The Asian Hugbox is here. Burgundy is about to be everyone’s problem. In this huge war, we’ve pushed the Elbians, PLC and Ottomans back and pulled off great encirclements – but they’re still capable of fighting back, as they showed by almost completely eliminating Virtualrock’s Russian army. Now they’re about to be reinforced by a massive alliance with potentially over 1000 brigades.

    This war between nations, poverty and synchronisation which began in the last part escalates beyond all proportion then comes to a brutal end in this episode of Victoria 2 Divergences of Darkness multiplayer. The quest to form Germany in DoD continues.

    Bavaria Series Playlist:

    Detailed analysis of the war in Parts 17 & 18:

    Stream featuring behind-the-scenes analysis of the Hugbox Removal Squad war in part 14:

    Bigweevil’s channel shoutout:

    Mod, Potat’s DoD multiplayer:

    00:00 Intro & Recap
    04:21 The Arcadian Psycho comes to our aid
    05:18 The Calm Encirclement Before the Storm
    09:22 Hell Breaks Loose
    13:42 I don’t see how this is worth it
    15:16 The Chaos Ends in Kiel
    22:40 There’s so many stackwipes here
    27:56 Indians in Poland
    33:06 Another Great Diplomatic Play
    36:41 Peace
    42:53 Peace Deal & Diplomacy Analysis
    48:15 Allied Contributions & Outro

    Music used in order of appearance:
    Tannhauser Overture, Richard Wagner
    Siegfried’s Death March, Richard Wagner
    Battle 3, March of the Eagles soundtrack
    Alexandr Nevsky, Profokiev
    Symphony No. 4 movement 4, Brahms
    Waltz Medley, Johann Strauss
    Tölzer Schützenmarsch, Anton Krettner
    Juggernaut’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.
    The Battle of Panipat, Empire Total War soundtrack
    Bismarck Peace Theme, CIV5 soundtrack
    Oppressive Gloom, Kevin MacLeod

    Second channel for Twitch stream archives:
    Third channel for memes:
    My Discord:

    China what a joke wait krono oh krono announced to join July 29th you know me we all join this war if I can get something we’re going to guarantee you Colonies welcome back to the Bavaria series everyone where we are in the midst of yet another massive war which began in the previous episode it seems that every war that I’m fighting in my quest to form Germany and supplant the albian Confederation as the dominant power is escalating wildly and

    Becoming a massive conflict this one is no exception it’s about to become the biggest war in this campaign so far with burgundy and the Asian hugbox poised to join on the albian side but how did we get here let’s recap this war Scandinavia decided to pursue his cores

    On Holstein and Pomerania making him an ally of me against the albian and he led the way in declaring this war while also very intelligently keeping burgundy out by having him in his sphere of influence meaning that burgundy couldn’t bypass his truce with us by accepting a defensive call from the

    Albans that truce with burgundy was created when I helped the juw monarchy defeat burgundy and get Kors back the jeel monarchy is also repaying the favor by coming into this war on my side pushing in from the south with this two-prong defensive and the Albans being overextended without sufficient polish

    Lithuanian support we pushed in taking over all of Western Germany the albian managed to retreat with most of his army intact unlike the last time this happened and then Poland Lithuania properly reinforced the front but the PLC was also dealing with a problem on his eastern border as the Russian Empire

    Is coming in on our side while I was helping the Jew monarchy take down burgundy Poland Lithuania opportunistically went in against Russia along with the Asian hugbox so Russia’s getting revenge for that Naturally if it weren’t for the Ottoman Empire joining the albian side this war would have been over a long time ago but he did this evened out the Brigade counts of the war while also convincing Italy to join our side breaking a deal he made with the alians where they paid

    Him Millions to stay out the money that Italy received might have actually been a Lifeline for our alliance as it filtered its way through us because while we’re fighting this huge war in Central Europe were also fighting a war against poverty as well as a war against

    Synchronization hence a lot of rehost in that episode huge battles were fought throughout Central Germany with our side generally having the upper hand and gaining ground we also pulled off some great encirclements mainly around the northern coast which is dominated by Scandinavia but the enemy Alliance also

    Had a massive victory of Their Own by picking off the member of our alliance that isn’t connected to the rest of our forces Russia pretty much his entire Army got wiped out come on Virtual Rock you’re better than this that move gave the enemy Alliance the confidence that

    They might actually be able to turn the war around also knowing full well that burgundy’s truce is about to expire because of those two things I don’t personally find it unreasonable that they’re staying in this war despite getting sieged down extensively at the time from our point of view we’ll always

    Complain about people and seing but they have a very capable Army the Brigade counts are somewhat equal and they have people joining their side not just burgundy as Russia’s Army fell certain countries to the east were taking notice and sensing weakness and so the infamous Asian hugbox that we’ve been watching

    With unease since the very early days of this campaign is sending troops to Europe and we have to fight them I never thought I’d have to fight a massive Alliance of China India and terania in order to form Germany but I guess that’s what they need to make it Balanced just before we get into the action remember to check out these links to support the channel or join the community and like And subscribe if you haven’t already okay here is my turn I’ll join this war if I get Jamaica out of it Jamaica is that’s totally fine yes announce now

    Announce now please do it quick Amazing wait wait wait China can get out if we just throw Russia down and let Russia separate surrender yeah I I think we just do that virtual Rock will you surrender for what and then we can just recover and attack Poland virtual Rock you’re dead anyway so here in this war

    So you might as well I mean and I can rebuild my whole Army can you really I’m rebuilding it right now can we get Source on that you guys need more men in PR independent back Checker Weevil do you have money for poor Italy considering I’m about to be joining this war no also can we get to the [ __ ] Burgundian border oh yeah yeah let’s put some are they’re attacking the forest golets they’re attacking a bad battle here oh they’re attacking everything okay yeah they’re

    Just trying to launch a grand defens uh Spud you have to like put like a token for us up against the burgundi and we have to leave the Border open against burgundy we can’t hold it just put some stuff in like the hills and stuff so he

    Doesn’t by you we could land in ston and oh that would be massive yeah scandy do that you need to do that you have so many you need to do that yeah you can encircle so much if you do that we’re getting crushed in courb hello Spud you

    Have so much stuff sending in your country help if anyone gives me money I can reinforce we’re going to lose this we’re going to lose courus courus courus I’m moving so if you say the name of the province more my troops will suddenly get plus 40% speed well when one stack

    Is going Corpus Corpus Corpus Corpus Corpus Corpus Corpus and the northern one scandi oh scandi you didn’t have to give up everything to move away to this [ __ ] incir I won’t put anything on the burgundy border like ironically scanny if you land behind the right now to join l

    You could land what have they done to Ethiopia as well what the hell doesn’t make sense what they’ve me D maybe we should I think I’m just going to land behind them Now a massive [ __ ] them [ __ ] them [ __ ] them [ __ ] them up the absolute state of them that’s [ __ ] massive okay we won we won Retreat behind lines oh there we go all right now you can land one more stack to delete there with his John Cena as well nice okay it’s

    Gone now reinforce the other battles all right let’s focus on the other batt more behind I’ll do a reinforce and then I’ll land behind you don’t have to land behind now [ __ ] bur forget him wait that’s a Chinese Stack Spain we need Spain did Spain announce oh yeah Spain announ all right all right uh joining uh just get them to The Burgundian border okay this is World War okay nice right Hold Your Position reinforce and prepare for burgundy by the way they’re going called CH who cares wait

    They’re calling CH oh my God is that really happening wow did we not know that who cares I’m just I’m just notifying that it’s a oh Spain’s joining the Nubian nice this is World War Guys follow up to turn please would we from the sea again I can do that okay I’m talking cushion let’s do it I’m denying them this reinforced tech there there you go nice when does burgundy join uh 29th of something soon hey Spain you able to

    Donate any money to DM no I have 50k and I’m I’m going to be spending it to my pannia is joining the Albi oh no anyways get away get get out of here you’re not welcome Here V Rock if you could just swallow your pride and separately surrender they’re just lying to everybody that they’re going to get okay but now we have to hold Spain’s like Spain’s like January in the war he’s moving like crazy I’m going to encircle him already

    Oh wait hold on this means I can join the war oh yeah yeah bur is going all over the [ __ ] place call Weevil better call Weevil who’s the war leader yeah I’m the war leader um you attacking right now wouldn’t that be in circle you can’t leave I have zero diplomatic don’t

    Let burgundy just move to our line here stop this listen stop this [ __ ] movement from burgundy okay try and halt it are we calling in this guy is he in I I need a call to ar oh you need Diplo points what are you using your Diplo

    Points on in all seriousness I’m using it on Crown now to make sure you couldn’t break it out of sphere looks like that failed yeah but I mean it stopped him for like two years you know no the trued okay we w we want Staton we

    Want Staton yeah just hold the line just just hold actually no no no wait oh no China’s in never mind no no yeah be quiet that’s we’re going to pull out a cush as well in a minute here uh okay yeah yeah let’s just focus on buy all

    Right let’s pull out a CR this is useless now pull out pull out to Pren question where are we hitting burgundy uh Luna BG we should hit him in the noise we’re being attacked in Pomerania okay reinforce that hit Lun right now yeah do it he’s pulling out a St too he’s way overextended let me know when you get those Diplo

    Points Spain just going to take over the DM front dipl points wait hold on let me send you the alliance they’re attacking hurg right now we got attacked somewhere else oh PR PR PR P we’re really low there go there send from lick lick don’t let burgy move behind us there

    Stand out and [ __ ] there that’s kind of risky wait what is even going onia pull out pull out pull out we’re losing in prla by the way can PR still keep going look I’m getting in there I can might just hold it no it ought to retreat at the

    End getting that Forest we’re at least fighting bonies on me well yeah we’ve engaged his entire fighting it very well good now go behind them pull back to the forest in pom you can’t keep fighting out scy uh pull back yeah pull back in pom I have 4 days I

    Have four days pull back what what is going on in Hamburg I have four days to Weevil you need to move up more we need more of you all right but WIP and cushion quick risky wipe and cushion let’s see if those transports are back here just to confuse them more than

    They’ve confused us holding back some of my Reserves yeah we’re in expand the blockade to um we’re in cired everywhere retreated to lunberg it’s kind of unfortunate but they were able to cut us in half kind of hold on attack de look we’re going to liberate them SP is a massive Army just

    Use that Army and murder every single I’m trying I got a Lial party you guys are winning the battle so wait I’m pausing to change my Liberal Party just make up a Ru break quick no uh and just type some like no don’t type this I had

    To wait wait wait do you have do you have Diplo points for Weevil oh I’m already in he’s already in what now Retreat from uh Copus Copus scy get get to H get back there what is even at this point happening take that take this come here you little squirt

    Oh maybe we should go inside but Mar that little guy hasn’t done anything yet look at him he’s going to do something and you know it’s going to be good I wouldn’t mind this lasting to become a [ __ ] great War so I can take more [ __ ] to be honest just let

    Everyone’s system maybe it’s a great War I can get something other than Jamaica yeah probably not England yeah can you announce to join man what am I even going to get out of this yeah that’s the thing uh your alliance won’t die my alliance is not die your enti country like literally

    Your entire country The Prestige are standing up to I don’t see how this is worth it I I don’t I don’t see how this is worth it marches entire Army into Germany are you play no I am yeah I just wanted two provinces of Russ see right now you’re

    Fighting a bunch of other nations you don’t need to be fighting I asked you repeatedly are you guys going to defend Russia no one told me anything hold on I I agree to the deal green yeah he did he did agree green just joined anyways he’s

    Too drunk okay I didn’t see that this is so [ __ ] cuz I planned on this being like an easy War we did easily win it it’s just they would you be willing to that for the [ __ ] we wanted Russia I mean if you leave yeah yeah if you peas out for

    Like whatever perm or whatever if you pie it out I can just transfer you this I think we stack wiped a good amount of B and armies yeah you guys kind of he like sent all the B I killed one in Paris I killed some in the r

    Pretty good hang on who who’s in Paris was in Paris tell me right now who’s in Paris that actually is pretty [Laughter] Funny we’ve just basically lost up North Spain you should move your army into the move into burgundy man you um I’m not in the war yet get position yep there it is full Siege burgundy yeah don’t full Siege burgundy that’s stupid go to the battles I stack likeed a bunch of

    Burgundians but we’re currently losing battles I think we’re doing okay overall here yeah we are doing okay we’ve stabilized the front we’re bling them out I mean I lost half my army man happen we just need that middle battle take your entire Army and just

    Drag box it over it’s going to take some attrition but we really need it fast and you need to go to Hamburg and stendal just Germany man you don’t need to be too specific I give you two specific provinces yeah my first stack will be arriving in Hamburg right

    Now where’s your where’s your Stacks I cannot I cannot find my Army there’s no there’s no I’m I’m going to go bankrupt some going to money doesn’t even matter you go bankrupt just refund your army no Fu [ __ ] off I’m being real we’re very close to a Holstein in circle bu my

    Entire Army in one last stack SC you you still have part of your army right yeah it’s all in all in Sweden right now after this put literally any of it on transports dock it into Port into that forest in [ __ ] Pomerania we’re going to encircle 100K

    How many times do we have to Wi their entire Army before they realize this war is not winning CH moving into me well see lizard the thing is they just keep finding more armies yeah they have China retards that they can convince will get land out of it Ethiopia actually joined Them can go now they literally have nothing there just go go there’s 46 transports going nice so Russia we want km Yik asron and your Siberia hand that over and we will leave the Americans the Americans are saving Hamburg are they no they’re not no they’re siing stting they’re sing

    It you know what the AI is doing it’s sieging Ottomans right now giving a more exhaustion Berlin reinforce Berlin oh yeah yeah oh good Arcadian reinforcements Hamburg so is that a no then guess we we have to say yes to this R how much War score is that that’s my

    Question I mean it’s like five sck if it’s 100 War score there’s no point cuz you know they’re retreating to K from Hamburg behind lines isn’t it behind we already we already thether go to another Channel and talk about it please go to another Channel and go to another Channel and

    Talk about Hamburg to K Hamburg to K hey can I take this guys it’s called another Channel yes or no green force you’re getting soldiers wiped in this war why are you even negotiating probably going to be I have a lot of soldiers Reb W

    Help Spain I got Rebels you you got that thanks uh yeah I got uh some stuff over there are we following up nah can we no don’t push just go to ke and make sure we get that ke WIP get to the northern has no [ __ ] or we’re defending we’re

    Defending yeah that one’s fine are my Rebels dying yeah that’s good thanks the massive ke stack wipe so zast look at that crafter’s Army oh it’s over what’s crafter’s Brigade C 67 they’re currently attacking my Navy outside of helal land Blake viral Rock’s going to have a biger army soon China’s

    Walking over all right what’s happening in Berlin is that good I’ll send my plus six defense man okay Berlin is great we’re just wiping Chinese troops there uh another W boys good job job should we attack Fritz walk yes yes yes there’s only Chinese in it now we can we

    Can encircle um nalet if we win this we can quick wipe this stuff in shend all right guys the wipe of these Chinese big bad China is getting just wipe left right and Center scale issues hang on I just want to point out we could we could take reps on China in

    This war that could that could be a thing how we save the world help okay okay go for it boys CH is running oh [ __ ] you guys are going hold on hold on I need somebody to move around yeah Tech Crystal yeah we got the in circle baby that’s mainly Ottomans go

    To SW aund it’ll be there right now noan is 100 WS option he’s going he’s been there for months we could Circle cbus no no go in the rear I’m there’s so many [ __ ] attacks but yeah I guess I guess I’ll I’ll Attack cus okay go for

    It Spud you need to reinforce K too uh uh trying to pull out they’re trying to pull out they’re trying to pull out okay never mind if this is another El to join I’m pretty sure you guys can just win against China who have they got at

    This point Japan okay it’s cool he’s just he’s just he only Japan Japan’s out of s oh no we might get counter circled here where help you’re dead we [ __ ] de counter counter hit hit uh hit leag nits hit leag Nets Now counter counter it’s only Chinese all right sure

    Count [ __ ] pause the game I crashed I crashed I crashed I crashed I tried to change the general last second I I look at leak Nets what happened in leak Nets I launched an attack yeah you did I quickly put adrenal in it was minus two so like scrambling to get a

    Better General we’re also like kind of in circle to they’re also moving behind you to counter counter counter in circle we need to stop that when we get back in the game go over your entire country drag a box and right click anywhere in Germany I was just trying to organize my

    Mobilize Stacks but I was distracted do not organize don’t bother organizing bully virtual rock into accepting the separate piece look I’m I’m fine with the deal except for JA ja’s kind of all I’m seeing is Chinese troops getting wiped in Europe green force you’ve kind of proved

    That you can’t really make yourself a threat all I’m saying is I think we can just win steing Yik that’s why I’m here you know you know green force green force if if you give me free states we’ll spare you how about that are they threatening the Asians bro is this what

    I join to wasn’t India supposed to join this one you you take that but Loco is very slow yeah they’re moving into they’re moving into Ottomans I can’t wait for these troops to get wiped as well who wants to wipe some Indians boys let’s go down and have an operation in

    The Balkans and wipe them special I mean we might have we might be about to finish off the European stuff let’s do the special needs front on the India by way hold on isn’t um new this new s um ited out you could have walked into China or

    Something that would be funny One does not simply walk into China burgundy was a one trick pony he’s not going to be able to go back home to reinforce yep I hope I’ve been able to help a little bit you did a great job dual monarchy thanks man my first war so is Into the Fire your micro is

    Definitely better than mine I’ll thanks babe not a not a high did gra to get I think spy’s coming back if you need your country back I’ll just leave now l l hey did you break our lines to hit League Nets or am I just not seeing all the

    Troops yes I did break our Lance that is what you told me to do I did not say that much I think that’s what I said okay we need to stop that ottoman movement lizard now go go lizard go to heric wait yeah you just microa actually

    Going to get there first it’s no I’m I see that it’s not that’s the case of the game should have been paused cuz I was crashed and didn’t know what was going on Spain do the Drag Box do the drag [ __ ] I’m doing it now sheesh we need more inar we need more

    Yeah we are doing that I sent my 30k in the pr we’re good back immediately uses seriously of think dude oh we won a battle dude he’s got less than 70 brigades um after this we need to get he literally said it’s fine he literally said it’s fine oh oh my God what

    Happened to the Italian Army oh you can go to BR that’s not behind the lines we’ll actually argue it like Hypocrites move through Dutch cron and then go in we can actually argue it no who cares you last long enough I can save if we can win um never mind we’ll just try

    And get through there I don’t think we can get through though if scandi lands in Colberg making you front line we’re going to Wi him in law he not com up with like 20 ideas I don’t care about the units D I’m fine with the dying actually might be able to help reinforce

    That wait really oh [ __ ] got this go to dodge chrone that’s a new line no I just lost oh you died [ __ ] wizard why did you why did you abandon them that’s Nation ruining can we get a new Italy player oh wait attack kin that would be a huge encircle if we

    Attack that attack K go go go go go I don’t have a general do you I’m going actually rein Circle do it do it do it oh wait that would be funny if that’s a multi not I hit him oh W he’s retreating to a battle no no no no that’s fine it’s

    Fine keep going that’s allowed it’s cuz he did it before no let’s keep this going let’s keep friend cirle is retreating to Berlin and there’s Russia oo thank God no it’s okay they’re both oo so it heads Russia doesn’t matter it cancels out Russia although I do actually have more

    In Jess no yeah wait we can Retreat from League okay Retreat from Leets yes yes retreat scandi bro scandy send your guys in instead oh that’s you guys want noet want NOS there’s so many stack wipes here an Embarrassment can we Naval invade cber yeah do it get we winning instead [ __ ] do it scny you get some ships I got I got 10 transports have 20K to do that I have 30 I don’t think this is a well we could always Retreat to transport so yeah the

    Sheer number of Elian troops in that battle makes it worth it wait Russia’s causing it to be encircled Russia yes look at him go I’m o so I don’t know what the [ __ ] happening there [ __ ] Ethiopians here man [ __ ] that I’m winning on my screen I’m pretty sure you

    Can re announce oh yeah why would you though Chad fortech DM General oh the inclement is not happening but they’re just retreating which is nice oh he retre ret goldber follow up oh you can do it you can do doin hit hit coin hit follow up follow

    Up do it boys oh this is weidle I have no I have no idea what’s happening is my attab going well it’s going great yeah it’s going fine it’s going fine it’s going great it’s going great just said everything there bu click and drag yeah I’m going to get the [ __ ]

    Are you sending into coldo I’m going good the absolute state of this game yeah one day dude once all the Spaniards are here this [ __ ] will be GG we need some more stuff really is moving I’m moving to call Back oh no hopefully they don’t notice that I just cycled this stack back to my land hopefully they don’t notice nothing happening there nothing to see it’s fine all right let’s check ‘s 25 po 41 no Russia why’d you Retreat that Russia no I have no [ __ ] idea what’s

    Hold attack attack it attack it attack what I have no [ __ ] idea [ __ ] go forget just stand where you are virtual Rock stay there that’s a good point to hold maybe you should just learn to use this if there’s a war just blow on it and I’ll come help

    You ooh look at that roll oh damn our or is to be uh could be better more Spanish troops up here come on can we Retreat to Colberg if we lose just send all your troops to these battles you can all right it’s all artillery [ __ ] look at that roll again

    Damn oh my God we would love some artillery man all right they’ve got no backline cuz I can see it all cuz of [ __ ] India or something yeah me too Loco is just giving us Vision behind their lines TR to run out of this what

    Please help hold on hold on shut up shut up they have no backline we should attack sesia dude yeah we should I’m doing it I mean pece them out or I’m going to join and make your life a living hell you’re telling us to piece them out but they won’t surrender we

    Don’t care no just separate oh wa China is the war leader we following you can add anything on China anyway want CVS on Doge there’s one I’m going to bronberg okay do it would we attack brassow attack brow go go go brastow uh brow uh where’s brow send bronberg

    Please please man come on Spain you’ve got this Spain please come on Spain what where what please I’m pausing the game so I actually do something here do it oh my god there it is okay there good okay great it’s called vat now I don’t know if you recognize the Polish name okay

    There follow up follow up follow up keep going yeah wait is bar this war no not yet not yet when are they in this war October 28th we might be getting a little bit ahead of ourselves here but we’re doing well we’ll have to fight loos’s Army in Poland I can my yeah what’s what’s India’s miltech Uh iack ALU uh sure where did they yes that is a retreat a certified Retreat behind lines while we’re here let’s move to en circles B yeah we can move through the uh Indians you can hit khish you can hit khish yeah alans 20 brigades question mark oh Opel is

    Looking pretty spicy at this time of Year wait wait is that China behind lines yep absolutely from Bessler yeah India joined the war it’s over what are we going to do keep attacking them in P in [ __ ] like CIA man should yeah I already am hey Italy even you can push up we’re like killing them one by one

    And I just keep what do you want me to doia or something okay they just keep dragging more bodies we just keep at this point I’m an occupation Force that’s my that’s yeah that’s fine stay in by I think I just stack wiped a bunch of Chinese we want

    Toon right I don’t think I’m actually lose he’s back in syn he did it my brain’s back in oh yeah s have to sh Say Russia don’t leave the front line on tun Russia they’re attacking me on the front line cuz you left Russia I’m moose dude I’m still I’m in the back I’ve got your back move your units back into holy [ __ ] out of sink I am out I’m out of sink dude my how

    We’re going too far the Indians are actually putting up a fight yeah let’s we can just send an Oban who cares dude we don’t need to attack let just wait till a great War let them men seek wait till it becomes a great War I’d love to see It right we won breast though that’s fine just don’t I’m going to move back from allenstein I’m going to pull back from SK yeah we don’t we don’t need to attack anymore honestly Skov yeah okay span I’m pulling back from eling elbing scandi as well just go back to tchell and hold that

    Instead we one khish let’s hold that yeah hold there that’s a minor River Crossing can’t you get in circled there uh pull out of Cho power down south Spain pull out pull out uh pretty sure you can get a circled in that polish Province we occupied yeah we can we can

    Easily we can go back we can go back from H Burg of course hey lizard do you want to force piece him that would be the ultimate Revenge I love that no but just who cares just sit on him just Mar this country die hey

    Guys we’re going to pull out of yeah I think we should pull out pull out of all these polish provinces we’re in they’re just not like defendable go of K SC this is like crippling for them Jesus come on Spain you’ve got this do all the three things we just told you

    They’re asking for terms they pulled out of our pel oh my God they’re asking for terms the [ __ ] we’ve already Added E we need 100 on elban dude they’re not they can’t negotiate no all is is China doesn’t want to lose land they want the Asians not to lose land they’re not losing land we don’t want to take CBS on the Asians so still don’t want Poland

    The Asians don’t want Poland to lose we will we will literally sit I don’t think we’re taking [ __ ] out Poland but we will literally sit here for years until it becomes we’ll just take more we’ll just take more if we might take stuff off of Poland like I really don’t understand

    Why you guys just don’t surrender here like no Asians are losing land lying I give a [ __ ] about the elans you’re clearly fighting his War yeah you’re literally fighting his war in Russia you should have done your own war on them after this we got greedy because we saw

    Russia do you see alans right now elvans surrendering by himself we give up right now if you if you as long as you don’t add any more goals on Poland why the [ __ ] do you care about Poland numnuts yeah we’re not going to add we’re not

    Going to add 100 on Poland anymore we stack white Poland’s entire Army and had to fight for like 5 years like if we want warles we should be able to take them is a Chinese puppet man that’s why they don’t want to take anything [ __ ]

    Hug box and [ __ ] off like Jesus we will sit here for years and years until it becomes a great war and then we’ll take even more in with your like a thousand brigades and you still Fu you and your three allies which have over like 300 brigades 500 brigades each aren in’t

    Losing territory all I’m taking out of this [ __ ] is [ __ ] teria oh my God I’m taking [ __ ] sign this is even a great War why you guys like this war has hurt albian and burgundy by not surrendering it look even if Russia does take land off of Poland like we’re not all going

    To join if you want a deck on Russia later not unless you keep hug Maring and fighting elan’s War for him while claiming you’re not going to allow any terms on that’s all I need it to here okay good okay cool cool then surrender thank you Dam you guys going to jeez you

    Think you think this guy was like a you [ __ ] drunker or something sad we going take very modest terms how many men not nearly enough although this is good because by prolonging this war and escalating it I get more migrants we can’t take much land but the longer we

    Sit on them the more damage we do Yeah the more German pops for my future country die but you know I’ll take it on track to form by 1936 I’m going to need to win a great War to get enough land off of the alant yeah well it’s a good

    Thing the next war is going to be a great War yeah good thing for you JFK yeah the the terms as is as long as you accept are you’re not allowed to take anything off the Asians and unconditional for Poland Albans and burgundy we’re Tak stuff and Ottomans and

    Ottomans we can actually get the Suz built did also unconditionally surrender so Ottomans is awesome yeah the absolute State uh another great ottoman PLC and albian diplomatic play didn’t this happen in the last war you guys did yeah good job again the Ottomans but the second time he chose to fight on the

    Side of India and gave away territory sorry Yeah who has Jamaica that is uh scand oh that’s scandy I’ll transfer ah right okay yeah I don’t know why we listed Jamaica the ter well no no no cuz I joined this war to get Jamaica from Scandinavia cuz it has my accepted Pops in it I didn’t realize Gandhi had it I

    Remember you coming in for Jamaica and I thought okay bargain you must still have it then no I wish make sense remember of course the other reason you joined this is cuz I was your sphere Lord that gave you money helps you build up and you’re

    Loyal you could say that in the analysis but you could also say the real reason was I didn’t want to be on the same side as Loco oh wow holy [ __ ] my Brigade cap went down so much same I literally lost 100 my Brigade cap went up but I lost

    Like 50 bades just in a stupid [ __ ] snack wipe well think about it man those are brigades you no longer have to pay now I’ll just start adding things well there’s nothing much to add we already have half the [ __ ] we want plus siai is

    84 wait how much is lb and palatin it oh that’s 22 [ __ ] hell so expensive I can add Lans for 11 siai actually yeah give Russia a nice little core you could take the gold mine in [ __ ] Africa that’s 130k pops off a good what GH you want money right I’m taking

    That [ __ ] you want money well check how much more score it is one more score wait one oh God SC don’t you have enough of that Africa scandi no I don’t man I need to be for that to me okay we have 97 Egyptian desert Egyptian desert is 5’2 What are you

    Kidding me all right I don’t I don’t think we can realistically find anything for like two War yeah let’s let’s just piece it out all right send send the piece ready I’m sure we could have found something I doubt it it’s it’s got to be one Province all right GG good War

    Oh I’m now immediately a great power my feeling look at Elan am SP I been in your Sphere for 10 years I’ve got more Pops than the albian I accept this one V one deal now finally the albian shape is [ __ ] atrocious bro lbm look like a Kidney want to hear the casual for that war hell yeah 175 million uh yeah but how much did we take versus them so Scandinavian Alliance I don’t this was the last auto save so Scandinavia was 8.8 the enemy was 8.6 oh so we took like 200k more I see

    GG boys yeah that was pretty good yeah yeah nice job guys a lot of French blood was spilled another Big Weevil W Subs joining like Ethiopia how many stack wipes did we get holy [ __ ] like we got stack wiped a few times instances ofing their entire Army I think I could

    Probably flip terania to be H another Big W against people hug boxing without their interests being at stake at all oh wait Russia took K yeah oh nice Cog impressive nice that’s actually some good territory so now that we have Sinai can we finally get

    Suz yeah I’ll do I’ll do the T we got Panama built holy [ __ ] like I wanted I wanted to like do some [ __ ] against them but then I realize Panama is Going’s going to land from for this that’s funny oh that’s actually hilarious oh oh my gosh we got the

    Joseph Sneed Grant oh stimulus boys I love Joseph stimulous boys burgundy and PLC are transferring territory is he who this is sus nation ruing is giving land away this is very sus Nation ruing actually pretty bad we need to call an emergency meeting this the impost everyone defund your armies

    And sort your economies just give away land like that anybody want to join against the [ __ ] Asian box that’s against my ass listen if I can wipe out the ALB is proper I’ll help You Bro this is the elans right the reason I didn’t surrender is because it looked like we could win that after the Russia thing I was actually really like it did it did not look like you could win that it did not literally right after it happened you guys got equally encircled

    Yeah I don’t know man they were telling me to not spr yeah dude just don’t listen an argument shift suicide so you’re what you’re saying is you’re weak-minded and you do what people tell you okay bro it looked like we could win and honestly I was convinced H here’s

    How we hug box now let’s all hug box you just you know why I all right I’m also I also offered to give you both Pomerania and holin the easy part is getting it the hard part is keeping it what do you mean that’s a quote from a song

    [ __ ] all right I got a from a Jesse what the [ __ ] you see I can take that easily I can keep it for myself but I you’ll just come in because the Nubians will just like they’ll just kill the Nubians and I have no allies man you

    Got to think about it logically Jesse what the [ __ ] you talking about it is what it is All right then it’s time for the analysis section where I will unpack what you just witnessed there is a lot of complex diplomacy going on behind the scenes and many implications of this pieace deal so if you don’t mind I’m just going to talk about that I’ll only

    Be 30 seconds or a minute the map you see in front of you now is after the elban transfers to burgundy and PLC so let’s just go back a bit and look at the peace deal of the war only I already showed you how the region that I got to

    Ringia affected the populations between me and the albian something else that you ought to know about this region though is that it has sulfur and as you can see from The sulfur rgo map it was one of the albian confederation’s two sulfur provinces the other one he has

    Also just given away to burgundy in a transfer before the war the elban was the number one producer of ammunition by far and now losing all his sulfur dropping out of great power status losing his World Market priority not having a sphere Lord or a Sparling might

    Not even be able to produce a single bullet going forward this war really marks the end of albian dominance in hegemony he still came out of the hugbox removal Squad War as a very strong power but now he’s turning into a rump State giving away even more land in transfers and dropping

    Out of great power status these are in large part the consequences of choosing to continue fighting that war he took the risk of fighting on despite being on 100 War exhaustion and mostly sieged and apparently the albian palatinate region was the price burgundy wanted for joining on his his side I completely

    Understand why he did it from his perspective it makes a lot of sense he saw burgundy coming in he saw the Asian hug box they just wiped the whole Russian army and furthermore if he wins the land he takes off me in cores is cheap I’ve chosen to fight on in much

    Worse circumstances than those let me tell you but his gamble failed and he’s suffering the consequences Scandinavia took Pomerania which was the starting War goal of this conflict scandinavia’s reasons for making this move were very interesting both the albian Confederation and a future Germany will have CA and accepted

    Pops over Pomeranian Holstein as we know the albian was offering to transfer the two regions in the same way I’m promising in the future to transfer them back when I form Germany why choose me over the albian especially when choosing me involves fighting a war well first of

    All and the Scandinavia player just told me this the albian proposal to transfer these two regions to Scandinavia wasn’t just a transfer to keep scandi from going to war with him the Albans also demanded Scandinavia come in on his side so there’s no way of avoiding War if

    Scandi wants his cores also if that happened and he supported the elans wiping out the danubian he’s fearful that the elbin would just turn around and take pomeran and Holstein back well there’s also a chance that I might do that in the future if I form Germany he

    Knows that that is at least very far away enough time to forge a closer alliance with me do negotiations talk it over he does want this to be a full alliance between me and him not just one transfer deal you know a serious long-term commitment not just a one-off thing

    I will say that Scandinavia getting that one war score gold colony in Africa is a bit greedy since he already got a huge War goal that could have been shared out to one of our other alliance members but Scandinavia is the king of Africa so he gets what he wants around

    Here now for virtual Rock Russia the reason he got the most land out of this peace deal goes back to the year 2010 when Paradox are designing Victoria 2 and its War score mechanics they made it so cor are a lot cheaper than regular acquir state so there you go the value

    For war score out of him taking his cores back off PLC is very high and I’m very happy to build him up as an enemy of Poland Lithuania who’s my enemy but the fact is he’s still in a terrible position the Asian hogbox still wants his land they handled that war

    Horribly they failed to get anything from him and it was completely their own fault but they’ll be back in 5 years and so will Poland Lithuania as I said to Virtual Rock I’d be down to help him in the long run after I’m a strong secure

    Germany but I need to get there first and to do that my main enemy is still the albian and I’d rather avoid fighting the PLC if possible who just received a region from the albian in order to help him so it would be advantageous for me

    If the PLC just focuses on Russia and stops helping the Albans making Russia stronger so he can better defend himself against the PLC in the Asian hugbox makes that more likely it makes it harder for the PLC to divide his attention between me and Russia

    Which he tried and failed to do in the war we just fought after the session this war took place in I messaged Poland Lithuania doing diplomacy to try and make that happen encouraging him to focus on Russia and stay away from me throwing virtual Rock under the bus to

    An extent in the short term but with the long-term view of forming Germany and taking down the Asian hugbox technically Russia also owns the Sinai region and he took it in the peace deal because Italy couldn’t add any War goals but they’re both green it looks the same so let’s just pretend Italy

    Already has it it will be transferred it very soon the Sinai region and hopefully the suiz canal in a few years is a great victory for Italy a good thing to take out of the war continuing his rivalry and expansion against the Ottoman Empire although there’s now a bit of a

    Three-way competition here between the Ottomans Italy and Ethiopia so we’ll see how that turns out let’s not talk about Ethiopia’s contribution in this war wait and see what happens in the next episode after the war the Ottoman Empire transferred two further regions to India basically handing over all of Persia in

    Exchange for India’s great contribution to that war the current player on the Ottoman Empire is becoming the permanent player the previous guy who was actually afraid of the Asian hugbox isn’t coming back so I sent this message to him similar to what I’m saying to Poland focus on your own actual threats and

    Interests instead of being absolutely obsessed with helping the albian Confederation now let’s talk about how crucial Arcadia was in that war so this shot here is of Arcadia right as the war is ending with a box dragged over all the units he has in Europe he has 11

    Stacks which are all 30k Stacks meaning that by the end of the war he brought 110 brigades all professional brigades he’s not mobilized for comparison and you’ll know this if you’ve been looking at my military tab I had 140 professional brigades at the start of

    The war which was battered down to 80 by the end so when all was said and done Arcadia had more professional troops in Europe than I did I don’t have any actual numbers on this but clearly Arcadia’s contribution was more important than anything China India terrania or Ethiopia put forward and

    That’s basically why we won the war in the Cliffhanger at the end of the last episode it looked like there was absolutely no hope burgundy and the Asian hog box it seemed like things were over not very many people put forward the suggestion of Arcadia joining our

    Side in the comments but it’s been building up you’ve seen my relationship with the Belgian Confederacy and now the Arcadian cycle through this campaign especially in part 11 where I helped him to win his War by funding him and giving him the military goods in my sphere and

    Of course throughout the first half of the war in the previous episode Big Weevil was in our channel the whole time and did some legal services for us he became very sympathetic to our cause when he saw that the Asian hug boxes joining against us maybe he didn’t join

    The war to repay me for helping him and out of any sense of loyalty but if I didn’t help him previously he wouldn’t have formed Arcadia and it wouldn’t have been possible for him to intervene I think the transfer of Jamaica by Scandinavia is reasonable there’s a big difference between

    Transferring colonies in that nation’s own back garden and giving away your own core or contiguous territory as half the nations in Europe seem to be doing but the main thing is that Scandinavia and Arcadia wanted to join together and fight the Asian hugbox anyway my feeling Spain also made a

    Great contribution and it shouldn’t be ignored by the end of the war he had a total Brigade count of 20000 most of which were committed to the front lines as you can see all of his Stacks are completely knackered and he did make a lot of mistakes in the war but his

    Greatest contribution was around the time that all hell broke loose during The Burgundian offensive Spain’s been in a bit of a situation this campaign his closest Ally is Italy of course they beat Aragon eventually but since then he’s just been overshadowed by Scandinavia as a naval power who

    Declared war on him to take most of his colonies so he’s pretty much just stayed neutral and tried to build up and develop his country so he can become a naval power yet Scandinavia completely outclasses him on literacy technology and even ports this campaign hasn’t really been a competition between rival

    Naval Powers it’s becoming more of an East versus West against an Asian hugbox Spain has expressed interest in joining an upcoming Naval Coalition against that hugbox led by Scandinavia and Arcadia another Nation rumored to be part of this is England we’ll hear a lot more about that in the next episode this

    Coalition might even have its own name so I’ve already been talking about the peace deal and the diplomacy for about 8 minutes and I haven’t touched on any of the actual war and overall the combat was so crazy that to actually break it down and analyze it would take a very

    Long time even for a war analysis so I’m probably going to leave it and let people come up with their own conclusions and things from having watched it however I might return to it and look over the footage again on a stream and do some kind of live War

    Analysis cuz there’s a lot to talk about in that and just like in many other videos there are always a lot more stats I could get casualty figures for battles Soldier pop losses Brigade counts and all that but I just don’t have the time if you expect these videos to actually

    Ever come out even with two we gaps overall though this war was just absolute chaos some of the most insane combat we’ve ‘ ever seen on this channel and the enemy made so many mistakes in letting themselves be encircled in positions where it wasn’t necessary they could have retreated from for example

    One of the enemy’s biggest mistakes that I will point out just before we wrap up terrania announced to join the war a lot later than China China was completely lined up on the Russian border waiting to march in but he couldn’t until terania joins the war cuz it would have

    Been through neutral and that’s one Army micromanagement rule that they did obey this significantly delayed the Chinese contribution to the war and they barely even sieged Russia down at all throughout the war even though that was their main target and he had no army they were mainly just threatening Russia

    And making demands without actually backing it up with any occupation or success in battle I agree that it’s more important to send troops to the front line and win the battles than it is to Siege down a country but surely the Asian hugbox of all things has enough troops to do both

    Especially since there’s Chinese troops just sitting in terrania doing nothing this was all really good for us though don’t get me wrong I’m glad that they were a bit inept it balances out that Asian hogbox and it’s just as well that Russia didn’t end up agreeing to that

    Deal and separately surrendering we all won in the end so thank you very much everyone for watching I hope you enjoyed please like the video if you did we’re not ending on a cliffhanger today but in the next episode we’ll see the aftermath of that enormous war that changed the world and

    I’ll plan out my next Moves In This quest to form Germany which is getting closer one region at a time thank you to all my P and supporters consider joining them today and you’ll get access to bonus clips from this very series follow me on Twitch join my Discord check out

    My third Channel Spud light for memes and [ __ ] post videos have a nice day everyone I’ll see you on my next stream or the next episode of the Bavaria Series GG it was fun see you guys next week I’m assuming I don’t blow my Braes out which I might


    1. The elbian-danubian hyperwar was a global conflict that destroy civilisation as we know, as well as deleting Lemuria from the map Who joined the elbian side, an iced age Will come to destroy what wasn't destroy, and so the darkness swallowed humanity.

    2. This whole thing really shows how stacked the odds are against danubians to form geemany. You get no war score reduction and you need a big coalition to actually fight the elbiansbso it's impossible to actually form Germany before the great war, and MP games tend to end after once GW

    3. Great video!!! The quality goes up and up! Watched this one straight through and can't wait for the next part.

      The players though, oh my god! They insist on joining wars that are against their interests over and over – as the video pointed out, looking at you especially Ottomans. Asians too though.

    4. So was that the best play Burgundy had available? Smashing the front line.

      Also whats Gran Colombia doing all this time? I dont even recall him being mentioned.

    5. dont ever feel discouraged by the view counts. I'm unsure how youtube counts it but i've come back 3 or 4 times throughout my day to finish this masterpiece

    6. I think the biggest things that kill games are states being too expensive to take in peace deals, too many players being rostered on Asia and Africa, braindead hugboxes interfering in other players diplo, the existence of a China player, and an early HRE formation. This game has 4 out of those 5. One of the most likely games to die I’ve seen in a long time, BUT IT JUST KEEPS GOING.

    7. Man, I've watched you're Vic 2 campaigns multiple times now. I'm still a single player chad but maybe I'll get into the utter shit show that is multiplayer eventually. Regardless, I'm a bit woozy on sake and I feel it poignant to give you some of my shekels on patreon. Keep up the great work spudman!

    8. also should mention how the casualty rates are deflated for the elbian side because of the mass stack deletion from the retreat behind lines rule. Those potential wipes were not counted in the war analyzer

    9. "Diplomacy" in these MP games makes the actual 19th century look like a miracle of peace.
      "What if we did Cabinet Wars, but conscripted every warm body in the country?"

    10. i have watched all of this over the course of 3 days. i cannot wait until part 19 drrops and i thought edging in my goon seshs waws hard

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