Today, our story is a haunting reminder of the fragility of life and the devastating impact of senseless acts. May this tragedy serve as a call for compassion and a common effort to ensure that similar grief does not befall other families…

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    Hi guys my name is Jack and today we’re going to take a look at another horrible case with you today’s story serves as a poignant reminder of life’s fragility and the devastating impact of Senseless actions let this tragedy be a call to compassion and guide Collective efforts to prevent such sorrow from befalling

    Other families Emily Longley was born on February 22nd 1994 in a London Hospital she was the first child in the young family of Mark and Caroline longly Mark’s friends teased him about becoming a father soon at 26 he felt utterly unprepared for Parenthood he was present

    At the birth and when the nurse cleaned the newborn and handed her to him he tenderly held her in his arms her tiny head resting in his palms her legs barely reaching his elbow the girl opened her eyes and gazed at her dad in that moment Mark knew fatherhood

    Wouldn’t be a problem for him a a few years later the longly family welcomed a second daughter Hannah the two blonde sisters adored each other and were a joy for their father he was confident that keeping the children warm and safe would let them know how much he loved them the

    Girls grew up surrounded by their parents’ unconditional love they had an example of prosperity and happiness right before their eyes Mark longly worked as a journalist for a local newspaper while Caroline was a teacher the girls had a promising future ahead the kind every parent wishes for their

    Children 10 years later Emily and Hannah longley’s world was turned upside down when their parents made the momentous decision to move from their hometown of Bournemouth to the scenic Landscapes of New Zealand this was a massive change for everyone as relocating to another country was a significant step this

    Challenging decision was made for Emily’s Health following doctor’s advice that she needed a change in climate the longly family traveled Halfway Around the World hoping for a better life for their daughters and so it was New Zealand’s climate is varied due to its landscape most regions of New Zealand

    Have a temperate maritime climate characterized by four distinct Seasons Winters here are relatively mild and summers are comparatively cool the Pacific Ocean and mountain ranges are major contributing factors the nature and air were perfect for the family from England a new chapter began in the lives of the Longley and their daughters Emily

    Attended a prestigious private school and for a while life went on quietly until she was metaphorically stabbed in the back by former classmates her friend Sarah Lee tur blanch caused a stir at school by revealing that Emily had fallen in with the wrong crowd and was associated with banned substances Sarah

    Gave an interview to the school newspaper detailing a party at Emily’s house after after overcoming initial disappointments and betrayals at the end of 2010 Emily decided to return to England to continue her education she moved in with her grandparents Ronald and zoie Longley in a large detached Cottage near the

    Prominade in southbourne close to Bournemouth and enrolled in a British College hoping it would be a fresh start for her life the decision bore fruit Emily who had struggled in school transitioned to a calmer student student life and thrived Emily made strides allowing her to balance her studies at

    Brockenhurst College in Hampshire with a job at the Top Shop clothing store at 16 Emily Longley was a vibrant cheerful and highly ambitious young woman with striking blonde Beauty her radiant appearance quickly led to early successes in the modeling industry while her captivating charm and irresistible Charisma made her stand out in her

    Community in December 2010 at a party Emily met 19-year-old Elliot Vince Turner Elliot was the only son of a wealthy and successful Jeweler Lee Turner he worked at his father’s jewelry store in Bournemouth and lived in his family’s home in Queens Park an affluent area of Bournemouth he was part of a

    Group known as The Firm made up of affluent young men actively socializing in local bars and clubs in Bournemouth and pool Elliot Turner who drew the attention of many women seemed almost obsessed with them nonetheless the two quickly became a couple a uh Elliot was incredibly devoted to his girlfriend who

    Had started modeling and earning her first income she began to attract the attention of many men Elliot’s jealousy towards Emily was intense within 4 months their relationship had turned into a battleground of constant arguments and mutual grievances amidst this tumultuous relationship marked by Elliot’s worrying behavior and endless

    Jealousy emotional abuse became the norm if he disapproved of her attire he’d accuse her of dressing like a call girl he hacked into her Facebook account to monitor her activities and conversations he also showed up unannounced when she wasn’t around he used his strength and anger to intimidate Emily once she wrote

    Him a note saying stop being so aggressive however each incident was followed by remorse and apologies only for the cycle to repeat Elliot eventually crossed the line from verbal threats to physical actions he grabbed her by the throat and punched her in public on multiple occasions he then

    Justified his actions by blaming Emily for his uncontrollable outbursts of emotion after continuous arguments and fights Emily began to fear for her life she took a break and went on a holiday to her parents in New Zealand this was the longly family’s best Easter holiday ever parents Hannah and Emily hung out

    Just like old times they walked a lot laughed and spent a great deal of time together as if sensing an imminent farewell when saying goodbye her father hugged her tightly she promised to return in September for the Rugby World Cup already on the airplane she wrote

    Her Father a message it was so good to see you I love you they had shared a special bond between father and daughter since her birth that was the last time the family saw Emily alive she returned to the UK intending to end her relationship with Elliot this happened

    But tragically at the cost of a promising young woman’s life Elliot met his girlfriend not with flowers but with a new batch of accusations and quarrels Before Emily returned from New Zealand Elliot discovered pictures of Emily with two shirtless young men on social media furious with jealousy he invited her to

    Spend the night at his house despite the disagreement Emily agreed to return to Elliot’s family home to discuss their problems comforted by the presence of Lee and Anita Elliot’s parents upon her arrival at the house a barrage of jealousy and insults descended upon her the young couple did

    A lot of yelling and arguing half an hour of yelling was followed by silence on the morning of May 7th 2011 Emergency Services received a call that 17-year-old em longly was found unconscious in bed Anita Turner called after discovering the girl in her son’s room Rescuers who arrived on the scene

    Were only able to State her death neighbors saw Turner sitting in the ambulance with his head in his hands after the girl’s death Elliot Turner was arrested immediately after Emily’s death but was later released on bail pending an investigation the investigation began after the tragic incident Turner Jr

    Haunted by guilt wrote a confession his parents determined not to lose their only son deliberately withheld crucial evidence thus delaying the investigation 51-year-old Anita Turner and 53-year-old Lee Turner removed a coat their son wore on the night of the incident from their house retrieved the confession letter

    From its pocket and doused it with bleach to destroy vital evidence during the investigation a decision was made to secretly plant listening devices in the expansive Turner family home from May 18th to June 14th Police made a series of recordings inside the Turner residence after obtaining evidence of a family discussion about fabricating

    Evidence and concerns about lying to the police the police seized the household computers to search for further evidence and they found it a review of the browser’s search history revealed searches for death by strangulation and how to avoid a murder charge in July all three family members were arrested and

    Charged with involvement in the incident and intentionally concealing evidence Elliot Turner denied his involvement blaming Emily for his troubles during a forensic reconstruction of the incident it was determined that a struggle had ensued between Eliot and Emily on that fateful day Elliot used force in an attempt to subdue her pressing her face

    Down into the bed with a pillow he then discarded the pillow and continued to strangle her with his hands when she fell silent he coldly stood up and left the room Pathologists examining Emily’s body found injuries consistent with strangulation Elliot had scratches on his arm and Emily’s fingertips bore his

    DNA indicating a struggle between them the trial revealed that Elliott’s Behavior towards Emily was characterized by threats aggression violence control and possessiveness these alarming traits escalated and on a fateful night in May 2011 a heated argument erupted between the couple over Emily’s choice of outfit and her photos with unknown men the

    Wealthy family couldn’t afford to lose their son and tarnish their reputation hired lawyers fervently defended Elliot the defense attempted to downplay the Tormentor role in the young woman’s demise suggesting she might have used drugs however the Dorset police appointed an independent toxicological examination which found no drugs or

    Other ban substances in the victim’s bloodstream the affluent Jeweler and his wife who disposed of evidence to help cover up how their jealous son ended the life of the aspiring New Zealand model Emily Longley at 20 years old Elliot Turner was found guilty by a jury at

    Winchester Crown Court in May of ending 17-year-old Emily’s life in his bed after a bout of jealous rage in sentencing judge dobs stated that he intimidated stalked threatened and assaulted Emily to control her as his trophy girlfriend the judge also advised Elliot to abandon thoughts of champagne

    Bentley’s and girls as he sentenced him to life imprisonment stating he must serve at least 16 years before being eligible for parole his parents Lee 54 and Anita 51 were also sentenced at the same court after being found guilty of obstructing justice by concealing evidence they concealed the crime by destroying

    Their son’s confession letter and removing crucial evidence following the incident in their Bournemouth home their son was also sentenced to 9 months in prison for obstructing justice by hiding evidence the prosecution argued that Turner used a pillow to suffocate Emily and then strangled her after she returned to his home to discuss their

    Situation following a fierce argument that night Emily’s Father Mark Longley branded Elliot Turner evil and expressed his hope that Turner would suffer every day in prison Elliot Turner was found guilty of ending her life in May 2012 and was sentenced to life imprisonment his parents Anita Turner and Lee Turner

    Were also imprisoned they received 27 months from misleading the police about the incident and destroying a confession note written by their son as it was a homicide investigation the police retained her body and it was not until September that she could be brought home but in a closed

    Casket the Turner couple was released in 2013 that same year Turner’s appeal for a reduced sentence was denied however at hearings in the high court of London British judges ruled otherwise it’s clear that over some time due to wounded Pride he harbored thoughts of ending her life culminating in her demise Lord

    Chief J Justice Royce Justice Globe stated in his verdict Simon Jones one of the successful prosecutors stated after the sentence that Emily’s death was a case of domestic violence upon hearing his sentence Elliot said I never wanted to hurt her I was just defending myself Emily longley’s perpetrator

    Elliot Turner is currently serving a life sentence in a Kent prison for the brutal ending of the young aspiring model’s life the Court ruled that he would not be eligible for parole for at least 16 years despite being incarcerated The Daily Star reports that Turner has decorated the walls of his

    Prison cell with photos of Emily indicating a disturbing and potentially obsessive connection with his victim remarkably while behind bars Turner has reportedly spoken about his anticipation of the day he will be released expressing a desire to return to a life of champagne Bentley and birds such an attitude raises concerns about

    His lack of remorse and the potential for continuing harmful Behavior after release furthermore the involvement of Elliot’s parents Lee and Anita Turner in perverting Justice by destroying their son’s confession letter and tampering with evidence from the crime scene led to their own imprisonment this underscores the gravity of the case and the collective

    Impact of the Turner family’s actions on the pursuit of justice for Emily Longley after the dust of the trial settled Emily’s father began to delve into domestic violence through patterns and behaviors he painted a portrait of Elliot as an abuser he constantly thought about ending her life it was

    Only a matter of time to love someone is not to try to control their life not to call someone derogatory names and not to isolate them from their friends that’s not love a woman is treated like a trophy such relationship ships are solely about the man from Emily’s

    Father’s memories he was cruel to Emily before she returned to New Zealand but she didn’t tell us anything I don’t know why but now things could have been different if she had now I don’t think about Turner or his family he’s in prison and I hope he suffers every day

    If I dwell too much on what he did the anger Rises and it’s the kind of anger that can consume you he never considered the people who for 17 years loved Cher and raised Emily he stood behind her wrapped his arms around her neck and ended her life even

    Now years later it’s still hard to believe someone could do this to Emily after enduring the tragedy Emily’s parents divorced but to this day all anniversaries and birthday are very hard for them Easter is especially difficult because it was the last time the family spent together on May 6th 2011 Emily was still

    Alive live she was chatting on Facebook with her father just a few hours before it happened she seemed normal happy without the slightest hint of fear on May 7th everything changed a phone call woke Emily’s father he didn’t answer right away by the time he fully woke up

    He had several missed calls from his ex-wife Caroline and multiple messages from her on his cell phone texts from her weren’t unusual but the volume of calls and messages was alarming finally he answered an incoming call it was his younger daughter Hannah crying inconsolably on the other end in the

    Background he heard his ex-wife screaming Emily is gone Emily is gone he sat on the same couch Emily had sat on just a week ago and broke down what was she planning to do after college this couldn’t be true how could the girl who was so full of life now be

    Gone he couldn’t remember anything more about that night Emily’s father didn’t sleep until he boarded the plane to England from Emily’s father’s Recollections I remember being driven to Auckland stopping in a small town to refuel and seeing Emily’s photo on the front page of the herald I thought I was

    Going to be sick right there in the station reading the headline at the airport people were throwing their copies in the trash and I wanted to tell them who she was that they should keep that newspaper it seemed like an eternity before Mark long arrived in England he

    Was still in shock and couldn’t believe the reason for his visit to his once beloved England was to identify his beloved daughter Emily he still hoped there had been some mistake they took him straight to the morg where Emily’s body was he stood in a room with Caroline a police officer and the

    Mortician who pointed to a window and said the body was in the Next Room the mortician pointed to the window the light would turn on and when they were ready they could enter the the room the light came on Mark and Caroline with hands cold from horror stood unable to

    Cross the threshold of that room they were ready to scream that it wasn’t their daughter but it was her their Emily she was lying on the gurny covered with a purple sheet looking as if she were sleeping her father approached and touched her face it had a beautiful

    Alabaster Hue and her skin was smooth but icy cold from Emily’s father’s memories I wanted to run away and pretend I hadn’t seen it but I stood there holding her hand looking at the face I had gazed at so intently when she was born except now her eyes were closed

    And I realized this wasn’t a joke she wasn’t going to sit up and say Boo Emily my daughter was gone in moments of such horror all tomorrows become yesterdays it’s when a flood of emotions crashes down bombarding and overwhelming the soul that you realize your utter helplessness that day in the morg was

    The last time her parents saw their Emily the pain of losing someone doesn’t get easier time doesn’t heal it merely teaches you to live with it everyone always commented and still speaks of how beautiful Emily was she had a wonderful warm and loving side to her nature she

    Would come up to you wrap you in her long arms and hug you tightly but most of all her her family misses the woman Emily could have become they will never get to see how her life would have unfolded a life that was denied to her now years later Emily’s father has

    Remarried he has a wonderful wife Hillary and a beautiful son Hunter is growing up in their family Emily’s younger sister Hannah has graduated from University set up her own life one where domestic violence has no place their greatest regret is that their Emily is not here to share the joyful moments

    With them thanks for watching guys that was Jack with you subscribe to the channel there are many shocking stories ahead


    1. Iv heard all about this aloof horrible Bastard !, Hes akready had a hiding in jail and theres many more to come ! His parents knew everything ! Evil the lot of them !, Rip sweetheart 🙏♥️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

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