Hi and welcome to WannaGoBiking. My name is Arjan and it is time for a new Bikepacking Adventure! In June ’23 Peter-Jan and I started cycling from Folkestone towards Wales. It was a fun and beautiful ride along the south coast, Isle of Wight , New Forest, Bath and Bristol.
    In this episode Peter-jan and I part ways again and I head up further north towards the Brecon Beacons.
    Hope you like it, enjoy your rides and stay safe out there !

    * If you like the music, unless listed below, it is on epidemic sounds.
    If you use the referral below you get a nice discount:
    * Title music Moving by Supergrass
    * Brecon beacons by Supergrass
    * Chopin Verses by Olafur Arnalds
    intro 00:00
    ready to go 00:32
    annoying gate 03:35
    brecon beacons 04:30
    another gate 06:25
    pontsticill reservoir 08:09
    talybont reservoir 10:20
    enjoy your rides 13:30

    Right hi ,welcome back to WannaGoBiking! well I am about ready to go bike set up and loaded and so it’s Peter-Jan’s yes- but it is still  a bit of a a sad day cuz we are parting ways today so Peter-Jan is heading home today he will be going to Harwich

    And I will be going pretty much the other way up into Wales for at least two days is the plan as long as the weather is still okay-ish so Peter-Jan, any  final thoughts? lovely trip, lovely trip, good, we were so lucky with the weather we sacked the weather man

    It was good ,well true so yeah fantastic trip  and I hope to add a few more days to it maybe two or three maximum and then I’ll be heading home as well um and any last weather uh ideas ? weather forecast? I don’t give a [ __ ]

    Well, anyway um we’ll see what it’s going to be like anyways thanks for watching I hope today’s ride is going to be yeah somewhat interesting but we’ll see all right we’ll say goodbye to Peter-Jan see you! all righty see you later and we start off today with a nice 50 m climb ooh

    That’s going to hurt the legs that is a wall it’s a cycle path, so that’s good series of old sluices here no water so first stop of the day oo that’s a tough little climb this one only nine more to go really nice o not much room here that is a tight squeeze

    Oh boy why so complicated ? oh really? that’s the extend it goes to? great got only one word for this: why? I can’t pass, crack oh jeez I have to find another way to get on my track and lunch, wish me luck wow I thought I had a quiet back road but no

    Lots of traffic on this one, not funny at all all right let see if we can find some nice landscape cuz so far today have not been spoiled right that’s more like it, nice no wores guys come on Didn’t mean to scare them wow that’s what I’m talking about nice

    Except about the headwind up uphill this is more like it that’s how you do it, right?  look at this oh wow views for miles just had a nice break here well  it’s not a super spot but at least I could sit down and

    Think is a little bit of climbing and going up and down, three more climbs to go today and I should be cycling along two lakes I just saw the map so that could be that could  be nice other than that I don’t know if I’ll pitch my tent tonight or

    Or try to find a  hotel cuz the wind is really so so hard well there always an excuse isn’t there? but we’ll see at the end of this day, all right how nice oh no not another one! so this is going to be interesting eh what f-ing idiot comes up with this? really why?

    Well to say I’m not in love with  this, these kinds of constructions is quite the understatement what a fuss to get through, incredible it’s a 1K climb 7% which is  just as good cuz it’s a good chance to get warm again I am so cold right I am on Taff Trail now

    was recommended to me, that’s supposed to be sort of an easy way get to the Brecon Beacons well it’s not really been easy today I can tell I was very keen on doing some camping tonight but I I felt so utterly cold at the lunch stop

    Or the break that I just had, I can’t do it I’m not going to camp out when I’m not comfortable so anyway must move on now well that’s a nice place for a little pause look at that right that was a nice stop so  let’s continue cuz I think we’ve

    Got another lake or Reservoir to go to today Talybont Reservoir okay that way well I had just had an absolutely super  super steep descent and uh I just lost my my rear breake as well that was not a fun thing  to witness

    It is uh super hot maybe that’s the cause or cable is is affected somehow ? I don’t know, never happened , not on a rim brake and certainly did not expect that to happen on a disc brake system

    So I’m just going to wait for a few minutes, let let things cool down a bit and see what’s happening then was a very sketchy descent anyway but this is really taking it to the next level all right I’ll see you later wow, the Welsh language is impossible

    that is a perfect road, yay it could be me but I’m constantly bewildered  by the options I have to take at roundabouts cuz now I’m facing steps and that’s not right apparently I have to go on the dual carriageway which- to say the least – I am not keen on

    And that’s yeah I have no clue what to do to be honest right,I’ll go back 50 meters, see what happens well I saw a pub/ restaurant open so  I’m going there quickly right that is it I have managed to find my B&B for tonight well all together I had an absolute amazing night

    it’s a bit funny to ride alone, I kind of  miss my buddy but yeah that’s how these things go right so uh yeah I’ll meet up with him in a  week or so yeah I do hope you enjoyed this ride and if so give us some thumbs up

    That would be appreciated and so I hope to see you in a next video Until then enjoy your rides, stay safe out there, cheers


    1. Nice scenery, shame about the gates. I usually hoist the bike up onto the back wheel and kind of walk it through those, if you get what I mean. But not so easy with a loaded bike. Possibly designed by a non cyclist? Who knows?

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