Our latest webinar where we’re spilling all the details on our awesome cycling & hiking tours in Slovenia and Croatia.

    About Slovenia where we are based and our neighboring country Croatia we have completely different tours to show and offer to you uh so this is going to be the main purpose of of our meeting but for the very beginning just a short introduction of your host just a

    Second yeah uh the two of us being here on this photos my name is Andre and you already know Matia or matit who started this session both of us have some experience in guiding different groups uh we are talking about cycling groups hiking groups and so on we are both also

    Passionate hikers bikers Trail Runners mati is very experienced in rock climbing and caving as well but in the company we take care about root development we are also cartographers I am a geographer he geodesist so we have something to do with with maps and with spatial information uh I am responsible for the

    Guides in the company so I’m the one who tries to to to get the best guides we have for our uh guided groups guided tours sorry okay I will give you firstly a short introduction of our company as well not just about ourselves uh let’s say

    Uh we really try to emphasize this but you can read it here at the top we are locally driven local driven Boutique and responsible toour operator but moreover what we really try to do is not to not to have this just written somewhere in the paper but to really

    Leave it or really to to Really uh take this into account in our elections so we are definitely very committed to mostly sustainability uh we we have several sustainability standards like travel life Slovenia green and the one which we are most proud of proud of the B Corp

    Certificate actually we are the first borp certified company in Slovenia and therefore we really try to follow the highest sustainability standards in the world uh the other hand uh we’re very happy to be uh let’s maximum like five star rated on different social platforms like Trip Advisor Google Facebook and

    Similar uh because that means we are recognized mostly by our guests uh who are very satisfied with the service and with the experience they have or they had visiting us uh on the other hand not only the guests who gave us so far the recognitions it it also the different

    Type of world renewed owned media uh who’s been writing about our products about our tours actually lots of our tours have been chosen like uh top products between the years of 2020 and 2004 um in different media National Geographic Clon Planet guardan New York Times and others which are listed below

    Actually if anyone is more interested about this you can simply browse our web page and uh with each tour presented you will also find the reference to to to the media coverage and also the link to the article related um what you can see now it’s actually

    The basis of what we are going to talk about or let’s say not not uh not what we going to talk about but the core data we are using to actually create the tours we will be presenting or we are presenting tonight uh if we could zoom

    In um more into detail which is not the purpose of this slide but just to let you know this is really quite a huge network of different possibilities of uh of tracks that we established that we regularly check on the terrain that we included in our database and from this

    All all these tracks actually form a huge network of over 10,500 kilometers and from this uh basic tracks we actually put together design and create different type of tours of different difficulties different character we can create custom customized tours and so on uh the ones that we offer like the

    Typical ones uh are the six touring five mountain bike four gravel two hiking and uh one a bit special Wildlife watching tour and uh most of them are going to be presented briefly tonight and some of them also a bit more into detail um our service or what we can offer consists of

    Uh different things you can come and enjoy or take a guided or a self-guided store this is let’s say like the biggest difference uh being um experienced cyclist or traveler self-guided store might be a good choice for you uh on the other hand if somebody just wants to

    Live him or herself to enjoy and not take care about um where to how to arrive to the each day destination uh where is the best restaurant uh what are the best views what are the best side things uh in this case actually yeah you just take a guided tour and our

    Experienced guide will take care about all this and the third thing of course a Ty tailor mate or custom tour either of them guided or self-guided can be customized especially to your needs and your wishes which we discussed prior to your arrival and then we can prepare a

    Product or a tool that really suits your most uh your wishes and needs most of course we take care for all the booking for the accomodations for all the luggage transfers in between uh uh we do take care for the return transfer when you finish your tour at the end

    Somewhere else but it started to to get you back to the airport and from the airport as well uh we have a huge Fleet of bikes actually it’s uh it consists of over 80 bikes of different type mostly two bikes ebikes gravel Bikes mountain bikes full suspension and so on so we

    Really take care about the bikes in terms of being well maintained uh they are fairly new from being really new up to two or three years old so we change the fleet uh every two years or three so we really think this is the most important thing to have a one of the

    Most important things to have a uh reliable gear uh and to enjoy and not to take care even about that uh and the support on the tour besides all these Logistics I mentioned also on the self-guided tours any kind of emergency of course of course there are us there

    Are we to who who will help you out from any let’s say specific situations uh which uh require uh our assistance um navigation for the self guiding uh this is something we’re also quite proud of um actually on the previous slide when you saw all this red

    Network this is something that we put into the application when the roots are created and then we share it to our guests through this application we test it several of course but uh at the end we uh ended up with r GPS which really perfectly suits our needs uh we find it

    Very useful very reliable also our guests think the same uh actually the satisfaction with navigational package that we provide has increased for from 70 up to over 90% from all the surveys we uh Our Guest fulfilled after the tours since we started using that kind of uh sharing the navigational pack uh

    It gives us all the possibilities of uh creating and then for the customers to download offline all the Contex including of course including of course precise GPS data uh all the booklets or as it is named the tour experience uh with all the information included about accomodations about the daily Tiner Etc

    With lots of points of interest around the along the routes and so on uh also the mobile app is free for to use for navigation for our guests uh as I mentioned offline usage is possible in some areas where might be difficulties with the internet signals signal there

    Are not many in the areas we cover but of course you know in the outdoor sports that can happen as well and to prevent it uh this is a very good idea of uh how to do it not only application of course uh mobile mobile application you can

    Also download tracks for your personal usage in other navigation devices like Garmin Etc so it’s actually something we we really like uh to uh to use and also our Gest as I mentioned um this is actually now cover of uh the core content we’re going to present you

    Tonight uh we’ll be talking about cycling and hiking in the area of Slovenia and Croatia uh we’ll present the different types of Tours we can offer touring cycling tours gravel tours mountain bike cycling and Hiking tours uh we’ll briefly show you all that we can offer with some emphasiz on specific products

    Which we would like to let you know more into detail about and at the end of of course there is time for some question and uh questions and answers uh as Andre mentioned feel free to put down any questions in the chat section if you if

    Anything um occurs or pops up to your mind so we’ll try to answer all of them uh at the end of this session so now I will give the floor back to Andre and he will guide you through the first uh section of uh touring cycling but firstly some introduction about the area

    We are trying to present yeah thanks matit so why would you come to Slovenia or Croatia to to visit us um we are talking about two relatively small countries in the south of Central Europe let’s say squeeze between Central Europe and Mediterranean Sea there are many reasons

    First of all if we move to our homeland Slovenia you can see that it’s a really green place so we are not only talking about Green politics of the country because we are oriented into sustainability and let’s say green future but green is also kind of a

    National color because we have a very large percentage of forests and even if you come here to cycle in the summertime which can be a little bit hot uh you will find plenty of shade to relax yourself in let’s say primeval forests uh where there is a huge network of

    Gravel or or asphalt roads taking you through or mountain bike trails if you decide for a mountain bike tour but apart from the forests we also have Mountain pastures and Crystal Clear rivers and all over the place there are many posts where you can enjoy beautiful views

    Around let’s go on just a second Slovenia gives you plenty of opportunities also for other sports not just for cycling and Hiking you will find many places to swim in summertime we have beautiful glacial lakes we have Rivers as mentioned uh if some of you like uh fly fishing we are also quite

    Famous for this uh art of sport if I can if I can say so and uh I think you will you will really enjoy the place what’s wrong now just a second excuse me it’s yes I’m just checking now I think it should no because it doesn’t allow me to

    To share my screen ah so okay yeah I know just a second I will I will just uh give you the yeah just second doing here uh so firstly we will do it about the touring okay running it and it’s coming up in a second shall I start sharing my screen and my

    Presentation or no I’m I’m just uh I would I just needed to open it sorry I accidentally closed it in between so here we go the touring we need to share is coming up okay yeah but we need to go back now sorry for this technical difficulties guys just

    Uh yes yes does it does it work with you with now no okay just a second okay sorry yeah here we go let’s just come to the right slide okay okay that’s it that’s it thank you okay so sorry for this let’s just continue I told you the main reasons why

    Why you should come to Slovenia and now you will see you will see a short video clip uh about about Croatia as well but don’t forget about the food as I told you we are squeed somewhere between Central Europe and Mediterranean we are somehow on the crossroads of this part

    Of Europe and this influence is also the cuisine here and when you will cycle here of course you will get hungry and if you Vis visit some of our restaurants uh you will you will experience the food influenced by Central Europe by uh let’s say Mediterranean part by Italian

    Cuisine Italy has has really a huge influence of on our food and of course it can be prepared on traditional way or or with some let’s say more modern modern kicks which are quite popular now in in our um uh by our guests by our hosts sorry uh which which also rank

    Relatively high on let’s say um itineraries of of many people coming here and some of the restaurants you can visit also reached the michan stars in last years for for their preparation of food which is also quite quite uh I think which we are proud of Croatia is just to the south of

    Slovenia and of course everyone more or less knows about spectacular Coastline of Croatia which shares hundreds of kilometers of Mediterranean or Adriatic more precisely Coastline but Croatia is not just the coast if you head Inland you will soon reach Hilltop towns historic Villages uh medieval places full of uh spectacular views Vineyards

    They are quite rich on on Olive Orchards and all over the place of course there are there are spectacular views which you will come across there is a lot of history in Croatia as you can see Roman Heritage in the top right corner in Pula one of the biggest

    Amphitheaters in in Europe and some Venetian style towns like Rin which you can see in the in the bottom right corner here and a few Impressions from Slovenia and from Croatia as we mentioned a lot of greenery Rivers cars Springs uh islands in the background forests beautiful

    Views and of course the beaches as well many tours uh touch the beaches the lake bled in Slovenia Julian elps which is the most dramatic part of slovenia’s mountains and Mountain pth gestures which you will come across uh there is something special which we also offer uh Slovenia green

    Tours it’s a kind of certificate guaranteeing you that uh especially the touring program which we which we offer and which will be presented in the next minutes tries to connect the so-called Green certified destinations so destinations which uh which put a lot of attention on sustainability on local

    Products on green politics and uh those things which are quite important and popular to talk about now in in recent years so we always try to support local communities their services products local Craftsmen local traditions we want to travel green on our tours so we

    Always um try to to get uh let’s say public transport to uh reach different um parts of of some tours because because some of our tours um stop somewhere and then you need to do a transport a transfer By by Train to another destination to continue the tour uh of course

    Then we use single use Plastics uh some things which are not written here and are needed to be mentioned water for example you don’t need to you don’t need to buy bottled water in Slovenia because it’s really uh good quality water water if you if you use the tap one and as

    Mentioned we prioritize small family run accommodations uh when we are on our routes okay uh let me show you let me show you a map now uh about our touring program so just for the beginning for those of you who haven’t been here in this part of Europe This is the position

    Of Slovenia and Croatia we are just to the Northeast Italy to the south of Austria and here on this map you can see blue and red lines these are our touring uh tours so we will talk about mountain bike and gravel a little bit later but the touring program is maybe the richest

    One and tonight we will present you those red lines a little bit more into detail but for the very beginning I show you the other tours as well uh this one for for example is our classic let’s say Alps to Adriatic tour a connection between Alpine World some wine growing

    Regions viava Valley and then ending your your tour after a little bit more than 200 kilometers on the Adriatic Coastline then we have the next one which is called gouret tour because of its connections of uh let’s say Rich culinary experiences it is divided in two parts the first part is in Western

    Slovenia connecting the mountains uh again with some wine growing regions and car regions which are famous for for their underground caves and then you move by train through the capital city of Slovenia which is lublana and you continue to the eastern part of the tour which is quite different it goes through

    Panonian ples which are very let say central European once again full of Vineyards full of spectacular um um hilly regions which offer you uh quite interesting views around and then we also have a short tour here on the on the coast which is a combination of Slovenia and Croatia we call it estria

    To the Adriatic uh because it connects the coastline with the hinterland with the with the interior of estrian peninsula you start the tour in Italy you cross Slovenia and then you do a circle through North Northwestern part of estria in Croatia then we also have the let’s say the the wellness tour

    Which also connects some uh Spa towns in eastern Slovenia it is divided in two parts the northern part the Alpine part and and the wine country part we will present it to you a little bit later and maybe the the the let’s say the main one for tonight which is estrian Gourmet

    Cycling tour which you find here in estrian Peninsula once again starting in Italy and finishing in on the tip of estrian peninsula once again into presentation thanks okay yeah the touring uh program in general has some specifical let’s say conditions our tours our tours are uh

    Between six and 11 days long we always cycle cycle along uh local roads avoiding major roads avoiding uh traffic uh many times we also cycle on gravel but we are talking about fine gravel smooth gravel so not some bumpy roads or something like that the cycling stages are half day which guarantees you

    A lot of time and in the afternoon for other activities for enjoying taking the waters for example in Spa towns or enjoying some Wine sellers along the rout uh the appropriate bikes for this tours are touring or gravel bikes or ebikes of course there is not so much

    Much kilometers or elevation gain per per stage so we don’t need to be very fit for joining us on these tours just a low to moderate Fitness level and there the the the stages are not very technical they reach at at most medium technical difficulty uh the stages are

    Between 35 and 40 km long and you gain about in general about 400 m of elevation per stage the highlight of these stages of these tours are as mentioned beautiful landscapes historic towns and many national parks in Slovenia and Croatia and you also cross several unesc protected sites natural or

    Or historical sites along the Route so this is uh the highlight of our touring program the istria gouret cycling uh tour as mentioned seven stages a little bit more than 200 kilm and altogether 2,500 K meters sorry of elevation gain we connect three countries Italy Slovenia and Croatia which also means three different

    Cultures languages Traditions you will notice the huge contrast in landscape as mentioned between Adriatic Coastline and interior there is a lot of history here a lot of traditions and the entire region is very rich on Vineyards olives truffles truffles are a specialty especially in in Croatia everything is influenced by by

    Italy uh because of the Venetian Heritage and what is also very important we have searched for you the best possible accommodations in this in this part of for the country you will see some photos very soon uh but once again let’s go to the to the map yeah

    So you see this tour I will just put the stages on so we will see you start the tour in triest which is the Harbor City of Northeastern Italy then you keep staying on the coast through Slovenia cycling on on former um Railway line uh having the first night in Venetian style

    Town of pan in Slovenia then you cross to Croatia still being on the former Railway Line crossing historic Hilltop towns of Gran and motovun which is also famous for international movie festival in in summertime and then you come back to the coast to porich which is here and

    From here on you keep cycling on the coastline with uh hundreds of uh beautiful little base where you can swim in summertime the water here can reach temperatures of 26 let’s say even 27 sometimes degrees centigrade and you finish the tour in the place where the famous Roman ampi

    Theater is which I I uh showed you a couple of minutes ago in Pula we will now see a short video from our um explor ation of istria a couple of months ago when we were developing this tour hi good morning I’m Kya from visit good place we’re about to go cycling and

    Set a new gouret uh EA tour so come with us follow us you see we have really enjoyed here this is the Roman ampi Theater this is the town of Rin we were here in October uh cycling in shorts because it was warm enough en join some delicious

    Fuit and it was still possible to enjoy in the water in the second half of October so the seasons here are very long come here already in May and cycle here till the end of October as mention just in the high seasons in in summertime it can be a little bit too

    Warm to cycle some photo Impressions from the different parts of the tour so you start in triest which is in Italy here in the upper left corner and then you finish the first stage in pan bottom left venan style town on Slovenian Coastline as mentioned on the first day you stay on

    The former Railway line which is really a nice and easy cycling without much of elevation gain you can also pass the salt pens with 700 years of history of salt production and then you turn Inland into Croatian istria where there is plenty of Hilltop towns these were fortified towns in in the Middle

    Ages uh offering you plenty of experience also uh with delicious local wine and as mentioned the local specialty which is truffles they are very famous for trule hunting here we are talking about white and and black truffles and of course every restaurant serves food also with truffle you can

    Also join the locals in searching for truffles if you want then you come back to the coast as I said you cross plenty of hidden base where you can swim and reaching porage here in the bottom right corner and Pula at the tip of the peninsula I also told you that we have

    Searched the best possible accommodation for you those photos which you can see here are actual accommodations on this tour so if you join us on on estrian tour you will you will spend nights in these beautiful houses some of them old traditional houses uh very nicely renovated offering new beautiful views

    For example here where you can see practically the old city of rine directly from from your room okay let’s move back back to Slovenia the next tour which I would introduce you is Slovenian Wellness tour this is the one which is based on a Crossing several spot towns uh which

    Offers you opportunity to take some thermal Waters uh after after you finish the stage the tour is divided in two parts the northern is a little bit more Alpine and the southern a little bit panonian let’s say um when I say panonian I want to say that it’s uh uh

    Not so mountainous of course it’s it’s in the panonian plains Crossing just some hills with Vineyards and beautiful views uh the northern part has seven stages and 260 km 2,600 M of elevation gain and the southern part one day shorter but still 270 case and a little

    Bit less of elevation gain uh this tour takes you a little bit away from um I would I would like to say of the Beaten Track you won’t see the the most visited parts of Slovenia instead we are offering you uh some uh traditional Villages uh where you will feel the the

    Real Spirit of the country and again uh you will travel on local roads without traffic uh with plenty of viewpoints to stop and enjoy the the the views taking some good photos and very important we have searched for you very good restaurants where you will taste traditional Slovenian

    Cuisine uh let’s just jump a little bit I showed you this map already um okay let let me show it again um just a second here you can see the tour is divided in two parts the northern part which is a little bit more Alpine you

    Start in the capital city of lublana and then you you cycle on the of the Alps these are the Alps on the border between Slovenia and Austria and then you reach the eastern part of the country which gets flatter uh we are very close to the meeting point of uh Slovenia Austria

    Hungary and Croatia here so this is the guarantee for um Traditions meeting point of languages cultures and so on and then you you can you can finish the tour here after a week or you can start the southern half of the tour which we named Wine Country Bike Tour Crossing

    Spectacular wine Hills and as mentioned spot towns parallel to the border between Slovenia and Croatia taking you down all the way to novom Mesto in the southeast of the country where you finish the tour in another spot town let me show you some photo Impressions from the tour

    Now as I set you start in Slovenian capital city which you can see in the bottom right corner lublana and then immediately after leaving the city you are in The Greenery and you will cycle on the foot of the Alps towards the east until you reach the second largest city

    Of Slovenia maribor upper left corner and when you continue you go through some wine Hills to the northeastern corner of the country which is very flat full of spa towns with delicious uh culinary opportunities and then you start the southern half of the tour which takes you through historic towns like the

    Oldest town in Slovenia which you can see in the bottom right corner this is the town of Tu with a lot of Roman Heritage and as you will see now plenty of Vineyards Wine sellers of course beautiful rivers with castles on the island with entire little towns being on the River Islands

    Yeah nice spot ons and you also you also as you can see here you can you also finish the tour in another spot down after this uh six days of cycling the southern section thanks for now I will give my words to matit to show you something about our gravel

    Tours okay thank you Andre uh now so far you’ve had a little bit more extensive Insight look into the touring program now we will just try to fly over also the gravel and mountain bike and hiking in the end uh why just for an example the touring uh section or the touring uh

    Program offers easier cycling as Andre presented also taking um a little bit of nice gravel paths but let’s say for someone who feels more adventurous uh gravel cycling can offer even more let’s say Wilder even Wilder experience somewhere in the remote areas crossing the mountains over the grael roads and

    Uh Etc so let this here what you can see here on the left side on the map this is actually the presentation of coverage of our uh gravel tours I will just uh show you a little bit more on the uh on the on the more detailed a

    Little bit later for now a just a short presentation of what is the main characteristic of our gravel tours it’s a bit different compared to touring as you can see not in length these are similar like from s to 9 days tours but uh they are a bit more demanding also

    Half but mostly all day cycling stages because of the let’s say difficulty and the length which is a bit longer and a bit higher but also yeah it gives you definitely um a bit bit different type of a cycling experience for those tours best bikes could be gravel bikes of

    Course but it’s doable at each of our tours is do doable also by any other type like hot tail mountain bike or touring e bikes and similar Fitness level technical difficulty aage stage length Etc again number a bit higher compared to touring program here it’s maybe good to point

    Out that uh understanding of the gravel surface with gravel types of Tours is a bit different compared to touring uh as mentioned terrains can be more difficult sometimes even challenging so on these tours you cannot expect just uh flatter or nice smooth gravel sections there are also challenging climbs included with

    Quite some elevation to overcome some scents which are challenging but still they’re doable on the gravel bikes of course requiring a bit more experienced Riders which are familiar with this type of touring again the highlights of these tours are similar they’re covering some similar but also different regions of

    Both the countries Slovenia and Croatia as well firstly we will start with presentation of one of ours of our very new tours we recently launched it it’s called Slovenia Back Country gravel Bike Tour it runs on the northern part of Slovenia and it covers seven stages in

    The length of 320 kilometers and as you can see reasonable more elevation compared to touring program but you on this tour you really experience the diversity of different gravel roads through very remote landscape from vast forests to different Mountain masses especially the PO mass and then you will

    Also incircle and see the kamic Saia Alps and you will end your tour at the very footstep of the julan AL on the entrance point to the trio national park park where uh everything goes uh even let’s say further up into the mountains if somebody would prefer uh one of the

    Highlights of this tour is also the possibility of riding through the Abundant tunnels of tunnels of the mine tunnel under the pet Mountain this is an optional uh guided tour from the provider of the tour but it’s a very nice uh let’s say highlight or um

    Enrichment of uh the stage of the stage of the tour this is the area where the tour cover the which the tour covers from maribor being the second largest city in Slovenia over the mentioned poor mive then going down towards the kamish toin SCS and on the other side up to the

    Vanka and Crossing it all the way to the lake bled which is here on the western part of the tour and here is actually the connection to the Western Mor Trio National Park where the Julian outs begin here is the city center Liana the capital in the center of

    Slovenia so I will just walk you through some of the sections of this tour just to give you the let’s say better impression of what to expect the first part of the tour starting in maribor along the river draa is fairly easy but this is really just the beginning then

    You start climbing up to the poor massive through some Vineyards but at the top lots of forests pine tree forests it’s all with some views which open around uh it’s still a mild attitude you go up to, 1500 meters at the highest point but everything else is

    A bit lower gentle surface uh um especially in the summer you can enjoy cooler temperatures deep into the forest so yeah it’s something that will really impress you especially about the huge or long gravel roads going through the forest being somewhere in the middle of nowhere very remote areas quiet it’s not

    Likely to expect to meet lots of other people or tourists on that kind of Tours after crossing the PO M then you start to approach the kamish kins these are some views of the mountains which you will actually half way in circle and then on the other side of the kamish

    Kavin SCS you will climb up to the a bit more gentle but still demanding demanding uh Ridges of the Caravan again spectacular views on the bike but also those views have to be eared by doing some challenging climbs and defense as well on the way some mounting HS old uh traditional pastures

    As well which where you can meet Shepherds you can try some local specialities like cheese stour milk and other so quite few things to enjoy and in the last part of the tour leaving the Caravan kage you descend down to the basing of the or or you descend down to

    The sa Valley uh you actually cross the sa Valley and finish your tour at the famous Lake bled which you can see here in the upper two pictures with a bled Castle on the left and the island of bled on the right uh but before that you

    Also enjoy on some other nice and uh quite um let’s say um enjoyable sections of cycling the other gravel tour we would which we would like to point out is also a new one it takes place in the other country in Croatia and our Southern neighbor uh compared to the Slovenian

    Tour we just talked about is maybe a bit more um even a bit more Wilder uh because the terrain is different it’s more Stony some even bit more difficult climbs but the surrounding is totally different you will experience here also wild nature and solitude but on the

    Other side you will have the opportunity to see some of the most dramatic stretches of Croatia Coastline uh not not only the coastline also the islands on the other side of the views and you will also have the opportunity to cycle over one of the biggest islands in the

    Northern Adriatic the PK Island just before ending the tour leaving the paga island you will actually see and stop by by the zeria River Canyon so here on this map you can see the stretch of the tour leaving Slovenia up north you start in the small town of chaa just above the

    Town of Rea with well connections to the different airports International and then you follow the coastline some easy start which gives you opportunity of enjoying the sea life also visiting to bit more touristic places but soon after that you go and start climbing up to this valit massive which you will

    Actually cross in length a little bit and then parallel uh down to the Adriatic Sea per particular sorry so here is actually some of the wildest terrain you will encounter but those views will be really really amazing all the islands of the quer bay and the other parts of Adriatic and also Inland

    The wood and Rocky section are quite different really contrast looking left or right while cyling to have a better Feeling Again some photo impressions first part of the tour above the Quire Bay is something like this also visiting the nice little towns on the Adriatic Coast but when climbing up the views

    Open down to the islands of Adriatic on the other side here in the northern part of the for Bay you can see also the Easter Peninsula behind just this island of stress it’s depends on the weather conditions but with clear uh with clear sky is it possible to see quite far away

    Even across the Adriatic to the Italian Coastline and sometimes with really clear skies with after let’s say uh the Bora wind maybe blows a little bit you can see even the Alps uh behind this is the town of sin historical town where the second stage ends and this is just before leaving the

    First part of the coret gulf and starting to climb up to the vbit area as you can see this soft Adriatic landscape changes drastically into the rock formation which cover the carti landscape up on the valit rid the valit rid stretches high up to the 1600 and a bit

    More of meters of elevation so you can imagine going from Ground Zero up it’s quite Sun climbing but you do it gradually in few days then at the end when you cross the vit massive you descend down to the island of P it looks like a deserted island but of course

    It’s not this is just the co consequence of the Bora wind which usually blows in a winter time it comes from this valit massive and then descends rapidly down to the dtic coast and actually sweeps everything out on the island so this is probably this is

    The one of the main reasons why the landscape on the island of looks a bit like this but uh that gives you an opportunity to experience uh really really different different type of cycling the island of Park is connected with the Inland with the bridge when you

    Go when you cross it you’re back on the continent and then you just follow some local roads until you reach the canyon of the Zera River quite spectacular very close to the route but unless you take a short detour you wouldn’t be even aware about it uh so yeah from this Viewpoint

    This is something that uh yeah maybe it’s pretentious to say it will resemble you of Grand Canyon because it’s def it’s smaller and different but uh it’s also quite different to everything around in this area and the day of the tour ends up at the Zera River waterfalls this is actually the exact

    Location where the last uh two overnights take place and that gives you a really nice opportunity to relax uh to swim in summer time to enjoy some good local food uh before your head for the last stage a little a short loop back into the valit preferred do it or not

    And then you’re picked up and taken back to the T start in the town of chaa if we go a little bit further with the let’s say difficulty or if we go gradually up the scale talking about the um Cor istics of our tours after the gravel we can talk a

    Little bit about mountain biking this is of course a different type of cycling which offers some more adrenaline experience uh on this map you can see the main tours that we cover in Slovenia and in Croatia it’s mostly about the trans Slovenia tours in Slovenian region

    From west to east the our best seller transia 1 from the Alps along the SOA River going down towards some wine regions of gorisha BDA viava Valley car and then to the Slovenian part of istria ending on the Adriatic Coast in the town of pan let’s say also the most demanding

    Tour in terms of cycling uh some nice mountain bike trails uh quite lot of climbing descending but enjoyable and not if someone prefers not to do so many trails to do less technical Parts here is trans Slovenia 2 which crosses also from Slovenia from north to south starting actually in Austria on the

    Northern side of the Caravan massive and then going through some most known places of the Slovenia here in koraa Blade bohin with blade and bohin Lake of course over puka plateau in between and then going down south back to vava Valley as well and the cars and doing

    The same last stage towards the Adriatic the trans Slovenia one tour and the third one Crossing it Crossing Slovenia diagonally from the north east to down to Southwest will go also from the Caravan and kamish Kavin over the lublana city or the area of the capital

    Lana and down south to the Adriatic uh one would think that crossing the region the urban region here would mean a different type of cycling but uh uh you would be surprised because uh Liana is actually it’s a small City it’s a green City and its surrounding is covered or

    Let’s say there is lots of very very good mountain biking trails all around the city it’s like going 5 S kilometers from the city center or in the radius of 10 kilometers you’re already out in the in the woods on the trails and so you can experience in one day perfect trail

    Riding and also all the charms of the nice small green capital Croatian tours down south on istria Peninsula similar as you were listening before about the e gour but totally different character which will take you all around the E Peninsula this is the trans CAA is the mountain

    Bike tour and on the other side of the Bay of the Quire the area where also the previously mentioned gravel tour takes place but this time again on mountain bike terrains this is the trans Croatia mountains to Islands tour also crossing the valab bit but then going down south

    And crossing the island of rap and taking the ferry to the island of Kirk enjoying the last two days and also uh then finishing the tour and going back to the starting point so briefly about uh the tours in general as you can see the difficulty increases the length

    The elevation everything of course is a different type of cycling is mostly made for mountain bikers of course it’s suitable for mountain bikes fully and hardil as well for those who are experienced in riding also doable with uh mountain bike ebikes uh stages again

    Half to one day but most of them are all day cycling stages and they require quite some Fitness level from medium to high and also they will cover different uh technical difficulties uh again as mentioned previously the beginning all all the tours can be tailor made for you

    So there are some classic uh stages which are suitable for most of the riders or most of the guests but of course they can make they can be made easier or even harder or they can be spiced up with some even harder section if so preferred again landscape on this

    Tour will Amaze you uh it’s the nature is the beauty of the Alps beauty of the nice clear C clear Rivers historic towns lots of UNESCO sites and similar today I will just give you a bit more info about the istria estrian mounty Bike Tour because this is also

    Very very nice choice to do it let’s say the shoulder season before the high season starts or after it it’s really a great combination of riding along the coast and also going Inland and discover some hidden Trails taking this tour you have the opportunity of uh going remote

    And also of experiencing a little bit of this let’s say classical Croatian Coastline life which is probably most known to everyone who uh searches for the uh touristic touristic activities in the uh Croatia this is a bit close up a small closeup of the tour starting in Slovenia

    In the town of pan where all the other tours actually end in slov trans Slovenia tours going Inland to the heart of istria and then back to the coastline staying on the coast or going back in land again all all the way down to the very tip of the Eastern Peninsula on the

    Kamak uh Peninsula you wouldn’t believe how many trails are hidden here on this small Peninsula uh they are more like cross country character of the trails but very very enjoyable and then turning up north along the eastern coast of the ISA which is very remote compared to the

    Western which is much more touristic and finishing the tour in Style by climbing high up to the utka almost to the top and then decending directly over a th000 meters down to the cor Bay to the coastline directly in madaga a small town close to the optia and city of

    Rea first part of the tour goes along the previously mentioned Old pentana Railway but it stays on it very little to be honest because it crosses it several times and goes left and right taking some more interesting Trails for mountain bikers if preferred if tired if having enough of trails and

    Jumps and so on you can easily go on the pentana railway and enjoy some easier gravel on by doing so you will have also the opportunity of Crossing several Bridges V previous VI of the previous Railway going through the tunnels I think there are over nine or 10 of them

    On the on the on this pentana Railway uh and it’s also yeah very very nice and um interesting experience before heading down to the West Coast going back to the Sea enjoying the good sea life and seafood in the town of Ravine and then going around the

    Limsky bay Li Bay soal some some people call it also ly F because by its shape it resembles a a f it’s of course not a real F but you will have to cycle around it and you will have the opportunity to F some nice views from the cliffs

    Above going towards South again lots of Heritage also going through Pula visiting the Roman Amphitheater and then coming to the very tip of the easan peninsula in the earth kamak kamak offers you what if you remember at the beginning in one of the videos you can also stop here

    Enjoy swimming it’s not necessary to jump from this heads of course there are many many accesses to the to the to the Sea which are easy and uh then going back towards the north again it’s about some older abandoned Railway yeah this is not playing with our safety don’t worry this

    Railway is abandoned as you can see here it has a special formation uh to put it mly because after it was abandoned then the land slides slowly and now nowaday this is called a drunken Railway and it’s quite a tourist attraction quite some people come here

    And yeah by taking this tour you can you can also choose to enjoy a little bit of adrenaline riding and follow shortly for a few hundred meters the track if preferred coming back to the Sea again views to the corer bay and the island behind and also enjoying the Inland

    Trails with some old rock drywalls and similar climbing to the utka mountain at the end the last stage will give you experience exactly like this as you can see on the pictures beautiful Trails going down to the coastline directly old historical towns and then The Descent finishes literally on the beach uh this

    Is the town uh the small town of madaga where you tour and it’s close to op and re as mentioned and also it gives a connection to to to visit those City or opportunity to visit those cities if preferred otherwise of course you are picked up by our transfer and you go

    Back to the start point of the tour and this is about the cycling I will just give now the opportunity back to Andre to talk about hiking a little bit too yeah thanks matit uh let’s just uh slowly approach the Finish Line with our hiking tours in Slovenia so here we

    Will only cover the uh Slovenian hiking as you can see on the map on the left side the hiking tours take place in the western part of the country in the Northwestern corner there are the Julian Alps and the trio national park where you can see the red line being the

    Completely new best of Slovenia hike tour which will be introduced and the blue line um reaching from north to south is the historic walking trail which we call walk of Peace it follows the remnants of the first world war B battles which happened here between 1915 and 1917 between Austria and

    Italy our hiking tours are a little bit longer up to 12 days they offer plenty of scenic hik in um the stages take you sometimes mostly entire day so we are talking about a little bit more demanding tours for which you need some U real hiking equipment and uh some experience we are

    Talking about Rocky terrain uh be careful we are not talking about dangers it’s not uh some real um High Alpine Trails but all the time you will be on Trails which are let’s say really very rich on smaller rocks or roots and when it gets a little bit wet or slippery you

    You must take a caution uh there are plenty of spots where you can stop and enjoy beautiful views but still you must you must have a careful uh step you need medium to high Fitness level the stages are approximately 20 kilm long per day of course where you will gain about 600

    M and we have already mentioned the what the highlights of the tours in general are from historic places to beautiful nature the best of Slovenia hiking tour which is the Highlight we are going to introduce you tonight has 10 stages a little bit more than 200 kilomet and you

    Will cover 7,000 and something elevation meters uh basically you are going to encircle slovenia’s only and most famous National Park around the highest mountain called triglow but of course we are not taking you to the Summits you will only be Crossing valleys and mountain passes with spectacular views

    On your way you will discover several hidden valleys and beautiful small villages and there are some highlights like the SOA River the most beautiful in the country several gorgeous Alpine Lakes where you can swim in summertime and so on uh you will cross some important tourist attractions famous places like

    Bled and bohin but what’s also very important we will take you through uh similar small places of the bat track uh here you can see it on the map once again as mentioned we are talking about encircling of the national park this line on the map looks looks

    Interrupted uh it is in fact but this section which um matit is highlighting now is actually covered by train rid so we are talking about Circle which is started on the northernmost point in kagor close to the triple border between Slovenia Austria and Italy and then you go in anti clockwise Direction following

    The SOA River covering the train right and then reaching the alpan lakes and the northern part of the national park where you conclude the tour back in kagor so some photo Impressions this is the beginning of the trail in the heart of the Julian Alps you can see some

    Rocky peaks of course you will you will have plenty of such Vistas over your route but as mentioned you are not going to the Summits you will walk across mountain passes the highest altitude you are going to cross is about, 1600 M about the sea level on the other side

    You come into the SOA Valley the SOA is the most beautiful River in Slovenia with its typical Emerald color very popular among uh lovers of white water rafting and other activities on the river so when you will walk along the river you will you will you won’t be

    Alone because there there will be plenty of people uh in the water on the water whatever uh and uh yeah you will enjoy with them this this really beautiful corner of the country there are plenty of waterfalls you will see some of them some of them

    Being really high like the boka the one on the top right corner or some hidden waterfalls almost uh hidden in the caves or Gorges like kak waterfall which you can see on the bottom left photo on the other side of the mountain chain there are the beautiful lakes uh blit the one

    On the left side is probably the most famous place in Slovenia with the little island with the church in the middle and the lake bohin which you can see on the top right right corner it’s a little bit bigger and a little bit more calm peaceful but perfect for swimming in

    Summertime The North Face of the Alps uh once again shows you the views of the highest Summits of the country including Mount Trigo which you can see on the left uh upper corner and this is where you come back to Trans kagor on your starting point thanks for now matit yes so uh

    After seeing the Impressions through the photos and some videos of the tours of course there are some uh other information you’re probably seing for uh mostly about the tour prices and dates uh regarding the dates as you can see on this slide and the following one it

    Depends the tour you choose to take of course for the Mediterranean region is a bit different timing that we that is best uh early spring or early even late Autumn as well this is totally off the let’s say the main tourist season which gives you really a good opportunity to

    Enjoy um a more peaceful and uh quiet places as well uh those are the dates for the guided stores which are prepared so far uh but for the self-guided of course any time in this period can be arranged as well uh the prices for these tours let’s say it’s hard to give it

    Or to say the exact number right now because it strongly depends on the type of the tour you choose either guided or STG guided for the guided store you can check the prices on our website because it’s quite fixed depending on the group size for the self-guided stores it

    Strongly depends also on the number of the um of the participants so yeah the best way to do it just write to us give us our inquiry and we will try and prepare your new offer quickly so you will have the exact numbers and the exact uh let’s say

    Itinerary which will suit you best uh so this is definitely something to do as soon as possible if you are thinking about coming because uh that that gives you the opportunity to have more flexibility about choosing the uh accommodations and so on later on going or approaching the main season those

    Accommodations are a bit harder to uh to book but still we do our best to find the best solution for your for your tour and for your enjoyment the other tours mentioned tonight the Slovenia back country and best of Slovenia hiking as well as you can see back country in the

    Northern part of Slovenia is doable in early summer as well or in the high summer too because cycling in the higher altitude and inside the woods gives you the opportunity to enjoy cooler temp or otherwise in the Mediterranean part of Slovenia and Croatia can get quite hot

    During the summer uh and similar for the hiking the best timing for uh enjoyment in the mountainous region can be like an late uh late summer or Early Autumn time but also it can be prepared Uh custom in in between for different um uh wishes for the adventure Croatia route uh you

    See there’s no no date yet but this is really very new toour we just put it on uh it will be set according to the demand or according to the inquiries from the potential guest so this is definitely something we are also very ready and keen on organizing

    Besides that let me finish with few words uh to sum up what we were talking about our Roots we really Believe It Or we try to let’s say make this real you know that they’re really original and unique product um we did put a lot of effort into this um we

    Covered different countries from Austria Slovenia Italy and Croatia mostly of course Slovenia and now extending down towards Croatia but what we really try to follow when creating those product is supporting the green travel and also being very responsible while doing doing this uh maybe just as an impression uh let’s say the carbon

    Print everyone lives somewhere when traveling around all of our tours Slovenia and Croatia in the previous season they were totally 100% compensated the carbon print was compensated by foresting the devastated area in car region with there was a vast uh um fire in the two years ago and then

    We just helped to renew it by doing so yeah we managed to actually U compensate all the carbon print by coming here by you know uh all the Insight transfers accommodations food Etc and yeah we’re really let’s say happy that we have this possibility because lot of our tours go

    Through the cast region and uh this is something that we really um want to make uh better after this uh accident which happened um just a word about other things we do uh by having this knowledge of Designing products of Storytelling of being cograph cartographic experts we

    Also are let’s say trusted to create different products uh some of some of them yeah are then bases for the presenting or for creating the tours you were listening about tonight but uh some of them are let’s say a bit different one of it which we are very proud of is

    Creating a longdistance transin ara route which is about to be finished to this summer in July it crosses the eight countries of the western balans uh it was uh supported by different founds by the American USA and different other he from Europe Germany Switzerland Sweden also it was already recognized uh like

    Best in travel in different uh renewed media around the world and yeah we’re very happy to uh let’s say be able to launch it this summer and this will also give the opportunity to Travelers to go even deeper down south to the Balon otherwise this is pretty much it

    That we wanted to tell you I know it’s a lot of content with tries to cover in such a short time

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