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    This is once again the brainchild of lead presenter Danny Butler and takes an honest look at the trials industry as it is in 2024. No topic is off the table and this is an authentic trial conversation. Taking the experienced opinions of some of the UK’s most influential riders. To have an honest conversation is a beautiful thing. We just like to do it about trials.

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    Hi I’m Danny Butler I’m Ben Borth and I’m still St day and this is the TRU Podcast once again thank you very much for tuning in to uh I’m going to say I’ve kept count on these episode four four episode four we’ve made it to four episodes and you know I’ve not had to stop because I’ve been ridiculed um episode four of the TR podcast uh if you

    Are listening to us on Spotify and apple thank you very much and if you’re behind the week right now please do not crash into the person in front of you crash into the person next to you um and you have you catching up with us on YouTube

    Right now thanks very much remember to like share and subscribe sharing is caring it is it is and uh who to th it YouTube on a podcast in nor staff at you you’re just blown away by the technology aren’t you right now get this never knew this technology could exist it’s

    Incredible in my in your day and age uh we once again join by Ben Butterworth welcome back thank you he on rotation he on on rotation um obviously the reason why we have more than one presenter is so that if somebody’s not available on a

    Day then we will bring in a sub and it’s a greater mindset as well it’s more knowledge it’s more inside the end more knowledge different opinions different opinions a difference of opinion well what we what we’ve brought you on for this one is obviously we’ve got the very beautiful Majesty two

    Stroke it’s a proper bike it’s got two it is a proper bike and I know you prefer your four strokes but what a two-stroke what a two-stroke prer Two Strokes I just prefer two shocks oh okay yeah it’s not a stroke thing it’s a shock thing shock

    Thing okay yeah um this this episode has also gentlemen been um graciously supported by the guys at JSM indeed the fabulous shirt family we’re going to talk a lot about them and they deserve talking well about yeah I do think so that um you know John Sher uh senior and

    Junior um have spent a lot of time in the sport not only have they shall we say provided bikes to a lot of people through the years pioneered in the sport developed in the sport yeah and still going strong and still going very very strong indeed and and rightly so as well

    And mainly uh one of the reasons why we’ve got such a wonderful uh item in the studio today obviously if you’re watching this on YouTube you can see what’s here right now but uh in the background we have a 1980 1980 19 yeah 1980 sorry I’ve been

    Told that just off screen now I’m like 19 1980 for some reason uh 1980 Yamaha Majesty 200 which um we did actually feature on TR for an episode but of course with this being a JSM themed episode JSM supported episode that’s where we all started isn’t it it is

    Indeed if you didn’t know this the uh the word majesty on the bike actually stands for Mick Andrews John eh shirt Ty I never knew that did you not no I am just educated Ben botle yes and what those guys did they took a stock standard Ty yam that was heavier than a

    Camel and they got into the workshop at bton with haaw pretty much a wo they went let’s make this Japanese heavy lump into a world class trans and that is exactly what they did it is and basically what Honda do now yes for the factory bike yeah for the hrc1 I think

    That’s I think they do something a bit more planned well do you not think do you not just take it to a workshop in boxton but how how that’ll never happen with a modern bike today nobody is going to take a brand new bike and then start

    Hacking it to bits and making it better it’s an of an era that has gone and I look at it it’s incredible I mean there is one person in Italy that tried to do the same thing with a beater top trial team top trial team and bossy uh bossy

    Offroad which so Ben is a beater owner right now absolutely and what exhaust are you running Ben bossy a bossy one is it because it makes a beta sound cooler no it’s to stop me damaging the original you it here first folks that’s right if you’re buying a bike take all

    The good bits off boss still doing that or he still going yeah yeah still going still making they they make a bossy Edition Evo right they do yeah yeah makes it so much better soft off the bottom and then just revs so much cleaner top end does make a big

    Difference I can’t see anybody doing that with one of the modern fuel injected tip bikes there is nothing really you can improve in the back of a workshop ones and zeros bit of code um no it’s it’s yeah it’s it’s not as easy to do that is it really unless you start

    Getting really really Deep Pockets but this this bike let’s be honest it was a bike that was taken they took the standard bike and then made it better and not only did they make make it better they also then made it the more desirable public to public B absolutely

    And and they didn’t just mess about a little bit I mean they literally like you say there used to be an oil tank that got yeated with an auto Loop that was just made it into a premix thing and they chopped the bottom of the frame off

    And put a big alley swamp in they lengthened the swing arm they completely altered the headstock the whole geometry of the bike rode polarly different if you rode the stock bike and this back to back it must have been a night and day you know back in the day a game changer

    A complete Game Changer and that’s why it’s here it’s a legend it’s a legend could you buy a standard Yamaha Ty at the time and give it to Mick Andrews and shirt it and asked them to do it for you I probably from what I remember they

    Used to buy the bikes then actually create a Majesty version that would then to sail to public because I’ve seen photos of all these majesties lined up in Big L production line they had their own little production line going making the bikes better Inon who it and would

    You know how much they charge you about then oh I did I actually had we should have done his homework no I did do my homework when I did the Majesty version of trial tube and off the top of my head I’m sure that they were something like

    1,400 quid I know how much was a base bike uh prob probably probably bloody more let’s be honest the yo but no it wouldn’t I’ve WR the I’ve WR the base it was probably a grand yeah we shall we say if it was a special edition bike it

    Was probably I don’t know maybe but the Majesty 23% like 100% better I F an original fantic then eh yes pretty much that’s what they did yeah like your fan your bikes that’s what they did with brand new bikes back in the day which was funny because I I’ve rode a pretty much

    Standard setup fantic and although not bad it does not ride like yours you are basically doing that to fantic right now and what they did they did that 40 years ago yeah yeah you know a very bold move and also and it got instant MC Andrews and and and John

    Jun sh senior at the time were the factory Riders yeah were they were the best Riders of the day yeah they were the best Riders of the day and can you imagine if you were a factory Rider saying to the factory I mean Adam raer

    Did the same thing with the um with the sherker where he’s basically just stepped on it and said this is what I want but can you imagine being given a bike from Yamaha and then saying to them I want to make it better I want to make it better

    They perhaps just want just we have actually uh obviously tford is it would have been and gone by the time that this podcast goes out uh and last time I was at Telford I can’t talk or attest to this time around because uh when we’re recording this this is actually pre pre-

    Tford um the last time I was there did you know that the Yamaha Majesty was the first bike to become fuel injected really mhm no way that’s right the very last factory version that was written by Mick Andrews got it was had a sort of crude fuel injection system on

    It and it didn’t have a carard you never th it back in the day and you know how many are in existence one one wow just the one wow we so that’ll uh some of this new technology is not new it’s not that new this is why when I suppose this

    Is why when we St again why isn’t why aren’t we getting the technology in 2024 and like well well they had it in 1980 so we’re kind of like by now in 1980 that’s why we had better airplanes in World War II cuz the Spitfires were fuel

    Injected and the Luft ba wasn’t all right I see hey facts now there we go you know every time we have Ben Butterworth it becomes like history hour don’t when when when the left droppers uh dived the floats Rose and the engines couldn’t R so the spit fires rolls R mland were fuel

    Injected they could accelerate down wow so you learn something new every day so Mick thought my car keeps bogging down when I drop off something what am I going to do ined Chuck some fuel injected on it well there you go so like I say I don’t know if that’s how it

    Actually worked but no I’m going to we’re just going to say that Mick had the idea and we’re just going to give him all the props because I mean the last time I saw MC so when I was a kid uh I was very fortunate to go and ride

    At MC Andrew’s his place is that Barry Cliff uh no well that’s Mick’s mom’s place ah okay Barry Cliff was owned by mcandrew’s Mom and and rock very cool venue indeed uh Mar and North Darby youth spent there trying to get up the rock in the car park many an hour um and

    And never now and again I heard of cows had walk through yes yes they did for no reason just just wandering through yeah mid trial like my phone yeah nothing nothing to eat in there just genuinely must have liked trials um but yeah the

    We I used to go there once a week uh I’m very fortunate to obviously get taught by Mick at one point for you non-stopping to ride nonstop got to get Mick on the podcast wouldn’t it just wouldn’t it just yeah who knows where it’s going to who knows where it’s going

    To go but I know Mick could be up for it anyway because he’s a legend also like yourself Stu Mick Andrews doesn’t age no I’m pretty sure I’m aging um no you’re not Asian they oh aging aing aing of course then John Shir when the Yamaha

    Thing uh came to more to an end he would he pioneered in trials and was of course the first person to bring the gas gas in it’s true the new Spanish breed and and put a lot of input in and well the rest I mean let’s be honest in the beginning

    The gas gas was not good no the first one was was the H H yeah the hle um named after a comet yes indeed you’re learning so much you are learning so much I have seen one yes Monoshock yes yes yeah breaks yeah yeah it’s not great

    White tank blue and red on it white and it’s actually got like a hle shooting comet sticker on it I know which one you mean there’s one of the gas gas Factory anyway in Spain um but they a lot of development went from the shirt family

    Um into G CH Jun was basically I think he just lived on him and improved and and what an amazing he did but prior to that prior to the gas gas days we’re all forgetting that John sh Jr was a HRC Rider I was that yeah cuz you put in your video

    Of course he was back quy yes yeah and six days and also there’s pictures of John doing that you know I put I’ve put shots of John in previous trial tubes doing that um and during his younger days fiery talent I think that’s what we’ll go with absolutely FY absolutely a

    Style you know I’m going to give him props but I hope he doesn’t mind me saying it really uh I actually went to watch the British experts it could have been I think it was or one of the rounds of the road Nationals yeah might have

    Been the Ben roads actually but anyway I was kid that be 96 something like that when it was on the blue 300 yes he was on a blue 300 yeah and heck of a rider you know oh yeah I know I know still how did you get on the weekend actually

    Still a heck of a how did Ben I think 14 marks in front of me shiry was 14 marks in front of you I was on a b Taco I know you were on a bll Taco was he on a modern bike yeah he

    Was on a mod bik he was on a modern bike was he on a 300 by any chance couldn’t tell you better not have been um he’s uh yeah so still a hell of a rider but um John Shir Jr very much inspired some of us younger Riders

    Yeah St yeah absolutely and when I was looking off to um his dad John Senior uh helped me out and got me on board with gasgas in the trial scene and then when I um switched to the uro scene it was Junior that was um uh instrumental in

    Getting me into the Enduro team and his knowledge and his little tips just absolutely change gamechanging he he he’s a font of knowledge do you want to know what real what I have stuck in my mind forever and ever and ever about John Sher Jr I’ve got like a a memory of

    John Shir Jr um can you remember the paint job he had on the back of his helmet which one before me I think this definitely before you this one Ben sorry but John Shir Jr was the kind of guy that had enough shall we Sayid confidence good word confidence to have

    Um to have a cartoon dog on the back of his helmet where in loads of riders during that period had like their name on the back of the helmet design helmet which we’ve got one in the cabinet obviously behind you right now um my old one but during that period John Jr

    Actually had a dog on the back of his and instead of his name because everybody knew John Shir was anyway he didn’t need his name on the back of his helmet instead he had the dogs ball on the back of his helmet with this dog with the biggest set of testicles you’ve

    Ever seen in your Lifey ones it was quite the it was quite the statement in Trials during that period um which I TI my hat to you John that was sick yeah I wonder if he still got that helmet I don’t know but if he

    Has we have have to ask him to come on as a guest and bring SE I did say he’d come on as a guest um he’s cool which is which is cool also during the ’90s uh again I I don’t think you mind me saying

    It I think he was like being being John sh Jr during the ’90s in early 2000s was he’s a cool looking dude man handsome lad I know from the dotb podcast and stuff like that John was hanging around with stars of M across at that point I’d

    Almost go as far to say as he broke the trials mold and that’s the reason why trials couldn’t really handle him he he um he made trials look bloody cool he did like you say he was hanging around uh with Jason Finn and Jamie do and the

    There was when the collie of course um there was all the dukee video stuff there was that’s when they were starting to do stuff like the Crusty Demons videos and stuff like it was almost like their own version of it in Trials which is not heard of by the way cuz obviously

    Trials people are supposedly according to the Moss crowd famously Bor very cool guy very cool guy always had a nice set of wheels as well yeah he did in all fa oh my gosh yeah he always had a cool bite cool paint job yeah um yeah it was

    Just just a good time good time being like you know John Junior during that period but aside from that was he was a lynchpin of the industry yeah you know he was he was a he was almost his own Island if you catch my drift uh he supported some of

    The best Riders some of the best upcoming Riders no two ways about it you know um good friend of mine Tom Sager at one point I wrode for sh Tom Sega Roe fory for they had the best Riders yeah they had Steve Saunders he was a gas gas

    Pilot for many years um Wiggy sha Morris um just yeah it just goes on he dogy even rode for them Dan Thor yeah Dan Thor just like somebody else who doesn’t longing medal award yeah he does these the the what years old W 150 Nationals won Dan Thor serious all

    Of them on gas gas yeah they must be cuz go completely I think so yeah what yeah but he did ride at tyz before right okay that was a way back was it it was a way back cuz I tried to get some gear off

    Him I was like yo you know when you used to ride that really like cool purple bike you wouldn’t happen to have your jacket from 25 years ago would you probably not he was like grow up be a bit Mo Mo E one from oh I’d wear it

    Full send purple jacket you have to get a photograph of it and then get sorry it make it one not oh yeah well that’s it I’m uh I’m probably going to go down the Sor route for getting like I want a I want a tr34 Nova 87 white pant replica

    Of jordy’s what you then you know like the trousers that basically you wore them cuz they were white but after section one you look like you shut yourself yeah’s the ones some of the 80s trainers going on but all over yeah 80s trainers but all over uh Rob Crawford

    Inspired tyz Hamilton Weare that was cool stuff that was cool stuff it was that was a cool era as well and the fact that Rob Crawford wore it he still comes to the trial doesn’t he I sat next to him at the Barcelona indoor one yeah

    There you go what a cool guy I don’t think anybody ever manages to escape trials because once it’s in your blood and it’s in your system that’s it it’s in you I mean if I ask you now what can you remember about Rob Crawford uh being at the NEC Mo International Motorcycle

    Show and putting on a hell of a good show really yeah I remember him being the only person with the balls big enough to ride a TZ at the world championship round which one he did he rode at hawkson right he did where everybody was moaning that they didn’t

    Have enough power so what Rob did was ride a bike that had no business being in the sections cuz it did definitely didn’t have enough power and he muscled it through every section and it was gut-wrenchingly impressive like that is a hell of a venue wasn’t it

    Yeah 94 if you want to see the footage for that just find the 94 World round at hawkson and you’ll see Rob what years was hton tower hton Tower was 93 right and 92 because Doug’s first win was in hton tower on the 93 techno and yes I

    Need to get out more so moving on um geek yeah what a geek loser loser but no you know back to back to the shirt family those guys spent a lot of time complete Legends of the sport characters you’ll never get people like thiss no no you’re not and

    Sadly it’s it’s becoming the these great institutions are under threat uh obviously we know that gasgas got taken over by KTM and heartbreaking absolutely heartbreaking they took the Importer ship off them and are doing their own thing and in Fair Play I mean chy is now you know he’s now selling ts’s beas

    Osets gas gases he’s importing style Martin S3 M this lad hasn’t it hasn’t knocked him down he’s actually got himself up dusted himself off and gone right Bo he could have given up couldn’t he yeah yeah and I think I think a lot could have you know you know have lost

    Inip of whatever and walk away from the sport and he isn’t he’s like right watch this we’re going to go up to another level now boom and he’s still riding um and the same has just happened with the rals I don’t know the politics don’t know the ins and outs but the sherko

    Brand has now gone to its own presume it’s the factory is importing them and distributing them to’ve got James and Emma on board with that again we don’t know any ins and outs so we can’t say any there’s another big change happening in the sport is the

    Same going to happen to scorper is the same going to happen to beter maybe it happened to montessa of course it happened to Mont we’ve seen it happen once already when montessa I suppose came from away from the sords and got given I suppose still today you

    Can only buy a Honda from a Honda dealership yeah and a gas gas from a gas gas dealership and now gas gas is from all gas gas KTM is this the modern way it’s going to be where the big corporate companies simply rule the RO but I feel like now

    It’s the most important time for shops to to level up because now although the importers have gone because before shy would have been the umbrella that would have been uh watching over the dealers and the and the shops almost like they’ve taken one step out of the chain

    But now it’s straight from Factory to dealer a consumer and they’ve got more control maybe I don’t know gas gas may be in control of the brand but I money money bigger margins of course of course bigger margins yeah of course but at the same time the shops are having to become

    The face of these Brands each shop not just any one importer each shop is now the face of the brand um and pushing the brand which again yes it does work for the brand but I think that shy if I was having a gas gas build right or if I was

    Going to ride gas gas next you’d be hard pushing not have one out of shy wouldn’t you I think you’d be stupid not to in a lot of cases how many gas gases has he seen come through nobody knows that brand better than him absolutely the reason why I run I’ve got

    Close on 30 gas gases on TR it’s because sh is just up the road I know I can go to him I can ask him whatever Parts he’ll have it’s just it’s his Emporium is in it’s a cave of Wonder it’s fantastic and the knowledge and everything it just the

    Supports 100% fantastic I mean obviously Ben Ben you ride a beater right now yeah okay and we’ve said in the past like why would why have you personally chose to ride a beer let’s ask you I was put on a beta Mom and Dad chose a

    Beta when I was 11 12 remember going to Colin Apple yards to pick it up and ever since I’ve rid beta except for the montessa years when we started the displays um and we had a bit of backing from piig coocks we had the Hondas um which I rode around Scotland which was

    Brilliant rode a be the year after which didn’t find quite as enjoyable because it wasn’t as easy going down the road went back to montessa and then thought n beat is easier to ride more enjoyable and yeah yeah day to day you can you know you can

    Go to it you can start it if you do have an issue you’re ring John Boy and it’s sorted um again because of obviously John’s experience with the brand you got to the Scottish and John’s backup is the best in my eyes he has the most dance

    Out there he’s got his wife doing all the time cards so you go in you throw your time card at her comes back out you’ve got six minutes you go to get your bike in so you know you’ve got six minutes to do whatever you need to do

    And you get your bite back in you don’t get that from anyone else well fair play and yet again that’s a family that’s been in and put a lot into the sport like the shirts and the these are big part of the sport the these I think what

    We’re trying to get at is the fact that you you you’ve got to trust the experience yes yeah that’s what we’re after and what I’m hoping is with these big Brands suddenly going we’re going to dictate who has what bike and whatever I hope it does we don’t lose them special

    Families that have got such passion for the sport and it doesn’t just become another shop just that’s wishy-washy I think um you know when you go by the way if you’ve if you’ve ever been to JSM um which is at harp industrial estate just outside of bton fantastic um good setup

    Brilliant really good setup um but also other trials brands that I think John’s been very selective with through the years um S3 parts are always well finished you know I’m definitely I’m definitely somebody who’s obviously had them on the channel you can remember obviously the first time we made the videos about the

    Uh the bar ends with the turn alongside the grip of the and stuff like that just quality M they couldn’t get them they couldn’t get them through fast enough but it was one of those things where you just I I purchased all those parts with

    My money you know I’d gone into I’d seen him on the shelf and thought hey that’s pretty trick that is you know that’s pretty Co every time I go up to to to har up to Bon up to shires I come out with 10 Things I didn’t even want to buy

    When I went in but I just W around that nice oh that nice look at that oh how much is that that nice that’s a good shop yeah that’s that’s a good shop and that’s what counts um over onto the uh so we say trial tube news we normally do

    This a lot news we do this a lot quicker normally but abely sucking at this right now um some of the road road trials have are going to be kicking off shortly obviously the Ben Rose is just just around the corner shall we say it uh normally normally wetter than an ‘s

    Pocket when I year was horrendous I have never ever ridden in mud like it it was a wet year it was horrific and I thought I took the aerial and I thought what the hell am I doing here on this sliding around but it’s a good

    Doubt it’s a good that it was literally just basically described No Man’s Land 5 seconds later yeah good day out really good it was apocalyptic but got through it we had guy Martin with us we draged guy around a lot of the day he really really did struggle but he did

    Start with like 25 psi and his re tie which he thought was right oh my gosh he’s a character in what I do enjoy watching the road Riders we used to go out it’s like a bit of a name drop episode this um we used to go out riding

    A lot with Leon Aslam yeah well the um him and Ron a big into it crazy they’ve been to our place uh back in the montessa days and Liam had come out with full knee braces his body armor kidney belts full face out and he just thrw

    Himself at rocks at warp speed just he was like got his armor armored gladiate go Dean Harrison and huty they’re all pretty handy on the trials bike oh me Hut drove a cub in the island man to day a couple years ago and I did um because

    They’d done the MS Grand Prix and they were there so they did the trial as well um because Jamie whittam Roe Mick grants bant him so Mick Mick does a bit for him Mick tries to get him out which is good oh again showing the legacy of Trials

    And the importance of Trials there and from previous episodes you two saying all the three of you before saying road races don’t make tend to make very good trials Riders but look at mck Grant uh well I think it were a bit different time he might have started with um

    Talking about Road Racers uh James toland British no World Super B Champion was East Midland Center Char champion before he even hey and that takes some doing because them at some muddy trials yeah he did um yeah he started with tri uh going back to guy Martin when I was

    Having to learn gently how to ride the Wall of Death on their little Honda 200 you do gently um I was just about to say you you seen him right before I I actually actually went to guy Martin’s Pub um which his sister runs and was starting to very

    Gently learn to get onto the wall on the little Hondas well not little bloody horrible Honda 200s from the 80s H um and uh get Alex Fox was on the phone to guy and said oh are you coming down have what teach do he learning out R and then

    He’s going to take it the tri bik round next week and guy’s like all that can’t be done it can’t be it can’t be say and he uh yeah just totally didn’t believe it could happen so you proved him wrong proved him wrong I invited him down but no no didn’t B

    Coming well once once again I think trials proving more difficult um than than most would shall we say assume not presume it it always the look of shock Danny when me and you were teaching and we get some of the road Racers down and they get onto the trials bike and they

    Are literally literally trying to get their knee down doing 200 miles an hour and we know what happens after they fall and uh uh we laugh we laugh heartily at them and go heartily and hard to the point where I’m almost crying or holding my sides um there’s many many an

    Occasion um by the way don’t be put off by going to get some trials tuition because I feel like people in Trials have got this really weird way I mean you’ve been on the trial school before right Ben yep Ben’s been on a trial School I’ve been on a trial School I’ve

    Been taught when I was a kid y um I’m still being taught every day when I came back to trials after a break Stew’s taught me many of thing that was I’ve just forgot over time and then that to be reminded it’s easily done bend your knees bend your knees there’s not better

    Than having a having a minder at a br Championship yelling at a very very very good Rider legs or breathe because I hold my breath oh man used to do that you get to the end of the section you’re blowing but if someone’s there just tends to breathe you just got oh

    Yeah you hear some of the best what uh I think some of the most famous ones are um Martin Lin God Rest his soulant would count out with stuff like nice knees what does that even mean they did the right job yeah is it the tri from P

    Bridge when he he ran up the section and told dogey right here this line right here very famous piece of footage of course it’s fantastic you never get bored of watching that honestly I’d watch it over and over and the fact that doggie is on a he’s not on a zero is he

    On a techno one I think he was on techno no he’s on a syn are you sure could be was he oh yes please don’t don’t don’t question my he on a s Martin had the Nolan helmet on yeah he did and cuz he’s got White Tank white Plastics I think you’re right

    Could well be you might the only person that would have been on MAR gave quite a lot of encouragement that period prop brilliant and I had a training day with dogie and Martin on my ty8 wow jamy gate and Mart I won’t go down this hill so

    Martin kicked me off my bike and rode it down himself and it honestly it’s made my day like riding my T8 down this section just so just we’re touching on the ty80 by the way uh most people hopefully most people that are listening to this right now uh

    Would have learned to ride on a ty80 which would would have been inspired at the time to be put together I actually had some of the original marketing material for the ty8 for one of the episodes of Tri tube and that whole bike happening was basically because of the

    One that’s sat here today yeah yeah because of again John shz Senior and andrews’s in you know enthusiasm and Ingenuity and development of the Majesty got a lot of people into the sport oh my goodness yeah and like again we we were very fortunate to uh get our hands on a

    Um get our hands on a on a very clean ty80 which you’ll see if you watch one of the tribe episodes back and most of them to be honest have been ridden to within an inch of their life and they still keep going but they are worn out

    Naka don’t they bike that we got was almost like original and when I rode it all the brakes worked it had the original bars on original grips on original pegs you never saw the pegs cuz you had to fold the right hand Peg up to start it yes exactly that’s it that’s it

    Um you know it wasn’t as fancy as the Majesty that we’ve got here in the in the in the in the studio today where the Kickstart actually goes past the peeg some of that engineering going on there yeah but obviously and the original Kickstart on the

    Ty80 you had to fold it out first and always used to get loose while the kick was on it wasn’t loose it was like it’s just not been used just not been used it must have been bought as a present for a kid that just did not want to do it a

    Unicorn bike unicorn bike 100% they are out there and we fired it up original tires and you know what I ride a section on this episode on it and I’m telling you now I do the intro on it and I think it’s the intro to the pinky episode

    Maybe and uh I’m telling you boys it was a good 25 minutes before I got off that bike you just enjoyed it I just live in your childhood riding down memory lane and as an adult what other kids bike do you know as an adult even now you could ride an a

    It but it would struggle right the ty80 was a full-blown motorcycle that could carry an adult dad showing his kid what to do indeed am I right and thinking TRS have just launched a really trick 8 proper yes and I think because obviously the beta 80 has been the daddy of the 0

    Pretty much took over after the the Ty and it’s been there for gosh two decades there’s one bike in between there that we’re forgetting go on them the Mecha techno Amigo rare bike though a rare rare bike have you yep terrible tires I can’t halfway between a fullsize

    Tire and ty80 so they had their own tires I remember them not being the grippiest um they Factory Rider here in the UK was James dble y uh and he had a Amigo on the small wheels and then he had an Amigo on a big wheel setup both

    80s yeah uh because during the C-Class period Then you you could ride up to 100 cc and the Amigo was almost the right siiz bike for everybody it was just so badly put together the other bike in between was the gas gas AC that was so

    Poor it was criminal it was criminal how bad that bike was was but I tell you what was cool when gas gas in the 20099 2000 period you know I’m going to say in a minute released the TX boy can you remember that aluminum tank three gears

    Semi-automatic two gears was it a little shaft you pulled it out and shoved it back in that there’s a neutral in the middle yeah there was a neutral in the the TX boy I thought that was cool yeah cuz it looked like a big bike they shame

    It couldn’t be reliable again pretty bad yeah pretty bad and even worse when your brother decides to clean it and shoves the hose pipe down the exhaust I’m just cleaning the engine out oh no cleaning the engine out no that’s amazing it flooded out the back oh no

    Jack aler me for saying that but yeah that’s right if you want your bike built get it done by Jack Butterworth I saw I saw that he cleaned his vertigo the other week by the way exhaust butt plugs became thing do you mean the exhaust B

    It’s not an exhaust butt plug but that’s what they’re known by everybody is it is is it is it is it is that a thing yes Ben have you got an exhaust butt plug I don’t tend to use one now wow I didn’t know that was either of

    The thing education if you’re driving right now don’t crash um and available from avable soon yeah yeah also like they’ve got they’re a gradual no matter how big the hole is yeah it will I I like buying mine from a service cuzz they’re ribbed but well yeah there’s been a lot of

    Bikes lot of kids bikes um since then that have just not stacked up to the ty8 which was from the Ty Majesty again you know that twin shock little bike which was a mimic version of the big one it has a proper clutch and a proper gear

    Box and and it proper nothing over electronic and it worked and it was a hero a real real real hero not even an unsung hero it everybody has respect for that little bike they’re incredible there’s there’s there’s I think there’s floods of Trials loaded with guys that

    Are riding right now that can honestly hands down say they are there because they had a ty80 yep it’s a Hero bike it’s a Hero bike uh and if you’ve got one in your possession you lucky lucky person and if it’s in good Nick cherish

    It look after it pass it on to the next Generation yeah pass it on to the next generation because it will still do it job shall we be honest as well uh probably unpopular opinion but um what do we think’s better boys do we think it’s uh the osets and electric

    Bikes of today or do we still think we choose a T8 can I can I answer honestly electric bikes don’t make the best transition to petrol now I’m going to go my own little thing here because there’s no gears there’s no clutch so all you’ve got is

    And when they get onto a petrol bike we’ve got to teach them how to use a clutch and gears but they still do that automatically with the throttle so instead of just being not insteading on the throttle and using the clutch instead they’re goinging Ying everywhere scaring the pants out of

    Them and then a lot of kids they get put off and I think there is a massive Gap in the market for every manufacturer to bring out a little ty80 size 50cc and then make a bit biger one that’s an 80cc and of course they then graduate onto the 125s nicely let’s be

    Honest I’m not going to say this very often because us as trials Riders probably don’t do this very often but you’ve got to say that Motocross are doing it better than us correct they are correct they’ve got little proper bikes with proper SX 60s MC 60s 65s 85 big

    Wheels then the 125s the electric bikes have got a cool thing that you can ride them in the middle of a town you can be bu in an urban area and nobody you know Karen isn’t going to complain but who’s not going to complain Karen Karen Karen

    Or uh Trevor um sorry to the trevors or the K the world Jeff just down the road yeah who knows um but does it transfer to make a better youth Rider I personally think not controversial but at least it’s getting kids interested in being in two wheels

    Bikes now I dislike how they have the back break on the left hand I think back break should be on the foot because that’s how it should be correct and I think they could easily make a little gear that’s easy doable um little gearbox I little clutch optional yeah

    Clutch possibly but it gets them on a bike yeah and get some going but like you said that transition from that electric to that petrol is massive okay so it’s a big one it it’s not like you say back in the day when and let’s be

    Honest the ty80 was easy to master it was it didn’t run away with you but it had the same the same shall we say the same laws of gravity applied if you weren if you didn’t have great clutch control on your ty80 you toppled off you

    Toppled off or the bike ran away just like a big bike and it taught you to ride a motorcycle motorcy had a seat you could sit down which was great for when you were first starting out it had a hot exhaust that you soon learned you don’t

    Touch yeah you soon learn that if you have your leg on the exhaust then it that’s where it’ll stay some of that grown-up stuff really could little yeah I think the ty8 taught us all our first adult lessons in life Absol God what a bike best first bike ever best first

    Bike ever easy hands down absolutely 100% now on the next on the next sort of um shall we say topic what you’ve got to think is what bike would you choose today if you were a kid now with the bikes that are available so we’re talking here we go

    The Lesser known and lesser seen vertigo vandal not even seen one in the flesh I’ve seen one in the flesh what we talking about 50s or 80s yeah 50s no just if you okay so so we’ll do a little bike yeah and then the only bike really

    That’s available if you are going to go onto a big bike now I think there’s only one obvious choice right now of what bike you were going to ride if you were going to go to the 80 size now in in 2024 yeah but from the little bikes yeah

    When I say the little bikes your t80 size bikes that’s to do do the Little Wheel 80 don’t uh yeah they do and beter did do which is the bike that got my brother into it beter also did an automatic mini trial mini trial yeah they were really good

    They were and they looked cool they’ got that centrifugal clutch they were okay then they they were okay and reliable yes if it survived my brother mate it was a good bike so um obviously we spoiled for Choice electric bike wise for for kids well obviously we we’ve got

    To consider if we were going to choose if we were all 6 years old now yeah and we’ve we our considerations have got to go to the oset txp which is just been launched again I’m sure they’re doing a little version of that but I think the oset should we just say oet

    Um and we’ve got the oset we’ve got the TRS electric bike yeah beta still do a an electric bike uh my daughter had one just and the and the sole reason of me buying the beta is because I had a beer at the time so she had a beat her because that’s

    What we did um and then after that is that it yeah pretty much is that it is are they are they the big three is the little mechos yes there’s very no long are they I don’t know I’ve not seen one for I think you can still get one

    According to the guys at mechatech but that that was a different former Mecha techno new mechno is very much throwing back if if I was going to put a little kid on a back i’ still took him on that 280 would you just scour the Earth for a

    TI yeah I think so yeah I think I would yeah 100% get going with a clutch get proper Throttle No Breaks CU obviously you got disc brakes now they were on drums if you are going to go electric I think that TRS looks the radest out

    There got to be AET for the really yeah because they’ve doing they’ve been doing it for the longest and probably the most advanced would you not say I don’t know I think um for me oh they also do the smallest one they also be be smallest I mean they starty tiny

    Don’t they at least at least like you said big car part get a kid on two wheels it’s nice in it yeah I know what we need to do is we need to do a test on TR tube where we actually have the kids

    Bikes and and we do what we do is we do a dad test with we have three dads stood around thinking what would you like your kid to ride are all the dads going to start shouting and screaming at the kid no no no yeah proper dad back yeah if

    You’re going to do it then all each to each and away and them which is what dads do it it’s just like oh yeah it’s really good to see you great to see your boy here then you walk away with your boy and you’re like you better beat him

    Today and that’s kind of listen don’t start acting like stroppy dads don’t you think stoppy dads and stroppy moms stroppy and moms and moms and stroppy moms and and I think the important thing is that we you know if it was me picking a bite for my little to ride obviously

    Eloise had a beter in the beginning it did work very well uh it was a good little bike and so I can’t say that it’s bad they are a bit of an AIC copy MH if I’m being honest I’m going to say something go ahead do you think all of

    The electric bikes are still going to be talked to fondly in another 40 years time God no they’ll be in Scrappy they’ll all be in the Dustbin and thrown away a long do you think we’re all going to be S again I can remember riding an

    AET and it was it amazing it Tau me life lessons think in 40 years time the little 80y old that there’ll be then uh t h are still be going stronger they will of course they will oh mate honestly if you got a unicorn ty80 in

    Like another 30 40 years time even if you’ve not got a unicorn one you can still go you can still go to In Motion bu Taco he’s still got plenty of bits for ty80 yeah and you know what if you rebuilt it I can tell you now it start

    So what we’re saying trials manufacturers is build a really cool little what you mean like Wayne’s World if you book them they will come if you build them they will sell yes yes absolutely and that’s that that’s that’s the topic for the little generation yeah for the little generation 100% you know

    The the world is crying out for a ty80 which it’s not a ty80 size bike but the launch of the trs8 has got to be appreciated it has because that looks like a big bike and it’s a little bike yeah well the only other bike that bu

    Buil a bite the only other company that built a bite like that that made such a large impact at the time ty8 time yes was fantic they did a lovely little B yeah a little 50 they did a 50 and and a fantic I have one of them in

    My collection yeah you have one of them fantic also did the fantic 80 like along the 305 249 time when it was like bright orange ah yeah the Mont montessa Mona sorry we’ve just got A9 CC 49 cc montessa um oh the t t R50 from Honda that was

    Rt50 has an RTL 50 g oh tell you what your dad were Rich if you had one of them if your old man had an RTL 50 that’s like yeah I don’t know that’d be like driving a Bentley now oh my gosh you were spoiled little brat you brat I

    Love that you know obviously the family might not been able to eat at the period spoiled they just made bad Life Choices yeah they’re not like RL 50 what a machine um I don’t think many of them entered the country I’m going to be honest right no there’s not many

    No but these kids bikes there’s a market because if there’s no bikes how can people get into trials exactly and like I said the SP I’ve said every episode trials is booming and the amount of of of clubs little kids the electric bikes have bought a lot a lot in but we think

    There is there could potentially be better bikes out there for him yeah I’m not saying it’s easy to build a bike no of course it’s not easy what the graft mate absolutely graft oh my God and the the the research the money that goes into it and the people that are doing

    That and spending their money to do that then you know again I take my hat off to him um and you know a lot of people and I also obviously we know um The Smiths Ian Smith OE Smith you know they they were Pioneers really the electri

    Generation per. oh wow we’re just been we’re just being given loads of info off camera by the way basically where um our our producers the man in the chair um just keeps telling us of other random bikes Baco had 100 C twin shock well did

    That um and Ben you own bull tacos which therefore means that you must know everything about them no didn’t know they no no didn’t oh actually yes because Vesti has got one in his collection and I have seen it have you yes I’ve heard that vesty has got quite the collection beautiful beautiful

    Collection ofik there a lot of cool trials collectors out there there is a lot of cool trials collectors out there I’m I I one day hope when I grow up I uh when I grow up I want to be a trials collector you know there’s there’s people out there that have become chars

    B collectors and then sold some of their collection Collections and then started bike brands like from selling bikes and that’s I mean that’s cool what did you do oh I bought bikes and what did you do now I sold some so I built bikes that’s that’s that’s

    Gangster this the trial scene is good it is very very good um but to answer our previous question of uh what bike would you pick you’re not allowed to pick the 2i8 what bike would you pick a it for me a it for Ben yep uh the the little beat of petrol for

    Me oh little beat of petrol yes yeah there is they are St they are they’re rare and the watch but they you I I would go for the the proper little clutching gears on the little the little wheel yeah can I edit my answer can you

    Edit your answer yeah go on oh it with a back break to the instead of oh right and a made yet no but it have to be that’s like that indoor that raer raer were the 5353 Indo the the Indo that will never be um i’ got a funny story about rer

    Actually before we wrap this up um so Adam ARA I I was I feel like I was a bit uh unjust with my uh prognosis of Adam rager in the last episode because on the when we interviewed him the last time at Barcelona we we also need to congrat rul

    Him on becoming a dad oh yes congratulations to Adam ra to and his lovely wife to the birth of their new son so uh I don’t know their name but here we go there we are um I did read it actually I did read it but

    Is it a little boy is a little boy there sorry he is a little boy he he is he also identifies as a he who knows what they’re going to identify oh my God we open SC I can’t keep up with that either identify as a trials riter um do too and

    The uh yeah he’s obviously become a dad once again so congratulations to Adam raer but um like I said that I got a funny story about him did you know that Adam raaga is a uh professional impressionist no way are you serious yeah yeah he spends his part time doing

    Uh sorry his free time uh walking his dogs and doing impressions of dog Lampkin this can’t be real no it’s real um I swear down it’s real I was Sting an indoor once um we were it was it was at Mars actually and uh we were with Adam

    Raaga and we’re set on the table and he does a mean impression of Doug Lampkin um Doug if you don’t know about this by the way I’m sorry does Doug know about this that was I have no idea find out then he probably will do yeah so but it

    Was very funny it was just one of those off off the cuff things uh and Adam actually sounds more like Doug Lampkin than Doug Lampkin if that’s possible can you do the impression can I do the impression Jesus so you’re going to do an impression impr Doug

    Lin this is terrible Doug sorry just so you know Doug was actually really helpful at the D 12 now I’m just trying to like dig myself out but it doesn’t matter never mind you know in for a penny uh so Adam rager uh who speaks very good English by

    The way whenever he’s interviewed and stuff he was really cool can’t wait to meet him he is good he is good value he’s great value don’t go to a pizza restaurant if he tells you he’s taking you to a pizza restaurant but that’s a different podcast we can’t talk about

    That that’s like a after Watershed one and um oh God I think I bottled it no I’m going to do it I’m going to do it any uh yeah anyway Adam raer does a mean impression of Doug Lampkin and what he does is he brings his uh he brings his

    Bottom lip out as far as he can all and his jaw in front of his teeth and uh so it’s like that actually you can’t see this if you’re uh if you’re listening right now in the car this is very difficult to get onto the YouTube and watch this yeah

    Get on get onto YouTube and you can see uh me doing an impression of Adam raer doing an impression of dog lamin is that right yes that’s right that’s right okay um so yeah you have to bring your jaw really far forward and Adam said I think

    Maybe with it were a trial and it was raining because in his memory he said um hey doggy when you’re at a section and it’s raining there’s your mouth F full of w that’s all he says he doesn’t say anything else that’s all he says okay

    And when he did it and he did this impression of dog which just so you know there’s nothing wrong with dog Lins jaw he’s fine uh I’ve been loading and unloading at Western Beach race with Doug in the rain like literally to the point where the rain is bouncing off the

    Floor and I can attest that Doug lamkins mouth did not fill full of water so but adamite these stories Adam raer of Doug lampin is that for some reason if we ever you sound like l i don’t know if that’s real or not if we ever lucky

    Enough to get him on to the podcast we’re going to have to make him do it what make him do the impression of DG Lin or if ever get doggie on we want him to do an impression of Adam rager yeah that would be better I feel like I feel like retribution and

    Revenge I wonder if this is a thing within the hon let’s be honest Doug lamkins already had Revenge because Doug lamkins had an indoor where where uh where where Adam can’t run the AR3 no it could just be the AR3 AR3 AR3 which just says

    A it’s not as funny is it it’s not as funny um no but obviously completely fictitious indoor there it’s just a bit of fun it’s just a bit of fun but definitely Adam Roger’s um ad these are weird memories but these are the weird stories that always come out aren’t they

    Uh but this impression of uh Adam raaga did at the table at the time me I would imagine everybody spot the food out oh yeah God yeah yeah God yeah but that was Adam’s depiction of Doug obviously they’ve spent a lot of time traveling the world together doing that sort of

    Thing you’ve got to give some context to this it’s not like he doesn’t know him you know I think they and I think and I know that Doug’s got a great sense of humor and would 100% laugh you know it’s I think they’ve all got to have a good

    Time you’ve got to have a good sense of humor if you’re in the in the spotlight if you know what I’m saying there was rumor that bstow and B had a little bit of yes there was there was a little bit of a Lover’s Tiff the um mon pellia

    Indoor the night before the dl12 was it was it mind games or you reckon was it really no I think it was a real Tiff a bit of a a bit of a ding-dong yeah definitely um something to do with a Mark that wasn’t given for Tony we’ve never seen that before

    Um and a sump touch maybe or something along those could bit of doubt I haven’t seen the footage all I’ve seen is the footage after uh where Tony stood in front of trying to stop him to go into a section which as we all know if you’re

    If you’re at a club trial walking in front of somebody before they go in a section is a bit of a faux part to try and put them off right oh yeah it’s a proper thrower is it it’s a proper thrower is it it’s a yeah it’s a bad

    Thing to do you know bad do do it’s a bad juju before you go in a section but on uh on that bad impersonation uh I think we’ll wrap this one up I think we may as well yep very uh a big thank you

    To the team and of course John at JS JSM um obviously those guys up there we’re super fond of them and the whole setup is fantastic Jude is just running a heck of a show with JY uh the accounts Department all of them are on their aame did you just choose the accounts

    Department to celebrate just then yeah yes cuz I I keep spending a lot of money up there and they just keep taking my money department they take my money so efficiently any accounts departments you’d like to thank on no I can’t no definitely not definitely I tell you what you are that

    Was that was low like I tell you what the accounts Department right now at JSM are like don’t know if you heard or mention they’re really they’re really good at uh keeping things going on that side of the business oh my God that was new the spanner ters must be good yeah

    The the people you know you know doing the spanner side yeah great but again JSM thank you very much for supporting the podcast for this episode uh as we have had a bit of a throwback um we just go off all sorts of tents tangents and down memory lane and talk

    About things um that just spark a bit of memory flood back a bit of memory I don’t think you’ve actually covered anything that you said you were going to cover on this one no no no no we were we were we were supposed to cover we were

    Supposed to cover JSM we did that we did about the Majesty Majesty we did that then we got down onto the ty8 we didn’t mean to do that we took a total different tangent and rabbit ho onto kids bikes but that’s a good topic with is it is because you

    Know Children of the future that is the worst pun ever it was all very fitting we’ve got to somehow find who actually owns this dog because we’re taking a right shine to him yeah he’s not AR by the way sto just for the called him Buster but he’s just a prop that we

    Stole can’t call him busto can’t do that no can’t do that um again thank you very much for tuning in and uh you know please like And subscribe B difference it does make a big difference uh contactors we’re all contactable uh Sand’s behind the scenes

    So you can contact Sandy at Sor UK soruk soruk um you can contact myself St day at trials day at Ben Butterworth for Ben Butterworth 92 92 have you been away in between episodes he checked it amazing of course and obviously you can get in touch with us at trial tube on

    Instagram uh on Facebook and info tribe. if you want to send us an email or have a little uh have a little suggestions we do we love a suggestions absolutely I think we do need to do the super cool wall oh yeah of course we don’t forget about that I’m glad you

    Reminded me about that yeah if we get a cool wall like we want you to send send us your bike builds in and builds yes yeah we want to see readers R we will rate your ride please yeah rate your ride I was honestly don’t get that confused with reader’s wives That’s and

    It’ll be different thing o oh if you’ve just tuned in you’ve just got like an ASMR version of two BLS just going the last few minutes that is weird but no thank you very much as always uh we’ve been the tri this Rod oh what would we rate this original unstarted

    For me Ty Majesty super cool no it’s super Co uncool or super uncool super uncool um so it’s this is this is this is super this is a legend it’s fitting in that super they do like Subzero You Remember on Top Gear they did like Subzero for things that

    Were just super um an unstarted Majesty to this level yeah also with the YZ 100 casing which was only F2 Factory bikes is that magnesium it might I think it is yeah is it is he not special special magnesium in 1980 that is Pepe Deonte yeah yeah if if you have

    A bike of this level that you would like to be featured on the tri tube podcast we would like to have you here yeah and we’ll we’ll we’ll have a look yeah so once again thank you so much for listening and we’ll see you next time and we’re coming through your ears no

    Coming no in your ears coming in your ears coming in your ears com if you’re on YouTube we’re coming in your eyes thank you so much by goodbye Bye


    1. Spitfire was fitted with a carb which experienced engine cut-outs during negative G manoeuvres and was eventually fixed by a washer nicknamed ( Miss Shilling's orifice). The Messerschmitt Bf 109 had mechanical fuel injection

    2. My favourite podcast so far, lots of good humour, it's nice to see three trials addicts enjoying a conversation. Though for clarification, Yamaha brought out the TY 80 and TY 250 together for the 1974 model year, and introduced the TY 175 in 1975. In later years, they also produced a TY 50 and a TY 125 for select markets. I know because I've owned various Yamahas since 1972, and wrenched for various Yamaha dealerships for decades here in Canada. Keep the feet up, boys.

    3. Bloody hell. Get back to trials history school!
      Messersmitt fi, Yanaha ty250 was factory yamaha injection, 1974, i think? haley was 1986 beta gara, not synt. First win Houghton tower 1994 on purple techno !!!
      Thats only first half!!!! 😂

    4. can you guys post pics and video links to the riders you talk about? i cant find anything about this john junior fellow your were talking about.

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