Getting the long miles under the belt!!

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    To know what it sounds like so here we Go guys it’s the night before a big Iron Man training day tomorrow it’s currently about halfast 8 I’ve actually just recently got off the turbo long ride that was pretty brutal but we’re going to plan for tomorrow fingers crossed now it is February in the UK but fingers

    Crossed the weather looks like it could be okay tomorrow and I’m thinking I might try and the key word here is try and get out on the TT bike purely because I’ve got a really long ride tomorrow I’d love to get on the bike and get out in position out on the road

    Rather than being stuck on the turbo I’ve also got something really exciting that I’m fingers crossed again because of the weather going to be testing out tomorrow and it is these bad boys look at these from swissside so these are my new kind of I mean I guess you’d say training wheels

    They’re not I mean they’re like race wheels really but they’re not as deep obviously so they’re the 625 hadrons um and I’m going to be putting these on the TT bike fingers crossed tomorrow it’ be nice weather cuz I don’t really want to get them grubby and horrible but comes

    To worse we’ll take the road bike out and potentially put these wheels on the road bike cuz I do want to test them um but look how nice these are and if you bear with me for a second check that out thanks so much swissside for sending me these wheels obviously

    This is not a wheel I’ll be testing tomorrow I can’t wait to get it on the TT bike and get the bike race ready I mean this looks phenomenal um and I’m sure you’re all dying to know what it sounds like so here we Go okay that’s pretty special um this is definitely staying in the bag but I’m going to get tires inner tube sorted on these wheels prepare for tomorrow and thinkers across like I said good weather now some people may question the tire choice because I’ve gone for these and

    You’ll notice it says gravel King which doesn’t really make sense cuz they’re going on some quite nice wheels so there is good reason for this first of all they’re kind of tanned wool I mean they look a bit more like pooy color than than tan but we’ll go with it I’ve

    Actually got the 32s on my road bike in here somewhere sorry it’s an absolute mess in here but I got the 32s on that bike which I absolutely love and the reason why I’ve gone for these is because I actually really like the tires themselves they’re quite tacky

    They’re quite sticky so they’re going to be good for a training wheel set which is what these are going to be but also and you’re going to call me a massive cheap skate for this they’re only 30 quid on Amazon and I kind of figured I don’t really want to be

    Spending like 150 200 quid on tires for training wheels so for 60 quid I got both of these and obviously got some inner tubes so bit of a cheap skate but I think they’ll look really nice on the wheels and I know the tires are really decent quality you’re just going to have

    To look past the fact that they say gravel King and I’m definitely not going to be doing gravel on these Wheels here they are disc and cassette will go on in the morning depend depending on what bike I’m going to go on I’m pretty sure I will ride these wheels unless it is horrendous weather and then we’ll opt just for the road bike and fog standard Wheels but that’s

    It I need to rest my thumbs now because they bloody hurt after that I think those tires look great actually so yeah really chuffed with all those have come out time to get some shut ey and I will see you tomorrow for a big day of training and just like that it is

    Saturday morning now the weather yeah it basically pissed it down until 10:00 last night it’s now 8:30 and I can’t really wait too much longer for the roads to dry out so I’ve decided not to ride the TT bike just because there’s probably going to be quite a lot of

    Water out there quite a lot of grit um I do want to get on the TT bike I do want to you know get in position out on the road I’ve got 10 weeks until South Africa there’s probably going to be some more fingers crossed there’s going to be

    More opportunities to get out on the road but today I just don’t feel like I really want to risk it um and get the TT bike covered in loads of crap however I do have the wheels um now I don’t really want to get these covered in crap either

    But Life’s too short to not ride amazing wheels and well I mean just wash them after the ride and they’ll be absolutely fine So the plan is to stick these on the road bike take the road bike out for 5 and 1/ half hours we got half an hour

    Run off probably Chuck it on the treadmill 6 hours of training today and I need to get it done earlyish because my brother wants to watch the rugby later at the pub and so he’s turning up at 3:30 it’s already 8:30 I need to get 6 hours of training in and I’m probably

    Going to want to stop for a coffee on the ride this is going to be a tight turn around but we better put the camera down and go just quickly fuel wise what I’ve actually decided to do 2 L bottles 2500 is not that hot so that should be fine

    I’ve got some chews just for a bit of texture and obviously you know for the fueling as well 30 G in each then what I’m going to do is in a liter bottle normally you put the flow gel 300 G in the flow bottle which is a 500 mil

    Bottle but what I’ve decided to do is put it in a liter bottle and I’m just going to fill the rest up with water that should loosen this up quite a lot um but it just means then I’ve got you know 300 in there with just that I think

    It works as 60 G of carbs an hour with these be a little bit extra and a coffee for an easy ride that’s absolutely fine that’s absolutely plenty but I just want to make sure I’m taking as much as I Can sit WP we are 2 and 1/2 hours hours in first Wei stop of the day I’m actually very impressed with that anyone who knows me will know lasting 2 and 1/2 hours for me without a Wei that’s bloody good going that’s that’s a good day already I just stopped to admire the

    Bike as well this looks so freaking cool with these wheels on um I’m very glad that I have got the road bike out today rather than TT obviously love to try and get in position a little bit for extended period of time but the roads are are covered in crap they’re so so

    Bad but the these wheels have just given this bike a new lease of Life they feel absolutely incredible so good especially over 35 km hour they just run so so nicely and I think they look absolutely incredible so yeah well chuffed with that um need to crack on because we

    Don’t have much time to waste uh if i’ if I’m going to try and get to the rugby later uh or well to the pub to watch the rugby but still a long way to go fueling well let’s crack On we’re over halfway 2 hours 47 in not feeling too bad actually um really to be honest the goal for the day is just to get the hours in the last few weeks I’ve been on the turbo doing quite a lot of specific work and it’s especially the

    Last two weekends I’ve had long rides at this kind of duration but because they’ve been sessions it’s actually been okay to do on the turbo but today all I’ve got is well I say all I’ve got got 5 and 1 half hour ride and half an hour

    Runoff we talk about the run off later uh I honestly don’t think I’ve got the minerals to sit on the turbo for 5 and 1/ half hours without a session or without anything to think about or stimulate I don’t think there’s anything that would be able to get me through

    That I don’t know just so that’s why we’re out today and it’s so good to be Out all right let’s see how much of a death march this is going to be I’m going give myself I reckon a minute lead in just to get the uh incline right and the speed and then we got 15 minutes at effort what’s 335 it’s like 17 and a bit

    Came out I give myself 30 seconds that was tough um about 335s On The Run um yeah good day but very good day I’m glad it’s done I’m now going to fuel up clean the bikes and then you’re going to have to wish me luck because I’m going to the

    Pub to watch the rugby with my brother and as it stands right now I think give I have one pint even half a point or be on the floor so that’s something to look forward to isn’t it anyway guys more of this is to come

    Over the next uh well yeah the next few weeks uh the next block of training towards South Africa it’s going to be just a lot more of this fingers crossed better weather I can get on the TT bike but yeah things are going in the right direction we’re working hard and uh yeah

    We’re just getting it done but that was a good day and I hope you’re all well and training well looking forward to Race season and I’ll see you in the next video


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