we explore a abandoned country pub full inside The historic timber framed pub, dates back to the 17th Century and was famously frequented by 70s rock legends such as Ozzy Osbourne and Roy Wood back in their heyday. the pub closed due to the pandemic now sits abandoned, we find some interesting history inside.


    While there is still no word on a cure for the virus government officials report the virus is not Airborne but can be transferred through contact with blood and other bodily fluids the virus seems to be making people uncontrol say the mes Victor look at Them hello and welcome to a very cold herck adventures and tonight we’ve come to an abandoned Pub and a good one at that so basically all I know about this place is a 17th century building uh looks Timber framed on the outside don’t it yeah it looks really old and also there’s some

    Pretty good interesting history of this place we try and put in description maybe but one thing about this place uh the rock singer ousie Osborne visited here so and also there wasn’t one other famous rock singer as well who come here but I can’t remember his name but oie

    Osborne’s been here so it’s theie maing history already we found so we why AG just to get in this Pub and we just found out that it’s accessible so we had to rush over here in G uh so let’s get looking around cuz it looks a good one

    All right so we’ve got in in the first room we’re in here’s the kitchen I’ve got to be careful because we are right by the main road on this one utensils I’m not going to stop it here because of the windows if I can avoid being by Windows I

    Will and also this place closed down in the Corona virus pandemic in 2020 is that I don’t know I’ll these have been drain oh moldy moldy food it’s not good we got a sell at that should go down the seller first you think this look at these wow this is amazing this is

    Amazing I mean it’s been he even got the first I all the bandages are there all the creams I think we’ll to the sell for this but look at this all the lights so it’s been abandoned roughly since to 2020 and that was just that was during the Corona virus so it was another loss but this is where all the beer goes look stord press Estella car in still caring in there look and a strella it’s all still some in the lines it’s a shame all all what we got here

    Ys y I’ve never heard of Ys have you what no that be is it a probably oh G they’re all different they got bankies one I’ve heard that one before Bombardier that’s like a a pit like a mix variation pedigree that’s Mar what’s that madw I mean we went to

    An antique Center and I was selling these from pubs for like6 a pop unbelievable is he than’s Amber Sharps Atlantic P from Cor it’s all modern beer in this place cuz it hasn’t been shut down for long there’s more boxes here D what that’s small glasses point glasses Bombardier and them are

    Um that Whit noise they are cool yeah so it’s not an Old Pub cuz whitly Neil is not really old old is it no look at oh it’s got them Flo in oh my God infested in here look at all these mosquitoes what is it this year with the

    Mosquitoes don’t know all oh God Jesus Christ watch it there’s piece of glass on yeah look every abandoned building we’ve been going in lately has just been full of these mosquitoes and that’s where the barrels would have rolled down look a little Barrel drop we got some they’re wine glasses

    Champagne glasses oh shamp FL then flutes for prco and prco glass prco look say there prco and these things here these and what you tap the uh the barrels with don’t you push that in the barrel and then put the line on the end and then the Taps

    There I’m sure that’s what that does I’m sure of it don’t hold me to it but I’m sure there’s another one there blue one a red one there so this place got cleared of all it stock then yeah but left a few bits though I mean new glasses brand new I

    Mean how much of them cost what you buy one of them well I’ve never seen them to buy normally you can get them like gift sets or something I’m a bit worried about this road with it curtains up but we we’ got make Qui a quickish one to be

    Fair the car’s right outside the location as well cuz it’s literally where it is is on a car Corner oh no way is a full bar deal oh telling you how to look after your Guinness I know carbon dioxide is this chip fat or is it cigarette smoke over the years bloody chip

    Fat but they didn’t I don’t did the Sur food in this one don’t know we got uh lapa rag Scotch whiskey and I I’ve heard of that one Talisa I’ve heard of the Talisa before is it in there it’s got to be in there be drinking if it is that’s nice though

    Look at that it’s metal as well cool bombarda see that’s a champagne bucket what’s with all these flags left we got another one here look Holden’s black country bitter so Holden was black country but I’m sure didn’t Holden’s Brewery go or did it move from the Blackwood truck I

    Remember some somebody will tell me I’m not sure right we’ll check the back B first before we get into the front bit back room and you could see it’s a 16th century building oh yeah [ __ ] yeah I didn’t think of that yeah there’s an house literally well there’s two there’s a house there

    There’s a house there and then over the road there’s a house but our car’s part right on the property so shro though but you can see look the beams they Victorian oh look at them they they’re weird oh coat of arms or something like castle like it belongs in a

    Castle so basically it’s been abandoned for 3 years and look at the uh cobwebs in here he doesn’t oh god I’ve had my tea had WEA spoons is this nice retro that’s up cycle is it yeah look what’s inside it as well all the coffee mugs that’s good actually this is what

    It is it’s a normal side uh side kitchen drawer and they’ve painted it white is they with like lightly brushed stuff on the same with the tables they’ve been painted some are painted and some aren’t tap oh this is the tapas bar so it’s like your dining

    Area I do have a nice good old pop like this this is the main entrance and gone is that there’s no way that’s no it’s locked oh look oh this is the bit we’ve got to be there’s a there’s a curtain open there sh the curtain you go and shut that Cur

    It’s all right we don’t want to get caught here just shut that curtain then we can uh try and light this place up a little bit you’re never going to shut the curtains up fully fully anyway oh wow look at this here we go look at

    That I know it’s been a little bit Ram sacked but I’m going to shut that curtain because I don’t curtain you can’t afford to get caught on this it’s just too good and it is 100% abandoned cuz I’ve been watching this place for the past three years shut that

    Door what’s that what the bloody hell is that is that a caution yeah wa these are uh oh what are these now these are the old Brewing bottles is they oh in there rappers someone’s been having a good the keys look asays is there a safe something there’s

    Keys for all them keys for the astr outside that’s be bent so what keys thing is all these are got to be keys for something in here I’ve just noticed these look they hot water bottles there’s a few of them I’ll tell you what that was a used uh used

    Fireplace look at the size of it it’s beautiful fireplace just zoom out that’s better I want them them Diamond things there’s one of the old feather dusters Nan’s got one of them oh get the cobwebs down get the cobwebs down h on you know when I first come here

    Yeah well obviously I’ll look through the window you could get in that was about three year ago wasn’t the Taps on the bar might have been where they G yeah they’ve been Tien hav they pinched oh look there’s even a clock no anyway look it tells you what

    They did on the tap us so was halumi meatballs lamb cofs I like Kebab toall PE prawns bread and olives it’s like little stuff you pick at but basically kind of food this furniture is nice though is it these old pictures on the wall yeah’s this say here a whit and Whit and

    Measures act 1995 think toilet down there it’s a bigger it looks bigger on the inside than it does on the outside oh what’s this nah oh oh God this drink it’s prco no way oh look at the state of that prco I’m just going to zoom you in hang on maybe go

    Better look at the St of that prco oh you can see it moving inside p a bit oh no should have a look let me have Port yeah that’s really gone off in it oh it’s lumpy D that was prco was it’s all congealed into pieces it’s extra dry extra BL extra

    Bitty she have a smell of it oh God is it gone off it smells like alcohol definely there’s a PO wine here as well something oh is it Coke Coca-Cola smoke I’ve never seen them Cokes what it say it is Smoky notes of cocreate signature mixer the Guinness

    Glasses a window open oh look at this fireplace oh yeah oh god I’ve got to do the curtain in here it’s that dark in here I’m tripping up on everything we but it’s got you can see how old he is oh there’s a horseshoe up there look look at all these

    Horseshoes really old this is I mean like six was it is it 16th or 17th century I said really old and just to think Aussie Osborne’s been in here look at this fireplace oh we got to shut that curtain on SEC people ah there’s been the thieves hey the copper

    Piping’s missing going down the wall oh God that’s what that explains what this is on you’s doing down here they’ve had them you’re joking they’ had them out the machine there PA them what was that we heard something Bang could have just been traffic don’t know but anyway look what

    We got here we got bloody is that Viagra viagra’s blue in it yeah we got all the condoms out the machine Christ crazy but yeah like I was saying look at this really nice fireplace is it wood oh oh no it is genuine that’s prop a Victor into the

    Building in he yeah how cool that castan I’ve painted it black you could see the Old Brick behind look really old brick in the there’s the lentil oh look that pig picture that’s good are you thought there’s loads of pictures here what we got got a picture of a [ __ ]

    From shrewbury these pictures another pen and the frames are nice oh what’s this lanet why is there a picture of laners here when we’re not in laners here it’s a bit odd that’s nice of the tractor pictures oh chickens there’s a lot of books as oh

    Actually I see see the books on that window on the we can’t look because of the window oh yeah that’s why shut the curtains look at them look at them them pictures down there look them are really nice yeah how unusual look some kind of uh

    Tapestry oh I mean look at that that’s been done by vandals that a’t it to get the copper out oh actually that is the that’s the condom machine this must been smashed up food allergies oh look at the piano oh that’s nice chill London beautiful and guarantee that

    Works oh this cup is full as well look at all this got place mats wly nail bottle B mats the more they put to put the to put the fresh flowers in don’t they is is your ters for your food these it’s a brand new can brand new

    Yeah beer match sign the petition to cut beer tux I’m about cutting the tux again is they is that a radiator key yeah it’s a nice piano though would the this be for Candles there would have been something that comes off here for your candles maybe I think so it’s a beautiful piano

    It’s a nice varnish on it for you at that it’s beautiful some more right in there Hastings limited the thing is it works right oh gone another picture that looks like it’s actually a old painting that one on the bar we go oh we got uh we got a baile Here stff something in it that’s going to be curdled yeah I’m not opening that that’s going to be that’s going to be bad it’s milk what we got here that’s fresh is that prco yeah there’s a fresh or no prco there look this Prett thick that’s gone

    O yeah that’s proper gone only a DI somewhere I Ain gone a minute you know what what there was running this place on the cheap why cuz look at the S water from Little no way that was using little soda water yeah freeway from Little

    That’s bad in it and I was getting the sweps that’s from a shop yeah it is so those was R in this place on a budget the DAT actually what is the date yeah I’m February 21 so like I said it closed in 2020 I think that’s when it sees trading I see

    A kind of C deal diet Coca-Cola a d on there got see if can 2020 31st of the 1220 oh got that’s evil stuff I don’t know why people drink that that’s gone off oh tomato juice trou shps the life shelf life of these and a date on it ginger

    Beer there’s them CES I call drink that I don’t know like Coke is signature mix I’ve never had that maybe it’s a mix with you these toils are nice though I do like the toils you got the the wine glasses up there look all stock would have been taken

    Though they w’t have left any like valuable stock behind on for there the Coca-Cola glasses they kept all the glasses cuz they’re not worth anything and the pumps as well either somebody’s nicked the pumps or they took them when it closed down I don’t know

    But looking at that it looks to me like they’ve been ripped up they bit T stord press who is the cast the thingy the teil there’s more there’s more stuff in here where is there more we go I’ve got alcohol they kept the rubbish stuff though alcohol free nobody wanted that uh

    2020 and some bottled water does water go off cuz it’s cool been it’s been in the fridge Um there’s no date on it does does water go off well I would have thought there’s a DAT on more time even so because there’s no D on it anyway don’t oh a gone there is what’s that oh January 2022 so water’s got a better shelf life

    Than beer so that’s only a year out of date hang on what’s in here oh sh oh nothing St I do drink that St F press a strella oh the all up here as well oh the tribute there look from Cornwall Banks’s Amber pedigree amst and the weird glasses oh than the

    Jaw glasses that’s what they you to put the cocktails in in it yeah some fancy Crystal looking glasses so it’s not it’s not a massive huge PB is it they’ve left all these behind there look at all these right and also I didn’t notice them books on top of the piano what was

    There oh antiques gos collect ant Millers Collectibles go antiques go 1994 0 them a bit out of date is they this put flowers in them I think put them on the table going to say what are they that’s an old milk J and also we’ve only got one plate standing pattern so

    Where’s the rest gone either stolen or they took them in fact is I’m like oh you could get them done and it looks like these to R things off these guys going across here look jugs you reckon it had jugs hugging up cuz I more them going all across the be

    Couple of jugs there so far it’s pretty cool explore it’s really really cool it’s cool I think it’s one of the best we’ve been in so far explore it’s quite when it’s it’s the second best pub we’ve ever done yeah the best one was what I done

    Yeah that’s was that was the that what that had everything in it even the be was still in it and the pumps it’s got an airon system on the on is it airon or is it heater I be I don’t know what it is not a clue that way or that way well

    That Way’s but there’s an upstairs in here yeah oh yeah no we come in that way so I’m guessing the toilets I’m going to be careful here and turn the brightness down in case oh and go is there an upstairs in this place yeah there’s definitely an

    Upstairs living quarter we got to find it it’s all a bit strange cuz I’ve got a feeling that this is just what was this something about the estate that’s got nothing to do with here no no I quilate State what’s all this about parishes of six well equipped Farms several small ownings

    Accommodation a cottage property and bear house to be offered for oh 1929 that is this place oh yeah uh yeah you might have to blow that one out oh somehow I’ll cut that yeah all this here on the wall we’re going to have to blur it out but it’s the

    It’s you have to do some blurring this is to do with this place it was a it was an estate not a like a stately home or was it a stately home H farm buildings and acers there but you know just not far from here there’s that big care there’s that

    K Hall in there yeah wonder if that was the house and this was the estate I wonder strange one is it so there’s a lot of history with this place I think this is just toilets I’m not going to lie well we have the toilets but oh Christ the the caar have shriveled

    Up yeah definitely toilets oh God spoiler oh it’s just toilet in it do not use do not use don’t know nothing Posh so how’d you get upstairs then what the ladies like I’m all a bit confused oh I think they a bit mashed up D oh the stink oh God the smell the

    Smell worse than the men oh god oh it smells in there not going in there oh God that smell what is that smell smells a big this awful oh that he’s evil what is it I don’t know stinks I bet somebody’s used the toilet I don’t know he just smells I’m

    Not going oh God more sh don’t shut the door it Nots of fish oh oh God a woman’s been in there and done his C that’s disgusting right we got to try and figure the way up the stairs if you can get upstairs cuz I’m not understanding

    This there’s no door over there why we come in cuz I shut that door yeah we come in this way like that look at the door that’s old we got to go at the back of the bar I’ll have a look there management I’m a little bit confused cuz

    There’s got to be stairs to get into the living quarters and usually it’s behind the bar oh I do love a pub explore yeah we’ve just been here that’s strange so is that it that can’t be it just can’t be it’s not going to be in this place is a lot bigger than

    This it’s not going to be in the kitchens H where’s the stairs there’s a white I’m gone and gone ah found him I was going to say oh look I love Nuki Cream Egg there’s some um out that window Optics look oh yeah right oh God yeah we the road is literally

    There now upstairs I think we going to be quick because I don’t think there’s any curtains oh it’s I don’t think there’s anything up here it has been copper thieved oh my God it’s it been trashed yeah the copper thieves have put a right number on this this would have been the bathroom

    Or kitchen now kitchen it’s gutted they’ve just gutted it you won’t think it as well where we am we got to keep on the lower here I don’t think there’s going to be much up here like this be oh well you see the old beam going across look but I’ve just they ripped

    Everything out of it oh a shame in it I mean you know place and the to come copper Thief that look at that oh that’s old that’s really nice no for what’s it called a wash Bas look at the beams in here yeah this is what I wanted to see there

    An you Bank there look yeah that’s how old it is look it’s B proper beamed got to be careful there’s a house right outside there look and we don’t want to shine it up think up here anyway it’s been stripped the front room is going to be risky we not going in

    There I’m going to oh there’s a fireplace in here as well I’m going in then I shut that curtain oh it’s nothing really interesting it’s rubbish yeah bit of T really we can see how close we am to the road it’s like busy Main Road why would there be a wire

    From there it’s the phone wire that’s a bit sa didn’t running the phone while that it’s a good job there’s no electric in here cuz you know exactly what the use this for that’s into the attic nothing upstairs there that shot me no microwave well we got some bits in here coffee filtered

    Paper not much the peppers t a bit in the [Applause] coverboard what a really good Pub nickered I think that’s it in it yeah we done it’s a small Pub it’s not entirely light massive massive what you was would be expecting so you got a bar and then you got which

    Would have been a lounge what it’s the tap pass bar but I believe I’m going to convert this into something Flats um Apartments was a bit too small apparently it’s too small that’s what I’ve heard but I don’t think so yeah so I’m going to go around take some

    Pictures now we’ll be back in a sec yeah can yeah oh [ __ ] someone’s outside something we got cord deal keep the lights out oh it’s coppers oh no we Ain caught we’ve been caught for the first time ever no why yeah okay how I don’t know

    How we’ve been Mega quiet we’ve shut the curtains I really don’t know we might as look ourselves up okay and show here we are God I don’t believe it this is the first time we’ve ever there hello hello we’re coming out that scared me hello how you doing

    Oh we M been explorers with YouTube and um we’ve just been videoing the pub right yes but how have you got oh that door’s wide open there so two Urban explorers here yeah okay with on YouTube anyone else inside there or just no just us we thought we heard a

    Noise and we got a bit worried like yeah no we just finished it’s it’s all wide open the door’s wide open yeah the door it looks like copper feves have been in here in the past we’ve noticed some copper missing at the walls and it’s the first time we’ve ever first

    Time this is our first time on YouTube is it yeah yeah yeah we’ve been quiet and everything yeah have you been here before no never I know first time ever people have just said they’ve seen torches flashing around uh oh the neighbors yeah so they’ve been concerned since okay

    Have you got have you got details on you just so I can right so we’re in the car now uh just down the road that was an amazing explore I mean it was a good PB actually you were the bang yeah you know as we was by the piano just before and

    Deal says oh um what was that Bang Yeah might be that was the police it turn yeah but the police was uh I looked out the window cuz I I heard doors slamming and I see some flashing lights so I looked out the window and yeah cops were here weren’t they so it’s

    The first time we’ve ever in the five about 5 years six six to seven years we’ve been doing explor we’ve never ever got in trouble with police ever so we got CAU by the cops look how quiet we was yeah and we shut all the curtains

    The only window what we could see maybe the soon as when we was upstairs it may been upstairs but that don’t make sense either it’s a weird one but those nice coppers anyway we told nice people they’ve had our Channel at night and said the one police said they’ve watched

    A few of our videos so yeah a nosy neighbor was up the windows and lights flashing and thought we had broke in which clearly we haven’t because we’re not the first people there so yeah it’s one of them in it a good end to the video that

    One I tell what to make of it to be fair something real I didn’t have time to do any photos and I didn’t I was just well I managed to get photo luckily three all I I’ve got a couple but unbelievable absolutely unbelievable loads of history

    In there b wal Pub though is really good and as we left the cop the police even the police went to looking around I think but they were still in there doing something I don’t know what they doing I don’t know what they was doing yeah God

    Knows but obviously and we have told the police there there has been copper thieved out there but you know we’ve got a video and it’ll be on YouTube so yeah you know that’s it that’s why you don’t steal from these places you don’t force entry because what’s the point exactly

    You could land yourself in more trouble than it’s worth instead of just saying be careful and then letting us go that’s all I said like I said to the police we never take nothing from a a location and we do definitely do not break in if you

    Can’t get in you can’t get in yeah so cuz it’s when you break in like this you know this can happen you are done for well good exploring at least we found some decent so I hope you enjoyed this video yeah we’ll see you on the next one

    And we’ll see you soon T aventures out see you Soon


    1. What an absolute shame! We were there about a month ago and I'm sure the downstairs wasn't messed up as much as it was when you two went. Copper had been definitely taken from upstairs though. Hopefully they'll seal that place up now so nothing else goes missing. Lovely pub though that is.

    2. I had seen this place with silent seekers channel a few weeks back and it was in alot better inside and not as much mess the copper pipes are missing as well so the wrong type been in there why can't people leave places alone so can understand the police turning up some one rang then i bet but they seemed ok with you hopefully they will board and seal the pub up but was good to see the place again thanks

    3. Jolly good find there ppl liked the pub sounds at the end I just thought you was back at the pub 🤭 and how about that a nice police escort to help you leave 😂

    4. Yeah its fine its wide open police carnt do nowt its classed as a civil matter so if u get caught again u know police dont have authority to do anything guys.

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