#2828 2018

    For the 28 days of February challenge yourself to 28 minutes of exercise (including cycling) each day. This is a personal challenge – head to our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/144019549637327/ for more details!

    So we’re supporting this initiative this fantastic initiative because we feel it’s in a really important message to send out to people engaging in physical activity is something we encourage all the time it’s our main intervention the patients that we see twenty eight minutes is very doable and picking

    Something like cycling is fantastic one of the most difficult things with engaging physical activity is picking something which is sustainable fits into your everyday life getting to work on a bike is the best way to start the day twenty-eight days in February is really doable and that will set people on good

    Habits so I’ve got some of my patients signed up too it’s fantastic that our students are signed up to it I’d encourage everyone to try it help prevent disease particularly karaoke disease doing 30 minutes of physical activity a day can help reduce your stress levels Vikings good for

    People who particularly people who have arthritis and knee pain the troubles because there’s low impact I had compared to like running and stuff I – so it could be a pretty good support for those people cycling is something that you could incorporate into your day like on your commute I’m so versus going

    To a gym could be an extra time whereas communing can fit right into your lifestyle and you can also make exercise a social thing do with your friends as opposed to just sitting and having to you I’m doing cycling because I enjoy the fresh air and it’s nice to get to

    See lots of sites and everything like that saving a lot of time as well because in like a big city like Joplin you get stuck in traffic a lot so things like about the environment as well it’s environmentally friendly that’s not a benefit as well I suppose from the

    Safety point of view as well like we’re looking in Dublin with the amount of psychopaths that I dare and I was specially over in my area in Bali warden was really good psychopaths there who say that’s a nice way to to get out in seedings and get further than you do if

    You’re going for a run [Applause]

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