Both games are being supported with updates, both have similar car lists… but what are the differences between The Crew 2 and The Crew Motorfest? We dive in and find out!
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    The crew motorfest versus The Crew 2 which of I’ve got I’ve got it I’ve gotten the drink except that that’s not the water hello you guys really enjoyed the comparison between the previous Need for Speed games so I thought I would do the same for the crew because again it’s

    Another big game for the channel and without further Ado these are my lovely categories here slightly different because the game is ultimately different we’re going to jump straight away with the cars now it’s pretty obvious basically at the top of the screen you can see there’s 642 cars in the crew motorfest or

    Vehicles should I say 602 vehicles in The Crew 2 so it’s close and what’s kind of confusing with this is that there’s some cars in The Crew 2 that are not in motorfest and and actually is there any Vice ver not many vice versa usually you

    Would actually get more cars in the new game that’s it like question over but one thing I did notice let’s jump to the filters if I go over to cars click on it 574 how many cars is on that game 518 so the significant amount more cars

    However what about bikes 47 and 46 there’s actually one more in motor Fest but this is where it’s actually swapped there’s only eight boats opposed to 12 in the crew two and then planes 12 opposed to 20 in The Crew 2 cuz cuz the found people aren’t going to be really

    Using them I think yeah that’s what that described they saw that people focus on cars it’s kind of the priority however I’m going to Demand right now where is my helicopter I missed that thing so the crew 2 I know that we get quad bikes The

    Crew 2 helicopter I we had so much fun Cops and Robbers with that thing I want it back and it was one of the best ways to get around the map amazing fix the handling any who pretty much either of the games are going to have the cards

    That you want it’s it’s not going to be a question of whether well it will eventually get them for example there are actually a few cars in The Crew 2 and coming to The Crew 2 that won’t appear in motorfest for maybe a few months it’s a very weird system I don’t

    Really understand why they’re doing it it’s like they didn’t really plann for this game to be out at this point which happens a lot recently but I mean the game has been in development for a long time was crunch us the industry likes a bit of crunch one thing I don’t like

    About this game the wheel doesn’t turn as much yeah the the wheel in this game we are in two completely different cars but two Bugattis two the beefed up Bugatti is the race car one that I my interior is better than yours so no it’s not mine’s so much nicer what the freak

    Are you talking about has no color in it it’s got It’s bloody blue are you blind mine’s also blue it’s yours is too blue but the driving and the handling and the feeling of pretty much all the vehicles in this game so much better that’s why

    It’s kind of frustrating as a player way too this feels way too stiff yeah that’s the thing it’s it’s an evolved form of the handling which is better in every way however some cars come to the crew two for months beforehand which means we drive them worse and then finally we

    Drive them better some of them have a newer handling model on the crew two yeah to be fair yeah they have been updating some of the uh the older mod well not the older is the beta car still in there cuz I will look at them oh

    That’s a good point remember the beta handling cards I paid for those I hope they’re still there are these what I have yeah no it’s gone so first category it’s kind of difficult to say but overall the crew motorest is better in terms of handling the amount of cars the

    Variation of cars and the overall just feel they feel more like cars so it should win the car category should it not so the crew motorfest and The Crew 2 very very similar customization but there are some differences so color actually all the standard colors the

    Same if you go into them yeah yeah they’re all the same I don’t think this actually any new colors I think all the iridescent ones are from the crew 2 as well go to visual parts then this is the customization you expect so 12 on the

    Hood y fine 21 front bumper two fenders 88 RI it’s it’s the same two it is four out of five on the skirts how many skirts did you have the same yep two rear fenders seven Wings 21 bumpers interior it’s all the same customization visually I think is there any new parts

    For smaller cars I don’t know if there’s not for the skyline I would kind of assume not right wait wait what yeah yeah you can so basically the tires situation they added tires of all compounds because they found that some I think the off-road tires were

    Better so they had to they had to change it to give out everyone access so the vanity is where things have actually changed there’s the tires that you just saw on the other side but smokes Nitro underglow window tins that’s all stuff that’s in the normal game but here we

    Can change the horns to and also the audio signature this is the most significant thing so you can put a American V8 a V6 V12 rotary you can put a different engine sound on your car there’s also a singing engine in that game it didn’t sing unfortunately it

    It’s supposed to the problem I found they they all do change like very well the one I want is to like add a turbo whistle or or like blower FES or something there aren’t as many of those like additional sounds and they don’t really make that significant of a

    Difference if they are there that’s something they need to work on uh rooftops also there so there is one new customization thing pretty much one new thing oh and delivery editor this a bit nicer cuz it’s crossplay cuz you can well it’s crossplay so the part system again very

    Very very similar it’s 280 it’s now 750 the just change the number all the attachments and stuff are very much the same you can scrap and you can change the affixes this is like really sweaty and I some people hate it I personally absolutely love it I love just sweating

    Away at Parts uh it’s it’s an end game element that people always ask for end game so they provided it but Pro settings actually this is actually where a huge change came in the setting went from like game to car like car settings which is really cool if you go into for

    Example the actual settings of the game they also change it so it’s like ABS ESP drift assist they actually uh recently I did a new stunt assist so they they’re going more gamery again but the cars don’t just feel more like actual cars I feel like they are in terms of the

    Underneath the the the foundation but it’s still an arcade game like good good oh the brown leather where there’s no you stop gaslighting me that’s all that is you’re making making me look you’re trying to Bamboo Boozled me is that what you want me to say Bamboozled wait don’t actually make it

    Brown what are you doing you are a disgusting disgrace of a man how could you do that son oh look how this game feels and drives and plays it’s such a stunning game like look at the cockpit view driving side by side it’s just not it’s night and day difference the the hand

    Motions I love them so much so car customization which game gets it Matthew like the new one yeah it has one new element so like factually it is better however license plates maybe tint my lights maybe separate some parts maybe I don’t I don’t know it’s fine I

    Would like to see a bit more you what I I miss making different versions of each vehicle yeah like in the crew one yes um hint hint ladies and Gent yeah the crew one definitely I mean the amount of monster trucks decreased from game to game I think we’ve probably got

    Like two now in this game I miss my Fe 500 I think that’s still in the game to be fair but you know what I mean like you could make anything into any not quite but they almost did it wasn’t everything but like there were more you

    Could get a Skyline monster TR I think you still can I think they kept the important ones yeah it still says big on the side wait there’s 13 wait I thought there was more than that there’s only 12 in this game though what one’s missing what one

    Have they removed what one have they taken from us i’ Matthew what it’s the fee at 500 it’s gone oh that’s the best monster truck that’s not that’s why people don’t use monster trucks how could you do this Tower so it’s all well and good having 6

    Million cars I don’t care I just want to drive them and so how can you drive them how do you play the game is the question so uh let’s start off actually by jumping to the map on the crew motorfest and as you can see I have pretty much

    Completed all of the actual Main Events throughout the game you could do it quite easily I mean the majority of it is the progression however if you look at the crew 2 H there’s a lot I I feel like the map is a bit oversaturated for

    Me I mean to be fair I would actually agree I I think it’s hard find everything that annoys me yeah there’s too much there now you can use filters but it is a bit busy isn’t it busier than the McDonald’s bathroom on a Tuesday a anyhoo this map is going to eventually

    Get there the crew has done well at adding things over time and I think that’s one of the big things I’ve noticed yes we’re going to get the content over time but they have added so much to The Crew 2 and continue to do so that when you jump into motorfest it’s

    Kind of like missing a lot of stuff that people really love from the previous game and I think that’s a huge reason as to why people keep going back to the it’s just ultimately there’s more to do and there’s more stuff I haven’t done I’ve done everything that I can pretty

    Much want to do in this game whereas The Crew 2 I even think I’ve licked the bloody surface so the main progression for this game is the playlist it’s a pretty cool idea the concept is you can partake in drifting or you can partake in Liberty walks players and they tell

    You a little bit about each type of thing so in the crew 2 there was factions basically and this was too not Theo not to not to be confused with me and you could partake in the street series with hyper drag races drifting it was sectioned different it’s a very

    Similar concept but it specified the type of Motorsport that you were in so you had street racing you had off-road which included hovercrafts in a later update freestyle which had the motor trick jet Sprint demo derby was add this is sick I actually missed that still

    There well it is but it’s not the same and Pro Racing which is what Pro Racing so that’s it in terms of main progression beyond that once you’ve completed the main progression there is the PVP but we’re talking single player is content here if I go to for example

    The playlist you get extra things like side activities which is the little extras around the map also in the crew too and challenges which is actually kind of fun they remind me a little bit of burnout challenges I’ve always asking for every game to have burnout challenges they’re okay right they’re

    Fine they’re just a way to unlock these extra rewards that’s one thing I would say this game does so much better is rewarding you constantly with stuff but you actually have to achieve it it’s not just like throwing it at you like a horizon but in mfest that’s it in the

    Crew 2 however that’s not it you’ve got stories which is actually really awesome so stories well essentially you go around the map and you try and collect these pieces of the puzzle you could find cars it’s a really cool little thing I I actually miss the story I hope

    They add some of those soon cuz people really enjoyed those and they did one leading into motest they going to do more stories there’s a hell of a lot of them one of my favorites is Hobbies High about Hobbies high of interests no one’s going to get that it’s just

    Hobbies again extra little missions that you can do that’s where the new stunt races are which is actually really easy I did that in like well a few hours you’re going get an RS ter yeah the RX7 is so you can just buy it in this game

    So I did but I I was grinding for a long time to get that oh reward one second oh oh it’s not the car unfortunately it’s a suit you think that goes into motorfest I hope and that’s not even it we have got motor Flix which adds so

    Many different types of gameplay to the game so Netflix my son it it’s it’s the car Netflix but like good not like oh should I unsubscribe because I don’t watch anything on there other than Matthew he’s got 0% on the majority of them but but this is something I really

    Liked about the crew they not all of them were great to be honest some of them were hit a Miss but each added some kind of new gameplay element now to be fair to motorfest they do do that in this game for example with the gim car playlist they added the ability for

    Drifting and the new drifting kind of handling tuning options they they added a lot uh of kind of gimmicks ultimately but the problem is I I feel like they don’t use them Beyond this with in the crew they made better use them for example eventually after adding the

    Demolition derby casts they added cop chases where you could take down targets and then they were like oh no you can play as the cop it’s it’s amazing talk about the live extreme oh my God the live extreme I miss new ones yeah yeah yeah they added loads they added

    Three no they four sorry that’s loads mate that’s loads oh blood out it’s night time now we’ve been chatting for so damn long what is it for me oh yeah the the the the time fun fact the time is synced between the games so the same time the weather may be different and

    Things like but yeah they they kept that which is pretty cool however bright for me look how bright it is they did an update because night time was too dark in the group two uh but they’ve now made it so colossally light that thumbnail makers complained excuse me you can

    Change the time of day in the crew on Fert mode so it doesn’t matter so in terms of gam playay I’m sorry it’s got to be the crew to right this is going to be an inal one cuz this is oh my God stop flexing the helicopter

    On me this is the HQ area essentially for this game it’s the car meet and basically what you do is you walk around and you can vote on your favorite cars that you like the customizations of and I’m going to be honest I’ve done it all

    But maybe twice in the crew 2 you have a home space home slice my man how do you feel do you like your home is it nice and beautiful mute that Bloody ta it does my head in I’m watching the trailer so in the home you can do a couple of

    Things you can change your clothes and the usual but you can also Place cars it’s a lotion on the table it might be what you been up to there’s even a bloody lift that takes you upstairs to multiple levels so you can have a garage hanger or the harbor never been in this

    In my life you’ve never been in the garage oh I completely see you’ve not put any cars there oh wait no no no you wait is that a car in the background no that was a plant that no not that so walk up to one of those plinth Podium mobs face it there

    You go set car oh my God it’s like talking to a toddler are no no it’s literally so finicky no you were facing the back of it that’s why put Lightning McQueen there no no no I see Lightning McQueen right there I’m going I’m going to block you that’s not Lightning

    McQueen yes it is can you stop buying SUVs for some reason he’s decided to buy a bunch of SUVs to frustrate me said pull up in SUVs no no oh my God of all you’ve got no cars in your garage except that it’s a meadow car that is not how

    Fuing dare you so this is the only place you can walk around and that’s kind of sad because there’s no reason to be here it spawns you here often but it’s completely useless but in the crew 2 not only do you have a house there should have been more definitely they had hqs

    That you could go and do the summit and buy cars and look at the cars and test drive cars see look at it what a stunning place this is just a street race HQ there’s one for each the factions and then this is where you’ve

    Got Far and Beyond as well this has got like an actual shop saw this is where you do the this is where your container is as well to like collect your stuff like I get it I know why they’ve done it they’ve made it so there’s less friction

    To get into the actual gameplay the things that people want to do but I kind of miss the Home Spaces remember when we tried to glitch and get out we did well yeah we did but like we couldn’t do the whole map no why but they’ve now blocked

    It off you can’t you can’t do it now that bed that’s the table is a bed why would there be a bed so spaces is a big thing to me and I kind of miss the crew two spaces more of them more variation if for example this area got the ability to

    Have your car on display that you’re about to take out not the one that you were putting to the event or I don’t know there needs to be more things to do here it feels like such a cool space that’s just not utilized so spaces it’s

    The crew 2 right now I’m actually going to quit the game and jump to the crew two we’re doing a little swap because this one well I’ve done more in the crew too so it’s a little bit easier Beyond this point oh and another thing to completely I completely forgot yeah that

    Is a brand new Gordon Murray car that again we we customized and drove a little bit earlier not going to be in the crew until March the crew motorfest so a couple of month three months so this is a big category for me and that

    Is they can just roll in and walk away with it this you race for pink we’re going to be walking all right let’s be real it’s not the best story ever now this is what it’s all about for some El lives people party easy to see why going legit doesn’t appeal who wants

    To go legit take some time to get more people to see it my way time I’ve got just look at those cars there’s some mighty find rise lining up out there he’s right he’s right but you know who I’m thinking our friends should be watching out for

    That plain looking one right there huh doesn’t look like much it doesn’t have to if it’s got the right kind of monster under the hood and a b if you’re not careful that monster’s going to eat you up story is a significant thing for me in racing games because it’s something

    That’s just quite honestly not really focused on anymore and that was kind of sad look at him go Travis in the bar five 59 whatever pissing it’s merci Argo though mate he’s from 2015 he is rest in peace Travis that game’s going to get shut down next Is It Anyway story is

    Something that mot Fest toned down on hugely this game didn’t have a fantastic story don’t not get me wrong the crew one of course is the king of the crew games when it comes to progression story things like that but I did appreciate the Latrell story line the street racing

    Story line to some extent the rest felt very like there’s just no word to describe it it’s just that if you want me to believe and integrate into your Universe for me to feel an ounce of passion towards you need to have characters that are worth remembering you need stories that worth remembering

    And you can have a game that’s like a three or a five or a seven baby age rating and still have a good story line that just doesn’t feel like it’s oh hey guys let’s all be friends let’s be oh my God everyone’s so nice you’re so quickly

    Oh my God oh my God I want to be called a baboom okay you can have a low baby age rating without alienating the maturer audience I I I can’t stand the amount of time like oh my God you’re so fat I don’t care you say oh my God you’re so fat

    Fast you said anyway I I like to come back to this one because yeah it’s the one that I definitely know starts to cut stre also lell driving the P the super car the hyper car I don’t understand it still the accident no I’m not no anyway

    On to the crew motorfest with Matthew so the story is say not really there per se but we can play the introduction to some of the events I’d say the only one with an actual story per se would be the made in Japan one but it it’s like a oh

    You’re new here oh Let’s Race oh you’re good that’s it that’s the story oh look at it beautiful though isn’t it it’s stunning it’s Japan son this is the introduction I remember remember seeing this for the first time it it Hypes me uh however to be fair I actually

    Remember uh that this has been less babified but they they cut they cut it down a little bit oh forgot I didn’t pop a suit on at least for mem that’s what it felt like look at the look at the crew rolling up they should have rolled

    Up like what are you doing here boy I want to keep your ass boy but they’re like sorry you had to wait let’s be friends let’s go for the pack whoo wo oh look out for the boys show us what oh he’s throwing some keys try this car

    Then wow they just thrown you the keys to an NSX from the go be words they could thr me the keys to a VI or something and that’s that’s the the the length of the story in the crew modor Fest they they’ve gone for a different

    Style I get it now the thing is I’m not saying the crew 2 story was uh good especially coming from the crew one which really I don’t really think there was much on the story it’s still better than motorfest they’ve gone for a different angle it’s not a story game yeah you

    Looking at your pineapple shirts toy FPE but it’s pretty safe to say in terms of the characters I actually don’t remember any from motorfest and I do from The Crew 2 The Crew 2 wins his super Blondie did you say super car Blondie I said characters so let’s talk about

    Multiplayer what’s the best game to play multiplayer the crew motorfest has the summit The Crew 2 has the summit this is like a PVE type of thing both of the about the same I have no preference between it but what I do have a preference over is the actual live

    Competition stuff including the grand race demolition Royale that’s the PVP mode you get in this game there’s less to them I would say than the crew 2 there was more Choice the crew one once again had even more Choice with the fun game modes and stuff the crew one is

    Such an IC I love that game they do have a grand race which is one of my favorite things a racing game has added in a really long time like if you’re looking for PDP racing this game is so so sick uh as you can see though there’s 28 people 28 people it’s

    A lot it feels like a lot when you actually play this is the Battle Royale sorry demolition Royale if you will so they they took a Twist on it you drop in with planes I I don’t know where I’m going there’s no pistol I’m oh there’s a

    Over here there’s at the beginning you drop in and you change to your vehicle that you’ll be using and basically try and survive it’s really really fun oh my God there’s a whole team here Matthew why did you leave me on myself cell on my own it’s like dropping a tilted

    Towers on fortnite I last about 2 seconds in this game usually so uh oh hello Matthew don’t go that way we’re going to get bummed no move he on my bloody team come on yes I destroyed him and then you get your ultimate which means you can bully everybody with a big

    Yeah want to look behind you s come on bit of aack oh that did him that did him it’s over it’s over come on no it swapped back oh are you kidding oh I got him thank God for that wait where are you oh he’s alive you’re fine you’re

    Fine that’s also ignoring the fact that this is fully crossplay so you can not fully crossplay but PVP is fully crossplay so you can jump in weam mates not okay no you can’t do that either it’s a bit or Miss overall in terms of the crossplay you can play with other

    People on other systems I’ve found people by just jumping in at the same time but I do kind of wish they would add PVP to the free roam and the crew system too like would make sense wouldn’t it come on I’m right up someone’s ass

    Why why did she go into the zone you absolute fool what the look at the Zone it’s tiny this is like the a fight what the ah that was good again creative game modes I love to see always will praise these creative game modes GG iow one day

    This won’t be available rest in pepperonis might be and this is the crew twos PVP now this one is set up a little bit differently you can see people have got a rank uh this is based on their performance it’s like a tier system so you vote for your favorite event this is

    Not a suitable Helmet or a a tire so this is the extent of the PVP in the crew too you do races against other people I’m really surprised that people decided to do bikes bikes in this game they are very quick but you can mess it up very very quickly

    As well bit of first person view I feel like most actual just normal racing games with bikes what tend to do better there’s not really many arcade sided bike racing games is what I’d say so it’s nice that they Implement bikes when other games don’t tend to but yeah a

    More simple General PVP which actually is kind of missing in the crew motorfest they they always worry about piss the reset button is different oh go bike under oh I’m the one with a bike LIC the full my full bike license I also do as well no no you

    Don’t you hav’t even you haven’t even done your CBT you’re done you’re done son I hate that you I hate that you can’t hit each other where did you go I just see you flying but I would love to see like a normal PVP based on the events that are

    In the game because some events you play a lot you get good at you want to beat people not just your friend I saying that I’m not even a PVP person so to be honest I like the more uh PV together type of situation we’re going to D no

    I’m going to finish we got this come on come on come come on oh yeah baby oh yeah baby stop it that didn’t work smashed it there you go PVP watch my ranking just like fly through the roof mate look at that look at that oh yeah

    Go it didn’t move oh I got four points why is that guy sliding so PVP uh safe safe to say it’s both games have co-op by the way uh throughout the pretty much all the game the crew motorfest is better on one and now the final decision

    Is the feel of the game which feels better environment is nicer what makes you want to pick up and play a little bit more and I’ve got my decision straight away I don’t think I need to say anything other than just like the atmosphere in this game of course the

    Crew 2 has multiple locations Matthew’s in New York right now and it’s completely different to how it is on the other side of the map in La like we did a little bit earlier and I love that the different environments different places it’s it’s super cool we explored so much

    Of this game on the crew one and the crew 2 so much of remember America we discovered through there one issue I have there is no your bakery yeah we miss your bakery but there is no denying that cruising around Hawaii aahu whatever ah as much as I love the map of

    The crew one and the crew two I was ready as to see it go we needed something different and they have done a cracking job with this map I I think it’s better I think it’s more enjoyable I think it’s nicer it’s more vibrant it is it’s beautiful you tell

    They put a lot more love into like how the roads are set up differently and the areas are more detailed and dense so in terms of feel overall motorfest absolutely decimates it so the finals actually look like this there’s only one point in it to motorfest which is rather

    Interesting I would say overall I prefer motorfest in pretty much every aspect that they’ve improved it in pretty much every way however there are things I miss in the fact that there so so much more to do in the crew to and I think that’s why so many more people are still

    Playing and not moving over even though motest is on like every bloody system and you know it’s newer game they’ll they’ll get there just wait about two years wait about yeah wait about two years and there will be so much stuff in this game you don’t know what the hell

    To do it’s kind of the opposite effect if you enjoy this type of video be sure to check out our previous one we did need for speeds that’s a pretty divisive one actually we we should do carbon Most Wanted I don’t think people need buying advice on carbon versus Most Wanted


    1. Im highly disappointed with TCMF and it’s simply because of the map size. It pisses me off even more that they’ve upgraded everything we’ve wanted and downgraded the main thing that made them stick out from every other racing game… THE MAP SIZE. I’m sick of seeing the same s***. TDU2 had a bigger map than this crap. I’m done with TCMF and will only play TC2

    2. Feel like the crew just turned into another cringe, kid friendly which is good ig but it’s only bc that’s where the money is at and for a better age rating, seems like a lot of companies are doing this with their games now, too many people are scared to b different with their games

    3. We need an actually illegal street racing game with a non cringy, deep, interactive story. Good handling, not the same nfs cars we get every year. Actual cars that ppl use such as g35s, more lower trim Mercedes, bmws, etc. we have too many high end cars like corvettes, gtrs, and supercars. NFS fails to do this all the time bc EA never listens to their players and the crew is moving towards a kid friendly forza alternative

    4. Motorfest sucks so far. 1 hour in and I’m being forced to sit through unskippable cringe cutscenes, and I can only use the loaner car for the races I’m being forced to do. All the cars available from 2 and we can only use the loaner car?? I get being forced into specific races, but jesus let me pick my own car

    5. you don't seem to have noticed, that there are also pedestrians present in The Crew 2, while in Motorfest they're non-present, and because of that it somehow feels a bit empty, like Forza Horizon…

    6. I don't know what is wrong with my motorfest but the graphics are broken… the cars literally shift back and forth on the screen when I'm not even moving

    7. this is why i dont play these games at all. the game idee is good but the fysics are crap. and now they make motorfest trying to sell us the game twice… these companies riping us off. look at wat COD been doing. the same thing. nfs heat and unbound… gta 6 is on the way and we already know that half the cars in gta is 6 are the same cars from gta 5 🙁

    8. I miss the Midnight Club customization. I'd like to be able to adjust ride heights and rim sizes. With more old school cars. I can't really find any other car game that has those types of features

    9. has anyone tried out AMD driver based AFMF frame gen in The Crew 2 & Motorfest, which are both fps locked (unfortunately) ? theoretically it should work on fps locked games too I've read, right? just make sure you've set up (disabled/enabled) everything correctly (anti-lag, vrr, vsync, HAGS & other stuff & whatnot)… I'm curious if it actually feels like an improvement if you tried to enable AFMF in TC2/TCMF , or the opposite.. or, if it's stupid anti cheat would even let you (eg. you can't even use dxvk for TC2)

    10. TheCrew:2 > TheScrew:Horizon err Motorcrap .
      at least for me, that is. love TC2, can't stand's terrible imho,
      and the latter has like only 2 advantages but at least thrice as much disadvantages.
      1 step forward, at least 2 steps back, so to speak.

    11. My main problem is that the map is tiny as hell, I liked hopping on the interstate from Miami to Nashville and up to New York and completely topping out my Bugatti, Ferraris etc, it’s not possible on motorfest you get from top to bottom in a straight line in like 30 seconds

    12. Tbh both games are trash. I thought Motorfest was going to be a big upgrade given the price was crazy. But instead Motorfest still falls short compared to Forza Horizon 5. Motorfest graphics suck, mechanics suck, fps suck, and the worst part is that the drifting in Motorfest sucks balls. It just doesn’t exist

    13. The problem with motorfest is that after hours of playing I haven't raced in my own car once. What's the point of having cars if you can't use them. What's the point of spending money if you can't use the things you spend it on. What's the point of doing races if the money reward is worthless. What's the point of playing a racing game when the races have no purpose.

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