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    🎥 In today’s video, experiencing a very leaky roof, building a Raleigh, dismantling a Raleigh and adding a bike to our project bikes.
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    Good morning everybody a miserable miserable day here in kessingland at cycle recycle it is a blustery and windy day I will I’ll open the door and you can have a look at just how horrible it is if you can pick this up it’s absolutely throwing it down

    I’m going to check in a little while see what the forecast is like and it’s also quite chilly as well so I don’t think I’m going to be busy today which is or should I say I don’t think I’m going to be busy today with customers but I’m hoping

    Um I can get plenty done so I’ve got some bikes to put on the website four actually that need photographing so I’ll probably do that first and then on with the rest on with the rest of the day so this morning has been a bit intense let me tell you what’s happened

    Um so I went outside photographed a couple of bikes ready to put them online and when I came back my monitor for my computer was doing this not very happy at all um and I thought that’s odd and then I notice just down here there was a drip

    Coming so I pulled it all out and there is I don’t know if you can see there’s a nasty um sort of ton of water that’s come in and obviously where my monitor sits has been dripping on there so I’ve had to get everything out the Builder’s been called hopefully he’ll be

    ASAP because this is obviously a joke um as you can see it’s been dripping through here as well the rain let me show you been dripping through here as well I’ve spoken to my landlord um like I say he’s contacted the Builder the problem is is this part

    Of the building is flat roof and this part is um got Gable end and where they’re joined that needs ref flashing and sorting out so the Builder has been spoken to he’s going to come early next week I now need to spend the rest of the

    Day moving stuff out of here that I value because obviously the monitor is beyond I mean it’s trying to be a monitor it might dry out so I’ll take that home sit it in front of a radiator for a bit see if I can get that

    Fixed I need to take my stuff because um until the roof is done I’m not particularly comfortable about leaving my stuff in it if I’m honest and we’ve got sort of a tail cach register so it’s not good not good um but these things

    Are sent to tr us so I’m going to load my car up with valuable stuff and then I’m going to um and try and get on with some work I’ve got a customer coming in in a little while I think to have a look at something

    Um but yeah it does rain hard has rained hard but you can see in there how how wet that’s got and that’s probably from a night’s worth of rain oh well these things are sent to tr us I guess let’s go and have a look and see

    What the weather’s doing see if it’s calming down or whether it’s getting worse or whatever so might be a delay in the videos that’s going to be the big problem might be a delay in the videos so stop raining well I I stop raining it’s still spitting a little

    Bit but this is the drama we have it’s the building is 10 and something years old so there was always going to be problems okay I’m going to um sort through some tires now uh cuz they do need they do need sorting out so um I’m going to start

    Working through those while things are a bit chaotic in the Shop Yeah So I’m back from my lunch and I’m going to crack on just get this shop tidy I’ve sort of the time is out quite a quiet day today weather’s awful no one’s coming out um today so um I’m going to crack on doing that getting the shop tidy moving some of the

    Electrics out of the way of possible drips uh you don’t need to see any of that it’ll bore you senseless so thanks every so much for watching and um we’ll see you in the next one so it’s the 21st of November today and um we’ve got this bike com in on

    Saturday um just need some TLC that’s what he want he wants to get us so that it’s bable so we’ll put some tires on that hopefully today if we get a chance he said there’s no rush it’s about 10° today and Britain is gray sail boox are

    Out I um I bought a new monitor yesterday for the computer so hopefully that will solve the uh the problem I’m going to also as well move the computer from in here this is purely going to be stock room now let me just angle up I’m going to move the computer from in

    Here and from now on this can be the office debating whether to take the door off or not um and then all that stuff can go in there so obviously that’s my priority for today um but there’s still loads to do loads to do but at least it’s not

    Cold so I’m going to focus on getting the computer set up so that I can um get on top of all the tasks that I’ve missed over the last 3 days so that’s what I’m now going to do so I’ve got my temporary office set up for the um for the

    Computer so I’ll just quickly show you that I know it’s going to be really dry in here so we’ve got it set up so I can get on with some work um don’t forget you can watch all our videos on our website you’ve just got to go to the

    Little Vlog page just click on Vlog and all of our videos are on there uh you can see there’s a lot of them so you can do that so I’m now going to um we’ve had two donations this morning um neither of them are in amazing condition but there’s definitely

    Some bits we can get off some of them so wheels and various other things so I’ll show you them now so we’ve got this rally Pioneer that has definitely in better days uh so it’s got a marathon plus tire on the back so we’ll have that and then

    Behind that is the Vintage one so I’m going to dismantle those two and then this afternoon I’m going to work on the rally record that’s my plan so I’m going to quickly tidy the workshop up and then I’m going to crack on I’ve spoken to the build or tried to speak to

    The Builder this morning but he isn’t replying so hopefully we’ll get the roof situation sorted and we can get back to normal in here so anyway I’m going to crack on uh get the shop get it ready so that I can process some bikes this morning so

    Here we go it’s the rally Pioneer 10 is it 10 or 160 my glasses on 160 so we’re going to dismantle this one because it’s too far gone but there’s a few bits and pieces we can get off some shifters there’s a nice Marathon 12 Tire

    Um but not an awful lot more to be fair um it’s in quite a tired state so I’m going to let’s get into it So I got what I want off this One got the brake pads got pedals I got the wheels I got the grips I got the shifters I got the brake levers so I’m very happy um that this one can uh go and been processed so on to the next one okay let’s have a close look at this one

    See if we can identify what it is it’s really difficult to see it actually elswick so this is an elswick uh it’s definitely SE better days I think this is worth more as a project bike on our website so someone else can have a go cuz it is complete just check this

    Not yeah I think I’m going to put this one on the website I think that’s plan in the project bike section someone might might be get a use for it right then I’ll do that now so that’s me done this lunch time um I’ve um I’m now going for my lunch

    I’ve took a bike to bits and there’s two that have gone on um well one has been listed onto our project bikes and another that is um going to go on tomorrow which is a little road bike um this afternoon I’m going to concentrate on getting that little the little um

    Shopper bike done shouldn’t take too long um and also at lunch time I’m going to go get some speakers for my um computer because my last monitor that got damaged in the the leak um had speakers attached so I can’t hear anything it’s driving me mad um and

    The videos aren’t going to be very good if I can’t hear how loud the volume on this is so I’m now going for lunch and I will uh we’ll see you after lunch so I’m back from lunch and I’ve just had three bikes donated this morning so we’ve got this aluminum team

    Saron behind it is a rally Stone fly and they lovely bikes they are and a GL about Legend that’s um needs a bit TLC so what I think I’m going to do is I think I’m going to probably work on one of these get one of these built this

    Afternoon rather than the vintage record that needs new tires and a quick service because that one there’s no rush for that whereas I think I’ve got a customer for one of these so I’m probably going to do the stone fly and get that built so that’s what I’m going to do now get

    That one built and then um and then we’re good to go so this is a rally Stone fly that’s just come in I’m going to build up nice bikes these are it’s got I think it’s got a 19in frame maybe an 18in frame it just needs

    Tidying up so that’s I’m going to do that’s my target get this one built 21 gears feed brakes front suspension forks yeah that’s a nice thing so let’s get into it so for some reason the time lapse of me doing this run hasn’t happened it didn’t take long put some air in the

    Tires set up the brake set up the gears it just needs to go outside for a quick pressure wash and then this one is going to go on sale it will sell so quickly Valley Stone fly got an alley frame it’s got 21 gears front suspension forks perfect for

    Christmas and it will look lovely when I’ve got it done I don’t know why it hasn’t umed the time lapse though that’s a bit of a bit of a pain so for the rest of the day I am going to be getting the shop back to where it was

    Before we had the in the roof I’ve got some social media I need to sort out um if you’re one of our recently new subscribers I want to say welcome thanks for subscribing we hope you’re enjoying the content and what we do here if you are watching for the first time and you

    Haven’t subscribed please consider subscribing and hitting the notification Bell that way you can see what we do every single day um every day is different we get different bikes in coming all the while um so don’t forget to like And subscribe you can see everything we do at

    Www.cc recycle uk.com I’m going to crack on we’ll see you Tomorrow

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