Week 15 of 70.3 IRONMAN training comes to a close and this one was bumpin!! Lots of things were happening this week both training and life wise, so this meant I had to stay on top of everything diligently. In this video, you’ll see what a good week looks like for me (doesn’t happen all the time), like a successful week of training and organizing my days to get stuff done. I post weekly update videos about my journey, so I hope you stick around and follow along! Enjoy 🫶🏽

    This video is part of my Road to 70.3 IRONMAN series, which you can catch up here:

    01:05 trying to get my life together
    02:25 my first bike fit experience
    05:40 my go-to daily running shoes
    10:45 morning strength session
    11:52 last minute decision to bike
    13:12 checking out the 70.3 IRONMAN race course
    15:14 did we make it to the pool consistently this week?
    16:01 saturday brick workout
    17:30 3K time trial
    19:21 weekly training recap & summary




    All products mentioned or promoted in this video were purchased by me, except for all Saucony shoes as I’m currently a brand ambassador. However, any reviews are my own & honest opinion.

    👋🏼 ABOUT ME
    Hi, I’m Emelyn Jade! I make videos about all things running, fitness and how to balance that with everyday life.

    #weekinmylife #halfironman #triathlontraining #productiveweekinmylife #daysinmylife #weeklyvlog

    I’ll just get a small cafe latte thank you cheers cheers good morning it is a new week and I started at strong I actually made it to to pool again this morning and I decided to treat myself with a post swim coffee so I just finished breakfast I had oatmeal with chocolate

    Protein powder some milk and yogurt so it looks like this week is down week so the intensity and the duration of a lot of the workouts are on the lower end of the spectrum so that way it gives my body some time to recover and prep for

    The next build so this morning swim was a technique focused swim and it was about 45 minutes long so now I need to shower cuz I smell like chlorine and then I’m going to go into to my 9 to5 and going to try and fit in some strength training later in the

    Day so I’ve got a pretty hectic day I’m currently editing a few videos that I am behind on so I got to do that I also have to do a bunch of like adult life admin stuff like reenroll their benefits cuz it’s going to renew soon so I have

    To write a bunch of to-dos in my planner which is this book that I use I actually find that writing things down helps a lot and I decided to track my training through this as well like it is filled with notes reminders um and just overall like my reflection on training I feel

    Like this has helped me stay motivated and on top of everything um not just my training but life in general so yeah I got to set up my week cuz I haven’t done that yet and then I have a nail appointment in a couple hours cuz if you

    Are a runner you know that long nails are no bueno so I need to get that done Good morning it is Tuesday and guess what guys I finally got a bike fit I wanted to film this last night but got home pretty late the session took like 2 and 1/2 hours and I had to have dinner and then I passed out so here we are so

    The bike P went really well I’m not going to lie going into it I was super nervous and apprehensive of how it was going to go down but the guy that I went to Rob he was super helpful super approachable and knowledgeable about bikes the bike part just the bike

    Industry overall and what I loved about it was the fact that he wasn’t upselling because that’s like the one thing I hate it’s like oh here’s like the basic quote that you see on the website and the next thing you know it’s like well you need

    To get this part and this part and that part the good news is is that I don’t have to buy a lot of new components thankfully there were minimal changes but had such a drastic impact on my form which was great so here’s the before and

    After picture so you can see like the form is quite different the main thing was the seat post it was still a bit short and for my legs to generate more power it need to go higher un fortunately we’re past the max line and once you go past that Max line then

    There’s going to be a problem with like the force or center of gravity or something like that I can’t remember what he said but because you’re past that Max line then the seat post isn’t stable so I have to go to the truck store and get a longer seat post to help

    With that um and then he did change the saddle a little bit but it was by like a millimeter or like 2 mm or so the other thing he did change was the stem so he made that go lower and and then the handlebars they were initially like

    Parallel and then he made them turn inwards and he gave the analogy of like a push-up where you don’t want your arms to go out you want them in so he changed that to help my my arms go in more and then I kid you not once I went on the

    Bike with all those adjustments it was a lot better I could tell my legs had more power I felt more comfortable um with my arms because initially when I went on it for the initial assessment he asked like where do you feel most of your weight

    Are you leaning on the handlebars or do you feel it more when you’re sitting down I’m like I feel it more on the handlebars he’s like yeah you’re not engaging your core at all and so once he changed it I actually felt like I was using my core my legs were being used

    And then it was a lot more comfortable on the upper body so it was really good I’m super excited to see what the difference is going to be like once I go on the bike unfortunately I won’t be able to ride my bike today even though I

    Am scheduled for a ride technically I have a brick workout to do today but the other option was to do a 40-minute easy run so I’m going to fit that now before my 5 to 9 and then I do have a dentist appointment later today so I got to go

    All the way downtown which is a bit of a a trek so after that I’m going to go and take a spin class that’s near there so there’s going to be a little bit of a modification with my training plan but at least we’re getting the workouts in

    Now that I’m running less than I used to I like have no idea what to wear these days it’s currently 5° C right now and I’m wearing like a long sleeve a jacket probably overheating but I totally forgot to put gloves on so now my hands

    Are really cold but I did know what shoes I wanted to wear because they’re currently my favorite on rotation they’re the stock ride 17s and oh my God they’re just so comfortable they’re currently my go-tos and I use them as my daily trainer the goal of this run is to

    Keep in zone 2 the entire time and I’m about halfway through and feeling good I’m back from my 40 minutes an easy run and overall it felt pretty good I probably could have done without the jacket and maybe wear a vest instead but it’s okay I pushed through it so in the

    40 minutes I ran 6.16 km at a 630 per km pace and that’s my usual easy run zone two pace and overall it felt good I did feel a little like niggle on my hip flexor area and it’s probably because I didn’t really activate my glutes

    Properly so I really need to stay on top of that I’m currently doing a full body strength routine cuz you know got to work out the imbalances next circuit core 15 second rest don’t forget to stay hydrated it’s such a beautiful day today sad that I have to go spend the day to

    Go to the dentist but at least we’re going to make a trip out of it oh my God traumatized from that dentist appointment I am finally back home after a long trip and somewhat traumatic but I did manage to fit in a ride and now I am

    Just writing down my swim workout for tomorrow morning’s swim session I’ve been on a roll of going to the pool lately so I want to continue on that momentum so what I did was got all my stuff ready and put it just outside of my bedroom so that way I don’t have to

    Worry about getting all my stuff ready in the morning and now I got to finish editing this video that’s going to go up tomorrow hopefully I can get as much editing as I can cuz I got to go to bed soon holy crap today was a struggle I

    Got to the pool I signed in and I saw that the pool that I usually go to was packed like I knew swim team trains there regularly but it looked like they had all the lanes taken and then the very end it looked like there was a big

    Group of people and then somewhere along the lines it clicked that there was like a lifeguard course happening and I’m like oh I guess I have to go to the other pool so I went to the other pool but mentally I could not get into it

    Maybe it was because routine and I was just so used to the other pool but this one I’m like oh it’s too shallow the lighting is off I eventually got through it and then I noticed the swim team was done so I moved to the other pool and I

    Felt so much better and it’s honestly days like today where I just have to adapt and roll with it because could be like race day so I just have to get used to it practice it and then hopefully I’ll be able to do it when it comes to

    Race day the swim workout itself was long it was a struggle so much that I treated myself with some coffee cuz I don’t think I can wait till I get home I swam around like 2,800 M which actually was the longest that I’ve swam to date

    So I’m pretty proud of myself is such a gorgeous day outside thank goodness because I am scheduled to do a progression run today’s today’s run is going to be 45 minutes long it’s going to start out at 50 minutes at easy running and then progress to 15 minutes

    Running at my target race pace and then I’m going to finish with 15 minutes running at a Tempo pace which is going to be faster than race pace which is around 505 to 5115 so hopefully this run goes well today I’m going to be running in the Sak canara PR this actually has

    Carbon in it typically ra shoes have carbon plate in them but these on were designed so that you could wear this um on an everyday basis I actually don’t wear it on an everyday basis but I am going to test them out and see how they

    Are so hopefully the Run goes well and I’m also going to be wearing this hat that I love so much I got it from Lululemon it’s my favorite because there’s like this High hole for my ponytail cuz I do love a high pony it’s so windy on to part two of the

    Progression last 15 minutes at Tempo effort that went really well actually way better than I I thought it was going to be I decided to wear shorts because it was super sunny I don’t know if you can see it I feel like I should have stuck a

    Pants it was pretty windy out and it got really chilly or I should have worn some gloves I always forget to wear gloves this hat kept like going down and I couldn’t see and I had to keep adjusting it so this hat probably might retire soon although I love it so much because

    Of the ponytail so it might just be an errands run hat I was going to do some corn stability but me and my partner are going out later this evening with some friends we’re going to do an escape room we’re like obsessed with Escape rooms so

    I’m just going to fit in some Mobility have dinner and then we’re going to go out and then probably fit in some strength tomorrow good morning so it is 7 a.m. and I’m trying to get in my strength session before Ken and I leave to go to Victoria we’ve actually got

    Some menu tasting to do for our wedding as well as cake tasting I’m super excited but that means I got to fit in my workout this morning I’m also scheduled for a ride but I think I have to push that to tomorrow I was going to

    Do it after this workout but Ken is going to be using the bike trainer so I won’t be able to use it after him cuz we just won’t have time and I hate rushing through things so I’m just going to push it to tomorrow peace of mind and just do strength Today He’s my biggest fan on the big screen with a fireplace on yeah I needed a cozy setting to watch your Vlog no I did Mobility so Kean ended up not going on the bike so I’m actually going to quickly set up my bike have some breakfast and then fit in my

    50-minute ride hopefully I can fit it in I’m like also super excited to try this bike because it has been fitted to my body so I can’t wait to see the difference did you turn on your out of office oh I totally forgot we’re taking the day off from work and I totally

    Forgot to turn on my out of office alert so I got to make sure I do that so people don’t bother me okay vacation alert done today’s ride was 51 minutes and it was mostly easy except for the interval part which was 3 times 10 minutes at zone three and then

    A 2 minute rest and so now I’m just finishing my cool down the bik fit was great there’s no pain but because I’ve been riding on a different fit for a couple months now I guess my body has adapted so now with a new fit it’s working different muscles and they’re

    Like what the heck is going on so I need to adapt to this new fit and hopefully the ride will feel easier as I progress We are in Victoria Island funnily enough our Iron Man our 70.3 Iron Man race is actually also in Victoria so we decided to take a pit stop at the lake that we’re going to be swimming in it looks a lot bigger than I imag it to be and then

    Over here behind me is going to be the trail that we’re going to be running in I think so it runs around this yeah I think so oh that’s nice this is the lake this is Cal we’re going to be swiming out and back you don’t want to take a

    Quick dip see what it’s like no thanks I’ll wait until it gets warmer fueled up on all the food and tasting and the wine and then let’s do it Oh my gosh so yesterday was such a long day keen and I got home super late last night and we are huge Advocates of sleep for performance so rather than trying to force myself to wake up early and get a workout done I was like you know what

    I’m just going to sleep in cuz I need my body to recover today I am prioritizing all my life admin stuff I finally did some tax stuff I did some insurance benefit stuff for work I don’t know if you can see the rack behind me but I

    Started to do some laundry cuz the clothes are piling up so I got that started and then I’m hoping to do a swim later today I know when I push things out especially swimming sing I tend to not do it but I’ve been on a roll lately and I’ve actually been enjoying swimming

    So I’m hoping I can get that done early this afternoon or later in the evening so I’ll see what the schedule’s like cuz I have to talk to Ken and see what his training is like and whether or not he needs the car oh my God so we made it to the pool

    For the third time this week it helped that my cability partner is here um I’m surprised we made it on a Friday night and since we finished for workout we thought we’ had some fun we’re going to play with our friends and do butterflies I’m ready to be

    Michael how fast I can do it with ready yeah three two one this was today’s workout done and dusted so we have a brick workout today I am scheduled to do an hour and 20 minutes easy bike ride and then right after do a 20 minute brick run I wanted to go bike

    Outside cuz it’s actually a nice day but my seat post is still quite unstable it’s only really supported with some tape and I’m kind of worried that something might happen if I go out so I’m going to wait until I get the proper seat post and then go outside I do have

    Some fuel with me my plan said to try and aim around 344 calories per hour so I’ve got a loaded peanut butter and banana sandwich along with the banana that’s left over and then hopefully that’ll sustain me for about an hour and 20 minutes 1 hour and 20 on the bike done and

    Dusted time to go onto the run first 5 minutes of this Bri run it’s going to be at race bace so that concludes Saturday’s workouts I’m so happy I’m like 100% so far I just got one more workout tomorrow which is going to be a 3K time trial today felt really good

    Bike was slow but the Run felt really good super strong so yeah I’m excited to see what my 3K is going to be like tomorrow I was stressing because my car was low on battery and I could not find this parking lot that had charging and I

    Was just like looping around the area anyways I finally made my way I got the car charge and now I’m going to get ready I am actually downtown today is the first half marathon here in Vancouver and I’ve got some friends who are running it so I’m going to be

    Cheering them on I’m meeting up with them in about 15 minutes so I’m going to put on some shoes We’re going to meet up take some photos and then I’m going to see them off and then I’m going to fit in my 50-minute run that includes a 3K

    Time trial so hopefully I can get that over and done with after my 3K time trial I’m just running the remainder of that time um as a cool down so while I do that I’m just going to be going up and down the course to look for my

    Friends so yeah I’m kind of killing two birds with one stone here but oh my goodness the weather is not looking so great Hopefully the rain lightens up but we’ll see it’s Vancouver after all time to do my 3K time trial 3ks oh my God a 3K time trial in

    The wind and the rain with no music is so freaking brutal of course typical me started off way too hot I should have been a little bit more conservative so that I had enough juice to push towards the end now I’ve got 30 minutes of easy

    Running and I’m going to go back to the course and cheer on my Friends I am back home showered and finally dry I’m now updating my run Pace on the motive app and guys I ended this week strong because this week’s workouts completed at 100% finally like I did everything prescribed I stayed on top of my strength and my

    Mobility so I think the one thing I need to work on is my nutrition just making sure that I’m fueling enough especially now that we’re entering a new build I got to make sure I am on top of the fueling when these workouts are starting

    To get longer and more intense so yeah I hope you enjoyed this video don’t forget to comment like And subscribe and if you’re new here I do have a series for my 70.3 Iron Man Journey so don’t forget to check that out and yeah just like that I’ll see you all next time



    1. Having to adjust can be hard. My day is often planned through to the minute and even a 15 min. delay can mean that I "have" to skip the workout. Trying to get better at just doing what I can, even if it means cutting a workout short. Way to go to still go through with it!

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