The English word apology comes from a Greek word that means “to give a defense.” Christian apologetics, then, is the science of giving a defense of the Christian faith. Many sceptics doubt the existence of God and/or attack belief in the God of the Bible. Some critics attack the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16) while false teachers promote false doctrines and deny the key truths of the Christian faith. The mission of Christian apologetics is to combat these movements and instead promote the Christian faith and truth


    Worship with us @Wendenstraße 25, 20097 Hamburg, Germany

    Lasy father we bless your name this morning we thank you for another wonderful opportunity you’ve given unto us to learn at your feet Lord be th exed in the mighty name of Jesus father we pray the Courage the power the enablement to always speak to defend the faith the Gospel

    Wherever it is needed irrespective of the environment or situation Lord you will grant it unto us in the mighty name of Jesus we will not keep quiet when we were supposed to speak in the mighty name of Jesus and we will not speak when we were supposed to keep quiet in the

    Mighty name of Jesus thank you our father in Jesus name we have prayed praise the Lord praise the living Jesus uh welcome to church and welcome to Sunday School uh God bless you Ma sir please come right here God bless you good morning happy Sunday God bless you the the back side

    At the other side are for the Bishops and El readers like that place where sister wi sitting those are for the high mother in Israel so they they know much more than us praise the Lord so that’s why they are sitting at the back in order to be

    Supervising Us Praise the Lord uh welcome welcome to church and welcome to Sunday school and I pray the Lord will teach us himself in the mighty name of Jesus so quickly because because of our time who can uh give us our take home for last week’s um lesson

    Anyone I don’t want to call names yeah Look at me now why most of us are looking at our man on the floor okay brother brother will be thank you sir God bless you sir praise the Lord praise the living Jesus um yes and of course for

    Me what I took home um last week uh was that it is very possible for you to be missing so many greater things of life because of what because of ignorance if you don’t know you don’t know uh last week Sunday the facilitator was talking about um different companies having private uh um

    Insurance pension insurance or scheme and if you are working in a company and you have been working there for five or 10 years and that company is having a private Pion scheme which you are probably not aware of and in that contract maybe they will be paying like

    500 in to the account every month and you’ve worked there for 10 years now it is time for you to leave that was when you realize or you find out that that they actually have this pension scheme now look at how much you’ve missed for

    That 10 years so it is possible for you to miss so many things if you are ignorance of it so also this Redemption package if you don’t know what it entails if you don’t know your rights if you don’t know that you have these things then you enjoying them might be a mirage

    Praise the Lord I pray the Lord will help us in the mighty name of Jesus Little Wonder that the Bible says you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free meaning that the level of the truth you know will determine the level of your freedom praise the Lord I

    Pray the Lord will help us in the mighty name of Jesus so it is experience of for to learn unlearn and relearn to know some of these things that this Redemption package entails for us to enjoy them all praise the Lord so moving to today’s business uh the topic says Christian

    Apologetics Christian apologetics our Bible passage shall be taken from the book of Jude chter 3:4 and our memory verse 1 Peter chapter 3 verse 15 1 Peter chapter 3 verse 15 so um I want brother akin to open to the book of Jude uh sorry Jude chapter Jude

    Verse 3 to 4 rather sorry Jude verse 3- 4 I’m there okay so but before we read that place because that might kind of answer the next question I’m about to ask so I want to quickly run through the meaning of the word apologetic so let me start with

    Brother have you heard this word before yes sir what does it mean um from my perspective it means feeling sorry for what you are or for what you have like being an apologetic in a way means not being bold or not being able to stand

    Your ground that you know like on a good day you might say I’m a Christian but then if challenges come or you see that they are criticizing Christianity around you then you say oh I’m sorry I’m sorry that this happened I’m a Christian so in that sense that person is an apologetic

    So I would just say apologetic being an apologetic means not being bold for what you stand for or feeling sorry about it having to you know a to ask people to excuse you for what you are or for what you have you know thank you sir God

    Bless you sir praise the Lord sister winred come and become one of our dickes today come come come come come please right here fast fast fast fast fast fast all right so what does the word apologetics means to you to be remorseful repentant okay and sober all right thank

    You Ma sister to you are if you don’t know this I will also you will also become one of our mother in Israel okay yeah your question sir I’m with you come come please bro help out with the Bible and everything come to this place as

    Well oh yeah yeah yeah yeah here here here here yeah you one of the headers HH I don’t want to say that SL ah praise the Lord then who we okay brother maybe lastly on this brother the word apologetics apologetics what does it mean okay so because I’ve been hearing definition of

    Apologetic before yeah so I mean there are two there are two words from the same origin but different meaning anyway so being apologetic is when you’re sorry for your action and all those stuff apologetics apologetics here is um when you are trying to defend your opinion what you stand for for example

    Christianity or something like that yeah praise the Lord okay or it’s it can also mean by justifying someone’s belief maybe defending like um an argument or call you just you are justifying yourself yeah praise the Lord okay any other okay finally uh brother AK oh I think it’s been pretty much said an

    Apologist is someone that has um um the uh verbal Acumen that is articulate enough to put physical proofs facts and all of that to butress his point as a Christian praise the lord it’s okay it’s okay we are going there because of our time apologist or apologetics is when someone is

    Defending a Christian faith praise the Lord not when you are actually sorry is when you are defending the faith for example if if uh someone is saying maybe you are just discussing and they saying Joseph raped Maria to give bir to Jesus and you are there maybe they your colleagues

    Because you don’t want to offend them you just smile then you keep quiet then you are not an apologetic praise the Lord but when of course now and they said that they you let them know that no this is wrong and you lay out of course not in a in an

    Extreme extreme way but in a respective and a you know in a way that you you express yourself you you communicate whatever it is that you want to send across to this set of people then uh that is when we can say you are an apologetics praise the Lord

    So many sces D the of God and or attack believe in the god of Bible some critics attack the inspiration and the ignorancy of the Bible so some we there are some people that we initiate an argument not because they want to learn not because they want to know about your God but

    Just because they want to put you down just because they want to make you reason uh I mean whe When I say reason now uh we normally say that things that are spiritual will not me make sense and things that make sense might not be spiritual so they want you to make sense

    And not be spiritual so they will come with different theories and some will come with different conspiracy theories I mean there was a time where uh some people were talking about uh if Adam was the first man uh that was created then where did the king got his own wife that

    Some people have been created before Adam but the Bible the Book of Genesis is very clear about that God created Adam from him he created Eve but there might be some other you know the apostles that will say no that’s not the case because of human reasoning because of human thoughts and

    They begin they want you to reason that can’t you think praise the Lord I pray the Lord will help us in the mighty name of Jesus so brother I can sh please okay Jude verse 3 to4 beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of

    The common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exal you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints verse four for there are certain men crept in on AWS who were before of old ordained to this condemnation

    Ungodly men turning the graves of Our God inness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ thank you sir praise the Lord praise the living Jesus so uh another version call that place of that place says content where another version calluses defend uh because if maybe if

    You’re looking in from the content angle it may want to look like become radical don’t grief for anybody just if they bring it give give them back of course I mean if we are using content but if we are using defend now of course in a normal ways which we are still

    Going to be looking at as we move forward praise the Lord okay 1 Peter CH 3:15 are we all there we still come back to this place in one of our lesson outlines anyway 1 Peter CH 3:15 are we all there are we all there okay one to go

    But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that ask you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear once again but sanctify the Lord in your hearts and be ready always to give

    An answer to every man that ask you a reasing of the hope that is in you with weekness and fear praise the Lord hallelujah um with meekness and fear of course we understand with meekness of course but the fear there does that mean we should be shaken does that mean we uh should

    Not be bor of whatever it is we are seeing fear here what does it connote sister Judith I think um this me saying what you need to say without necessarily making it sweet for people to people you’re talking to simply because you want them to you want

    To dilute it so as you’re communicating it let the fear of God be in you so you are not saying it to please the people but you’re saying it to please God however you are still not offending those people praise the Lord praise the living Jesus and

    Um maybe let’s save time with that if we look other versions of the Bible and we look at that place says that you should do this with gentleness and respect another say reverence thank you God bless you sir another version says conciously and respectively praise the Lord so it’s not

    Saying that you should be fearful while you are doing that it’s not saying that you should begin to Fe fet while you are doing that so it’s not saying that you should begin to uh I don’t I mean some sort of things like that but you do it with meekness and

    Respect praise the Lord I pray the Lord will help us in the mighty name of Jesus then what why should we be apologetics about our faith of course not about our religion about our faith about the goost gospel praise the Lord so why should we why should we why is it

    Necessary why can’t we allow God to defend himself I mean we always say this that when the other side uh they can say whatever they want about Christianity about Jesus and so and so forth but the moment you say Moon you you might be seeing like cutlasses and guns coming up in some

    Areas something might be happening in France and karduna will be burning praise the Lord and I always that why can’t you allow God to fight for himself so why do we have to be apologetics why can’t we allow God to do that for himself because he has much

    More power to do it praise the Lord so let me start with uh uh brother Steve right uh the brother at the back of Brother G your name please is if ah that is long if if okay then that’s that’s okay for me okay brother

    If let me try that all right so why should we be apologetics thank you for the question um we need to be apologetics in this time and season because there are so many doctrines and so many reasons for you to lose your faith or be swept

    By different WS of Doctrine so not just contending for the faith but also knowing where you are and who you are in Christ helps you have this awareness and self-consciousness that this is what you are and this is what you stand for and that’s why we should be apologetic

    Praise the Lord God bless you um brother OB the well why we should be apologetics U one of the main reason we should that is because God um will defend the faith through us we are the mouthpiece of God and um we should be able to stand for

    What we believe so the whole thing begins with how much do you believe in what you believe when you believe it then you stand up for it so one of the strong reason you should do it because God has to use us as the human vessel to

    Defend the cause of the Gospel just like how we have to preach the gospel even though God can as well preach it from heaven but we have to we the like human vsel God is using and then also we have to also do this because if we don’t do

    This many people will be deceived and you know the vulnerable Minds will be be um told the wrong thing and they will accept because there’s nobody that could tell them the truth praise the Lord hallelujah okay yes um that main reason about dealing with deception the Bible says that in

    The latter times it says there will be deceiving Spirits so one of the reasons why we need to uh defend the faith is to project the accuracy of our faith and also to help people so in case someone is believing in a lie uh one of the

    Reasons why we need to give that defense is to help people and also to deal with the spirit of deception deception in any form Bible says that in the in the latter term it says men will no longer be able to endure sound say they will e

    Up teachers for themselves so one of the things that this defense does is that it helps to put in accuracy the things that pertain to our faith thank you sir God bless you um sister bie please read Titus Chapter 1:9 Titus Chapter 1 verse

    9 and um also and one of the reasons is is that you know sometimes they normally say that uh silence is just like you conform with whatever anyone or you confirm or you consent whatever anyone is saying like what I said the other time that someone was saying maybe it’s

    Your colleague or you kind of gather together and they saying Joseph raped Maria that was why how he gave back to Jesus Christ and instead of you to you know defend that contend that and you decided to just smile because you don’t want to offend them that it means you’ve

    Agreed with them and if they go out there that that’s what they will be saying that is what they know some of them know nothing about the Bible they know nothing about the faith that is number one then number two you know imagine uh when Saul that became Paul

    Was busy persecuting the Christians I believe even before God met with him he will have been hearing some of these things the people that he put into prison some would have been defending that Jesus is Jesus is that no you are wrong because he was a Leed man and he

    Thought what he was doing he was actually doing it for that true God unknowing to him praise the Lord so it also fact it also help helps us to S seed into the lives of those people many of us here before we gave our life to Christ we had

    The word at different points in times of our lives and even some of us when we give our life to Christ it was not depression of that day that actually you know allowed us to give our life to Christ it was the word that has been

    Sown it could be like two years ago 3 years ago 5 years ago that kind of come together germinated and you know brought up the the fruits of Salvation in us so it allows us to SW this seed of the word of God into the lives of these

    People the Bible says the word of God is spirit and what and life spirit because it’s Dynamic it’s not static and the life because it will never die it grows praise the Lord I pray the Lord will help us in the name of Jesus do we have any other okay

    Sir praise the Lord hallelujah um I think one of the very important reason especially in the world that we are today is because as Christians we are custodians of the truth right God has given us that truth and if that truth was diluted 200 years ago as Christians

    Today we would not have that truth with us and that’s the reason why and why I say that is because we live in a world today where the devil is trying to dilute the truth of God in different ways we have different branches of quote unquote Christianity now and I think one

    Of the things that prompted me to actually speak is what he said about there’s actually I saw his sermon there’s a group of people that are called Progressive Christians right and this is woke Christians let me use that word and I was watching one of their someon and the pastor actually said Mary

    Was not a virgin and that’s the doctrine that coming from from a pulit we have people that have written and my own opinion also personal opinion people that write different new versions of the Bible and just twist the truth there is a version of the Bible now where God is

    Referred to as she and there is version of the Bible where some people claimed that there were sexual relations in between the apostles and that they were gay and stuff like that so the devil is using different ways to dilute the truth and introduce a lot of things into faith

    And as Christians we have to at any opportunity we have speak for the truth so that what actually is the truth would remain even to the future generation so I wanted to add that thank you sir God bless you sir praise the Lord there there’s this thing that goes do that keep saying

    Uh uh keep repeating lies again and again and again and again at some point it will look as if this is actually the truth so if some of these erroneous ad doctrines keeps on coming up and we don’t have anyone to defend it and before you know it even suppose the new

    Christians we because they don’t know that is what they exposed to then they will begin to believe it at some point now before you know it you will see the next Generations deviating from that true Faith to the erroneous one I pray the Lord will help us in the mighty name of

    Jesus Jesus so it is our duty to defend our faith to defend the gospel to defend the Christianity faith I pray the Lord will help us to do this in the name of Jesus brother sister booki he um Titus 1:9 he must hold firmly to the trustworthy word of God as

    It was thought to him so that he would be able to both to give he will be able both to give accurate instruction in sound reli able error free Doctrine and to refute those who contradict it by explaining their error okay so can you give us one of the reasons here oh to

    Defend the faith um two reasons here to be able to give accurate Doctrine so the first the truth the sound truth and then secondly to correct those who are walking in error basically thank you my God bless you man praise the Lord praise the living Jesus so now moving forward

    Um we have many biblical instances where of course this are where the case like that book of 1 Peter 3:15 our memory verse every man I ask you for reasing of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear of course you explain to them

    This is it this is that praise the Lord then we also have Philippians 1:7 um I read from here uh even as it meat for me to think this is of you because I have you in my heart in as much as both in my bones and in the

    Defense and confirmation of the Gospel ye are all partakers of my grace meaning as we are defending the gospel we are all partakers of the grace of God praise the Lord now what are the tools that we need to be apologetics what are those things that we

    Need or to be you know effective L apologetics okay brother E I think one of the things we need we’ve all circled around it is the word of God we need the word of God to be apologetics we need to know the word of

    God we need to be able to say it without even looking at it sometimes to be able to defend the faith because it will take you una ways when these kind of conversations come up and when you have to defend the faith and if you don’t have Bible viices or scriptures to

    Actually say something then you you don’t have any defense thank you God bless you sir uh brother if please open to the book of Jude chapter 4 verse 5 the book of Jude chapter 4:5 don’t worry yourself the book of Jude has only one chapter that is

    Exactly what we are talking about all right yes praise the lord it’s just a test it’s just a test so there are some basic things that we need to know like if I ask you to open the book of Jude and you go to the Book of Genesis and you start open

    Genesis what was it called thei Leviticus it is wrong by now we should have been able to know that the book of Jude is in New Testament you have nothing to do with that part of Genesis praise the Lord sister is a question all all right

    So it is very very important and it is very very crucial okay uh one of the things we also need uh is faith and belief because if you don’t believe and what you’re defending you can’t really defend it and you also need testimonies like if you are a Christian and you

    Don’t have testimony you become timid so if you must talk boldly or defend that Faith you also need answered prayers so two things basically thank thank you God bless you Ma praise the Lord uh please what’s your name Ma okay sister um Colossians 4 verse 6 Colossians 4 verse

    6 um what’s your name sir sh brother shis God bless you sir 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 so we will come back to that I think someone rais okay sister fi and my wonderful brother um I wanted to say

    That one of the thing as really should be character you cannot be saying some things and then your attitude is um contradicting whatever you are saying or whatever you are believing whatever you are believing should also show in your behavior your character towards people and then second

    Um whenever you’re trying to pass the message to people to let people believe or wherever you’re trying to defend um in regard to the respect sorry in regard to the respect like whenever I try to communicate to people um you shouldn’t be um rude and sometimes how you pass the message is

    Very important to people um you wouldn’t be communicating something that is very um you wouldn’t be communting something that um is rud to people and then you expect them to to take it so regardless of the motive how you communicate how you are passing the message is also

    Important and then your character is very important as well thank you praise the Lord but are you saying that H I should take Madness with my faith sister no no no what I’m saying that you shouldn’t be rude to people okay they should be respect and then how

    You pass the message is very important to people yeah that what I’m trying to say I’m not saying that I should be rude praise the Lord so talking people with respect is not you taking Madness or not taking Madness for your faith as a matter of fact we realize that one of

    The things that is very crucial in this nation is addressing people respectively you know where you see Germans maybe for the first time and if you are their friends some of them will ask you is it okay if I use do for you they will be

    Using C then they will ask is it okay if I use do they will not just start you see do like that praise the Lord so um you can still P your message across respectively in fact that is more effective than when you are trying to become an

    Extremist because at that point you might actually want the argument but lose the soul but the most important thing why we are actually defending the faith is not to win any argument is to actually win the soul even if we lose the argument praise the Lord I pray the

    Lord will help us in the name of Jesus thank you m God Bless you that’s one of the things that we actually have in uh uh in the lesson subsequently but yes praise the Lord hallelujah I think we also need the leading of the Holy Spirit um and it’s very important

    Especially when it comes to studying the word of God there are people that their job is to also go through the Bible and look for quote unquote loopholes right and then they use that to formulate theories and hypothesis and then they’ll come and tell you your Bible said XYZ

    Right and it contradicts with ABC right if you have the filling and the leading of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit I believe will guide you on how to bring out the truth from what it is they are trying to do so that’s another important

    Important to with which we can use to um use to guide the faith so you thank you sir God bless you sir brother praise God just a quick question um oh question yeah for clarification okay so um when we talk about being an apologist or Christian apologetics where

    Do we put um do we have the so right you know to defend God and God’s kingdom eventually my question is coming from the place of um Elijah and the prophet of b um when you look at the story um God didn’t ask him to defend to kill the prophet of Beal or

    Call them to contest he was just supposed to unlock heaven for rain and um he did what he did and after was when God was questioning him he said something about um you know I only I am remaining of your prophet and blah blah blah and all of

    That and he feels to me at that point okay you know he honestly what he did seem to be right because you know he like okay you guys enemies of God and everything but it looked like at the end he was he did something that was not

    Also maybe that right also when Moses um was going to when he wanted to start his ministry 40 40 years earlier also killed an Israeli Egyptian and then you know he looked like he backfired against so from a very um honest perspective do we or are there times where just lay low other

    Times do we speak praise the Lord I will say that at no point should we lay low and also at no point should we pick a gun or pick a sword to kill someone else because he disagree with whatever we believe in have you prayed this week sir have you pred against the

    Enemy ah so what kind of prayers do you pray against the enemy to die you see necessarily die necessarily die well there are times they they have to die other times no but I mean I pray as I’m late right yes praise the Lord uh I pray the

    Lord will help us in the mighty name of Jesus so yes we um what we cannot defend is we defending the efficacy of power of God for example um maybe how do I put this you uh if you look at the other religion like when someone is sorted mamod or someone

    Decided to burn a Quran if it’s in their mid is death stat jungle Justice they can kill the person but in that case we are we cannot do that we should not do that but when it comes to people speaking erroneously try to turn the truth of God to something else we are

    Here to be honest God will not come down to this earth to begin to speak to people about Christ to begin to speak to people about what is in the Bible it is our duty to do that it is our duty to explain that and what are we defending

    As a matter of fact I don’t see this we as we defending God but we are defending the faith we are defending the gospel the go gospel means good news we are defending the good news in order not to be turned to what to bad news we have

    Some people what they are doing we have some influencer what they are doing is to turn the good news to bad news Satan is Waging War against the kingdom and is using and devising different means to do that Satan will not come to be honest is

    Just the uh when you look at your TV you will see a black h and demons with two HS that is never Satan they are just they just use that to represent so that people will kind of ate it or something like that that’s if

    You look at the Bible Satan was one of the most beautiful being on that God ever created praise the Lord so he will come like I think I’ve once said in the past that if drinking is not your thing and Satan want to tempt you he will not

    Bring drink or whatever it is to you why because he knows that you will not fall if you have never eat a if anyone is eating a beside you you even eat it if Satan brings Satan will not bring to you he will bring something that normally

    That even if you are fasting where you look at it like this God if you let share the grace I quickly take this that is when he will always bring to you praise the Lord I pray the Lord will help us in the name of Jesus D quickly

    Before I move back to sister okay I also want to read 2 Timothy 2:24 to 25 it says and the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men apt to teach and patient verse 25 in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God par Adventure will

    Give them repentance according repentance to the acknowledging of the truth so you have jumped to atline to yes continue so though we are called to defend the faith we are not to use Force any form of defending the faith that involves you have to want us to kill

    Someone it’s no longer because the faith that we are also defending has to do with love the love of God is what we are preaching so as much as we want to defend the faith that’s why we also need the help of the Holy Spirit we give them

    The message we tell them this is what is obtainable but we are not to use Force when it now comes to maybe somebody doesn’t accept that message we go back to God the Bible says if the gospel be he it is is it to those who the God of

    This world has blinded their eyes so underneath Christian apologetics though it is from an intellectual standpoint we can’t take away the place of prayer and every person that is doing Christian apologetics has underneath behind that thing that they doing intellectually there’s the place of prayer there’s the

    Help of the Holy Spirit to convict men that the words that are being said ultimately eat the heart of people and they change so force is not part of our instrument to use as Christian apology praise the Lord thank you sir God bless you are we okay with that brother and

    Also just as I’ve said being apologetic is not even you defending God it’s you defending the faith and defending the gospel and not even God per say praise the Lord sister I was going to add to the the things that we should have as apologetics is um or rather in my case

    I’ll say not have is this sense of um Pride some s you know sometimes when someone is making a point they want to do some sort of um humble bragging and let you know how many versions of the Bible they’ve read they read the Bible in Greek Armenia everything you know

    They try to tell you that you know how many years I’ve been studying the Bible me I’ve been a student of the word for so long so instead of focusing on the point of the discussion or rather the argument or whatever it is you focus on bamboozling people with your you

    Knowledge you know yeah and I I see that a lot of um a lot of people do it when having these kind of um arguments um in quot to U make their own to as part of their argument to say I know this thing you who are you you don’t know what you

    That just you that just became a Christian yesterday so while we are trying to defend the word or defend the faith we should try to make sure that we are not that we areful yes praise the Lord ah our time is far spent sorry okay um probably okay yeah you can still take

    Those uh two places pleas reads okay Colossians chapter 4 ver six let your speech be always with Grace seasoned with salt that ye may know how ye ought to answer everyone okay so what is the tool then um the same the same thing we’ve been saying is just like the um behind said

    Um knowing how to talk to people speaking to people with um certain level of respect you know meekness and all and um knowing the right thing to say to someone I’m sure this comes from the leading of the Holy Spirit you know that you’re are sure that you’re not speaking

    Just from your own emotions alone but from what you’re coming praise the Lord so the place of Holy Spirit cannot be overemphasized and also the place of you learning it like there are different books that actually teach you how to communicate with people we have some people you know all those marketers when

    They come to you something ordinarily you have said ah no no no no I’m not interested by the time they finish with you in the next 30 minutes like the in the days of G gnld Nigeria they will just come to you before you know

    It you have you have paid you have paid for a product and you begin to Market it all around praise the Lord you know you have some people they have that skills and you can also learn the skills as well praise the Lord I pray the Lord

    Will help us in the mighty name of Jesus over to you sir okay second Timothy chapter 2:1 15 work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval be a good worker one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of Truth praise the

    Lord okay can you give us one today um say work hard so diligence working diligently is the tool here thank you sir praise the Lord I mean another fion says study to show thyself approve unto God so study study harder work harder in the place of

    The word of God praise the Lord I pray the Lord will help us in the name of Jesus so that will take us to lesson at line number two which of course D started uh be apologetics with gentl and respect with gentleness and respect as he has stated that if it it involves

    You you know abusing people if inter you picking up a gun picking up a sword to stab people just because you want them to believe in whatever it is you are telling them then you are definitely out of line you are actually not doing what we are talking about here today praise

    The Lord why because the gospel were defending the faith we are defending is based on what on love and if you remove that then the old thing is nothing anymore for God who love the world he gave praise the Lord I pray the Lord will help us in the name

    Of Jesus that’s 2 Timothy chap 2 verse um 24 then uh brother 1 Thessalonians 2: 7 uh brother God’s favor thank God I know it will be God’s mercy God’s I know it be one of them God’s favor you see now then please 2 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 3 1

    Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 7 says but we were gentle among you even as the nurse cherisheth our children okay yeah so it talks about gentility dealing with people with um love and um gentleness you know and cherishing everyone even disagreement does not mean hatred it does the fact that somebody

    Doesn’t share our faith doesn’t mean they should be hated with love we can be able to convert and we should cherish them thank you sir praise the Lord in fact I I love that that disagreement does not mean that you hate the person disagreement you know you can disagree

    And still not commit sin and still not do anything wrong it’s it’s normal in the place of discussion where you having a discussion disagreement is BN to arise praise the Lord to you sir so let’s be gentle while we are been apologetics praise the Lord okay uh Second Corinthians chter 6:3 giving

    No giving no offense in anything that the ministry be not blamed and uh I think you just I mean pleas pleas took me to a part of B I say offenses must come but we should make room enough so even when uh people do things when try

    To defend the gospel even when people do things that normally should offend us we should like uh try to be accommodating try to make room enough we should remember the main purpose the main thing with which is to defend the world thank you s praise praise the Lord you know

    Sometimes uh for some people or maybe I should say some of us that might have you know be in the world before we give our life life to Christ and you know back there in Nigeria we we live in a very open community that maybe if you

    Are doing one thing or the other like Vice different vices that even the people in the community will know that ah this person you don’t know him you don’t know her is this she’s that and now you’ve given your life to Christ it is time for evangelism and now you begin

    To evangelized and funny enough one of the people you are evangelizing to maybe was like your former boyfriend or girlfriend and while you are evangelizing then you you you to the point that you might even want to keep quiet and just shame shamefully walk away but no don’t have that confidence

    What has gone is gone Christ has redeemed you praise the Lord praise the living Jesus so they might even want to do something things that will anger you they might begin to ask different questions that you know will even make you question your salvation but it is important that in

    The midst of some of these Pro provocations that may arise you still have to do what still have to be composed you still have to maintain your cool and I pray the Lord will help us in the mighty name of Jesus so it is important that we do days with gentleness

    Meekness respectively and that alone of course from was Sister fi said the other time as well as one of the two our characters sometimes you might have been talking to someone you I could remember many years ago we were evangelism so I’ve been going to This Woman’s house to

    Evangelize and all that so this day I I went there I met our pandam then I took the motor from her I did not even preach I did not do anything I took the motor from her then I helped her to P the Y so after that I just greeted her and

    Left so there was another time something happened to her then I I think I bought maybe two or three meats then I took it there to the glory of God before coming to Germany the woman has you know become an established member of our church praise the Lord so sometimes it’s

    Not about you ah God says Ah God say because that’s why the Bible says faith without works is dead the work is’s talking about he said show me your faith and I will show you my Works what is the works he’s talking about the work he’s talking about is that someone comes to

    You and says Ah bro I’m hungry and you hold up his two hands and you begin to speak in Tong you begin to call Fire And you begin to and you say go in peace yet the brother is still hungry praise the Lord so we can also of

    Course as we can be apologetics in walls we can also be apologetics in our characters in our characters some will look at you after some times they will just come to you and ask that I think you are a Christian without you even saying anything because they have seen some traits in

    You praise the Lord so this is very crucial most importantly in this environment where if you say it should gone can I have one minute it’s gone it should yeah and you can’t stop them by fire by force so if they are the people in your circle they are the people in

    Your environment you can do this also with your characters we have some people that we are in rounding up I watch his kid sometimes ago a sister she she I think she’s the leader of the evangelism Department she took a bike so something happened between her and the bikan and he

    Insulted the H out of him so well the bikeman dropped there he continued with his work then the bik man now met with the evangelism members and he ministered to him and he said oh he’s ready to give his life to Christ and he said oh our leader is on our way

    Let her come and pray for you and the leader got there and he looked at her oh you are the leader that instead of me to serve your God I would rather not serve anything and the most you know the the sad part of it is and in annoyance he

    Picked up his bike as he was a about leing a ve was just coming and eat him and he died on the spot and the sister was crying ah please please but of course it was too late I don’t want to say but the question we should take home is will the

    God ask this sister at the Judgment Day praise the Lord I pray the Lord will help us in the mighty name of Jesus any question contribution ah okay one minute one minute as we rounded up yeah just to balance of this thing because um we’ve heard some pastors say

    For example that when this B Aram were disturbing they were telling their members to come with gun that their security to come with gun to the church so that if these boys bad boys come they can also give a good fight before maybe one or two is killed now

    Are these people def defending the the kingdom is it the use of force what is the place of self-defense in um the kingdom for those that are in the in the regions where their their Fai is heavily persecuted thank you sir praise the Lord these people are defending themselves they are defending their

    Lives praise the Lord they are doing what they are defending themselves they are defending their lives no one can kill God as a matter of fact if you like put those are all the churches in Hamburg God will still be God and those that we serve him will do what we still

    Serve him so they are defending themselves they’re defending their lives praise the Lord oh praise the Lord hallelujah I think when it comes to defending the gospel we really need the help of the holy spirit because uh sometimes it’s diff difficult to differentiate between doctrines and the gospel I grew up in

    The church where we believe everyone in the Catholic Church is is going to Hell Fire and then that was like my main assignment I mean I would rather preach to a Catholic than preach to an unbeliever and I remember one time we went to evangelize I was very young in

    Just three or so three of my friends and this guy was a Catholic and we started well at the end of the day I felt like we lost him forever because we pushed the gospel aside and we were focusing on the fact that he’s a Catholic and he’s

    Going to hell and that was all that was important I have a a classmate in University today he’s a general V in his church and they believe that if you wear you go to Hell Fire and it doesn’t matter that is the approach he puts first that is what he puts first before

    He tries to uh put preach the word of God so I think we should be very very careful every churches have their doctrines and sometimes we might be uh misguided we might put this Doctrine first before the main word of God and sometimes we might lose people and we

    Miss the whole point eventually hallelujah amen praise the Lord um maybe to add to that Doctrine and the word of God if Doctrine is against the word of God then it is not the doctrine of God it is very straightforward and clear irrespective of whatever generalia decided to implement you have to put

    Every Doctrine beside the word of God then what the word of God saying if the word of God is saying he and the doct is saying B then you need to discard it it doesn’t matter if this is coming from Jia or is coming from if it is not

    In line with the word of God that is our manual that is what what we believe in so if it is not in line with it if it is against it then we need to do what we need to declare we need to discard it and of course the place of Holy Spirit

    It has been you know rated again and again here that can never be overemphasized praise the Lord I pray the Lord will help us in the name of Jesus as sister please R up for us in prayer in Jesus name amen Heavenly Father we thank you for today we thank

    You for your word we thank you that the word has come to us powerfully and we ask that even as we have heard that we will do the same that we’ll walk in this path that you have shown us again and that all that we will learn today to

    Into the service part that it will continue to work in it work in the life of your VR in the name of Jesus we come in the whole service into your hand you take total prein in Jesus name we prayed one

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