This ride is all about the saddle! If you’re a beginner or just got a stationary bike or exercise bike, this 20 minute beginner stationary bike workout is for YOU!

    🟣 New to my indoor cycling workouts? START HERE! 👉

    I’m so glad you decided to join my stationary bike workout today, let’s go for a ride! Grab your water bottle, grab your towel, get on your bike and let’s get these pedals spinning! – Kaleigh Cohen Fitness

    0:00 – 1:12 Welcome!
    1:13 – 4:14 Warm Up | Come Together by Spirit City
    4:15 – 7:06 Rolling Hills | Summer Night by Daxten
    7:07 – 10:34 Endurance | American Gothic by IRONTOM
    10:35 – 13:16 Climbs | Bring the Heat by Bagsy
    13:17 – 16:44 Sprints | Out on the Roof by Lvly
    16:45 – 20:07 Cool Down | Red by Beagan James

    ⭐️ Want to maximize your workouts? Find awesome gear here? 👉

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    🟣 New to my indoor cycling workouts? START HERE! 👉

    🟣 For those of you that asked how you can help support these indoor cycling workouts 👉

    🟣 Finish your cycling workout with this lower body workout! 👉

    🚴‍♀‍ If you are doing this on a stationary bike or exercise bike instead of a spin bike and cannot go into the standing positions (2nd and 3rd) and would like an added challenge during these, TRY THIS:
    2nd position: increase your speed! Try anywhere between 5-15 RPMs.
    3rd position: increase your resistance here but try and keep the same cadence.

    🎶 This playlist can be found at my Spotify 👉

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    💁🏼‍♀‍ Hello! I’m Kaleigh! I attended my first Spinning class when I was 15. Since then I’ve been addicted to spin classes and indoor cycling workouts. Now, as a certified Spin class Instructor and certified fitness trainer, my goal is to provide you with fun, motivating, and energizing cycling and strength workouts that motivate you to be YOUR BEST YOU! This is cycling motivation! Thanks for cycling with me!

    🔴 DISCLAIMER 🔴 When beginning any fitness workout or regimen, it is important to consult your physician to ensure this program is right for you. Do not start this program if your health care provider advises otherwise. Any exercises or information on this channel, through videos or comments, is to be used at your own risk. Kaleigh Cohen Fitness will not be responsible or liable for harm, damage, or injury as a result of any information provided.

    #20Minute #Beginner #StationaryBike

    This ride is all about the saddle so if you are a beginner or you just got a new stationary bike or exercise bike today’s 20 minute stationary bike workout is for you keep being the amazing butt kicker that you are welcome if this is your first

    Time here my name is kaylee and i am a certified spin instructor and nasm personal trainer and i am so excited that we can work out together today i do have a library full of indoor cycling and strength workouts so if you are into that thing make sure to subscribe and

    Hit the bell and you will get notified whenever i post a new workout as i mentioned this workout will be perfect if you are on a stationary bike a recumbent bike an upright bike a spin bike any type of bike because we are going to remain in the seat the entire

    Time and this is a great option if you are a beginner looking to build muscle and endurance or if you are just looking for a low impact cardio option and if you have not set up your spin bike properly click the link here and that

    Will show you how to set up your spin bike i will go over resistance during this warm-up but i also have a specific video you can find that down in the description below and that explains how i call out resistance for these workouts and we’re gonna get right into this

    Workout so make sure that you have a towel and a water bottle and let’s do this all right so we’re gonna start out at your five and what you want to feel when you are at a five is just a little bit of resistance so to protect your knees

    You always want to make sure that you have some resistance under your feet and now these numbers i’m going to call out between i always call it between 5 and 10 so you can imagine 10 is the heaviest that we will go we will not go there today though so you’ll have to

    Check out another video so you can experience 10. so today we’re just gonna go in between five and nine right now if you do have a computer on your bike you can follow rpms if that shows that to you i will call those out if not you can catch the beat or just

    Try to follow my leg but again listen to your body and if you need to slow down or take some resistance off make sure to do so but right now one two one two and we’re gonna get ready to pick up our speed at this five but we’re gonna talk about form

    Again so important keep your head up and your shoulders down away from your ears engage your core and you can think about belly button to spine keep your feet flat as you pedal you want to think about the push down of the pedal stroke and the pull up the

    Entire revolution of that pedal stroke but we’re going to get ready for our first speed increase pick it up just a little bit just a little bit here even if you go 5 rpm 10 whatever you have right now [Applause] Almost there Four three two one slow it back slow it back add one turn it up to your six so again this is just a little bit of resistance what you think about you have a your five is the base of that hill it’s a it’s a a flat road but again

    A little bit of resistance six a little heavier seven is mid hill but we gotta pick it up come on right here last push 30 seconds again just above the beat is where we are pedaling [Applause] you’re halfway and remember your form heart rate is coming up Four three two one blow it back here back to the beat [Applause] One two one two and again with your pedal strokes you wanna make sure that your knees are coming straight out in front of you not in and not out so think about that when you are beginning it is so important to use that muscle memory so you can get your form

    Correct for me straight out of the gate so we’re slowing it down Getting pretty heavy you could maintain it for a while though but you can definitely feel it we’re going into a rolling hill so you’re gonna take it one down and pick it up find your six pick it up right here for a six 20 seconds is all we have here

    A little bit faster than that warm-up 90s if you can Almost there slow it back slow it back we’re gonna turn it back up Shoulders down we’re gonna pick it up again 30 seconds this time Remember make sure you feel some resistance build your speed build your speed just go come on pick it up a little bit faster than the first one You have got this keep it up pathway We have one final push going in less than 10 seconds 30 seconds it’s gonna take us to the end Pick it up even faster than that last one if you can that was called a rolling hill so that is when we take it slow and heavy sometimes we turn them into sprints but we’re still getting warm here almost there Slow it back you’re gonna turn it up seven this song is all about endurance here slowing your speed down 70s up to 80s one two one two remember your form get a form check right now because as we get tired the shoulders start to come up we hunch

    Over and we really lean into the handlebars you just want a nice light grip on the handlebars pull this slight bend in your elbow but what we’re going to do for this first time to work on adjustments to build So we’re going to start with the right leg focus on that right leg push down pull up right here 30 seconds right leg come on Keep your feet flat pull forward [Applause] heart rate is coming up getting out of breath i don’t know if you can feel it four three two one both legs are thinking about both of them now but you can feel the burn right it wakes up it wakes up quick it’s just awesome

    We have one more we’re going to think about that left leg less than 10. remember your form keep your feet flat make sure you’re feeling that resistance here we go left one two one two come on thirty seconds gotta make it equal The right leg just comes along for the ride here getting [Applause] we’re burning those calories low impact calorie burn we’re all about it get ready both life back to about one two one we’re gonna go in for a push for a short push where we turn it up to eight

    Turn it up eight right now try to maintain your speed again this is endurance we are working building right now come on one two one two you’ve got it almost there we’re gonna take it back down to a seven right here turn it down So we are really going to be feeling the legs we have team sprint we have team climb around here so i would love to know which one you want by the end of this workout because right now team here we come so for climbs we go heavy but we’re gonna slow it down

    We are gonna climb this hill as we go so the eight and the nine are what we’re gonna find those get super heavy what you want to think about when you climb is to make sure that you are maintaining a smooth pedal stroke if you are not take some resistance off

    As long as you’re instead going right you don’t need to go too slow either we’re going to be riding right around 55 but this is a short song so we need to turn it up get ready find your eight turn it up [Applause] Good stomp it out again staying in the saddle so you really need to think about pushing down and pulling up oh i’m feeling it we are starting to burn the fire build up And then come back down one two one two i want you to try to pick it up just a little bit come on right here pick it up just a little bit Push here at the eight picking it up maybe five rpms [Applause] four three two one back All right get ready it up to a nine right here nine come on one two one remember your form core engage push down pull up shoulders down away from your ear light grip on your handlebar [Applause] come on push it ten more and you can take it down back to that eight [Applause] four three two [Applause] [Applause] you did it that was our climb now team sprint this is for you we are going for a sprint Breathe here we’re going to hold the seven right now you were riding 70s 80s not catching the beat but we’re just gonna push and for these sprints we have three of them i want you to give everything that you’ve got right now is when you need to remember

    Your goals why are you here why did you push play we remember it because we are so close to the end the change happens when we push through things that challenge us that’s what makes us stronger We have less than 10 seconds before we go take a deep breath get ready four three two one we push 15 seconds remember nice and controlled make sure you have resistance on four three two one slow it back down slow it back down Gather your belongings back up sometimes we lose them during this process and by the way this is stella she is our cheerleader if you noticed her during the sprint She likes to hang out with us during the workouts So again make sure that you are in control of this down to a 6. build it just a little bit here Find your five get ready 100 all out now feet are flat push down pull up halfway Breathing here we are four three two one slow it back slow it back add one find your six your six this is it team sprint come on come on all together here we go 15 seconds and go blast push at a six keep your chest up your shoulders out away from your ear

    Four three two one that’s it that is it you did it we need to breathe we’re going to recover here Grab a drink of water if you need to dry off this is such an important part of your workout the cool down i’m telling you i know most people are like oh the sweating is done it’s time to get up you got to stick around

    I like to call the cool down in the stretch to the dessert because it feels so good your body deserves it and the stretching and the cooldown will help your body come down from the workout and also into my soreness for Your rpms 70s then we’re going to take it down to the 60s and that heart rate comes down For completing this workout with me and i am very curious so if you would let me know in the comments because it really does help to plan the workouts what type of bike are you on are you on a stationary bike are you on a recumbent bike an upright bike

    I would love to know so if you could please let me know in the comments it would be super helpful and i would very much appreciate it breathing let’s take it down five again i am a certified form freak so i will continually remind you about form because it is so

    Important it is important to make sure that you get the most out of your workouts if your form is correct that can really bring in the most power to your workouts also prevent injury so that’s why i constantly remind you about it and i am constantly reminding myself Heart rate should feel like it’s coming down now We’re about to go out into the hectic crazy world again we’re just gonna we’re just gonna walk on this right now you will see that my headphones Over here this is the stretch make sure to follow up with this it will really help to minimize soreness and help to increase your flexibility and also if you want to add some strength you can find that right there and i will see you next Just time you are


    1. This is exactly the level at which I wished to start. Thank you for taking the time to make these. Very professional and the music doesn't suck.

      Pooboo upright. Beginner, but used to cross-ride in youth. Just got the okay from doc, not physically capable of standing on pedals. Yet, anyway. Raised in Appalachia, so def Team Climb.

      Thanks again.

    2. Got my bike Friday, put it together yesterday, rode it for the first time tonight! Omg I’m dead😂😂😂 thank goodness for recovery drinks! My bike is a stationery. I’ll be back tomorrow!!🎉

    3. Just found you this morning and I’m a fan❤ I’m using a road bike on a trainer, not a very high quality one. I want to buy a magnetic ex bike but I’m suffering from analysis paralysis. I know I don’t want one with a monitor ans subscription. If I maynask, what brand bike are you using?

    4. I have a programmable upright bike. I am in the early recovery stages from breast cancer treatment (chemo/radiation). I had a rough time and couldn't workout. My body feels horrible most days. I know exercise helps with the pain, so I decided to start light. This video was PERFECT! It was just the right amount of hard and a huge dose of encouragement and motivation to continue! Oh and I feel so good😊 Thank you ❤

    5. 1st time with you!!! Stationary bike. WESLO. Rode for 15 minutes. Highest speed was 5.7, calories burned was 28.2, Timer was 15.12, Distance was 1.1. I didn't keep up with you, but I had fun. Last time on my bike was 2/7/23. My husband passed away on 1/15/24. I want to have fun but also destress. Thanks!!!

    6. I have a stationary upright bike. The brand is Stamina. I bought it at a Walmart store. I have had it for about 3 months, and it needs some work to operate properly. The pedals are below the handlebars, so there will be no standing while pedaling. The seat has been replaced and now it has the proper distance between the seat and the pedals. Also the seat was very uncomfortable and my legs would ache after a few minutes. The pedals had a strap that goes over the shoes, and will be replaced by clip lock pedals. I would not recommend this bike for anyone. It does not show RPM, however it does show MPH. It is ok for my purposes, as I will remain seated during my ride.
      I ride slow and steady, although I have seen some 15 MPH on my gauge. With the seat changed, I can now ride the full 10 miles without stopping. I felt the warning signs to slow down or get severe chest pains. I will do 10 miles per session, witch is about 45 minutes. I do 10 miles in the morning and 10 miles in the evening. I do have a bit of resistance to my pedaling. By the way, I'm 74 years, and my weight is about 163 lb. three months ago I was at 191 lb. after being restricted by both broken wrists.

    7. I found the high numbers a bit tough for a beginner. Beginner is in the eye of the beholder. My knees especially. Click click. I'm on a stationary upright bike called Fuel. 20 min should get easier, I hope, then, I will up to 30.

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