Enforcement Officer Failed To Identify Th-
    en Called The Police And This Happened

    Honey Badger Morris –

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    Identify yourself identify yourself identify yourself I’ll just follow you mate you ain’t going nowhere get your Superior I don’t even know for what you’ve just done you’ve just lied to me and tried to find me for something you have got no PO to do now you’re walking

    Off cuz you don’t know what to do identify yourself all these people are watching identify yourself as a council worker now yeah I did go ahead then don’t use an idiot you are an idiot what are you going to do what are you going to do you’re going to do nothing that’s

    What you’re going to do do something then that’s fine you pick I’ve picked it up that’s the law that’s that’s fine so go away then go away okay I let you go you ain’t letting me go nothing you’ve got no authority over me you’re just like a vulture you watch me from over

    There smag Chuck on the floor and I’ve picked it up You’ve Got No Authority from there so J on J on on go away I’m on you going to stand I’ll stand here with you all day you won’t get nobody identify yourself I want to report you

    Identify yourself I want I wish to report you identify yourself I wish to report you identify yourself identify yourself identify yourself I’ll just follow you mate you ain’t going nowhere get your Superior don’t even know for what you’ve just done you’ve just lied to me and tried to F me for something

    You have got no PO to do now you’re walking off cuz you don’t know what to do identify yourself all these people are watching identify yourself as a council worker now I go ahead then you’re again give me your ident I wish to make a complaint about you identify yourself yeah identify

    Yourself do this my you you are an idiot put your ID up to the camera I can’t read that I’ve got bad very I can’t you again okay you verbally explain who you are you a police officer I I’m not go and get a police officer then go go go

    Going to get one you you’re the official you’re the one dressed in black tactical gear trying to tell me the way it is go fet a police officer you are not a police officer you work for the council You’ve Got No Authority why are you

    Walking off why am I why are you walking off if I’ve done something you thought you could watch for me over there spoil me come over here you thought I was an easy target and I picked it up what does the law say what’s the law state that’s when

    You picked it up yeah exactly I said okay I let you no you don’t you tried to find me it’s only because I now the environment identify yourself F the police give F the police come on you’re the guy dressed in tactical Black come and do something come on come and do

    Something you’re the guy dressed in tactical black GE with body armor I’m me with a camera you were you weren’t bothered when you thought you could exploit me for money you what’s the matter mate that’s G right out the window go stand by the pigeons cuz that’s what you’re good for Pigeon [ __ ]

    Go on F the police go on fet the police you’ll be on YouTube later you are a scumbag water council employing do you work for water councel any why are you not talking I’ll just follow you all day man you Ain get nowhere me problem you you

    A’t going to do nothing about it even you were going to do nothing yeah and I picked it up yeah that’s fine that’s why I said let you go why you shout at me you a professional don’t shout at me mate you’re going have no no no no I’m

    Not shouting you why shall I shout I should I should watch what you tell I’m a member of the public I can shout at you all I want you just tried to abuse me and extort me you will be on YouTube find yourself you’ve just tried to extort me identify yourself identify

    Yourself identify yourself identify yourself Iden I won’t go nowhere this guy just Tred to me for money they coulding he identifies tell who you are I’m asking to identify him so I can report him I’ve got identify yourself identify yourself I said time I can’t tell you everything no I’m not saying

    Where you you to identify you so I can report you you you can walk to the I’ll follow go we go see Mark come on let’s go I am following you I want your identification you are going nowhere you’re exploiting nobody else today until I get your found

    Somebody call you call Mark friend head of the department and now the clown you good now I’m just going to follow you mate you exploit people all day Longet who are you who are you who are you sir who are you who are you come back here who are you that’s what I

    Thought yeah is your pal yeah keep quiet I want your identification fet somebody fet the police he’s one of your men going get him I going to speak to him say excuse me mate do you work with him you obviously do he won’t identify himself can can you tell me where I can

    Report this guy I you don’t want to know where cancel just want to exploit people on the street you don’t want to know this guy’s now trying to run off he thinks he’s just going to walk in the to and explode people you a mate you ain’t going to exploit people while I’m

    Standing there no more you’ll get nobody today while I’m out I’ve asked you to identify yourself you just try to exploit me and it’s all backf on you you know won’t I no you you was watching me from I filmed you before you came out with you [ __ ] because I saw what he

    Doing you’re like a predator a shark praying on people who don’t know any better well I do where’s you come on get your money on mate I’m throwing a frag in front of you how many times have I got to do I throw a frag right in

    Front of your feet what are you going to do you’re going to do nothing that’s what you’re going to do because all that tactical gear means nothing you don’t work for the Cel who do you work for M mind business what are you going to

    Do what are you going to do that’s you just walk around the T you a’t get no revenue for the council not me something I’ll just follow you all day mate I’ve got nothing better to do so what are you going to do call the police then call the police you just

    Tried to extort me for money that you got no roid trying to extort me it’s back forward on you and now you don’t know what to do so you’re walking on I’ll give you a tip walk into a shop I got follow in there you won’t identify yourself you

    Think you’re being CL by walking off I’ll follow you all day long mate you are going nowhere it’s that simple look at this guy’s face there’s a there’s the face of defeat a man who’s got nowhere to go nothing left to say doesn’t know

    What to do all he can do now is find the police and make something up anytime I see you in this time I’m going to follow you and record you and so remember that you’re a disgrace mate you go out trying to explore people who

    Got no money hardly got any money as it is you do nothing but extort people all day long you be on your little Post in your off trying to catch somebody smoking so you can charge them what M do you charge nothing to say you sound like a

    Criminal that’s what you do in the PlayStation would you no comment you’ve got nothing to say of you nothing nothing to say look at this guy’s face you are going up on YouTube people will see you for what you are this may look a bit extreme but we sick

    Of you people trying to exploit people who haven’t got the money just so you can get revenue for the council you don’t even know where the money goes do you do you work for the council do you work for the council do are you dumb or something do you work

    For the council identify yourself as a council member I’m asking you to identify yourself you’ve just tried to engage me you just try to extort me from money now I’m asking you to identify yourself identify yourself I suggest you getting your little walkie talkie to your control and get some place go in

    There go to the security guards I’m asking you to identify yourself now say it again to the camera you are not identifying yourself as a as an environmental services no is that right you’re refusing to identify yourself you just Tred to extort me money correct yeah look at the camera have a good

    Look identify yourself I wish to make a complaint about you do you hear what I’m saying I wish you to identify yourself this is going to Mark Van your head of well head of extortion but it’s go into there anyway this will be in your Council Office boy

    Tomorrow and you’ll have a complaint Bo tomorrow I wish to know who you are I can report you are you listening to me are you listening to me you clown I wish to know who you are so I can report you you just tried to extort me could you extorting

    Nobody else why are you why are you extorting nobody else come on give me the law that you’re trying to enforce because you don’t know it do you which law identify you can ring who you want mate let’s have a look at you ring here don’t touch me mate ex I’m telling you

    Don’t don’t put your hands on me mate you’re going your I already myself I asked you for your ID I talk but don’t you still talking then you don’t want to talk but you’re talking me listen you are complete more stay here all day I’m staying here all

    Day as long as I want well then shut up then you don’t want to talk then you want talk all I want from you is to identify yourself identify I tell you like every time every time you haven’t told me anytime you’ve got a mask on you

    Speak terrible English I can’t tell you like everything what’s what’s your identif I asked you to identify yourself you haven’t identified yourself give me give me your name or an identity number and I’ll go if not I’ll stay with you all day you want to Martin watch this I’ll walk with

    You all day long as long as it texts you will go nowhere at all well it is fine this is this is public you can’t do nothing about it try to put your hands on me you go your ass so go on I ain’t some little old lady you can exploit

    Mate where you walking you’re going no you’re going nowhere I’ll just follow all day long there’s your there’s your M go get your partner see if he can intimidate me shut up excuse me so it’s above you is he trying to charge you money don’t give

    Him if you give him any details don’t my name what what if you give him an address or anything don’t give him no details he’s just tried to do the same thing just walk away come on he can’t do nothing just walk come you got listen Ro what are you

    Trying what are you trying to enforc your problem what you explain to her what you’re trying to enforc your where do I need a permission from explain where I need permission you want to put on social media that’s your job my job my job I’m I’m a public on ath

    That’s your job you walk around stuff Vision people no I don’t no that’s your job this it’s my job yeah why do you know that then how do you how do you know that did you take my permiss because you AG I don’t need your permission so why you so that’s your job

    The camera everywhere my job why would you say it’s my job so why are you doing it why are you doing why because it’s just try to expl what don’t listen it’s on video you can Li you want you stalk to me from I’ve got you on camera then I

    When I to you I introduce myself video it be head of then he picked up you me right now I’m video I’m videoing you cuz you’re aggressive you feel threatened by you you’re a big BL you got muscles he’s already try to put his you got no job

    That’s your problem you think I’ve got no job I’ve got I would take you just said my benefits make mind myob you don’t give a about the public say that again say it again clear for the C make your coun position make your coun position clear you make that as CL

    We don’t give a [ __ ] about people make it clear I’m a person you don’t care about human beings why would you say that that’s a bit that’s a bit C is it so I if I was to collapse now you wouldn’t help me if you was to collapse now I would help

    You I wasn’t approaching he approached you you let me go you’ve got no more parties in time would get back and stop getting angry please I’m a member of the public you work you step back please step back please no you do have rights but as you work you work for

    The I was I was you haven’t he has so there’s another we’ve done nothing tell you this guy behind the sign watching me I’m for video trying to explo me you will see don’t worry you will see your Seated on social media you’ll see off canel and video you can’t stop me you

    Tell me I’ve got to stop video you hear with me it’s my job I don’t what you talking my job my job so I be on benefits and have a job why you swearing at me you that no why you swearing at me sir good job it’s record why you swearing at me

    For the longer I’ll stay here the more people you can’t exploit you’re not doing your job your job is to exploit people come to the C you are you repres I ain’t got a job remember I ain’t got a job according you I have to

    Go to the council to get a job what are you talking about you completely more you something you SW at me you threaten me you’re approaching me I SW at you I’m a member of the public you represent what you identify am I a policeman are you are

    You trying to say I’m imp person the police officer then is that what you saying because you’ve got a C so you rep are you you saying you deliver imped report think carefully what you say your head of IT think think very careful what you say are you

    Refusing to identify yourself so I can’t report you first what’s going to do with this and what does that tell you he tells you that you’re a tyrant doesn’t he he tells you that he he tells you that you’re a tyrant it’s not the first he’s not the second he’s not the Third

    How many times have people because you I am I’m asking you I’m going to leave I’m asking identif yourself in some is that what you think you think I’m P forward and TR know you think I’m s a p forward and try you SW at me you threaten me this show me this

    Video which is you just said this is my job make your mind so that’s the coun council’s advice for people unemploy go look for a job myn not know how do you know yeah you keep making Lo something I’ve got a job I ain’t got a job I’m mon Channel I haven’t

    Got I’m not videoing you it’s going it’s not just going on social media I’m sending it to the office I’m sending it to your can office are you not man am not speaking about you been hhic you just been you just I’m not following you now I’m just going to report mate

    It’s on video you can say what you want you can live but you you can’t lie what can’t lie can you the video so exactly what you did I filmed you before you come over to me because I saw what you was doing you’re a little creepy weirdo

    Was sping on people from behind Market store that’s what you are here we go after the council building clowning the front door all the way the aggressive homophobic or whatever is you know who thinks he can swear at members of the public threaten them I get you £80 that

    Woman did you have you got your body cameras turned on go is that a problem let’s go is that a problem now I’m just going to request the for Det I’m asking all I want is your identification so I can report you that’s it you know where you going now CL W up

    This money you have nothing to do why don’t you apply for the police cuz you seem to not you seem to be have ridic lots of things I woke up Ed you I’ve been to sleep you talk too much I talk too much of course I do why what

    Are you going to do it’s that a threat like I talk too much why do you do something about it then go and get the police you’ll see when you get complaint go and get your boss out here now I’m not following you nowhere because I don’t have to you followed

    Them for longer I know yeah around finish it what do you think yeah can we finish it off yeah come on then you get what they’re doing is they’re trying to walk man they’re going to they’re going to walk what they’re going to do they’re going to I’m not going in your building

    You got you see your right you’re a citizen yeah you’re right I’ll come you you’re not allowed to film no I’ll wa here you get your BOS no go and get your boss I ain’t stupid like you P go and get your boss oh we are stupid you’re proper stupid don’t and D

    What D and D oh so you put that on your on your record record what record are you recording that a record that dumb a dumbass yeah yeah okay yeah you can even tell the place I called you a dumbass no call me I’m not going in there cuz it’s

    A place building because I know better that’s why yeah that’s why you’re laughing the minute I go in there what why are you scared scared yeah yeah you think I’m scared are you getting off on the fact that not SC me you’ve got groes in there you’ve got none out here

    I can’t film in there you you have grounds to do what you want your video follow me I can’t you look stupid s a trap for a second are you stupid I can’t go in the building I can’t go in the building why because it’s a [ __ ] police station

    You morning it’s a public it’s a public place you have the right to go in why is the door Lo then yeah exactly you have to press the I can’t just walk in can I that’s why the door’s locked you clone if the door was open I’ll be able to just walk in

    The minute I’ll go in there you’ve got pose on me that’s why you’re trying to get me in there see the door’s locked so go and get your bus now you follow me I’m not following you will I what are you going to do what are you

    Going to do what are you going to do big man what are you going to do why are you why are you discussing cancel business with somebody else it’s got nothing to do no thank you no I a’t got your go get yours I asked you to identif

    It’s not a police station Excuse excuse me can you get his BS down here please I don’t know the the entrance the cor this clown doesn’t even know it’s good I’m not going nowhere go and get your bus you don’t even know what you’re doing do you I’m not going there go and

    Get your boss I’ll right here on I’ll wait here go and get your boss go and get your boss I’m following now I’ve come with you to here that’s what they’re trying to do they’re trying to get me in there cuz you’re in there unless shut up clown go and get your

    Boss go and get your boss yeah man be a man are you you good again with your gender insults you’re going to be rising through you I’m your CL gender insults now be are you saying I’m a woman is that what you say you’re going to be

    Right in TR I’m beging you please follow begging you follow follow I follow you now you followed him for 30 minutes yeah yeah follow us no please now you can follow me huh oh wait tell please please what I’m begging you well what you going

    To do get me around the corner follow me yeah yeah let’s go why because because are you ordering me to go huh are you ordering me are you ordering me you clone open your mouth now come on say something are you ordering me to go you

    Just ordered me to get off the bench and you ordering me I don’t know your age so you don’t know me what I don’t know your H so you don’t know mine what are you talking about you CL you don’t know my H what am I seasoning follow please follow us please follow

    You now why not I’m PO with you right now you me you’ve insulted my gender you let’s go you SW at me let’s go oh you you didn’t why you quiet I’m the only let me explain something only let me explain something to you when you wear that

    Uniform you represent the council I’m a member of the public I represent myself you clone it come on gentleman let’s go gent oh it’s gentleman now so you realize what you said you are a clone watch from people watch gentle I was a gentle you just call me a woman just you’re going

    To regret doing that mate I’ll tell you now you want to get your [ __ ] proud come on gentlemen oh gentlemen now let’s complete the mission the no no go and get your boss yeah I’m prob scared of you you [ __ ] clone you want think so I [ __ ] headbed you know where’s your

    Boss I’m standing there I should put your on your back I I hope you are still recording yeah I am you’re still videoing yeah okay you got you get Facebook will pay you a lot of money Facebook I don’t I don’t get T Tok Tik Tok whatever you are really a clone TI

    To make a lot of money your job I make a lot of money you have no idea how I’ll make my money if you did excuse me why you stopping me I ain’t stopping you walk around walk around get your boss then you don’t even know what you’re doing where’s your you

    Can’t even get in can you help I can’t get in I’m an enforcement officer please help which way in which way in Clone don’t you know to get in your own building let I’m going nowhere keep following you like oh you’re the PO you like a clone like you don’t know

    What you’re doing you ain’t got a CL where you going you can’t even get into your own building you can’t even get into your own building you’re a proper clown o clowns knock on that door there you can get in there there’s two guys are trying to L me

    Today CU they’ve Tau me to three different places the one behind there little scumbag be get cancel that gentlemen get your ass down now I’m not coming in there I’m not load get your boss get your boss get your boss now get your boss excuse me sir do you work out

    These these people have been BR aggressive homophobic threatens me me I want to make a complaint about him and they won’t give me the Details and he wants to get his story in straight now I want I want some his BS here now I’m not can I come in there why not cuz I’m filming they won’t allow me to they no nothing nothing I said you’ll let me go you the way and he

    Will let me go you’ve got no reason to me you told me to stay there like you’re a police officer get me I want these guys we haven’t got any officers B here we haven’t got well you better get somebody down cuz these two these two having a serious complaint and this

    Video is given to your boss Mark I want I want these two’s ID I want these IDs so I can make a complaint that’s all I want I want these two IDs and refused to give me he swed me threatened me he’s called me a what did you call me a woman

    It’s all on camera you you think that’s funny to get to mock someone’s agender you think that’s funny to mock somebody’s agender is that what you thinking this day you think it’s funny to Mo somebody’s gender all we all we’ve got here is is a complaint form for to that’s all I want

    These two detail I’m good now you going have to P the police the police get get the police man Poli they have brought me here they’ve walked me all around the town to do anything but to give me their listen right shut up a second I’m trying

    To talk to the man you’ve said your pce let me say mine these have had me walk all the way around the town trying to get there already this guy’s lied to me threaten me swar at me mock mock me for being a little girl which is gender all

    I I can I want I could bring one i1 and get an officer here if we we can do that all I want is there to identification so I can make a complaint that’s all I’m asking for is that is that too much s you

    Think do you think that’s too much to us get somebody better for us yeah we be better for you yeah yeah no better for us why cuz you got the police on for you and me no why for you and me why you can’t threaten me

    Now depr I give you time to talk you going deprive me from deprive me from is that what you believe yeah yeah yeah so what you call so swearing at me threatening at me mocking me about my agenda called me a little girl yeah sorry in the first place yeah I don’t

    Know you don’t know you never I I did approach you I was talking with a woman when you came me it’s cuz he was approaching you okay that’s it then secondly you video me for no reason for no reason you’ve got a camera is it is

    It like w can can video people but members of public can’t video is that what you saying clear is that what you’re saying make it very clear what you’re saying all right not going to win against this gentleman no you know cuz you’re [ __ ] that’s why that’s why you

    Ain’t going to read he’s calling your names I call him [ __ ] yeah that’s a name it’s not very nice what so yeah so it’s not very nice who who are you again I work for war who are you identify yourself why should I because You’ interjected yourself into the

    Conversation just abused my colle I’ve called him so he’s your colleague so you know who he is yeah I wouldn’t know cuz I won’t identif So I says I wouldn’t know because you want to identify yourself I just don’t like him calling your names that’s not very nice

    Oh so it’s okay for him to call me a little girl it’s on here mate that is that is that a position of w council is that a position of w if we were Witnesses it never happen well then D into inject into the conversation I said just you

    Take yourself off all stand here and inject yourself what you going to start fting me now like no you injected you injected yourself into this conversation I had no problem with you I called him a [ __ ] that’s not nice is it I don’t have to be nice after what

    He said and done to me I don’t have to be nice are you saying I have to bow down and be nice to this gu you SW have I SW at you have I SW at you when you got it on you think [ __ ] swearing well that’ll be a section five Public Defense you know what you did you why you shouting him now for I’m if you want to fit in no I just want I know I to make a complaint I make several of them all I want you don’t want to make complaint anymore can you stop this guy from

    Talking police you just asked me a question he’s trying to inject is that a fair you are you talking to me was he talking to you can you tell him to stop him please okay can you just there you go you’ve been told now shut

    Up uh sir I’ve got no problem with you I’m not going to film you I do apologize these are uh these people have made me very angry and everything all I want to do is get their identification so I can make a complaint I know how to make a

    Complaint I don’t need that phone I want their identification which they won’t give me they give me identification I’m gone that’s all I need it all right if you give me your identification and then and I’m gone can you say that again please are you saying that I’ve abused

    Somebody thank you see look that’s the police report that’s coming I’m abusing somebody that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I mean mate I’m I’m using somebody morning morning hello could you identify yourselves please hello is yeah okay sorry I was just worried about your dispatch number so place are in

    Now thank you it’s not call yeah can you identify yourself please PC Evans number police3 thank you how are you today L I’m all right how are you not very good you might it’s what it’s the I a called you come here just s here with me these

    Go who called it just a second we’ll come to you a second keep them people away from me please yeah that’s what that’s what I’ve just done for I haven’t called you I don’t know what you’re doing here okay well we been called by remember the public has gone past and

    Said that someone was being quite High rat towards the Civil Enforcement Officers here yeah at this building so has there been an issue here so what’s happened then I hav these I these two AR identify themselves they swore to me threaten me met comments and U what have they said then cuz theyve

    All on camera they’ve got cameras on I’ve got everything I’m making a complaint I’ll be sending you this footage myself right what what is the complaint then what is the isue I haven’t called you so I don’t know right what’s I haven’t what’s the lock say yeah I wasn’t where it lit just

    Turned up um yeah you can probably cancel them a little this so what what is the issue What’s led to the being a bit of discussion today then uh the the guy came up to me that one there with arms behind his head he was in town um he was watching me from

    Behind I could see that he was stalking me I was smoking a [ __ ] I threw the flag on the floor I knew he deliberately come over to me he came over to me I pick the flag up and that’s the law the environmental act protection act States

    It’s an offense when you walk away from something I didn’t walk away so I picked it up he then tried to dry me £80 I took an a to it and started videoing him and recording him and stuff he’s he’s then G to this guy who’s been nothing but

    Offensive essentially you led on the floor they tried to you a ticket no I haven’t yeah illegally he’s then saying you you he tried to detain me like a police officer he says you stay here he then says you’re free to go he he hasn’t

    Got the P of a police officer he’s not a police officer he then refused to identify himself he have he have color on his shoulder have his details on his uniform no okay you want to speak to him I called you no you you stay here for a

    Second yeah I’m going stay sh anyway that’s what I’m going to say to you you want to give my colleague um actually you want to go and speak to me we’re getting this pie okay he can say what he wants it doesn’t make any difference I’ve got it all recorded this

    Guy is a lawyer well you got you got the absence to support Yeah just make it clear you’re not detaining me are you no having a conversation yeah well you said you followed me to the shop sort of and guard me when I went there and guard me when I went there I don’t know what my colleague did M I was I was

    Inside it’s too hot to well it’s this simple I all I wanted was their details to make it compl that’s not unreasonable is it they won’t give me the details they threaten me might made the whole my fa comments but they be little girl they try to be Little M intimidate me made

    Derogatory comments to me you know what I mean yeah there might not been hopic comments but there was derogatory threaten me get up off the Ben I’ve got a heart condition real bad I had the heart surgery less than eight weeks ago yeah yeah what was it what was it what

    Was it I’ve got a blue CL on my off yeah I’ve only got one artery going to my I’m a really ill person you shouldn’t be out in this should you and look cuz if you’re going to arrest me now if you’re going you can’t call for me cuz you will

    Stop me getting access to my lifesaving medication so if you attempt if you’re going to arrest me for any reason for any reason please don’t cff me if you’re going to attempt to Cuff me you’re going to have to call an ambulance cuz you can’t put cuffs on me I’ve got life

    Saving medication in my pocket you see yeah we’ll discuss it might it might not be that knows what they’re going to make up that you’ve already been called here because I’ve been harassing harassing the enforcement think about what you’re saying me harassing an enforcement agent these people harass people on a daily

    Basis all it was is he picked on the wrong person that’s all he did he picked on he thought I was an easy target to intend to cough me please think very carefully before you do anything do anything to I just well I know these go

    I can easily get end arresting B will is you you you’ll have a necessity of arrest arrest me for anybody well getting away in court cuz I ain’t done nothing wrong they’re the ones who’ve done something wrong not me they’ve marched me across this town just so I

    Can’t get the details all I wanted was their details and how have been gone you could have already you can’t tell me that you you don’t have to identify to me you do they work for the C well they pretend the counc employees but not they’re private Corporation they don’t really work for

    The council they’re just contracted by them and they think they can abuse people on behalf of their company for the council and that’s what they do to people and that’s what they’ve done to me and this guy is coming stuck doing it he’s doing it to the wrong person and he

    Doesn’t like it and they they’ve abused me ever since if that makes sense oh yeah I understand I’m not directly filming yet I can hear you I’m not going directly on you seem like a very nice police officer so thank you thank thank you for being

    Cordal with me I tried I tried to I go by the The Motto treat those how you want to be treated yeah it’s good cuz a lot of these Place interactions go very badly I know where these can go I know I’m a second from even making any kind

    Of claim for you sticking Cs on me dragging me dragging me into a van or but you can’t do that with me well I’ll have a discussion with my colleague anyway it might it it might not be that the if you being arrested course I’m

    Going to be arrested for but I know that they can say anything in your te there so it’s not mine no it’s not it’s not the case all we we’ll see what we’ll see what the conversation is with my colleague we’ll go from there but in

    Terms of cing now I will have the conversation with my colleague just so she is aware of of your medical I’m very ill a very I’m a very ill individual you should you should be indoors I know not not out in this it is it is too hot if

    You KN where I come out you I’ve come out today cuz I have I’ve got a video conference from my nurse on Friday on Thursday and I don’t have a video camera so I’ve come out now just to come and get a video camera to link it to my

    Computer that’s all I’ve come out for I ain’t come out for this I should be on there can you not do it on your on your phone the no it was just easy to come to August and get one did you have you got it did

    You you haven’t I didn’t get there you haven’t been to the shop yet no I didn’t get there cuz this it’s like I’m a person one I stand up for my rights like I deal with complaints and I deal with tyrants I deal with people like this I deal with

    The police I know your L I mean are you recording oh yeah it’s just see You’ been normally what you do you do you do know that at the first opportunity you have to report me you have to inform me that you’re recording section 3.5.5 of

    Your policy you do know that don’t you no we we just have the body War up well when you approach a member of the public you have to inform the first opportunity that your video gamaz on better had a drink oh yeah yeah why have you followed them around the town

    For an hour cuz they’re told me to well they did they did they didn’t you’ve got three three enforcement officers there they’re all saying that you follow them around the town if you’re not happy with them there’s to get their identification yeah but there’s official ways to make a complain

    Is what I told I told you I told you I’m trying to give you the details I’ll tell you how to make it complain I don’t need you to tell me to make I don’t know you know how to make a complaint then I me lots of complaints I’ve got three cor

    Cases pended I deal with the police I’ve got my own YouTube channel where I deal with these kind of things okay I deal with complaints and that I follow okay so in in the scorching heat is it worth you getting dehydrated dying for what I believe in because you walked around for

    An hour following them around you saw deated that wasn’t you I know that but this is for your welfare mate you can care I’ll die for what I believe in and I believe that guy abuse me right okay well he’s got everything on camera absolutely everything which is fine and

    We can deal with that ultimately they want you to go from here because they do not want this to escalate any further because ultimately mate you being here is being quite intimidated towards them you followed them around the town for nearly an hour trying to get the details

    Yeah but that is not that is not a rational thing to do what’s the rational thing then is to come to wle council um the council buildings you mean where I went when it was shot we can you can go online and get their gu do I know that

    Go online and get their complaints procedure how do I know that well you said to me you knew how to do it I do yeah but I still need I know that if you don’t get someone’s details you can’t make a complaint because they are subcontracted to the council and not

    Know well I’m going to have their details now just so to to let you know I’ve got their details so if you need to make a complaint to moral Council they can speak to us and we’ll have their full contact details so you’ve got you you’ve got the contact that all I wanted

    That’s all I wanted can you appreciate no would you like to be followed around the town for an hour by someone shoving a phone in your face if I done something wrong yeah no mate that is not acceptable behavior you’re going to arrest me for that then no I’m not just

    Then it is acceptable behavior you stood out here in the boiling Sunshine nearly died but who whose decision was that to do that so why did you do it then cuz I’ll die for what I believe in well that’s a Mis is it so you calling me S

    Now well that no the behavior you’ve done is silly it’s this simple what it was he abused me I felt like he abused me what he did ambushed me tried to do something did you drop a cigarette book on the floor deliberately right well M you just looking for an arguments no I

    Wasn’t what it was is he was I saw him watching me and spying on me so and I thought well that’s what you want I’ll give you one I took it on the floor and then I picked it up because I know the environmental low act it becomes an

    Offense when you walk away it is not an offense to drop anything on the floor it becomes what’s your first name mate you don’t tell me full name what’s your first name get my details unless unless you I’m going to I’m going to you then

    At the minute to leave from here if you go on to w council’s website I’m ask you take drink to me for it’s hard why you being hos to me no no you’re just being argumentative no you just says leave I’ve left on on public space the staff

    Do not want to be approached do not approach them again today otherwise they won wait for and you’re going to arrest me well if we get P back then and potentially make you there I don’t want to do that why not you seem like you do listen you can put whatever you want

    Onto the Internet it’s not an issue it doesn’t bother me but B from when we’ve got here your welfare has been my pount that’s it it yet you’ve let me get to the shop I’ll do a PR listen let me just take it back a bit

    I’ve got no problem with you I’ve got a problem with you you can clearly say you know teken a so it’s telling me to leave you can’t tell me to leave from a public place no no no I’ve said to you you ultimately to deescalate this I’m on

    Public property you can see there you have the details now to go on the website I don’t have the details do I go on to W Council website and look for the complaints put the complaints in you’ve got my color number on your details what is your col number 21704 we just don’t

    Get it yeah it’s fine 211704 2174 I’m based at the based in won anyway so you based at Civic Center yeah if you want to make a complaint for they can ask me for those details and I will provide those details do you understand but there’s obviously rules and regulations

    Of data protection around that I’m not going to give you any further advice talking on data protection are you recording what I would yeah everything’s recorded today so you didn’t inform me that your was recording I did cuz you you said I’m recorded so I went so I oh

    Okay I so so J me I’ve been quite open with you no you I’ve not got a problem with you I just I feel yeah I’m not you can’t make me leave from public property have you not got anything better to do what is that is that an insult though no

    It isn’t because it’s boiling hot mate you stood in the boiling Sun I’m stood in the shade go home and get go home sit in a shade I want their details I can’t get their details you are not having those details they not happening so so

    Are you telling me I’ve got to move from my I’m I’m on public right you what I’m going to leave you to it have a nice day thank you very much you need to go get your camera mate for your you do that you told me thank you

    For being cordial don’t be like her no stay hydrated people do not video children on your phone is that against the law but that is that against the law well actually yeah it is what’s your intention of doing it what’s your intention of video I was filming children I wasn’t filming children okay

    Well there might be several other people that weren’t very happy about you doing that mate just be very mindful all right you going ARR keep on drink your drink M keep on Corr being [Applause] corrupted again n


    1. Simple solution for the Police would have been to provide you with the Enforcement Officers identification numbers. The Police don’t seem to be interested in simply resolving an issue which shows their lack of de- escalation skills or even common sense.

    2. Female cop , not advising BWC is active , and wearing sunglasses while interacting with the public.
      Both against policy.
      And , of course, taking the side of other uniformed pratts.
      Policing in Britain, 2024.

    3. FFS m8 just watch what you're doing don't get stressed out m8 it's not worth getting ill or worse I hope you're recovering well take care of yourself dnt let they clowns bother you 👍🏻

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