Little Princess – A little girl is left by her father in an exclusive seminary for girls, when her father fights in the Second Boer War. Later, when he is presumed dead she is forced to become a servant.

    Little Princess (1939)
    Director: Walter Lang, William A. Seiter
    Writers: Ethel Hill, Walter Ferris, Frances Hodgson Burnett
    Stars: Shirley Temple, Richard Greene, Anita Louise
    Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, Musical
    Country: United States
    Language: English
    Also Known As: The Little Princess
    Release Date: March 17, 1939 (United States)
    Filming Location: Stage 8, 20th Century Fox Studios – 10201 Pico Blvd., Century City, Los Angeles, California, USA(Studio)

    When her father, Captain Crewe, goes off to fight in the Boer War, young Sara Crewe is placed into the care of Amanda Minchin, the head of an exclusive private school for girls. Sara lives a wonderful life of a privileged child and is quite happy in her surroundings. When her father is listed as missing in action however, her life goes from one of plenty to that of a poor house maid. Mrs. Minchin agrees to keep her on at the school, but in the absence of her tuition payments, she has to work for her keep. She is soon cleaning out the fireplace and scrubbing floors and is dubbed the little princess by her former schoolmates. She also refuses to accept that her father is dead and prowls the hospitals in the hope of locating him. Luck – and Royal intervention – assist her in her quest.

    “This movie serves as an excellent example of several things: movies like this just aren’t made any more. Unfortunately, they can’t be – people would say it was too corny. In the movie, Shirley portrays a child not only with unshakable hope but patience, manners, politeness and kindness in the face of terrible adversity, with only a couple of cracks in her steadfastness. She meets Queen Victoria. Who would believe that a child under the duress that she suffers could be so gracious? Who would believe that, being a pauper, she could meet the Queen of England? Today’s movie child star would have filled the air with sassiness and expletives under the same situation. But Shirley/Sarah doesn’t, and that’s a reason that I really like this movie – it shows someone who tries to make the best of a bad situation, and never gives up hope.

    I also believe that the movie is an accurate portrayal of the life and times of the turn of the century, as it was made only 40 years after the Boer War. I think that Victorian England was captured well in this movie; after all, we do a pretty good job of displaying the 1960s on film these days.

    Overall, though, it is Shirley Temple at her singing/dancing/acting best in this movie, and she does a wonderful job from start to finish.”
    – written by “WinBBunny” on

    Also Known As (AKA):
    (original title) The Little Princess
    Argentina Sueño de hadas
    Australia The Little Princess
    Belgium Petite princesse(French)
    Brazil A Princesinha
    Brazil A Pequena Princesa(Alternative Title)
    Denmark Den lille prinsesse
    Finland Pikku prinsessa
    France Petite princesse
    Germany Die kleine Prinzessin
    Greece I mikri prigipissa(transliterated title)
    Greece Η μικρή πριγκίπισσα
    Hungary A kis fenség parancsa
    Hungary A kis hercegnő
    Italy La piccola principessa
    Japan テンプルちゃんの小公女(Japanese)
    Mexico Sueño de hadas
    Netherlands De Kleine Prinses(Dutch, Alternative Title)
    Norway Den lille prinsesse
    Peru La princesita
    Poland Mała księżniczka
    Portugal A Princesinha
    Romania Mica printesa
    Soviet Union Маленькая принцесса(Russian)
    Spain La pequeña princesa(DVD Title)
    Spain La pequeña princesita
    Sweden Lilla prinsessan
    Turkey Küçük Prenses(Turkish)
    United Kingdom The Little Princess
    United States The Little Princess
    United States Little Princess(Working Title)
    Venezuela La princesita


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    La H A apparently you are not aware Captain Crew that I conduct one of the most dignified and exclusive schools in London oh yes yes so I understood that’s precisely the reason why I brought my daughter to you I would not have gathered that from your actions really

    Now I’m not entirely to blame you see Sarah and I have only just arrived from India Sarah’s lived there practically all her life we’d know more than got here when I learned that my regiment was to leave at once for South Africa so we had to act hurriedly but I wrote you

    Explaining that I do not take young ladies without an interview and the most impeccable references I wrote to also that at the moment I had no vacant rooms well in that case daddy we might as well move on this is a bit awkward you see your letter never reached me and

    I’m afraid it never occurred to me that any school wouldn’t welcome my little Sarah obviously if it’s a question of my social standing my father was to George crew you’ve heard of him perhaps oh that really and the best financial references I could give you would be the directors

    Of the South African holding Syndicate I’m the principal stockholder in The Syndicate my brother Captain Crew our professor of elocution and Dramatics how you do Charmed I’m sure I say isn’t the a Clips D and Minds one of your Holdings one of the most important of course of

    Course of course I’m sorry to appear casual Miss menion but the situation is quite distressing I sailed an hour from the East India docks I expect you just have to take me to Africa with you daddy oh no and what would a little girl like you do

    In Africa forgive me Captain Crew I fear I’ve been overzealous the reputation of my school you know one has to be so cautious but after this interview I can see at a glance such a dear little child it would be a pleasure to have her with

    Us does that mean I’ve got to stay Yes dear you to have that privilege you and your Little Pony sh up dear Little Pony this is made out of the school will it be enough for the moment oh quite I should say it would why it’s stupendous I bet your pardon but haven’t

    I seen you somewhere before it’s quite possible my dear Captain your face is most familiar were you ever on the stage I seem to associate you with one of the old music hall music hall my brother on stage ridiculous ridiculous indeed you’re quite right and now shall we look at little Sarah’s

    Rooms just a moment Miss Rose this is Miss Rose one of my most capable teachers Captain Crew has done us the honor of placing his little daughter Sarah with us how do you do Miss Rose how do you do Captain Crew we shall do everything we can to make your

    Little girl happy I’m sure you will children we have a new pupil Sarah crew say how do you do to her how do you do I’m very well thank you the Jesse that will do you may proceed Miss Rose children she’s just like a little princess isn’t

    She that’s what she is a princess and I expect now some people are around here won’t think they’re so smart oh won’t they wait and see princess indeed fortunately the rooms have just been papered and the fireplace has an excellent draft but I thought you didn’t

    Have any rooms well I didn’t know then what a dear little girl was coming but why does that make more rooms Daddy lady bent’s little daughters only recently vacated the rooms our best Suite of course H do you think you could brighten it up a bit I’d like it made as

    Gay as possible I brought a few things from India but perhaps you could buy whatever else is necessary with pleasure Captain Crew I’d I a ride every afternoon if the weather’s all right of course fortunately we have a splendid riding master I expect you think I’m completely spoiling the child and no

    Doubt you’re right but actually it’s good for her she’s much too inclined to bury her little nose in a book and keep it there until someone lures her out of it you see must mention Sarah has no mother and we’ve never been separated for more than a few days how

    Touchy this is going to be very hard for her have no fear Captain Crew I’m a mother to all my little girls and now I’ll leave you to your fair world how much longer have we got daddy only a few minutes darling you’re learning Me by heart

    Little Sarah no Daddy I know you by heart you’re inside my heart we’re going to be brave aren’t we I tell you what let’s pretend we’re back in India and I’m going away with the troop for a few days shall we we fought this kind of battle before

    Haven’t we and you never cried once when I went away remember yes daddy but this is going to be our hardest battle but we’ll be good soldiers won’t we yes daddy should we say goodbye like we used to at home yes D all right then chin

    Up go to the window and and look out now say it as we used to my Daddy has to go away but he’ll return most any day any moment I may see my daddy coming back to me my Daddy has to go away but he’ll return most any day

    Any I can’t do it this time I can’t do it you’re crying too afraid we’re not quite as good soldiers as we thought oh yes we are I can do it now my Daddy has to go away but he’ll return most any day any moment I may see my daddy coming back to

    Me I will do it I will I’ll pretend this is part of a war you’ll be the enemy and you’ll be my trusty Lance now ready aim fire ouch I guess we’ll have to call in the reserves sulam c m hi good morning Miss Sab speaks hindustani I’ve

    Lived in India all my life you li Bai Miss is going to live in England now oh tell my father gets through making the Boors behave this J is been a soldier yes my father’s a captain Captain Crew I’m Sarah what is your name I am Ras servant to The Honorable Lord

    Wickam and to her lady sh Rani Rand us Rand us yes sir why the Dey your Doling here finish with that burden get on with your work good morning I did I’ll be here at the window most every morning in case you want to talk about India good morning Sarah oh good morning

    Ready for breakfast dear well I’m trying to be but I don’t seem to be very good at these buttons my thumb get lost in the hole yeah let me help you buttons are a bother aren’t they I never had a button things before but I’ll learn I’m

    Sure you will here put your shoe up come in good morning there good morning is the young lady any boots to put done well only the pair I wore yesterday I’ll get them I’ll get them Miss oh I beg your pardon Miss are you hurt no miss you mustn’t be up of me

    Miss just hold out your arms and I’ll pile them on oh L Miss if Miss Minon was to see you think you can hold two more yes Miss there there you are are you all right you take care of all those yes Miss and she does them beautifully a

    Thank you Miss thank you for doing my shoes oh I’m sorry that’s all right goodbye Becky goodbye bye well craps this isn’t going to be such a bad school after all with you and Beck here oh we’ll have to hurry Dear Miss mention doesn’t like anyone to be

    Late tell me Miss Rose do you think Miss menion could be as crust as she looks what would I have to do today well after breakfast you’ll have a class in arithmetic arithmetic then English then French then one in elocution and Department history and geography pH I’m

    Going to be a busy person aren’t I when do I get to ride my pony later this afternoon about 4:00 oh she our new pupil Sarah crew will be down presently as you’ve seen Captain Crew is a very delightful man and their family is most distinguished I shall expect you

    To treat her accordingly now you may take your places good morning ah good morning Sarah good morning I’m so happy you feel like joining us this morning did you sleep well no I didn’t thank you come dearia you and Jesse will move down one place Sarah will be seated at my right

    After this why miss mench this has always been my place Linho for this food and all the Bountiful gifts bestowed upon us we are duly grateful and do now give thanks why are you putting salt on your plate dear just in case you should ask me to have one of your eggs uh Mr Jeffrey will I saddle upon P

    You for the wheel lassi I think not Sandy we best use the mayor for her first few lessons very good sir come on L hello there hello Jeffrey what luck the old girl allowed you to come out Sarah this Mr Jeffrey Hamilton Little Miss Cruz on new pupil how do you

    Do how do you do I believe I’m to teach you to ride teach me and that means tuab a day extra for me oh is tuab a great deal of money values are comparative in my present state is a fortune well in that case I guess I better be

    Taught is my pony ready I think we’d best start you out on something a little Tamer huh oh then hadn’t I better explain things to my pony he might feel hurt right you are Pony’s a very sensitive creatures explain the whole thing to him thoroughly he’s right there

    By the arch yet uh it may take me some time that’s quite all right we’ll wait here in the tack room all Right oh General are you glad to see me well Mr Jeffrey is going to give me something Tamer than you I’m afraid it isn’t going to be much of a ride Rose something’s wrong what is it Miss manion’s taken away my Thursday afternoons but why we must have been

    Seen together well does that mean that I can never see you alone again of course not darling no matter what Miss menion says we’ll find a way I can’t understand the woman what is she afraid of why shouldn’t we see one another gossip I suppose she only lives for that school

    And her ideas of propriety and snobbishness Fiddlesticks she’s afraid of losing an excellent teacher whom she gets for nothing I won’t Stanford I’ll have a talk with her myself oh no darling you mustn’t do that she’d only discharge us both she may not have the chance if

    Things continue to pop in South Africa you mean you Mel wouldn’t you want me to if they call for volunteers of course darling you’d have to oh Jeffrey there’s nothing to to worry about now dear this boy rumpus will never get that Serious I expect I’ll have to make my visit a little Longer oh Mr birdie is there one this morning for the little princess we shall see my child we shall see if she don’t hear from her father ever so often AR eyes get that sad it hurts me to look on him have no fear little one there’s a

    Letter for her this time I’m that GL Lost a weak a came nice old a with aost cross my Mrs off and very gentle Wife a letter it’s from my daddy oh how nice but it isn’t it’s very bad news really what’s the matter dear he says the boys aren behaving quite as he expected and he may not get here in time for my birthday well that’s months off so many

    Things may happen before then he may still come you know I am ready Miss mentioned to again give you a birthday party such as I should give you if I were there you are to go on a regular spree buy anything and everything your heart desires now last and most important of

    All my darling I want you to pause at exactly 2:00 on your birthday close your eyes and send me a kiss for my eyes also will be closed and I will be giving you a a kiss too isn’t he the most wonderful man in all the world with one exception well Mr Jeffrey

    Is very nice what’s That who are they Miss Rose they’re the [Applause] volunteers are they going to South Africa too yes dear they’re going to the relief of our poor soldiers at miking is something the matter with our soldiers at M King the BS have them all cut off and we’ve been unable to break through their lines to get help to them oh

    They’re sick and hungry dear and desperate they’re holding out like true British Soldiers Miss Rose my daddy’s M oh darling I’m so sorry I didn’t know oh miss Roose darling you mustn’t cry I’m sure we’ll be all right good afternoon Mr Jeffrey good afternoon Marthur is Miss Sarah ready for her ride yes sir she’ll be down presently thanks oh are we all

    Ready hello Jeffrey the two most beautiful ladies in the world why you’re not in your riding things oh I can’t go today theard needs extra tutoring oh will it take all afternoon I’m afraid so I have to stay with her till she can spell constant no

    Good to Heavens that may take months you leave that to me shall we go have you been crying but you have there are still tears in your eyes it’s just this L and fog oh well if that’s all let’s be off shall we Mr Jeffrey would you mind very much if

    We didn’t ride today not at all dear but may I ask why not I’d like to talk to you all right it’s about Matha King are the soldiers really starving and sick and cut off from everything you see my father’s there and I’ve got to know oh

    It’s not as bad as all that oh man I’m having having an easy time of it it’s true but they’re holding out and we’re sending fresh troops every day you know why they’ll be relieving maiking in no time at all now it’s getting harder every day to pretend my father’s safe

    Don’t you worry see here I’ll let you in on a little secret I enlisted today and while I don’t want Miss Rose to know quite yet I’ll be going over there shortly myself to ma King and perhaps you can help my father right there we’ll get him out what the Blazers are you

    Doing here hello handsome are you impudent puppy what are you doing here don’t be fetting Sarah it’s only my grandfather don’t you believe in young woman I dis owned him the day he was born and we’re really very fond of each other of course we are

    What we’re nothing of the kind as a favor to me will you please stop shouting at my best paying pupil pupil paying what what are you talking about I am Master of the horse in this exclusive Seminary for young ladies you you you take advantage of my absence to become a

    Writing master and next door to me own house where’s your family pride boy well soone must eat and family pride is a pretty thin diet oh blackmail eh you think I’ll buy you off I hadn’t thought of that but it’s not a bad idea well I’ll see your hang drawn and quart at

    First wait till I see the woman who runs this school I’ll put a spoke in your wheel do she’d love to know my grandfather is Lord Wickam she’ll probably raise my salary they have finished Mrs then Lord Wickam is coming then I’m going impudent young pup just like his father riding

    Master maybe you’re fond of him but I don’t think he’s very fond of you oh he’s harmless his Box’s worse than his bike I should hope so why is he so mad at you oh he isn’t really he was angry with my father I was mixed up in their quarrel what he really

    Wanted to have me come begging to him for help he’d be eating out of my hand if I would I don’t think I’d care to have eating out of my hand how would you like to have me eating out of your hand you oh that would be different well I

    Shall it’ll do me a favor very important one oh could I I’ve got an idea that you’re the only one in the world who could I want you to get Miss Rose to go shopping with you next Wednesday shopping well shopping’s as good an excuse as any from his mention

    Listen really to Miss Rose and she said she would oh that’s wonderful no not a soul not even Emily good girl now I’ve got to go I’m just do some preliminary shopping you don’t have to tell me what for something gold and shiny right you are come

    In what do you want want I’m very busy miss mention I wanted to ask you something oh it’s you what you want dear I’m going to ask you a big favor yes Mr jeffy’s leaving to day for the war he’s been so very nice to me I thought I

    Ought to film my social obligations by doing something for him that’s what you teach us isn’t it when someone shows you a kindness you show them one to return well doing something for Mr Jeffrey scarcely comes under the rules of social obligations but what is it to want to do

    For him may I have him for tea here at the school oh couldn’t I please since he’s going away to war well I suppose it would be permissible since he was one of the teachers you need not mention it to the other young ladies however no Miss Min thank you Miss

    Mint oh thank you Miss mint we must teat something after all the trouble little Sarah’s gone to I think she’ll understand you forgotten your ring no I haven’t see I’m always afraid I’ll forget and we in front of his mention I did yesterday and fortunately for us she didn’t see it

    How I’d love to tell the old girl can’t do that yet darling I know you sorry you married me as though you didn’t know I only wanted you to tell me again oh my darling I’ll be living this last week over every moment that I’m away from

    You then we won’t be separated will we because I’ll be living it over too I thought you were having Mr Hamilton to tea I am I mean I was but who’s in that room oh please don’t go in there miss menion miss Mion Miss Rose and I we we

    Were saying goodbye miss minion how dare you risk the reputation of my school in this manner nothing’s happened that damages your precious school’s reputation as a matter of fact Miss Rosen I Jeffrey for my sake oh please miss mention it was all my fault silence since you are here a merely to say

    Goodbye please do so now bye Jeffrey bye Mr Jeffrey bye dear Sarah I shall expect an explanation of this yes miss mention as soon as I can think of one They’ve been cornered like rats for 7 months I say send more troops to mafin if it takes every man in England I’m with you no oh my boy my boy my boy killed my boy I know soldiers are supposed to stand a lot and my daddy is

    Is a good soldier but they’ve waited so long for help please do something about MAF King right away but they’ll all be lost my Daddy won’t come [Applause] [Applause] Backing is released is rele [Applause] Ming is released MAV King is released oh thank you for being so quick about it this Time get get up M King is Rel get up wake up everybody M King is Rel oh Mr birdie did you hear m is released yes darling isn’t it great news oh Miss Rose they’re safe my daddy and Mr Jeffy are safe what is it what’s the matter what’s wrong nothing’s wrong

    Nothing nothing nothing maving is relieved always mentioned isn’t it wonderful do you hear the [Applause] [Applause] Cher [Applause] Thany thany Becky oh no I’m glad for you miss he’s save Becky my dad is [Applause] [Applause] safe Children attention please it is a happy circumstance that Sarah’s birthday should fall on a day when we’re celebrating a glorious Victory For Her Majesty’s Army and now Sarah will you explain to the children your wishes about your birthday I’m very happy to have you here and I thought I would like to give

    Presents today not just receive them because I I wanted to show how grateful I am that my father has been rescued five children s can we do the presents now yes but your gifts first Sarah this is from me oh thank you miss m now all I need is to know how to

    Sell and this from the entire school here are pictures of your native India oh thank you ever and ever so much I should have to pretend ner so hard when I want to make believe I’m there and now do you want the others to have their present yes if you please they’re all

    Over here and your names are all on them here you are Miss Rose oh nice and would you help with the other presents of course and this is for you miss m oh how thoughtful Sarah and uh God this is for you should from one old Trooper to

    Another me in younger and happier days when I was better known as babbling bire oh thank you we better keep this present a secret M’s the word I should say it is here this is from me thank you hope you like it why it’s just what I wanted Mom’s the Word you know

    Ra oh miss oh here my prisoners but a’t so very very good oh thank you Becky it a’t nothing but fness and the fannel AR are very new well you dear Becky you made it all yourself yes Miss I made it at nights I knew you could pretend was setting with

    Diamond pin stuck in it it’s beautiful Becky I shall love it oh will you miss the friend line so very new and this isn’t so very new either it’s my present to you a present for me Miss yes Becky with my love oh what is it Miss it’s a

    Scarab from Egypt my daddy gave it to me because it brings good luck I’d rather you had it than anyone else I know oh llas I think I’m going to find oh no Becky not now I have lots more presents for you too in my room

    I don’t know what the I miss you’re sweet Becky Yes dear it’s very nice oh look at mine is Manion beg pardon Miss yes Mr Barrow of bar and skipworth is here to see you today I didn’t send for him he seems very much upset about something he’s waiting in your office

    Very well I’ll go at once Miss Rose the scarf is beautiful Miss Rose will you be sure to tell me when it’s almost 2:00 of course dear you know I have a very special appointment with my daddy he’s going to be thinking of me exactly too I’ll watch the time

    Thank you Miss Rose oh Sarah thank you for the handkerchiefs they’re lovely don’t you think it’s time to cut the cake oh yes the cake pray be seated Mr Barrow how much did you advance for this party quite a su I suspect what does it matter Captain

    Crew is a very wealthy man his check will be here shortly no Miss mchen there’ll be no check what what do you mean by that the Late Captain Crew The Late Captain Crew Captain Crew is dead he was so reported in the list this morning moreover he died a bankrupt bankrupt but his

    Property his Minds his property and his Minds were confiscated by the enemy you mean to tell me that that child is penniless that she’s left on my hands with nothing she’s certainly left penniless and she’s certainly left on your hands she hasn’t a relative in the

    World that we know of but our father’s account is overdrawn I was expecting a check in advance the money for this party so I understand but this is monstrous now you have to make a wish and blow out all the candles with one breath my wish is that my father will

    Come back very soon now take a big breath I haven’t got very good lungs have I I’ll turn her off in the streets you think that wi is miss mention the reputation of your school you know my school well the report might get about and it might not sound well to the

    Parents of some of your other pupils yes that is so of course the child could be made to serve in your employer until her indebtedness is worked out but that would take years quite so but at least it’s better than nothing hurry children your ice cream’s melting thank you Sarah Sarah it’s

    Almost 2:00 darling thank you Miss Rose Oh Daddy I am thinking of you and I know that wherever you are you’re thinking of me too oh Miss Rose i f him with me I really did miss menchion want you dear oh all right children you will leave your gifts

    Here why where are they going why can’t they take the prisons with them because they are not yours to give but I don’t understand you will later go to your room now what miss mention Sarah go to your room all of you now will you tell me what it’s all

    About what has happened miss mention whatever it is you might have let her off a bit easier silence Captain Crew is dead his name appeared on the list today he’s left the child of poper almost mention you had better tell her oh I couldn’t do that you will do as you are told

    Miss Rose what’s wrong why did miss mention Stop the Party Sarah I want to talk to you a minute dear oh darling is Rose what is it Sarah you’re a soldier’s daughter and you know that that means being brave and courageous don’t you no matter what happens oh Miss Rose is it something

    Awful your father but my father’s all right Ming is relieved you heard them say so help didn’t get there soon enough dear for him his name appeared on the list this morning you mean with the wounded no dear my daddy is oh Sarah I’m so

    Sorry it can’t be it isn’t true I won’t believe it he isn’t dead he isn’t have you yes you may go Sarah you understand of course that these rooms can no longer be yours come with me this is to be your room in the future I shall have to sell your

    Furnishing and your clothes to pay part of the debt your father owed ordinarily you would go to a charitable institution but I’m going to let you remain here there will be duties for you to perform of course I hope you appreciate my kindness and not sending you

    Away I was unable to find a black dress among your things so one of the girls has given you this you better take off that party frock and put this on I’ll send up some Shoes I don’t believe it I don’t I don’t my Daddy has to go away but he’ll return most any day any moment I may see my daddy coming back to me all and Miss men’s going to sell all her things it was beastly having to give back our presents how do you feel now

    About your little princess oh miss is there anything I can do no Becky thank you Sarah I’m sorry Sarah from now on you’re enough to sit with us return to your room and smooth down those curls then go to the kitchen run along now girls theia you may take your old place beside

    Me Mrs ok oh so the mrss has sent you down to me as she miss mention said I to have my breakfast here you’ll do more than eat your breakfast if you work for that one I I should be glad to help you will eh look at you look what you’re doing

    For that you’ll get no breakfast then you better make some more toast for the misses not J coming up here’s your breakfast take it over there we don’t associate with royalty let me white on you miss no you don’t she can white on herself you can sit there and watch her eat perhaps

    That’ll teach you a lesson please Mrs oconnell may I give my breakfast to Becky I’m not hungry this morning give it to the cat if you like and get to work wash them dishes no Miss I don’t want it the male just came Miss Rose I’ll take the mail if you

    Please my darling girl I have been half mad trying to find a way out for you since your letter reached me but it has come my grandfather has relented I pray Heaven that this money and my love will help you bear what lies ahead Jeffrey you say this girl’s a teacher at

    Your school she was until I discharged her today we’re not likely to hear from her again and I was prepared to turn over a handsome son to that boy when he got back even made an ask myself and sent him a check then I was right to withhold this

    He made it over to her you’re not very fond of the girl are you hardly under the circumstances you’re sure the girl has no legitimate claims on him I brought her up from a foundling is it likely she would not have consulted me if their love had been respectable Ras

    Yes sir in future if any letters or cables come from Mr Jeffrey they to be returned unopen As You Wish s Becky come in Becky I’m glad you’re want as sleep Miss it’s one of them Lonely Nights yes I wonder where Miss Rose is I shall miss

    Her terribly we’re all alone in the world now aren’t we miss no no we’re not alone there’s my father you know your father but but cook sizzy you mustn’t say that it isn’t true he’s not dead he’s sick I wanted somewhere he’d sent for me but he’s not dead how know Miss

    Something inside tells me so and sometimes I hear him calling for me oh L Miss oh don’t the children of the they be children you’re smoking as you see today my good woman the British army is behind me that uniform you’re not going to war quite to the very Cannon’s mouth if need

    Be but why because old girl I’m fended the teeth with your bullying and your treatment of Rosen little Sarah’s the last TRW I prefer the less paintful Hors of the battlefield are you daring to criticize me astonishing isn’t it but it proves that I’m competent to lead my men

    Into the very jaws of death after this you may never expect help from me again I am quite calm for if the bloodthirsty boss spars the foot lights will see bubbling berte once again hbert you wouldn’t do that to me oh wouldn’t I well T old girl

    Your play sir yes Lassie were you at the siege of mafik King I that’s where I stopped the bullet that stopped me then did you know my father your father what might his name be Lassie Captain Reginal crew your father a captain yes they say

    He is dead but I know it can’t be and I’ve asked so many soldiers about him I hope you could tell me no Lassie I’m sorry I can’t why don’t you ask in the hospital there maybe they’ll have some record of them thank you sir I will if you please

    Sir why the little princess as I live it’s Mr birdie imp person but I thought you’d gone to war no Lord Roberts wanted me to of course but he said diry old boy the wound did need you so you stay here and cheer up the brave lads who have

    Fallen in our just cause so I’m practically in command of this Hospital oh Mr birdie could my father be in there your father princess yes you see I know he isn’t dead and I’ve been looking and looking he could be among the wounded couldn’t he yes I’m almost sure he is

    Somewhere if you’re in charge could I can I please look for him in there well uh please yes yes of course you may things like that can happen you know Mr birdie where do they salute you if you’re in command here well uh discipline in a hospital is rather uh

    Lex oh oh I say major they’re waiting for you w be there’s a lot of trash up there uh very good I’ll get one of my men to attend to it get one of your what well well well two of my men then carry on sir what’s this T doing here before

    Pisting hours you see sir well if you please sir the major help me to find my father sir the the major to her sir you see we’re old friends sir I knew her father Captain Crew who’s reported killed at mafin the child sure the some mistake so I’m helping her search among

    The wounded could you tell me anything about my father sir sorry my dear I can’t carry on major yes sir thank you sir this little girl’s father’s been killed but she insists he’s alive so I’m letting her look around we’ll try another Ward there’s old ber give us a song lad attention men

    Attention official inspection he isn’t here either but someone might know about him if you please sir will you at the sieg of King I was that dar it’s where I picked up the bug it was no bigger than the seed of a thistle down that laid me

    Low ah the bugs down there are woring their bullets then perhaps you didn’t know my father faith and I wouldn’t have known my own father with the fever that was on me thank you sir it’s all right Dar hello if you please sir were you with

    The troops at MAF King yes yes of course I was that’s what I ran away you know then did you know my father Captain Crew yes yes of course that’s a fine looking officer isn’t he he ought to do well but where did you see my father

    Last where is he now where’s who my father well one serier more or less doesn’t make any difference you I’m making thousands and thousands for England see fine strong fellows who won’t be afraid of as I was I was afraid of the noise that’s why I ran away you

    Know he said he knows my father but he won’t tell he’s living in a dream Sarah he doesn’t know what he’s saying come on dear don’t go yet glad give us a song how about it dear shall we sing them a song to cheer them up our old

    Specialty what not today Mr birdie oh come on darling let’s try and forget our own troubles and do something for these Lads shall we all right I’ll try oh you darling what about the Old Kent Road that’s the one ma Pride for you I’ll be good it Ma EA Stroke Me and the Mrs takes a little drive you s wonderful they’re still alive if you saw that little donkey go when we start the Blessed donkey stops e won’t move so I quickly Ops pal start a wagon and when down drops say he was to go A the C the knock in [Applause] the Mr birdie it would be all right if I come again tomorrow I shouldn’t run away too often princess you might get punished you know I’ll keep a sharp Lookout whenever the wounded did come in you don’t really believe he’ll ever come do you yes yes of course I do I’ve told

    You missing men often turn up then I better come you might not know him if you were very much changed all right dear You Come Goodbye Mr birdie goodbye dear are you hungry here poor little things I won’t any wor for you this morning good morning little miss good

    Morning manand feeding your little friends yes but I couldn’t see them very much from my supper last night oh it is difficult for them when the snow comes Ronnie Ronnie oh Ranny Ranny R you look as though you know you’re being naughty and enjoying it rny rny for

    Shame here she is on the bookshelves bookshelves oh I forgot I pretend they’re bookshelves and filled with beautiful books then I better remove her before she ruins her set of Dickens right this is your uh your room Miss s yes it’s so little and so high above

    Everything that it’s almost like a nest in a tree I can lie on my soft sofa and look up in the sky through that little window on the roof Ro sofa it looks more like a soft sofa when it’s made up and you imagine it has down quilt and lovely cushions to curl

    Up on there is a fire sometimes of course well that is the hardest of all to imagine especially at night but as lovely when he can the great shine someone as polished and the nice bright cool scitt on the heart oh miss the C want CH and she’s in

    An awful steel oh my goodness excuse me if I run I’ve got to go to The Butchers I’ll get my ears boxed if I don’t hurry yes Mrs H listen to this hospital ship Mercy arrived 1,00 wounded disembarked does it give any of the names there ain’t no

    List all I hope my poor a is among them a wounded husband is better than no husband at all a me oh picky I’ve got to get to the hospital before 9:00 when they close the visitors someh I’ve got to yes Miss You clumsy Ox for that you whistle for your supper oh Mom she ain’t had no lunch you put good things a wi for should got back from the grossers who do you think you’re talking to you’ll both go angry now clean up this mess go on get on with

    It some sorry cases in this batch doctor yes poor Devils H doctor doctor this man is an unknown his papers for last delirium following malarial fever we’re very much concerned about him sir anemia heart action weak respiration low well that’s to be expected but his mind doesn’t

    Clear her he has no Lucid moments temporary paralysis of some nerve center or a blood clot possibly more likely to be the latter sir he received a nasty head wound sir sir he repeatedly calls for this person Sarah you can’t learn who this Sarah is no way of finding out sir till

    His identity is established sir sir you better go now miss I’ll finish up for you thank you Becky I’ll have to fly yes Miss yeah R your horses where do you think you’re going what Miss levinia wants some coal for her fire up to it oh Sarah you look so tired and you

    Look hungry too are you actually hungry Sarah yes I am hungry I’m so hungry I can eat you put on Plenty my father pays fo just a moment woman our princess seems to be in a hurry could it be that she’s going to a ball come back here and clean up that

    Heart I’d like my Shaw the pink one it’s on my bed cover me please I find the room a bit chilly Sh Good night Chef good night good night hello princess what are you doing out so late I’ve come to see the new solders get here today not tonight my girl it’s closing time but I’ve got to I’m out a away ble no then young and take it easy please let me in I’m sure

    He’s here this time you’re sure every Time Princess I’m sorry you run on home and come back tomorrow morning that’s a good little girl all right good night now he will recover from the effects of the fever but I am convinced there is brain pressure you advise an operation then

    Yes you agree I do and Dr magnesian Edinburgh is the man yes Splendid Splendid this this man for removal to Edinburgh in the morning yes dror SAR Where Have You Been hansome me you’ve been out haven’t you yes miss mention what do you mean by

    Disobeying my orders I had to I had to look for my father this ridiculous search for your father all this making believe and refusing to face facts it’s it’s indecent I’ve had enough of it you must realize once and for all all that your father is dead don’t you say that

    He’s not dead he’s not and you can’t stop me from looking for him either how dare you speak to me in that manner you ID little I’ll attend to you further in the morning I can’t be a good soldier much longer I’m cold and I’m hungry too to you

    Here no you don’t hear you don’t hear and you don’t care you’re nothing but a doll a doll you never it hard to make you feel you’re just a [Laughter] doll [Applause] Oh your highness please forgive me but something has gone a Miss there is an angry woman outside to report a stolen kiss tell her she must go away come around some other day I have told her but she won’t you must see her if you don’t she’ll scream her head off tell

    Her to hush she won’t be hushed tell a shush I am afraid she won’t be shushed I won’t be shushed I won’t be hushed I know my rights I know the law and I know also what I saw what did you see I saw him you saw who I mean whom I

    Saw that let steal a kiss from that Shameless Little Miss don’t be fooled by all their shyness they a wicked pair your highness there’s a law I understand against kissing in this land there is a law that reads like this no one is to steal a

    Kiss ah but princess I a feeling this is not a case of stealing silence fool I know the law what I say I saw I saw what I saw she’s honor he saw I saw you saw he saw she saw honor he saw Ana I saw

    You saw he saw she saw what she tells us may be true and if it is what can we do if you ask me we should listen to the lad who did the kissing I object would not be wise he would only tell you lies

    Let him speak come lad this way now then what have you to say please your highness I confess when I saw such loveliness it was too much to resist I just thought she should be kissed so I kissed her kissed her twice it was very very nice so he kissed her kissed her

    Twice it was very very nice there you see he broke the law what I say I saw I saw please don’t start all that again but he stole a kiss that’s plain yes it looks as if it’s true and I’ll have to punish You no please let me say a word it is not the way you heard please he did not steal the kiss I gave it to him just like this there you see I had a feeling this was not a case of stealing I’m not sure it’s

    Not quite plain could I see that kiss again you were right I have a feeling this was not a case of stealing right the law has been abused this lad has falsely been accused he is hers and she is hisen that told witch should go to prison you’re a very Wicked Woman

    Princess I am only human listen to the old Grand Mommy you’re a nasty peeping Tommy banish her from here forever never show your face here never punish her from here forever never saw your face ever what I say I saw I saw I know my rights I know the LA come and sit beside me here here your kiss has made things very clear thank you princess don’t thank me it was that kiss that set you free now we’re through with this Arrangement let us have some entertainment bring the dancers bring the singers BR the good old weling Ringers [Applause] [Applause] the new bad she pleases you she’s a very good dancer she looks familiar too A nice dream I feel quite warm I don’t want to wake up I hav wak up must be dreaming I am dreaming I must be dreaming but it feels warm Becky Becky come quick Becky Becky yes Miss oh Piggy look oh L do you see what I do I don’t

    Know what you see but I don’t think I believe what I’m seeing well I never do you feel that yesus then what do you see I sees a fire Miss and a table with food on it and a rug and a lamp and slippers

    I do indeed Miss how did it all get here did you pretend it into happening I don’t know I never pretended as good as this before look at these if the little missy Sab knew she would be over here to thank you I don’t want to know who wants any

    Than oh miss you’re beautiful thank you now let’s try this one on you isn’t it beautiful oh yes Miss it’s perfect and real setting too mhm let’s try the slippers and see if they’re real do they feel like slippers to you they feel soft and warm this feels soft

    And warm too there’s real as we are I don’t believe it’s a dream after all do you suppose the food is real Miss let’s see I can smell kippers can you Kus is all Li I wonder what this is muffins this tastes like a muffin is it

    One a muffin I’ve ever wor it must be the matching M and we better be quicker for our mil away yeah what sort of a night did he pass he rested comfortably doctor will we be able to send him with the others oh yes he’ll stand the journey all right get

    Him ready to be sent for the group D they’ll be leav in about an hour very well doctor I hear you’re being punished do you think we ought to offer her a chocolate you might let her smell them Miss Mitch surely couldn’t object to that would you care to I don’t want

    To smell them and I don’t want to eat them thank you you don’t why not I’ve had much nicer things than chocolates this morning listen to the princess pretending again I’m not pretending I had the most wonderful things to eat that anyone ever had why you little liar

    You haven’t even had breakfast pardon me but I really have and if you’ll excuse me for saying so it isn’t plight to call people Liars how dare you talk back to me was I doing that my goodness so sorry you wait till I do this menion on

    You well Kev is still here Becky yes Miss he Kevin to stop raining are you going some pus to the hospital oh Becky perhaps everything is going to change for us perhaps I’ll find my father this time and he’ll take us away from here oh la it’s it’s the MS Sarah how dare

    You what but what’s happened to this room that’s what we would like to know when I woke up this morning here everything was even to the food and the fire where did you get these things I don’t know this is because I dreamed such a beautiful dream last night that

    It came true but these articles are rare and costly you stole them didn’t you oh no miss mention we didn’t take these things I’ll give you one more chance to tell me the truth but I am telling you the truth they just came they did it

    Indeed mom you go to your room this is a matter for the police oh please miss menion please don’t call her please of course I’ll call her oh miss m we’re prisoners now sure enough Miss and the police coming too I can’t be arrested those new wounded men are at

    The hospital and I’ve got to get there I don’t see all you can miss and US locked in come on Becky quick where we going miss follow me oh I’m Fring this I’m fren too this time Becky come on give me your hand the outou oh L Miss Don’t Be Afraid

    Becky ah what game is this little missy s may we please go through your house we’re running away from the police and a very nice game too would you enter we like you very much indeed you seem in great haste Mrs could you not stop for a cup of tea oh thank you

    Weren too big a hurry I see still playing the game of the police I hope you escape them safely Miss why oh lus please there they are stop them oh Bey run run viy Where You Are Becky S go after the other one I’ll take care of her come

    Here me watch out Becky don’t slip Bey where are [Applause] you let you to the se you go to jail for these both of you you’ll never catch her Mr bir you see to there so that’s where she’s gone oh did you find her mom take

    This little th and don’t let her out your sight until I return didn’t you catch her she dodged away in the traffic mom I couldn’t find her anywhere do you know where she’s likely to be I do cppy who Howard Hospital and hurry please Sarah Sarah he never stops calling for

    Her step aside a little bit will you thank you can’t go in there no visitors allowed for an hour but that might be too late now run along little girl will you there’s a good little girl I’m sorry sir no visit is allowed for an hour but we must go in sorry sir

    You can stand over there if that’s all right Captain M I believe we just went through the hall n you’re Sor of young and you’re come go upstairs now I’ve got to I’ve got to see if my father’s here before Miss menion catches me now run along now do as you’re Told I so you now come back here you Conor you know you going be in trouble H come back here you can’t come in there you can’t come in here come on let me go let me go I will s be here I will I will what is it the child

    Wants oh please please don’t let him take me away what is it child my father they said he was killed a math King but I don’t believe it he may be here with a new wounded men they won’t let me look and if they don’t perhaps I’ll never

    Have another chance can you make them let me look Colonel will you please see that this child is escorted through the wards with permission I shall accompany her personally your majesty what is your name Victoria what is yours Sarah oh your majesty Colonel I hope you will find your father

    My dear a thorough search Colonel oh thank you your majesty goodbye my dear goodbye have you been through any of the bo here not today sir I think we’d better cover this swing first we’re searching for a patient yes sir go right along there all right thank you darling Miss

    Rose Sarah Darling Sarah Oh Mr Jeffrey you’re home you’re back again now you can tell me where my daddy is well Jeffrey didn’t get as far as maiking did then you don’t know you didn’t even see him no dear I didn’t I’m sorry you found him oh no sir this is my

    Friend Mr Jeffrey and his wife Mr and Mrs Hamilton how do you know I’m afraid I can’t introduce you because I don’t know your name Colonel Gordon this is Colonel Gordon he’s helped me to search the hospital don’t bother how do you do sir I’m very happy to know you both from

    Maiking no sir an army mule and a British mule at that that’s adding insult to injury sorry sir it’s time for the patient drops oh I’d rather face that mule I’ll come back later Miss Rose just as soon as I’ve gone through the other WS I’ll wait for you dear goodbye

    Goodbye goodbye bye sir be sure to come back Sarah I will poor little thing she’ll never stop hoping I insist that you send for my brother very well momam but you can’t get in brother or no brother we will get in my brother will see to that I hope you’re right Mom

    All filled now this man have to wait for the next ambulance all right I think you better take him into the waiting room these Halls are much too drafty I think I better I’m very sorry you couldn’t find your father thank you just the same sir

    He may be among the next Convoy of wounded I wouldn’t give up hope I won’t sir goodbye God bless by I know that they were stolen they a steel Preposterous I have proven I intend to turn her over to the authorities she’s in this hospital and I

    Intend to find her now look here I insist that every room be searched Sarah Sarah Daddy Sarah daddy Oh Daddy it is you I found you I found you they said you were dead but I knew you weren I knew you’d come back Oh Daddy hold me hold me close you

    Won’t ever go away again will you will you Daddy what’s the matter daddy why don’t you talk to me Sarah don’t you know me Daddy I’m Sarah I’m Sarah Sarah where is my daughter Oh Daddy Something’s Happened to you Mr birdie Mr birdie Oh Daddy you’ve got to

    Know me look at me look at me oh d you mustn’t cry you mustn’t cry we must be good solders you know but I have been a good soldier daddy and you don’t know me my little Sarah never cries but I’m Zarah I’m [Laughter] Sarah yes Sarah Sarah My Baby Oh Daddy

    Youling Sarah my darling you know my baby Sarah Sarah Oh Sarah my darling oh don’t be ridiculous Amanda then how do you account for those silk coverlets those robes and other things that are there perhaps a little bird brought them in perhaps they grew legs and walked in I

    Don’t know all I do know is that little Sarah wooden Ste Bertie yes Bertie what do you think has happened the little princess has found her father found him Captain Crew is alive of course he’s alive how could she find him if he wasn’t alive oh Mr birdie I found my father

    Darling I’m so glad maest I did the la the

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