Sadly, various recent announcements have left Britain’s rail network in a worse state than it was before. But, if things were to be better, (which they will be one day) what lines would make the most strategic sense to re-open?


    DfT – SPAS0201

    CNES / Airbus, Data SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO – Google Earth

    MSDMSD, cisko66 & Daniel Kraft, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    GWR & Ordnance Survey

    Andrew Bone, Peter Moore, Bill Boaden, Brian Marks, mattbuck (category) & Ben Brooksbank, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Czampal & Chris McKenna (Thryduulf), CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


    City Blocks – TrackTribe
    The Trapezist – Quincas Moreira

    Good afternoon unfortunately it hasn’t been a great past few weeks for the railway but it is important not to lose hope there’s still plenty of stuff we can do and plenty of stuff that needs doing even if we’ll be pushed back quite away before that happens so let’s zone

    Out for a few minutes and think of the lines that we’d most like to reopen if we had the chance of course this is going to be highly subjective if there are any lines that I’ve missed out that you think would be prime for reopening please do let me know there are some

    Parts of the country I’m not too familiar with and therefore I might be missing out something Obvious the first line I to reopen would be in the southwest of Scotland Dum free to Str ra via Castle Douglas to be precise this line closed in 1965 but I think it will be incredibly useful today there are several sizable towns along its route particularly Castle Douglas

    And Del bitty unfortunately the area has fallen on hard times with for example many closed shops dominating the high streets however enhanced rail connections May well change this and dum free would stand to gain as well from potential commuters and Shoppers from the surrounding Villages furthermore the route the line took was incredibly

    Scenic and much of the bridges and infrastructure remains it would be an ideal route for ail tours close to various Northern cities but also beautiful and remote that said though the right of way isn’t perfect the line has been built on in several places and

    It’s so bad in Del betti that I sadly think the line will have to be rerooted to the north of the Town rather than through it as it did originally in Castle Douglas the only real option I can see is saying goodbye to the Tesco Superstore but that’s a win for me

    Speaking of the Two Towns I think it would be a good idea if the funds were available of course to avoid the awkward curve that the line used to take between the two and instead build a new tunnel directly under the Hills this would increase the price of the reopening

    Significantly though so it would have to be assessed properly but I’ve not mentioned the main reason why you’d want to reopen this line the fairies the southwestern corner of Scotland is geographically speaking very close to Northern Ireland as as a result it’s one of the busiest Ferry corridors in the UK

    With 11 Crossings a day in each Direction sadly though the transport links to Ken Ryan Port are quite poor in particular the rail links are D the closest station to Ken Ryan is stran Harbor when stenine moved the fering services from stran up the lock to Ken

    Ryan in order to take advantage of the deeper waters and use larger ships the railway station didn’t move if you want to go to stram town you have to walk through an abandoned Ferry Terminal which goes on for quite some way and isn’t very pleasant but if you want to

    Go to can Ryan port and catch a ferry well you’re miles away to solve this I would actually close the section of track that runs through stran ra town instead I would reopen the section of track that runs north and continue it on to K Ryan stran ra station will be moved

    To the new curve this would be quite away from the Town Center however there is plenty of space for new development creating almost a hub of its own up at Ken Ryan I would rebuild the port to allow for better connections between trains and feries this wouldn’t just be

    For passengers too coupled with the Redevelopment of the Belfast Harbor area freight trains could be reinstated to Northern Ireland strengthening the economy and reducing Emissions on the subject of emissions the line might as well be electrified from the get-go this would allow say four or five trains a

    Day to or from London to to operate up the West Coast Mainline with no need for diesel haage as for the more regular stopping Services I’d run an hourly extension of the Newcastle to carile trains which would run through to Ken Ryan I hope I’ve made the case for Dum

    Free to strand ra well but unfortunately it seems as if the government has other ideas by sheer coincidence whilst I was writing this video the Prime Minister rishu sunak announced that some of the money saved from the cancellation of hs2 north of Birmingham will be spent on upgrading in presumably that means

    Widening the a75 a road that runs between dumre and strand ra the choice to accommodate extra traffic from Great Britain to Northern Ireland by Road feels a shortsighted one that runs contrary to our aims as a society with huge growth of the route that doesn’t currently have many connections we have

    Been presented with an opportunity to design a corridor almost from scratch and making rail a large part of it would be enormously beneficial I highly doubt that anyone is listening but if any government advisers do happen to be watching this video then I strongly urge you to rethink your decision more roads

    Is not the direction we want to be going in the second new line would be one that serves Glaston Brian Street in the southwest of England the two towns are sizable enough to have a railway Connection in their own right but what makes their lack of one particularly

    Ridiculous is the positioning of the glastenbury festival this is one of the largest music festivals in the world but at the moment the closest railway station is Castle kry requiring bus transfers to and from the festival a direct rail connection therefore would both improve the experience of Festival goers and boost our International

    Credibility indeed there originally was a railway that ran directly through the Festival site its track bed remains and I have no doubt it could be reinstated if anything it would become an attraction in its own right another reason for this reopening would be to increase the housing stock of Bristol

    I’ll explain this this in more detail later but it would include various infrastructure improvements to existing lines and it would hopefully help to solve Bristol’s crippling housing crisis as for the line’s right of way I’ll present you with two options which vary massively in costs but also in Returns

    The first and by far most beneficial will be an entirely new almost High Speed Line running from FR and rejoining the mainline down at taon this will provide a faster and more direct route for trains running from London to Penzance and Plymouth if electrified to improve acceleration two you could

    Almost certainly add a stop at glastenbury and still reduce Journey times overall whilst I think it would be worth it it would be extremely expensive so the second option provides a cheaper alternative this would see the section of the famous Somerset and Dorset joint Railway reopen from the branch just

    South of brutin up to a new station at Glen ban Street it would be able to follow the original trajectory of the line in most places though a few slight diversions or compulsory purchases would be needed where it has been built on sadly though so many buildings have been

    Constructed on the site of the line in glastenbury itself that I just couldn’t justify running it along its original path instead I would divert the Line south so that it stopped at a new station in between glastenbury and Street to make up for this there must be very high quality cycling and walking

    Routes into the respective towns and there should be a decent bus connection as well the branch would terminate here so it wouldn’t be very long at all being a stub you also wouldn’t get any sped up Journeys to the Southwest services along the branch will be half hourly one train

    Per hour will be an extension of the existing services that run from Bristol and terminate at westbr the second service would be an extremely long extension of the current filter Bristol trains all of this would coincided with an electrification of most local lines around Bristol creating an almost metro

    Style service unlike the current Metro West which is just two diesel trains an hour these upgrades would also happen if we were to take the first option of an entirely new line to Taunton but anyway why are we doing this well Bristol has a very severe housing shortage it’s a city

    That has grown a lot recently but its lack of housing Supply is holding it back if combined with sensible high density development around stations of course then improved rail links to more places can see the radius in which people can comfortably Liv Broan increased potentially relieving the city of some of its

    Problems so those are the two railway lines I’d reopen first if I had the power hopefully I didn’t sound too ridiculous and you’re able to enjoy it even if you don’t know the areas anyway that’s all from me goodbye thank you for watching GW villager please like subscribe and share

    Thank you please also join our Discord server a link to it will be in the description down below [Applause]


    1. There are many now densely populated towns in west yorkshire, particularly the leeds bradford areas with no stations for miles, like Cleckheaton

    2. I would suggest that re-opening the railway from Carmarthen station to Aberystwyth with a branch line from Lampeter to Aberaeron.
      This will provide a much needed South to North route between what is TfWs three seperate networks where trains have to actually leave Wales to travel via Shrewsbury to link between the networks.
      It would be a good idea for electrification of the whole route from Cardiff central, through Swansea and Carmarthen to Lampeter, Aberaeron and Aberystwyth.

      A much needed link for Wales.

    3. The coastal line between Exeter and Torquay is regularly closed due to weather related track and infrasstructure damage.Trains to Plymouth and onward to Penzance are curtailed by the closures.
      Now that the Exeter to Okehampton section is up and running again it would make sense to reconnect the line between Okehampton and Gunnislake, thereby ensuring train services to Plymouth and through Cornwall are maintained

    4. As much as I would love alot of routes to re open with the Political climate we have I can't see it happening ,other than in the home counties ,Scotland and in election manifestos 😂

      Since the closure of the S&D and other branches in this area, the population of these towns has more than TRIPLED. The road network despite a few half hearted improvements are minimal, and the hilly nature of the surrounding Mendips area increases costs for road or rail construction. Most importantly for any public transport financial viability, the major flow of demand in the area must be understood. This major flow or corridor is between Glastonbury/Street & the major conurbation of Bristol.

      So a railway linking Glastonbury with Frome & Taunton is of virtually no use. Further such a route would require most business to change at Westbury into the infrequent Cardiff – Weymouth or Cardiff – Salisbury services, both of which go via Bristol T.M, greatly extending journey time & ticket prices. Making such journeys slower than the current bus services, and financially unviable.

      Glastonbury is more important as an all year round tourist attraction, (Glastonbury Abbey) than the problematic pop concert. Which would cause any train service direct to Glastonbury, problems of acquiring short term use of extra stock for this troublesome concert !!!

      A direct route from Glastonbury to Bristol would become a lot more viable if it could also link Bristol Airport as well. This Airport has grown rapidly in recent years & currently is only connected by buses & taxis charging extortionate fares to/from Bristol T.M. station. Indeed this Airport charges a minimum of £5 for anyone to be dropped off or picked up even by a taxi. You can't get near this Airport without paying this charge. Even the bus service to/from Bristol charges £8 (which includes the Airports minimum £5 charge), all of which makes the case for a railway line via the Airport more financially viable.

      Possibilities for reopening could use parts of the ex GWR branch from Yatton into the Mendips. Alternatively bits of the old S&D route, all depending on exactly which course was chosen. A rail route between Bristol & Glastonbury & Street would most likely have to include at least one tunnel, and possibly a few expensive largish bridges. Making the financial case harder to justify. However the rapidly increasing population of the whole area of North Somerset, and its growing transport needs, will have to be addressed by Government sooner rather than later !

    6. Reopen worcester Stourbridge Dudley Walsall Bownhills Lichfield Alrewas Burton Derby. Idral for passengers but more particularly for freight trains.

    7. I've done this road route to Cairnryan several times and yes, it's awful!! An even better idea would be to build a tunnel to NI with a vehicle RoRo terminal around Carlisle/Gretna Green area and that would save the roads from the high volume of heavy traffic. (Yes, I suffer Sea sickness at the slightest puff of wind!!!) 😂

    8. There are so many that i can think of but I'm going to focus on 5 that are local to me:
      1: Perth to Dunfermline, in order to speed up journey times between Perth and Edinburgh (which are currently slower then they were in the 19th Century), provide a better rail link between Perth and Dunfermline and to serve the towns of Kinross (which also has a park and ride facility, which could be moved and incorporated) and Kelty.
      2: Perth to Laurencekirk, to provide faster journeys between Glasgow, Perth and Aberdeen, i would divert the route to serve the towns across north Perthshire and Angus without rail service, via Blairgowrie, Alyth, Kirriemuir, Forfar and Brechin, with a branch from either Alyth or Forfar to Dundee for better connections from Dundee to North Angus.
      3: Perth to Crianlarich, although the only major settlement in the area is Crieff, there are also smaller settlements along the line such as Methvan, Comrie and Lochearnhead which could do with better connections, it is also a very scenic route which would be popular with Tourists, and provides an East-West link across Scotland north of the central belt, with a connecting line from Lochearnhead to Dunblane via Callander, a popular tourist town, which would be served by an extended Dunblane to Edinburgh and Glasgow service to Lochearnhead and the occasional service from Edinburgh to Oban.
      4. Leven to Leuchars, with the reopening of the section of line to Leven, this would be a perfect compliment to that, serving the east fife towns and villages such as Elie, Anstruther, Crail and most importantly the university town of St Andrews, relieving pressure off of the cramped shuttle bus service to Leuchers and allowing a direct train between Edinburgh and St Andrews for University students.
      5: Alloa to Dunfermline, another key East-West connection across Scotland, allowing direct trains from Glasgow to Fife, with a possible link between this line at Alloa and the Perth to Dunfermline line at Kinross via Dollar an option too

    9. This is part of the old Glasgow & South Western railway, a system that should never have been destroyed by Marples and his useful idiot Beeching./ This is the idiocy of a past TORY Government the should have been halted by Haroold Wilson. The north Cornwall lines are another example of the stupidity of the whole business, meanwhile they waste vast some fo money on HS2. I think the help of a psychiatrist would be benificial !

    10. If the ECML would be electrified today we would only have Leeds – Hornsey FFS , why not cut back the maines north of York next week too, sounds like the whole networks gotta go from fishy rishy

    11. should also make a companion video on new railways needed like a Dawlish bypass and where hsr is needed. because some of these likes are better off being replaced with a new alignment

    12. Dumfries to Lockerbie. It could have a rail link to Edinburgh and beyond.
      Beattock and Moffat. The only way to get to Lockerbie is via two buses (X74, 81) that runs for ages.
      Edit: the latter is outdated

    13. Well, in my part of the world, I would certainly like to see the link between Uckfield and Lewes restored. Closer to home the line from Shoreham Junction to Christs Hospital and its counterpart, the line north from Christ's hospital to Guildford. Unhelpfully, rather than preserve the route, Horsham Council have just buit a new estate on the Shoreham to Christ's Hospital route just outside Southwater.

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