Lord Cameron has warned the US Congress not to repeat the mistakes of the 1930s by blocking a multi-billion pound aid package for Ukraine.

    The Foreign Secretary said the West must not “show the weakness displayed against Hitler”, in an unusually blunt intervention into American politics.

    In an article for The Hill, an influential Washington newspaper read by Capitol Hill policymakers and insiders, he said approving the support for Kyiv was “a matter of global security”.

    #politics #us #ukraine

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    I really don’t care what David Cameron has to say I think that’s rude name calling um and I don’t appreciate that type of language and David Cameron needs to worry about his own country and frankly he can kiss my do you think Putin’s the good guy in all

    This well the European allies and the United Kingdom have done a huge amount this year Britain has announced its package of2 and a half billion pounds the European Union has passed its package now of many billions of pounds and of course right now in Congress the American support for Ukraine is

    Being debated and I urge those congressmen and women to pass that uh Bill to provide that money to provide those weapons to Ukraine they are fighting off illegal Putin aggression and they need our support we should be standing up for Freedom standing up for the right of this country to defend

    Itself and making sure that Putin doesn’t win I hope that will happen but being no doubt we’re going to back Ukraine for as long as it takes I think that’s rude name calling um and I don’t appreciate that type of language and David Cameron needs to worry about his

    Own country and frankly he can kiss my but do you think Putin’s the good guy in all this


    1. This woman is an imbecile. Sadly, this makes her typical of the GOP members of the House of Representatives. One could replace most them with chatbots and get both better decisions and more articulate statements on policy.

    2. Cameron is a dumb a*! Putin is not a Hitler. Great Britain is broke. They can't afford to help Ukraine, but they expect the US to do it for them?! I don't give a rat's a* about Cameron's b.s. views!

    3. The FSB have invested well in this Crazy Lasy … They have Groomed it to believe Bribes from a KGB led Dictatorship ,seeking the fall of all Democracies in the World, are Patriotic Investments in Americas Freedom … I wonder who is its Controller who manipulates it so well as a Pawn of 💩tin ,betraying America whilst believing itself a Patriot … Well planted russia !!!

    4. The nations falling short of the alliance's target in 2023 were France (1.90%), Montenegro (1.87%), North Macedonia (1.87%), Bulgaria (1.84%), Croatia (1.79%), Albania (1.76%), the Netherlands (1.70%), Norway (1.67%), Denmark (1.65%), Germany (1.59%), Czech Republic (1.50%), Portugal (1.48%), Italy (1.46%), Canada (1.38%), Slovenia (1.35%), Turkey (1.31%), Spain (1.26%), Belgium (1.13%) and Luxembourg (0.72%).

      US, POLAND, GREECE contribute over 3%

      As a Brit i am embarrassed by what Cameron said as his government and his part hafe cut out armed forces to the bone.

      The US cannot be expected to take up the slack in Europe

    5. DC is a warmonger. British citizens do not want war. We have enough problems in the UK that need sorting out before we send good money after bad to Uk. If he thinks NATO expansion hasn't contributed to the current situation he's an idiot.

    6. cameron is a complete phone he has come out of retirement to make $millions ..he has seen how much money zelensky and biden have made and he wants ataste of the gravey

    7. The Geneva convention must be updated to make it illegal to profit on insider trading from investing in military corporations. Russia is not the enemy. We have serious corruption in the USA and England does too.

    8. stand up for freedom ukraine have cancelled all elections jailed opposition no democracy in ukraine still the most corrupt country in europe. meanwhile complicit in genocide by an occupying country. how come isreal are allowed to take land that does not belong to them. if this is your rules based order not to hard to see it is floored and usa biggest rule benders on the planet.

    9. She really just needs to say I am not intelligent enough or qualified to understand what Cameron meant or said. Can I go back to my Woke calling targets..

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