We try out the popular Persian Bites in Newcastle. #foodreviews #tft #persianfoods

    Name: Persian Bites
    Location: 4 Brighton Grove, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 5NR
    Website: https://persianbite.co.uk/


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    We upload regularly and review all those hidden little gems that rarely get the exposure they deserve. We always try to be passionate and genuine as we take these reviews very seriously. We hope you enjoy the vlogs and thank you for your support. 

    For business enquiries: zigster1974@gmail.com 

    Equipment used: Sony ZV-1

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    It’s me TFT and yes we are back with another Street Food review today we have come to quite possibly one of the most famous Persian restaurants in Newcastle if not the Northeast Persian bites in the Northeast dwelling Roofing how you doing Paul there you go you take

    Care of me nice one I sent that guy and I should when I did a review down in Newcastle so there he is he’s got a little bit of advertising we are here just off Westgate road to try out Persian bite we’re just going to be trying out one of their mixed chicken

    And lamb kebabs the place is absolutely heaving there’s nowhere to sit it’s absolutely buzzing in there but TFT thought the sun is shining let’s get myself a little Kebab wrap or whatever it is they’re going to be putting it out in I think it’s going to come out in a

    Nun we’re gonna get the chicken tikka and the minced lamb let’s see whether or not Persian bite is gonna do it for TFT we got a couple of guys waving as well there you go see Newcastle is absolutely fantastic I love Newcastle right enough talking let’s get eaten

    Finally got saved guys the place is absolutely mental in there we waited about 20 25 minutes initially being told that the weight was going to be 10 15 were understandable the restaurant is packed however we are actually stood underneath a bus station bus stop it’s Arthur’s Hill Brighton Grove I almost

    Feel as though I’m back in my high school days hanging about in bus stops well that was quite a long time ago we got ourselves the chicken tikka and lamb kebab we’ve got the numb bread we’ve got a sauce to go with it as well the whole lot cost me 10 pound 90.

    Okay let’s have a look at this Kebab because I’ve heard so much about Persian bite it’s a very very popular place It’s gotta be the amount of people that are in there now they’re near the takeout box I did wanna film inside because you know sometimes I like to fill them

    Inside when it comes to Persian food but they said they don’t allow filming so I respect their decision okay let’s open this bad boy and let’s see what Treasures are on the inside take a look oops we’ve got two four we’ve got a five piece of the chicken and we’ve got a

    Lamb kebab we’ve got a massive tomato and a pepper for now 10 pound 90 pal for that what do you think 10 pound 90 it’s a bit expensive in it it is it is yeah but let’s see what is let’s see what the quality is do you want to try some

    Yeah to try a piece of chicken let me know what you think what’s your name first Richard Richie from Newcastle try that Richard oh come here come here come on stand on the camera let my viewers know what it’s like take a bite of that really nice worth 10

    Packing a really big massive platter for 10.90 what I’ve got is this but hey ho we have to deal we have to play with the chords we’ve been dealt with it’s been a pleasure talking to you Richard and uh I’m glad you’re tired memory 6.50 what

    About marks out of ten what are you gonna give it yeah well 12 out of ten whoa but I just wanted to you take you have a good you have a good day mate anyway TFT for 10 pound 90 is a bit disappointed quality or no quality but let’s take a piece of

    This chicken try it but it is no question there is no doubt that that perhaps is the best chicken tikka I have ever tried wow it’s called like a Malai kind of texture for them herbs them spices perfectly cooked wow I feel as though Harry Potter has put a

    Spell on this because it tastes absolutely magical dead in it okay it looks like the cost as you get from The Afghani shops when you go for a caboodle so let’s have a try this you can see the juices coming off it as well once again quality is exceptional

    See the juices in the corner there if I can assure you the juice is coming off that meat they’ve got one Chef in there who’s just going crazy it’s working that fast you can’t even see his anus boom boom boom boom boom that sort of technique he’s

    Got we’ve got a pepper as well let’s take a look at that numb bread because we’ve got a numb bread as well wow that is not a naan bread that’s like a blanket look how big it is I absolutely huge the only problem I’m gonna have is

    Fitting amount of that amount of meat into something that big you know when I send the nuns being made that’s the way up I’m gonna get a nice big portion of meat here but then I got stuck with this here now it doesn’t take a mathematician to work

    Out I’m gonna need a lot of meat to fit to fill that numb bread anyway let’s try the naan bread with the Kebab it’s a very very thin naan bread it’s not like it’s thick sorry am I in your way fella do you wanna are you waiting for the bus

    Okay then sorry yes cameras towards me don’t you worry about it are you waiting for the bus see I’ve hijacked the bus bus stop so there’s people coming waiting for the Boston they’ve got TFT stood in the middle of the people shelter doing a food review

    But you know what across the road the Pavements are very narrow I don’t want to do in front of the shop because they were saying you’re not allowed to film so I’m gonna respect their wishes well anyway here’s the Nan with that kebab yeah it’s a nice thin numb bread it’s not

    Your thick kind of nine but you’re gonna get an Indian takeaways I’m gonna be packing that up and taking it home for the wife do you wanna look at the times I mine you away my friend hope not the buses are always late you know that public transport we’ve got a massive

    Problem with them anyway garlic sauce she did take to me the garlic sauce is a pound well for you it’s gonna be free I went okay that’s good here so we got that garlic free now let’s dip this lamb kebab in there opening kiddo he’s having a bit of a laugh at me

    Let’s try it spell binding stupendous call it what you want is magical magical taste magical flavors from that sauce from that meat for me Persian bites chicken has been absolutely explosive really good flavor really tender really juicy fantastic and that lamb kebab has got to be by far the

    Finest lamb kebab I’ve ever tried by far the most Exquisite Meats I’ve tried for quite a long time on the channel however the price has been a massive obstacle as I crack open my can of fanta I’m going to be thinking of a score quality 9.9 absolutely amazing that chicken the

    Lamb everything was absolutely banging but when you put in the price that score is gonna drop considerably to an 8.9 yep that’s right 8.9 from TFT to Persian bites just off Westgate Road the place is busy there’s a lot of people getting in there it’s a popular joint there’s no

    Not much parking place guys I’m gonna tell you that now there’s not much parking but yet still people are just piling in as though it’s like a closing down seal you know them closing down sales it’s one of those people going in now in out that Grill is turning quick shop Okay so

    8.9 two Persian bikes from TFT only one more thing left to say to you guys at home to everybody in Newcastle to all the followers to all the subscribers to all the new followers on Facebook there’s been quite a massive massive impact on Facebook TFT has started uploading uh reviews on Facebook

    And Facebook is really appreciating it and I’m appreciating the extra bit of support okay guys I just want to say one more thing and that is you guys have all officially been food truck certified and me I’m Martina Fanta stood at Arthur’s Hill Brighton Grove bus shelter in Newcastle

    Shall see you for the next one


    1. could have thrown some nice shredded lettuce and a couple of dips then you wouldnt have been so upset with the price.its a half empty box.! ..chances are the foods that good they can charge what they want and that naan will be a flat bread.:)

    2. Fantastic review, still yet to try this in my home town but afrer seeing the portion size, maybe not, keep up the good work m8, love what u do and look forward 2 the next one.

    3. What's the huge naan for there's no food to fit in it 🤣and why such a huge takeaway container it would fit in one of the small indian onion bhaji boxes.

    4. The ratio from Kebab to Nan bread was ridiculous. If they gave you more content of meats and general food then it could be a higher rating. They need to get less stingy on portions!

    5. No proper salad, no chips, or rice? Surely they could have chucked at least one of them accompaniments in, if for anything just to at least fill that box up, add a bit of weight to give the illusion of value. You like to walk out with a bag of grub that feels a bit brick like. What was with that massive box TFT? That would all have fitted in a standard pilau rice container. Did look excellent though

    6. I was expecting a huge container like that to be packed to the brim with food, and then talk about rubbing salt into the wounds they hand you a naan to use as a sleeping bag

    7. I go here all the time, it isn't expensive for what you get the quality is unreal. You messed up you should have ordered half rice and chips instead of the naan you get loads in the box. You can have either or. Then i normally order a naan as well if I'm extra hungry. If you want it all in the naan order the roll it's the best wrap in Newcastle. In my opinion.

    8. TFT on the streets, mixing with the locals, doing what he does best. What more do you want? …A couple more chunks of chicken for the top G – that's what! Top reviewing again my man, I'll go and check it out.

    9. Great vlog . Sometimes they say you have to pay for quality food . You get what you pay for . But that was shocking and such waste of packaging. Shops can not stop you filming outside on a public footpath . But I get you was trying to be polite . £1 for a garlic dip blimey 😳. Crazy prices

    10. TFT On the STREET. Best food review channel of all time hands down. Man got all the enthusiasm, getting the locals involved, quotable asf and radiating a unique personality rather than just sitting in the car comfort eating. Certified GOAT

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