Molly drives our 1982 Bedford HA Van for the first time.

    Good morning everybody so it is not long until we do the live draw of our Bedford ha van so the competition closes at 300 p.m. this afternoon but I thought we could go out for a little drive and just take it for a spin cuz I haven’t been

    Able to take it for a spin yet so let’s go now first impressions are pretty good it was nice and easy to start we let it warm up a little bit before we have taken it out on the road but yeah nice easy bike point you can really feel

    It yeah no nice gear changes not clunky it was easy to find it but yeah we thought we’d take out for a little drive because we don’t get to do this much anymore especially in the winter you might have noticed with the um car adbert that because the weather’s been so

    Pants we’re not getting to do driving shop as much so we thought we’d do a little drive this morning just to get a little bit of a taste for it okay now I do have to say it feels really sturdy you feel really secure and really grounded to the road which is

    Really really nice we’re now coming up to National speed limit so I’m going to try and let loose a little bit and see what happens so as I mentioned earlier this is on the bridge classic cars competition website for just £7 and we are going to be doing

    The live draw very soon this afternoon so there will be a lucky winner for this car so soon it is so quirky so different and I’m having a lot of fun driving it I do have to say so there we are guys I hope you have

    Enjoyed our to drive out this morning in our Bedford ha and don’t forget the live draw is at 4:00 this afternoon so grab your tickets before 300 p.m. and you could be in with a chance of winning this gorgeous car so we will see you all

    Very soon have a wonderful day see you at B

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