We make the quick trip from Amsterdam to Castle De Haar, just outside of Utrecht. The biggest castle in all of The Netherlands is both beautiful, and of course… huge!

    Watch as we explore many of the 200+ rooms of this incredible site of Dutch history. Also, Nate has a nemesis (loud lady), and makes a fried (chill deer).

    amsterdamvlog #netherlands #castledehaar #amsterdam #utrecht #amsterdamtravel #expatsinamsterdam #expats #europetravel

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    ✼ ABOUT US ✼
    We are Nate and Katrina, two American expats living in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and traveling as much as we can to see what there is to see!

    We balance a busy career and grad school while we explore Europe and beyond. We would love to visit every country in Europe while we live here, and definitely keep a list of our global “must visit” destinations.

    We probably won’t look or sound like many other travel vlogs out there! We really want to give you a true view of us and how we travel and explore the world. Lots of food, definitely some jokes, and probably some swearing…. Hope you enjoy taking these trips with us!

    00:00 Castle De Haar Gardens
    02:44 Nate Does Special Effects
    02:47 Nate’s Nemesis
    03:43 Exploring the Inside of the Castle
    15:00 The Deer Park
    17:20 Castle Swans
    18:40 We Don’t Get Fries

    Hey guys we’re here at the largest castle in the Netherlands Castle dear and we are going to go explore inside outside and all around of this Castle Today this is now my rose garden throne so we’re outside of utre in harul harul from what I could tell the village name was a like a mashup of the two families that have had ownership or laid claim to the castle looked like that to me had control of it whatever

    Completely accurate facts only on our Vlog have bugs in my eye summer is hanging on here in the Netherlands into September I think this might be the last day though I know we always talk about the weather on this channel but like I think we’re trying to hang on to a

    Little bit more of Summer before it gets dark and cold and wintry by the time this video posts it’s probably going to be dark and cold and wintry I think it starts tomorrow actually so wish us luck we’ve been wanting to come to one of the castles here in the Netherlands for

    Quite a while we have our Museum cards they get us in for no extra charge which is nice and we came to the biggest One now it’s a be oh no there’s a big be by your head this Garden area is like a maze for like really really short people or like mice or something what’s that quote from Zoolander you know he’s talking about the library at the end he’s like was a

    Library for really really small people or something look at this old car in hot Whoa so I feel like a requirement for all castles should be a moat like I feel like you’re not a real castle unless there’s a moat that goes all the way around to guard said Castle from predators and dragons and pillagers haers all of that the French definitely

    The French this has like a half moat so like I give it points but it doesn’t go all the way around the ground so like come on guys like put some effort into it just kidding it’s nice I almost tried [Applause] Cam I feel like I have a nemesis here at the castle do we have a nemesis everywhere that we go I’m kind of that guy I always don’t like somebody and there’s this one lady here she’s in a yellow skirt well tell them what why you don’t like her she’s incredibly loud she

    Has no filter she keeps walking in front of me I was trying to take a cool cinematic shot for you guys of flowers with the castle behind it and she literally saw me and walked right in front of me to take a picture of the flowers and just everywhere I go she’s

    There I can’t escape her touching parts of the castle they’re probably not supposed to and walking where they’re not supposed oh yeah that’s going to be a great photo put that on [Applause] Facebook So they do speak English so be careful what you say near or them I don’t care I ain’t scarred I so we’re going to start the tour and apparently it starts downstairs in the dungeon there’s 300 rooms in this Castle 30 bathrooms what did I say I’ll have to check on the

    Bathrooms for you but there’s stairs here’s your room right here it’s where you get to sit and think about what you’ve done oh I’m thinking about It usually you exit through the gift shop but here we’re entering through the gift Shop these are tiles that I would see in like my Grandma’s Kitchen in like the ‘ 80s but these are probably from like the 1880s tulips of course apricots could be apricots apricots or apricots say apricots it’s really pretty first room very Nice that’s quite the stor I like that I like lamps that are art pieces as well did you see the Giant pool table that was not a normal pool table that was some sort of like snooker Dutch dinnertime game table Billiards I don’t even know I want to play though they won’t let

    Me so I feel like I’m in the Haunted Mansion it’s dark kind of smells like the Haunted Mansion lot of old stuff in here but it’s cool I like it like the vibe It’s like the biggest fireplace I think I’ve ever seen it’s really cool I think these are the coat of arms of the two families in Here so now we’ve moved on from it being a haunted mansion to a game of Clue I feel like this is a real life Clue game cuz we’re in the Sal salon right now although I think in clue there wasn’t a salon there’s candlesticks around here and there’s probably a murderer

    Too not really maybe it’s probably the lady in the yellow skirt it’s definitely the lady in the mosino yellow Skirt I’ll trade my Pawn for that it’s your own piece Katrina I think I’m actually more impressed by how many fireplaces there are in this Castle then how many bathrooms there are cuz there’s 30 bathrooms 30 bathrooms and 200 rooms but we can only go in like 20 of them how many

    Fireplaces Infinity that’s a lot of fireplaces so they’re playing poker or cards in there we just played chess you don’t know how to move the pieces apparently I so beat you at chess is that a challenge I also beat him at Mario Kart stop it every YSL I don’t even know how to say his name so there’s been a lot of famous people that have been guests here Bridget Baux Coco Chanel who you may have heard about Roger Moore isn’t he like a good looking man from James Bond James Bond Gregory

    Peck nameer I only know that cuz they made a reference to him in sex city you got any of that fresh air around here oh I’m guessing they don’t have air conditioning or Central Heating in a castle from the 1800s but they have gigantic fireplaces to stay warm so ah

    Good point did we mention that the family stays here for one month the family well the family doesn’t own it anymore now it’s in like a trust or something of the dear family the living relatives of the people who used to own it changed hands multiple times they get

    To come here once a year for one month in September which is right now so they could be right above us right now we don’t even know and another fireplace on you right these fireplac are so big I feel like you could just like throw

    People in them I wasn’t going to say it but yeah well I mean think about it what like back in the what 1300s when this was 1391 was when it was first they think is when it was first built this is the rebuilt version that was um

    Reconstructed in the late 1800s I don’t know it had been left to ruin and it had been attacked and burned down the French like tore it down once got to watch out for this French let’s be real though in the late 1800s it was still the Wild Wild West

    They they burn Europe they burned people in their fireplaces I’m sure right don’t listen to her how big it is I just like my whole family in there like oh no I’m oh no help me no you don’t know I need more context here there’s not a lot of like information so I’m

    Just starting to make up stories like being burned in fire it’s either like a little carriage for a baby or what did you say a purse it’s getting pretty dark in this room Jesus you know what one of my takeaways is here Katrina things are small did the

    Duts just get really tall in like the last 130 years cuz yeah things seem short in here well you know Evolution but no not in the last 130 years in the last milon Years Oh no do I push him should I push [Applause] one no like seriously like should I push one what do you think it does I do not think you should push those buttons then why wouldn’t they have it covered and say like do not touch uh cuz there’s no

    Rules I’m not going to do it I’m not going to get kicked out of this Castle we haven’t even got btom stairs yeah they’re two different colors too it’s like red pill blue pill oh Well be everyone’s photo do a PE Signs those smell like plastic love me some stained Glass why do people keep touching things it says don’t touch I think it’s like a I don’t know it’s a compulsive thing that I think some people have or it’s just like it’s like suits of armor they’re cool I I would kind of like to touch them but the scien says don’t touch

    We’re in a historical Castle don’t touch the stuff and why do you need to touch it I want to touch it cuz you’re a little kid at heart but I know better cuz if everyone touches it then there’s grossness on everything all the time so don’t touch it yeah hello not Working why don’t we ever dress up fancy like this you know I don’t have a good answer for that you want to go to like adult prom or something yeah as long as I don’t have to dance this is no tou so I’m not going to touch them to

    Confirm that they’re fake I’m going to look with my eyes and confirm it is that to like beat people I think you you hit the like pillows and stuff right you the dust and stuff off of them like I have to do what she just Did It’s an alligator um it’s been turned into a barometer I thought it was a clock when I first saw but it’s a barometer like dang flat alligator barometer do they have alligators in the Netherlands this must be a gift from like the king of Florida or something any may have to for ex

    Specific oh oh for the people they don’t like they put them in this room cuz there’s no fireplace and a very sad tiny bed I bet Roger Moore wasn’t staying in this Room so not only is this bedroom as big as like almost our entire apartment it has two fireplaces in one bedroom two gigantic fireplaces that match I like that they match I like that they match too this is like life goals I want a castle with a bedroom with two

    Fireplaces I mean you have to have goals I don’t need to be a baron I just need a castle well I don’t think you can be a baron I can be whatever I want to Be I wonder how many people hit their heads on that yeah I was hoping that we could to see the kitchen I’m excited look at all these copper pots though I think they have one of the biggest collection of copper pots definitely in the Netherlands if not maybe the world

    It’s based on no facts that’s just what I Think yeah you can see on some of the ones that might need to be polished yeah yeah yeah they should be polished yeah they still look really nice I like different colors like that yeah look at That I think one of the best things about museums castles like this that are basically museums is you can learn history of the place you are in a very you know three-dimensional interactive way instead of just like reading it on the Internet or on Wikipedia you

    Actually see it right in front of you and it’s pretty nice to look at so are you she sets me up to say that I know she does it on purpose oh yeah there’s deer in front of us yeah but you can’t like they got them fenced off would you

    Want to ride the deer like what do you I mean look at all the people that were touching in there that said do not touch can you imagine if these weren’t fenced off I mean they’d take off number one but like people would just be like you can touch me my Dear if I had been told there was a deer park and there were deer I would have brought deer treats to give them cuz these deer love me and I love them but I did not know so I’m unprepared wow he’s like both really big and cool but also very small he like

    Small deer his name is John yeah John Deer yes I got Her you okay warm this one’s name is Y how you going it’s all good I like this one because of his spots the other guys are a little too like masculine this one’s a little more innocent and sweet if I lived a little bit closer I would come here and see those deer every

    Day would you not every day but like occasionally you know on holidays and things he looks happy he looks like Beethoven he’s got like the long like wig it looks like on most of these statues are usually unhappy so it’s like nice to see one that’s got dead eyes but is Happy is

    That what Beethoven looked like yeah got the Wig it does look like you could walk on it though doesn’t it I think it’d be funny if like a child was running here messing around like they’re not supposed to and just like ran right out on this cuz they think it’s grass look you can

    See it moving though right now when you stop oh yeah it is moving it is some sort of algae or some sort of growth just on top of the water weird oh there’s swans down in it yeah are they getting all green uh probably let’s go

    See the swans swans Love Me Do they I don’t know if swans love Anybody how you doing leap Lea swans are funny cuz they’re gorgeous animals on top but their feet are like monster feet it’s like some prehistoric gross looking webbed monster claw to swim in the water don’t shake your butt at me well at least we know they love Me these are quite the grounds this is a beautiful place and we’re not even I think going going to walk around half of it like this place is pretty big I Thought I Loved mazes but then we went to the highest point in the Netherlands

    And we went to that Labyrinth and we got lost so I guess we just live here now you said die here now well I mean eventually I’ll die here I’m stuck I cannot get out of this Maze and it took a long long time to get out of there way

    Too long and it was super hot and I was hungry and hot and I am not getting lost again right now in a maze because I’m hungry but we finished it we made it to the end of Lain to the middle we got to the middle Labyrinth middle maze exit

    They’re not going to get me today Though well the fry stand is not open cuz we’re slightly out of season here I had a good time at Castle dear yeah it was really pretty you could spend a lot of time here maybe bring your lunch cuz we saw a lot of people kind of eating

    Little picnics awesome area for a picnic biggest castle in the Netherlands hug just you should come here you should come do this Castle come explore it for yourself don’t touch Stuff


    1. Got to say, you're very down to earth, and a bit sarcastic as well.
      (You got Dutch herritage?)
      And you fit in the downplaying by a lot of Dutch themselves since they regard this castle as not being very 'historic'..
      Yet slowly it is getting more and more attention being one of the highlights
      of late neo-gothic architecture of toilets….
      Additional to that,
      the architecture in and outside is spledid ! If one has a non snobbish eye for it.

    2. You two probably don't notice it yourself or you've been living in Amsterdam for too long hahah but you're already starting to get the mentality of a Dutch person hahaha

    3. Awesome video! At 1:55 you talk about the moat and how it doesn't surround the whole castle. Well… you are wrong. The moat does surround the main castle. The structure you are standing in front of is the châtelet, an extension that is detached from the main castle.

      The châtelet is connected by the bridge you used to exit the main castle at 14:04 and it was not part of the original castle. It was designed by Joseph Cuypers, son of Pierre, the architect that directed/designed the restoration in the late 19th century,

    4. About the car taking off and the added special effects. That must be the dumbest, stupidest, most nonsensical thing youve done so far. Added absolutely nothing to the vlog, id even say made it worse. That said, ive watched it over 20 times now and loved it!

    5. I spent Christmas 1960 in that castle as a young kid. I remember there was an electric toy train that occupied a whole room.
      My mother slept in a baldachin bed.
      Very impressive with the snow
      too much tongue-in-cheek sarcasm from that couple however

    6. Holendrzy nie wiedzą co to takiego jest braincrusher and bonebteaker! Podzielę się swoją kolekcją starych horrorów z fanami horror Core Rap! Na thepiratebay nie siedzę! Only PW and no IRC! Fuck chat! Never in SMS! MMS! Że Szwedki blond zrobię psychopatkę uliczną!

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