The broadcast show featured around the world in full. 8 parts

    Hello and welcome to Three Sisters here near Wigan for round seven of the British mini Banks Championship featuring classes for juniors that 2024 will become the official road to Moto GP Junior world series based in the UK earlier I spoke to the championship organizer and a BSB team principal to

    Ask all about the plans for 2024 how they have come about and how to get your kids involved in the world of motorcycle racing from the age of six The Three Amigos or the three Allens here tell from TDI media introducing Alan Lord who’s the championship organizer for the British minibikes

    Championship I’ve been doing that for a number of years and Alan Gardner joins us as well from OMG racing buty Super bik Champions we’re here this weekend for round seven of the British mini bites Championship but it’s as a Prelude to what’s going on for next year some

    Very exciting things tell us a few things about what’s going on there yeah well next season we’ve got a massive change in the championship we are converting over to mainly a junior Championship which is a junior progression Championship the idea is to take kids from six years old right the

    Way up to 14 introduce them into two whe Motorsport obviously track racing as you can see today and then through a progression scale and a training scale take them up to someday we hand them back to Big championships well trained well honed and hopefully very fast kids

    And Alan Gardner that is from OMG what’s going to be your involvement uh I’ve always tried to um help younger parts of the sport as much as possible um I believe the younger boys boys and girls start riding the more experience they’re going to get the faster they’re going to

    Get and on a selfish point of view if I can help the championship in any way maybe in 10 years time I get a s bike ride to come and want to ride for me because I’ve helped them out when they were six or seven years old um and it

    Just gives them a better grounding in how a paddock Works how how racing works Allan always has done a fantastic job um so when they get to um our Paddock with British super bikes they understand how a paddock works it’s quite you know for anybody coming in they’re blind as such

    Um it’s quite daunting I think so um the way Alan runs a paddock is very very similar uh it’s very strict in the way it should be and safety conscious um and and he just gets the kids getting as quick as possible as fast as possible as

    In from an early age and and helps me so um I think it’s only fair that I help him the idea of having a child from that young and having them in a proper environment where you’ve got doctors paramedics ambulances trained Marshals trained you know Oran organizing team

    Around them to make that as safe as it possibly can be applied especially next year because we’re running under the ACU part of the fim and DNA World Series we have the best possible you know safety level we can possibly give those children so I think it’s Keen to get

    That over that’s what this is all about it’s not just chucking a kid out on a bike saying hope you go let’s get you fast it’s about doing it in a safe you know clean fast environment with the right tuition the right progression which is what we all want we want kids

    To be safe start off with your very very young which start from 6 years old on the mini motos they’re restricted obviously they’ll stay on those bikes probably up until 10 the next class up is at the aali and mini GP 110 class which is 10in wheel so next size up next

    Size and power and you start from 9 from that up to 13 once they get through that class they then go to the mini GP 160 novali 160 which is also part of the fim World Series which is a massive thing for the kid kids especially their development and their promotion

    Throughout the world for this a big series we’ll get into into a minute they then go up to the mini GP 190 which starts from 12 year old up until 16 which is the age I think in a couple years time where we’ll be handing them

    Up to the biger Bine classes at the moment it’s 14 but I think the way it’s going that will extend further so it’s our job throughout that progression to get them sturly through the ranks without rushing them and get them through with steady progression getting slightly bigger slightly faster

    Machinery as they get more experience under the belt so at the end of The Times They say when they’re in the90s and it’s the 14 or 16 year olds they’re ready to to start racing other ACU bigger circuit championships and the biggest question we get uh that hasn’t

    Been answered yet in all of that just go through the sort of speeds that the viewers will expect the kids to be doing today and the the slow the mini moto smaller bikes and then progressing up to the mini GP bikes what sort of speed is

    It get up to here at Three Sisters this is quite a fast track this is a fast circuit for the mini motors in fact you’ll see that we’ve made an infield for the the mini motors here to keep the speeds down but you’ll see them topping

    Out about 55 60 MPH probably the maximum speed obviously their average speed is quite a lot lower than that but that be the top speed in the mini motos one 10s about the 70 mph bracket but they’re fourstroke geared bikes so there’s a lot more talk involved in them there they

    Put put along quicker and then once they get from that age you’re up to the 160s which again is another horsepower and a slightly bigger wheel and you’re up to about 80 mph and then the 190 bikes will do between 90 and 95 mph on some of the

    Bigger circuits and say that’s a top speed that’s not the average speed the average speed is far lower than that so next year then World Series just talk a little bit about how that’s all come about okay we were asked by DNA we we did help out with the World Series a few

    Years back which was very very popular um we’ve been asked by DNA to as part of their road to motor GP you know series and promotion to host the fim 160 and fim 190 Championship which are ovali only it’s an ovali class this is a World Series every country in the world is

    Taking part in this top three riders in each of those classes will be invited to their local Moto GP like for us it will be possibly motor GP silverston where they’ll go and take part in interviews promotions and that sort of thing the winners of each of those respective

    Championships top three will go to race in Valencia in Moto GP weekend in their particular classes the a Val 160 and the a Val 190 this is a circuit that’s been built by Donna and the fim they provide the bikes they provide the Leathers they provide all the equipment all the

    Promotion it’s a massive thing for kids to be part of to be part of this world stage during the minor Moto GP final round where all the eyes are on them all of the current Moto GP stars from that that particular country come and help you know there in the padic helping them

    With it and also helping promote it and generally looking helping to look after the kids it’s a massive thing in the promotion level it’s huge yeah and we don’t tend to see this in four-wheel racing do we it’s all about how much money people have got and they don’t get

    That opportunity that ually the kids here will get next year so anybody watching this now not involved in the sport doesn’t even know the sport goes on plenty of people don’t are not aware that the there’s this sort of level of activity going on if they want to get

    Involved in it we’ll put the link down to the website but what’s the easiest way to do that probably through the the website itself which is ww. British minib could get much simpler than that all the information will be on there at the moment the World Series

    Side of it hasn’t been listed very shortly we’ll do um or you can go on our Facebook page which again is British minibikes um again it doesn’t get much simpler than that okay guys well thanks for much for your time we’ll get underway with the racing first racer Jake Sanson the

    Commentator how the great positions Jake thank you very much Alan Max Robinson and Kaden Herring are going to be starting on the front row of the grid for the sioto JSM 90 second race of the weekend Ella mosgrove and Charlie Dickinson with Dan Tonton and Charlie Maguire on the third row William

    Dickinson and Rex Armand and then Dylan cook Tommy Dickinson Ryan Merin and a nonstarter unfortunately Carter Spinx will not be taking up the start of this particular race but hopefully we’ll be back for the next one so Robinson versus Herring on the front row of the starting

    Grid should be interesting to see what we can get to learn from Kaden herring in the first couple of laps ellm mosgrove with a good chance to break through that front row of the grid off the initial start but it’ll be that run to Paddock bend that will really

    Determine things so we wait for starters orders is it going to be a clean break yes it is and no problem at all for our poll sitter Max Robinson who has launched forward through through Paddock Ben through the right and up towards the left-hander already getting into a very

    Confident stance and as they work their way through on the club circuit it is a very cool K and collected Max Robinson that leads the way Ella mosgrove working her best to try and get back into the action once again as they work their way forward it is already a very confident

    Max Robinson looked like Ella was having trouble selecting a gear there this is race two of the weekend the first race took place uh the day before we’re here we’re here to film uh is two and three of most of the classes today just to uh

    Clear up any confusion why this is race two and not race one so now the two leaders already starting to get well clear as Charlie Dickinson starts to smell blood with Ellen mosgrove there in third position but mosgrove doing her best to drop Charlie Dickinson as they

    Work their way now up penri climb working their best to go up and not once they get to the top of that Peak they’re going to drop down coward Summit this is where you really start to sense that Kaden Herring is just read in the tone

    Of Max Robinson up front they go through Dunlop there still a few damp patches around the course but Kaden Herring has got good confidence coming up to the first Corner again oh and down in the background that’s Dickinson Charlie Dickinson just overstepping that’s exactly what we were talking about the

    Damp patches it’s so easy to get caught out on cold tires yeah the weather forecast today is mixed you can see easily there looking at the tarmac you can see areas of damp and dry and clearly Charlie’s been caught out there I think he’s okay think he’s up but

    Won’t be going any further Jake I don’t think so no indeed and that’s going to leave Robinson and Herring dueling away up front and they are trading apexes now there is Charlie Dickinson trying to get back to the bike unfortunately his race is over a fabulous little battle cooking up

    Here for fourth position that’s Dan tanton on the number five bike and Charlie Maguire hunting him down as they come up the valley going to work their way towards the ess’s meanwhile this fabulous pair Robinson and Herring absolutely going at it and Kaden Herring is giving Max Robinson all kinds of

    Aggro as they work their way along the Conrad straight they go reasonably carefully up penrith kly because you’ve got to be so intuitive in The Damp conditions if you want to go flat on the throttle through that right-hander you’re going to get caught out so you

    Have to be a little bit cautious up the inside no you can’t just go gung-ho into the Dunlop Bend you have to be quite fluid on the throttle and again Kaden Herring just seeking the position on the course where he can really challenge Max Robinson you don’t just want to go

    Gung-ho crazy and take the lead you have to be very measured as they come out of paddock Bend and up towards the valley again now trying to go the long way round is there grip there is indeed and that is a brilliant move from Kaden Harry that is a fantastic move by Kaden

    For the lead congratulations to him can he clear off now looks like he’s got some pace you’re right Jake coming off coward Summit into the rander at Dunlop with the conditions they won’t have seen Charlie going down behind but we know already ourselves is a ble of a fourth

    We’re looking at now we know ourselves how tricky that corner can be so now we’re going to see if Charlie Maguire can start to deal with Dan tanton you can see will Dickinson in the background there as well trying to mix himself into this little battle now let’s look back

    Again at that move from Kaden hering he’s on the outside and this is all about confidence he is well measured there he knows that he’s got grip and traction he’s going to make it work on the throttle powering around the outside up the valley yeah you can see how far

    He’s leaning over as well so got lot lot of confidence he can see the difference between the damp part of the track and the dve part he went for it and made it stay fast his lap to Max Robinson yeah he wants to get back in on Kaden

    Herrings so he’s not going to let him run away with it here are the pair of them as they’ve gone up the valley through the SES again and they’ve got closer yeah he is closer but they got to be careful about traffic here that’s Dylan cook in front of them and he’s

    Going to go either side of him goodness me both very brave Riders one going left one going right Dylan cook must have had a little bit more of a heart flatter there as he went through their next Target is going to be Rex Arman but look at the measure of Max Robinson trying

    His best to fight as we go into the final lap he’s only going to get one last crack at this he’s going to try and get up alongside this is going to be brave if you’re going to take it back he has got a wheel in front they lean into

    The rander up penrith Kim Max Robinson has taken the race lead but can he hold it cuz Kaden ing is not going to surrender this they’re going to go very close together as they drop down coward Summit for the last time breaking in for Dunlop the final corner and is it going

    To be enough for Kaden Herring it is not Max Robinson is going to get there first great battle between the two of them in the closing stages both men deserving to take the win and only covered by a quarter of a second of the flag very nicely handled indeed so it is Max

    Robertson that just seals the deal from Kaden Herring Ella mosgrove with a very comfortable third position in front of of Daniel tanton then Charlie Maguire ahead of William and Tommy Dickinson Rex arm and Alpa drift in eighth position from Dylan cook and cter Spinx who does

    Come home in P10 cracking race to kick off the show and we’re straight into mini moto 10 Jake yeah the 10 mmers of a Riders aged 6 to9 so this is really the birth of these Riders careers and Legacies Jensen anel and Kai hawen front row of the starting grid Ken Ratcliffe

    And Sam Whitaker in front of Austin dils with plenty of talent trying to catch them up and this is going to be a tricky one to the very left of your screen Jensen anel taking up the position from pole Kai hawen alongside and we are going to get to see what these

    Youngsters aged just 6 to N I wouldn’t have let my son ever go with this I tell you but I tell you what these guys are going to give us a plenty good show as they work their way through to the hairpin and they work their way now

    Instead of going around The Hairpin they’re going to go through the s’s at Paddock Bend and then they’ll go up along the Rogerson straight so they won’t use the valley section and it’s going to be a shorter configur duration but Jensen anel has got himself a decent

    Start Wilson dils trying to get himself solidly into the top five as these youngsters get straight on with the action and already Kai hawen under some pressure is that Carin Ratliff getting through there to get into second position I think he’s managed to get

    Just a wh in front no that is the slow starting Kai hawen getting himself back into that second position so he may have had a bit of a tricky start he’s definitely getting back on with it yeah 6 to n year olds on these bikes you can

    See how fast they’re going around about 55 mph but the time they get to the end of the straight turn one that’s Kai hawen pictured there the 20 bike from cornall running second but for how long looks like he’s uh he’s fancy in the lead here as he come down tanic straight

    One more time this is a brilliant comeback from Kai hawen having had a bit of a difficult start look at him he’s very confident indeed on the throttle there through the first hairpin just sizing up the opportunity but kayin Ratcliffe is coming back at him as well

    Here you’ve got to remember that on a circuit like this with riders at the age of 6 to the circuit is changing lap to laap sadly we’ve lost Wilson dils he’s now retired from the race which is very unfortunate cuz he was knocking on the

    Door of the top five for this one but uh the race circuit changes lapto laap in these conditions so the Riders are having to learn as they go yeah not short sure what happened to Wilson but he looks like he’s out of the race well officially that’s what the graphic says

    He’s retired from the race so no more Wilson in this one but we may see him uh later on as they come down the Leander here you can see this is a much shorter circuit obviously these much smaller bikes you wouldn’t want to be on the international circuit on these bikes the

    Gearing would be ridiculous and although I think they have run them out here be previously this is what’s known as the club circuit here at three sisters and very close at the head of the field it’s D anel that leads it from hawen and Ratcliffe time in little bit behind but

    Catches up in the end yeah and Sam Whitaker currently running in front of Emilio Pereira and then Daisy pen in P6 at the moment in front of Ree saxel be I think that might be re saxelby with the rainbow boots it’s a 57 bike there wasn’t a 57 bike entered in this

    Particular class that doesn’t mean that uh the rider hasn’t had a problem with the bike earlier in the weekend and been able to get a spare bike from a friend yeah I mean it’s a lot of camaraderie in the padic if people have a problem with

    A bike people will loan bikes um but there’s no 57 bike in this race according to the timing oh here we go this might be the first real crack from Kai hawen they’ve suddenly started dropping kin ratliffe who had a bit of a go in the initial phase of the race it

    Is Ree saxelby that is on the 57 bike for this one so he’s clearly been able to get something from somebody else over the course of the race into the final lap we go and Kai hawen really starting to hustle Jensen anel at this point and

    Look at that a 55925 for the lap on the club circuit pretty quick for this stage of the race he’s got one shot really as they go the far way round the outside at Luna that is very brave to be put on that particular particular part of the

    Course and then to have to deal with it as we now watch Sam Whitaker being caught by Emilio Pereira in their final lap battle for fourth place but does Kai hawen have anything to handle with Jensen anel as they come into the final section they go through out towards the

    ‘s they will drop their way through and there’s only going to be one real chance now for Kai Hawkin he’s going to need to be very strong on the throttle there’s going to be one chance on the inside line no that’s well covered by Jensen

    Anel he’s got to hope that he’ll get a better exit off the turn and go faster on the throttle but I think Jensen anel is just going to be able to hang on to that jacket flag is out and he’s done it again the Jensen anel controlling the

    Pace there in front of Kai Hawkin it’s going to be a way back until kin Ratliff there he is comes through to finish off the job and seal the podium meanwhile number 10 Samuel Whitaker has dealt with Emilio Pereira on the final lap and checked out just a little bit to give

    Himself that little bit of breathing space so amilio Pereira has to settle for fifth position on this occasion in front of Daisy bden so Jensen anel then taking the victory by just under a quarter of a second from Kai Hawkin kayin Ratliff there in P3 from Sam wha

    And Emilio Pereira Daisy pen P6 in front of Ree saxelby and Austin dils who sadly retired from the race but the mini moto 10 millimeters will’ll be out again a little bit later on in the meeting great stuff though between anel and hawen right next up we have the 14 mm

    Counterparts now this is for the Riders aged between 7 and 10 we’ve already got a very competitive gri Taylor Tomlinson and Preston Baker Sebastian gaki and Mason Frederick then Bradley Curtis and Josh Perkins Logan cousins Rex Austin and Archie Hooper away we go not a bad start from Preston Baker trying to hold

    On with Taylor Tomlinson in the lead as we watch the number 12 diving through to maintain the position that’s Archie Hooper having started dead last now working his way through one by one taking it nice and easy out through Luna and Taylor Tomlinson looking good at the

    Front end of the field where is Preston Baker there he is still in second position already a very spirited bunch of competitors this slightly quicker of course the 14 mm category and slightly older as well rers aged 7 to 10 as they work their way again on the club circuit

    So they go through The Hairpin there at the end of the Conrad straight and this is Taylor Tomlinson to lose at the moment isn’t he he’s got great confidence on the opening tour he has indeed looks like he’d be in a different County by the end of the race it is

    Worth pointing out as well you will see uh Riders uh taking part in the 10 mil and the 14 mil they just want as much track time as possible the point about that is these are cart circuits were’re on so practice days tend to be for

    People in carts not on mini bikes so the only time you’ll get track time on some of these tracks will be to come to an event like this a British championship event you will have people this weekend in various classes I know um Annabelle McCarthy for example coming up in the

    190 race I talking to her her dad earlier and he said this is the first time in a 190 oh what a move from Seb ly that was absolutely fantastic there he managed to go from the outside of Luna Bend chopped across on the exit and managed to get across the radius of

    Preston Baker very nicely handled and now that he’s got through Mason federick fances his chances to get into third position off the inside of that final here but you got to be so careful and he’s gone straight through the damp patch there the youngster from Newbury absolutely determined he sees the Gap

    And he wants to go for it this is from second all the way down to seventh you’ve got gazi B fedick Perkins Curtis and cousins and this is a really solid race battle we’ve got now as Bradley Curtis is desperately trying to keep Josh Perkins honest as they go through

    Up onto Luna Bend and onto the conrod straight again Taylor Tomlinson just uh well he’s well out out front but look at this battle this is fantastic lots of people if when you race at this level you will find somebody at your level generally that you can play with and

    Here we’ve got uh six of them at it we’ll see you later’s alligators Taylor Tomlinson is long gone up front he’s just enjoying the show now but gazi Preston Baker Mason fedick in front of Josh Perkins Bradley Curtis and Logan cousins I tell you what Mason fedick is

    Looking really hungry here in fourth position he is not going to let up Preston Baker cannot afford to make a single mistake in this race can he because Mason fedck is all over him like a bad habit and this melee of riders giving us a very good show indeed

    Exhaustin now has managed to get past Archie Hooper as well by the way so as you were mentioning earlier Alan it’s great to see that everybody is just able to race each other Preston baker has got back up again to Sebastian gazi so this is going to be very close indeed between

    These two they’re trying to get rid of Mason fedick but which of them is going to take second place Preston Baker still hustling Sebastian gazi coming up to The Hairpin nicely cut across there from gaki just chopping across the front wheel of Preston Baker there’s nothing malicious

    About that at all that’s just a statement of intent you’re not going to get through on the inside line he’s positioned the bike in exactly the position to allow him to control the pace of that particular Corner Preston Baker may have the fastest app of the

    Race because ly he’s putting his bike in all the right places to thwart Baker’s Onslaught yeah interesting isn’t it he’s in third place on track well behind this man the race leader picked out for you but he’s got the fastest lap of the race Preston Baker in third place currently

    But for how long here he comes they’re going to go side by side along the corner Rod straight he had to bail out of it because he knows that inside corner is not going to be easy to hold on The Damp conditions you can have one

    Final crack at gazi here up in front though Tomlinson is going to control this Victory to the check it flag it’s been absolutely masterclass from him as he comes through he just cruises across the line Authority now Preston Baker is going to try and race gazi to the line

    Oh my goodness look at that 7,000 of a second in it between Baker and gazi and it is Preston Baker that gets there first gazi pushing so hard he ran onto the grass and it’s kicked him off on the grass Verge so tricky but well done to

    Sebasi for pushing it all the way to the line he’ll be disappointed to come home third instead of second Tomlinson has the win Baker and gazal have the photo finish on on the podium Mason federick fourth from Josh Perkins and Logan cousins Bradley Curtis coming home in

    Seventh position ahead of Rex Austin and Archie Hooper and if you thought that race was good they’ll be back for more in race three a little later on right our attention now switches over to the OMG racing Mini GP 110 race Hudson Cooper and Parker jazari on the front

    Row of the grid Chloe gleon and Valentino Kimmy Kirk Max Robinson and Josh Herring Leo CIO and Kaden Herring then Oliver pitcher is the ninth Rider in this is going to be an interesting one of course in mini GP 110 from the OMG racing fold these guys have an

    Incredible pedigree behind them and they are for Riders aged 8 to 12 off we go and a fabulous start from the front of the grid no problems at all for Hudson Cooper to control it they certainly got himself up to a good start we’re switching back to the international

    Circuit now of course so they’ve gone round The Hairpin at padic Bend now they go around the tighter twistier section as they go up the valley for the first time it’s looking a little bit drier there now than it was earlier on in the day so that should help them on the

    First lap but already the OMG 110 class giving us plenty of excitement up front but it’s predictable as ever up in the sharp end of the field as Hudson Cooper is looking to stretch his Advantage up front yeah Alan Lord the organizer was telling you earlier on this 110 class

    Fourstroke bikes geared bikes 70 mph they will be doing at the end of the straight and the ages are Jake 8 to 12 and that’s the same age as the British Cadet carting in uh the four-wheel discipline and these guys are going considerably faster on two wheels than

    The British Cadets do in carting on four so this is very brave stuff up the inside already getting very aggressive to make the move into second position lovely bit of discipline there from Valentino kimy Kirk to get up into second place there in front of Parker

    Jazari yeah I think his dad was covering all the Motorsport bases when he was born Jake Valentino Rossi Kimmy reichen obviously his two favorites on two and four wheels he’s gone with a two- whe variety and why not yeah he’s clearly the doctor and the Iceman rolled into

    One isn’t he so Valentino Kimmy Kirk now in front of chisari and gleon Khloe gleon looking fairly confident in these opening couple of laps as well now she has a chance to go after Parker jazari and watch out for Josh Herring he’s obviously had a little bit of experience

    In the class earlier on so that should give him a little bit of behind the scenes knowledge as it were of how the circuit is currently fairing he can now start to have a look at these three but they are absolutely Relentless Kirk jazari and gleon almost three a breasted

    As they come up to the run up pen climb and that was in very brave STS from bazari to try and hustle Kirk into a mistake but valet has got himself there into a very solid second position the 9-year-old no worries you’re not going to get past me with any cheap overtakes

    Today yeah Chloe gleon there as well doing the best to keep the boys honest no doubt that’s Parker cesari pictured man from Scotland bit of a trek down to Wigan he’s currently running third back left-handed now over the valley that is Chloe she’s from Sussex so these Riders

    Have had a bit of a trek to get here to wiger no doubt about it but why wouldn’t you this is one of the best circuits carting circuits in the country that you would race a mini bike on and I tell you what the technical challenge of this

    Circuit with its damp patches and its varying radiuses definitely make things very difficult at this level there’s the details of Leo solu I actually mispronounced that at the start apologies Leo you can definitely get me back for that one later here’s the opportunity from B Zari though again he

    Goes alongside and level with Kirk it’s difficult to really commit to that inside Apex it tightens very quickly on the run up penrith Clive you’ve got to have nerves of Steel to hold that together because you’ve also got to trust the rider alongside you that they’re going to give you enough space

    To run parallel and on that tighter corner you just don’t want to take the risk yeah it’s interesting this isn’t it as well we know that uh Valley’s 9 years of age look at the difference between the of Valley there on that bike and the man in behind Parker’s ey you can see

    Physically Parker a lot bigger so you suspect he’s probably at the the higher end of the age spectrum and whereas Valley still at nine still at the younger age yeah and that’s the difficulty you know when you’re 8 to 12 you’ve got all those different growth spurts all those different frames and

    Sizes of Ryder so that really does play into it it’s much more physical in terms of the discipline as a junior Sport and say carting would be or rally cross would be so it is a very different discipline now again Parker chazar has got great confidence off Luna they go

    Side by side up the Conrad strike you just can’t commit to that inside line cuz the thing is they’re Sportsman here they want to make sure they’ve got enough space to play with you don’t just charge up the inside and let the rider in front fall over you’ve got to do it

    Clean yeah there’s got to be respect between the Riders they know if you come off at 70 mph at the end of the straight here going up uh over the hill it’s a big crash to have so there’s got to be respect between the Riders if you’re going to

    Make the move you have to make it you have to make it clean Teddy who’s being really smart here Khloe gleon fourth position she’s just positioning her bike in exactly the right position hunting down Kirk and chisari observing watching focusing on where the weak spots are and should be ready yeah absolutely learning

    About what the two Riders In Front are doing she can actually pick up the pieces here in the last couple of laps if she just plays it cool and stay smart absolutely that was Josh Herring going through the picture as well he’s there in fifth bit lonely for Josh nobody to

    Play with at the moment but these three definitely enjoying the weekend so far here we go again chisari not quite getting the line off Luna Ben that he’d got on the previous couple of encounters but this time able to still run fairly close now that’s interesting from one

    Corner to the next you really get to see who’s got the advantage in individual Corners Valentino Kim Kirk very strong on the run up penrith clyve just a little bit tentative through the final turn this is where jaar can pick up the pieces again got a much better purchase

    On the throttle but again Kirk is really confident going into turn one last lap as they go through the line the stter was holding the uh the sign out Hudson koopen clearly out front he’s got the fastest lap just over a minute on this circuit that’s pretty quick you can see

    The circuit’s dried out from earlier on but we have rain predicted to come later and that could make racing very interesting go on Chloe don’t give up the ghost these two are still passable jazari all over the back of Valentino kimy Kirk who’s still holds in his

    Second gleon having a big chance a big challenge there on the inside of Luna yeah she had a look there didn’t she but backed out in the end that’s probably a wise decision cesari looking up the inside is he going to get there don’t think so now he’s going to have to wait

    So he decides to go long get a little bit more purchase off the throttle up peni climb this is better much better from jazari up front Hudson Cooper’s not going to be challenged to the flag he comes out of the final turn plenty of confidence in the last turn and the

    Checken flag is out for him Hudson Cooper gets the win who’s going to get second it’s close but it will be Kirk he hangs on just in front of jazari and gleon great racing from all three Riders there they gave each other all the space they needed to Josh Herring is going to

    Come through in front of Kaden Herring who will just just hang on in front of the two Riders behind as oh wh I tell you what Leo solu actually just Pips Kaden Herring 26 position over the line there Max Robinson was very close in indeed as well and Oliver pitcher coming

    Through a lap of Drift But everybody is still learning at their respective Paces great work from Cooper a brilliant jeel between Kirk chisari and gleon with hopefully the San to come from them later the OMG racing Mini gp60 and 50 categories now for Riders between the

    Ages of 10 and 14 Wilson dils and Kimmy Kirk back on that front row of the grid again Barker jaari and Frankie Watson Jensen bishop and Harrison Quincy Dan Stevenson Travis Shaw Leo Solio and Hudson Cooper in the top 10 further back there’s plenty more talent to come as

    This is one of the busiest of our grids so behind the top 10 led by Wilson duks and Valentino Kimmy Kirk on the sixth row we’ve got Sydney Marshall and Lucy Curtis Annabelle McCarthy there alongside Seth Hayward then George aaman Riley pays the Arie car and Luke fit 18

    Riders aged between 10 and 14 and a top speed of 80 mph on these bikes off we go through The Hairpin we go for the first part of the course and already it’s a good start from Wilson silks who has it neat and tidy a young man from Mansfield

    Holding the pace at the front end of the field as all of our competitors just try and knit their way through there’s a lot more Riders on the road at this point so it’s going to be a lot more tricky to sort this one out yeah and you will

    Recognize the name of the man in second place that is again Valentino kimy K I said earlier Riders will take part in more than one class they have more than one type of bike they want as much track time as possible and Valentino definitely wants some track time today

    And he’s riding on bike number 468 I wonder where that particular number came from the 46 I think there’s no guesses for getting where the 46 came from this is already a very decent squabble in the Midfield battle and this is what we were talking about earlier on in the bill

    Just because you’re not running in first position that doesn’t mean you give yourself any less than a brilliant battle out there Dan Stevenson currently running in the top five just trying to hold off Hudson Cooper who’s just come off the back of a win in his category in

    The previous R don’t forget Luke meanwhile he’s there in the middle of the Gaggle with George aan and Sydney Marshall in front and Seth Hayward and Riley pays the giving Chase there’s plenty of talented riders in this particular field but it’s dils in front of Kirk jazari Quincy then Stevenson

    Cooper Shaw and Jensen Bishop ahead of Leo solu yeah the reason we’re here this weekend is because it’s a Prelude to us filming the full Junior World Series next year the main classes are 160s mini GP 160s and 190s but with 17 in this already you can say we’re going to have

    Big grids next year great racing in the mini GP 160 and 50 category here at Three Sisters in Wigan just outside the brilliant city of Manchester or at least not too far from it anyway Wilson dils 9/10 of a second ahead of Valentino Kimmy Kirk trying to

    Stay in the battle Parker AR how about this for a terrific squabble Stevenson Cooper and Shaw having an absolute dog fight here and Travis Shaw picking up the pieces there to move into fifth position at the expense of both Stevenson and Hudson Cooper that is some amazing riding from Travis Shaw Jensen

    Bishop is closing in on them as well on the 11x probably wondering why his number is 11x well it’s because that man there Dan Stevenson carries the number 11 and they can’t both carry the 11 so Jensen Bishop has added an X to his number so that they can differentiate

    Yeah the reason he’s adding an X he’s probably got some black tape somewhere just so that doesn’t look the uh same number it’s probably easier to put an x on than it is to put another number out of tape anyway there’s Annabel McCarthy’s details we just saw her and

    We were talking about her a little earlier on Making Waves in the 160 and mini gp50 category you’ve got to start somewhere and in this incredible gaggle of riders it’s the perfect Proving Ground yeah you will see her coming up in the 190 class as I said earlier he

    Speak to her dad earlier and he did say she’s on 190 for the first time this weekend so that race for her will be less of a race and more of a practice day Hudson Cooper now making his way past Dan Stevenson so as they come off

    The turn Jensen Bishop is hunting them both and this could be an interesting battle between the three behind Bishop is Arie car there’s George aaman in front of Leo solu and then Luke fitchett ahead of Sydney Marshall Seth Haywood Riley pays the Annabel mcarthy and Lucy

    Curtis still in the hunt look at Jensen Bishop getting very quick there off the turd to try and move it way past up the valley in front of Dan Stevenson Stevenson there carrying the colors they look very akin to the colors worn by Aaron sight back in the late ’90s early

    2000s in the superbike days but uh obviously there’s a lot of passion and uh patriotism within the various different liveries that these bike riders wear you can obviously tell what colors Valentino Kimmy Kirk wears because he carries the number 46 of the doctor it’s great to see these young

    Kids carrying their passions and wearing their hearts on their sleeve in their color schemes yeah spend a lot of time Valley out in Spain he thinks that’s the best place where he can learn he going to come up a against a lot of competitions mini bites is a lot bigger

    In Spain as a sport here we tend to have got two championships that’s it both British level well that’s the thing isn’t it I mean if you want to race carting internationally you go to Italy if you want to race mini bikes internationally and go to Spain that’s

    Where you learn so competitors really starting to tighten up that’s the opportunity for Jensen Bishop has to hang back a little bit there though from Dan Stevenson Stevenson not giving him the benefit of the doubt there Parker jazari though the only man really keeping close to Valentino Kimmy Kirk

    But look at Wilson dils out front just monstering it in the lead of this race he has disappeared as par jazari doing his best to keep close to Valentino Kimmy Kirk there’s Harrison giny in front of Travis Shaw who has dropped Hudson Cooper and now Dan Stevenson

    Still holding on in front of Jensen Bishop sh an an car yeah you have to say on these uh two whe machines that’s an astonishing lead 4.4 seconds after the amount of laps that we’ve had so far I think they’re nine laps these races today in total but 4.4 seconds now 5

    Seconds indeed out front so he’s around about half a second lap at least quicker than anybody else on the track well at this level of the sport it’s very different compared to carting carting you get a rhythm and people are very evenly spaced it all comes down to

    Confidence in the mini bikes if you’ve got that confidence stance you can gain anywhere between half a second to a second and a half in one lap on your opposition if you’re just in the zone and you feel it you’ve got the confidence you know where the traction

    Is you know where the damp patches are so you can ride around the problems essentially and at this level you do once you’ve got the nail on the throtle of that particular part of the Course once you’ve got that confidence that Rhythm that pace you can just check out

    Yeah especially in these conditions it it has dried you can see the tracks lot dry it was earlier on in the piece but on this shot here you can see where the damp patches are there’s still damp patches rain is forecast so we’re expecting that to come along fairly soon

    Right here comes the Scot Parker jazari really hunting down now on Valentino Kimmy Kirk second position last lap begins and these two are at it again they were dueling earlier on and now they’re at it in the 160 class so this is the opportunity and The Hairpin up to

    The valley Luke fitchett bangs in the fastest up of the race from P10 so he’s obviously trying to charge after Jensen bishop and pull a fast one on the closing tour of the race but can Parker jazari beat Valentino Kim kerk this time he just missed out last time as we watch

    The battle further back as well that Ani car making progress trying to shake off the competition yes Anie car has got past both Dan Stevenson and Jensen Bishop now so that’s up to Seventh Place can jazari take on Valentino kimy Kirk down the conrod straight he was side by

    Side with him earlier on but it’s exactly the same position in the mini GP 160 he’s desperately trying to get there but he can’t quite make it happen so up in front Wilson dils is going to absolutely clean up here at Three Sisters takes the checked flag and again

    This is all going to be about Pace off the throttle K Parker jazar we get there in front no he can’t Kirk is going to hold that second place ahead of Parker jazari and Harrison kiny is going to have a little bit of pressure there from

    Travis Shaw to the line but Travis Shaw does have to concede defeat here it comes the six I Rider Hudson Cooper is beaten by Anie Carr who had a fabulous closing run there to move his way up into P6 behind the top five 11 places gained Hudson Cooper in seventh place in

    Front of Daniel Stevenson and Jensen Bishop with eight places gained from Luke fitchet up there in the top 10 a brilliant Little Rider yeah and the one thing Luke fit can take from that a he made up eight places and B he was the fastest man on the track so battle for

    Family honor in Junior sm140 and mini GP 17 is is the Aon Callum ahead of Martin on the front row then Thomas Bond Charlie Dickinson Arthur woods and George Parry giving chase this will be a quick start off we go and it looks like it’s going to be Callum in front of

    Martin problems there for George Parry now you can see that George has got a bib on a yellow Bib and that denotes him as a complete novice Rider and that’s just to alert people when they come to lap him give him room because this is maybe the very first time he’s been on

    This bike well very disappointing start for George Perry but you’ve got to learn on the job that’s the toughest thing about this sport you learn by doing out in front though Callum Aon is definitely looking good to make sure that Martin does the washing up when they get home

    So Callum Aon certainly taking control of the pace of this one there is the 37 that’s Arthur Woods the leading of the uh n category the novices as it were but obviously the yellow bib denotes that this is probably the first time if not one of the very first times the rider is

    On the bike but certainly Arthur Woods the leader of the novice category compe competitors George Perry is there but Charlie Dickinson is there or thereabouts as well but I fear that George Perry is going to have a lot of hard work to get himself up to scratch

    But look at these two out front Callum and Martin Aon just controlling the pace no problems at all Charlie Dickenson by the way did not take the start in the end so there is just five of them out there and so it’s pretty Serene for Callum and Martin Aon as they trade

    Sector times trade apexes and desperately try to ensure that the other one does all the cleaning jobs this week yeah we saw Charlie Dickinson go down in an earlier race didn’t we um hopefully he’s okay obviously he’s not riding in this one may feel he’s got a bit of an

    Injury and wants to set it out uh worst pointing out as well we’re talking about you know first time people are on a bike this is a British Championship but the only time you get to be on the bike is a British championship in carting of course we’ve got Club racing throughout

    The country from Jonah gr to LM effectively all over the place place but in this sport you’ve got there’s effectively two series that are going on in the country this is the primary one in terms of numbers British mini bikes that is the uh uh bike of George Perry

    Just going through the pictures about to get laed after a very early part of this race but you expect it because he’s hardly had any experience on the bike he’s just getting used to the bike you see there the pace he’s got compared to the Aon in behind as they go sweeping

    Past one goes one side one goes the other but he’s just learning the bike uh but he’s it can only do it at the British championships because they don’t do practice days at cart circuits generally certainly not here at Three Sisters no indeed a little further into

    The race and George Perry isn’t the only one having to deal with those sort of issues around there as Callum and Martin Eon have actually tightened up on the final lap this might be Martin’s chance to get through into the lead as they work their way through the traffic they

    Just got past uh Thomas Bond they’ve also obviously dealt with Arthur woods and George Perry through the course of proceedings but that is a very near Miss for Martin Aon he almost managed to steal the lead away there from Callum yeah we’ve said this before as well particularly in this sort of racing

    Because there’s so much difference between the talent levels the skills levels The Experience levels of riders compared to people that are just starting and then the likes of the aans out front here as it starts to rain it’s starting to rain yeah now this is going to be significant for the races later

    Yeah now the point about it is that there’s so much difference in skill level the ultimate winners often are decided by how they deal with the traffic how they deal with lapped traffic and we may see that today we may see races won or lost by how they’ve dealt with a bat

    Marker especially now that the rain’s coming down as well Aon takes the win ahead of Martin Aon despite the fact that it’s Martin that actually gets the fastest half of the race Callum gets the win Martin gets the bragging rice I’m the fastest man out there it always

    Amuses me by the way when Marshals hold out a red and yellow uh flag sppy surface flag yeah the slippery surface flag we know it’s raining I think the Riders can work it out they can see the raindrops on the helmet but it always amuses me when we

    See them do that for something other than oil on the track yeah do you know what I think they’ figured that one out Callum Aon in front of Martin Aon Thomas Bond coming home in a very solid third place ahead of Arthur woods and George Parry learning on the job that there’s

    Still plenty to come but with the rain coming down things could get hectic race two of the weekend for mini GP 190 and mini gp70 Tyler humph and Wilson dils they’ll be interesting to watch from the front Marco Halt and Archie O’Brien Blake Wilson and Luca Wilkinson

    From Tim Patterson Ian Wham Ryan Spinx and Jensen bishop and the grid rounded out by Annabelle McCarthy making her debut in the category and Luke fit one of our fastest Riders from earlier on let’s see how we go racing from the front and it’s Tyler humph that gets the

    Perfect start no worries at all from him as they go through Paddock Ben for the first time and they’ll work their way up to the valley and already a very treacherous opposition coming in as they work their way through now the little bit of spattering of rain that we saw at

    The end of the previous race is definitely going to make the Surface a little bit trickier to cope with and Tyler humph leading the race the man from brein is definitely going to have a bit of a knife edge to deal with on this opening lap yeah Wilson delts with we’ve

    Already seen him head of Affairs I think in the 160 running second in this one Tyler Humphrey is making the trip from breing in Scotland I’m exactly sure where brein is but it sounds a long way away to me Jake well I I think the word beacons seems to follow Breckin every

    Time I’ve heard about it in Scotland so uh I’ll have to get my the bre and beacons in Wales oh there there might we there you go that shows my geography anyway Wilson dils is having all sorts of problems dealing with Archie O’Brien who’s committing up the final B lovely

    Move on the opening lap of the race from Arie O’Brien dealing with the pressure very comfortably indeed now that’s a very rare thing that we’ve seen so far over the course of the day usually the Riders are a little bit tentative on the opening couple of laps not Ario Brighton

    He gets stuck in his elbows were out he knows do you know what that’s my one chance I’m going to nail him on the final corner and get the job done as we also see LCA Wilkinson trying to close up on Marco Halt and disappear ahead of

    Tim Patterson but absolute C to Archie O’Brien on the first lap it’s very difficult to have the confidence and the presence of mind to go for it Luca Wilkinson meanwhile dealing with Wilson DS as he gets up the inside to try and go for third yeah this is very

    Interesting indeed you can see still a few spots of R I think about has D’s got a problem very Misty the rain so the Riders will see this on the helmets for them if they’re doing sort of and and don’t forget this is the class that Alan

    Lord said top speed and they won’t be doing this right now in these conditions losing another place and another so I I think he’s got a problem with the bike there yeah these these bikes will do 95 mph these bikes flat out they won’t be doing that in these conditions though at

    The end of the straight yeah Wilson Dukes of course dominated in the earlier class so uh this is definitely not going well at all for Wilson Dukes he drops to fifth position now with Ian weam trying to work his way through so I’ve got a feeling that there’s actually some kind

    Of technical difficulty with Wilson dues but look he doesn’t really have the confidence through The Hairpin there on the run up to the valley as well he’s definitely on the back foot is it the conditions though Jake maybe he’s just taking a view and again we’ve seen him

    Very quick on the 160 this is the 190 probably won’t be as experienced on this bike wants to get used to it doesn’t want to throw it down on the floor have a big crash and uh give his dad some spanner time repairing it so uh just

    Getting home as he loses a place just getting home in this one might be his ultimate ambition yeah it’s a fast the bike and it’s greasier conditions the rain is coming down as you can see so maybe it’s just the thought you know what I’ve got a decent race I can win

    Later I may as well just get a little bit of an education here figure out what this bike can and can’t do and now you’re about to see a big pressure cooker building for Wilson DS as Marco halt is now all over the back of him Luka wil luuka Wilkinson and Tim

    Patterson are having a great deal by the way in third position so they’re having a great run of it this is Tim Patterson trying to take on young Luca Wilkinson big difference of course between the uh Heights and the stances of these two Riders it’s a real knife edge for luuka

    Wilkinson to deal with yeah as you said earlier Jake 12 to 16 and you could see looking at these two Riders one looks 12 one looks at least 16 and often to be honest in previous times I’ve seen Pete Hickman the very the IR man record

    Holder I’m not sure he’s still the IR man record holder but I’ve often seen Pete Hickman actually take part in these races and get his backside handed to him by the way by a kid he’s obviously heavier than the kid so he got a bit of a disadvantage Peter I was hoping to

    Catch up with him this weekend didn’t do so but we will do if we’re here next year um but uh we often see Pete Hickman come in and just give the kids a bit of a Target on his back that uh they could race against and of course the kids love

    It here’s here’s a BSB Rider somebody that they see on TV they they respect they love but he comes in and he has a go now whether this is the case with uh Tim Patterson here is he me looks like an adult doesn’t he size of if he’s 16

    He is he’s a big 16y old and I’ve always really liked that about hickey as well pet Hickman you know youve come from maau you’ve come from these amazing Island Man races and you’re going up against the kids and showing them how to go about it and helping them educate you

    Know we big big part of what Peter does now with the with these glasses as Taylor Tyler humphy sets the fastest we never get Hamilton come back into the world of carting would exactly you would never see it but you see a lot of BB Riders will come come back to this

    They’ll do throw amp races they’ll come out of BSB I know uh Brad Ray’s done it several times and they’ll just race against the kids well this is the latest Spider-Man in the universe isn’t it this is spider biker having a lovely run there Archie O’Brien that’s a brilliant

    Helment design and he runs there in second position so clearly this is the version of Spider-Man who goes quickly on two wheels he’s done a good job but he won’t catch Tyler Humphries yeah we’re making the point about Pete Hickman earlier Peter’s a great supporter of kids racing at these ages

    He wants to see more and more people coming through enjoying motorcycle racing and in the 160 and 190 classes particularly he has been a stalwart over the last few years getting these classes going well T humph is going to reap the benefits of it he’s had a fabulous run

    To the line the checked flag is his good effort from AR o’ as well actually to try and stay with him as long as possible there in second position looking back at the Battle for third between Wilkinson and P oh Patterson’s ahead so Tim Patterson has got past Luca

    Wilkinson then on the final lap they’re going to race up to the line Wilkinson is not giving up he’s got him he’s actually got him on the line 3,000 of a second Patterson thought he had it Luca Wilkinson thinks better of it no mate it’s my Podium Ian weam in fifth place

    Wilson dils in B6 from Luke vit Jensen bishop and Annabelle McCarthy but Luca Wilkinson the star of the moment there snatching back the third position on the finish line that was a little bit of magic probably worked out by now this is a race program coming at you thick and

    Fast it’s the third race of the weekend for simoto JSM 90 Max Robinson and Kaden Herring on the front row from Ella mosgrove and Dan tanton then Charlie Maguire William Dickinson Tommy Dickinson and Rex Armand and then it is Dylan cook and Carter Spinx in the top

    10 the final two are Ryan Marin and Charlie Dickinson is this going to be two from two from Max Robinson only one way to find out he’s got the perfect start couple of the others got a little bit uh sluggish away in the greasy slippery conditions but I tell you what

    No worries at all for Max Robinson who has got himself into a very handy lead and is that going to be Kaden Herring into second it is as they go into the valley turn for the first time good to see Charley Dickinson back on the bike

    After his crash earlier on we know he missed the race that I think was supposed to be taking part him but he’s back on the bike again now and that’s obviously just to make sure he’s uh comfortable and ready for the opportunities that are going to be

    Afforded to him in this one as the Riders work their way through Ella mosgrove there again in third position having had a very decent run earlier on and she’s now still there in third position as we watch Ryan Merin just getting up to speed and it’s getting

    Heavier again the rain now this is definitely going to cause problems and Charlie Dickenson does not want to see that after his early excursions coming off Dunlop so he might be just using this as a bit of a practice day and not going too quickly in this one crushing

    Earlier these are the kind of conditions they like to call character building isn’t it because it’s not quite fully wet but it’s greasy and that’s where you get a really difficult learning Playground now here is Dan tanton really trying to shake off the attentions of will Dickinson who’s just in behind him

    Very close battle look how tentative it is out there in these tricky conditions yeah they’re tiptoeing through dun loock B you can see how slow they’re going can’t you physically taking care not to throw the bike on the ground this is all about confidence and if you haven’t got

    A lot of it at this phase then you have to be quite delicate there’s will Dickinson getting up the inside of Daniel tanton just committing to the inside line and tanton can’t really afford to be too aggressive on the throttle powering out so that’s PR

    Tricky stuff as uh we’ve got so much of a squabble the Riders continuing on battle is looking pretty tentative that’s Rex Armen trying to close up on Charlie Maguire in their battle over seventh position Max Robinson versus Kaden Herring and I tell you what Ella mosgrove is actually a lot closer to

    Them this time than she was in the previous race these greasy conditions have given her a better chance of going for a top spot yeah these bikes will be doing something like well they could probably be doing 65 70 mph Tommy Tommy Dickinson having a moment coming out of

    The pits by the look of it further into the race and we can see that Kaden Herring is still giving Max Robinson a really hard time as they come off the final turn oh mistake and that has caused a big issue for Kaden Herring keep going kick going don’t fall off

    There we go Kaden Herring is going to drop to I think third position yes El mosgrove will get through into second place but that was a very simple mistake made but Ken Herring didn’t overreact to it he didn’t get silly he just let the bike roll onto the grass roll onto the

    Mud come back on and he’s still got time to salvage that second in place he’s just got to keep the Faith the worst type of condition these greasier conditions but look at Kaden Herring already hustling Alam mosgrove after his little mistake earlier on he’s not going to make a mistake now Dives up the inside in a second place up penri kimb and that is Kaden Herring rejuvenating his race there is Max

    Robins up front about 5 Seconds up the road he’s just put a lap on the 14 of Tommy Dickinson and the 58 of Ryan Merin who have now traded places but Kaden Herring after that little mistake he now goes into the last lap knowing he won’t

    Be able to go for the win but at least he’s salvaged his second place again yeah that was good mature riding he’s on the dirty stuff just got to keep the bike upright when you do that keep it upright get it back on the T get the mud

    Off your tires and then start racing again that’s what he’s done and what a move that was on Ella mosgrove as well full of confidence full of the joys of spring though is Max Robinson up front and with that mistake from Kaden Herring he has been able to just disappear up in

    Front there is young Tommy Dickinson who is going quicker as the race Bears on Ryan Merin has not been able to keep up with him there there’s Kaden Herring and then Ella mosgrove going through as they work their way past the traffic but Max Robinson look at the confidence he’s one

    Of the only Riders out there really to have a decent stance in these slippery conditions but he will not be taking this for granted he knows that just one lapse in concentration one missed gear one slight error in the throttle application and that’s you spat off the

    Bike so he’s just going to take it nice and easy to the line there you go Max Robinson a much tougher race for him to win than earlier and therefore all the more satisfying now that he has and look at that a 1122 fastest that of the race

    Nobody able to match him for one lap position Kaden Herring managing to salvage that second place back again after his earlier error Ella mosgrove a much more confident ride that time for third position well clear of her opponents a very nice run Dan tanton coming home in fourth position in the

    End over a minute back from Max Robinson that’s how tricky the conditions were Charlie Maguire in fifth in front of William Dickinson then Tommy Dickinson who made up three places from the original starting grid Rex Armand Dylan cook and Carter Spinx to round out the top

    10 back into the 10 mm contest and it’s going to be Jensen anel and Kai HW that will renew their battle from the front row kayin Ratliff and Sam Whitaker Emilio Pereira Daisy Balon ree saxelby Austin dils and Marshal ared off we go several Riders missing from the start of

    This one as you can see there’s only six of them out there from the nine that were supposed to be so Jensen anel Kai Hawkin kin Ratliff Sam Whitaker Daisy poen and REE saxelby are the ones that have taken the start and Kai hawen the

    Man who has come a heck of a long way to be here himself all the way from Cornwall running in second position this is normal Al stereotypical Cornwall motorcycle weather he knows exactly what he’s doing in these conditions keeping the bike upright Jake is what he should

    Be doing and that’s what they’re all doing at the moment will they stay like that though he’s going for he’s going for it he’s going for the lead already so Jensen anel has lost the lead here Kai hawen has got through they tighten up the radius and Kai hawen is now

    Leading this race a very confident stance on the opening lap then as Jensen anel is now going to have to play the Chaser rather than the leader so this will be an interesting start for him he’s now going to try and come back at him into the final hairpin no you don’t

    Kai Hawkin spent the entire race earlier on watching Jensen anel defend so now he knows how to do the same thing excellent work Sam Whitaker in third off the start kin Ratliff in fourth position Daisy poen and REE sax willby having a race of their own this is a good chance for Sam

    Whitaker now as well didn’t really get to feature in the top three of the earlier race now he’s right up there in third position he’s already left kin rap Cliff behind to us certain extent and this is where he gets his chance to play for the win yeah and interesting I’m

    Looking at ree saxelby here in difficult conditions compared to how we saw him in that first race he was tiptoeing round uh the final Ben wasn’t he in that one but certainly got a lot more Pace I know he’s at the back but don’t forget again

    This is more of a practice day than a race for him very very inexperienced and also this is a leveler you know the Greaser conditions he may not necessarily be comfortable yet pushing all the way to the 100% of the limit in the dry conditions but in these sort of

    Greaser surfaces it is a leveler as long as you’ve got a decent head on your shoulders you don’t have to be the fastest one out there you just got to be one of the most confident out there absolutely and it’s and it is all about getting quicker and quicker as the day

    Goes on it’s learning and getting progressively faster obviously that’s difficult to do when the conditions are changeable like they are but these three out front they’re making the best of it so far Sam Whitaker’s clearly thought you know what I’ve got a chance at this I could actually get past both men Kai

    Hawkin’s overtaken Jensen anel so if he can get past him maybe I can have a go at it as well and there is the proof of how difficult it is the spots of rain on the camera lens again so it’s not easy to know what the weather is actually

    Going to do from one lap to the next never mind from One race to the next yeah and when you’re leading as we know in other forms of Motorsport if you’re leading in a race and it’s starting to rain you’ll get into that corner on the next lap you’re getting there first and

    It will have changed the grip levels will have changed each lap as the range starts to come down and if you’re the race leader you’ll get into that corner first and often it’s the race leader that goes off this is interesting Jensen anel now having to play the understudy

    Rather than the leading role here and this is not quite the position he wanted to be in still under a second between these three Riders Kai hawen Jensen anel and Sam Whitaker and one of these men is going to be able to have the opportunity

    To go for the win on the final lap but they’ve got to get to that point first the race doesn’t really begin in conditions like this until you start the final lap because you have to get into that position you have to be in that mode you have to make sure you’re in

    That competitive place to even have a chance to rock the boat and this is where hawen anel and Whitaker can read each other they don’t want to push too hard at this stage the track is still changing every single LP look the weather’s getting a little bit more

    Adverse again the rain is getting heavier so you don’t want to push things too early too soon just read the race then make the decisions yeah if you watching mini bike racing for the first time in these MiniMoto by the way you might wonder well do they just use an

    All weather tire no they’ve got an option of slicks intermediates and wets believe it or not and they can use Tire blankets in mini bike racing you can’t do that as we know in carting but they do allow it in mini bik racing so Jensen anel is actually the fastest Rider on

    The course at the moment his best lap time is quicker than that of Kai Hawkin but crucially he hasn’t got a clear road in front of him there is re saxelby still see that again he’s going around that corner that’s quicker than he went around that corner the first time we saw

    Him going around that corner in the earlier race so right he is progressively getting quicker for somebody that’s very very inexperienced so that’s good to see it’s what you want to see and that’s the thing this is not the same sort of sport compared to the others this is the opportunity for

    Jensen anel and he returns the favor he gets through then and takes the lead and it is great to see you know Jensen anel getting himself back into the lead of the race Sam Whitaker picking up the pace he’s now the fast this man on the

    Course they’ve got down to half a second between the three Jensen anel is about to lose this again Kai Hawkin trying his best to get through and this is wonderful to see this is not the same kind of sport that you see with the kids that compete in football in rugby in

    Tennis in cricket when was the last time you saw the Manchester United under 12s play the Manchester City Under 12 you never see those matches I also want to say this Jake football massive sport do you ever see the under 12s on television no indeed no these kids are from the age

    Of six and they’re on television absolutely the pressure that they’re under to make mistakes you know they are under the microscope from such an early age and there is so much more pressure on these young athletes than in their counterpart Sports so obviously this is a much bigger test of the character of

    These young races and what they are doing out there in these greasy conditions considering they are between six and 9 years of age that takes braver characters than me we know this is uh filmed for broadcast television it also goes on our YouTube channel where we will get potentially millions and

    Millions that we’ve had uh mini bik races in the past mini moto races with these this particular class with 17 Milli million views it was amazing so now Sam Whitaker just reading the pace of these two Riders up front Jensen anel back in the lead again Kai Hawkins still

    There to play Whitaker actually taking a wider line on that corner and that’s because he’s got the opportunity to do that those two are hugging the inside radius just try something a little bit more just play the game a little bit more look he’s coming from further back

    He can actually gain a little bit of pace around the outside because these two are Tippy Toe they’re deadly dallying on the inside radius he can be a little bit more diverse yeah in these conditions as well don’t forget the slippier surface is on the racing line

    Where the rubber is if you walk on it with a pair of leather shoes it’s like walking on ice frankly this is really going around the outside of the turn that’s where the grip is this is really smart from Sam Whitaker just keeping himself in the fight but taking a

    Completely different line to the other two cuz if they do end up tripping over each other he’s not in the same part of the racetrack he’s got a little bit more time to react if they get a little bit loose so this is really smart racing

    From Sam Whitaker in third as he follows these two just keeping himself in the game not rocking the boat not pushing the limit just keeping himself in play you couldn’t name the winner at this point could you say who’s going to win this race at this point in these

    Conditions it’s incredible and just to give you an indication of how the conditions are changing the new fastest lap of the race has come from Daisy poen she’s banged in the time to go faster than all three the riders in front of her so great work from Daisy poen the

    Purple timing line on the screen there shows you that she’s faster than all three and up the inside Kai Hawkin again tries Jensen anel managing to hold on again on the breaking zone for the turn this is really tight stuff anel hawen and Whitaker still TR Trading radiuses

    Still trading sector times here comes Kai Hawkin again now he’s level now he’s on the inside but he has to bail out in the breaks this is so tricky to call yeah Amazing Race I mean there’s only what Halford doesn’t started this but you don’t need many in a race to make it

    A cracking race and we’re into the last lap and any one of these three can win it Jensen ano has apparently put in the fastest lap as things stand now 59 229 yeah he has taken back the fastest lap it’s confirmed on the timing screen to

    The left as well so Jensen anel in front of Kai Hawkin and Sam Whit oh there goes Whitaker it’s so easily done in the difficult greasy condition so Sam whk has gone down in the bid to go for the win Kai hawen meanwhile he’s going to

    Get side by side with Jensen anel anel will hold it for the moment into the breaking zone for the right hander into the s’s it’s not done yet oh poor Sam Whitaker he had such a good chance I’m okay don’t worry I’m just really really upset yeah got to take the positives

    Out well making the move again on the inside of Jensen into the final hairpin he’s not going to get there he’s given it everything he’s got he’s going to try to out accelerate him but it will be Jensen anel who holds on in front of Kai Hawkin great race between all three of

    The riders that came to play in that one full credit to Sam Whitaker yes we’ll know he’s upset but he rode like the little Legend he is Ratcliffe snatching third from Daisy pen oh dad taking Sam away but Sam’s got to take the positives out of that he rode really really well

    He’s finished six in the end but he’s had his little 15 Minutes of Fame on TV and I think it’ll be the first of many anel hawen and Ratliff claim the spoils but Sam Whitaker proves that he is just the equal of the two Riders battling for the win more to come

    Racing racing and more racing coming right at you the mini moto 14 class Jake yeah Taylor Tomlinson and Preston Baker on the front row from Sebastian gazi and Mason fedick then Perkins and cousins and we’re off and away and a fabulous start already out of the blocks for

    Taylor Tomlinson and it looks as though fedick has definitely had his weed AIX ahead of this one he’s up to third position and he’s already challenging gazi to try and move his way in a second position big lunge on the inside from Josh Perkins he tried to get up the

    Inside line to make that move count and around the outside Fredick is going to have a bit of pressure here was that Logan cousins getting on the throttle pretty handy is out in front Taylor Tomlinson making the bid there is fedick now in second position and that is the

    71 of Bradley Curtis in fact going very wide to make the move around the outside of gaslow so it is Bradley Curtis that is stepping up and paying attention here in the duel with fedick conditions have changed slightly little bit damper than it was earlier but again Tom Linson is

    The man out front well clear Mason fedick pictured there the man from Newbury running second Pace Setter is still Taylor Tomlinson but it’s definitely shuffled on the first lap it’s going to be a very tough race and on the inside Bradley Curtis gets the run on Mason federick the timing screen

    Is not quite caught up with the state of play but I tell you what that was Brave lap two cold tires needing a burst of confidence and look at Curtis he’s going to try and go right around the outside of Taylor Tomlinson he wants to win this

    One in the opening couple of laps and he’s going to commit to it Tomlinson has had a major wakeup call here it was a bit of a twitch of hesitation for Bradley Curtis it’s enough for federick to get back at a second place but we’ve

    Got a race on our hands now well I thought Tom Linson was well clear but something must have happened this is the battle for the lead three of a minute Tomlinson was well out front he’s obviously had a moment and had to correct the bike maybe and the other T

    All over him now look at Bradley Curtis he’s able to take the long wide line to get himself tightened up on the radius again hugs the Apex for the inside of the next left-hander and he’s threw in a second place past Mason federick and now he’s got the confidence right I’m into

    P2 I can go after Taylor Tomlinson no man is unbeatable I can make this happen cuz ly in fourth position fifth position sorry now behind Logan cousins and look at that sweeping around the outside of Luna Taylor Tomlinson has been vanquished by Bradley Curtis who has absolutely stormed it and here comes

    Tomlin back again he got a great throttle application out of Luna and they are swapping the lead between the three of them what a race you were saying earlier Jake the conditions are a great leveler and here we go another change for the lead fantastic stuff when

    Was the last time at Three Sisters in any form of racing that you had three lead changes in three consecutive Corners I can’t remember the last time I saw that at Three Sisters absolutely terrific and that’s in any form of Motorsport never mind in mini bikes so Curtis now leads Tomlinson and Mason

    Fedick they’re having an absolute squabble and this is terrific from Bradley Curtis he has shown his Rivals at clean perah heels fantastic race the rider is going through the picture further down the field but this is the race for the lead Curtis holding his own against the rider that W comfortably in

    The earlier race but that’s all about the conditions Jake Bradley Curtis you l dancer this is terrific the way he’s worked his way into the lead he’s got to be a little bit tentative every time he comes through each of these little curves now because Tomlinson and

    Federick are going to have the wick turned up the dial is going to be high and handsome so is this going to be Taylor Tomlinson’s bid to come back through on Bradley Curtis well federick is actually going to get a better run on Taylor Tomlinson out of the final turn

    No you don’t I’ve got second place and I was the winner earlier on I’m not going to let Bradley Curtis get away with this don’t even think about getting past me into second Mason says Taylor Tomlinson this is a proper little duel and for the moment Bradley Curtis has got the

    Confidence to keep the lead in front of Tomlinson and fedick yeah we have a lot of mini bike racing on our YouTube channel it tends to drive the channel I can feel another million views coming on for this race when it goes on there after it’s been broadcast that’s for

    Sure I can’t disagree Curtis Tomlinson and fedick they’ve already checked out as well from Logan cousins Josh Perkins and Sebastian gazi it’s as though we’ve lost the lifetime for the moment that shows you how tricky the weather conditions are even life timing can’t keep up here we go Tomlinson’s got a

    Good run off the turn is he going to make this into the lead he is oh my goodness that was terrific from Taylor to no he’s not Curtis has held it round the outside Tomlinson now Dives in into the first corner to try and take the lead back no you don’t Bradley Curtis

    Holds on this is epic one of the best mini bike races I have seen for such a long time yeah it’s been what four or five years since we filmed the 12 bike going through the shot is Archie Hooper back of the field looks like he’s got

    Some Pace to be fair as he crashed and got back on who knows he’s definitely looking quicker than he was earlier on so again that adage have just continued to learn through the day Tom litson is on a rocket ship as he blasts past Bradley Curtis he stormed out of Luna

    Bend and absolutely Monsters the throttle down the Conrad straight that’s enough to get back through on Bradley Curtis Curtis is not giving up he’s still got plenty of opportunity to get back into this one he comes off the turn gets a back flick on the throttle watch

    For Mason fedick they nearly go three wide into the first Ben and federick just has to concede behind Bradley Curtis for the moment Curtis trying again they all fancy the job don’t they you can just tell from the body language Taylor Tomlinson F his man on the track

    But they all fancy the job here no doubt if any one of those Riders makes a mistake it’s up to the other two to keep it together cousins in fourth Perkins in fifth gazaly in sixth position ahead of Rex Austin Preston Baker who’s really struggled in this race to be fair to him

    And Archie Hooper in ninth position but hopefully Baker is going to take the plaits from his earlier result and he can build on that going into the next weekend but this is magic stuff Tomlinson Curtis fedick and Mason fedick still thinks the victory is on here for

    Him and we haven’t seen his big Lunge yet but he’s certainly putting Bradley Curtis under a lot of pressure as they come off the final turn and down the home straight once again the last lap board is out here we go has Tomlinson done enough Jake I think he might have

    Done four or five bik lengths he’s that enough the man in second place doesn’t think so he still fancies it no doubt Mason fedick just needs to stay hungry behind the pair of them and this could be on Logan cousins is there in fourth position hoping for something Bradley

    Curtis needs a good run off Luna it is a good run off Luna he’s not quite close enough to Taylor Tomlinson to make the bid yet but if he gets him into the next right-hander he has a chance but he’s just too far back look Taylor Tomlinson

    Has finally opened up the can of worms of confidence this is absolutely superb now from him yeah Tom Linson when it’s mattered has opened up the Taps and put the distance between himself and second place and it’s for second place now between these two and it’s Tomlinson

    That’s going to take the win again superb in the final stretch Tomlinson is going to have it is fed going to snatch second on the line I we haven’t had the update from the timing screen yet Taylor Tomlinson got the win I couldn’t quite make out whether it was Curtis ahead of

    Fedick or the other way around we’re going to have to wait for the timing screen to update it is Curtis who just gets there in front of Mason federick how close was it between the two of them look at that just a couple of hundreds of a second in it really Tomlinson

    Curtis and fedick from Logan cousins in P4 Josh Perkins Sebastian gazi and then Rex Austin from Preston Baker and Archie Hooper one of the most thrilling of the races we have had so far here today and hopefully the sign of things to come for these Riders the starting grids for race

    Three made up of the finishing positions from race two in each class this is the OMG racing Mini GP 160 and 50 category Wilson DS took the win earlier so he takes the poll this time Valentino Kimmy Kirk alongside him then Parker jazari and Harrison quinsey then Travis Shaw

    Anie car Hudson Cooper and Dan Stevenson ahead of Jensen bitop and Luke fitchett Leo solu and then George akiman from Sydney Marshall Seth Hayward Lucy Curtis Annabel McCarthy Riley PA the rather sadly Frankie Watson who will not take the start of the race so away we go Wilson dils get underway an interesting

    Start Annabelle McCarthy struggling off the line there I noticed in the background but hopefully she’ll be able to keep it together Valentino kimy Kirk getting a very aggressive starts there and manages to grab the lead away from Wilson dils and I think dils May struggle to hold on to Second even as

    Around the outside Valentino Kirk with a terrific start that was very beautifully handled there and now he holds the advantage in front of Parker chizari who has moved into second place in front of Wilson dils who suddenly finds himself down in third but it’s that same pair

    Again jeling this time for the lead Kirk versus jazari yeah battle for the leaders to come through Luna Ben you see how damp the track is I’m assuming these Riders will be on some sort of intermediate Tire not a full wet certainly and certainly not slings oh Harrison quinsey trying to get into

    Third position as they work their way up and has actually he ended up losing ground he drops down to fifth position Wilson dils is about to lose third if he’s not careful and here comes chisari trying to go around the outside at coward Summit that was Brave goodness me

    That’s not the easiest place to make any kind of overtaking move in any form of condition but now making the move up to the inside Wilson DS is able to hold on to third for the moment but it’s very tricky so jazari again hunting down Valentino Kim Kirk and that is Wilson

    Duks and there is the opportunity from further back that is Hudson C trying to get into third position now he still remains in P4 for the moment as they go up over the crest two distinct battles here the leaders out front and this battle here for what is third

    Fourth fifth here they come 3 four 5 6 7 8 any one of these could finish on the podium no doubt little bit of a distance back to those remaining Hudson Cooper trying his best to move into third pass Wilson dils and here comes Parker jazari with confidence off Luna Bend he get

    Alongside down the conrod straight well who can Harrison quinsey is trying to get side by side nearly three wide as they come through that’s Anie Carr in fact that has worked his way up into fifth position on his bike now trying to get up the inside at coward Summit off

    Penrith climb jazari was swarming all over Kirk as they came down I think he’s actually gone for the lead there Here Comes DS anik car on the inside we’ll get into third position pass Cooper past dils Parker jazari has taken the lead and Ary car has gone from fifth to third

    In one Fell Swoop Magic Parker jazari now your new leader having got past Valentino kimy Kirk and this is again going to be a race all about confidence Kimmy Kirk making his bid back into the lead again beautifully done that was wonderful off the final

    Turn he managed to get a little bit of extra throttle out of Dunlop and now he takes the lead down the school star finish straight manages to get into the lead but now comes the traffic yeah well they get past him fairly quickly we said earlier it’s how you deal with the

    Traffic in these races no doubt about it but both of them confidently passed and uh they retain the positions they were in before it looks like Valley’s stretch out a little bit of a gap here he just getting away check out this battle for fifth position now car and quinsey have

    Managed to drop them a little bit Wilson dils just doesn’t have the same confidence in these slightly slippery conditions compared to what we saw from him earlier on he was able to check out and leave these two for dust wasn’t he but now he’s actually really struggling

    With the likes of Cooper Shaw Stevenson and George aiman really starting to give him some hustle as they come off of coward Summit Valentino Kimmy Kirk looking to keep the rise of the new doctor very much pushing his way further forward Parker jazari though having had

    A taste of the lead he wants it back so he is going to be pushing very hard to make sure he can get there up to Paddock bend on The Hairpin up towards the turn of the valley will he make the dive of the inside now you

    Just can’t make that kind of deep committed overtake on that particular turn it’s very high risk if you get it wrong you’re not just going off you’re taking both men off yeah we saw somebody go for a lead there you see the difference in the Riders the size of the

    Riders watch his fo comes off the peg as he’s leaning the bike over it’s probably because he’s quite short this is again this battle for fifth place we did see a move for the lead earlier on around this Bend taking a wider line in you can still see The

    Damp patches well Travis Shaw appears to have lost out to both Hudson Cooper and Dan Stevenson in the last lap so Wilson Ducks is still there in P5 but now he’s got Travis Shaw dropping back into eighth position here comes the move potentially on next lap around Parker

    Jazari doing his best out of coward Summit but Valentino kimik is so confident on that inside line Harrison quinsey though is going quicker than both men at the moment he’s just banged in a 1041 as we take this race battle into the final lap so what can par jazari do want to go

    Too ugly too early into the lap read the mode out of the turn gets a wider trajectory this is good work from jazari but it’s great work too from Kirk he needs to make that bike as wide as a Buick he may take a wider line here

    Jazari through Luna on the exit of Luna and give him the run down the straight that could be his move for the victory let’s see what he does so into the radius of the right-hander just wait just wait now you want to plant the throttle but you’ve got to have the

    Confidence and the faith that there’s going to be enough traction the heat of the tires is going to save you back marker back marker is going to come into play here yeah this is going to be all about timing now as they come up pen climb they’ll probably meet the back

    Marker as they come down coward Summit so this is going to be all about timing it’s Seth Hayward they’re going to need to pick their moment and it will be Kirk that gets the benefit of it but will he get held up out of the final turn Shar

    Is going to try he’s going to give it everything and he bangs his he bangs the handlebars in frustration he knows that catching Seth Hayward at that moment is what cost him the victory Valentino kimy Kirk hangs on to the win then from Parker chisari Take a Bow Anie car that

    Move earlier on to get him into third he’s just going to be rewarded in front of Harrison quinsey how close was that and that is a final lap fall I’m afraid to say the bike is number 94 we don’t have a 9 for so I think that might be

    George aaman who is looking for a top 10 finish he isn’t there it is inherited then by Luke fitchett ahead of Riley paisy who makes up seven places to come home into the top 10 so well done to paisy but it’s Kirk chisari and car that

    Share the spores on the podium ahead of Harrison quinsey the hard charger from dils Cooper Stevenson Shaw Luke fitchett and Riley PA the moving on a pace it’s the mini GP 110 race and again here’s Jake with a G positions and how about that for a top three Hudson Cooper

    Valentino kimy Kirk and Parker chisari get to do it all over again ahead of Khloe gleon in the first two rows off we go so let’s see if Valentino kimy kurk can beat chisari once again in the different class this is the mini GP 110 bike this time so it’s definitely going

    To be a very tough challenge but all of these Riders are going to be up for it as they work their way up the valley up towards the s’s very different configuration but Valentino Kim Kirk this time finds himself running in second place behind the 217 of Hudson

    Cooper with jazari ahead of Chloe gleon Josh Herring then Max Robinson Leo solu Kaden Harry and Oliver pitcher so Parker jazari missed out on the win last time can he clinch it this time round L gleon going well the young lady from Sussex fourth position hoping to hunt down all

    Three of the Riders just in front of her certainly one of the most promising young lady talents that we have in the British mini bikes at this present moment in time and it looks good for her to continue that Development Drive in 2024 yeah have no doubt she’ll be part

    Of that Junior World Series next year that we hope to be bringing you on broadcast television all of them out front for it’s early in the race battle for second to fifth is still raging not quite got the sort of lead that he had early on in the last race but uh still

    Enough just over just under a second rather as he went through the line that time yeah because we had that fantastic battle earlier on between Kirk and jazari they’ve got a little bit of track knowledge perhaps Superior over some of the Riders here but it’s the combination

    Of the track knowledge with a very different bike that’s the thing you look at it from the spectator’s point of view and go well they’re all the same sort of bikes aren’t they they all look very similar no every single different class of bike has their own different characteristic their own different style

    Of riding yeah it’ll be a different engine uh heavier weight generally a 110 is going to be less of a weight than a 16 going to be less than a 190 190 should be the heavier bike that’s Leo solu pictured running eighth currently the man from Bourn in Ling later in the race

    Coming off the summit and that is Kirk diving in on chisari these two still Trading Places it doesn’t matter which class you put them in they will still be absolutely bolted together this has got Sheen and Roberts written all over it asn’t it Kirk and chisari they’ll go

    Through the lower classes together and they’ll probably meet each other in the British super bikes in the major classes again in the future yeah this junior World Series uh next year Jake we uh oh look at police and looking for a spot at the inside couldn’t quite get it done we

    Don’t see the sort of level of support that dor are putting into the World Series seen the British talent cup Two Wheel racing has just got it right haven’t they when it comes to Junior development you don’t see the likes of Formula 1 management putting their hand in the pocket and doing something

    Similar uh for the kids in four-wheel racing it’s about how much money the parents have got absolutely and what you really get to see as a result of that is the renewed confidence in these young talents they feel like they’ve got the support they feel like they’ve got the

    Potential to grow so that gives them the platform and the mentality to be able to push for it and look at these Riders Kirk chisari gleon you know they’re not giving an inch and they’re not taking a mile are they they’re just absolutely measuring each other they are psyching

    Each other out here they’re sussing out the competition and feeling right well in that one Cor they’re a little bit vulnerable I can work on that in the next Corner find myself a little bit more confidence jazari getting up alongside Kirk on the run to the valley

    Hapin there and gleon this is where she can gain a little bit of confidence but jazari is having his own think about the move on Kirk it’s wonderful to see these Riders perhaps even more so than we see in carting these Riders really getting the opportunity to wrestle for the

    Victory and move further forward at an earlier stage in the race there’s Max Robinson we just saw in P6 ahead of Kaden herring and trying to take on Josh Herring but Hudson Cooper is having an absolute bar dance down in front isn’t he 3 and 1/2 seconds clear that’s more

    Like it as far as Hudson Cooper’s concerned similar sort of way this race is developing than the earlier race Hudson Cooper well clear 3 and 1 half seconds currently when he went through the line last time but these three still battling and pretty much in the same

    Position they were earlier so gleon just needs to be a little bit measured when it comes to taking on Parker chazar breaking zones here into the last lap Chloe gleon still trying to go for that step on the podium however Kirk versus jazari is a very tough wall to penetrate

    That is not going to be easy for her to find a spot Hudson Cooper out in front has managed to duck under 1 minute for jazari having a think about it there How brave is Parker jazari prepared to be in that inside Apex because he came from

    About half second back I have he made it I don’t think he made it no he didn’t didn’t quite get there well he’s definitely willing to have a think about it though isn’t he there is Hudson Cooper that’s the difference in the gap between them 4 and a half seconds you’ve

    Got to look back to see how Kirk and jazari are getting on jazari thinking about it now right on the outside of the Conrad straight they’re almost nudging shoulders as they come through this is going to be very tough for chisari but he’s got confidence round the outside

    Can he hold it Kirk and chisari absolutely jockeying for position over the top of penrith kly but hunson Cooper’s going to get the race win out of the final turn he almost puts one hand on the deck as he comes through but who’s going to get it between Kirk and

    Jazari they’re at the line Kirk just takes it in front of jazari Chloe gleon gets the best seat in the house cracking racing and good respect shown between the Riders there oh wow just coming home in front in second place I tell you what this Valentino kimy Kirk Parker jazar

    Jeel has got Kenny Roberts and Barry Sheen written all over it Josh herring in P5 behind gleon Max Robinson in P6 ahead of Kaden Herring Leo solu and Oliver pitcher coming home in P9 remember the names remember where you heard them first the last Junior race of

    The weekend would be for JSM 140s with the Athlon out front Callum ahead of Martin going into Luna early on in the race this was in very tricky conditions it had been riging and Martin in second place goes down on the low side and that effectively will would end all

    Competition in the race Callum would go on to take a comfortable Victory just have another look at it in slow motion you can see in these conditions it’s very easy to lose the bike he does just that but he does bounce up shows a lot of character to get the bike up and

    Running again but wouldn’t have the opportunity to catch Callum who would go on to take a comfortable Victory six started in this one only four would finish as you can see coming off coward Summit for the last time it would be Callum that would take the win Martin

    Would get it going again to finish second some 35 seconds behind well that’s all we’ve got time for in this program we’ll be back in 2024 with the junior World Series expect big grids throughout and plenty of race action we’ll see you again Then


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