Episode 40. Starting the day in mid-Morocco and anding up in Spain..!

    H W Go [Applause] what W a W W A Oh Oh A Oh [Applause] He He [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh Oh a he Oh Sh He Sh [Applause] Oh He He Sh Oh [Applause] [Applause] You Got All you got to Do you got To oh you got to who Who Go let go Oh Okay Oh All W He [Applause] A You and hello the internet and everyone who’s following and hello to my subscriber I see you’re having another bad hair day but I won’t hold that against you anyway I’m in Spain and wow what a day yesterday um I just spent three days H up uh in a small hotel come over

    In a place called moule Idris which is about 25 miles north of mechines and Fez and it’s on the side of two Hills it’s one of these towns that’s built on the side of like a a m like a small Mountain really beautiful little town and there

    Was a market that was going underneath like uh like a Warren of of of this tunnel with all Market stalls and it was lovely and the uh the guest house the little Hotel was beautiful really comfortable and I stayed there for three nights because we’ve had three days of rain continuous rain in

    Morocco now I can’t begrudge Morocco the rain at all because they are a couple of successive bad Winters and by W by bad Winters I mean that they’ve had dry Winters and they really do need the rain so for three days I was quite comfortable it was comfortable

    Surroundings a nice view on the patio uh a nice comfortable bed a hot shower so I was quite happy just to read chill out and not do a great deal to be honest although I did get a break in the rain um a couple of days ago and I went to

    Volubilis which is a ro Roman ruin nearby and it’s absolutely stunning and that’s been there since 200 ad and you get to walk around these streets and I love things like that and H there was an arc the tree on there which was the old

    Entrance to the to the town and it was amazing and it was only 70 dhams to get in which was5 pound really beautiful so I was quite fortunate that I had had little break in the weather and I got to see that because that’s one of the

    Reasons why I went to that area anyway um I finally left the guest house a little hotel now Planet a was to head north to a place called chef chaam and I really wanted to go there it’s one of these little towns it’s all white and blue but unfortunately yesterday there

    Was rain forecast all through the northern central region of Mor Morocco and there’s just no fun riding in the rain and I didn’t see the point of getting there wet and putting the tent up in the wet and also my tent’s not doing very well because I’ve got a broken zip on the

    Door also my ground shoot has turned religious and that it’s got a few holes so it’s quite a Holy Ground sheet now um so I don’t fancy being in the rain with my tent so I thought okay that was plan a let’s go to plan B now I’ve said it

    Before and I’ll say it again when you’re traveling you need to have a plan A and A Plan B sometimes a plan B and also a plan D depending where you want to go and what you’re going to do so that was plan a to go to CHF Cho

    So plan B was to go to alsa which is right on the very Northern northwest coast and I wait to go there because it was a nice for Old Fort there I think Portuguese Fort so I thought right that’s Plan B so I left a little hotel

    In the morning I left the town and I started making my way down and it’s a beautiful part of the world because once you leave the town you just in these Rolling Green Hills and it’s a very Lush part of the world really green fields of crops of All Sorts uh of of

    Things and it was almost I had that little like hobbiton feel really with all these Rolling Hills and I got on the road started going I put some music on and I love all sorts of Music um the only sort of music I don’t like is rap

    Music because I don’t understand it and I can’t understand the lyrics to tell the truth um M I never used to like country and western I don’t like the country and western with all the ding ding ding and and about the the dogs and stuff like that and the truck drivers

    And um mind you uh last year I got into Chris Stapleton um and I bought three of his albums and I’ve sort of seen country Western in a whole new light now but um anyway I always listen to music and I like all sorts and I think music

    Sometimes it’s good to match it to your mood or sometimes music can put you in a certain mood and I just started rolling I was going through all this green beautiful Green Hills and lovely winding roads and there’s a favorite bit of music I have and it’s called Spiegel IM

    Spiegle and it’s a a little piece of music for cello violin and piano but mainly for cello and I was riding long and this beautiful piece of music was on and have you ever had those moments where it’s like a Zen moment really um you’re riding along and just everything seems

    Perfect I felt at one with the bike I loved to surrounding as I I was in I was in a happy mood listening to music and I just felt at one with the world um I just wanted that moment to live forever have you ever had that sort of thing ah

    It was like a surreal moment and uh I kept put put it on repeat and I was so happy but um and eventually we left all the green Rolling Hills and we started coming to the flat lands and started working way to the coast and that was it

    Really but uh finally got to the coast where it all becomes very commercially agricultural um with big fields and lots of trucks and the roads are quite busy as well and I finally got to Elsa but it’s only a small campsite there and when I got there it was mostly full

    With Camper vans and there was only a couple of places I could have put the tent but it was on gravel I’m not putting the tent on gravel a it’s uncomfortable when you trying to neede up and put your clothes on and B me ground sheet is not up to it anyway so

    Uh I just thought thought right what should I do now let’s go to plan C plan C was to go up to Tanger so thought that’s what I’ll do so Tanger was about another 50 60 miles no further north so that’s what I did got to Tangier

    About about 20 1 130 so I had a little bit of ride round on the seafront there where the old 40s down to the sea port had a ride around I stopped took a few pictures thought I’ll go and find the campsite now so I came back found the

    Campsite and it was closed for refurbishment great this is great so that’s plan a is gone PL B Gone plan C now what do we do so me two options then really rather get a hotel stay Tangier overnight or just jump on the fering so

    I thought right so I had a quick look on the internet um it was by that time it was about just a little bit before 2 maybe about quarter to two there was a ferry leaving at 3:00 from Tangier itself over to re over to tarer in Spain

    So I thought blow it that’s what I’ll do so I booked online and that was it I had what what I have left in my wallet I had 600 dhams left and what I was going to do I was going to use that to get some

    Put some cheap Petrol in and I was going to go out for a blow I was going to go have a blowout meal a blowout Moroccan meal in Tanger um but I didn’t get to spend it so bought me ticket got down to the ferry port which is just near the

    Harbor there in Tanger city um got there just before two went to check in got me tickets went through went to the Duan and got Stamped Out of Morocco went to passport control got Stamped Out of Morocco went to the X-ray when I was coming from morania into Spain went

    Through the X-ray there but they were only doing like four cars at a time four cars plus a motorbike well on this one it was great because it could do six cars at a time plus a motorbike so I managed to get the bike in went through

    The X-ray then you stop and then you go have the dogs do a sniff around your bike it took it’s always a h heart stopping moment when the drugs dogs appear cuz you think well I’ve got nothing to hide anyway but what if that means you got to take everything out but

    It took rather an interes in one of the paneers but um anyway I got given the clean by the health and then I just went to the had me tickets checked went through down to the uh the roll on got wav to the front like most bikes do

    Because usually the broke bikes go on first because bike gets tucked away in the corners or the of the back somewhere uh waited a few probably waited about five minutes and then got called forward and the ferry from Tanger over to tarfa it’s like one of these fast feries um

    Almost like a bit of a hydro foil thing really and they always have a certain place for bikes as soon as I went on I knew where to go got there um sometimes you never know with fairy company sometimes youve rather got to ratchet strap your bike down yourself sometimes

    They do it on this one it was do it yourself so I got a ratchet strap got the bike chained down and that was it went upstairs and had a leely Crossing which took an hour um we left at 3 very punctual and by 4:00 we’re in tarfa g

    Off no problem at all uh went to passport control God was in and out no problem at all uh I think I was on the road by 20 Past 4 and that was it so I’ve gone out of tarfa which looks like a lovely little town and I started heading over to

    Aler and uh and it’s like as you leave TFA you sort of go up and mounted and they start coming down towards aler serus soon as it went up all of a sudden it went Misty so had to go slow very slow uh and it was wet as well and I

    Started as I started coming down towards aler the rain started so I thought should I stop and get me waterproof so I thought no let’s carry on because I could see some blue clouds very far in the distance so I thought no I’ll risk it and as I started coming down to Tar

    All of a sudden hit the back of a traffic jam oh there so what do you do to go on the outside or the inside I took the inside and I kept doing the outside going on the inside uh eventually I got to the front

    Of the queue and uh it was about five kilomet honestly about 5 kilometers and I got to the front of queue and there’s about half dozen bikes there six seven bikes and what it was uh the farmers were protesting um and they blocked blocked off the entrance to

    Tarfa and there was hundreds you could see tractors as far as the I could see so I six all you got to do is Park up and wait so it was absolutely raining so got off the bike unfortunately some trees on the other side so I got over

    The thing went to the trees and I just sheltered under the trees for uh were there about 45 50 minutes before the tractors started going and you can’t begrudged the farmers because I know they’re getting a raw deal from the EU at the moment so good luck to him so you

    Know it’s inconvenient but um it’s for a NE Neary purpose but uh but that was it but once it started once we got down to the just on the outskirts of Tarra and all the tractors have gone it was easy then uh got three eleras got towards

    Jalta headed past jalta and I’ve come to a place called la linia la linia and I’ve come to this campsite and it’s a really really beautiful campsite let’s have a little walk around and that’s the entrance to the campsite and you come through and that’s where

    The camper vans go which are quite they in their own little bays and and it’s really Immaculate it’s immaculately kept and just at the back there there’s some Chalet but as you start walking through you’ve got these little bays and The Bays you can put this is

    All for tents and it’s great because it adds another level of of privacy and that’s great I mean I’ve never been to a campsite like this with these beautiful little Bays this is my bike this is my tent and that’s where I am and [Applause]

    Uh it’s a bit bit tricky trying to get the bike around that little Bend but there we go and as you can see I’ve got me laundry up at the back um but like I said I’ve never been to a campsite this before and it really is nice I like

    It it’s lovely isn’t it it’s a great campsite this it’s really clean it’s Immaculate um I love the way you’ve got little Bays for all the tents um although getting my bike into that bay was a little bit tricky You’ got to do a lot of jiggling around um but it really

    Is a nice site although it is a bit expensive it’s €1 17 a night which to me is quite expensive I think it’s £550 for the pitch £550 50 for the tent and then something like 350 for the bike or something it’s about 17 a night but um the shower block is

    Immaculate absolutely Immaculate there’s lots of showers lots of toilets and the showers my gosh the showers are fantastic now there’s two things in life which are necessary one of them is a comfy bed so you can sleep well if you get a perfect night of sleep life is good the other

    Thing is a good shower a good hot shower and I’ll tell you these showers are amazing it’s like a power shower I have never felt I’ve never oh absolutely immaculately hot uh this morning you couldn’t get me out of the shower I felt a little bit guilty I think I think I

    Think I used a little bit more of water than I was supposed to um and there’s a funny thing in Morocco the water is really hard um the soap I had that I bought in the UK trying to use it it wasn’t doing anything

    And one day I was in a shop and the Man in the shop spoke okay English and I says soap for you know Morocco good soap ah and he gave me this soap and it was like this lavender soap and he says very good and actually it soaps up and you

    Can get a bit of a lather on and it was quite good so I’ve got a few bars of that and I’ve I’m on still on one bar and I’ve got another I’ve got a brand new bar I’ve got two bars in my bag um and the water in Morocco is really hard

    It you got to really work hard to to get it working this morning went for a shower when got to get a little bit of water on the shower on on the soap and I soak myself down it’s like soap everywhere and it’s fantastic but um no and that’s

    Another thing um the mt500 which died a few days ago um run out of sleep so I bought a new airbed from De cathlin and I can’t remember which one it is but a little bit more expensive and it’s not quite as it’s like a hard one but you

    Still got to put some air in it what a great night of sleep it’s still got the sponginess but it’s quite firm as well and uh I’ve had a a really good night sleep with that mattress and I’m quite happy I bought that it’s a bit physically it’s a lot bigger than the

    Old mt500 because that rolled down quite small but I’m going to I can still get it in in the pan so I’m quite happy with that but um yes is a great website uh great campsite water everywhere electric points everywhere and it’s really peaceful and uh I like it and also

    Because of the Baye you feel as though you’ve got privacy as well I mean I could do naked sunbathing in there and no one would know God forbid but there we go anyway um yeah I’m G to be here for a couple of days gon to go to Gibralter tomorrow

    Um today I’ve just had a chill out day I’ve been doing some readings bits and pieces done some laundry I’ve had a chill out day um but tomorrow I’m going to go to Gibralter then the next day I might do a little bit of sightseeing around the area there’s a place I want

    To go to I can’t remember the name of it now but um yeah and then in a few days time I’m going to head over to Portugal and then start working M Way North but there we go um so yesterday morning I was in the middle of Morocco and

    By the end of the day I was in Spain how does that happen spooky but like I said when you’re traveling you got to expect the unexpected um besides having a plan a you need a plan B a plan C and sometimes a plan D and if something goes

    Wrong you can’t faffer out thinking what do I do now you’ve got right let’s be logical about this I can either do this I can either do this or I can do this so you got to go for it you can’t you know you haven’t got time to um start faffing

    Around and you know but there we go anyway also I had a it was quite warm here and the other thing I’m Morocco camping out the the evenings get quite cool now I know that in the mountains you high up and everything like that but even where it was um mulle Idris it

    Still got a little bit chilly in the evening and uh last night here was quite uh it’s quite mild and I had two layers on when I went in my sleeping bag and I woke up right two in the morning I was too hot to take one of my t-shirts off

    So pretty good so yeah I’m here the bike’s going well um tomorrow I’m into Jal I’m going to get some Yorkshire Tea and I might get some cadb chocolate as well and uh and I might go for some fish and chips we’ll see I might even go to the Top of the

    Rock I don’t know but and then the day after it’s going to be sightseen and then we’re off to Portugal so there we go anyway that’s me thanks for watching thanks for subscribing and I’m sure by the next time I see my subscriber you would have done something about that hair so thanks

    For watching I’ll speak to you again soon bye-bye


    1. Hi Ian thanks for tagging us along, I have really enjoyed following your trip and wishing I was there. Any idea of a ballpark figure what a trip like this might cost. Keep them coming. Thks

    2. Nice one Ian, loads of info on the side. Yep sometimes on a trip you have to get your priorities in perspective, a good cuppa is a must 😉. Europe's not so warm so slow down and enjoy Spain and Portugal for a while, you know winter's not over in Scotland before May 🤣

    3. Another epic video. Loved every minute. Mind you, I did find myself lamenting those deserted, sandy, open roads as you navigated your way through the busy streets of Tangier. Also, I'm sure you had a heart-stopping moment when 'white van man' tried to side-swipe you😮. That ferry was also something else…..sharing the entrance ramp with hoards of foot passengers and their luggage on the car deck……it looked like half of Morocco was evacuating the country😂. Anyway, I'm delighted you're now safely in Spain. That lovely campsite reminds me of the sites my family and I stayed at, when we took our touring caravan down to the South of France, many years ago. Hope you enjoy the next few days visiting Gibraltar and I look forward to your video uploads of Portugal in the coming days. Take care for now.

    4. heading North, suicide dogs chasing you and the cars are getting newer with legs dents and scrapes 🤣 is this better I wounder after your epic travels -back to civilization rain traffic oh the joy

    5. I have a money saving tip for you Ian: stop using soap/ shampoo/ shower gel: it isn't necessary. I stopped 5 or so years ago; my skin is perfect, and I do not have body odour. The secret is to use a flannel and scrub vigorously! I spend the money that I save on beer, but you could spend it on whatever you fancy.

    6. Hi ian good to see you’re still doing well me and a friend are flying to FARO on Monday 26 February staying in
      TAVIRA FOR 7 days we’ve hired two bikes travelling round every day fancy trying Morocco next after seeing your videos stay safe my sister lives in Helensburgh I’ve told her about you travels regards Robert

    7. Brilliant news your back on home soil 🤣 well mainland Europe anyway , I'm off to Lanzarote on Saturday 17th so I'll look out the window on the way past Portugal see if I can see you 😁mad to think that you were way past Lanzarote on your bike couple of weeks ago, I was wondering Ian 🤔have you washed the bike since you left Scotland 🏍️

    8. Hi, when you get back can you do awarts and all vlog on condition of bike. Tyres etc. vstrom truly are one tough machine almost as tough as you. I cant believe how you’ve done this. I am 65 will considerably poorer health than you but still if I were 45 I take my hat off to u. You deserve a million subs and a book deal. Thankyou so much for this

    9. Naked sunbathing – 🤣😂classic
      Yorkshire tea
      Chocolate 🍫
      Might climb the rock ?
      Save ur energy- big guy – great vid glad ur back on main land Europe always makes it feel you’re nearly home – ride safe mate 👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    10. Another great video. I have followed your trip with so much pleasure. Love your chats. All the practical details. I’m two years older than you and heading to Morocco for the month of June on my GS – based on your videos. Well done.

    11. Hi Ian my traveling mate ! In your words your looking well. The sunshine is doing you well. I follow a few people on YT and a few of them are now saying they are going down to Morocco and I can't help but wonder whether via your videos you have inspired them. Ok we had a great day here in the South East but don't rush back as I am sure the weather will change back for the worse soon. Stay safe .Ted

    12. Hi Ian, I found your website some months ago and I have enjoyed all your videos on this channel over the last few months. I love the chats to camera. I am heading to France and Spain on my V Strom 650 in September and I have now decided to extend my journey to Morroco. Thanks for sharing and for your inspiration. Enjoy the run up through Portugal, another destination that is also on my list. I am based near Glasgow and despite some recent wet weather, its been so mild at 11c that I have been out for a few bike rides. Enjoy your journey.

    13. Hi,
      You recently answered me, you are 65 and wanted to take the best of your resting life.
      As I' m only 64 I could be your jonger brother. Older brothers always have to give advice to the younger.
      What next if it turns out that 65 isn't the ending but the beginning of a new era?
      A V strom 1000 wears its owner out. Not vice versa.
      On the long and never ending road you must have think about this.
      What next?
      Roland 👍👍

    14. Great videos. Since I can't ride for couple months, I find your videos like a therapy.

      It will be great if you could make a video only to talk about your trip from Europe to Morocco and then south to Mauritania and Senegal. Maybe some advice, tips, best and not so good experiences.

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