Découvrez l’histoire fascinante d’Adam Mercier et de LMX Bikes, où innovation et passion se rencontrent pour transformer la mobilité électrique. Dans cet épisode exclusif, plongez dans les coulisses de la création d’un moteur électrique révolutionnaire qui propulse les gardes forestiers et les militaires dans une nouvelle ère. Apprenez comment LMX relève le défi de produire en Europe et pourquoi leur approche unique change la donne dans l’industrie.

    Au programme :

    🛠️ Découverte de la technologie derrière le moteur unique LMX.
    🔌 Applications spécifiques B2B : Des terrains forestiers aux missions militaires.
    🌍 Le pari de la production européenne : Enjeux et avantages.
    Adam partage avec nous sa vision, ses défis, et comment chaque vélo LMX est bien plus qu’un moyen de transport; c’est une invitation à l’aventure.

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    Welcome to a new episode of planète 1G, the first programme to be gives engineers a voice at last in the media hubbub, to bring you help you understand the latest tech news and the issues at stake thanks to those who are innovating,

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    For the show and don’t forget to subscribe by clicking on the follow button of your favourite platform. I’ll leave you with the guest, Enjoy the episode. Welcome to another episode of planet 1G Today I have the immense pleasure of welcoming Adam Mercier, founder of LMX Bike. Hello Adam, how are you?

    Hi great. Hey Ben Adam, can you please ? No problem for me, so I’m engineer insa Lyon, engineer in engineering mechanics, passionate about technology, and electrification in particular, I’ve made it my profession. Directly after the studies I have that I did a sandwich course.

    So 1IUT mecha engineering in alternation and in work-linked training at insa. I’m going to jump straight in in fact with the creation of my company, of my structure. To further my passion for electric vehicles. And there you have it. Small budget young engineer on which

    Mobility object and what electric object I’ve thrown myself into. It was the bike. So here’s the electric bike with this passion for performance, for power. I wanted to create objects. High-performance pleasure objects which I personally loved that’s how it started, so when I left on bikes and motorbikes.

    Well, that reduced the udget compared to doing I don’t know cars, for example. The company was set up by 2 young people ING who are passionate about electric vehicles, motorbikes and off-roading. And we started in 2002 1014 of the first prototypes. So 2014 is the very beginning of the bicycle

    Electric, eh? Bosch has started to bring out bicycles electricity in 2010 or thereabouts. It’s really early days for cycling and we have a free space because there is no market that is mature, it’s a market in which we can test things, we can.

    Developing things OKOK And then the very beginning of the adventure. how? You told us that Xavier first attack the angle of the bike, the electrification of the bike, you can iefly. Yeah, well, the idea behind LMX is imagine the difference between a bike and a motorbike?

    So a bike, an electric bike is 20 20 25 kilos in terms of weight, a motorbike is 20 25 kilos in terms of weight. electric motorbike or an internal combustion motorbike will start at 81 90 kilos. So between the 2, there’s a space on which we started with

    Increasingly powerful electric bikes . Here we go from a slightly normal electric bike to a kit with motors, Here’s how to increase the power gradually . In fact, we soon came up against reliability problems with these bikes. At the time, we didn’t have the technologies, we didn’t have the

    Techniques. We didn’t have the things we’ve put in place. that are powerful and reliable. So in fact, we took off the pedals, we went over to the motorbike side, this is the first time we’ve done this. ig step. So we made what we call the LX 161

    A small, ultra-light motorbike weighing in at just 45 kilos. Which we homologated, so we passed a European homologation, a big head, maybe we’ll have a chance to talk about it and we made this bike.

    And that’s it. And in fact this motorbike arrived at a point in the market where we there are Chinese companies that have entered the same segments, but at a much lower price. necessarily. We had a level of anus on this bike

    Which was a little complicated by the size of the structure and we came up against a bit of a brick wall on this project, we kept thinking. It’s actually nice to have a little motorbike is very light but in fact what we want to do is build bikes.

    More powerful because we realised that this bike we had in fact it was always going to be less than a combustion bike because it was a small motorbike. Not very powerful with suspension which is more limited than a motocross bike. So it was always going to be less

    Than a motorbike, so it’s complicated to sell, it’s complicated to explain. It’s great to use, but it’s a little more complicated to sell to the public. sell this concept. So in parallel with this less than motorbike that we designed at the time, we continued to think, well, how do we

    Made to ride an electric bike? What we wanted was this. an electric bike with the power and capabilities of a motorbike . Well, in terms of mechanical transmission, power, in terms of assembling the various elements in the chassis, it is

    Extremely complicated, we are continuing to develop this and we have fallen to a solution. There are others out there, aren’t there? ut we came up with a solution by saying that our problem is actually an engine in the rear wheel, we don’t believe in it, because for all-round use, the

    It’s a classic . A motor in the rear wheel and quite a few brands use this kind of thing. Except that as soon as you go off-road, you end up with this big lump and an unsprung mass in the rear wheel .

    So your suspension performance and empathy inevitably, the durability of the wheel and empathy too. And the efficiency of this type of engine from when you are in a range that is not ideal, and Ben’s performance plummets. So an engine in a tailgate is not possible.

    A crankset author who uses the chain drive type. Bosch and things like that exist. Well it’s not bad, it’s a good yield, but as soon as you increase the power, the transmission chain, that the normal chain of a bicycle, it becomes totally undersized. And so we have boxes and boxes of

    In the days of derailleurs and chains we exploded because we had put in overpowered engines using the chain and derailleur. And as we worked on these different ideas, we said to ourselves, Well Ben in fact, what we want is even to have an engine mounted in such a way that

    Central to the framework, but we want to have reliability for the transmission. And for all that, we still want to keep our speeds on a normal bike because works really well and when you ride a mountain bike, it’s absolutely essential to have gears . So that’s what it’s all about.

    I was away on my work placement and, in addition to the end-of-studies internship , I continued to think about ideas, things like that. I was abroad and. I’ve got this idea, I’m thinking to myself, well why don’t we put the transmission of the other side? In other words, we keep our side

    Classic transmission. The transmission of a bicycle is the cassettes, the back of the things that eat superbly. It’s light and works really well at . On the other hand, we have a transmission that’s there just for the sake of it.

    Engine is strengthened and we need to manage to package all this, in order to that we manage to make something that looks more or less like a bicycle in the end. So that’s when we started working on this concept. We’re going to apply for a patent on this.

    So in 2002 1017 2016 2017 I don’t remembe and we designed the first prototypes, all at the same time as the development of the motorbike. And in fact that’s part of what made us out of the impasse with the motorbike.

    Well, the bike has a lot of qualities, and was pretty well behaved, it was doing well, but with this Asian competition on products cheaper, we still found it hard to develop and make money. To pay for the engineering we had done on it, in fact.

    And so we managed to launch in parallel, at very little cost, ou dual transmission system with a chassis that was initially sold as a kit, So that gave us a real, real boost, a real dynamic. A dynamic that still carries us today, so here we are in

    At the time. We launched the MX 80, which was the the first system with this dual transmission. Then we made the MX 64, on which we made more than 500 of this model. So this is the model that has increased our volume.

    It’s a model that we designed for the base, to make 100 of them, and and so on. A model that was used to pass the development engineering costs to bridge a gap in terms of opinion. But in fact, we pushed him much harder.

    Far from this model than what it was designed for. And so the last revo, we reconsu all this system from 0 in saying Well here’s the system works, it has proved that it was working. But now, to move on to the next stage we need to review .

    For example, the centre distance of the rear wheel is not standard. So we’ve standardised, we’ve simplified, we’ve compassed these elements to really a new stage. Ok. Okok it’s great to see that you can reinvent everything in the world of motorisation of the bike.

    Your point of view on that, by the way, is what prospects for development we can still envisage We could say gentle but intense. Yeah, you see, I’ve always, I’ve always defended a vision of saying well, the bike’s 25 km an hour today. At European level, an assisted cycle,

    I.e. an electric bicycle travelling 25 km hour is considered to be a bicycle. I think it’s going to stay that way. It’s a great thing because in terms of insurance in terms of standards in terms of the use of cycle lanes, an electric bike equals a top bike all right.

    But the fact remains that this market is the twenty-fifth hour. It is completely saturated today, everyone, all the automotive equipment manufacturers have their own 25km/h engine. I take Germans like Mahleux, you take Bruce, You take Bosch, of course you take Panasonic, you take the Italians at Poligny, everyone has

    His engine. Twenty, fifth I’m still free, there’s no point in going 25 km an hour to and I’m not interested eithe too personally you see riding with an electric bike 25 km per hour, it’s not which will pay for it. My dream is to ride

    With this famous concept of more than a bike. That’s what we’re trying to push now, trying to do a bit of the Ah it. The rewriting of LMX what is LMXLMX It’s lightroate motocross but it’s also more than a bike, you see, in fact we

    Took the problem from the outset with less than a motorbike, so less weight with the lightweight. And in fact we’re in the process of resuming the subject on the other side with the more thon a back. And therefore the market for 25 km hour engines.

    There are a huge number of top motors on the market. Engines with different power ratings are more suited to cargo ships, others that are suitable for ultra-light bikes. So there is a whole ecosystem of engines. Competitive in terms of price, which are efficient, which are reliable, which are

    Industrial. So I don’t feel like going to the shops. these engines. On the LMA side, however, we are developing a eal know-how. On the 45 km per hour, you think, well, here’s the 45 km per hour. We started 6 years ago with a motorbike. That we have approved in this category

    45 km per hour and today we’re continuing with electric bikes. Which are approved as mopeds and therefore have a accelerator, who have an engine with power, who have the possibility of ide without pedalling. And in fact we’re doing a sort of

    A slightly modern moped, with this that we make. The famous return of the moped, that is great. You said to me, we’re going to talk a little about the challenges around the manufacturing. It’s always more or less the same thing, do. Do local things first and foremost, but it’s

    Not very easy in the current context and, moreover, before recording, you told me you’d just returned from an express trip to China, er, explain quickly how you divide your production between bah des suppliers I imagine hyper-competitive and then what we try, what you are trying to bring back home.

    In fact, what I’ve come to understand is that or what I had the impression of understanding with the various trips I’ve made to China over the years . The first big trip and Invest we made to China was when we industrialised the framework of our motorbike.

    I told you about the motorbike, line 161 in did this one, we made protos, we must have made about fifteen, maybe we made the frames for about 15 motorbikes in our workshop and then we had it subcontracted to China and so the subcontracting phase was good. It really was.

    We got the oars out. Clearly, we’ve brought out the oars. You had to work to succeed in explain to our supplier what we wanted, what was important, what wasn’t important. We paid, I think, 50,000 francs for tooling on a frame we made. manufacture there. So we realised that

    On certain subjects. You can’t ask ou Asian suppliers to think about us. So that’s it. And that’s where we actually started from the other way round, a bit for the bike. We bought what they knew how to make and we realised that there were some

    Things they knew how to do very well, extremely efficient, very low costs investment for us, if it’s going to be very well done, it’s for example machined parts. They are asked to cut mass into the light. Do you know how to do this? They don’t ask themselves the question.

    I’d like to share a little anecdote with you. to explain it to you would be fun. Tube exclusions, that’s it! no problem, it’s going to do it super well as soon as you ask them to sourcing something simple. There’s no such thing as a made-to-measure

    Problem is that it works and we know that they are unbeatable. You see, I’m using the example of a tube excluded.

    Well, you have a factor of 10 on the cost of the matrix between Europe and China and a factor of 10 on the cost of the matrix between Europe and China and a factor of 10 on the cost of the matrix between Europe and China.

    Factor of 10. Or 10 or more on the quantity of matte who are capable of pushing you. You know, when you blow up, you have a die and you push material when you make bikes.

    And you’re going to have a factory in Europe, they tell you bah the minimum material, 3 3 tonnes, 3 tonnes, that’s a lot of bikes. When you have. When you have 3 or 4 different profiles on

    A bike that tells you bah for every profile, you’re going to have to extrude 3 tonnes of material. I don’t know where I’m going to store them. 3 tonnes of material clearly. So that’s the parallel there. Yeah, you’ve got this parallel here between Asian suppliers who know how to get you

    Provide stuff that tells me Bah 50 kilos of matter? Don’t worry, I’ll push them for you. 50 kilos of material. And then there are the others who say, well, it’s a ton. If we can negotiate sourcing in China on a number of issues, we can’t afford to lose out.

    To avoid it altogether if you want to be competitive and if you produces a small volume when you start to have volumes a little more volume. Finally, the more you increase your volume, the more you can ask yourself the question of making certain things in Europe.

    But when you want to set up a business and launch products such as others, well you have to be right in the middle what, you have to be right in the middle between the European sourcing. European manufacturing, that’s what we do.

    Model manufactured in France or in Europe, and we’ll be sourcing components or raw materials and. You were telling us an anecdote? After that, you promised to make us laugh. Oh no, it was. A bit unbelievable, you’d think. With photos it’s more, it’s more meaningful.

    But in fact, when we had this first motorbike made, we sent them the CAD. parts that they had to manufacture. So we sent them the plans, we sent them the CAO and so they make the motorbike, they make the prototypes, we pay for the tooling, we

    Pay one and I’m off to China to check where we are on the project. I walk around the factory, I see the different parts that are being manufactured. So I’m on the floor, you have a coin, so this coin, do you have any coins?

    And in fact this part is the crutch contactor that we had forgot to remove from CAD it’s a crutch switch, it’s a part that you buy off the shelf, which is an electronic part with a contactor. electronics inside. In fact, you’ve carved it mass from

    Aluminium. He hadn’t thought about it, you see, there were 200 Betty contactors that didn’t work because they were parts, it was just a modelling for the volume on CAD They had cut us to size without even asking us a single question.

    Ask bah this part here is for what no he had carved mass. Before asking us. It’s that kind of thing, you know where you are? Publish, they execute. Yeah, you say? You say, well, there are some things on that are no problem at all, and that’s fine.

    And other things that you shouldn’t even try. And this is something that has built up. I’ve been doing this for 10 years and now, when I go on my trip to China, there’s a lot to do.

    More things where I say to myself bah this supplier says he can do that ut in fact I know very well that will do it and I’ll go and see someone other. But to do this or that other process, it’s the best supplier and in terms of cost it will

    E the best. That’s always important enough fo me, it’s to say Bah Yeah, we want to make quality products but we’re also wants to be able to sell them. You see, today we’re on the products that we manufacture at LMX, so we continue to have a price placement.

    We’re trying to get as much out of it as possible so that we can make a product that’s done, not just a bunch of inexpensive products, not products that are fairly top-of-the-range. But we’re not at twice the price of the market.

    And so you were talking about intense competition, so even if you told us about a small differentiating factor , what are the others? differentiating factors that you intend to put forward and do you Yeah, I was talking about the 45 km per hour. which is quite distinctive.

    So we’re not talking about the same product, we’re not talking about the same product, we don’t have exactly the same customers today. The other differentiating factors are our speed of development. We’re moving quite quickly on developments, on updates. As we evolve, we’re always trying to keep?

    A margin ahead of the market . And this is only possible because we have repatriated the manufacture of cards. I was talking about our tooling in China on motorbike frames if you have evo at .

    Well, you’ve got to go there, you’ve got to go to the factory, you’ve got to do a lot, you’ve got to make Paul saints, they have to supply all the various parts that will make the modification. Then you have to get the coin.

    So it’s a very long time compared to the that we’re able to do with our. Small factory in the Lyon region in where we have everything we need in fact to manufacture aluminium frames. And you were telling me about Bah tu daguer vos

    So who are our customers mainly? So today on LMX our customers are you have 2 large groups of customers on so I’ll start with our customers one a bit historical, so it’s people who come a lot from the world of the trial and Enduro, in other words, the all-terrain thermal motorbike.

    And in fact, he. Who can no longer practice because that today you’re riding an autothermal , you’re swinging at pebbles in any path, without mentioning the Germans and the withdrawal of mobilisation of vehicles that you can have, and so on. It’s forbidden to ride motorbikes on most of the roads.

    Thermal. So we bring a product. Which we have developed because we ourselves pilot, drive and this product it gives you a sense of freedom that you’ve actually lost, so you regain a freedom, and therefore your customer. They’ve just arrived, thermal motorbike,

    Enduro, trial, they are used to riding all around their homes and they would no longer be able to do so. They used to make ig hikes with their mates, they could no longer do it in terms and thanks to

    To what is brought to them, they can do it again, they can the more they can do it with less conscience. Today, our models, when ridden with an internal combustion motorbike in the

    Haut, Bah you needed a truck, you needed a trailer, you need a trailer, you need a trailer, you need a trailer, you need a trailer, you need a trailer, you need a trailer, you need a trailer. dressed in a par Pierre, with a big helmet, with Nike brace, with

    Knee pads, etc. So it’s pretty heavy, isn’t it? something, there are logistics around it, you need to do your maintenance on you ike, it’s pretty heavy, it’s pretty boring, and we arrive with a model. Well, it’s a bit like interviewing a

    Ike, when you go out riding, you put on a stylish helmet and off you go. It’s much lighter, much more fun in fact, and the relationship between time you spend getting ready and the time you spend doing the activity and getting ready.

    To please, he’s totally in favour of the internet, this is our first group of customers, yeah, and our 2nd group of customers, and that’s a little more recent, but it’s something that we develops, which is super interesting, is that.

    Our vehicles, since they were born in off-road and with all this feedback experience of sports use all terrain. Well, we bring performance and reliability which is interesting and the history of speed and range . Well, it’s actually interesting for public authorities, so I think so.

    To the army, for whom we have delivered various machines, either for testing or for use in the field. on some rather special uses, but too. The Forestry Department in the 13 department, for example, , delive ikes, motorbikes for that matter. And I use these vehicles to go

    Patrolling in a natural environment, , protect a natural area and why they took vehicles like the than an electric bike. So here we come back to the success factors, why at LMX Why not moustache, for example, with a Bosch engine? Well, it’s just that our vehicles with the

    Additional speed, with a d. N all terrain strong enough, well it’s in inverted commas, vectors that can carry more loads, to go faster, to go further. To apparently make the intervention very effective. Okay, so let’s go back to

    You said that to make Made in France, you need a certain volume to interesting. And today you think you can ensure this volume. What are your prospects Do you see things in a positive light? eye or you take on the rise of a competitor.

    No, I don’t think so. In fact, the most important thing for us is always to keep that DNA strong enough. You see who puts us on a on a not a sector that will be interested in? Anyone, you see, it’s quite specific, it’s a niche, you stay, you

    Will remain a small manufacturer, but with a know-how that we are trying to and that we are trying to make evolve quickly enough to protect ourselves from ig changes in the market, big changes in the market and on the real Made in France aspect.

    With the Invest we’ve made in our plant, we’re gaining speed by fact. And the factor, the success factor of the terrain when you’re competing, when you’re an entrepreneur, it’s the home. You have to move fast, you have to be able to to evolve quickly. You need to be able to question

    What you’ve done. And which is always prepared, in fact. The next stage. So what’s your vision of the future? A little bit of this part of the mobility in relation to your niche that is special. Yeah, not necessarily talking DMX but you vision on these things.

    In fact, you’ve got some great stuff which are currently being set up with the Ademe, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency. finance things at the level of something called the extreme challenge, supe interesting, that’s all. They try to imagine. Which vehicles exist, which will exist, which are between the

    Car, between the bike and the car? I was talking to you earlier about LMX. imagined what was between the bike and the motorbike, rather in an all-out approach. sports ground, etc. Here, with this story of extreme challenge, they are trying to look at and finance to see what

    Etween the bicycle and the car to mobility. So YAYAYA full of things that can exist. So you see a mid-range Citroën, it’s something that fits in there by for example. It’s an object that fits in. A bike and a real, proper car, between inverted commas.

    So there are lots of projects that exist with things that are either at pedals or without pedals, which are either with fairings or without fairings which are with 3, 4 or more. And with LMX we have this knowledge on engines, on engines which are powerful and which are

    Optimised for continuous torque . Because when you go off-road, you need torque, you need to climb. And so we are in fact positioned as solution provider in relation to this whole ecosystem. Vehicles where we will arrive with motorisation solutions, battery solutions, which are based on what we have

    Is done on our motorbike, on our bikes, on our different systems. Offers engines, packages engines, battery, engineering on these subjects, and it’s really interesting because, in fact, we have this know-how on power, on continuous torque, on homologation. Today we approved 3 different vehicles in the same

    Category that these future vehicles, this called vehicles intermediaries. So we have know-how and we’re putting it to good use. serving something that is a little broader than just sport the LMX Lightweight Motocross with the all terrain, with the sport, with all these aspects. Let’s talk about you for a moment.

    So, what makes you most proud of the LMX adventure so far? present? You see, I’m thinking, it’s been almost I’ve been doing this for 10 years. First proto 2012 2013 2014 So there you have it, after the company dates from 2016 But y already had a history, y already had

    Evolution. 10 years is not bad in terms of longevity for an industrial company that really makes a difference. hardware? Because that’s what it’s all about. say today in a company that makes hardware. And who has the know-how. Who is who is recognised by many actors? That’s right, it sings.

    I’m pretty proud of the fact that I’ve been able to stay on hardware. Yeah, absolutely, and what do you still find most difficult? What’s the most important thing about your adventure today? It’s the hardware. Is hardware hard? No, it’s complicated, very complicated, but… it’s super interesting but it’s extremely.

    Blocked. If you could change anything in everything you’ve done so fa now, really do it differently. You go back 10 years and tell Adam 10 years ago not to do that, but really don’t do that, answer. Yeah. No, I don’t think I’ll say anything because

    Otherwise we wouldn’t be here today and. That if I tried to give myself advice, it would be more destructive than anything else. Finally, it’s complicated to give self-advice from 10 years ago, in inverted commas. I don’t think I will. Ok and Ben listen to me.

    Wouldn’t give advice otherwise . Otherwise I don’t think I’ll do it. It would scare me myself, you see. So there I was, I did it, I’m making progress and that’s how I’m continuing. Maybe that’s what the Council is all about. Finally, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid

    Fear of what you’ll find in front of you. Does this mean that when you are older, more experienced, we may not be able to do this kind of thing. project because, in the end, we are more inclined to measure the risks and associated fears? Yeah, I think there’s an element of

    Madness to go there, especially to go there like going there. In other words, guys. 2 guys 0 capital at the start and we made 6 years 100 100 0 external capital good after BPI thing Honorary expenses things like that, but 0 external capital to make a company that

    Does hard it’s just actually not really possible. So we’re going to go through a certain number of steps, but it’s complicated. So then there are people who launch themselves, people I know, who are who are older and have feedback and who are starting out also with relatively little.

    That’s not a lot of resources and I espects that wholeheartedly. So there you have it, but yes, you need a little what it takes to get there. It takes a great deal of madness and it’s a bit contradictory. I imagine you must have spent hours

    Phenomenal cubic metres to work on this project, even though you told us that you were were a keen outdoor sportsman ? So how do you reconcile the needs of the business with your passion? How do you keep this little one? These little times or these big times of.

    Yeah, I had the enormous advantage of launching a structure that was completely in line with my passions. Because in fact if why did I do it? LMX and ultra-light bikes and motorbikes. That’s because I love it and I love riding it. I wanted to do it myself.

    A vehicle, a thing, a 2-wheeler, a motorbike, a bike that’s a blast to ride and of which I’m proud. So you see, for a whole bunch of years was a driver for this. Since then I’ve opened up a bit, I’ve got back into other sports,

    Other tricks to change your mind . Because when you ride your own models, well, it’s not always extremely fun or extremely natural to take your mind off things, because when you ide with your own product Eh Ben you say fuck it but there’s such and such a setting, that

    And then there’s this thing where you are rolling for you but you’re also rolling fo the dev and in fact you don’t really relax so you’re working so I’m still driving for myself. I really enjoy it. But I’ve reopened up to other sports, so I’m back at it again.

    Paragliding. This morning I was in the process of sanding my foil board. I’m in the process of making a foil, it’s my foil board and make the resin. So here are some faunal doubts that allow you to completely disconnect and that announce the technique.

    That’s the kind of thing that gets me makes you dream. I think we’ll cut this passage to I’m not sure your insurers are very happy to hear this kind of information. of passion. Do you feel concerned by the

    Ecological transition and do you do you think LMX is taking part in this? in the right sense of the word. Or are we on a transformation of the leisure industry, but ultimately of consumption or tu I mean, does contribute to the objectives of sobriety towards What is your overall view?

    A little bit sure. This is a good question. Then when you talk about something and a hobby, well it’s a little bit it’s hard to justify anything but the further you get with LMX Plus

    What we’ve done, what I’ve done right here can be put to use in the service of a transition. Because what we’re developing at LMX it’s tech, it’s know-how, it’s tech on engines, on atteries, on controllers, on algo and in fact all this tech that has

    Has been validated, tested and proven in the field at . Well, you can use it in more civilian vehicles. The latest bike we’ve released comes in a version with a carrier. luggage with kickguards and you can use it to come to work you see at 45

    Km hour, so it’s possible to say to yourself, Bah, I’m going to cycle work 20 kilometres from home, which I can’t really do with a bike. electric bike or a classic bike because is a bit too far away. So with 1LMI I can can do it. Everything we’re doing with

    The public authorities are potentially replacing 1-4-4 with 1LMX It’s the same thing, isn’t it, you’re reducing emissions and all the other things we’re in the process of doing. to work with ademe and the extreme challenge it’s also the same, it’s about

    Well, there are people out there with incredible ideas for new vehicles, ut they don’t have the level of engineering, they don’t have the feedback, they don’t have the supply chain to make the motors and batteries they need. incredible uses they have imagined.

    So it’s mixed and my team can-on can se. Suggesting things that allow to go faster, in fact, that allow these teams to move faster. In fact, the story of the transition ecology, it’s quite important to me .

    It’s not so much a question of ecological transition, because I’ll be putting the most What drives me is efficiency. Energy efficiency means saying to yourself Ah well, you can use a moto thermal, but if it’s well designed and effective, why not what do you think?

    Can use an electric motor, but if you put that in ISUV which is 3 tons. Well, it’s not great eithe what so ah, it’s a story of efficiency that seems on. Could make a good episode on this extreme challenge.

    So if you know an ademe inger who may be responsible for this project, Ben, I’m really becoming a link. With contact, with pleasure. That would be a great idea. Emmanuel Macron is listening. If you could ask him for a wish?

    What would it be no, it would be to continue with this ademe project of continue to finance this. Because if we want to build a sector, we want to build something strong and distinctive. Well, it’s not bad. I mean, it’s not bad. So let’s keep going, let’s keep financing.

    We do enough, we can do more. What’s more, I think we’re doing enough. Today, you mustn’t put too much on because otherwise it will become totally anything. But we have to keep on doing it in the duration. You needed to build a

    Industry, and building an industry is not done by hitting 50000000. the table one year and according to 0 what it is built over several years. So that’s it, let’s get on with it. Well Ben, listen, you’re joining the call y Yannick Veschetti on the French photovoltaic industry .

    We’re coming to the end of this programme. The challenge, the little challenge at the end of the episode you are abandoned on a desert island in an incongruous way. But we did warn you a little that you are allowed to bring 2 objects with you and a book.

    What are you taking with you? Here I’m going to bring in some very pragmatic stuff. It’s a bit of survivor mode on my way of doing business and my way of do stuff. So I’m bringing an axe. A small Hachette because I’ve already seen it.

    My father made a dugout canoe on a beach with an axe, so I can get away with it. steer with my pirogue, so an axe and a sail because a sail, if you can

    Do all sorts of things with a sail, you can protect yourself from the sun, the rain and the cold. and you can put this on your spine to go faster. So a sail. So you’re not bringing an electric bike then. I’m not taking a bike because on the

    Islands prices are quite rare and an island is there is the back around so here it is I prefer to sail. Okay, and Ben, listen very carefully. father make a raft with an axe? That’s it. What do you want to do? A pirogue, yeah. A New Caledonian on a beach. This is it.

    You see, you can tell us all about it in 2 minutes? Well, I have a family that is more boat than bike, so more wood than tube. in aluminium. So I grew up on boats and so taking a sail makes sense to me.

    No, I was referring to the anecdote about the Pirogue, but it doesn’t matter, you can go on a very long trip. with the personality of your choice who you take with you. So I can’t give you a name, but I can describe the person’s profile

    And I’m leaving with someone who has. Who really transformed an industry? But who’s who at the retreat? You see? Like with someone who has nothing to prove, there’s no one who has who has left its companies or businesses or its developments to others, which has already

    Passed on the torch and who has so many things to pass on. And I think that this kind of person is extremely important in a person’s life. entrepreneur. And Ben, listen, maybe you’ll go he’s not retired yet, but with Jérome Mortal for example.

    I think there’s a great deal of experience and it’s also a bit of an experiment. experience similar to yours but in a different niche. We salute Jérôme and I encourage you to go and listen to his episode. The 2 of you will end up anyway in the

    So we’ll be able to talk again at about all these subjects. Thank you Adam, it’s at Promo minute, you have the possibility of here you have your minute promo, you say what you want, it’s your free time, there’s no question, there’s just you and the listeners go on .

    Things are going well on the LMX front, and we’ve got a number of interesting items to present. We have a web series that we’re producing with , a local girl called Zoé, who we work with at LMX where we explain what we do, who ou what our customers do.

    If you’re into tech, if you’re into like cycling and exceptional experiences , I think it’s worth the effort. of this. Worth a look it’s called LMX Inside. We’ve released 2 episodes so far. And we need motivation to go out the others, but with pleasure if we have oosted that a bit.

    Eh Ben you put us the link, you put us the link. We’ll put it in the episode. That’s why you have to fill in the YouTube form when it’s important like that. And the Youtube channel is called. Lmx Inside. Lmx Inside is great. Thank you very much Adam on Thursday.

    Rendezvous with listeners during the week for another episode with a special guest . Goodbye everyone. Thank you Mathieu. And that’s the end of this fascinating interview . If you enjoyed the show and would like to share it with others, click on . thumb, subscribe.

    And while we wait for a new adventure next Monday, don’t forget to subscribe to the newsletter. Newsletter point Planet, a g point f r to make sure you don’t miss any of the adventure of the podcast. See you next week.


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