#travelandfitness #travel #fitnessroutine

    The Essence of Travel Fitness

    Embarking on a fitness journey intertwined with travel is a transformative experience, transcending the realms of physical exertion to a holistic adventure for both body and spirit. Recent studies, notably [Study 1] and [Study 2], underscore the profound connection between maintaining a fitness routine, engaging in physical exercise, and the sheer happiness derived from travel. A structured routine, as emphasized in [Study 1], becomes a cornerstone for a traveler’s joy, providing a sense of stability amidst the unpredictability of new destinations. Concurrently, [Study 2] delves into the mental health benefits of regular physical exercise, highlighting how these endorphin-fueled workouts not only keep you in shape on the road but elevate your entire travel experience.

    In this video, we embark on a journey where fitness and travel coalesce, creating an exhilarating narrative backed by the science of happiness. Join us as we unravel the symbiotic relationship between physical activity and wanderlust, illuminating how these elements synergize to elevate your adventures and forge memories that resonate long after the journey ends.

    Unveiling Santorini’s Allure**

    Now, let’s focus our lens on the captivating allure of Santorini, a microcosm of Greek paradise that beckons travelers and fitness enthusiasts alike. Santorini transcends the ordinary, offering an amalgamation of rich gastronomy, breathtaking views, and adventure, providing the perfect canvas for seamlessly blending travel and fitness.

    *Gastronomy Delights:*
    Santorini’s culinary landscape is an odyssey for the senses. Indulge in the flavors of local delicacies while overlooking the caldera, where each dish becomes a celebration of Santorini’s gastronomic heritage. From the freshness of the Aegean seafood to the authenticity of traditional Greek dishes, every bite is a cultural revelation.

    *Breathtaking Views:*
    The panoramic vistas of Santorini, with its iconic white architecture against the cobalt Aegean Sea, offer a visual feast that transcends ordinary travel. Envision a sunrise jog along the cliffside paths, the sun casting hues of pink and gold over the caldera – a workout with a view that captures the essence of both fitness and travel.

    *Adventure Awaits:*
    Beyond its scenic charm, Santorini unfolds as an adventure playground. Hike the trails leading to ancient ruins, immerse yourself in the refreshing embrace of the Aegean Sea with a swim, or embrace the challenge of rock climbing against the backdrop of the azure horizon. Santorini is not just a destination; it’s an active invitation to infuse your travel experience with fitness adventures.

    In conclusion, Santorini isn’t merely a place on the map; it’s an immersive experience that seamlessly weaves together travel, fitness, and cultural indulgence. Whether strolling through its charming streets, savoring local delicacies, or embracing the thrill of physical activity against a stunning backdrop, Santorini emerges as the quintessential destination for a holistic travel and fitness escapade. 🏝️💪 #SantoriniFitLife #TravelandFitnessGreece

    Instagram: @sebastianmoody100

    Are you tired of going on holiday and losing all the progress you’ve done in your sport or in the gym throughout the whole year if so this video is for you my name is Sebastian Moody and I am an absolute physical exercise Enthusiast my Foundation is going to the gym but I

    Love all sorts of sports rock climbing swimming diving you name it I love doing all sorts of stuff and the truth is when I go on holiday especially if it’s at least a week long holiday or more and I’m not able to maintain any of my normal exercise regime honestly I just

    Don’t love the experience as much I’m not able to switch off because exercise is a part of my identity and if you’re watching this video I’m sure it’s a part of your identity as well so please give this video a thumbs up for exercise here’s how we’re going to attack the

    Problem first of all you need to do some research you obviously can arrive at your destination and have a look at what is around or search on Google Maps but you’re going to be stressed during during your holiday you’re going to be with this worry on your mind of how am I

    Going to get my exercise routine in when you should actually be enjoying your holiday so pre-planning all of this research is actually very important so that you can actually devote the most time to Leisure when you are on your holiday my suggestion obviously start by researching around your lodging your

    Hotel your Airbnb you name it now I’m going to use gyms a lot as an example because that’s mostly what I research but you can use this Logic for any given sport be it an MMA gym a bouldering Center a swimming center whatever you want I would start by zooming pretty

    Close into the location where you’re going to be staying on Google Maps and then I would search for gyms around that area then I would just start clicking the pins having a look seeing I don’t know does this look like a place where I would like to work out at is it close

    Enough to my destination is it close enough to my accommodation where I could easily wake up go and train come back and then get ready for my day or would I lose a lot of time commuting because that’s a big concern so that would be step one after you filtered out the main

    Possible locations I think it’s time to dig deeper start clicking some links have a look at the websites and see if you can find any conditions because a lot of these places especially gyms they do talk about memberships but they do not always advertise for example a day

    Pass or a weekly membership and that’s very important because you’re only going to be there for a very short period of time so you don’t want to be paying a full month member membersip if you’re lucky you’re going to have this information available on the website’s

    Page if you’re unlucky like I am a lot of the times you need to go deeper so what is my advice start looking at the contacts you can send a message on Instagram or you can email them and you can ask okay what is your daily rate or

    Do you have a weekly rate something like that usually they do get back to you and you can then make your your assessment of the situation understand if that is a reasonable price that you want to pay for you to maintain your activity or not

    Now here is a caveat a lot of the times gyms which you will find on Google are going to be very big chains this also goes for swimming gyms MMA gyms all of that stuff usually they are big chains and the problem with these is that they

    Are not very flexible so if they don’t offer weekly passes they’re most likely not going to be able to create one for you and they’re just going to charge you for several day passes and that can end up being quite costly plus these big chains and health sensors and stuff they

    Are usually pretty expensive to start with so here is my second piece of advice within the first piece of advice try and find Family run businesses or small businesses because these usually will appreciate any business that comes to them and it will be far more likely that you can actually connect with the

    Owner of the place and ask them look I’m going to be here for a few days I’d love to train your gym looks amazing so is there any way that we could accommodate me training here for a week could you please make a special price for me guys

    This is has happened to me numerous times especially in England there was this gym close to my grandparents house which is called Old Iron Works gym and they did not do any weekly passes at the time when I first started going there and they literally charged me £10 for a

    Week of training that was absolutely incredible I mean I didn’t spend a lot of money I was able to get my routine in plus it’s an amazing gym so big shout out to Old Iron Works in molden even though they’re not as cheap now they’re still an amazing gym and I’m always well

    Received when I go there now the second way that you can go about it instead of researching around your lodging you can research around your points of interest so let’s say you’re going to do a beach type of holiday you might want to research gyms or activities that are

    Close to beaches where you know that you’re going to go to a lot for example if you only have one main Beach relatively close to your lodging or the main attraction Beach where you know you you’re going to want to go for example in cre a very widely known Beach where I

    Knew that I was going to go was fasana Beach or Eli Beach so these were two big points of interest where I knew that I could research around and I could find a gym or find an activity where I wanted to go to and it would make sense in my

    Travels also if you’ve already been to Greece and you loved it please let me know down in the comments honestly I think it’s my favorite place in Europe absolutely love Greece so shout out to all the Greek people watching I do understand that if you research a sports

    Activity relatively close to a point of interest you have all of the showering Logistics think of it this if you’re in the summer chances are you might be able to get some outdoor showers to get by showers on the beach all that sorts of thing if you’re like me that would do

    Just fine otherwise consider taking just the bare minimum in your backpack to have a nice shower at the location where you’re going to be training or option C embrace the sweat from that point back to your lodging but in that circumstance what I would advise is plan your activities around something that you’re

    Going to be doing at the end of the day so plan your exercise around around the last or the second to last activity of your day or maybe just before dinner so that way you go you walk around all day you enjoy and you’re nice and clean then

    You go to your last activity do it go to the gym get sweaty then you’re going to go home before you go out to dinner for example go to sleep whatever it is and that way you just have to endure that last commute being all sweaty and then

    You can have a nice shower or bath at your hotel orb moving on next piece of advice you could consider trying new activities for example if you’re going to Greece and you’re an active person what you could do for example is swimming there are absolutely thousands thousands thousands of beaches in Greece

    So for example if you do kickboxing and you want to get your cardio maintenance done swimming might be actually an excellent sport so you can enjoy the sun enjoy the Greek amazing sea and you can still get your cardio in and improve your swimming technique and get better

    At a different sport now that’s just a single example but there are many many others for example if you come to Portugal where I live in kashk specifically you’ve got some very nice mountains and you can do some really cool rock climbing so if you’ve never done rock climbing you can maybe

    Consider doing a class here and trust me guys it can be really really physically demanding so these are just some ideas try something new alternatively you can consider doing several different things for example if you’re just like being active in general you can for example

    One day pay for a day pass at a gym on another day pay for a day pass at swimming center on another day rent a bikee and then you’re still active during the holidays you’re still burning some calories getting the muscles moving but you’re not sticking to your routine

    Entirely but I can assure you you’re going to feel much better than if you did absolutely nothing at all then we have a few different options if you’re not actually willing to or not able to find any centers where you could actually do an activity and this is consider doing Outdoors free activities

    There are not that many but to name a few we have swimming running walking and bouldering bouldering is maybe the riskier one because you do need a bit of equipment you do need a mattress or something so that you don’t hurt yourself and bouldering and the places

    To do that can be a bit remote but if you search for Facebook communities for example Facebook groups that do bouldering in the place that you are visiting maybe you can just meet up with the people take your rock climbing shoes and that way you can enjoy the activity

    For free while using their mattress it would be a way to go as opposed to so for example walking running swimming you can do for free in most places you can swim in Lakes much like I did in hamstad Heath in London yes I open swam in

    London if you can believe that or you can go running literally anywhere in the world you can walk literally anywhere in the world and that’s also going to be a great way to sightsee one thing that’s very important about these free activities is that most likely you’re

    Going to experience the places which you are visiting as more of a local and not as much much of a tourist because you’re actually going to do activities that the locals do and you’re just going to see a whole different perspective and trust me that is something very very interesting

    And it’s a whole different way to travel and experience the culture of where you’re visiting last but definitely not least is try to think about transport as a way to exercise now you can do it for free obviously and the main way will be walking you can walk literally anywhere

    You can do long walks just like my previous point if you consider walking exercising if you consider walking your transport you’re going to discover many more places that you would not have if you took the bus or the Subway or whatever it is you’re going to see many

    Places which are not as touristic not as agitated and which you most likely would never see in your life so think about it as an investment of your time in discovering the culture of the place which you are visiting even further now the bike the bike is actually a very

    Interesting idea in a lot of places most European cities are very very bike friendly and you can EAS easily find both bikes and ebikes very easily accessible to rent and also to ride around the cities this gives you two things it gives you exercise and it also

    Gives you quite a lot of speed when compared to walking so honestly between the two if you actually want to get things done to keep a pace going biking might be the best way for you to get around and still get some exercise in finally if you really want to prioritize

    Sticking to an exercise routine when you’re on a holiday I would suggest not only planning the locations but also planning your schedule be realistic about the exercise that you’re going to be able to fit in in coordinance with the rest of your schedule so for example let’s imagine you’re visiting Athens I

    Keep going back to Greece because just like I said it’s a place that I absolutely love and you want to go to Athens and you want to see the Acropolis and you want to see the Acropolis before there are that many crowds so what do you need to understand you need to

    Understand what time the Acropolis opens what time you’re going to be able to wake up and then figure out if there’s a gym or activity which which is going to be open between your waking up time and the opening time so that you can get a quick session in right close to your

    Hotel or Airbnb or whatever it is so that way you can start your day with the exercise clear that out of the way and then enjoy the rest of the day this is just an example another thing that you can do which I actually do a lot is go

    And watch the sunrise we were just in MDA Island in Portugal it’s one of the two main groups of islands off the coast of Portugal MAA and aors and we went to watch the sunrise from p l and so you wake up extra early when you go and

    Watch the sunrise so we did that and then we went to have breakfast so you can actually do an activity go back have breakfast and then do your workout if you plan this all accordingly and then get on with the rest of your day so it

    Really just is a matter of planning out how you prefer to work out how you prefer to manage your traveling schedule and I’m sure you’re going to be able to fit in a few sessions and believe me in one week even if you do just one training session one exercise session

    You’re going to feel a thousand times better for example once again going back to Greece I went to Greece for the last time in 2022 in September and I absolutely loved the trip we went to Athens Creek in Santorini unfortunately I did not plan to work out and this was

    Not a priority and we didn’t really stay in accommodation which had gyms I thoroughly enjoyed all of my days but there really was something missing and when I got back home I was really really feing for the gym in my case but really any exercise that I could have done

    Would have been much appreciated another piece of advice search for accommodation with a gym a lot of hotels have gyms a lot of hotels have pools so take advantage of this maybe you’re going to be paying 30 or 40 extra for your whole trip but you’ll have a way to exercise

    Literally without any commute it won’t give you any excuses to not stick to your routine that is maybe the most efficient way to travel around and stick to your routine but it could also be costly I don’t know it’s going to depend on where you’re going and the type of

    Travel that you like to do bear that in mind and that is it from me guys I really hope that this video was not only informative which I hope it was but also motivated you to stick to your goals all year long because trust me going off a

    Routine and then coming back usually is much harder if you stick to something even if it is not as consistently as you would like to for the whole year it’s going to be much easier to maintain that Rhythm than if you stop completely and then have to get back into the Rhythm I

    Hope you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you did please give it a thumbs down if you didn’t that doesn’t really matter all that matters is the interaction but most of all what matters is that you enjoyed it so please consider subscribing to my channel we’re

    All about travel and fitness here and also I would love to know your comments about your travel and fitness experiences in the comment section that is all from me I will see you in the next one

    1 Comment

    1. Honestly this is so hard for me 🙈 I have to plan better. In the reality if we think that is only 1h per day … in 24h right?
      I was thinking to exercise in my world trip but I’m not sure if ricardo would want to come haha

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