Xabi Alonso is being heavily linked with replacing Jurgen Klopp as Liverpool manager at the end of the season…

    But could he say no and stay with Leverkusen?!

    Talking about Liverpool then um what is next what is the most likely outcome for Liverpool at the end of season obviously Jurgen klopp leaving um lots of rumors massive rumors about Javi Alonzo out in Germany absolutely ripping it up um with Bayer Leverkusen still undefeated in the Bundesliga and then going absolutely

    Batter Bayern Munich at the weekend um do you think that’s the the most sort of logical fit is is him coming in and managing Liverpool you’d like to think so because of what he’s doing at Leverkusen I mean it’s it’s unbelievable is it’s a great story with what he’s

    What he’s done there so far it’s not losing the game and beating Bayern Munich at the weekend 3-0 it’s you there’s signs there that he’s a top manager and Liverpool looking for a top manager to replace klopp because they’re going to need a top manager and his e

    That answer I think only the hierarchy at the club can make that decision do you think like are we are we belittling the German league a little bit here do you know what I mean because if he goes and wins the league with Leverkusen this season it’s the first time it’s been

    Done I think in about 11 or 12 years or something like that because Bayern have just been so relentless um is it is it within the rounds of possibility to say why wouldn’t he just say no I’m going to stay here I’m having a lovely time in

    Germany I’ve got a really fantastic team of players and it works for me that that could be an option too isn’t it or would it be a case of when the Premier League comes calling us especially someone like Liverpool you answer that phone it’s as

    Simple as that yeah I I don’t think we we ever belittle the German league because the Bome munic and the Dortmund you always look at them as the The Runaway leaders all the time every year like especially Bay Munich they they tend to win every think but Leverkusen

    Now with with someone like Alonzo in there as manager he’s he’s making something happen he’s making something different and a lot of teams in the German league are not been expecting it so for someone like Liverpool now that they need someone different so they’ve had klopp for what nearly nine years 10

    Years so they’re now looking for that that type of replacement that one knows the club two will will have a bond with the fans and three could possibly change the way that Liverpool will play and takeen to that next level and is Alonzo that man for me at this moment in time

    It’s yes but will Liverpool look at it as maybe a brave move to do that maybe yes as well but it’s something that is exciting I I I find it exciting because he’s a young manager and he’s got a point to prove so if someone like Liverpool are phoning me then I’m going

    I really want to talk to Liverpool you know what I think I think we’re at a stage now with football that if if Liverpool want to get jabbi Alonzo they’re gonna have to pay a serious transfer fee yeah which is not a problem for them I know I know they call it

    Compensation don’t they but why can’t a manager get a transfer like that do you know what I mean if if Liverpool really want him and he wants to go and he’s open to the move Leverkusen surely would say right give us 30 million quid give

    Us 40 million quid and we’ll do it sweet as or not everybody’s a winner load of money for us we can invest that in a player you get a top class manager it’s do you know what I mean never done never happens out does it for man it should

    Though shouldn’t it it should shouldn’t it well for the top managers who want to be taken away from clubs yeah but it’s just never ever never ever done oh it’d be lovely to see that and the 31 games and beaten right I think that is the equivalent of Tottenham winning the

    Premier League if Leverkusen go all away oh that’s a really good shout um that’s a really good shout so Leverkusen last season finished seventh sixth sorry they finished sixth 21 points behind Bayern Munich um if they go and win it this season that is that’s that’s massive that is like a Spurs

    That’s like an Aston Villa that’s like somebody like that it is genuinely like them going and winning the premier league isn’t it that’s that’s ridiculous in fact yeah well it’s a great story though isn’t it because the Premier League as well we’d want someone like a Tottenham to win it and not always

    Expecting like your Liverpool’s your man City’s or your man United’s for someone like Tottenham to win it who have not won it for so long it would be a great story but like I say for Leverkusen 31 games how sorry then how sorry do you feel for Harry Kane then because this is

    If if this happens it’s ridiculous because he’s left Spurs because he wants to go and signf for Bayern Munich and wins so he wants to be in the Champions League latter stages he wants to win the the the um Bundesliga which everybody is assumed like I say 11 years in a row

    They’ve won the bundes league everybody assumed that he would at least be winning the the German league and then by Leverkusen come out of absolutely nowhere um is it the hurricane curse is it it can’t be the hurrie can’t if he’s going there and he’s scoring all the

    Goals he’s still getting TR he’s absolutely ripping it up for Bayern Munich I don’t I saw after the game they obviously lost the game at the weekend 3-0 to to Leverkusen and um the whole story is not about how good B lusen were it was all about Harry Kane and um you

    Know it was an abject performance and the F like slated him and I saw a lot of Thomas Muller actually did you see Thomas Muller he done have give a few little angry interviews but that’s where like you say it’s the disrespectfulness to Leverkusen there because of the great

    Job that Alonzo is doing it’s they’re now showing how unhappy like by munic car but now give the credit to what Alonzo’s doing at at Leverkusen and give him the credit and which he is they are giving him a load of credit but after that game you want to be getting him on

    The TV you want to be getting their players on the on like having a chat and not showing all these like Harry Kane stats or Thomas M losing his head it’s just enjoy what they’re doing and and make the most of it

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