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    Good evening welcome to North beat I’m Megan Roberts a video posted on Facebook shows a youth in betol being dragged across the snow by police officers during an arrest 10 days ago police say the youth was arrested and charged for punching an officer a warning that this

    Story includes a video that might be distressing luke Carroll has more the girl in this video is 16 years old she says police dragged her across the snow and she nearly lost her shirt and pants in the process this video was filmed by her friend and posted on

    Facebook we can’t confirm whether it’s been edited or if there’s more the 16-year-old girl gave us permission to share the video to show her experience she says she felt humiliated she admits she was intoxicated but says the officers didn’t need to be so aggressive and shouldn’t have placed her in a

    Holding cell for 13 hours CBC News isn’t naming her to protect her identity as a youth police say they were at the house because of reports of a fight that’s when the incident involving the 16-year-old girl happened they say the youth was arrested for allegedly punching an officer in the face police

    Say there will be no internal review of the incident Tom angle is the chair of the Alberta based criminal trial lawyers association’s policing committee CBC News sent him the video and discuss the details of the incident with him she shouldn’t have been taken into custody in the first

    Place not unless they thought that she was going to repeat the crime or wouldn’t show up at court or something like that the 16-year-old’s mother says she will be filing a Civilian Complaint on the officer’s conduct Luke Carroll CBC News Yellow Knife complaints from some medical patients have prompted the Dayton Cho

    Corporation to look at other options for boarding people from all across the the Northwest Territories travel to Yellow knife for medical care usually patients stay at ccori boarding home but if it’s full hotels are used and for patients booked at one hotel The Experience can be far from healing Sarah Kowski brings

    Us the story sigic resident Edward Wright came to Yellow Knife last September for a medical issue he was placed at the Quality in downtown and he said that he had to wait hours before he could check in and during the night he heard shouting and loud noises that made it

    Difficult to sleep it’s not a pleasant experience for someone like myself let alone other people who are more vulnerable and older and who have young children he isn’t the only one who thinks there’s a problem the gchen Tribal Council made a public call for the territory and the boarding home’s

    Owner to stop working with the quality in too often I’m seeing and hearing individuals that are forced to put up with some of these unacceptable conditions because many people are just happy with what they receive he says gchen residents have complained to him about dirty and cold rooms at the

    Quality in but the biggest issue was people saying they don’t feel safe at the hotel or in the area around it Dayton Cho corporation owns kisori boarding home through a subsidiary they say they’re aware of the complaints and they’re working to respond to them Dayton Cho employee Rebecca Connelly

    Said that they’ve started booking patients at other yell knife hotels but hotels are busy right now and they don’t always get a lot of choice in what rooms are available to book CBC reached out to Quality in about the complaints but didn’t get a response Sarah Kowski CBC News Yellow

    Knife deadly and devastating that is how leaders in the sawu describe the drug situation in their community communities in recent weeks the RCMP have seized hard drugs weapons and stacks of cash going into the region and the satu Secretariat chair says several young people have died from toxic drugs in

    Recent years he and another satu leader are raising the alarm and they have direct experience in the matter Charles mcney and Ethel blond and Andrew both fought for their own sobriety years ago they describe how they see the situation today what I’m hearing that’s very alarming is we talked about recreational

    Drugs before and the use of alcohol and and the social diaspora there this is different this is something that will destroy the base of any Community economically socially medically um culturally you name it it is a destroyer well I see it slowly becoming like my family you know I see

    Uh see my family uh starting to struggle with that also and uh thinking about the children you know going to school and that really uh really bothers me when uh when I see our youth struggling and having a hard time because our youth don’t have a voice you know so I like to

    Be their voice for them well lack of food you know the if they have money they’re spending it on the drugs and the youth are being neglected that way and uh so I see see that happening in our region yeah it’s demand that feeds that industry um people need a supply people

    Will do anything to get a fix and it’s very dangerous we now have guns involved we have automatic weapons that are being involved that’s very very we’re right on the cusp of of what happens when you have neighborhoods or places that have a combination of drugs irrational thinking

    As well as greed as well as um just a lack of concern uh about others and and the and a tendency for violence to be involved things can go so wrong if somebody gets shot and if they threaten each other people are extorting each other people

    Are um uh doing whatever they can to sell their drugs to move their product and people do whatever they can to get them I guess I should say starting to become an epidemic it’s starting to you’re getting more and more uh drugs coming into the region and I see it not

    Only happening in the sou to but all over the north there has to be a movement by the people to take back their communities take back uh their lifestyle and their safety and um just good governance in terms of social programs and and other issues um I got together with Charles

    And talked to him about how every child every person uh in the community has to take back the community oh yes we can overcome it I spoke to individuals that were on the drug and uh they beat it so if they can beat it others can do it too

    Yeah I really want to tell them is H you know uh as a leader in my region I think about them I’m concerned and I really do care you know I really do care and I want to help them any way we I can you

    Know as a leader I figure it’s my duty to uh help those are struggling you know so uh you know I’m concerned and I really want to help them combat the problem you heard mcne say that the satu is not alone in this problem and he wants Northerners to work together on it

    He sent a letter to other nwt indigenous leaders calling for cooperation McNeely says he started by calling satu leaders together at the beginning of March two cycling experts from Finland are in White Horse right now they’re from the winter cycling capital of the world and they’re here to teach

    Northerners how to build better bike infrastructure katron Pilkington made up with them North of 60 the idea of getting through a winter without four-wheel drive is a tough sell but today two finished cyclists have traveled thousands of kilometers to do just that earlier this afternoon they met with white horse’s transportation

    Department to discuss ideas and offer suggestions about how to increase winter cycling in the Yukon yeah I think that the easiest uh thing to to tell them is that they need to build more cycling infrastructure so now now you guys have only couple of kilometers like multi-use

    Trails and uh well you need to build more cycling specific infrastructure yeah and especially protected separated from motor traffic so that it it’s separated by a wide margin so that you have space for snow in between there and the users can feel safe when they’re walking when they’re cycling when they’re kick sliding

    Whatever they want to do yeah for example in ol uh Finland I think that the weather conditions the climate is pretty similar as here in White Horse and still uh more than 20% of the all the trips in all are made by bike so the cycling model sh is roughly around 20%

    And that’s basically because the city has built proper cycling infrastructure um I saw one of the policies uh that you have is to um make sure that all of the bike lanes are plowed first and then the roads which I thought was delightful but I just imagined there would be riots if

    That was the policy here and you have a thought right yeah so so why so if everybody has those big trucks and so on so how could a couple of centimeters of snow possibly hinder them the visit was arranged by the Cycling Association of Yukon and made possible with a grant

    From the city of white horse is there anything that you’ve heard from our finnished friends that surprised you no I mean I think I’ve been a fairly Keen follower of what’s what’s been happening there I think what surprised me was the mode share of 20% I didn’t

    Realize it was that high that is astounding Pearson said he’s happy with the progress he’s seen on active Transportation infrastructure in White Horse but he hopes a meeting with global experts will inspire the city to dream bigger the two will be holding a public talk at the Ked Game Center later this

    Evening they’re hoping to inspire and share their love for year- round cycling with Canada’s North KRON Pilkington CBC News white horse when my grandfather Charlie Chaplain first arrived in Hollywood it was a place of dreams but my grandfather clashed with some very powerful forces in America are you a member of the

    Communist Party stand away from the stand I’m un a chaplain this is Hollywood Exiles it’s about a war of ideas that tore apart friendships ended careers and affected families like mine Hollywood Exiles available now on CBC list or wherever you get your podcasts contest is open you can read

    Speak sing or do a skit in the dialect of your choice and you can even use filters like this one this is a seal it’s going to swim Does public transit really need more police officers and so this is it welcome to the green belt it is now believed the Titan was destroyed it makes sense that they get a larger share or doesn’t all of this just single Detachment yes what do we know how is

    That even possible well with a little bit of help I think we can explain about that with Andrew Chang watch free on CBC gem bad hair days we all have them even as scientists I think I know my place it’s not making art what this is a whale that’s

    Incredible I’m pting a boat in the fjs of Norway I love this job you never listen to me you never think things true your honeymoon phase is officially over we never a honeymon you’re really going to make me say it oh yeah fine I need you Max so much drama I

    Love it you’re get tired of that get tired of That the Canadian military has a staffing shortage it expects to need nearly 8,000 more members by the end of its fiscal year which is next month in an effort to bolster its ranks the Canadian Forces has opened its doors to permanent residents but only a tiny fraction of those who have applied are

    Being accepted Ashley Burke explains why my priority Jamal luden wants to serve the country that took him in he’s from Afghanistan and escaped aboard an American military plane after kobell fell to the Taliban eventually he came to Canada where he’s now a permanent resident I want to be a part

    Of this Society because they they they help me in my very bad situations the military has made no secret it’s desperate for new recruits given the significant number of Demands around the world and there’s just not enough Canadian Forces to be able to do everything sign in the box and and so in

    2022 the military opened its doors to permanent residents to help fill thousands of vacant jobs but CBC News has learned while more than 21,000 permanent residents applied to join the regular forces within a year only 77 were accepted did I frankly think it’s not good enough and it’s and it’s

    Potentially an opportunity lost the process takes time the commander overseeing recruitment says permanent residents often require an extra level of security screening certainly it’s frustrating and you know and and and we feel those frustrations we have to be a combat capable force and so standards matter and and when we’re you know when

    You’re dealing with sensitive military equipment in a national security environment um those factors are really important the military says it can take up to two years to process permanent residence but just three months for Canadian citizens it makes that check sort of background check much easier than somebody that

    Comes in with uh 20 years in a different country faced with those long delays 15,000 permanent residents have walked away luden is hanging on for now doing odd jobs to support his sisters here in Canada thinking of his mother and brother who died in Afghanistan and how

    He wants to make them proud my family always want to see me in my uniform the defense minister has asked the department to look at allowing permanent residents to serve on a probationary basis while they wait for their security checks to be completed the department says the military is considering it

    Ashley Burke CBC News Ottawa it’s officially tax season in Canada as of today Revenue Canada has opened its portals allowing you to file your 2023 tax returns most of us though will have to wait a while longer to gather all the necessary documents before filing and there’s some

    Additional paperwork if you want to claim some deductions for the time you spent working from home nise hiari has the details if you worked from home last year your taxes might be a bit trickier this time around an easy flat rate deduction for the home office has gone away Canadians must now specifically

    Itemize work from home costs like they did before the covid-19 pandemic now you’re going through what the government calls a detailed method which means that you have to now detail your eligible expenses and these include your rent these include uh electricity heating utilities uh these include uh home

    Internet and some basic supplies but not much the CRA needs employers to sign a form confirming you worked from home home it could mean more paperwork for Canadians since it also requires calculating how much of the home’s square footage is used for work another change for tax filers deductions for the

    First Home Savings Account your contributions to the fhsa are tax deductible while your withdrawals as long as you use them for the down payment of a purchase of your first home are taxfree money put into one of those accounts before December 31st will be a new deduction on this round of taxes but

    Existing homeowners may be out of luck you can only use the fhsa if you haven’t bought a home in the past four years as for that work from home tax credit while rent is eligible mortgage payments usually aren’t the tax deadline for most individuals in Canada is the end of

    April anise hadari CBC News Calgary there are growing calls for the government to take action on an Insidious form of inflation it allows manufacturers to disguise significant price hikes by charging the same amount for bless product several countries are taking steps to expose the practice but

    So far Canada isn’t one of them Sophia Harris has more you may have noticed it perhaps your box of cereal doesn’t last as long as it used to or there seems to be fewer chips in your chip bag they call it shrink flation and that’s when companies

    Shrink the size or weight of a product but not the price often companies also make few changes to the packaging making shrink flation really hard to detect and that really annoys a lot of Shoppers including pepper Brooks she recently bought a bottle of Dawn dish soap and

    She happened to have an older bottle of Dawn in her cupboard and when she compared the two she discovered the new bottle contained 20% less soap despite the difference she had paid the same amount for each bottle there was like no notification there wasn’t anything to

    Tell me as a consumer that I’m paying I’m getting less she’s not the only one fed up with shrinkflation a recent poll found 64% of Canadian surveyed said the practice is unacceptable so what can be done about it well some countries are already regulating shrinkflation in Brazil companies must note on packaging

    When they shrink a product and next month Hungary will introduce similar legislation South Korea and France are also working on regulations some Shoppers and experts feel the Canadian government should also get in on the ACT the Canadian regulators and policy makers really ought to look at this why

    Can’t they put a little asteris a little uh window box on the packaging at the front of pack and just indicate it has been changed however the federal government has given no indication it’s considering targeted legislation it told me that it’s currently studying the practice so any possibility of

    Government action on this in Canada is going to be a long way off Sophia Harris CBC News Vancouver it’s getting easier to get your hands on an electric vehicle but even though there’s more Supply there may be other roadblocks holding consumers back Nisha Patel went to Toronto’s Auto Show to check things

    Out electric vehicle price tags still give many consumers sticker shock they cost too much if the battery goes it’s a quarter of the cost of the car one of the cheapest new options costs a little more than $42,000 it’s being shipped to provinces where demand is higher because of

    Government rebates the vehicle will be available initially in British Columbia and Quebec to take advantage of the most aggressive Eevee incentives in the country the Atlantic provinces and the Yukon also offer rebates and there’s a $5,000 Federal incentive that helps bring down the cost of buying an EV even

    Then most EV s are still more expensive than vehicles that run on gas as more and more electric vehicles are sold um we would expect that costs would would follow as well the pressure is on for traditional automakers to offer more affordable options Chinese company byd is making moves to launch in North

    America its models are priced at less than $20,000 in Asia byd already outsells Tesla globally for now Advocates say consumers need to look Beyond the price tag and factor in fuel savings and incentives but they’re not doing the math on how much the total cost of ownership is and if you do that

    Math you’ll see that actually driving an EV is almost always cheaper the initial spike in electric vehicle sales was fueled by early adopters eager to switch but it’ll be harder to convince mainstream consumers to take ev’s first spin well until I start seeing more charging stations I I think I would

    Probably wait I don’t think to me they’re quite up to Snuff yet for for the market they need more time automakers though don’t have long to phase out cars and trucks that run on gas the federal government says that all new vehicles sold must be zero emission by 2035 Nisha Patel CBC News

    Toronto dog owners in Yellow Knife learned how to perform K9 First Aid on their beloved pets over the weekend this course covered dog CPR broken bones and more Yellow knife for Jessica Morris was the instructor participants practiced on large stuffed dogs and they talked about seizures stomach problems and health

    Issues that affect all dog sizes Morris also taught people with dogs when dogs should see a vet right away or if they can wait for an appointment Morris says it’s important information in a region with a big vet shortage some extraordinary video has been captured by a drone in

    China it shows a wolf pack foraging through deep snow the shinjang region has been blanketed with heavy snowfall recently making it difficult for animals to get around lead wolves can be seen tunneling under the snow there creating a path for the rest of the pack Wildlife

    Officials are keeping a close eye on the weather to ensure the safety of animals in the region Oh Up And that that is North beat for tonight for news anytime you can always go to our website cbc.ca north thank you for watching I’m Megan Roberts have a good Night closing this case gets you one step close to you getting back on the squad and keeping you out of prison you’re not a detective you’re a con artist you have a driver’s like right of course I have n if you going be a cop

    Would you be nothing my dad raised me to be a cop that’s who I am stay here you’re adorable you guys are making this entire station look like a circus he’s busy trying to solve a murder what are you doing thanks for rubbing my back look at you this your girlfriend this is

    Not my girlf she way too cool to be your girlfriend is not way too cool to be my girlfriend 194 my name is Amanda Paris and I am constantly thinking about culture race and social issues so I want to push these conversations for we found that there was animal meat fat in plastic

    Synthetic hair there’s a time where I’m like should I have kids because the kids are going to be black I’ve been fired from my dream job what’s the worst that can happen now now is the time to take the group chat to the real world a six-part series this is for the culture

    Watch free on CBC gim treaty and cre is an oral agreement and our agreements were always spoken for George Spence the core of treaty was we and to help one another and so we the Commissioners he was there for the making of treaty 9 where the cre were told we will honor

    This agreement together for as long as the sun shines and the waters flow the cree made their mark because they were assured that the land would be shared and they would always be a ble to harvest what they Needed George Spence was my great-grandfather in his life he saw many promises of the treaty go unfulfilled treaties were essential to the creation of Canada First Nations still fight for the agreements to be Honored hey some friends aren you stand there and now you try and blackmail her you disgust me every one of you Coronation Street watch free on CVC gem we’ve won the costume contest every [Applause] year Bun you’re squishing me what have we Done and he can lift anything anything at all he’s that strong Jo Shuster will you stu or you’ll miss your train now help me find number five strong but by day he’s a mild man and reporter glasses you know a secret identity honestly you Canadian kids he’d

    Be in this cape a what a cape wearing these blue tights a hero in Tights really here it is listen Lois this guy is faster than anything I swear if you’re not fast you’re going to miss your train that’s it a bullet a bullet he’s faster no he’s faster than a

    Speeding bullet come on get on it no no one’s going to read a comic stri about a strong man in Tights Joe it’ll never fly fly no but he can leap over tall buildings oh wow yeah see what your cousin Frank says in Toronto wait wait

    Lois I I’ve got something for you take it it’s again you never know it might be worth something someday is he great or what I Lost whoa what is this amaz things have been happening go ghting ghosting watch free on CBC G my grandfather Charlie Chaplain clashed with some very powerful forces in America are you a member of the Communist party I’m OA chaplain this is Hollywood Exiles news you can trust delivered when

    You want where you want on Canada’s news app download the free CBC news out

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