a pretty face, and walk for the big name brands.

    So how do we get into fashion in the first place? being black, from the hood and a fighter ? How do you fall into fashion? You forgot handsome ! Yeah, but that was obvious. If you’re a model, you’re handsome, otherwise it doesn’t work. So how did it start? First of all, I mean

    Well, not high fashion, but the first job I did as a model was a campaign with Nike. In 2018, I was contacted by Yard, but I wasn’t in an agency, I wasn’t doing anything. They reached out on Instagram and they

    Pitched me the project they wanted to do for the Air Max 270 at the time by DM. “Yo ! What’s good ? bla, bla, we like what you do ! You’d be down for the ad campaign?” Yes, of course, I exchanged with the dude and we

    Set up an appointment to meet, then we met and he explained the project and I see that it’s a big production, a very, heavyweight campaign. And finally, comes the day of the shooting, It’s being done just down the road from me, in fact, I’m going to represent the 9.2.

    With my discipline, “Bambi,boxer, a kid from 9.2.” so it’s a big campaign everywhere, worldwide, in the subway, bus stops everywhere. From 0 to 100 real quick ! At La Defense when I thought it was only going to be for social media, you know.

    And the campaign is taking a long time to get off the ground. So I’m thinking maybe I’ve been outwitted, maybe they didn’t like the pics and it’ll never come out but it did come out ! Like two months later, nobody keeps me posted so one morning I wake up and

    I see my instagram tew tew tew tew tew tew tew tew tew tew tew tew tew tew tew. I’m in the underground, I’m everywhere, I’m going Waouh! Please tell the check for your image rights were for real. You know, that’s right when I was struggling so, they put me up !.

    They took good care of me. I mean it didn’t relaunch the business, but it did put some good butter in the spinach. It’s a breath of fresh air, much needed. And it was my first job as a model because I wasn’t in the business yet but that’s what got me started.

    I got my foot in and discovered what it was all about. And 2018 was the World Cup championship game. I receive a DM from my current agent… France vs Croatia. No, no, no. Oh yesa, France vs Croatia. I get a DM from my current agent. Francis Villalva. Men Management.

    He DMs me and says: “Hey ! How are you ? I’ve seen your profile, bla bla, I like your body etc. Would you be interested in modelling ?” So once again you’ve been picked ? I know ! Right ? I’m looking at this guy’s message talking to me

    Like that, you know ? I wasn’t familiar with the fashion world and so on. I’m thinking maybe it’s a scam and don’t respond. He sends another DM one or two days later so I am like, if he insists, maybe it’s a serious thing, you know. So I answer his DM and from there

    He says yeah, if you’re available this week, I’d love to send you to two or three agencies so that you can do castings and see if they want to sign you. So I go to three or four agencies. One of them turned me down,

    Actually 3 agencies, 1 turns me down and 2 that accept me. So then I chose one of the two, and so on. That’s how it all started. The one who turned him down ! You’re probably biting your own fingers right now No but it really pissed me off that they turned me down.

    Because when you get into something you’ve never done before and you’re told no, you’re like “damn”. But did it give you a little bit of that thing to say “You know what? I’m going to get them !” As a competitor. No, because this is an area I really didn’t know anything about.

    The competition’s in you. The competition is inside you for sure but there’s always… You always feel more comfortable when you know how to do something. This was something I didn’t know how to do, something I’d never done before, and they said No !

    So, I was like maybe it’s not for me, see ? So after that, thank god I got accepted by the other agencie, you know. So I felt more at ease. But then again, if you’re told no.., they say no to your looks in quotes because it’s modelling is physical, you see. It’s a

    Bit insulting, you feel a bit like shit. I’m not a good enough or what ? They tell you “No” so you feel ugly. Like when a chick you want to talk to tells you “No” and don’t pay you no mind. It’s frustrating. So there you go that’s how I started.

    And a crazy side note, what got me into modelling in the first place was doing a casting. One day I arrive and there’s a queue of 200 guys, you know, and I go wow, like crazy profiles and stuff. And then, of course, because I didn’t know anything about it,

    I wasn’t as confident as I am in the boxing field. So I’m in line and all and there were countless of us. As soon as it’s my turn. I get in, put my thing down. There’s a casting director – that I didn’t know – who recognizes me

    From boxing you know ? Like “Bambi what are you doing here?” You already know ! We had a tiny power from 92i back then ! And he said to Bambi, he tells his colleagues “Oh, he’s an amazing boxer” So then their head of casting directors who says “You a boxer?”

    He’s got me skipping the whole line puts me in front, takes pictures of me and says, “Where do you live? How old are you? Do you have an agency in Milan?” Etc. He says OK so I go home. I’ve seen that I’ve done the casting like everyone else, so I’m waiting two days,

    My agency calls me and makes me really want to do it. There was this girl who wanted to see you and so on. In code-breaking. Everything happened like this. You know, like but. You see, for me this is disruptive? It’s to see. You know, we tend to think

    That fashion people are a certain kind of profile, you know, precious stuff. In the end, you see the duality of being a combat sport where you are clearly putting your life at risk. You see, we’re here, as they say. And on top of that, this duality of going

    Breaking new ground on four wheels, what are the biggest brands? or the biggest houses for which you have walked the catwalk or. I’m just finishing because then I When I go to Italy, they make me wait, but now I’m like a madman, They tell me you’re leaving for Milan, I’m

    On my way, there’s a driver coming to pick me up downstairs, I go to the airport, the driver arrive at a five-star hotel and all that, and I arrive. In the camps, this is known as the versatile HQ. In fact, it’s too weird because it happened overnight.

    I mean, really. If you don’t have time, you. You don’t have time to prepare me, so I’m not coming. We also make clothes in front of Donatella whereas two or three days ago, a week ago, I wasn’t a model. You’re there and everything, I’m trying things out and so on.

    The weather’s too nice and everything’s tatata. And I’ve been confirmed for the show and I’m parading around in Thai boxing shorts. Yes, I remember that photo. Like it was a hit. Now that was a real danger. But frankly, I was there.

    It was something I was really proud of myself for getting my foot in the door, in something I didn’t even ask for. And in. The top level, in. The serious high level. Then I did my first show with my very first job, with Versace, with stars in Italy, Milan Fashion Week.

    And that’s what gives me a good visibility in the modelling world, etc. And frankly. The whole experience, frankly, is mind-blowing. It’s heavy, frankly, it’s amazing stuff. And now you’re working for Versace, but you’ve done other, other big things. I did the same year. Then I did Burberry,

    I did several things, I did Dolce Gabbana, I’ve done Moschino, I’ve done Louis Vuitton, lots of brands. And could you, for those who don’t know, do the same? What’s the difference between that? Is she a model? I don’t know what you’d call a high-level fashion show. And a commercial model for advertising.

    It’s a bit. different. Model and mannequin, I think. If I can give a difference in modelling really, where the profiles are very slim, etc. That’s it Fashion editorial, catwalks and after the models, it will be more about sales and ecommerce. Campaigns too, but they’re very distinct, very different.

    But I was lucky because I’m in both, so I didn’t have to. Because in real life I’m thin. But in modelling, they’re really skinny, there are some, they’re really skinny. I’m a big man next to them. Sometimes people say no, you’re too fat. Oh yeah.

    I swear, there are jobs I can’t do because. You’re 2 years old. After that I’m still athletic and sometimes they just want super-thin bodies, very, very thin, not drawn at all, not drawn at all. So there are jobs where people tell me I’m too much, I’m too big. But no, you see, du.

    You’ve never had a hard time. I also have quite a few friends who are in the modelling world and I think of friends, you know, who have always told me that they had a hard time breaking through in France. and they had to export to Germany, England and even the United States.

    You’ve never experienced any slowdowns or problems related to this. Fashion is called fashion because it follows the fashion of the moment. You see, the thing is. The thing is, at the time, I.., I arrived, it was the fox fashion, you see. So in my opinion, I think that people

    You’re talking about, are people who are a little older and unfortunately at the time there were a lot of clichés about black people and so on. So there were one or two blacks who were making a name for themselves. Whereas today, you’re watching a Louis Vuitton fashion show

    And with 60 models, there will be 47 black women, you see. It’s in the process of being democratised. And then you saw the era and the renois. When I arrived later, it was all Asians, there were only Asians. After that, it’s the rebeus,

    Then that’s it, it’s fashion, we just go with the flow. So I came at the right time for me. So perfect timing. That’s it. That’s it. That. Perfect timing. I. As a result, I was reading in an article you did in the past where you said that you

    You combined similarities and fashion, because you said so yourself Earlier in the interview, you talked about aesthetics and elegance, the fact that it’s art and all that. I think there’s one art form that you really like too, and that’s music. Yeah. We see you. You’re also often seen dancing with your lips still.

    Oh no, Doudou. Is this also something that’s leaving you? What enables you to excel in Thai boxing? Having rhythms. I used to dance when I was younger. That’s why. That I’m coming to get you on this. There you go. You look at legends like Bruce Lee. He’s a great dancer.

    Mohamed Ali is a good dancer and one of the best fighters ever. They’re legends today, you see. But they themselves said that they had this ease of fighting compared to dancing. So you see, Bruce Lee did ballet. Muhammad Ali. I don’t know what he did, but he even danced in the ring.

    The footwork he was doing was dancing. You know, Daddy Rubber Percussion. He was. It was magnificent. And this artistic side, too, is in line with also Thai boxing, it’s a perfect combination, you know? You’ve still got a good dancer. A good fighter. Is that it?

    You have an appetite for elegance, a sensitivity to art and dance, fashion, it all comes together in the end. And now I’m getting into photography a bit. So you’re behind the camera. So I. Start because it’s very, very hard, it’s there, I can’t do the guy.

    But at the same time, you’re always starting something. Two years later, it’s autumn you have to prepare your legs. So now I’m trying to experiment a bit with photography, I’m doing more exposures. I didn’t used to go to museums. Culturally, I think that I’m in a period where I’m getting richer.

    So I’m happy about that because I used to be very closed-minded about what I was doing. But I wasn’t, I had an open mind but I wasn’t exploiting it. Now I’m making the most of it. I have lots of friends who are photographers, videographers, so I ask them questions.

    Being a model also helps, frankly. Free travel. It’s happened every time. I go to hotels and steal towels and bathrobes from home. Didn’t you hear that? I’m not guilty. As a result, to end on a musical note, you see, I know there are lots of boxers and sportsmen in general

    Which have something of a go to go to song feel. You have a song that inspires you or leaves you, that galvanises you, that allows you to go into battle. Now in Thai boxing, I know there’s also I don’t know if you can get in with your piece.

    If you can, you can because there’s often you you. Go home with your piece, we cut your piece, then we have the ritual, OK? So the music. Thai is exactly that. So, do you, one piece by the piece, by the bedside piece, come back, this is your film in music?

    To tell you the truth, I’ve never had a sound I could get into every time, it was in the mode of someone asking me Bambi, what do you want? As you. Know, with the wind. Frankly, for me it’s a detail. I’ve never had that thing where I’d walk in.

    There are plenty of boxers who have their own sound, who always put on, etc. I’ve never played music that’s really what makes a sound. At that moment, you can put that sound on. So it could be afrobeat or piano. Do you know it now? Everything that’s going on, all the latest trends.

    And to talk about music, I’d like to take a look at French rap. I think I saw your face in one or two Booba videos at the time. So for me in any case, everyone sees 12 hours at their door. For me, he’s the disrupter of rap

    French par excellence and I’m curious to know what’s it like to hear your name sung in a big banger? In confidence, I’m calling my own yacht. It’s already an honour. Frankly, it’s an honour and a pleasure. He’s a French rap legend.

    He’s made his mark in his time, he’s made his mark and he’s making his mark. He’s like Highlander. He crosses the. Epochs, epochs. Benjamin is a concrete worker, but he seems to have got younger with time. Exactly. And no, frankly, it’s a pleasure, it’s a pleasure.

    And thanks to him. And thanks to him. But it was also his at the time. Yeah, all right. And so, in confidence, I call Game Boy from Game Boy? Joke There’s actually something there. Well, in fact, it was a way of thanking me because they made the sound.

    I hate to say it, but thanks to me. You connected them. Exactly, in fact. Sidiki Diabaté was my friend. cousin who is also a singer in Mali and I listened to her. I had listened to the original sound, so the validated sound is a remix of the original. There are some.

    I play it back and tell him Gros, you should do a remix of his natural sound. He says Yeah, no. Trust me. Now we’re in 2006-2015, and that was a time to get cold feet. I’ve always been passionate about Afrobeat, ever since I was a kid

    And I’ve always had a very keen ear for music. But since then, I’ve always loved music, I’ve always listened to everything and I’ve I’ve always been a bit ahead of my time when it comes to a lot of artists. Well, I’ve got a bit of a knack for it, you see.

    And I said Ah well. Trust me, make some Afro sounds, it’ll work. Are you planning to release your album? Don’t just do hard rap, etc. It’ll be fine, it’ll do. And I play the sound. He says go ahead, you know what?

    I’ll talk to Bouba to see if your idea is a good one. He had Booba listen to it. Is that what you did? He sent a remastered version where he posed with his verse. With the. Final verse but he did it in less than an hour, like. The hit cut you listen to.

    But seriously, he did it in less than one minute. Time of day. And he says yeah, what’s that sound? And your order, it’s incredible and everything. He said yeah, it’s good, he made me listen to it. He asked me to make a fucking microphone.

    He’s found it, he’s found it, he’s found the hit of the year. And you’ve got it live. That’s the scoop of the century. No, it’s hard. He said, He found the big plus. I wasn’t into contract stuff, i.e. I didn’t scratch anything in it, I just put my blaze in the sound.

    It’s a way of saying thank you. If you want to thank me, say my blaze in the name and I would have said he has. He was originally going to say I’m just saying because I love my grandfather and I wanted his name, his surname, to be mentioned.

    And as I’m the namesake of my grandfather Father, I want us to hear the bench just to pay our respects, you know? So, your origins in Mali. Mali and Tanzania also from my mother Tanzania is. Is that it? That’s where Afrobeat comes from, isn’t it? From East Africa? Yes, exactly. And Diamond Platinum?

    My team listens. In any case, Respect to you, because frankly, it’s a banger and anecdotes. But not everyone does it every time. Why are we brandishing your name? Why is that? But in fact I’m not explained every time. So I think this is the first time that. I’ve made a name for myself.

    Well, I’ve already explained, but not openly. That’s it, I’m happy. Thank you. Did you know about this? You didn’t know? I wasn’t aware, I wasn’t. In the know. Well, listen, thanks to you. So, last question about the music you never said to yourself that you wanted to sing, rap, do something because you’re

    So much a music lover, connoisseur and talented in everything? Yes, yes, yes! Rapper? No, because rapping isn’t my thing. But I said at the time, when I was in the studio, I’ve already made sounds with him, I’ve already written sounds. À. The exit, I swear. And I have a sound.

    I feel like I’ve made a sound in love mode. Her name is Esmeralda. You can find it where it. Is. Hidden. It’s at the bottom of my drawers, at the bottom of my emails. It never came out. It’s cool. Very good. Her. I believe you. I believe you. À 100 %.

    Given the feeling you have for music, I’m convinced that maybe you should have taken it out next to something. This is one. Coup Frankly, if I’m world champion, I’ll go out at night. Have you got a scoop? Have you heard? Did you hear what I said? So what’s a typical day like?

    For me, between sport and fashion and everything else. Frankly, it’s quite complicated in terms of pace. Sometimes it’s very complicated. Anyway, it’s fine now, I’m managing, so it’s the life I’ve chosen. so I’m not going to complain. But sometimes it’s very hard psychologically. Because between the travelling, the training, the parties, my son,

    Family life and the projects I have on the side, it’s hard to combine all that. I know that. That if I were a sportsman dedicated to sport, unfortunately, you. As many activities intersect. That’s the hardest part, is to combine all these factors and ensure that we perform well everywhere.

    So when I’m called for a shoot, I have to be physically ready, I have to feel good physically, I have to feel good in my head. When I’m training, I have to feel good. When I play with my son, I need to have quality time.

    When I play with the family too, I need to be able to see my friends too. and I recently complained about it to my coach. I have no social life during the week, Like sometimes I go away for a week and come back at the weekend,

    I’ve been training for two days and I’m off again the next day, so it’s the pace it’s all work, all work, all work. So after that it’s good because I’m very active in real life, so I’m not complaining. But sometimes it’s true that it’s hard. It’s very, very visible.

    I’m pleased and I thank you again for giving me this time, because we’ve been talking for a while now. of me there, you see, frankly, it fell well, but there. I’ve got the whole week in Paris. Normally I’d leave tomorrow, but I found out yesterday that I was here

    Next week, that I’m free next week. So I’ll be able to train again next week. And also, the hardest thing is to lack of training because I work a lot. I’m not going to complain about it either, but the more I work, the less I train, and finally I even

    Request, I always make sure that I have a hotel with a gym, etc. But if training with my coach isn’t the same, it’s not the same. The sparring, the adjustments, the corrections that I make. And sometimes I miss a week, two weeks of training, I come back,

    I train for a week, then leave for a week. So even then, I spent a month preparing for my European Championship, I did a month’s prep work and just arrived from work, I did a month of preparation, I fought, I left two days later. So I’m going to be careful

    The fight not to be injured otherwise my fall behind is cancelled. So that’s it. That’s right, it happens, is potentially damaging to the face. For the time being. It only happened to me once when I was born in 2019. But since then, nothing. The last fights I did, as luck would have it.

    Don’t touch him. No touching. But as luck would have it, the last few fights I did, I always had shoots booked, like three or four days later. And my coach tells me. You get him to. My coach says, “Don’t think about your job or you’ll end up boxing. Strangely enough.

    He’s going to say yes. But no, it’s hard to ignore it in the knowledge that you have a well-paid contract where you have to arrive clean and you have a fight like four or five days before. It’s a drag. Frankly, it’s a funny thing to have to

    Deal with, but I’ve got it under control now, so and I do it well, so it’s fine, I’m not complaining. You see, I’m proud of myself. I’m proud of you too, mate. And as you said, you’ve been a boxer for fourteen years, fourteen years.

    Before that, did you play any other sports, did you dabble a bit? Yes, I did. I did athletics at a good level. I started when I was seven and had my own personal coach who looked after my training. of me until I was thirteen and I’d done my schooling.

    But all the years I did competitive athletics, I was outclassed. So, in fact, since I was little, I’ve always been involved in individual and team sport. It’s never something that I actually do. I have to be the best at everything I do. In other words, ever since I was little,

    When I was in athletics, I trained harder than the others, I was, I was doing well, I was number one in the club At school, there was the school cross-country race, which I won. There was the Christmas bullfight in my town. I won too.

    In other words, I was always doing the thing where I had to perform. You see, performance has always interested me. So team sport is fine, but I’m not. I’m a bit egocentric, but even when it comes to my two professions, whether it’s modelling

    And Thai boxing are two environments where you’re very focused on yourself. So team sport, that it’s great fun, but for me, in my head, in my mindset, it’s always about individual sport. I heard you say I’m bouncing off what you’ve just said. You said I am. I’m very performance-orientated.

    I want to be the best at everything I do. And it’s funny because in your you’re everyone around you, especially the famous people you get to know. We mentioned Booba earlier who is in the same, same delirium. He always wants to be the best at what he does, especially as a sportsman.

    Well, we’ve had the last Ballon d’Or, it was Messi, but just before that it was Karim Benzema and we know how much you were close to Karim, how do you see his career in particular? The end of his career. Because we know he lived

    Difficult times with his exclusion from the French national team and all that. But he was able to channel it, transform it into energy to win the Ballon d’Or. As far as I’m concerned, Karim, I think you have a lot of strength. He’s an honourable guy. Hand on heart, a very humble guy.

    That’s why they say humility comes before glory. This is the proof of the proverb. And he’s a really good guy who’s always approachable. Good advice, good vibes, a good guy, frankly. And it’s great to be able to rub shoulders with people like him at his level, you know. Like, this guy is unbelievable.

    What’s more, I’ve always been a fan of Cristiano, which means that he’s close to this guy who works here. I’m a fan of Karim Benzema too, you see. And he’s a guy. I send him a WhatsApp and he replies straight away. No guy who. When I knew him, he was at Real.

    He was already at the top. He could have been. Be at the top of your game. You can snub all you want. Anecdote. When I met Benzema at the time because he’s sponsored by Adidas and we talk and everything. There was a pair of Adidas that came It was hard to find.

    I say Would that be possible? Sorry to ask, but if you can have this pair etc. I’d be hot, you see. He’s in “Oh yeah, no, this one’s dead and all” mode. But you know what we’re going to do? He told me I had a solution for you.

    I said, “What are we going to do? He tells me to send me a photo of your passport, your surname, your first name, and so on. And off you go. I’ll send you a photo of my passport. He said, “What are you going to do tomorrow?

    I tell him I’m not doing anything etc. I’m in Paname and it’s OK. Go ahead. If you’re not doing anything at 2 p. m., go to the fields and you’ll see Adidas Deschamps, I say ok, I’m coming and everything to Didier Deschamps at 14 h, I say hello, I’ve come on behalf of

    Karim Benzema, you type on the computer and so on. We go through a lot of bags, I’m told you have €2,000 to buy in the whole shop, gift gift gift, shopping. Shopping as they say. But Benzema letting you know that I saw him twice back then,

    I’d seen him once or twice in my life, I hardly knew him at all and the day I met him, he said fuck yeah, boxing style what you do, I like it a lot and everything goes on etc. And now, as soon as I talk to them, they send me to Adidas.

    To give you your. Christmas present. But serious, you see. That was when I was an A S which means I’ve done it again. It was. One. A galley era, it was a galley. I had a lot of fun during my time of hardship. But go ahead!

    But frankly, it’s incredible that Benzema would do that! You know, it’s a crazy thing. And how? So you’ve been working with him for a while? Did you see it? You said you met him, that you were in Madrid, so he was already, shall we say, at the

    Top, with the Champion’s League and all that. How did you perceive or you his transfer to Saudi Arabia, it’s always controversial to those who say it’s controversial. The championships, we want to take the money. I start from the point of view that he has won everything.

    Unfortunately not with France, although he could have. But I assume that he has won everything. This really is the icing on the cake. Like I’m going to have the contract he had, the end of his career, it’s the end of a career that deserved to have plenty of players from his era,

    Of his generation that we all know, who sank. Yes. It’s clear that longevity and continuing to perform over time are key. What did this guy do? Twelve years at Real? Twelve years is a long time to be on the bench. Having had Anelka on this programme, he told me frankly, it’s hard, it’s

    It’s complicated, it’s a team, it’s mental. And this guy, what impresses me is Benzema, it’s his mentality. Like the guy on the news, we insult him the next day, you see, he has strength. But it must be something he uses for. It’s hard, it’s hard, it’s hard, it’s hard because.

    You see, we recently saw Some members of the government are even blaming him. There, we. Did his insult, his Instagram account before yesterday, you posted, you didn’t track, but we saw. So I asked him, I told him yeah, you’d better hope he doesn’t get stuck.

    Anyway, Truc de France, he told me I think it’s them, you know, Mais. Compared to what they want to blame him for. You know, he’s always got what it takes. That’s what France doesn’t like. Like the more-than-successful redneck who asserts himself as a local guy

    Despite being armoured or whatever, who listens to rap music in his car. Who breaks codes, who is disruptive, who is not of this world. He’s got dough, he’s showing it, you see, it’s lifestyle, you look at her Instagram, it’s only live if there is any, it’s very pro football.

    You can see their family life. This is his brother. Look, what’s life, brother? He teaches you what life is all about. You see, he’s an inspiring guy. I like it. So I’m lucky and honoured to know this guy. It’s heavy. And what’s more,

    Apart from everything I’ve told you, all the Champion’s League there. After the semi-final, I went to see them at the Bernabeu. I went to the Bernabeu with some friends of mine. As I worked a lot in Spain. Sometimes I was in Spain, I used to go and watch matches, the Champions League final.

    They won against it. I was there against Liverpool. Every time I asked for tickets, really, they were telling me how many people? Simple, simple, simple. It’s football. Frankly, I can only imagine what those moments must be like. Seen from behind a TV, it’s heavy enough. But my brother.

    My little brother used to show me photos of Benzema on my phone. That’s just the way it was. He couldn’t believe it. How old is the boy? He’s twelve. He is twelve years old. He was always talking about it at school. I’ll be damned!

    So these days, you see, we’re finally talking more and more about FC. It’s become MMA to be precise, because the UFC is a federation of generations. As there is the EPFL, so there are many others. There are several, but the main one is the UFC. You see, we’re already seeing a lot

    Cross competitions of this boxer competition, UFC fighters finally sparring with boxers. I’m thinking of Francis Ganoo and Fury recently, or I’m thinking of Dubai, which is getting a lot of attention. who’s been passing on kick boxing and Glory to him. Transition and. Even in MMA. What’s your take on sports?

    On this cross-fertilisation, this bridge between sporting disciplines? After that, I’m not particularly bothered. What bothers me is that now there’s a sort of craze with combat like influencers will become combatants. There are rappers who want to become fighters. I think it discredits the sport a bit

    And they are given credit because they have a certain notoriety. But tomorrow, if you want to go to a football match, you’re not going to go. on a pitch because you don’t know how to play football. If you’re not a pro, you can’t play football.

    You can say to yourself, tomorrow, come on, let’s have a match, I’ll go. On stage, but I’m not going to the Parc des Princes. Today, all you have to do is some notoriety and you clash with another guy on Instagram. Bye bye bye bye. We do something, we fight. They’re like influencers.

    Now I don’t know what they’re called. Jackpot for these guys. No, no, they’re still OK. Because they’ve made the transition and for me they’ve become real people. boxers because they’ve fought guys. Technically. Physically, they’ve become real boxers. And even in their mindset, you sense that they have and they are

    In the quest for performance, not in the quest for buzz. I don’t agree. I don’t think they’d go looking for Canelo or Golovkin, but they certainly had Tyron Woodley. Diaz. These are guys with baggage, who have experience, who have had big fights and to get to that level. Faut.

    I say respect, but when it comes to guys like Dylan, Thierry fixing a fight because he clashed with another influencer, you’re disrespecting the sport. You see, we were talking about Mohamed Ali earlier and these are the guys who built the sport. And then you come along and fight him like

    That because you’ve got another guy, as they say. I often like to use the saying You play basketball, you play football, but you don’t play boxing. Yeah, that’s it. After that, I’ve got nothing against it, they have the right to organise their fight, but what they are promoting.

    Through sport, I find it just shabby. Like because you clash with someone else Dude, we’re fighting, so you get to taste it, and it makes other people want to taste it every time. Perhaps in search of a buzz,

    To say ah well well, I’m going to organise a fight for two and that’s it discredits all the other boxers who train hard, who make sacrifices and concessions for people who are going to have. They’ll have more glory than the boxers themselves who are in this field.

    Do you understand what I mean? Of course, I just think it’s ridiculous. This does not prevent them from having the right to to do what they do, but to get it right. A purist’s point of view. Get it right, etc. After all, it’s my professional eye.

    So tomorrow I’ll have the seume to see a Thai boxing gala or a guy who can’t even put on a middle finger. To think that he’s fighting a boxer just because that he clashed with another guy, but that’s the game. That’s the social networking generation, Instagram tick tock. It’s all the buzz,

    Clicks, makes videos, does stuff and people are looking for that. So what do you want me to say? There’s nothing I can do about it. Could we one day see Bambi make the transition to MMA? Already in transition I’d have to have time, and I’ve got almost no time at all, so.

    Not right away. But maybe, maybe. Be if things calmed down a bit. First feel the ground, see if I like it and then I prefer first of all finish what I have to do in Thai boxing. Turning the page before starting something new. I’m not going to turn the page of a book

    If you haven’t finished a page and I’m going to finish what I’ve started and I know that I’m capable of finishing what I’ve started. So making history in this sport, for me personally, is an icon of the French Thai word. And then, why not? For example, he’s finished, he’s finished the book

    In kickboxing, he beat everyone and fought the best, He’s knocked out the best and beaten the same guys several times, so he actually finished the game and then left. Do something else. So in the same way, if I can finish as I want in Thai boxing, why not?

    Right, we’re coming to the end of this interview. I could talk for hours and hours too, it’s so enriching. But anyway, once again, Disrupteur J’aime the description, I like to hear what disruptors have to say about other disruptors. People who have. Said in football, you’re capable of giving me a disrupter.

    Really? Cristiano Ronaldo. That’s it. That’s it. Reply to. The question is this. If I tell you about basketball, can you give me another one? LeBron LeBron James? In boxing. As a result, in Thai boxing. Sanchez. I’ve never heard of him. I’m going to take a look at myself.

    This is the guy who made me want to box. I mean, he’s a technician, but an exceptional one. He’s a legend. Do you know Bubka or maybe? No, I’m sorry, I’m very uneducated, haven’t you heard? But I’m sure you’ve already seen it. It can be done. And in Thai and English boxing.

    Mohamed Ali I would have said my Weiders but I don’t like the character outside the ring. I don’t like the way it looks, I don’t like the way it conveys, it doesn’t inspire me at all. Is that what you think? I think so. When I was younger, I really enjoyed it.

    I even had profile pictures with things on them. I love it. Because in fact it’s the performance that I love. After what I’ve got. Said outside the ring, I hate in the ring. Person who speaks 50 zero for me 50. Zero Be careful, there’s one fight where he normally loses.

    Listen, you know. He’s never lost on the. Paper if wood is cut. But what I mean is that in the ring. Incredible! But he’s the strongest boxer on earth, I think. So, is that what you think. As an aside, as you say, there was one fight where he should have lost.

    What’s your take on Ngannou Fury? Well clearly, Ngannou wins the fight, he wins the fight, but you can’t put Ngannou as the winner, that’s just politics. You can’t arrive from another discipline, beat the number one and humiliate him like that and then leave. He made it into the top ten.

    They put it in the top ten because they didn’t give it away. They didn’t win because it was supposed to be an exhibition match. And you think there will be a match? I don’t think so. On the other hand, they’re never going to accept because if Paris Match there’s a

    Good way of doing it, they’re never going to accept it. for Ngannou to knock out furiously or for him to fight again. And what do you think? as a professional combat sportsman, do you think that Fury has really trained for this fight or maybe he just took it lightly?

    Frankly, I was. I was surprised because I put Fury basic winner like many people. I even thought that Ngannou wasn’t going to finish the fight. But you can feel that he fought with his guts. That’s what I loved about it. He’s a comrade.

    But you get the feeling that he’s a bit of a fighter. You can sense that he wanted to show people that look at where I come from, there was a strength that was palpable. I don’t know how to put it. It just feels right.

    You could feel it. And the guy in front of me, he felt it. because he boxed with fear, he didn’t box the way he usually boxes. That’s why I’m telling you that I’m wondering the question of whether it’s really prepared also because it has prepared itself.

    Because at that level, you have to prepare yourself. You have coaches, athletes, trainers, you have trainers for. This fight too. You must be prepared. After that, it depends on how he took it the preparation, whether it took a little or not, you know.

    But I have the impression that even physically, he was less sharp. than usual and was perhaps slower. And you could feel that he was more out of breath at times. So maybe he didn’t take and I think he underestimated them. I also think that is to close,

    Do you have one or two little anecdotes or unusual scoops to share? with us that no one has ever heard from the excluded? And it can be all of that, it can be golri, It could be professional, it could be combat, it could be skiing.

    You arrived this morning on your way out of the house. My first show, as I was saying, you know skiing? Yes, of course. Now that’s a good anecdote. This is like the Versace show at my house. I’m number 49, she’s number 50.

    In other words, in the show, I’m the person who comes before her. So during rehearsals, we’re together, and so on. But this is my first time in fashion and I knew nothing about it. In other words, I don’t even know this chick and I just turn up and walk on,

    We spend, like, 20-30 minutes with our numbers next to each other etc. And she scratches my friendship, like. She wanted to hook up with you, that’s. Everything. No, no, I don’t think so. No, no, you see. You see, I’m fine. What’s your name? All in English?

    My name is Bambi or Nana, and so on. This is my first show. I was saying, what’s your name? But I’d say, “You tell me, my name is Emilie etc etc.”. And I see another model friend I’ve known for a while. He looks at me.

    I equip myself, He is as I say the lambda chick. At last she’s beautiful. But I ask myself why? Because I’m talking to this chick and at some point there’s a pause and everything falls apart. If you talk to Inna, it’s Emilie and everything.

    I know Emilie manages my phone like this, I don’t talk, I’m so fucking stupid. And in fact I realised that this chick, she talked to me like that. Because in fact. Because you knew. No consideration at all. Like we were together for 30. I really got on my bigot.

    I didn’t give him a phase like and these people, they realise these things. And they often like it and prefer it because they prefer it. It was so real that in real life it was like, basically. Well, I don’t know who’s what and then when I knew who it was.

    So I changed my behaviour, his attitude changed, you see. Well, you shouldn’t have. Change. But no, that was it. Crazy stuff. Crazy stuff. There are always photographers in the backstage area of the show. who come to take photos of the looks, etc. There’s a big photographer coming,

    But next to Emily, he says go on, don’t put anything on, he takes a photo of us and I see the next day versatile posture on insta gender. Oh yeah. I know, me and Emily. You, me and Emilie. On the versatility page. Like this, in. Mode en mode.

    She and you, she and me, my little one and me, my edge and me, that’s all. And yeah. No, frankly, anecdote and anecdote. Well listen, in any case I’d like to thank you for your time. Thank you. For finding the time in your schedule. It’s been difficult to schedule this interview.

    It’s an honour and a pleasure, It’s a blast and frankly, you can come back whenever you like. Honour and shared pleasure. Anyway, thanks again. My pleasure. From you. Disrupter. It’s the end of the episode and we could but I know you’ve got other things to do. See you soon.

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