Today we take a look at Wrexham Recycling Centre, 4 Bryn Ln, Bowling Bank, Wrexham LL13 9UT.

    We speak to a member of staff who is also a viewer about what they do inside.

    We also speak to a customer who is also a viewer who was surprised to see us so far away.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    You’re not D J do you I am mate what’s your name how you doing Rex what’s your name Darren so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in rexam recycling center look to the right so let’s go check it out let’s go and see oh reom recycling

    Park rexam County B count okay look very nice with the stone wall household waste to the left or recycling straight On got a w Bridge down there put the bike somewhere where we can keep an eye on it and get the zoom camera Out so down in this direction I was going to say it’s just for larger vehicles but then we have a car coming out so it might be the exit for everything but just the entrance for trade I’m not sure just yet they call it the Brin Lane waste recycling

    Facility both languages Welsh and English but this one is more for household waste and recycling so if you are a homeowner and you want to take stuff to the tip like that this is your entrance a cyclist hey po hi youit hello I like this you got all sorts on

    There ain’t you what’s your name Daniel Daniel nice to meet you Daniel I sh you around as well my friend nice to meet you too what is it what’s that is that just a it’s just bad just bag for rubbish and not rubbish uh get some BS and you got extra lights

    As well have you yeah extra lights gives a blast then let’s have a look oh they’re powerful a’t they yeah yeah what brings you down this neck of the woods not done reom yet mate not done reom is this a aftermarket thing yeah yeah that’s all aftermarket okay

    You can Ram raid yourself into some sort of jewelry shop or I wish what is it 125 yeah the nmax I did video on the nmax is coming off the Laura this is the 2023 model what is it speed wise it’s all right 7 or all right yeah nice one mate

    Yeah Kelloggs obviously drew me here I went to the net Sports they have this giv me an internal tour and that will not bad then yeah soon as I seen the bike is that I know that bike oh was you’re passing and saw it no no I work

    Here oh do you yeah yeah I work in the back give me a tour then it’s not down to me I’m afraid so uh I’ll stay outside mate I’m not going to come on cuz I know these are busy places aren’t there a lot of vehicles moving around this is with

    The council and stuff like that so it is busy what do you actually do here it’s the you know where all your black bins and all your garden waste and anything that can be recycled does get recycled so homeowners obviously bring their stuff but do the council Loris

    Also tip yeah yeah the council L tip inside they go obviously go over the way Bridge get weighed and then they get sent to whichever department they go to so you’ve got separation processes yeah yeah there’s uh as you go through the gate you got the main warehouses over

    There which is where all your black bins all your Council by bins go and then on the other side you’ve got like your your what can I say green waste food waste cans anything that’s recyclable get recycl it’s the same year it all get separated here onto the skips and stuff

    Like that yeah it’s nice if the um the members of the public actually put it in the correct Skip and that does it for you but you know in black bags you could have some tin cans you should could have some paper so you separate it here do

    You it all gets separated actually in the manually or yeah yeah obviously you use magnets and stuff don’t you yeah we use magnets for like some of the the metal and stuff like that anything that’s in your black bin a lot of people think it’s non recyclable which it

    Actually is so should anything in your black bin gets recycled yeah or you try like food and stuff none of it goes to none of this goes to lill n of not even food nope all goes uh into compost right so we actually make this facility on

    Site that those compost as well that’s a big claim nothing goes to landfill yeah wow so you’re actually hands on doing the separating no I’m actually part of the uh de clean maintenance Team all right okay so we actually when the plant goes down at 5:00 we go in we clean the

    Machines every day every single day Monday to Friday and then Saturday morning whatever doesn’t get done on Friday night it come back in suay morning keeps them in tip toop condition then don’t it y makes them last longer less downtime as well yeah so is it just

    You on the team or no no there’s another uh five of us so so six in total six in total doing the cleaning every day Y what I will do I will go and have a word with my boss to see if they’ll be

    Able to come in with you at the gate and then see if they can give you the tour you can do mate but if they are busy please don’t put them out oh no no I’ll see what they say well just from what you have said to

    Be fair we’ll do great cuz everyone would be like wow so who who operates this RCC or is that FCC FCC FCC environmental they’re based in Doncaster and do they have control of many of these places uh as far as I’m aware they’ve got this one and there’s two on

    The outskirts of rexon that we’ve got as well which is just to reuse you know the recycle sensors yeah you’re trying to recycle as much as possible aren you and obviously with the metal you’re earning you even earn from cardboard don’t you as far as I’m aware yeah so there’s a

    Business in it somewhere and can trade come as well and pay to tip no they’ve got a it’s household waste only only no trade no trade but obviously the council pay you don’t there to tip every it’s part of a it’s so I believe it’s Council property but

    FCC maintain it and operate it yeah yeah okay nice one mate yeah thank you so much problem take care I forgot his name but that’s all we ask for just the basics you know tell us the great things of what you you do and he did that absolutely

    Perfectly we don’t need to go on we don’t need to get in the way we can see down here we’ve got some sort of smoking bucket so we do have to highlight anything negative as well not uh not the best place to have you designated smoking area you can see

    That a lot of cars are coming and going here and we’ve got this red thing resistance sort of uh fire or first aid let’s have a look emergency plan nice to know in it that they’re prepared for an emergency and they even have a secondhand shop like a charity shop

    Reuse is it linked to a charity at all yeah a hospice brilliant so whatever is too good to throw away the staff will be watching as well grabbing it and giving it to the shop to sell we have obviously been spotted I hope I don’t waste anyone’s time

    Here let them continue their great work no pedestrian access of course you got to arrive in a car or not at all and they want to know that you live nearby and you’re not traveling from a different County to come to a more relaxed or organized whatever the

    Benefit is of comeing here they want to make sure you’re a local resident no smoking no mobile phones yeah awesome so as the ramp takes you onto site you go quite High which of course then you can just throw your stuff in to these which are signposted separated by type scrap metal

    They love that one that’ll be what makes them the most money I presume and we’ve got the data Handler details as well FCC environment who have done it very well so far wrong window wrong window yeah you’re not g do you I am mate what’s your name yeah you

    Doing wrong what’s up what’s your name Darren thanks for watching Darren there’s the key ring mate let me shake your hand as well yeah I appreciate the viewers yeah I have a feel you do you know I recognize you P yeah yeah and look what’s over there in your wing the

    Orange bike oh is that what it is it’s one of the two that normally gets me recognized I I recognize you know yeah yeah the voice as well I don’t know what you doing it’s good fun though and it it’s and it’s entertaining to watch what

    Have you just got rid of cardboard that cardboard in that yeah sounds like it’s h well run yeah you’re lucky to have one of these nearby Kelloggs and the net World Sports as well that’s big it’s quite a large industrial estate is it so there you go you’ve answered your own question

    Mate nice to meet you have a good day your back windows open as well I’m guilty of doing that myself opening the wrong window FCC environmental got their own Vehicles look on site moving the skips around not sure whether it’s the safest in the world to move around like that

    But we’ll let you off and in this field next to me we’ve got these I’ve hav just noticed these hello sure munchin oh that’s a small one look yes don’t often see sheep on Industrial Estates do we hello my friend are you okay you want to be on

    YouTube come closer I can’t hear you oh dear anyway if you hear a drone going over it’s only me okay nothing to worry about so on that note let’s get David up and see what this place looks like from the so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions

    In this area at all the FCC environment tip Brin Lane rexam it’s sounds like it’s a excellent operation that they run here so let’s go and take a look for ourself shall we take off so there we go the entrance for the householders got the gentleman in the BMW looking for the Drone

    There giving him the thumbs up we have this vehicle I think that’s a Council vehicle coming back out to clear the fly tips and the house clearances I think that is actually the vehicle that we saw earlier at Kelloggs so yes this is what happens then when you arrive you go around the

    Corner down to the bottom and in in at the bottom of the site where you’ll be able to see all the signs facing you or you’ve even got a guy checking you in if you have a trailer or a van I presume you have to show some sort of

    Permit that’s the normal thing is it if you’re not sure where to go you can ask him he’ll tell you a number and then you’ll come on to site like you’ve never been to a tip before and depending on the conversation you’ll stop the relevant place they obviously put things in the

    Containers as well then maybe he’s got bottles and go into the bottle Bank just there but if you reverse up you can just lob your stuff in yes very good coming into this entrance here where you’ve got the W Bridge you’ll then go around this part into the

    Back oh and it’s also joined up just there so we got all these buildings are part of the recycling center and I presume you enter the larger vehicles in one two or three they tip in there and you’ve got lots of sorting going on as you mentioned and yes you have front loaders

    Moving the stuff grabbing the stuff assume that’s metal in that one they do treat the metal like gold don’t they but very tidy keeping everything inside so the locals have got nothing to complain about really if smells are contained and the waste is kept undercover contained and everybody is happy aren’t

    They you get the gist a very well-run operation Max proud to tell us about it doing daily maintenance to look after the assets that enable the operation to run so smoothly and look at all them solar panels there absolutely fantastic so there you have the whole

    Site I’m sure they use this shot for training purposes this is the area for this that and the other feel free if you are watching this video FCC you are welcome to use any of this footage for any purpose that you can think of I’ll try and get your whole sight in one

    Shot is that more Wildlife yeah that surely that’s not Black Sheep they do look after the wildlife as well we already met the white sheep down here so anyway let’s get the whole site in one shot do a 360Β° photo for Google Maps and move on that was FCC waste here in

    Rexam and what we forgot to look at was the shot there it is great work pulling out all those resellable reusable items loads of bikes loads of go-karts and scooters yeah excellent I love it and whil we’re here let’s just have a look at remember of the public emptying

    Trailer loads of metal on there go lad green waste electrical plaster board GH I doubt you can do much with that Wood Plastics cardboard bulky sofas bagged household and more Plastics and a caterpillar 360 on Wheels right I’m going now mate all right thanks for um respecting the rights of the photographer and the Drone flyer and have a good day yeah all right mate take care and that was FCC

    Environment recycling center here in rexam ll13 the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video it’s just there so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want the key ring good luck with that the manager did not come

    Out uh we don’t really want to waste people’s time anyway so I’m quite glad but it looks a very well-run operation I would say that and fantastic things to be partnered with the charity up there and if you are local and you do want a bargain cycle

    Scooter come and check it out the ReUse shop and I’ll leave that one there guys it’s open 8 until 8 it says Monday to Sunday so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one bye-bye for Now


    1. Thanks DJ, great video as always, your genuine curiosity is what makes these videos so great…. Notice everything and comment…. We love it!! From people like me born and raised in the UK now living abroad, to shut-in's who can't see the world, to locals who never knew… your format is awesome!

    2. I know you like to stay outside mostly but just to point out 1876 road traffic act defines the velocipede as a vehicle. So you could have ridden the bike in if you wanted to check out the shop. Security was as usual, baaaaaahmy

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