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    #TSW4 #ps5 #trainsimworld4 #maintalbahn #aschaffenburg #milternberg #passenger #germany #branchline

    Hey everyone it’s B ra 96 here welcome to another train Sim World 4 live stream wherever you are watching this uh stream be it live or on playback uh hope you’ve had a great weekend for today’s stream I’m taking a look at something new for a change uh a

    Rout made by dovil games a very latest German product and that is the maintal bar a separate extension small extension that is to the uh mained bar route that released in 20 was it well 2020 was it what what year was it 2019 I think something like that

    Um yeah I didn’t pick this up at first at full price because I looked at the reviews on uh Steam and some footage of it in action and it didn’t really impress me yeah it was a small route but I expected it to have uh a bit more than

    The dovetail average as far as scenery and you the detail is concerned so I picked this up on the discount uh a couple of days ago it was 25% off or something uh so I thought he you know I’ll get it on the discount and see what it’s

    Like so let’s go into the journey mode and uh have some fun we’ll go for this chapter here uh what was the one I wanted to do uh I think it was is it that one I can’t remember um just trying to think uh I think it was this

    One this passenger service Regional bar 88 service from milenberg to as shenberg I think it’s this one if not then I’ll just go back and just find the service that I was looking for uh Slovak ball mappa hey how are you nice to see you hope you’re well uh driv passenger

    Service from no that’s not the right one that’s not the right one trying to think which one it might be the next one actually we will find it I can assure you uh that one got to be isn’t it it’s either the third or the fourth one I did

    Check before I um started the stream but then I had other things to do and why the stream started so late uh is that it that’s a 612 that’s no Ah that’s no good I don’t want the 612 I had that exact service but I think

    It it changes uh sometimes you get a 628 and a 612 and a 642 and you just never know which one you’re going to get I’ll keep restarting it and 612 you see the Rolling Stock on the right has changed but not for one I will be operating we will get

    There bur a line is out now apparently not interested in it it’s not the full line so why should I care ah here we go this is it all right let’s set this diesel multiple unit ready for departure go to the forward position on the doors desk dimmer light set that to 100%

    Instrument lights indicator lights headlights are on release the parking brake set the contrast on these screens here so they do it I find kind that with the white uh with the white display the backdrop uh you can’t really see much when you’re sitting in the

    Cab but I find with uh if you change the contrast you could see it a little bit clearer that’s just my take on it pzb and CA that’s all tick poo and uh before we do set off we will uh just change the uh hard as it always likes to go back to

    Normal every time I restart this game uh uh we’ll turn on the motion blur to keep the stream’s performance at a stable consistent rate all right so this is a shenberg Hof familiar place from Inson this is the multiple unit the uh the dbbr uh 642 it’s a diesel multiple unit

    Comes in two sets uh single unit which is a two coach unit that’s the one I’m operating today and you also get a four coach Trin which is a two uh sets connected together AKA a unit of two two sets of them together you get four Happy Days

    Hey people that’s not fair let me have a look all right we’ll get back in the cab just put the wipers on we’ll uh lock the doors passing boarding procedures have finished so let’s get rocking and roll him all right so the first stop is somewhere in a shenberg I’m not going to

    Pounce on the name cuz I’m going to butcher all these station names and I’ve haven’t done a single full length run of this route yet so yeah I apologize if I get pretty much every single station name said incorrectly pzb a indicators it sound like an old

    Uh an old 1950s clock or something 1930s clock I my grandad’s a clock that sounds just like that big grandfather clock bit of a gamble putting pzb and C4 and all the other safety systems on my first attempt but I suppose you got to go for it nothing to

    Lose uh Slovak B map are you going to do a stream sometime on the updated wor Somerset Railway absolutely I plan to do a stream on the updated with Somerset Railway tomorrow uh it will be much earlier than um uh than when I normally do streams at

    Night time or the evening uh simply because um I will be going out in the evening I don’t really care if I um I’m not bothered if I don’t make it on time to every single station I just want to just complete the service so I apologize if I’m taking it

    A little bit steady all right I see SL ball mappa oh no come on that’s not fair I actually pressed the acknowledge button in time that’s not fair come on right let’s put the brakes on at least uh you know the old saying goes if something electrical is broke

    Turn it off and turn it on again Horn’s good that’s it slow and steady there we go sh right we’re approaching the first station stop there it is let’s come to a halt and unlock the doors so yeah the uh the main tail bar then what is it all about well it’s it’s basically a very small 37

    Km Branch line if you like uh from a shenberg to milenberg uh now this unit here of course uh is represented in uh o o your breath here the um West Franken barn and Barn landan Barn land Bion d red Livery that’s a hell of a name for a

    Livery and uh the decals on it look pretty sharp West Franken B go the number numbers here on the on the bottom you can uh actually um refill the tank as it is a diesel locomotive so you can open the fuel cap and at uh shenberg just beyond the station

    Platforms you have a refueling Point here and you can actually uh refuel the multiple unit and you can’t complete said service you know refilling uh the the 642 before operation you have to actually refill it so it’s not just the case of just sit stop at the marker

    Point and then let the clock run down and off you go you got to actually get out the cab and refill it so that’s a nice touch and it’s uh quite nicely weathered in that part as well uh but as far as looks goes uh this is probably one of the best looking

    Multiple unit stuff tail has made in a fair while uh you see the destination displays there all working well fine land buing the lighting as well I mean the lights and the destination displays especially at nighttime they really do stand out for some reason I don’t know where dovil

    Was fiddled with the night Lighting on this route but it looks really really good and um actually take a look at the inside shall we so I think it’s just standard class all the way isn’t it there no first class uh compartment it might be I’m not

    Sure but this is cool look at that as soon as you step on the train diton logos everywhere you see this is for this is a disabled part off the garriage you got a disabled toilet and into coach number two some wooden tables Des a display there saying where

    We’re going to stations we’re stopping at where we’ve come from I should say we’ve also got the date I think and the time and the destination of where we’re going to miltenburg and there’s the other gab so overall I think graphically uh the unit certainly looks pretty good as far as sounds go

    Um I think the interior sound you know that the switches and the sounds of the safety systems and even a horn it sounds pretty good um I think the main problem of the 642 is the sound of the engine itself you know acceleration it just lacks a bit

    Of depth based to it I don’t know why it just sounds a bit tiny for my liking uh and apart apart from that uh you know the sounds being a little bit well the the engine sounds being a little bit on the maybe quiet side um this unit is pretty Decent now there are obviously a few problems um the one issue I have discovered I mean it’s it’s nothing major gamebreaking but um when you’re in the timetable and you want to look for uh say a 642 service um but we’re uh conducting the operation uh with just a two coach unit

    Instead of uh you know four coach uh train it’s quite difficult to find them normally um say for the 612 that we just passed there they have um like a uh single unit selector and a uh two unit selector on the timetable this you don’t it’s just select the unit

    And you just going got to find uh a single 642 service instead of a double all right here we are at a shenberg hub bhof this has changed a fair bit I did have a little peek at a shenberg uh suit before I tried V SWOT out and there are a few differences

    There used to be a tree here and uh you’ll be able to get quite close to the road for some reason d d was erected defense this time and knocked that tree down uh the station is pretty much exactly the same except for the giant a shenberg s sign that’s been taken away

    Why I don’t know uh and this concrete wall didn’t wasn’t here before so have put that there and it seems a local industry has popped up as well uh cuz that wasn’t here in shenberg s before if I can make sense of it oh yeah another thing I wanted to uh

    Show you something that does work believe me now if you look at the um the steps uh not the steps the doors you have a little step here you know to allow for wheelchair users or you know people with prams or trolleys whatever to get on the truck train I’m pressing the switch

    Here we may have just heard it there the steps get locked away completely there you go now the steps are back maybe that’s the thing that dovil should consider running for train Sy world as far as passengers go having you know push chairs Brams wheelchair users that’ be quite

    Cool certainly put theep on the 642 to use but uh yeah def but I think the first priority as far as passengers go is their intelligence they really need to get that sorted out or their behavior let’s say are we stopping at all the stations shenberg S I just want to check

    I think we are stopping all the stations the next stop is Uber now and then Souls batch will be the stop after that hey Sophie nice to nice to see you hope you’re well uh this came out a long time ago so this came out in late November so nearly 3 months

    Ago I’ve wish listed on PlayStation for ages just hoping for a sale I mean it was cheap to be well not cheap but it was cheaper than the normal rout price know root price these days is what £30 $40 in the UK I’ve got a bit of a problem here the

    Uh the in the pzb indicators are not flashing so I don’t know if um able to go at full chat or not oh well we’re running late anyway who cares let’s just keep trundling along uh another thing with this rout that gripes me is that you’ve got the

    Dockyard here which is it’s nothing that’s a that’s not a complaint I’m actually very pleased that the do that the um at the uh Dove tail kept the dockyard and they’ve actually expanded the range of services you can do as far as Freight with the Shanta uh which is 363 I think which

    Comes with this route and you can use the uh the G6 as well which is really cool but the obvious one that’s missing is the db24 which Riv games made as a loco add-on I think to main Spy Bar and that was specifically doing duties in and

    Around the dockyard so the fact that it’s absent from this route uh timetable uh isn’t really good I think we have to figure out what’s going on on with these indicators and they’re not working right we’re crossing the tracks nice to see the uh updated uh rain uh Graphics or

    Textures soonly looks the damn side better sounds a bit better Too hopefully uh we we can use this diesel multiple unit on other uh German or cross border routes to come in train some World cuz I think this is a decent uh multiple unit of dtail made you know it’s it’s above average for them certainly from interior sounds

    I mean the switches alone sound really good just wish the diesel engine sounded a bit more fruy if it had a bit more base to it you know bit of a rumble to it you know I would have think you know I would have think this uh I would think that

    This unit would be in 10 out of 10 B it’s not 10 out of 10 not yet I think a I think a seven out of seven and a half maybe out of 10 for this multiple unit I think is pretty darn good and I prefer this uh multiple unit to

    Uh the 62a and the 612 and speaking of the 628 you can actually use the red to your bar Livery uh version on this RS timetable which is a nice touch by tsg and duvail oh yeah miles better than um rivets um 150 Sophie 100% we are now approaching Uber

    Now we’re nearly 10 minutes late uh I also forgot to mention that the shenberg S they had different uh dot matrix displays which looked uh pretty cool and they were different to the main B version of of of a shenberg suit why I do not know but it look good

    I don’t know if you’ll see that at uh this station here or any other station along the line but we’ll see okay pulling up to stopping point at Uber now ah there’s the new displays there’s a tractor and the car park okay maybe farmer mccartan’s here to come

    Pick up his friend from the local train service or maybe he wants to come on the on the ride off the train have a look at that okay Station yeah the grass text to don’t look great they’ve added some 3D or 2D um grass there’s not enough of it there’s the tractor these don’t look too bad these houses got a driveway which don’t look brilliant at least the house has got a driveway uh it’s a very peculiar Garden

    Ever seen one there’s no way to get in it it’s a weird looking hedge there’s another one as well that one’s got trees in okay and uh this this the back of the house okay that’s got a shed oh that’s got the back porch no shed this doesn’t have a back of the

    House oh no it does got one at the side fair play that don’t look good oh this B look a bit this looks a bit better grass here that’s fine I know it’s going to be a long stream I want to inspect everything that looks good I mean I like

    These dtail games rways okay don’t know why they Landed It dovetail games but okay got your shelter ticket machine clock n clock as well and the station name of oh no it’s not station it’s oan is that car park there’s Uber now interesting the next stop is Sals batch or Sals back it’s

    Uh not too far away so that’s good uh so if you excited for the goblin line um I’d say a mixed bag uh if the goblin line is the goblin line you know it’s 13 stations it’s 13 miles um nothing wrong with that that’s just how it is and I’m looking forward

    To seeing what dtail make of it hopefully it’s above average as as far as the normal stuff dtail has been turning churning out recently um so yeah hopefully it’s a step above the norm and uh hopefully the route as far as scenery goes because it’s in obviously you know Northeast London they do

    A a good job of it they’ve got to get some of the um familiar buildings uh or Skyline you could see in the distance they’ve got to get that right uh I mean they’ve missed out some famous landmarks uh in routs of the past you know um what route was it um

    New York Harlem Line like where was the New York skyline men you know Empire State Building and World Trade Center and MetLife building or whatever it’s called now these days um kler building yeah but they’ve got to get the scenery right because it is just a short

    Sweet little route if it was you know um a route that was was I’d say 40 m long or something like that uh you know that have the north London line or the West London line connected together like they did um in train simulator then maybe I wouldn’t have mind it as

    Much but the fact it’s just the goblin line all on its own then the pressure ramps up as far as the scenery is concerned and speaking of scenery here we are at the next station store this is better is some crap on the floor here a drum there

    Okay some Railway sleepers okay okay this is a bit better yes got some Bush I just wanted to see a bit more foliage around the side of the track little bit more you know like like the levels of West Somerset Railway that kind of level of foliage and stuff like

    That you got a bus and the bus stop there there’s a car par not a good tarmac at all yeah tarmac is not du Tail’s strongest suit when it comes to making routes be that for car Parks roads and sometimes even Pavements as well got a

    Bike rack here sols back it’s nice nice little sign there totem pole Totten pole kind of sign ticket machine uh station building is that new looks newish not sure long platform right I’m going to have to fiddle around with the uh pzb I’ve got to get the indicators back on I don’t

    Know what’s going on with them uh is it mode M maybe battery control P be on um if I set the reverser to neutral oh I’ve got an idea just take the key out put it back to forward and turn it on should sort itself out I’d be very surprised if it didn’t

    Uh travel auxiliary travel switch one Earth doeses that do um light yeah that’s fine indicators here we go okay so they’re not completely broken I’ve tested it and it doesn’t work so headlights uh wipers you got destination displays here uh H secol oh yeah this is the airon that’s

    Cool I fiddled around with that earlier it does work which is good uh battery controls okay so you can’t have a look at the um destination display it’s just a little bit difficult for me to see cuz the text is so tiny I think that says

    Miltenburg and you can change it yes you can you can set it back all right fair play it works it’s good it’s not completely broken uh the next stop is clean walat reminds me of that Formula 1 driver Christian clean don’t a if few F1 if any F1 fan

    Knows knows his name but Christian gleen he was the first Red Bull F1 driver literally he was uh part of Jaguar I think in 2004 or 2003 yeah we’re very very late but as long as we finish the service that’s all that matters it’s quite cool a quite

    High up um over of a road or next to the road this rout hasn’t got many stations either I think it’s 14 15 stations so it’s like the goblin line but in the countryside and it’s quicker I think much quicker um Sophie the five Circle Line uh yeah I

    Am looking forward to the five Circle Line more than the the goblin line Believe It or Not uh cuz the five Circle route is one of is a route I’ve wanted to see in the game for a very long time so hopefully fingers crossed rivet pulled something out of the bag and make

    That route actually decent uh it’s cool that it’s coming with the 170 uh and Skyhook will eventually bring the uh class 158 uh to route as well or be in Scot real Livery why it’s a separate adle God Only Knows uh the only main niggle I

    Have of it is that there isn’t the class 68 rivet missed an opportunity there same with Dove up the goblin line they should have added the north London line with the goblin line oh not again oh [ __ ] it we still going oh that was a bit bizarre yeah we accelerating

    Bizarre seemed like the emergency brakes applied um but then decided not to apply right we’ve got a speed limit of 60 coming up all we got a passing Loop here at the next Station there’s another 6 42 full coach train two units connected together excellent that’s what I like to see I love the fact he got those big massive glass windows on the sides certainly lets a lot of natural lighting so it’s not all doom and gloom for the passengers not a gloomy looking

    Environment it’s not like Eeyore is it with a cloud over his head go 1025 15 minutes late oh dear you got to laugh oh dear oh must be first look I’m allowed to take it easy okay so this is clean wall start terrible grass texture that’s not

    Good these signs are they’re new aren’t they War gang and Zer zuren whatever that means in English once again the neat little destination displays hopefully you know they start adding some new destination displays for the American routes those us routes are getting heavily neglected at the moment

    Just three routs in nearly two years not good enough it says it there look West Franken bar that must be a subsidiary of Deutsche bar I take it oh well there see have platform there little island platform if you like okay Building looks familiar to me here’s another car

    Park looks okay I’d say at best what is that meant to be leaves I hope so and there as well yeah the rude scenery is not great I must be I did fear that this would be the main issue and it seems it’s proven to be the case just the scenery near the

    Track and around the station is is it’s not quite good I don’t think this route is as good as far as looks go uh dare I say it I think uh the what route was it the dove tail made the short the teeny tiny route uh the glossip line I thought I

    Think the glossip line looks better than in this um I mean this is a German route I me normally dovil do a pretty damn good job with the German routs as far as scenery goes you know uh NOA Dresden main main sped Barn the route that this has a you know separate extension

    To um uh what else um the tant ram I thought that looked pretty decent but it’s just a few recent German roots that dtail made that seem to be slipping it a bit the quality is decreasing and it’s starting to be a bit noticeable it’s becoming a bit of a

    Common theme unfortunately uh I thought link grindin Striker was okay but not brilliant it was good in some areas but really not good in others uh and normally the German stuff stuff tells well it’s main calling card really so I think you know the German stuff I think dovetail do a solid job

    With by far up there with the best stuff that dovetail have made um but yeah this route scenery wise not as good as I was expecting you know when you hear like a small tiny route being made like 13 miles or 20 mil or you know in that ballpark you would

    Expect well you know it’s not a big route I to have to construct so that means you know they could put a bit more time into the detail into the scenery you know really getting in getting in there and making sure there is little you know shrubs and vegetation some

    Proper 3D grass I mean look at the West summerway that looks fantastic and um in a remastered form I mean whoever did that uh do tail that’s off to you but uh I don’t know this Vis R and brayman oldenberg which is another German route which disappointed me when I

    Uh uh picked that route up at the time I think it was just after Christmas last year or before Christmas uh last year no year before that I should say um yeah that really disappointed me as scenery with the scenery as well so yeah it’s normally been like it’s almost like

    A complete reverse like sometimes the route looks good and the and the main traction the star of the show if you like uh for passenger or Freight operations they’re normally a bit under par but at the moment it seemed to have become uh Tail’s done the switcher Ro

    The units multiple units or locomotives are pretty decent you know sounds and physics um but the roote just for was a little bit flat that’s probably just me being me but uh yeah but anyway going back to your point Sophie um yeah five Circle I hope will

    Be a decent overall package by rivet games I have reasonably high expectations from them because uh the previous Scottish route they made the Scot real Express I thought was actually pretty decent from them I was pleasantly surprised by how solid it was uh yeah the sounds of the 385 were horrendous

    But uh the route itself weren’t too bad so hopefully you know they they maintain that level of above average from Rivet games uh I’ll just uh have a little um cup of tea oh not tea hot chocol it was out chocolate but it’s gone cold now I’ve been speaking and playing the game

    Too long might as well say to the usual um YouTube Shenanigans uh if You’ enjoyed the stream so far um then feel free to hit the Thumbs Up Button below and if you are watching uh a bit of my content for the first time be it you

    Know a live stream or a video I’ve produced recently but yeah feel free to subscribe to the channel uh like I said earlier uh the next stream will be tomorrow a bit earlier than the norm uh taking a look at the remastered West Somerset Railway I mean I haven’t done a full uh

    Playthrough of the West Somerset Railway in its remastered form but just going from one station to another in 10 minutes just tells me how good that route is All right let’s go to our next stop which is uh I’m not going to sa that maybe glenv that’s how you say it glenv that station is just over a mile away and uh We’ve cut the Gap a little bit we were 15 minutes late now

    Uh we we might just make it before uh the 15 minute Mark in terms of being late we’ll see Slovak uh I’m back have been reading for a little while oh that’s all right fair enough what were you reading anything cool or was it the local newspaper or something like that Omar

    Hey how are you nice to see you hope you’re well uh brought us through 25% true I I did the same uh bought on bought it on the discount uh 6.5 out of 10 rating must admit not worth 30 quid uh uh this isn’t £30 uh it’s

    $24.99 uh so it’s not full full price it’s uh £24.99 uh but on a discount uh which was 25% off I think I got it for just under uh I think it’s £ 19 I think I think it was1 18 71 I paid all together

    For it which isn’t too bad but then you got to factor of things like V8 and legal stuff irritating things but so far I I think the route is a little bit flat as far as scenery goes a bit rushed for my liking which is disappointing most positive aspect of

    This route is by far the 642 this outshines uh this route really does uh uh GE George Georgie uh zerof hey how are you hope you’re well um DV really need to restructure their scheduling their business cost is probably not allowing them to be quality I don’t know

    I mean for the for the past was it now two years my God yeah Del tailes business practices have been put have been thrown into the spotlight more often due to the fact that their DLCs have you know the price has been put up but uh unfortunately uh

    The level of quality or the expectations that you know people would expect for paying you know more money for these routs would be a bit better than this I must say I mean d have made some decent products uh you know since they jacked the price up on all their new things

    They put out these days um you know Peak Forest I thought was decent the gloss supplying I mean I don’t even know what was even the point of having the gloss Supply in the first place but very unusual to just pick that out of the bag

    And make a route out of it but uh yeah I thought that was decent despite very unusual reason as to what’s the point of having it in the first place um gee I’m trying to think of actually decent routes it’s been made by D to recently um Um e espon verberg maybe out a push um and that’s uh Birmingham Cross City Line um and that’s about it really isn’t it yeah as far as new DLCs have been released since dw3 yeah not many this unfortunately does this route doesn’t unfortunately go into that

    Category of decent routes by a duv tail unfortunately thankfully you know we’ve got a couple of party routes that have been made you know um that are pretty decent like Scott Rail Express um main toil bar neita to bar uh not main toil bar sorry uh Blackpool branch is under

    The need a toil bar and then in the far far far future um you’ve got V to Dy line in Japan so uh all is not lost for train Sim world yet I’ve just noticed that I’ve missed a seems a fair bit of Industry there oh

    Well I’ll have a look at it on the next run I’ll do a regional Express I think hopefully it stops at that station it seems like a middle of nowhere kind of station there’s not much of a not much gradient on this one is it it’s really just it’s

    Really flat isn’t it I think the steepest gradient I’ve encountered is 0.5% so the fact that there’s not much in terms of you know variation in the terrain of the route uh you know makes it feel a little bit dull if it was like you know some steep ups and downs that

    Would make it a bit more of a challenge uh especially for this uh multiple unit and keep the Driving Experience entertained entertaining but uh we make the Driving Experience entertaining see yeah this is better it’s more like it you know that kind of grass texture I

    Can live with forget this 2D rubbish if they could just stick This Grass texture on top of the flat grass texture yeah and that’s okay I’m I’m I’m good with that you know Bush here and a tree there you know uh uh how do you say that Erin back

    Is that how you say correctly I don’t know I need a brush up on my German skills someday swear to God see you got the time how late we are maybe uh Regional bar service and uh time and the um presumably the uh names of the stations that said service will be stopping

    It oh dear yeah I don’t know but they they need to fire they need to hire someone that is actually good at making Road networks and Pavements and car Parks anything with tarmac on it because it’s not a good look it never has been for train

    Sim world you know it’s been going on for far too long they really need to get someone in to sort that out it just looks bad you know it’s really bad you know PS3 PS2 kind of levels it’s not very good the next stop is worth is that is

    That yeah literally worth isn’t it yeah so yeah overall is it worth paying um $24.99 for this rout if it was at30 I would say 100% no uh I would say no I don’t think you should get it this at full price if you get it at a discount yeah fair

    Enough you know it’s a teeny tiny route mostly set in the countryside with underpass scenery um I think the timetable is actually pretty decent I’m not going to lie 133 Services was more than I was uh expecting I it be like 60 or 80 services

    So 133 I think it’s not too bad uh the freight aspect I haven’t looked at that yet with the shunter but uh it seems the industry there and uh the dockyard you know Services there look quite interesting uh easily this unit is the best bit about the roof my country M and

    I really hope this gets integrated into other timetables past and present and in the future as well you know by use of substitution or what have you definitely Toronto ramp would be a good place for this unit to stretch its legs uh but yeah out of 10 um I think I give

    This I’d say a six so far maybe a 6.5 but that’s a stretch yeah we’re really late oh my God 20 minutes late oh well as long as we finish it that’s all that matters long as you bring it home in one piece that’s all that matters

    God even the brake sounds you hearing it coming to a stor there we go okay um let’s have a look at the chat um uh Sophie snap like 150 I know 170 Inside Out won hesitate to kick off of it balls up fair enough fair enough i’

    I’ i’ I’d be i’ do the same i’ go on a bit of a ramp myself hopefully they do a solid job they’ve got a doing much better with the S with that 170 rivet they can’t make that same mistake again that they did with the 385 I think they

    Were going to go on a recording trip weren’t they to like a nearby Depo in Glasgow or something uh for the 385 and uh yeah one year later we have’t another peep about that so that’s obviously either a lie or um they’ve just yeah forgotten too busy trying to make money but hey

    Go uh the next stop is uh klingenburg klingenburg just under two kilm away we are under restricted monitoring noticing some of these buildings are very similar color to other buildings I’ve seen um earlier on this journey yeah they’re exactly the same some of them okay so the which isn’t a

    Surprise but it just caught my attention that it seems to was reusing civil assets and just plopping it wherever possible on the route probably to save time we got a red signal coming up that’s a surprise I mean we’re so late I mean I probably screwed up the entire timetable for uh today’s

    Proceedings never mind uh Richie rail hey how are you hope you’re well welcome aboard just taking a slow leisurely first look at the uh maintal Barn overall it’s match my expectations the route is a bit disappointing unfortunately but this unit is great it’s decent uh Georgie zerov really want to see the

    PC edited editor rout soon uh I think if you is a I think a there was an article on the forums I think where it showed some progress of some routs being made I think one was in Germany one was a timetable a new timetable for teas

    Valley uh I think there’s another one in is it Poland or Switzerland it’s one of the two um I think it will show you like uh some photographs of progress and the idea behind the route and all that we need stop oh you couldn’t be more close to the red signal if you

    Tried holy crap that would have made me angry then if I puled it up okay oh dear well maybe this I can accept this car po say it’s been Rec taged or something that looks okay that does not since when of the pavement cover up a junction okay fair play

    Um this uh this this it’s bit f in it look too shabby it’s not too bad so it’s a clingen BG and Main apologies I’m not getting the entire name correct seems a bit of an industrial facility there maybe yeah that isn’t good I don’t get

    It how come one platform look decent you know as far as foliage goes and you go on to the other platform and it looks crap honestly unless they unless someone here you know unless good old Jim in the in the little building here maybe gets

    His lawn mower out of day and cuts the grass then maybe but uh that’s not good as far as I can tell so you get the 612s that sub on to this route um unfortunately the pis displays are broken which isn’t a surprise so uh yeah one thing looks good another thing is

    Broken and looks terrible so well I mean the unit looks great just unfortunate the pis displays are broken at least that one works so at least you know where you’re going oh dear right let’s trundle on to our next uh station stop which is uh lenbach I think as I say it

    Correctly where’s the horn button for this m unit I hear it but I can’t see the switch it’s not is it better focus on what I’m doing forget about the horn oh look little water park that’s a nice touch this spent this SP of the track looks okay so you got a water park here um okay where’s the water in it

    Then you got a pool uh which I certainly would want to go into looks a bit too murky for my liking better get someone to clean it I think and you can hear people people taking a dip and going for a swim but there’s nobody around excellent job du

    Tail you know just get some people standing there you know in swimming costumes or something sure that’s not that difficult to do yeah water part look decent until you get up close to it I suppose when you see it in the cab it don’t look too

    Bad maybe I’m being a bit over critical for some elements in the scenery I don’t know it’s just me me me me being me um uh SL ball map I’ve been reading a Five Nights of Freddy’s oh what a lovely bedtime story yes I’ve heard of five

    Nightes of Freddy yes the popular in the game or franchise yeah they made a film last year for Halloween friend of mine went to see it it was terrified um uh Richie rail um good uh did a first look at the rude and thought it was all right fair enough

    Um I must say at the second half of the journey it seems things scenery wise have improved a little bit I mean uh I suppose the weather for the weather that I currently have set for this service you know cloudy and rainy and a bit of

    Mist uh makes it look I suppose a little bit better but yeah I just think the stations at close inspection you know I thought they’ be a little bit better certainly with the foliage I mean I don’t get that you know you get a flat grass texture one minute go over to the

    Platform there is some actual foliage so I don’t know what’s going on there and yeah it’s just a the scenery around um just yeah you know the infrastructure of a local community whatever village town just don’t look good I don’t know why I really really don’t but this in the

    Countryside this doesn’t look too shabby you know this weather condition need to pick up the pace a little bit I mean how long’s the stream been on full over an hour I mean I think normally iour takes o I’d say 30 to 40 minutes so yeah I’ve definitely

    Been going I’ve definitely been Mr slowly for this journey so apologies if I’m if that annoys you the fact that I’m nearly probably close to 20 25 minutes late I’m sorry I know people get tra very good of watching a specific service not run close to time

    So well look and say yeah I’m sorry the next one will be better this is a regional Express so whoa the station’s right there that caught me by surprise when I was looking at the uh the countdown to how many meters we’ve got to go until my stopping point but caught me off

    Guard thank you very much station uh game okay station inspection commencing this looks bit better that’s good this is a lenbach main first a point collectible there more defibrillator this looks interesting what’s this is this like a information point maybe not sure okay this doesn’t look too bad you

    Got a little underpass there for the road okay that’s not too bad long platforms I mean I know you get normally four coach trains down here but why me very long platforms right let’s depart this station’s probably one of the better looking ones simply because there isn’t much

    Around I’ve been a main road and some trees and bushes yeah that engine don’t needs improving cuz the horn and everything’s inside is pretty Good uh what’s the next station stop uh clean H back I think that’s how you say it we were doing about 20 minutes ago but yeah sorry about that um uh Georgie zerov for the community is planning some great Roots just need to wait yep time and patience will reward us in the

    End I mean look at um I think what was it the main tail bar uh not main tail bar Christ’s sake uh the neita toil Barn I think that took was it a year 18 months to construct uh so that just shows you how

    Long you know if you want to get to that level of quality as far as the complete package goes you know for from the unit to the experience to the visuals of the unit The Sounds the the look of the route itself yeah you’re going to be

    Waiting a long time but you know I Drive wait and get um rushed products that we seem to be getting on a daily basis unfortunately uh the one route is did catch my eye I am looking forward to seeing and I hope D will do a decent job of it is the

    Um what’s it called the Austrian route the uh searing Barn that interests me cuz it’s longer than the train simulator version and it’s a contrast of different experiences you got very tight twisty uphill mountainous Terrain uh then the latter half of the route which dovel extended thankfully um

    That’s more like a flatter it seems more faster section of the route so that I am looking forward to seeing the main toil bar uh not main toil bar the semmering barn there’s a lot of barns in this in this stream isn’t there main Barn semmering

    Barn but yeah the s ring bar I am looking forward to seeing for once I I thought at first it would be you know the the under overground Goblin line but uh I think the five Circle and the uh saming bar definitely is top of

    The tree for me I hope that is pretty decent cuz I thought the aan rberg was the best route that was released uh was the best route you know when train s World launched um it was much better than the Antelope Valley Line because I think the

    Antilope Valley Line is a bit needless and boring um and East Coast Mainline I thought well the concept just you know the whole route just dies as a result the moment that you say it’s going to be pretty much in the middle of nowhere um well not nowhere it’s the Midlands but

    You know we five stations and uh not a lot to do really uh where if it was like say I don’t know leads to York or York to Newcastle and maybe it might be a bit different different or the section which I think we should have had for the East Coast

    Mainline was definitely a Peter to London but D decided to steer clear of that because obviously it would take more time to make and perfect but um there you are that’s tough ta so what did they do they chose the quickest and probably the easiest section of the East Coast Mainline West

    Coast West Coast East Coast Mainline to to uh to produce I didn’t inspect that previous station oh well I let it off let’s hope it’s a gleaming specimen of perfection got some chocolates in my bowl and a couple of biscuits I haven’t even had them

    Yeah okay what have we got here a little siding over here local business ooh okay seems interesting next and final stop is miltenburg hooray I suppose the disappointing aspect of the Searing Barn is that the fact we’ve got a a familiar face unfortunately the

    Uh what was it the aik bndes bar uh 116 elect locomotive or the the dbbr 182 for short or the the tallest locomotive that we’ve had for very long time now but uh you know I must confess I do like the um vorus locomotive as a whole so I not

    Kind of immensely disappointed that uh that it’s coming as the main traction for um searing bar it would have been nice if we’ve had something new alongside it like uh I think they have those City Jets don’t they uh and there’s a little diesel multiple unit I

    Think that runs along the semar ring bar I think in the mid-2010s I think can’t remember what it’s called I made a note of it somewhere I’ll read it out in a second when we get into my God we need to start breaking thank you very much where’s that line coming to then

    I’ve just passed another industry there what am I doing today I’m missing all the industries out I’m not getting in the free cam having a look at them I do apologize it’s me just blabbing I just talk and talk and talk might as well make this the Spurs Ro podcast SL

    Stream honestly if I did a podcast I I could talk for hours and hours and hours and hours hours Nice Bridge here over the is it the river rine whatever River this is It’s So Two Rivers we’ve passed over today we’ve crossed over I should say uh Sophie clingen BG named after clingin

    Really is that actually true surely not all right coming into miltenberg I’ve done a couple of services you know just taking the trains into service from the nearby sidings here uh it’s not too bad it’s very unusual is that uh I think for one service I did every single unit

    On the entire main tail barall was 612s there was not a single 642 in sight why I do not know I haven’t seen a 62a I ever actually come to think of it there’s a uh 363 parked in the station platform there it’s l way down the platform isn’t

    It thought we’d be a little bit further back than this making everyone get out and walk in the boring rain hooray there we go Journey’s End we made it in one piece I love this diesel M wi it looks so cool it just looks modern and fresh doesn’t it you

    Know Dov tail what you need to do is just release a new like not just one multiple what not one new brand spanking new locomotive multiple unit but two of them you know like you used to do in the old days when train world was in its Heyday that’s what I

    Think but no it’s just one new thing and many replicas alongside it we’ve already got yeah this multiple unit other than those engine sounds I’d say spot on fantastic uh right let’s return to the main menu we’ve got 20 plus 10 what’s how long has

    This stream been on for an hour and 17 I’ll do one more journey I can squeeze one in I think I won’t look at the freight stuff today I haven’t got time cuz I’m be going slow and steady in the first service um uh Richie the engine is quite nice sounding personally fair

    Enough oh is it 18 months for the uh Blackpool rout uh Sophie all right uh slov B mppa can you recommend me some German rootes for train Sim World 2 blind me uh got to think of rootes that were made for train Sim world too German Roots

    Uh depends if you have them or not uh um I’d say German roots that one main SP Barn definitely no Vera Dresden 100% uh that’s the king of the crop for uh German roots and train sore too as far as I’m concerned uh ryro Austin um and tant ramp wrong one Journeys

    Barn freeze uh these are Regional Barn this one’s in the snow brilliant uh miltenburg to a shenberg okay let’s hope it’s not at night time um uh Rich what are you looking forward to everyone which are you uh looking forward to seeing that dovil was announced and rivet and whatever who

    Else um that’s coming to train Sim worldy looking forward to the simmering bar the goblin line or what’s it now called the saate line that was a nice Transport for London there the new name for the goblin line um uh what was he have a r five

    Circle oh yeah have a San Bernardino line of of course can’t forget that one um and salsburg to rosenheim salsburg rosenheim looks actually quite interesting mainly because it’s a more long it’s a longer route than what we’ve had recently okay it’s in the snow okay I think I can get it I think

    We can just get away with it if it’s an Express we can beat Sunset I think okay let’s uh headlights on set contrast I’ve opened the r i open the doors I thought I did right let’s mess around with these air vents fresh air temperatures warm air cooling fan

    Control you can actually hear it as well fair enough okay right I think for this run cuz I’m on a bit of a tight schedule I’m going to leave the pie of be off uh but I’ll put on the uh seifa try a degree of realism no we don’t have to go yet

    Pressing the wrong button Oopsy Daisy apologies there so if I Journey Oh look The couple is covered up that’s cool look at the snow built up in there that’s pretty good I like that that’s a nice touch snow getting built up there that’s cool so we got uh four coach train two

    Units or two connected together there’s another one over there uh these are the sidings down here where uh some of the units will be parked up at night uh there’s also uh the Depo at a shenberg as well where those units can be parked

    Too uh yeah as far as AI um traffic from other routes I have seen uh Inter City Express trains um stop at um shenberg and 425s and 146 St tws and there is a Vectron in there as well for the freight so uh there’s a little bit of variation as

    Far as different stock you can see it um uh shenberg makes me think that hopefully um if I were to have remaster um the sugar it can’t depart yet there’s a red signal got to wait we going the right way aren’t we here we are right we’ve got to wait for another

    Unit that’s coming in okay fair enough um did I just press that love button that heart emoji thing in the Bob on the live chat why did I do that I was just trying to scroll down um uh so we got an awesome idea uh for a

    Podcast you could document your life I got into trains I could do that but uh I think I’ll be making what God knows how podcasts what I think of um would have the necessary equipment for a podcast I’m not sure I could look into it but I think it will require a

    Bit of investment there’s another unit coming in let’s rock and roll Sor trains hey how are you nice to see you hope you’re well been a while since I’ve seen you hope everything is well welcome to the stream just having a first look the uh maintel bomb what I got on a just

    SC and unfortunately it match my expectations of the route being under par and the unit being pretty good well but credit where credit you I think the timetable was actually better than I was expecting there was a fair bit of stuff to do passenger wise it’s easy it’s just up

    And back up and back up and back but um for the freight not complaining at all Shanta certainly gets a bit of work to do which is good if only out 204 was included in this timetable that would really do it justice turn on bjb N can’t be

    Bothered need to speed things up a bit I’m afraid so the uh first station stop is all the way up there speaking of how many stops we we’re stopping at a fair few it’s not bad kenberg uh e effing ironbat uh Uber Uber uh clean wallat a shenberg s a shenberg

    Itself then we uh split the units in half and then stop at a shenberg platform too Happy Days wow sugar what did I do that oh I might have saved my bacon there reset the brakes go it’s my fault wasn’t concentrating there trying to pick up a chocolate oh well we’re still

    Moving that’s a tight schedule to do 9 km in less than a few minutes BL it it’s Tight I do want to have a look at that if I get an opportunity so is that I’ve seen I want to have a look at this local industry here see what it is see what’s going on over there yeah it is a shame Sor as the subpar unfortunately the scenery is too

    Inconsistent there are some good patches but unfortunately just not consistent Enough right here we go what very manifest wagons aren’t they the whales are very much covered up my goodness at least you got some good sounds of the industry at work that’s come from uh which buildings come from what is it the Switzerland route isn’t it zentral schwi if I’m not

    Mistaken okay interesting little industry there do some shunting in there maybe no never i s trains is the first time I’ve played the German roots since behind me four or 5 months I think n it’s got to be a lie surely have played something since for the past 3 4

    Months haven’t I German wise probably have on the stream actually but just can’t remember what it was I think it was um was it rapid transit I think 182 can’t remember when though I think it was back end of last year I must say um if you have the rout set to snowy

    Conditions I don’t think I think it don’t look too bad in the snow I haven’t noticed the Hillside and the distant scenery I’ve been so busy looking at the sceny up close close quarters have forgotten about the the hillside does that look like Looks okay um I don’t know what I’d love to know what this is all about when the snow is not there hopefully not just flat boring grass textures distant scenery looks okayish I’d say prefer that side than that side W speeding haven’t said that in a while

    Well yeah so I’ve got um I’ve got a biscuit Digestive and then I’ve got um some little chocolate squares cat Bree are very nice when we get to uh the first station stop we need to take a look at that screen see what you can fiddle around with

    Just thinking what routes you could use this on cuz it’s a diesel multiple in it torant ramp definitely comes to mind um that’s about it isn’t it um I’m just trying to think um what can you use this on realistically I’m not trying to think I’m just

    Thinking is that like a branch line it’s accessible via a diesel locomotive only or something like that I can’t quite think oh Ros Nord comes to mind I don’t know why um thinking Ros Nord I don’t know why am I thinking that I don’t know we’re running late but not as nowhere

    Near as late as before right time to break and the wheels aren’t locking which is good so this is reasonably easy to right in the snow so that’s a tick that’s good I see high speed routs yeah yeah oh I just escaped that I think oh no I didn’t oh come on

    Now let me off game I was looking at the chat there we go okay we can carry on we’re like 3 minutes late that’s fine I’m not bothered just need to make it to the end all right coming into kenberg or klingenburg whoa that’s a bit close thank you very much

    Okay I haven’t look at the top of this unit yet have I the fans move moving around that’s good got a little chimney funnel looks decent the loot the unit looks great got head out view there uh I want to look at the uh screens don’t I

    Right uh do we have to wait for another unit maybe to no I think we’re okay I just want to quickly have a little peek at this screen a minute just See what’s going on with this screen then uh so we got one two no okay what’s this one nothing think uh what’s this one I don’t know any of this this is all in German so uh I have no idea oh my God okay

    No oh my gosh okay there’s a fair bit to do on this screen all right there a thumbs up for me um I don’t know if it’s completely accurate because it’s all in German so uh looks okay to me I think uh how do we go back that was right wasn’t it

    Yeah right change the controls back thank you can we go no we got to wait okay fair enough we’re running late though we need to go don’t we surely can’t see another unit on the approach uh let’s take a look at the uh uh platform over there and I might

    Tell us when the next service is due when we’re running late so uh we need to get a move on otherwise we’re in trouble but when is the next one coming about to sneeze in okay let go uh 1532 that’s 12 minutes time blind me I

    Can’t be sat here for 12 minutes I need to get a move on wait for the signal to change oh come on I can’t sit here for 12 bloody minutes where is this next train then where is it a bucker it’s on the it’s all way up there

    Uh even if I was on time I don’t think I would have I would have had to have sat here anyway cuz it’s I’m in the only passing Loop isn’t there there isn’t another one before my next stop uh that’s all uh local industry isn’t it

    So uh that’s not a passing Loop either oh well we’re going to have to to just sit here and wait for 12 minutes so whoop we do never mind oh well uh let’s have a look at this screen here nothing no so we got this is the radio I think isn’t it

    GSM gsmr Radio can we anything happens to it or is it just pressing it for pressing sake something to fiddle with okay fair enough you got a blind here yeah that’s a challenge uh what else high beam seems to work it’s good auxiliary travel switch I wonder what that’s all about

    Cab lights they work go for the desk light you can have both cab and desk light on got a little desk dimmer light that works good good obiously the instrument light works the indicator lights test Ticky boo magnetic brake turn it on and the sander as

    Well can have it on all the way if you want um you got the wiper controls here intermediate prefer it on slope sounds a bit better uh those buttons don’t do anything um they don’t do anything either uh what’s what’s down here uh fire extinguisher first aid kit uh

    Anything else we can mess around with you got a little seat you can indeed sit on that’s good nice touch oh can’t bring it up now never mind um none of these and none of these which um I wasn’t expecting them to be uh usable got pzb obviously I’ve turned

    That off got the different modes of pzb you could open the left door for some reason why the left no idea um can’t open the right doors just AA battery control uh don’t know what that one is so do with the battery and obviously the SE for isolation

    Switch uh what’s this little fell um nothing ah there’s the horn it’s under it’s under the desk wow never seen that before horn button underneath the desk nor there’s like a switch on the dash like here or something not to be right come on let’s see how slow coach is

    Doing it’s not even going stop yet oh my God the only just set off oh my God you better get a shift on um Simon hey nice to see you hope you’re well uh there are diesel l that Branch off some German routs near Aran Dresden brayman and olsburg all right I

    See are they all in the game or is that was that just in real life second screen seems to be a door status all right God we’re running out of daylight we need to get going soon put the high beam on I think and I think I’ll put the desk light on

    Too Des light is nice lighting C light l so much um door status um oh on here you mean yeah I’m not sure um what some of them do it seems like there’s a lot to to have a look at you know as far as the status of the

    Multiple unit the internals and all that Sky lighting looks pretty decent I must say I really like the new lighting you know a sky and a cloud Tech where is the snow coming from I do not know um not for those little puffy clowns that’s for sure but um yeah lighting looks

    Pretty good always has been with the new Sky Tech nighttime uh not so much it could do a bit of an improvement there’s the next one due so we are du to depart oh no that’s a regional Barn Service uh so we are holding the traffic up which isn’t

    Great blame the slow one yeah there’s one stuck there so yeah I’m holding up everyone though come on mate are you at the next stop you are indeed I think you’re just departing the station that be fantastic if you will oh my god um uh Simon the on I was thinking of for

    A run for a few stops and TSW routs before branching off all right AG aan to stalberg that’s a good one brayman to oh delman horse yeah of course uh Dresden to tr newart and orberg to mering yeah no no possibilities best put that in the in

    The Del tale chat maybe even next time they go live mention it to them I bet you they’ll get that done cuz uh they tend to do high priority with German timetables I mean look they’re they’re completely gutting the Cur Ark and timetable and rebuilding it from scratch

    And not half day updated it like three times not another station surely so it’s quite a Time dependent route so you you better make it on time otherwise you’re going to end up sitting at a passing Loop forever very long time um uh Simon some around chemets too

    Definitely Hub bun Hof station you mean oh yeah maybe they’ve already put that in in AI I’m not sure I have to have a little check at that when the stream’s finished uh plus some dmus that run the bran oldenberg that continue off uh wires interesting I expect the Aran stalberg

    Services will be in the new time table I wouldn’t be surprised I would be surprised I don’t know when that timetable is due actually it was due um in the first few months of the year but uh they’ve taken that off the list so I don’t know uh when that time table stre

    Looking forward to it though I do like Carl Arin I prefer it to munchin orberg if munchin orberg gets a timetable upgrade and maybe a bit of a scenery upgrade as well uh I think that would be pretty decent cuz uh m urg’s a longer route if I’m not mistaken than k

    Aren um plus Cur to horm and various AI only oh yeah thei know they’ll go to town with that they always have done with the the German roots and train Sy world you know look at um what rout was it um Hamburg Lubec the amount of AI they managed to

    Cram into um Hamburg Carano station that’s pretty good decent I mean you’ve got you know two different completely different passenger services on the same platform come on come on surely it must be now must be near soon here it comes hoay finally on the move he’s coming into the

    Platform right if I lock the doors yes I have please can we go I beg we need to move now oh my God come on get past I’ve got a terrible feeling this might be a bug a ble hope not come on come on let us

    Go I’m going to wait for it to depart and if it if it doesn’t let me go then uh I think it’s a bug and it it’s ruined my service going in the opposite direction Pi the question is it a uh 642 or 612 let a 642 going to milenberg uh Simon

    Um uh it’s been put back which is a shame because looking forward to it there are so much AI that could be added to Munich wburg IC e1s into cities definitely uh diesel multiple units in the upcoming Austrian stuff uh 111’s uh two they are very Munich or they are in

    Munich I think um delete his train uh how do I do that how do you delete a train I’ve never deleted a train before I don’t know how you do that and uh when don’t you have to be on foot to do that

    Oh God how do you do it uh I don’t think you can can you in the free cam you got to get out and do it when uh when’s he getting out of here he’s got to move surely oh of course he can’t cuz he’s stuck because of

    Me holding up the traffic so I’m going to have to get out and the uh can I open the doors even I can love the side of those doors Perfect all right this service will terminate here literally Goodbye Train it’s nice knowing you oh God how do you do it I forgotten

    Uh I haven’t done it in I’ve never done it before in my life uh uh oh God that’s a torch Oher ah oh God no uh I’m pressing every button I could think of no uh there left right d-pad uh hold down button maybe no uh have they taken it away or something

    Uh I’m pressing every button and I don’t know what I’m I honestly don’t have a clue uh put the cursor on the train and click the d-pad to remove the train I am but uh that’s a no that’s the pause button I’m clicking the d-pad and nothing’s

    Happening do you want to give up control uh I could do yes I would love to actually let’s give up control for a change might change things up a little bit now I got to get back and I got to get back on board ah wait for

    Me oh it’s going to go I can see the fumes firing up no no no no no wait for me please please please please please thank you very much if I get back in the coach it might yeah let’s get started let’s see does it change no it’s broken oh

    Poock I don’t get that it didn’t work before they’ve probably broken it or something stuff out they always find something new to break don’t they ah well never mind um when is this train next you 5019 all right I’ve got an idea might work right um what am I

    Doing Tim table on foot uh I’ve got to find the station oh my God what was it called uh aing back wasn’t it uh whatever it’s called that one was it 15 uh 19 I don’t think I’ll be make make it in time 15 uh 20 is a bit of a stretch but

    I can’t take the risk T I um I don’t know U November yeah 18th and I don’t know set it to a lovely cloudy sunny day there we go whatever let’s get in that training and finish it Off Oh you mean Associated are the the one one ones or the 110s whichever train you meant all right here we are the station that’s local Village oh look at that insect Hotel don’t like insects there’s the one I was meant to get 1519 I got the station map I like the fact that the station maps are the official ones I think of the uh from deutche that’s quite a nice touch all right so uh yeah we just got to wait for it nothing much more we can do sit on this

    Chair oh well wait we must fair enough won’t be too long where is it there it is hopefully it’s 64 too yeah near two hours of stream gone way longer than it should I just want to finish the service and then uh then I’ll call it a day

    Nice Ambiance with the birds in that you got your suitcase there person’s got his hat and Ru sack haven’t seen the rock sack before that’s new that tennis can here tennis rackets yeah there a nearby tennis cour around Here don’t know where the local tennis court is but well at least the old German announcers still in the game what’s the latest on the progress of this train he’s on the Move that’s good that’s good have to just sit tight and wait some first look of the main T isn’t

    It I think I’m not sure really not sure which route I want to pick up next to be honest you know three routs which are on the list is um the goblin line definitely um I’d say the one I’m looking forward to the most would probably be uh the semmering barn in

    Austria hopefully it’ll be interested to see uh which one comes out first and at what price I’m yeah the price definitely of the uh overground the goblin looking forward to cuz that’s a teeny tiny route um but I wouldn’t be surprised if they charge full price for it because it’s a

    Transport for London branded product so I imagine tfl will want to a slice of dough as well in uh they haven’t pleased commuter in recent days with by changing the overground lines the fact that they cost them6 million just to change a few names when um you know other issues could be

    Tackled with that amount of money such as fixing uh the central line I think the timetable on that has been absolutely shocking in recent weeks heard about it on the the news and yeah it was awful think it was like 108 minute wait on the for a central line

    Train on the Underground unheard of mainly because uh the units are so old and the parts uh are failing or you know running out of life uh you tfl can’t find replacement parts because those parts are not made anymore so uh it means less trains are running in

    Service which means you get a less frequent service Here Comes our train interesting to see what it sounds like on the approach there it is is yeah Ro listen to that just the squeal of the brakes it’s very good please thank you pardon me excuse me I am back in command of this

    Train fantastic right put the high beam on why not desk light light I’m surprised the AI don’t have all the instrumentation lights on and all that least got headlights correct got the parking brakes still on that’s a surprise uh B change the uh contrast I find that you know with the darker

    Screen you could see a lot more the I think it’s a bit too bright um going take a gamble here for the last minute for the last push right we’re back in business let’s go there you got the pie it be the cas are working this time so restricted monitoring uh 40 km

    Per hour once again the sound of a grandfather clock maybe should have an old clock stick it there or something an oldfashioned clock alarm clock of a loud tick I did used to have a a wall clock but unfortunately it broke after 20 years of hard work so that really made me

    Sad never thought never thought I’d be so sad of having a clock which I’ve had for 20 years of my life sadly gave up the ghost unfortunately so had to be binned well been recycled I should say Obviously the batteries were saved cuz the batteries worked but the

    Internals of the clock just seized up so I couldn’t repair it unfortunately it’s too old never mind uh the next stop is uh U Uber is it Uber Uber yeah or however you say it right we got some ground to make up blind be the timings they very very strict I

    Mean 23 minutes of due in that’s tight it’s a tight timetable to match very tight schedule uh Simon uh anyway what was I saying with Simon about the timetables yeah you definitely need to go on the duvail forums and put your proposals forward because uh I

    Think uh you know your stuff and uh as far as you know German timetables go I think they could deal with uh your suggestions improve a timetable definitely on mention Augsburg that would be a breath of fresh air for that me for nice running sounds as

    Well from the uh 642 this is a good unit this is what the this is what delil should have done to the um to the talent one on the uh vorberg you know get some new sounds this sounds you know incredible this sounds very very good compared to a

    A rberg one no question about it the voralberg they just ripped sounds off aalon 2 I think and just stuck it on the aalon one which you know I’ve seen videos of it in action in real life and uh yeah but Talon one does not sound

    Like a Talon 2 soing on aeric uh bundes B uh Simon believe me I’m not shine suggesting this things the dev tail so much potential with the order routs uh oh definitely 100% I mean look up mean West suers Railway I mean they managed to carve out 100 odd services on the 20

    M Heritage Railway you wouldn’t believe that would be possible would you uh but scenery as well you know that was addressed very very well and West Somerset is arguably one of the best looking routes in the game and that route’s nearly what six seven8 years

    Old goes to show with a bit of detailed teal SE on the on the older routes you know they do stand pretty well compared to their new counter parts I mean that next route has to be 100% needs to be either Long Island Railroad or Northern trans penine I mean

    I I’ll cry if they don’t do um I won cry but I’ll be very cross let’s say uh if they don’t do a remastered version of nor trans penine as long as they tell us that there is something like a remastered version of a older route in

    The works then that’s fine they can take as long as they want take a year two years if you must it just needs to be better I mean you need to get the new lighting and the for cloud Tech uh in the route for starters the lighting just

    Will will transform the route itself uh then they need to definitely grapple that timetable and trans penine and uh scenery as a whole definitely distant scenery of the penines no question about it uh Long Island Railroad easily needs a new timetable I don’t think the route itself looks

    As bad I don’t think it isn’t too bad I think it’s a very decent looking route I mean 40 odd miles it’s not too bad especially in this day and age of du tail you know pumping out small you know 20 old 30 mile routes so the fact that rosenheim to

    Solsburg is was it nearly 50 odd miles or just over 50 miles yeah that’s a welcome sight to have a longish route for a change the next stop is clean wal it’s 2 km away uh Simon hopster R would be my first choice I made a threat about it it

    Was uh just about the busiest section of Railway in Germany is it really a busiest section of Railway I never knew that honestly never knew that I thought the timetable on upster rhin row was decent at the time I mean was it over 400 services on the teeny tiny uh was it

    24 Mile route it’s not too bad is it who did I escape that I think I did I did but I think it needs to break anyway going to start breaking uh I didn’t feel good oh no I broke it did I break the train how did I break it I acknowledged it

    [ __ ] no I broke it oh no me know the old saying goes comes to Tech turn it off and turn it on again override press every trick in the book hopefully that we’ll do something there we go right go go go go go can’t be any

    Later so the penalty is with this time tables you really need to be sharp with you know getting to the station on time otherwise the whole thing will just collapse you know as you discovered earlier be sitting at a press signal for nearly 12 minutes waiting for a train to come out

    The single track section into a passing Loop Station wonder why in a 70 years uh the 85 lamp on flashing and doing The Tick Tock uh sound effect break break break break break break break break break break break PL has been event for never thought uh a second Journey would be so

    Tricky compared to the first one first one was just slow and steady and easy this is difficult good grief I’m thinking of uh one of the timings may need to be changed on this route just to make it a little bit easier to complete cuz uh that’s incredibly tight schedule that’s like

    Balul levels of strictness as far as being on time is concerned uh what was I going to ask you uh Simon you did a Fred on it um upst reinw did you uh what was the Fred called can you remember what it was called cuz I like to have a look at that

    I just uh have a little read into what you suggested on the forums I tick talk um p b indicators have come back on so that’s good we can go to our next and final stop which is a shaen BG which is where the stream will finally in BL me what a first

    Look uh Simon I don’t know the exact stats but certainly that part of Germany is the most dense with so many lines and services of different types uh I’m trying to think of what did they do at the time I think there is some like Regional Barn Regional Express

    Inter city obviously with a 101 Freight uh I’m not sure of regional uh Esa espa yeah there should be espa shouldn’t know at 422 um all right go go go go go we got to give it the max now we got pretty much a clear run all

    The way to our shenberg so we can make up a bit of ground here I want to get this done before 20 p 11 in the okay God Rest assured the next stream tomorrow will be much much earlier Jesus Christ and speaking of the next stream

    That will be a look at the remastered West Somerset Railway I’m not sure if I’m going to do a steam or a diesel gun thinking diesel just because it’s easier but I may uh I may bring out a Flying Scotsman to play on that route you never know that’ll be quite Fun uh Simon it’s called har how Striker Rain r could be a top tier route right I’ll going to make a note of that cuz unfortunately the live chat will not be um saved on the Stream until like after it’s processed which would take like nearly a day sometimes depending how

    Long the stream is so I’m going to make a note of that uh iPad get my iPad out uh notes I’ll just put how H strike Rain r is uh could become I should say could become I’ll just put top route just to save time TSW route yeah I’ll find it on the

    Forums after that but thank you for finding the name for that I’m definitely going to have a little peek at that just looking at in-depth timetable analysises analysis by other people how this route can be improved particularly the German ones cuz I find the German time Tes absolutely fascinating cuz they’re

    Probably some of the most dense and complicated and diverse in the game uh I think you can copy and paste the link uh if necessary into the live chat but obviously I won’t be able to see it so maybe best if you put it in the comments uh after the stream is

    Published uh but I’ve written it I’ve written it down on uh on the notes app on my iPad so uh I’ll take a look at that want to come to when the stream is finished uh have you got um the main T Bar uh Simon if so uh what do you think

    Of it do you like the unit is it accurate enough what do you think of the route is it good enough I personally think this route is a bit below par uh but the unit definitely the main reason why I should pick this up uh personally I think you should wait

    Maybe for a steeper sale like maybe 50% off or something like that or maybe wait until this unit can be used usable on other Tim taes via the use of substitution or maybe additional Services because this rout is definitely one of the better um multiple units St

    Tail produced uh maybe they’ve had a bit of help with um tsg uh cuz he made um uh what is he produced the 45 and the 101 in conjunction with dovetail didn’t didn’t he uh or V I should say have a little team that trains in Germany so

    Um I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a little little insight into the development of this I think one of the uh what was it the producers the main people of ttail train s World um is it I think German or has a very good background in

    U with German content or maybe contacts at Deutsche bar that maybe help get a more accurate picture of uh multiple units of locomotives being produced in the game we got a speed limit of 100 km coming up up then a speed limit of uh 80 we’re nearing the final

    Stretch w we better break now best be safe and sorry that’ll do 70 that’s safe for me okay we restricted at 85 that’s all right I’ll get close to 80 that’ll do okay looks like it’s safe to continue up to the next permitted speed which which is 100 km hour surprised 100 km

    Wow those engines of uh the 612 were so loud I couldn’t even hear the uh seifa alarm going off whoa we got a break my goodness of course of course we do we got a sha and bgood coming up get under that 40 limit just in

    Case then you have like a what is it that 500 HZ magnet coming up I’d rather be safe and sorry um I haven’t yet I’ll get it but oh fair enough Simon no problems with that uh next time you it’s on the sale probably be even cheaper than the price I got it

    For I got it for just under £1 19 isn’t too bad well didn’t come from me Bank it came from a gift card I got it for Christmas forgot about it till I saw it on the discount I thought oh I need to get that break break break break break break break

    Break it’s a bit too much I’ll L only a few minutes behind schedule it’s not too bad um uh Simon the unit is a main peel really the think lacks with playability it lacks respect I think I think this could be a really Charming little Branch

    Line you like um not saying it’ll be at the levels of the neita tail bar but I think the main tail bar could be up there you know the levels of um the glossip line definitely that was a cute little Scenic Branch line well I mean it’s not scenic but

    Um the detail was there in The Roots scenery it was much better than the normal uh it was above average as far as Del tail go so I thought that you know when the main toow Barn was announced and you know it’s a dinky little route you know it’s cheaper than normal you

    Think well maybe du tail put a bit more eff into the scenery like they did with the glossup bline unfortunately that’s not to be the case which is unusual I mean oh I didn’t look where I was going Oopsy Daisy that’s my fault do the old switching on and off again I do

    Apologize wasn’t looking where I was going that’s my fault all right let’s go to the next and final stop which is a shaur not a shafen b s my mistake I forgot we had to stop with the shaen BG s till I noticed it very late we’re now under restricted

    Monitoring under the main road we go yeah look at the lighting in the cab at night time in the dark and looks pretty decent exactly Simon as long as you get all the main routes eventually that’s all that matters they’re going to be there forever andless there’s a massive

    Licensing issue with do Jaan that is and we’ll see uh I definitely know what happened but yeah you’ll get eventually no need to worry don’t have to get the latest thing straight away especially if it’s not brilliant that’s why I didn’t I mean I waited nearly two months um for a discount cuz

    I thought even though it’s cheaper than the norm uh route for dovetail pricewise uh remember I saw the the release of it you know the reviews on Steam and footage of it in action I thought yeah not brilliant especially for a dinky tiny rout but yeah definitely the multiple unit

    Fantastic No Doubt about it I like this a lot and I prefer it to um the 612 easily easily easily maybe the 612 sounds better you know far as the diesel engine sound the diesel the engine sounds is concerned Um but yeah hands down the look inside and out the sounds of the Interior you know just switches alone and the sounds of the doors and the Safety Systems fantastic and the graphics as well I mean especially on the outside superb superb the lights and the per boards very nice

    Indeed take it on the brakes so we’re coming into a shenberg now be interesting to see what’s in the station and that’s pretty much nothing uh the Vectron is there that’s a Vectron there a freight train there as well have a little peak of that maybe if we got enough

    Time Vectron are brilliant Freight locomotive probably one of the best stff tails ever built produced certainly most technically Advanced no doubt about it uh Simon I’ve brought any the gameplay packs I don’t think you should buy them if I get waiting for a sale mate they are absolute trash they are nothing more

    Than just uh cash grabs that’s really what they are really definitely don’t bother don’t bother getting the uh you know what it that that Regional Railways class 323 or um those ridiculous uh Freight packs from uh Skyhook games you know was it the petroleum pack and that what’s

    Coming soon that Aggregates pack what a waste of money I mean what nearly 20 quid for two pieces of Rolling Stock absolutely ridiculous you’d be absolutely mad to buy that mad mad Mah Hatter even rivet’s Bern line I mean it looks pretty decent as far as I can tell

    I haven’t brought it I don’t think I will because it’s it’s not the full line unfortunately that’s why it’s putting me off uh from purchasing it but you know 30 quid for what was it 24 M line n no chance better break o it’s a little bit closer than I

    Thought but that’ll do finally we did it we made it it’s a miracle oh fantastic light lighting don’t look bad here actually looks pretty decent okay we got a train that’s just arrived or looks of it uh the platform’s here main a uh 146 has just arrived it’s going to Frankfurt see uh

    Unfortunately the coach which is are not operational in any way state or form even the lights don’t work so that’s not it’s not good is it unless they’re from Main spor Barn itself there’s Rolling Stock then fair enough they’re probably in a broken State as it is uh but then

    Again you could just use um yeah dvil could have used the NOA Dresden versions of the 1462 and the uh uh capcar coaches yeah so you got the refueling Depot down here which actually does work I did do a service earlier this afternoon where you have to bring in the

    Unit uh here to the refueling point and then you have to actually get out of the cab and refuel the locomotive the only annoying thing is that there is no gauge as to how much fuel you’ve got in the tank so that is a yeah bit confusing I just wait for

    Like a minute or two and wait for it to fill up that’s interesting there is no is there a fuel gauge there is no fuel gauge is there not from what I can tell right we got to uncouple uh oh God how the hell do we uncouple uh I’ve never uncouple

    This in my life uh there’s an unlock there’s an unlocking mechanism somewhere isn’t there I’ve stumbled across one it uh it’s a door locking system uh Lo step um magnetic break that’s the sander wipers what’s that emergency brake definit no no it better not be on that screen in

    German I’m never going to find it otherwise uh door locking uh high beam the auxiliary switch not sure uh it might be up here let’s see if I can let’s turn off the Safety Systems um what’s the battery no I don’t know how to unlock uh uncouple of a

    Locomotive or multiple you know I should say uh single break nothing there that’s not doing anything there no no no all of this is a no is a 425 I think coming in uh none of these bet you is to do screen oh no uh can you get out manually uncouple

    It I don’t know if you can uh let’s see they stuck tight aren’t they Um swear I came across it earlier desk lights lights indicator lights test magnetic brakes sander no it’s not that uh signal lights wipers uh what’s that parking brake what’s that little switch there then oh it doesn’t do anything I don’t know oh well never mind that’s a shame at least I finished it

    Never mind I’ll call it a day I have to see if I’ll see if this route comes with a manual and uh then I’ll get into it have a little look about have a little read of the uh instructions for a 642 if not I have to go on train

    Simulators very old manuals and see if a 642 is in one of them see how it works okay well there we are that was certainly a longest way longer stream than I expected but that concludes my first little look at the main to Bar uh

    Overall I’d say it’s a six out of at best a 6 out of 10 uh the route is very disappointing it’s not much of a challenge uh scenery is Bland um at best uh yeah there’s not a lot going for this room fortunately I think the best bits

    Are the timable even though the timings are ridiculously tight and strict uh the freight looks quite quite interesting with the shunter uh but undoubtedly uh the main Shining Light of this route is a 642 it’s fantastic uh beside little few issues with the uh the sounds of the the diesel

    Engine at work but uh we accelerating um but yeah if you enjoyed this stream then make sure to give it a like and feel free to subscribe to the channel for more uh yeah content like this be live on playback whatever um the next stream will be on the remastered

    West Somerset Railway which I’ll be bringing to you earlier in the day uh let’s say late afternoon SL early evening uh tomorrow on Monday the uh 19th of February 2024 so I just like to say thank you very much for watching take care and I’ll see you next time

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