Adam Yates may have been the big pre-race favourite to win UAE Tour but the British rider is now out of the race after suffering a heavy fall, with head impact, during today’s stage 3.

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    And sadly there yeah that’s had him right he was the first rer to come down so you could see him right at the front of the screen on the left he’s just had a look down and I’m pretty sure he overlaps the wheel starts to look like

    He’s running that slings him under but you can just see how hard that he hit his head he did get back on got back I was surprised how quickly he got back on or was let back on his bike should there have been more checks then there well

    There’s to be fair to the UCI they’re doing a lot to try and implement this concussion protocol that they brought in a couple of years ago and so they are encouraging all team’s Riders and all team staff to understand all the signs of concussion so that they can almost assess them straight there

    After that you can only be um diagnosed with concussion by a medical professional which they see afterwards but I just when you saw the speed of the crash and how hard he did hit his head it might have been off camera but for my mind it looked like he was back on his

    Bike very very quickly like too quickly to to say that you had a proper assessment and you know it clearly was that that meant he stepped off the bike and he not a surprised to see him step off the bike B really when you see how

    Hard that crash was I think I just heard him then said I’m okay but and I couldn’t hear the rest of it so it must just be he must have start getting a headache or something maybe up the climb but it’s a great and wise decision of

    Adam as well you know I think getting back on your bike and then carrying on for your team because they are the home race with their team sponsor but at the same time just getting onto that last climb and going look I really don’t feel well I’ve got more I’ve got bigger like

    In the nicest way possible I’ve got bigger fish to fry later got to look yourself haven’t you I’m just going to take a step back and he won here back in 2020 he’s competed here for the last four years he’s always ended up on a Podium hence why we

    Thought he was going to do really well but with his experience especially at this tour you know when things are playing against you as an athlete and he obviously thought you know what it’s actually not worth putting myself in a position even if it is for the sake of

    The team because he did get back on so quickly like you say because they they want to do that effort for the team yeah and which is what makes the concussion protocol so hard to implement because it’s a natural tendency for to think I need to get back up quickly otherwise

    I’m going to be minutes behind the bunch so it is difficult for them but I’m glad that he did step off because he would have had a sense obviously straight away even on the Flat Road going slowly as they were at the time that he wasn’t

    Quite right but he might have thought to himself you know I’ll see how I feel on the clim things might come around and I might feel a little bit better at the very least I can get to the end and get through tomorrow but it must have got

    Worse I didn’t get any better certainly for him I can relate as well I don’t know if you two know about this but last week I had a crash on my bike and I you haven’t mentioned it to be honest I got back up so quick and then realized I

    Wasn’t all right so yeah just take your time with it cuz absolute hero um you can just see how much him he means to the team you know how much they care about him want to look after him but it does like open it up a little bit

    Like we were talking pre-race you know now that feels horrible to say doesn’t it but in terms of entertainment of the race I would say that the exit of Adam yat is going to make it more entertaining there’ll certainly be a lot more belief in the rivals and other

    Riders than there was at the start this morning because you know the situation they had it’s like well anyone that goes Adam Yates can go with them possibly drop especially on Sunday’s climb which really suits him whereas now they’re just slightly weakened you know saw a

    Bit of weakness in MCN today as well I I also think as well with this is that when Adam y stopped they didn’t stop and change their tactic not stop and change their tactic but they didn’t stop what they were doing they were still riding

    Like they had Adam Yates sat in that pel on third wheel still just waiting for his for the moment to move and I think without Adam Ying you really need to assess it quickly and go okay Adam’s not here we need to change what we’re doing just back off a little bit save

    Yourselves because attacks might start to come and I understand trying to keep the pace high but if you’ve got mcnully losing time which they ultimately don’t want at all jayvine also losing a little bit of time You’ think in that situation to say okay guys we haven’t got adamir

    To cover the big attacks if they do start to go so it’s only you guys now that can cover it and sort of say what do you need what do you want and we might have just said just chill just back off a little bit we haven’t got the

    The best climber in the race here anymore so yeah I was quite surprised I wasn’t surprised at the time but when I look back at it now and think oh wow they they didn’t do that correctly well doesn’t this maybe open up an opportunity for one of his teammates you

    Know the support Riders the domestics who are there to protect him to maybe think um is this going to be for me now like Jay Vine I think the position that jayvine was in he’s definitely he’s definitely had an opportunity we spoke about this morning saying this might be his chance

    And with jayvine onon those domestic duties all the way through the year for the likes of T batra and Adam Yates this could have been a great opportunity even if Adam still was in the race for him but I think definitely now that Adam’s gone home this is his chance he’s shown

    Himself that he’s probably climbing a little bit better than MCN as well so yeah it’s a great opportunity under sad circumstances it’s a perfect race for jayvine I mean he’s had his fair share of crashes over the last few years particularly on technical areas of the

    GE for example whereas this race is so open and wide you that that ele see we saw a crash today but there’s much less chance of crashes on that sort of thing and it’s just one climb now on Sunday that’s probably going to make the difference between winning or losing

    Should there not be any Crosswinds between now and then and we just know what sort of numbers he’s able to put out for like the half hour that’s going to take you know they’re world class he’s got a really great chance of winning this race over W it opens up

    Doesn’t it and actually in the when we were watching it you said it looks like they’re climbing the moon honestly it’s got 21k climb no idea where that came from


    1. I watched the stage earlier and because its the UAE TOUR i fast forwarded thru most of the stage and went straight to the end just for the climb and was wondering what happened. I heard mention of a crash but wasnt sure when he had crashed. This is first I'm actually seeing what happened

    2. Absolutely appalling that he was not given the concussion protocol. Cyclists are some of the toughest athletes in sport!! These guys instinctively get back on the bike with no thought. I remember Toms Skujins crashing in a race a few year ago and it was a bad crash at spoeds over 60k on a downhill and no cars around so he got back on the bike and was swerving all over the road. It was an awful sight. Very scary. They eventually had to catch up to him and pull him off the bike cos he was just going to keep going and could have killed himself. If i remember correctly he was swerving so badly that he hit a curb and almost crashed again. It was very scary incident. All the commentators didnt know what to say on air and it was a real sh1tshow. Yates should have been held by his team to have medical give him crash protocol. You cant leave it to the riders to choose cos 9/10 they will say "I'm fine" and get back on the bike. This was terrible on behalf of the medics AND his team manager!!! I know Yates wants a second win at UAE TOUR but c'mon mate!!! Its only the UAE TOUR and not the TDF!!!

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