How well do Ambika and Leo really know each other? Find out! One Day is now streaming on Netflix.

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    Shut up God I’m good at this hi I’m amam mod I’m Leo wood and we are going to take the BFF test when is their birthday 14th September 1996 is that correct yes it is 2nd of October 1995 I told you that yesterday I know what is their middle name vinc

    Is it yes why weren’t you confident about that I just feel like I you told me that and I remembered isn’t that crazy that’s crazy a crazy story no idea I don’t think you’ve ever told me to be fa no to be fair and also

    It’s not like a common name I can spell it for you bucky bucky so I was born they called me buy and then like the nurse came in and she’s like oh have you named her and my parents were like yeah her name’s Bucky and then the nurse was

    Like oh my God bti that’s such a nice name and then she left the room my parents were like we can’t call her that what’s their favorite swear word I’m just going for the one that I hear you say the most it’s an unbeatable word man can’t

    Really go wrong does one of you swear more than the other I definitely swear more than you no I’ve got such a potty mouth swear all the time so do I what nickname do they like to be called I don’t know if this is your necklace it’s

    Just what I call you okay Leonard Leonard yeah ambo people call you ambo some people do mainly Leo yeah what really annoys them like the most um the patriarchy sto oh no going you would have been right what do you think is on there really loud like noises I love

    When music’s really loud but if I’m like in a situation where you have to talk then really loud music is like yeah I hate it to be fair this is a really loud loud noise is it a specific noise this is a really loud noise and it’s it’s Amica banging on about the

    Patriot that’s good yeah no no Amica never talks about the Patriot she never talked about and and Leo just general General General use do they have a hidden talent and if so what is it interel theme on piano wow yeah can you do that can you play

    Other things on the piano yeah LOL land and oh yeah L land yeah The Godfather tune singing why are you not no no no yeah yeah don’t think it’s hidden it’s not I sing a lot what would you have put down for yourself as a hi a hidden

    Talent um I can do a one-handed clap what is that I don’t know if it’s going to work cuz my hands are really sweaty it’s impressive let’s keep that one hidden though let’s keep that in the in the edit yeah what’s their favorite snack based on what Leo will have seen

    Me eat either a Texas barbecue Pringle or a party ring crisps okay yeah yeah I’m nearly yeah that that is yeah to be fair yeah I would say either crisps or chocolate cookie to be fair or cookie cookie or I ate a lot of brownies so all the snacks

    All the just basically any yeah anything how do they make their tea going bit left say he doesn’t drink tea he drinks coffee and I don’t drink coffee so I don’t different types I don’t this is the right type of coffee but I put an

    Americano is that not right to be fair I only drink coffee pretty much on set and yeah I did drink a lot of just black coffee and that’s what an Americano is right I’m doing that because my hands are sweaty Ginger green any generally herble te yeah smashed out the par if

    They had to go on a reality show what would they go on this is really hard I don’t know I don’t really hear you talk about reality TV no I’m too busy talking about art and politics and the patriarchy um I actually don’t know you put a question I actually don’t

    Know you put a question no idea for my middle name what do you think he wrote down for you traitors I’d like to go on go box or I would do no way shut up wow God I’m good at this would you want to be a

    Faith I think I would it’d be stress more stressful being a traitor but I think you’ve got a higher likelihood of winning that way I think if you were faithful there were just too many things against you to get to the fight to get

    To the end so I think it would have to be a traitor I think you would be a good traitor do you think so I think you’re just like you’re you’re smart and you’re decisive and you’ve got you know you’ve got a good poker face and I’m willing to

    Kill whoever gets in my way and you’re a killer what was their favorite part of filming one day just going to put grease cuz I’ve it’s that not right I think it probably is right but specifically filming in Greece was actually kind of painful at times sitting on but I can

    Understand why that is your answer I was also going to put the the day when everyone was there apart from me and then what was your what would you say your answer was SE cool that is a wrap about each other in this or you know each other really

    Well season two I’ll come back for season 2 thank you guys so much thank you so much loveely to meet you


    1. I was looking for something to watch and had no idea what this series was about. I could not stop watching…14 episodes later and 5:45am. I'm still thinking about it 2 days after finishing it. What an amazing story and yet so heartbreaking at the same time. I can relate to Emma so much and I think that's why it was so emotional. I need a Dexter in my life! Love him.

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