Poole Speedway presents the Poole ‘Pirates’ vs Edinburgh ‘Monarchs’ Championship Play Offs match at Wimborne Road on 27/09/2023, originally live streamed by Pirates TV.

    POOLE ‘Pirates’
    1 : Richard LAWSON : 8.44
    2 : Rider REPLACEMENT : 5.69
    3 : Ben COOK : 7.01
    4 : Zach COOK : 6.18
    5 : Steve WORRALL (C) : 8.09
    6 : Kyle NEWMAN : 5.44
    7 : Joe Thompson : 3.28

    EDINBURGH ‘Monarchs’
    1 : Rider REPLACEMENT : 8.74
    2 : Lasse FREDRIKSEN : 4.77
    3 : Kye THOMSON : 6.24
    4 : Paco CASTAGNA : 5.11
    5 : Josh PICKERING (C) : 8.26
    6 : Dayle WOOD : 2.00
    7 : Bastian BORKE : 4.00
    TM : John CAMPBELL

    Referee : Simon HUMPHREY-KENNETT

    Connect With The Pirates:


    Proudly Sponsored By:
    Wessex Marine: http://wessexmarine.co.uk
    Link Fabrications
    Morrish Homes: https://www.morrishhomes.co.uk
    Trethowans: https://www.trethowans.com
    M B Wilkes : https://www.mbwilkes.com
    Chateau La Briance : https://www.chateaulabriance.com

    Brought to you by Pirates TV:

    Pirates TV Crew:
    Camera : Paul Hague
    Presenter/Commentator/Interviewer : Rob Dyer
    Stadium Presenter : Nigel Leahy
    Producer/Director : Andy Hague

    00:00:00 – Introduction with Rob Dyer
    00:02:27 – Danny Ford Interview
    00:07:38 – Paco Castagna Interview
    00:11:08 – Team Line-ups
    00:13:15 – Parade
    00:16:04 – Heat 1
    00:18:39 – Heat 2
    00:21:22 – Heat 3
    00:24:15 – Heat 4
    00:26:40 – Heat 5
    00:29:31 – Heat 6
    00:33:01 – Heat 7
    00:35:51 – Heat 8
    00:40:00 – Heat 9
    00:42:20 – Heat 10
    00:45:41 – Heat 11
    00:49:30 – Gate Stats & Team Scores
    00:50:49 – Heat 12
    00:54:02 – Heat 13
    00:57:08 – Heat 14
    00:58:15 – Heat 14 ReRun
    01:02:09 – Gate Stats
    01:02:40 – Heat 15
    01:04:15 – Heat 15 ReRun
    01:07:15 – Team Scores
    01:08:06 – Conclusion

    He went inside outside he W him up he looked for the Gap and he bur through it I think he’s not it what the Finish [Applause] unbelievable this is good racing ladies and gentlemen Here the again for another 51 well good evening race fans and uh welcome along to Pirates TV coverage of tonight’s Speedway meeting here at Paul stadium and we’re now to the playoff stages of the championship season and it’s a crucial Championship playoff match tonight between the uh Paul Wes

    Marine Pirates and the visiting Edinburgh Stella monarchs since we were last at the stadium the Pirates have been away to scunthorp and pulled off a magnificent away Victory which has given them pole position in this a group of the Championship playoff series and a win tonight will assure the Pirates of

    Their place in the Grand Final where they’ve been of course for the last two seasons Edinburgh well they’ve come to the meeting really to uh Ride for Pride they’ve had a difficult season they’ve already lost to scunthorp both at uh the Armadale track and at the Eddie Wright

    Raceway and so they have an uphill task that they’ve got to face tonight here against the pirates pirates go into the meeting with Anders row missing he suffered an injury up there at scunthorp on Friday night and he’ll have to sit out the next few days on a concussion

    Basis and similarly the monarchs well they too have got some problems because at number one Craig cook is suspended at the moment and they opt to run the rider replacement facility for him in the opening races so it’s a bit of a blustery day here at Paul we’re

    Expecting storm Agnus to blow through in the next 10 or 15 minutes and that will give us an opportunity to go over to the pits and we’ll see if we can pick up some interviews ahead of the meeting well Danny for’s joined us ahead of the meeting tonight against Edinburgh

    In the playoffs and uh Danny you’ve got a very sort of smug satisfied smile on your face there because I think if we spoke after the meeting two weeks ago you wouldn’t be in such a pleasant position no absolutely um we made it really hard work for ourselves um but

    You know I think um with the team we’ve got you know we can do it the easy way we can do it the hard way we’ve shown that you know we all really disappointed um with our performance last time out here against um against scunthorp which

    Was rating I think we got caught you know it’s no excuse we got caught out by the track conditions and scun thought were just as good as us on the night and um it resulted in a draw but um it was really important for us to win that

    Super super heat so um I’m glad we did cuz um we put ourselves in with a chance of it um we knew we had to go to scunthorp and pick up a win and we did just that the um the boys are absolutely fantastic on that night so looking ahead

    To tonight we’ve just got a you know even if it’s 4644 just pick up a win tonight and uh that ground final position is ours yeah gunthor it was done the hard way really because in heat one uh Anders took a bit of a peer on the back straight contentious I think

    Amongst many people certainly from a pool perspective and it probably just fired up the boys that bit more to go out and actually pick up the win yeah yeah obviously I was team manager on the night and um it’s only my second time being team manager my first time doing

    It away so um our backs are really up against the wall um even going into the meeting I thought you know we’re going to struggle here I think we’re the only team this year to go to um gunthorp and win so you know lightning usually doesn’t strike twice and um especially

    After L herandez after heat W I mean yeah we were really up against it but um the boys dug so deep I I couldn’t believe the um Team morale and and the atmosphere in the pits we were really really fired up um the the whole team was fantastic so

    We would deserve winners on that night and I think that’s as good as a performance as I’ve ever seen from a pirates team and um if we can you know build on that now carry that through the rest of the um meetings hopefully we’ll see some more silverware and tonight

    It’s uh it’s another must-win meeting really because it guarantees a place in the final at the end of the season Edinburgh come here really as a dead rubber but uh they want to go down fighting if that’s the case yeah absolutely obviously um we got two

    Fixtures left we need to win one of them um we want to make it easy off for ourselves and win here tonight obviously we have usually been quite strong around here so we want to build up some momentum going to the playoffs show our strength at home I think that’s

    Going to be important but um Ed I’ve got nothing to lose they’ll go out there there’s absolutely no pressure on them there’s all the pressure is on us um and sometimes when there’s no pressure on you you can see Riders flourish um so we’ve definitely cannot be complacent

    Which I think we were probably out a little bit slightly complacent against gunthor so um I’m expecting the boys to have a good night um get dialed in quick and um hopefully see big schore and uh Rider replacement of course for Anders tonight which will give Zack cook

    Another ride and the other rides going with the reserves yeah absolutely obviously I don’t think I think ryer replacement does hurt us particularly at home um and has been incredibly strong um obviously Zach being able to take take another ride is good but um they then we’re um relying on Kyle and Joe

    Having better nights than they had out here last time so um yeah it’s um I think probably losing a rider like Anders is the most harmful it can be to the team because R placement is our only option we can’t go against and um you know only Zach’s the only one above him

    Not one of our heat leaders so it has hurt us but um equally um Edinburgh obviously um running rer replacement at number one as well so that they’re feeling the effects of that so um that probably balances itself out so um yeah uh I think tonight we should be more

    Than able to cover for it we’re just keeping an eye on the weather of course storm Agnus is blowing around here it has hasn’t hit Paul just yet uh I know we’re thinking that there may be a slight shower going through before the meeting but fingers crossed that that

    Gets through on good time and uh we can get 15 hits of good racing on tonight yeah that’s it you know um it’s been threatening all day um I think we probably had about 10 seconds of a very light drizzle um all day when we were

    Prepared for a lot more so um the boys have been working hard to get um enough water into the track um yeah I think we due probably 10 15 minutes of rain shortly um hopefully that blows over and in fact that might even help the track

    Out a little bit more so yeah not the end of the world um hopefully that all blows over before um before start time and just a quick word to Gary havlock you know it was a terrible time for Harry to Lo lose his mom immediately before a meeting and I know your best

    Wishes and the wishes of everybody here at pool go up to our Javy in his time of Despair yeah obviously we’ve spoken to Javy um a few times before them and that um result of scun thought was really for him and the havlock family obviously it’s absolutely um awful news and um

    Yeah commiserations and condolences to um to Javy um and all the havock family okay thanks for your time Danny go well tonight cheers so I’m in the pits with Paco castania for the monarchs Paco welcome back to pool I know you’re not a regular visit here at pool Stadium but uh do you

    Enjoy your trips down here they’re long from medor that’s for sure that’s that’s the first but uh now the track is is Nic here you know it’s it’s very quick and it’s it’s a beautiful stadium so you know it’s always kind of enjoying coming here but I haven’t been scoring a lot in

    My visits here so I kind of uh want to do it and I think that tonight has uh you know it’s a great day to try it absolutely right and it’s been a tricky season for Edinburgh hasn’t it uh you’ve met some injuries you’ve met some absences and trying to put a team

    Together on a consistent basis has been tricky for the management there but uh at the end of the day you got to the playoffs and I guess that’s probably a good thing from your point of view yeah we started off straight away with uh problems you know since the start of the

    Season with injuries with you know all of the guys in the team getting injuries uh and then as you said you know absences here and there and uh you know it was an ideal for of course but I think that reaching the playoffs for the uh for the team was already a success

    And uh just the fact of being here is a is a success for the club so we we have to take where uh what we’ve got at the moment and uh try to do our best with what we got and you know tonight is one of them nights where we know it’s it’s

    Going to be super super tough but you know we are here so why not give it a try of course the playoffs haven’t been kind though really to you because you’ve drawn the hardest group really or some people would say the hardest group with the Pirates in it and of course

    Scunthorp who have hit good form at the right time in the season and of course they’ve won at your track and you lost down at Ed right waway uh puts Edinburgh on the back foot as far as the playoffs are concerned yeah of course you know we

    Know we know we’re in a very difficult position tonight and uh you know it’s it’s it’s for them to lose for of course and they are the strongest team tonight and you know as as you said you know we have a kind of a a team that has hasn’t

    Really ridden together all year and uh we’re here to do a job uh individually and as a team and and we’ll just try our best and and see where that takes us um at the end of the night and and of course we we we want to try and and end

    The season on a high of course for Edinburgh as well and it’s not going to be the end of the season for you because I guess you’ve got meetings to do on the continent I know you were in czechoslovak over the weekend czecho doing two meetings out there tell us how

    That went well to be honest paritz was actually good I I really enjoyed it qualifying the first group winning a h there and then uh the second group was obviously tougher uh had a crash in the first one and then you know had a couple

    Of couple of set up problems in the in the last two hits and missed out on the qualifying spot for the semis but then went to Prague the next day and uh everything was going all right until somebody completely knocked me off the bike and uh you know I was very very

    Lucky not to get away with any major injuries you know there was also some concerns for this week uh mainly for tonight because I was not close to pull out of the meeting but uh you know there were there were concerns uh but you know

    I thought it’s worth give it a try you know I’ve been away for month and a half with my injury already in the shoulder so I thought it’s worth being here and give it a try tonight and uh again you know we have many meetings left until

    End of October so you know busy busy boy as as they say so I’m uh you know I enjoy my racing so why not well we enjoy seeing you racing round at Paul Stadium thanks for your time packo have a good evening thank you and enjoy it oh some interesting views pits side

    There and now an opportunity to have a look at our team lineups for this evening here at the pool Stadium where it’s the Wes Marine pool Pirates taking on the Stellar Edinburgh monarchs and uh usually line up for the pirates with the one exception of course because of the

    Injury to Anders row so let’s go top toot with Richard Lawson now in his familiar number one starting position R replacement will be in operation for Anders row at number two following his accident at scunt on Friday evening the Cook Brothers go again in the engine

    Room of the team Ben hook at three and Zack cook at four and Skipper Steve warl has the number five jacket for the Pirates after leading the team to that Victory up at the Eddie rle raceway on Friday night the two reserves key components of any teams but particularly

    Here at Paul Carl Newman the local adad rides at the number six birth with newcomer Joe Thompson impressing everybody from the number seven slot here at the stadium Neil Mich is the team manager and uh he’ll be welcoming the Edinburgh monarchs who run at uh number one the rider replacement

    Facility for the suspended Craig cook on debut here at pool Stadium at number two for the monarchs is Lassa Frederickson at number three the promising Aussie Kai Thompson finding some form towards the end of the season at number four the popular Italian Paco castania and at number five the uh always entertaining

    And great to hear from Josh Pickering when he’s on mik he’ll be riding at 5 for the monarchs the reserve birs for the visitors taken by uh Dale Wood finding life a little bit tricky in the championship this year and their mid-season signing from Denmark is Bastion borker at the number seven slot

    Team manager for the visiting monarchs is John Campbell our meeting referee is Simon Humphrey Davey and the meeting sponsors wesex Marine the edur still on marks everyone at number seven dropping into the reserve birth since last month it could well ow Bastian Boer at number six gaining an experience from his debut year in the UK Dale Wood number five three race wins made in the star of last month league in Canter Josh Pickering number four up to his starting average in a solid second year with the marks packo canger number three provided solid backup on a race Victory on his last visit to Dorset Kai

    Thompson and at number two twice Norwegian Champion he missed M’s last visit due to injury but he’s back now lass Frederickson and as I mention the Monarch will operate the rer replacement for their missing number one so taking opportunity to meet now number seven man of the match last Friday at scun he’s

    Really stepped up to the cuse Joe H number six enjoy argu his best SE the DAT since he was voted Ridder of the year in 2014 here Kyle Yan number five he got the score chart on Friday including two wins over the Scorpions number one Skipper Steve

    Warl number four 50% of our amazing Cook Brothers he finished it off for the pirates with a heat 14 win on Friday Zach cook and the other half this strongly partnership is repeated CU re goal all season long the other half of our Sensational Cooks Ben

    Cook number one the hero of our home playoff of the cancer he he continues to inspire from the front Richard la time for our two captains to go head-to-head now c4 the Pirates and it’s Josh for the monarchs we’re going to spin the coin the winner choose his gate

    Positions either in heat one or Cho it in heat 15 Josh calls taals and it is Tails Josh’s Choice choosing one and three in Heat number one Gate number four in the red helmet for the Pirates is Richard Lawson then on the gate number three in the white helmet for Edinburgh is going to be Josh Pickering under the rider replacement rule gate number two again under the rider replacement rule for the Pirates

    Is Kyle Newman and gate number one in the yellow helmet first trip to the Pirates de for Lassa Frederickson for the monarchs so a friendly chat between Richard and Josh whether it’ll be that friendly when they actually get going on track well that remains to be seen but we have rers

    Ready tapes are released and away they go to the first Bend and it looks like Richard Lawson has made a good drop right the way around from the outside and down the back straight Josh Pickering gets his nose in front of Kyle Newman for the Pirates who’s running third so Lawson

    Leads Josh picker in second Kyle Newman coming under pressure from Lassa Frederickson in third place third out front it’s uh Richard Lawson High wide and very very handsome for the Pirates Josh Pickering uh always in the Chase he won’t give up on you that’s for sure and

    The race just tending to string out a little bit now with Lawson leading it to head of Pickering K Newman in a safe and steady third place for the Pirates ahead of Lassa Frederickson for the monarchs as a head off down the back stet for the

    Last time in Heat number one the race is completed and we’ll call them home red white blue and yellow red white blue and yellow and Advantage pirates in Heat number one and on screen your race winner which we will confirm officially for you in a moment but we certainly

    Believe it to be the rider in red Richard Lawson and as you can see up on screen is uh Richard Lawson as your heat One winner good Applause from the grand stand here and the official verdict goes this way Richard Lawson in red for the Pirates race winner second place in

    White was Josh Pickering for the monarchs third in blue useful third place for Kyle Newman for the the Pirates and in fourth place that Lassa Frederickson for the monarchs 4-2 to the Pirates that’s way we go after the first race of the night just rolling up to tapes here in

    The blue helmet kmer is going to be Joe Thompson and uh just on his way down the back straight and up to the line is Kyle Newman and Kyle will be in the red helmet for the Pirates and gate number One steadying themselves toh get the right place for a jet propelled start I’m sure that’s what they’ll be looking for countdown clock is just running down now and Riders at the line and ready so here we go with heat number two takes released and away they go to

    The first corner and it looks very much like around the inside line kle Newman is hug in the C and with him comes Joe Thompson and he cuts off the front nose of Bastion bker so Pirates making the best of the start there with Newman leading Thompson leading borker and wood

    At the back no doubt car Newman benefiting from having a taste of the action in Heat number one the uh real race though looks like it’s in second and third place place an unfortunate uh slip there for Bastian bker he was trying just to pass Joe Thompson there but picked up some drivve

    And headed to the fence and it’s really opened the door for the Pirates to steam home for what looks like it’s going to be a maximum heat advantage on the night so caryle Newman in shot rounding off race number two over the line his partner Joe Thompson follows him home

    Basan bker The Unlucky man in yellow comes in third and it was Dale Wood in white red blue yellow white your race result and there on screen your race winner KL Newman and uh just behind him Joe Thompson so there goes Newman good evation from the home crowd here’s your

    Official result the winner in red for the Pirates is kyl Newman second in blue for the Pirates is Joe Thompson third in in yellow I think you’ll find that should be yellow is Bastian borker and the rider in white was the fourth finisher Dale Wood 5-1 in favor of the

    Pirates two races gone and the Pirates have taken a 93 meeting lead after those two races 93 lineup coming up for you here gate four in red for the Pirates is Ben Cook in the yellow gate number three for the monarchs is Paco castania on gate number two in blue for

    The Pirates is Zack cook and gate number one in white is Kai Thompson so there we go Heat number three sponsored by bias technology Riders at the line and digging in with the Pirates already establishing a six-point lead after just two Races so here we go then with race number three takes her up and away we go to the first Bend and it looks like Zack Cooks made the best drop there with his brother right on his elbow and it’s pirates in one and two as they go down

    The back straight with Ben cook out front Zach cook tucked in under Ben’s left elbow and as we’ve seen many many times this season the cook brothers are heading for a pirates 5-1 it’s Kai Thompson in white picking up the chase for the monarchs packo castania in

    Yellow doing all the chasing so two laps gone and the Pirates uh sitting pretty with Ben Cook leading ahead of brother Zach red leads blue Kai Thompson in white still giving Chase but finding it difficult to reel in Zach good paco castania right down on that inside tight

    Line that he loves so much uh currently running in last place we come across the line in Heat number three let’s call them home red blue white and yellow red blue white and yellow which looks like a second 5-1 on the night for the Pirates and there we

    Are brothers cook side by side and I dare say as they come across the uh grand stand start Finish Line we may see uh the front wheels up in the Air and right on Q the boys do their traditional wheelie for us here comes your heat 3 results sponsored by bias technology the win goes to the rider in red for the Pirates is Ben Cook second in blue also with the Pirates is Zack cook and third in white

    For the monarchs was Kai Thompson heit result 51 in favor of the Pirates they lead the monarchs 14 points to four after just three races 144 after three races let’s have a look at Heat number four Steve warl in red for the Pirates on gate number four Josh peering in

    White on gate number two for the monarchs sorry gate three for the mon Joe Thompson is in blue gate number two for the Pirates and on gate number one for the monarchs is Bastian NOA that’s your lineup Heat number four see the wind there just uh blowing

    The tapes out a little bit making it slightly awkward for the uh starting Marshall and for the Riders as well but all looks to be well takes go up and off we head to the first Bend and this time looks like Josh Pickering has made the best of the drop

    And certainly it’s Josh with the fresh air in his goggles as they head down the back straight with pirates tucking into second and third place Steve warl in red runs the second and Joe Thompson in blue has the work to do to hold back Bastian bker for the monarchs so Josh Pickering

    Stylish as always out front being chased up by Steve warl Joe Thompson again holding off the attentions of Bastian borker and uh squaring the heat off as it looks at the moment for the Pirates one lap to go Josh Pickering uh building up a commanding lead ahead of Steve warl Joe

    Thompson still under pressure from Bastian bker but doing enough to keep the D behind him and we’ll call them home as they finish the race in Heat number four white red blue and yellow CL on the line for third but white red blue and yellow looks to be the finishing

    Order from our position here and it was a win for the rider in white for Edinburgh monarchs Josh Pickering second place in red for the pirates for Steve warl third in blue Joe Thompson for the Pirates and fourth place tough luck there for Bastion borco for the monarchs

    Eight Shar three to each team and it’s 17 to the Pirates and it’s 7 to the monarchs 177 so looking down there across the Starting Gate Heat number five riding in white Under the rider replacement scheme is Kai Thompson next to him on gate number three in blue for the Pirates is

    Zach cook in yellow gate number two for the monarchs is Lassa Frederickson and Ben Cook winner first time out he takes gate number one in the red helmet for the Pirates so the traditional gardening just uh taking place down there at the Starting Gate but that now looks like

    It’s complete Riders ready to go sty Marshall moves away tapes are released and away we go to the first Corner again Ben Cook on the inside looks like he’s made a good start cook trying the big blast around the outside it actually gets him into second place but perhaps

    Not in the way that he was thinking he was going to get there so Ben Cook looks over his left shoulder he sees his brothers there and uh behind him Lassa Frederickson in the yellow helmet is the Monarch’s Rider who picks up the chase of the brothers cook so uh potentially a

    Second 51 for the cook boys this evening but uh we won’t count on our chickens because uh Speedway is a funny old game as they say here they come round Benz three and four take the yellow black flag one lap to go Ben Cook leads out from Zack cook in second

    Place lazza Frederickson is your Rider in yellow in third and over the line it’s red blue yellow and white red blue yellow white as the Pirates rack up a further 5-1 heat Advantage which is their third on the night and of course the second for the cook boys and there they are in Screenshot I’m sure some of our staticians will be looking back and tell us how many times they have won 5-1 eat advantages here at the stadium it must be quite a few I’m sure here come comes your official result of heat number five sponsored by trens the race winner in red for the

    Pirates was Ben Cook second in blue his brother for the Pirates was Zack cook and third in yellow Lassa Frederickson for the monarchs no score that time for Kai Thompson 5-1 heat Advantage there to the Pirates and it’s 22 points to8 in favor of the home side after five completed

    Races 22 to8 third in yellow let’s have a look what we’ve got in terms of the lineup gate number four is going to be the blue helmet of Joe Thompson for the Pirates on gate number three in yellow for the monarchs is Dale Wood in gate number two in red for the

    Pirates is Richard Lawson and in gate number one in the white helmet for the monarchs as Josh pecker In and it looks very much as if uh everybody’s there and raring to go so the start Marshall moves away takes the released and off to the first B they go and is it going to be Richard Lawson or is it going to be Josh Pickering who uh sees the back straight

    First well it’s Richard Lawson on this occasion and uh Lawson goes to the wide outside and Josh peering tries to find a way around the curve Joe Thompson in third for the Pirates seiling off Dale Wood so it’s uh Joe Thompson down I’m afraid on Bend number four there which opens

    The door to a monarch three or at the front Lawson yes uh just keeping uh Josh Pickering at arms length really Josh trying his hardest but uh on one wheel going down the home straet and uh that probably isn’t going to close him up enough to Richard Lawson as they

    Uh head towards the final two BS and past us here in the grandstone we can call them home red white and yellow red white yellow Rock law unlucky for Joe Thompson there we can see as he’s just heading back into the pits he’s up and okay and uh

    Just a little bit of over exuberance from Joe there but as the music says he’s the rocket man it’s Richard Lawson Here Comes Your official result of heat number six it’s a win for the rider in red Richard Lawson for the Pirates second place in white for the monarchs Josh Pickering third in yellow for the monarchs that time was Dale Wood and of course Joe Thompson no finish

    That time time after a fall on Ben 2 Heat number six result was a 3-3 and progressively 25 on the scoreboard for the Pirates and 11 to the monarchs 2511 after six races so we can show just a little bit of rerun action there for the uh Heat

    Number six with Richard lawon just getting over Josh Pickering and uh heading off into the distance ahead of the mono Man and just there I think we saw Joe Thompson just fading away a fall or an engine failure that brought him down we’ll maybe try and find that out later on that uh it handed a point there to Dale Wood I’m sure he’d be very grateful for for That gate number four in yellow for the monarchs is Paco castania gate number three in blue for the Pirates is Kyle Newman gate number two in white for the monarchs is Kai Thompson and gate number one for the Pirates their Skipper is Steve warl so there we go that’s your line up

    There for Heat number seven Kai Thompson just being asked to move slightly in towards the uh middle of his grid which he does obligingly and they’re away to the first Bend and uh what’s going to happen here well we’ve got Kyle Newman trying to run around the outside and uh that run

    Around the outside Works beautifully as he takes track from Kai Thompson and Newman slipped into second place behind his Skipper Steve warl who is uh well away at the front and another Gremlin for the Pirates Kyle Newman B packs up and hands a shared heat to the monarchs potentially so Steve warl leads

    It Paco castania and Kai Thompson ride side by side and with a Lap to go it’s a we bit of a procession I’m afraid but Steve warl is your race winner there kicking up dirt around the pitch turn the two monarchs riding side by side round BS

    Three and four we can call them home red yellow white red yellow white and the bad luck there goes with Kyle Newman which hope there nothing too serious of course because he’s likely to have a full program of rides this evening with the rider replacement in operation Here Comes Steve

    Warl first win of the night for the pool Skipper up on screen we have your official result of heat number seven sponsored by Wessex Marine it was a win for the rider in red Steve warl for the Pirates second place in yellow Paco Casta for the monarchs third in white

    For the monarchs was Kai Thompson and Fourth Man home well he wasn’t actually home because he retired that was Kyle Newman for the Pirates points in the heat shared at three to each team the Pirates retain their 14-point advantage 28 to the Pirates and 14 to the

    Visitors let’s have a look across the gates gate four in white for the monarchs is Lassa Frederickson gate three in red for the Pirates is Zach cook gate two in yellow for the monarchs Bastian bker and on gate number one in blue for the Pirates Joe Thompson so

    There we go that’s your lineup for this particular heat Lassa fron there just uh moving back from the tapes and uh just a double checking that everything on the Machinery is uh up to scratch inside of him Zack cook in red two paid wins so far racing with his

    Brother there Bastian vka and Joe Thompson make up the quartet so here we go then engine noise Rises KES go up and away they go to the first Corner uh Joe Thompson looks like he’s made a good start from the inside coming around on the wide outside in white is lazza

    Frederickson and they’re both chasing Zack hook who is best away from the game so Zack cook leads it it’s Lassa Frederickson in the white riding a tidy line there Joe comson in blue is doing all the chasing and at the back Bastion borker so Pirates looking to extend

    Their lead in this one Zack cook uh doesn’t seem to be too troubled out the front but all the action is going to take place between the riders in blue and yellow in third and fourth places where Joe Thompson is leaving gaps up the inside which Bastian bker is trying

    To exploit but not able to get in there so they come down the back straight for the last time in this heat looks like Thompson sealed things off in third place we’ll call them home red white blue yellow red white blue Yellow so Zack cook doing uh what was no doubt expected of him in that race and Joe Thompson after a good start there uh had a bit of a battle on his hands with Bastian bker but uh Thompson held on for an important third place here’s your official result of

    Heat number eight sponsored by the Bournemouth betting Center it was a win for Zack cook in red for the Pirates second place went to Lassa Frederickson in white for the monarchs third in blue for the Pirates was Joe Thompson and fourth place de Bastian borker for the monarchs 4-2 heat advantage to the

    Pirates and they lead the meeting at 32 points to 16 32 16 after eight races a chance to repre you of he8 there and uh if we look for the action it’s probably going to be around the inside side line with Joe Thompson and uh the outside line in white by Lassa

    Frederickson and uh good strong battling there from the mon imposing himself over Joe Thompson around the boards of heat number eight gets up to second place but uh at the front well Zack hook reading a nice tidy line Zack there just looking back over his shoulder to see what’s happening

    Behind him he’ll have seen its visitor so uh head down and off he goes uh to make sure that the Pirates secure the win there Bastian bker well entertaining if nothing else certainly trying very hard and uh Joe Thompson just drifting a wee bit from the line there and uh

    Inviting bker to go through but uh the D opts not to prefers an outside run and a chop back certainly didn’t pay off on that particular occasion so there we go that’s a repre of your Heat number eight for you in gate four in yellow for the

    Monarchs that’s Dale Wood gate three in red for the Pirates Ben Cook and gate number two for the monarchs is Josh Pickering gate number one is Zach cook for the Pirates Riders be encouraged to come to the Line it looks as if we’re just about about there Starling Marshall just checking and now happy he moves away takes her up and away they go and it looks like Josh Pickering has made the best of the starts there but Ben Cook tries to find a rope around the

    Outside and uh Zack cook tucks him next to his brother Ben Cook looks like he has a bike problem again oh dear that’s bad luck and that’s handing it a advantage to the monarchs for the first time this evening so Josh cook leads out from Zack cook with Dale Wood again the

    Beneficiary of a Paul engine failure Pickering leads that cook leads Dale Wood and uh perhaps it’s a good job all these problems are coming Paul’s way tonight where they have a cushion and uh each race isn’t absolutely essential one to go with Josh Pickering leading Zack cook in second Dale Wood he’s in

    Third and call them home as they finish off heat number nine white blue and yellow white blue yellow Heat number n first the night 4-2 heat Advantage there to the mon here’s your full result Josh Pickering the winner in the white helmet for the monarchs second place that was

    Zach cook for the Pirates in the blue helmet color and third picking up the uh one point was Dale Wood for the monarchs Ben cook with uh Machinery problems a non finisher so 34 to the Pirates and 20 to the monarchs cross the gate in white Kai Thompson for the

    Monarchs some gate number three in red for the Pirates is Richard Lawson gate number two in yellow for the monarchs is Paco Casta and gate number one in blue for the Pirates is Kyle Newman taking the rider replacement outing 3420 to the Pirates so far the scoring

    10 takes a releas and away they go to the first Bend and Paco castania there with the elbows out but it was Kyle Newman who made the all important jump from the start now what’s Richard Lawson going to do here is he going to go wide

    Is he going to go tight castania takes the inside line he always goes that way but K fuman comes straight back at him and Richard Lawson is also in the mix it’s great work here great racing from all three of those boys car Newman out wide Paco castano on the

    Inside Kyle Newman riding the bucking bronco there the man watching it from the back is Kai Thompson but heading off into the distance Paco castania in the yellow helmet for the Pirates it’s all action in this one Paco on the way with Richard Lawson in second Kyle Newman in

    Third and Kai Thompson out the back didn’t expect it to go this way but uh the Italian Stallion does the business we’ll call them home yellow red blue and white yellow red blue and white great racing here’s your official result on screen it’s a win for Paco castania in

    The yellow helmet for the monarchs second place Richard Lawson for the Pirates third in blue for the Pirates was Kyle Newman and Kai Thompson was your fourth finisher 33 and uh monarchs have 23 against the Pirates 37 3723 after the 10 races and uh let’s have a look at this one

    Uh in replay as uh all sorts going on there as they head to the uh first Corner K Newman on the low line there looked to be uh heading off for a good victory but Paco had other ideas here and as we know he always rides that a

    Very tight line and certainly paid dividends there but the compliment was returned straight away by kyl Newman Paco comes back at him and Richard Lawson trying to get in the mix but opts to uh let those two boys at the front have a battle and then KL Newman rides

    The bucking bronco round Ben Four allows Richard Lawson up into second place and uh from there on with uh fresh air in his nostrils Paco’s away and uh certainly showing a clean pair of heels to Richard Lawson and KL Newman sh He and the best race of the night so far sees Paco come through cross the gate Kyle Newman in blue for the Pirates on gate four Lassa Fredrickson in yellow gate three for the monarchs Steve warl gate two for the Pirates and Paca Casta on gate number one for the monarchs

    And uh they’re off and running and I’m surprised that wasn’t called back if I’m perfectly honest because I think there was a little bit of a tape touch there but not seen by the referee and so on they go with Steve warl leading out Kyle Newman and Paco castania with Lassa fron

    Still not too far out of touch so on they go warl leads Newman now trying the low line to uh ward off the attentions of Lassa Frederickson and Paco castano Frederickson on debut here at Paul stadium has certainly tried his very very best for the monarchs tonight

    And there’s a chance of a run around the outside here K Newman Cuts him off and uh unfortunately that does send Lassa Frederickson into a little bit of a spin but uh with just two corners to go it looks like Pirates are going to be back on track

    Red blue white yellow is how we see it red blue white yellow and a 51 to the Pirates and there’s Steve warl it’s coming around with Kyle Newman to receive the cheers of the home Faithful [Applause] Let’s give you the official outcome on heat number 11 sponsored by uh link Fabrications the winner in red for the Pirates Steve warl second place in blue was Kyle Newman third in white was Paco castania and fourth in yellow was Lassa Frederickson 5-1 heat advantage to the

    Pirates there and they extend their lead 42 points to the Pirates and 24 to the monarchs 42 and 24 I think we’re going to have a little bit of track grading now but maybe we can see the start again of this heat look at the rider on gate number two or

    That’s where I’m looking and I think In fairness that one should have been called back with a potential potential exclusion there but uh the referee didn’t spot it uh we did but uh all done and dusted now and Steve warl takes the race win Carl Newman

    Comes through to join him and forus 5-1 maybe for the Pirates in Heat number 11 meeting there on turn four and all the latest the PIR couple of messages to this evening first of all first so as the Riders come around there on the last two

    Corners uh as we watch Pirates 51 I uh I’m one lap too soon of course it’s uh penultimate lap now they go for the 5-1 on the last lap uh I’m hearing that the technical issues have been resolved we can now give you the gate stats there

    As we see it so far and uh gate four with uh just two wins and gate three with two of course uh indicating that the inside positions gate four is uh gate two has produced four wins and gate one three so uh looks like the inside positions are slightly beneficial

    Tonight Richard Lawson with eight points in his three rides Ben cook with six from two completed rides and an engine failure Zach cook nine and two from his four so far Steve warl on eight Carl Newman on uh seven and two bonus Joe Thompson four and two

    Bonus over on the Edinburgh side Lassa Frederickson three points but his efforts deserve more than that I think Kai Thompson finding it tough going tonight just two and a bonus from four rid so far Paco castania coming to the party and uh producing a Heat win there

    For his six so far as expected Josh Pickering probably top of the tree with 10 points from four so far Dale Wood with uh two and one from a couple of forus engine failures on the opposition side and Bastian bork just the one at this Stage cross the gate in blue for the Pirates Joe Thompson gate number four in white for the monarchs gate number three is Kai Thompson in Red Gate number two for the Pirates is Ben Cook and in Gate one in yellow for the monarchs on technical substitute ride is Paco

    Castan so there we go look across the gate we’ve got three Riders now four just coming into line starting Marshall’s happy he moves away tapes are released and to the first bend it looks like Ben Cooks made the best start there and the edmmer boys are

    Going to pack in to minor places there ahead of the Pirates at Joe Thompson so Ben cook off and running again in this one pako castano and Kai Thompson just a little bit separated there as they go down the back straight and it’s Joe Thompson who has to do the chasing from

    The back so Ben Cook leads castania Joe Thompson trying to push away through on the inside of Kai Thompson that’s where the activity is it’s the third and fourth places so Ben Cook leads Paco Casta Kai Thompson and Joe Thompson round the back straight and head towards the checkered flag Cook’s mechanical problems resolved red yellow white blue blue in Heat number 12 red yellow white blue problems Time and up goes the wheelie in Celebration I’m sure Ben’s happy to get that one under his belt after his mechanical problems last time here’s your official result on screen win for the rider in red Ben cook for the Pirates three points second in yellow for the monarchs was Paco gasta third in white for the monarchs KY

    Thompson so Heat result is three to each team Pirates comfortable in front at 45 to the monarchs 27 45 and 27 let’s go back to replay and you can see that Ben Cook was uh fastest out of the blocks there and with fresh air in his nostrils it

    Was uh home and hosed really for the uh young man from cow in New South Wales monarchs pack into the minor places they share the heat again in that one well still watch watching that we’ve got the Riders out on track already for Heat number 13 right across the gate we’ve got Josh

    Pickering in yellow for the monarchs on gate four Steve warl in blue for the Pirates on gate three Lassa Frederickson in White gate number two for the monarchs and Richard Lawson in red on the inside styling position for the Pirates Josh beckering just uh now rolling up into position there he is sty Marshall looks to be okay he moves away tapes are up and it’s Richard Lawson who looks to have made the best of the starts and uh Steve warl bustles his way through to join Lawson at the

    Front so uh Pirates at this stage working on a 5-1 with Josh Pickering and Lassa Frederickson having to do the hard work so Josh Pickering there just up on one wheel going down the back straight it’s uh allowing the poor boys just to ease away at the front of the field where

    Richard Lawson the race winner Steve warl tracking him there in second place and Josh Pickering not really homing in on Steve warl in third place just a lap to go in heat number 13 and uh Pirates could be um taking another maximum in this one we’ll call them home red blue yellow

    White red blue yellow white and a maximum 5-1 to the [Applause] Pirates and there they go down the back straight side bes side to uh receive the Applause of the home [Applause] crowd and a warl wheelie now there is a bit of an unusual thing isn’t [Applause] [Applause] It there’s your official result H 13 on screen now 5-1 to the Pirates it went this way Lawson in red Richard Lawson in red the poor winner second place to Steve war in blue and third in yellow for the monarchs was a Josh Pickering

    It’s 51 and it’s 50 to the Pirates is 28 to the monarchs 50 28 in favor of the Pirates we can show you the race again and uh all the action is really around the first two corners let’s uh watch and see how it goes Lawson making a good start and Steve

    Warl getting to the dirt line on the outside and uh finding a path down low round Benz three and four across the gate Zack cook in red on gate number four he’s representing the Pirates of course in yellow on gate number three is Bastian Bor for the monarchs yellow

    Helmet in Blue on gate number two for the Pirates Kyle Newman and Paco castania yet again comes out he’ll be on gate number one for the Monarchs and as the meeting moves on so the amount of time spent gardening seems to increase understandable perhaps but uh often frustrating for people on The Terraces here we go then Riders are Ready and we have a take break let’s do it again with Zack cook in red from gate number four Bastian bker is in yellow for the monarchs on gate three Joe Thompson for the Pirates on gate number two in blue and Paco castania in White on gate number one for

    The monarchs that’s your revised lineup pull themselves together as it were to come up to the line and there they are so let’s see what happens as we go racing now in Heat number 14 and in the best start is from uh Paco castania there and holding off the

    Attentions of Zack cook for Zack cook now looks to see if he can find a run around the outside of Paco and for the monarchs well Bastian borker has nosed his way up into almost second place now third so Paco castania rides the inside line as always Z Cook is in Pursuit

    Bastian borker has got past Joe Thompson and uh he’s sitting into third place now what can Zack cook do Zach throwing it in hard there at the third and fourth Bend Paco just riding that uh steady line that uh he prefers that tight inside line and it’s seems to be paying

    Dividends tonight one last throw of the dice from Zack cook can he pull round him on the last corner I don’t think so we’ll call them home white red yellow blue white red yellow blue Heat number 14 and the monarchs take another heat Advantage victory for the so there’s

    Pacol look coming down the back straight and always the showman waving to the crowd you never know we might be seeing him again in a minute because he could get the nod for Heat number 15 and there we go well done packo the one-handed wheelie very nice indeed here’s your official

    Result with Paco castano in white your race winner for the monarchs second place Zack cook for the Pirates in red third place to basan Bor in yellow for the monarchs and Joe Thompson was your fourth finisher it was a 4-2 heat advantage to the monarchs and the

    Pirates lead the meeting at 52 points to 32 52-32 here’s a chance to see it again and uh it looks like pako Casta did the business straight from the gate around the inside line and that was enough to see him home so well done to Paco Zack cook battling hard to

    Uh catch up with the Italian but uh Paco riding that very tight line that his is his much preferred way around the track and certainly in the conditions tonight that was good enough to hold off the defenses of S that cook there perhaps looking to chop back on the inside but no no way through there EO wise to the move on social media and the for our announ and a last blast from Zach to see if he could find some extra grip but uh no not

    To be and Paco runs in with his second win of the evening here’s your gate stats so far and uh so far it looks like Gates 1 and two are the best in terms of wins five from gate one five from gate two also even Steven off three and four

    With two each but in terms of points well gate one 25 points on the night uh that looks like the place to be and the Pirates have got one and three in Heat number 15 and it would be perhaps a surprise if they did anything other than opt for those inside

    Slots okay here we go then with heat number 15 and uh there’s your line up across the gate as uh we see the Riders digging in we’re going to have Richard Lawson on gate number one in red for the Pirates Josh Pickering in White on gate

    Number two Steve warl on gate three in blue for the Pirates and Paco castania completing a busy night for the Italian he will be in yellow on gate number four how’s this one going to pan out well four best Riders on the night possibly let’s see what happens as they

    Go to the first Corner in eight number 15 And it’s a great start from uh Richard Lawson but he’s left room for Josh Pickering to blast around the outside and uh he’s done just that so we have red lights we have red lights so the race is being stopped we seem to get an awful long way with uh without the red

    Lights coming on we’re being told that there’s a problem with the uh with the uh starting uh equipment on the starting line so uh we’ll have to just have a look and see if we can see what’s happened there just refresh your Rider lineup heat5 sponsored by morish Holmes Paco

    Castan on gate four Steve War on gate three Josh Pickering on gate number two and Richard Lawson he goes again on gate number One the flags continue to blow must be quite off-putting for a rider on gate number one to have those flapping around let’s try and go again certainly up go the tapes and Josh picker’s made it again so well well done to Josh is Richard Lawson found a room up the

    Inside no Josh Pickering gives him a hand signal waving him through that’s a bit of a cheeky move but uh no reason why he shouldn’t do that so Josh Pickering goes out to the wide dirt Richard Lawson chases him in red Steve warl in blue it’s shared Heat at the

    Moment as things stand Paco castania in yellow at the back of the pack Josh Pickering there just bouncing his way around turns one and two he’s uh prefer to go right to the airbag there and uh obviously feels that’s where the best traction the best Drive is round he

    Goes again taking it uh fairly tight into the bend but drifting out and picking up the dirt on the outside we’ll call them home for the last time white red blue we will have a yellow in just the moment when Paco comes over the line so it finished up with a

    33 and the pirates on 55 and 35 against the monarchs and uh there they come Josh Pickering gets good Applause from the crowd Pirates to of course be very pleased with their night’s work 55 and 35 is uh the nice round result here’s your official

    Final result of heat 15 going the way of Josh Pickering in white for the monarchs second place in red was Richard Lawson for the Pirates third in blue also for the Pirates was Steve warl and the fourth finisher was Paco Casta in yellow 55 and 3 your final score on the

    Night so the pirate Riders will be uh making their way over to the presentation area and the uh Stadium presenter Nigel Lee he will have a word with the Pirates tonight here’s the team scores on the night for the Pirates Richard Lawson ends up with 13 points Ben Cook nine from three

    Complet rides and an engine failure Zack cook 11 and two from five Steve warl 11 and two from five Kyle Newman 7even and two from five Joe Thompson four and two from five over with the monarchs Ryder replacement uh was in operation for Craig cook which leads us to Lassa

    Frederickson with three Kai Thompson with three and two bonus Paco castania with 11 Josh Pickering with 14 bwood with two and one and Bastian bork with two 55 to the Pirates 35 to the monarchs and there we are that’s uh the semi-final done and dusted from everybody here on the Pirates TV crew

    From Paul on the camera from myself and from Andy ha down in the dungeon it’s a grateful thanks to uh you for tuning in again we do hope that you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen but until we come back again to uh entertain you here further

    On Pirates TV at po Stadium it’s a very good night and we hope that you are very well good night he went inside outside he weighed him up he looked for the G and he must through it I think he’s not it what what finish unbelievable

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